Celebrities with negative Rh factor. Peoples with negative Rh factor

Wow, in my family only on the female side are people with Rh negative om (from my grandmother and mother and from me), and in the male line everyone is with positive factor, it happens like this

I agree with you Anya, but Ira seems a little inadequate.

“Rh negative are all redheads” - quote from Ira. What the hell is this, girls? Where does this avalanche of gray ignorance come from? go crazy. Yana found out that the child is Rh negative. She cries for half a day. Are you crazy?? And why is there no rhesus? Are there arms, legs, or a head? Do you have any brains? E-my... my child and I are Rhesus negative. I'm not a redhead. don't panic, girls.

I am Rh negative, doctors continue to remain silent and sick children continue to be born from Rh negative mothers... Yes, I understand that doctors create jobs through silence, but we are not doctors and we must realize that if a girl is Rh negative, then she needs to look only for a negative guy - this is the first thing
Everyone knows the fact of the cartoon: a red-haired, freckled red-haired man killed his grandfather with a shovel - this is real discrimination for red-haired people.. And how do you understand that all red-haired people are Rh negative... Judge for yourself, a red-haired child has hated himself since childhood that he was born red-haired, which means he has been unhappy since childhood - this the second and last red-haired Rh-negative ones are really more sensitive and more capable in mind and they are not loved............ And now let's look from space... Since the red-haired ones are different, then there are Jews nearby, they are great guys.. Their task is to mix this blood and bring out a red-haired Jew, and they succeeded in the same way as a German Jew, a Russian Jew, an Uzbek Jew, a Georgian Jew..... And the Basques are just an accident..... Look at the paintings of the great ancient artists... There everyone is red... There is only one reason redheads are a secret and they don’t give us common people the truth

Among the Basques and other genetically isolated peoples, negative Rh begins to predominate, because survival rate in the womb is definitely higher in children with this particular indicator, since it does not depend on the mother’s rhesus.

What about Yana, does the child have any problems because of this? With health or what?
Did your husband have any problems due to Rhesus?
And how could he pass on or not pass on his Rh negative to his children? After all, he does not control the process of choosing heredity - this is a matter of chance.

I hate my husband for passing on his Rh negative to one of our children. I found out about this today. I cry for half a day.

I wonder how it is explained that parents with the first blood group, Rh positive, give birth to a Rh negative child (first group)? The mother did not experience any problems during pregnancy. We learned that we were Rh negative at the age of 20!

He himself is probably a Rh-negative ufologist.

The theory of ufologists, at best, resembles a beautiful fairy tale or a story with a fantastic slant. When an Rh-negative mother is pregnant with an Rh-positive fetus, a Rh conflict occurs; at the 8th week of pregnancy, when hematopoiesis begins to form in the fetus, the presence of the Rh factor is regarded by the mother's body as a foreign protein, which is quite natural. A similar reaction occurs when bacteria, viruses, fungi, etc. enter the blood. As for Rh-negative people, the majority of them are among American Indians (100%), because Having crossed to the American continent, they remained isolated for 10-12 thousand years. The Basques and Irish are the indigenous peoples of Europe, have also maintained isolation from modern Europeans, and continue to wage war for national autonomy. The Basque language is not similar to European languages, because it is not part of the Indo-European family, but belongs to the Sino-Caucasian family of languages. Regarding the Jews of Israel, it can be assumed that, being a people who did not assimilate with other peoples, they also retained a high percentage of Rh(-) blood. Among the black population with Rh- negative blood only 7%, it is assumed that Rh antigens came to us along with Negroid immigrants from South Africa. Normal blood healthy person is blood in which the Rh factor and antigens A and B are absent, that is, blood of the first group (O) is Rh-negative (Rh-). American Indians, Basques, Irish have a high concentration of this type of blood... Well, as for clairvoyants, mediums, psychics, I can explain: The Rh factor does not affect the number of charlotans and scammers, nor does nationality.

Is this really true? I even checked the encyclopedia about the Basques. Indeed, they have a very high level of people with negative Rh. It's strange somehow. Although this can be explained, for example, by the fact that they did not mix their blood with other peoples, and they had a kind of selection in a separate area of ​​Europe. The number of Rh negatives gradually increased. After all, if you constantly cross people or animals with the same characteristics, they will become stronger. So aliens may have nothing to do with it.

The famous American paranormal investigator Brad Steiger noticed interesting feature: people with negative Rh factor blood are not quite ordinary...

More precisely, he suggested that these people are either from a special genetic line of “Homo sapiens” or descendants of aliens.

The fact is that, according to the laws of genetics, we can only inherit those properties that our ancestors possessed, unless, of course, we are talking about mutation. This means that if a person and a monkey descended from the same ancestor, then their blood should be compatible. However, all primates have a positive Rh factor... That’s all!

Why do some people have a negative Rh factor? It turns out that such people are descendants of some other ancestor. Perhaps aliens?
It was also noted that the highest percentage of carriers of negative Rh factor - 30% - is among the Spanish Basques (whose origin, by the way, is still a mystery), Israeli Jews of eastern origin, Samaritans and Ethiopian black Jews.

While in other nations the number of such people barely reaches 1%.

Most mediums, healers, and people with unusual psychic abilities also have a negative Rh factor.

As we know, there are only 4 blood groups. They all differ in composition, or more precisely, in the presence of various proteins in blood cells that fight bacteria in the body. Most people have these proteins and are Rh positive.

Why some people don't have these proteins is a mystery! Scientists believe that the first people on Earth negative Rh factor appeared 35,000 years ago. How? Nobody knows. But the most popular theory is precisely about the extraterrestrial origin of the DNA of these people.

Here are some general characteristics for people with negative Rh factor:

They have a higher IQ than “positive” people;

They usually have a lower body temperature than others;

Mentally and emotionally these people are much more stable;

They often have red hair;

They are very sensitive to heat and do not like cold;

Most often they have blue, green or light brown eyes.

Another curious phenomenon of these people is related to pregnancy.

It is known that it is impossible to clone people with a negative Rh factor.

Moreover, if the pregnant mother is Rh negative, immune system her body will attack the fetus, perceiving it as a foreign body. That is why doctors ask such women to take special medications during pregnancy that suppress the immune system.

But why does their own body attack their own children, i.e. why does it perceive them as “strangers”? This riddle has no answer, but it certainly works in favor of the theory of the “alien” origin of such people.

By the way, archaeologists have found a huge number of ancient texts and works of art that describe strange creatures that visited the planet. So think for yourself...

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If you sit for 12 hours a day, then be prepared for it!

Knowing your blood type and Rh factor is vital. How many precious minutes can doctors save to save a patient if they have information about a person’s blood type and Rh factor! A woman who is going to become a mother must have information about her Rh factor, because in the case of Rh conflict, the risk of miscarriage increases.

How to determine the Rh factor

Blood is a biological fluid that contains a huge amount of antibodies and carries genetic information. The Rh factor is a special agglutinogen protein that is part of the blood. There are Rh positive and Rh negative. The latter is detected in 15% of people in the world and means the absence of protein in the blood. In medicine, there is the ABO system, which is used to detect antibodies in human blood. The Rh factor is determined by one of the most significant antigens, D. If it is absent in the blood, then the Rh factor is negative. Today in medicine this study carried out very quickly and accurately within the laboratory. If, for example, blood containing this protein is transfused to a person who does not have it, then the formation of specific antibodies begins in the blood, which leads to the appearance of disorders called Rh conflict. Repeated injection of blood with incompatible Rhesus promotes agglutination of red blood cells and contributes to the occurrence of severe complications. That is why during transfusion, only blood with the same Rh factor is used.

Rh factor is negative and the occurrence of Rh conflict

When a pregnant woman first contacts a gynecologist, he will require a blood test to determine the group and Rh factor. This study is important for the successful course of pregnancy and the life of the fetus. Rh negative in the mother and positive in the father in 60% of cases indicates that the child’s Rh factor will be positive. During the gestation process, an exchange occurs through the blood from mother to fetus. If the child’s blood proteins begin to enter the mother’s blood, then her immune system receives a signal about foreign proteins. The active growth of antibodies begins, which are aimed at destroying the child’s red blood cells. A blood test will show an increased amount of bilirubin, which increases the likelihood of damage to the fetal brain.

Why does Rh conflict occur?

The conditions for the occurrence of Rh conflict are:

  • Rhesus is negative in the woman and positive in the father.
  • Second pregnancy of a woman with negative Rh.
  • The baby's red blood cells in the mother's blood, left over after the first pregnancy.
  • Manipulations with blood transfusion with incompatible Rhesus before pregnancy.
  • Various pregnancy disorders (placental abruption or uterine bleeding).
  • The presence of diabetes mellitus in the mother.
  • Abortion in a woman with negative Rh.

A woman who is about to give birth to a child for the first time and has an Rh negative factor is able to give birth to a healthy child, and the pregnancy will generally proceed normally. If she has not encountered Rh-positive blood before, then she does not have antibodies. In this case, the chances of Rh incompatibility with the baby are small. But in future pregnancies, the likelihood of incompatibility occurring is very high, since the mother’s body will already contain antibodies to fight the incompatible protein. If both parents are Rh negative, then there is no reason to worry. And in case of Rh conflict, modern medicine gives couples a chance to carry and give birth to a healthy baby.

What are the peculiarities of pregnancy with negative Rh?

Rh negative is not an anomaly, since with constant medical supervision, pregnancy proceeds normally. There is a risk of developing anemia in the fetus, but this problem is easily eliminated by blood transfusion. In modern gynecology, they use a method of artificially lowering antibodies, which allows the fetus to develop normally and the woman to bear a child. The peak period for the formation of antibodies in the mother's body occurs during childbirth, so doctors strongly recommend administering the drug immunoglobulin, which will inhibit the development of antibodies in the future. This method allows to reduce pathologies in subsequent pregnancies.

Fetal pathologies that may appear during Rh conflict:
  • Anemia
  • Fetal brain damage
  • Hemolytic disease
  • Jaundice

Rapidly developing medicine makes it possible to cope with all this if you follow all the recommendations and undergo examinations on time, and, if necessary, agree to hospitalization.

Rh negative and its impact on the child’s health

If you follow the recommendations of doctors, then the chances that the baby will be born healthy are very high. Such children in the first years of life need more close attention, since health threats still exist.
  • Possible premature birth
    This is due to the increased nervous tension of the mother during pregnancy.
  • High levels of bilirubin in the baby's blood
    In the first years of life, such a child will not be allowed physical activity. Also, such a child has an increased risk of developing hepatitis.
  • Low hemoglobin level
    The baby needs to increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood, since in adolescence its deficiency can lead to low blood pressure, depression and apathy.
  • Sports activities shown
    Sports without overload will keep the body in good shape, and the level of bilirubin will gradually return to normal.

What are the features of managing an Rh negative pregnancy? A pregnant woman who is Rh negative will be indicated for hospitalization for conservation. This is important for the mother and child, because if there is a sharp increase and multiplication of antibodies in the blood, specialists will be able to give a blood infusion to a fetus with negative Rh. Mothers should avoid infectious and colds, as well as stress. A blood test to detect antibodies is performed once a week in a hospital setting. If the pregnancy is proceeding normally, then such an analysis is carried out once a month until the 32nd week, and after the 35th it is prescribed weekly until the birth itself.

What are the preventive measures and treatment for Rh-conflict? Preventive measures for Rh-conflict consist in timely identifying an increase in bilirubin levels and the appearance of antibodies in the mother’s blood and taking such a woman under the supervision of specialists. After childbirth, as well as abortion or ectopic pregnancy no later than 72 hours, the woman is given an injection of immunoglobulin, which will prevent the occurrence of Rh conflict in the next pregnancy.

Treatment consists of continuous monitoring of pregnancy. If there are high levels of antibodies in the blood, hospitalization and infusion of negative blood into the child through the umbilical cord will be indicated.

A negative Rh factor is not a death sentence, but simply a feature of the blood, so it is not only possible, but also necessary for women with such Rh factor to give birth. With proper monitoring and following doctors' recommendations, the chances of carrying and giving birth healthy child as high as during normal pregnancy.