What to do to prevent your feet from slipping. Anti-slip shoe pads against ice at home - tips

New boots, especially those with leather soles, can be very slippery on smooth and wet surfaces. And it also happens that your old favorite shoes make you dance on the ice. If you encounter a problem like this, don't treat it as something insignificant. Slippery shoes can cause serious injuries, not to mention the discomfort you may experience. Before throwing slippery and uncomfortable shoes into the trash, try making the soles less slippery with a minimum of effort.


New shoes

    Put on new shoes and walk in them, preferably on rough surfaces. If your shoes are brand new, they are probably very slippery because the soles are still perfectly smooth. Walk on the floor in new shoes. Contact with the surface will cause slight roughness and scratches on the sole, making the shoes less slippery. So put on your new shoes and walk around the house in them as much as possible.

    • Walk in new shoes on uneven surfaces:
      • Concrete (not smooth)
      • Gravel
      • Rocks, stones and so on
      • Textured metal gratings, walkways and so on
    • You can also take off your shoes and, holding them in your hands, rub the soles well on an uneven surface.
  1. Rub the sole with sandpaper. Are you unable to walk on rough surfaces? Try scratching the sole with sandpaper; simply take off your shoes and rub the soles with sandpaper. Now put on your shoes and evaluate the result.

    Use a nail file. If you don't have sandpaper, a nail file or similar tool may be a good alternative. Use it in the same way as sandpaper. Use a nail file to rub the sole to make it rougher.

    • You can use a file. This is a more convenient tool that will help you cope with the task. As with sandpaper, choose a file with a higher grit.
  2. Wear shoes and the soles will wear out over time. Another way to make your boots less slippery is to wear them as often as possible. Walking is best way make your shoes less slippery. It will take you anywhere from a few days to a few weeks to fix this problem. Put on your new shoes or boots and walk in them as much as possible.

    • If you decide to use this method, be careful if it is very slippery outside. In this case, it is better to wear another pair of less slippery boots (rain or ice). This will help you avoid unnecessary injuries.
  3. Additional funds

    1. Purchase a special coating for slippery soles. If your old boots are bothering you, the problem is not that you haven't worn them enough, but that you've worn them out too much. In this case, you can use special pads that need to be glued to the slippery surface. Undoubtedly, the best option will be the use of special pads designed for this purpose.

      Buy anti-slip spray. This product significantly reduces the risk when walking on slippery surfaces. However, before purchasing such products, consult the seller or read reviews. Choose only high quality products.

      • Typically, anti-slip spray can be purchased at the same store that sells sole pads. However, the price may be higher.
    2. Use hairspray. Don't want to spend money on purchasing special anti-slip products? Use what you have at home. However It is important to note that the use of these tools does not guarantee good results. Such a product is hairspray; simply spray a coat of polish onto the soles of your shoes. Let the polish dry for a minute or so. Now you can put on your boots.

      Use voluminous paints. This paint is often used in children's art kits. In addition, this paint is used to apply patterns on T-shirts. Under the influence of temperature, the paint expands and a three-dimensional image is obtained. Therefore, it is appropriate to use this product in our case, since loose dried paint will create a rough surface on the sole. Simply apply a thin layer of paint to the sole, leave it for a few hours to dry, and appreciate the result!

      • After a while, you will need to repeat the process, since the effect of the paint is also temporary. However, the process should not be repeated as often as with hairspray.
      • If you have time, you can paint a picture on the sole; This is a great way to make your boots truly unique and show off your creativity.
    3. Use masking tape. Apply two pieces of adhesive tape with a rough fabric backing to the sole. Stick two strips crosswise for best effect.

      • However, change the adhesive tape periodically as it loses its adhesive properties over time.
    4. Take help from a professional if you are dealing with a very expensive pair of shoes. If your pair of shoes is expensive enough to be subjected to various experiments, take them to your local shoe repair shop. The specialist will offer you more gentle options that will not ruin your favorite boots.

Ice is one of the causes of injuries, and slippery shoes only accompany their occurrence. So what to do with slippery shoes?

If you can’t take your favorite but slippery pair of shoes to a workshop, you can use a few tips that will reduce their risk of injury.

Method one: apply a thin layer of waterproof glue (Moment type) to the sole, and then sprinkle sand on top of the glue layer. Let the glue dry well. This option is very practical and durable.

Method two: The same waterproof glue is applied in a layer on the slippery sole, and then 2 pieces of sandpaper on a fabric base are glued on top of it. This method is also quite good, it lasts for a long time, however, less than in the previous version. Moreover, when entering the room, you will have to take off your shoes so as not to scratch the floor surface.

The third method is well known to everyone: two pieces of wide adhesive plaster are glued to the sole of the shoe. This is a hassle-free, fast and simple option. However, it is short-lived - the “anti-slip” properties of the patch last for a maximum of three days.

If you don’t have the opportunity or time to buy snowshoes, you can use folk remedies. For example, apply instant glue to the sole of the shoe in the area of ​​the toe and heel and sprinkle with sand or felt - this will create additional relief for the sole.

If you are not afraid of ruining your shoes, you can rub the soles with sandpaper. A slightly more humane way is to rub your soles every time before going out with a sponge soaked in starch or even just raw potatoes.

Our people are inventive, and they have come up with many more ways to make sure that shoes do not slip, but for some reason most of these methods do not look very attractive. In any case, the choice is yours.

Ice drifts are devices against slipping of shoes, which are made of light and durable silicone and steel spring fragments. This silicone “mesh” needs to be put on your shoes. The device has three sizes: S, M, L, each of which, due to its elasticity, “covers” up to 5 shoe sizes. The cost of a pair of such “ice drifts” is about 100 UAH.

These are the most popular anti-slip sole pads. Such devices are especially recommended for pregnant women, young mothers, elderly people and anyone who wants to stand firmly on their feet, regardless of weather conditions.

You can glue tape crosswise on the soles. Helps me.

Lessons from DIYers

There are several well-known ways to make your boots less slippery, at least temporarily.

1. The first method is the simplest: you need to take your shoes to a shoe workshop in advance, where the specialist will prevent the soles by gluing a layer of rubber on them. A preventative rubber sticker for shoes costs from 100 to 120 rubles and is enough for one season.

2. You can rub the sole with sandpaper or carefully stick on a small piece.

3. Some people put an adhesive plaster on the sole of their shoe, which lasts from three to five days.

4. Another way is to glue large-pored foam rubber to the sole. This method lasts for about two weeks.

5. For women who cannot imagine themselves in shoes without heels, you can glue a piece of felt directly onto the heel (if its area allows this). Felt lasts up to two weeks.

6. For those who will not spare their shoes, you can heat the sole until it becomes soft (the most important thing is not to overheat it so that it does not flow at all), and then stick small pebbles, bolts, nuts - various little things into the sole that will not It will interfere too much when walking and will allow you to move on ice.

7. Another very old method that our great-grandfathers used: rub the sole of your shoe with potatoes before going outside.

8. Well, for those who wear felt boots, which, by the way, are also slippery: you can melt the plastic and pour it onto the sole of the felt boot. The entire mass hardens into an uneven crust, which allows, for example, a child to climb a slide at a faster rate.


We started testing with products that are invisible to prying eyes and do not spoil appearance shoes These are raw potatoes, which are used to rub the sole, and ordinary hairspray - they spray the rubber with it an hour before going outside. Let's not push the tires - it doesn't help, it's still slippery...

At the next stage of testing folk de-icing agents, we took up the abrasive. They divided everything fairly: Lesha was tasked with testing the durability of sandpaper like a man, Vika got the upper rough part of the dishwashing sponge. In both cases I had to use superglue.

When the sponge had dried completely, Vika decided to walk from the editorial office to the supermarket - 500 meters.

Wow! Almost no slip! - Victoria was delighted, thinking that she had found the right remedy against ice. I ran happy to the store and never looked back.

But on the way back, an unpleasant surprise awaited her - almost all of the sponge fell off from the sole. It turns out that its protective effect lasts about 40 minutes, no more.

Meanwhile, Lesha’s experiments with waterproof sandpaper also began to bear fruit: the sole firmly adhered to the icy sidewalk. True, we didn’t have to rejoice for long here either - after an hour of walking, the abrasive paper began to peel off.

“I’ll try the adhesive plaster now!” - Alexey decided and, as advised knowledgeable people, glued it to the sole. Criss-cross. The patch has stayed on the sole for the second day and does not seem to fall off. True, it is of little use - it is still slippery, although not as much as on bare soles.


All the best folk remedies we tried. They didn’t find anything special in pharmacies or shoe stores. And on the Internet we discovered that there are also special rubber “anti-slip attachments” (rubber “covers” with metal spikes that are easily attached to shoes). Anti-ice is usually sold in clothing stores. They cost about 50 hryvnia.

On an icy road, the studded tires really did not disappoint. We couldn't even slide down the slippery hill. True, the tubercles on the sole are a little felt.


"Choose the right shoes"

All the folk remedies you have tested, if they give a positive result, do not last long, - experienced shoe repair specialist Arsen Arzumanyan explained to KP. - The ice shoes you found in the store are quite effective remedy, but, as I see, it’s not very aesthetically pleasing - girls are unlikely to walk down the streets in these. And the best way to protect yourself from ice is to glue “prevention” to the sole. It is made of soft corrugated rubber, and it practically does not slip on ice. It costs about 100 hryvnia, but it will last a couple of seasons. In general - for the future - remember: when buying winter shoes, pay attention to the country of origin. Choose those who know first-hand about winter. Let's say that Italian boots will surely slip; they do not need to have a special sole. But our domestic or German shoes are often designed for icy roads.

Write, write, write your proven methods.


With the onset of the winter months, the question of how to prevent shoes from slipping has become relevant. Changeable weather often causes icy conditions, especially in the morning, when everyone is in a hurry to get somewhere. Well, if you just slip, it’s okay, even if you fall successfully. But often a fall leads to serious injuries, including fractures. What can you think of to safely walk on ice? To prevent your shoes from getting wet, read.

There are a lot of tips for solving this problem. So, what methods will really help to prevent your shoes from slipping?

IMPORTANT! The following “folk remedies” can damage the sole! For more careful handling of shoes, I still recommend using.

How to deal with slippery shoes

Ineffective ways to combat ice

  • Some people recommend rubbing the sole with a cut of raw potato. Allegedly, the starch that remains on the sole will help you walk on ice. There is an effect, but not significant.
  • I read about spraying hairspray on the sole. There is also a result, but not long-lasting.
  • I can say the same about the method of gluing sandpaper to the sole. Unfortunately, it quickly flies away.

With the onset of winter, many people face the problem of slippery shoes. Walking on an icy surface without falling on the ice becomes very difficult, and ordinary walks in the fresh air become a difficult task. Very often, falls end in a trip to the traumatologist. In this regard, the question arises: if boots and shoes are slippery, what should you do? What kind of shoes do you need to avoid slipping? There are several ways to solve the problem at home. They will be discussed in this article.

Effective ways to prevent shoes from slipping

There are proven methods for dealing with slippery soles of winter boots - from simple folk ways to specially developed products.

Traditional methods:

  • Potato. Rub a small piece of cut vegetable onto the bottom of the shoe. Starch can make the product less slippery.

Important! It should be understood that the effect of this method will last a maximum of 30 minutes, after which the starch is simply erased.

  • Medical patch. It must be glued to the boot crosswise, after which it will become more stable on the icy surface.

Important! This method is enough for 1-2 days of wearing winter boots.

  • Sandpaper. It is necessary to choose a material with a fabric base that will easily stick to the sole.

Important! A coating of sandpaper is enough for about a week of wearing boots in icy conditions.

  • Glue and sand. The sandpaper effect can also be achieved by applying glue to the bottom of the product, then sprinkling it with sand. The boots should dry in this form within 24 hours.
  • Felt. Here's what you can do to prevent your boots from slipping: cut a piece of felt from an old felt boot and glue it to the sole. The method is more effective and reliable than previous ones.

Radical methods:

  • Screws. This method is suitable for boots with thick soles. Small screws are screwed into the shoes and cut so that small ends remain on the outside. However, the method has disadvantages: when walking, such boots make a corresponding sound. In addition, indoors, this method can damage the floor covering.
  • Staples. An anti-slip effect can also be achieved using staples applied with a construction stapler.

Important! When answering the question of what can be done if your boots slip, it is necessary to correctly assess the rationality of the methods in each case individually. It is worth understanding that the radical methods described can damage the sole of not very high quality.

Professional methods:

  • Ice access. In hardware stores you can purchase special pads with metal spikes that are attached to shoes. The devices are quite practical, but not everyone may like their appearance.
  • Rubber pads. Shoe stores sell special rubberized pads. The device is the most optimal and easy-to-use method in the fight against slippery shoes. They need to be attached to the sole before going outside and removed when returning home.
  • Polyurethane protection. In shoe repair shops, you can put a special relief surface on the bottom of the products. In deciding what to do if your boots slip, this method is quite effective and popular.

What methods are suitable for children's shoes?

For children, it is better to choose the safest and most practical methods. Since kids lead an active lifestyle, shoes should maintain their functionality during children's games:

  • The best ways to deal with a child’s slippery shoes are professional relief protection and special pads.
  • Among the traditional methods, one can distinguish the method using felt or sandpaper.

The remaining methods described are not suitable for active children and are not reliable.

To avoid future questions about what to do if your boots have slippery soles, follow these simple tips:

  • Under no circumstances should you wear winter boots with smooth soles. Choose boots with deep patterns on the soles. It is advisable that the tread direction be in different sides. Such products will provide good adhesion to the surface.
  • When trying on boots in a store, be sure to walk around and make sure that the soles do not slip. This is easy to do, given that the floors in shoe stores are usually made of floor tiles, which have a slippery surface.
  • Much attention should be paid to the softness of the sole. It is believed that the softer the bottom material, the more stable the boots.
  • The rubberized sole also has anti-slip properties, and the special EVA material is not afraid of ice or frost.

Video material

In deciding what can be done to prevent boots from slipping in winter at home, there are many options. Which one will suit your shoes must be considered individually, depending on the quality of the boot material and the materials available.

With the arrival of winter, falls on icy walkways become more frequent. It will help to prevent such an awkward situation, and in the worst case, injury, special shoes with a deep pattern on the surface. This type of sole is also called a tractor sole. The trouble is that not everyone is ready to wear shoes of this style. There is a way out, and besides, everything you might need to solve this problem can be found at home.


The simplest thing you can do is to stick a regular adhesive plaster over the entire length of the sole. This protection from ice will be enough for several days. In addition, the adhesive plaster can be thrown into your purse and used when necessary.


If, from early morning, the panorama outside the window depicts pedestrians stealthily moving towards their place of work, and, as luck would have it, there was no adhesive plaster, an ordinary potato will help out. Everyone knows that its tubers contain starch, but not everyone is aware of its ability to resist slipping. It is enough to rub half a tuber on the soles of your boots and you can go out onto the icy street without fear. The disadvantage of this means of protection is its fragility, but it is quite enough to get to the nearest bus stop.


Those with metal heels can prevent dangerous falls on ice using regular felt. It is enough to cut out small pieces and glue them to the heels using “Moment” or “Dragon” glue. By the way, pieces of felt will be an excellent alternative to special rubber pads with a corrugated surface, which shoe shops offer to stick on the sole with the arrival of cold weather.


Felt can be replaced with sandpaper. It is better if it is fabric-based - this will allow it to perform its functions longer.

Plain paper

If you don’t have time to glue pieces of felt and sandpaper to the soles of your boots, you can simply walk the paper over the soles of your shoes several times and feel free to go outside. The problem is that this treatment will quickly lose its properties, so when you return home in the evening, you can try to equip your slippery boots with a homemade protector.

Sandy "tread"

To do this, the shoes need to be washed, dried, degreased the sole and treated with glue. Without waiting for it to dry, sprinkle the sole with river sand. In the morning, your boots will be ready to withstand the icy conditions. However, this type of protection also needs to be updated periodically - at least 2 times a month.

Nylon "spikes"

Some craftsmen go even further and offer a radical way to solve the problem. It is unlikely to suit owners of beautiful and expensive dress boots, but those who have been wearing their shoes for the last season can easily adopt it. To do this you need to set fire to the old nylon stocking and as soon as the molten nylon drips from it, place your shoes under it with the soles facing up. The frozen tubercles will serve as spikes, preventing falls and injuries.