Defender of the Fatherland Day has been declared a public holiday. Defender of the Fatherland Day will give Russians an additional day off - calendar Holidays February 23 March 8

On February 23, Russia annually celebrates Defender of the Fatherland Day. Previously, this holiday was called Soviet Army Day and Navy. This day is a public holiday and an official day off.
In 2018, February 23rd falls on a Friday, so we have three days off in a row. Almost vacation!

February 23(Friday) – closed holiday
February 24(Saturday) – day off
February 25(Sunday) – day off

February 2018 calendar

The history of this holiday is interesting. Why do we celebrate February 23 on this day? The origins of the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy should be sought in 1918. It was then that the decrees on the creation of the Red Army and the Red Navy were signed. But none of these laws were signed into law on February 23. The Red Army was created on January 28, and the Red Navy on February 11.

It was believed that it was on this day - February 23 - that the Red Army won a major victory over German troops near Pskov and Narva. At least until 2002, the official name of the holiday sounded exactly like this: “The Day of the Red Army’s victory over the Kaiser’s troops of Germany in 1918 - Defender of the Fatherland Day.” But later this historical fact was considered unreliable, and the holiday began to be called simply “Defender of the Fatherland Day.” It is not known for certain why Defender of the Fatherland Day is celebrated on this day. There are different assumptions, but they all remain at version level for now.

But for millions of Russians, February 23 is just a men's day. The holiday of knights not by rank, but by calling - large and small, military and civilian. Those who defend their Fatherland every day not so much from external enemies, but from internal misfortunes. A holiday of those you can rely on and trust. And on what day to celebrate it, and what it will be called, maybe it’s not so important?
Consulting author: Yulia Belka

Every working person looks forward to the weekend. These days provide an opportunity to relax, do what you love, communicate with family and friends, get out into nature, etc. In addition to the usual weekly weekends, there are also holidays. February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day - is just around the corner, so the question arises how and how long will they rest for this holiday in 2018.

As a rule, at the end of the previous or at the very beginning of the coming year, a list of holiday dates for the year is approved at the state level. This list contains a number of public holidays, which are celebrated year after year on the same date. February 23 – Defender of the Fatherland Day – is just one of these holidays.

February 23rd falls on a Thursday, extending the weekend in 2018

Defender of the Fatherland Day is one of the most beloved holidays of millions, which makes it possible to congratulate not only the military directly, but also their beloved men and work colleagues. And here the question arises about how the working population of the Russian Federation will rest on this day.

This question is natural. After all, you have the opportunity not only to spend a holiday with your family, but also to go out of town, visit your parents or friends, go to a holiday home, etc. A good rest employee is the key to his production success.

Due to the fact that February 23, 2018 falls on a working day (this is Friday), workers will be able to rest for three days (February 23, 24 and 25). Therefore, in in this case The question of postponing the day off is not raised by the Government of the Russian Federation.

In addition, February 22, 2018, as a pre-holiday day, according to current legislation, should be shorter than a regular working day.

Postponement of working days in connection with the celebration of Defender of the Fatherland Day in 2018

The issue of postponing working days taking into account holidays always worries the heads of companies, enterprises and organizations.

Some of them draw up a schedule in advance for the current year, according to which they will return to work in the event of a postponement of working days.

Adjustments to the working day calendar can be made by:

  • moving a specific working day date to one of the next weekends;
  • implementation of work by increasing work hours (individually);
  • moving the holiday from the middle of the week, if this happens, to the last working day (Monday or Friday).

It should be noted that if a holiday is postponed, work is carried out in full (i.e., work time is not reduced). It is also practiced to combine individual holidays with Monday or Friday (this depends on their calendar location).

Holidays 2020
Holiday calendar
Weekends: holiday transfer scheme

On this page we provide a calendar of non-working holidays and weekends for 2020 and 2019, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Holidays and weekends in 2020

(Government Decree Russian Federation"On postponing holidays in 2020" dated July 10, 2019 No. 875)

For reference:

In 2020, there are 248 working days in Russia (including 5 shortened working days) and 118 weekends (including 14 holidays).

- January 7- Christmas, February 23- Defender of the Fatherland Day, March 8 May 9- Victory Day, June 12- Russia Day and November 4- Day of National Unity.
If a non-working holiday coincides with a day off, the day off is transferred to the next working day after the holiday. The scheme for the transfer of holidays in 2020 submitted for approval is shown in the calendar - there are only two such transfers:
light purple arrow - from January 5 (Saturday) to May 5 (Monday);
light blue - from January 7 (Sunday) to May 2 (Wednesday)

- About shortened working days: directly

The government decree on the 2020 holiday was approved by the Chairman of the Government - 07/10/19. The scheme for transferring holidays in 2020 is very simple and fits into two lines:



About postponing holidays in 2020

Move the following holidays to 2020:

Chairman of the Government
Russian Federation YES. Medvedev

Holidays and weekends in 2019

(Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation "On the postponement of weekends in 2019" dated... 2018 No. ..., approved by the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation D. Medvedev... 2018)

To enlarge the calendar image, click on it!

For reference:

In 2019, there are 247 working days in Russia (including 6 shortened working days) and 118 weekends (including 14 holidays).

- Rules for transferring days off: Labor Code The Russian Federation has established 14 non-working holidays per year - these are January 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8 - the general New Year holidays, January 7- Christmas, February 23- Defender of the Fatherland Day, March 8- International Women's Day, May 1 - Spring and Labor Day, May 9- Victory Day, June 12- Russia Day and November 4- Day of National Unity.
If a non-working holiday coincides with a day off, the day off is transferred to the next working day after the holiday. The scheme for transferring weekends in 2019 submitted for approval is shown in the calendar - there are only three such transfers:
light blue arrow - from January 5 (Saturday) to May 2 (Thursday);
light purple - from January 6 (Sunday) to May 3 (Friday);
light pink - from February 23 (Saturday) to May 10 (Friday).

- About shortened working days: Length of working day directly preceding a non-working holiday, is reduced by 1 hour.

The Government Decree on the 2019 holidays was approved by the Chairman of the Government in September 2018:



dated 2018 No.


About postponing holidays in 2019

For the purpose of rational use by employees of weekends and non-working holidays, the Government of the Russian Federation decides:
Move the following holidays to 2019:

From Saturday 5 January to Thursday 2 May;
from Sunday 6 January to Friday 3 May;
from Saturday 23 February to Friday 10 May.

Chairman of the Government
Russian Federation YES. Medvedev

Weekend transfer scheme.

Weekend transfer scheme.

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Every Russian knows a holiday dedicated to the strong half of humanity - men, like Defender of the Fatherland Day. He has been revered for many years, although not everyone knows where he came from and why he is so loved today. But every citizen of our country knows exactly when it is celebrated: in Russia Defender of the Fatherland Day It is celebrated annually on the same day - February 23. Our article will help you find out how the weekend in honor of this event will be planned, as well as the main points of celebrating this wonderful day in modern Russia.

Holidays and weekends on February 23, 2018

A planned weekend will help you plan a vacation, have time to go somewhere on a short vacation, or just see your loved ones. And the production plan for 2018, which is compiled separately for each year, can help you in this matter, so that you can use your time for work and rest more efficiently.

According to the prepared draft resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation, it is already possible to judge which days will be considered holidays. Based on data provided by the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, we can say that in honor of Defender of the Fatherland Day in 2018 we will have a holiday from February 23 to 25 inclusive.

Weekend calendar for February 23, 2018

According to the calendar for next year, you can see that February 23rd falls on Friday. With a five-day work week, as many as three days off (non-working days) are actually organized on February 23rd. But due to the decision put forward at the highest level, those teams that operate six days a week will adhere to the same schedule.
It will be possible to celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day on a grand scale, because the main events will take place on Friday directly on the holiday itself, and the rest of the weekend you will be able to relax and do your favorite things - the work week will begin only on Monday, February 26.

How is Defender of the Fatherland Day celebrated in Russia?

For the first time, this holiday began to be celebrated back in the twenties of the last century and was called Red Army Day. This event was not solemn, but it was very patriotic. On this day ordinary people collected things and food and gave them to the soldiers. After the Revolution and during the birth of the Soviet state, the army was very poor and largely survived only at the expense of ordinary people.

Today in Russia, this day is considered and especially revered. In honor of this holiday, concerts are held; military personnel who have distinguished themselves in their service are awarded in the Kremlin, not forgetting women if their profession is military service.

February is a month when two fairly major holidays are celebrated at once. The first is Valentine's Day, also known as “Valentine's Day,” and has already safely passed. In it, men congratulated women, and women congratulated men. The second holiday is February 23 – Defender of the Fatherland Day. It’s an exclusively men’s holiday and ladies are already stocking up “socks” as gifts for their other halves. Of course, some have more creative, expensive gifts. This is all too general. But the main thing that any holiday brings with it is the weekend, which means that the time for fun will soon come and you will be able to finish the work week a little earlier. In this article we will tell you how we relax on February 23, 2018 and about all sorts of nuances that you should know.

End of February: three weekends in a row - reality or myth?

How many days we will rest directly depends on the day on which the holiday falls. For example, if it falls on a non-working day, say Saturday, then the additional day off is moved to Monday of the next week. The same applies if the holiday coincides with Sunday. However, this scheme has been known to everyone for quite a long time. Therefore, there is no need to worry that the next holiday will “burn out” due to the required legal weekends.

Of course, there are cases when weekends in such situations are transferred to other dates in the calendar or, for example, to next month– but these are exceptions to the rules rather than the rules themselves.

There is also a system with holidays in the middle of the week. For example, if a holiday falls on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday, then there is a high probability that it will be postponed to Friday of this week or Monday of the next - so that the date passes along with the weekend, people relax and have time to re-adjust to the working atmosphere, moving away from the holidays. Agree, it would be completely inconvenient if the holiday were in the middle of the week. Let's say on Wednesday. It won’t be possible to celebrate it normally, because I have to go to work tomorrow. And when do you want to celebrate?! Naturally, this could not be called a full-fledged vacation. So, all this is done for us and wisely, there will be no “burnt out” idle dates - don’t worry!

By the way, it often happens that if a holiday falls on a Wednesday, the work week splits into two parts. So, people rest Wednesday-Thursday, and then Saturday-Sunday. Exceptions of one day also occur.

Well, now we’ve got to the most important thing and are ready to tell you how we’re relaxing on February 23, 2018. The working week promises to be short - only four days, because there are days off from Friday to Sunday. But that’s not all – this date has prepared another interesting surprise.

What awaits us on February 22?

It would seem that the holiday is scheduled for the 23rd, then why is there any talk about February 22nd? The week promises to be a difficult four-day one, and also a shorter one. Or rather, the last working day will be short. The production calendar indicates that work shifts from 8 hours are reduced to 7 hours.

What can you spend the “extra” hour on? As a rule, he goes to congratulate the male part of the team: for a mini-celebration, exchange of gifts. In more rare cases, if the team is exclusively female, then everyone goes home to celebrate this date with their significant other.