Gratitude for holding a kindergarten graduation. Words of gratitude to the teacher at kindergarten graduation from children and parents in poetry and prose

We measure the vital stages in the formation and maturation of our children by graduation celebrations. The child climbs the steps of life, striving for the cherished adult peak. A very important step is graduation from kindergarten. First graduation party in kindergarten. Preparing and holding this event is a responsible and troublesome task that falls on the shoulders of the teachers, music director, methodologist and all other employees of the children's institution.

For parents, the graduation party in kindergarten also brings a lot of excitement, worries and joy. Often with tears in their eyes, mothers and grandmothers admire the successes and achievements of their children, are proud of their good preparation for school, and rejoice at the child’s independence and upbringing. But this result was achieved through the hard work of the entire kindergarten staff. Therefore, you should not skimp on words of gratitude and appreciation from your parents at the farewell celebration. Let your response be a wonderful gift to all garden employees.

Appeal to educators

Today we rejoice at the successes of children and are proud of their achievements in kindergarten. They have come such a difficult path from helpless kids to tomorrow's first graders. And we address our first words of gratitude for our children to our dear teachers. It is so important for parents to be confident in the reliability of the hands in which they place their child. And all these years, we calmly and confidently entrusted the most precious thing we have to wonderful teachers. Thank you for your warm and kind words of greeting every morning, for your care and attention, for your wise advice and high professionalism. Thanks to the teachers, a homely atmosphere of comfort and kindness always reigned in our group. Gradually, the children learned about the world, learned a lot, and developed. The teachers managed to shape the little personalities of future schoolchildren. Please accept the sincere words of gratitude from your parents for the fact that we also learned pedagogical wisdom from you.

To the head

The kindergarten has become a wonderful home for our children. Peace, friendship and joy reign in this house. We are eternally grateful and appreciative to the director of the kindergarten for the professional selection of employees and for his wise assistance to parents in raising our children. You care about food, health, equipment, and interesting guests. Adults and children here are a single team, creatively enthusiastic, responsible, moderately strict and very kind. Your students feel good and cozy here. Children happily rush here in the morning. This means you are an excellent leader. We wish you creative and pedagogical victories and healthy, happy students.

Technical staff

The kindest words of gratitude to our nanny. Her attentive gaze and hardworking hands always created home cleanliness, coziness and comfort for the children. The nanny needs to be on time everywhere, to keep track of everything: to air it on time, to make sure that the beds are clean, that the washbasins are shiny, that there is not a speck on the floor. She will feed and clean, she will help and calm. Thank you for her work and for caring about our children.

Music worker

On behalf of all the parents, I convey my gratitude to the music worker. Our children were introduced to wonderful music, learned to listen to it, sing, and hold on during a performance. At every holiday we rejoiced at the musical successes of the children. And today a real prom has been prepared. Thank you for your professionalism, for your creativity, for your attention and love for our children.

Psychologist and speech therapist

In these first years of life, our children have overcome such a difficult path of growing up, mastering important speech and social skills. Not everything came easy. But there were wonderful professionals nearby, whose teaching skills helped, calmed, gave hope and gave victories. A psychologist and speech therapist have to perform work that is not always visible, but so important and necessary for children and parents. Words of gratitude and appreciation to our psychologist and speech therapist. In a relaxed, friendly atmosphere, you managed to teach children to be friends, to be attentive to each other, to help, to be able to rejoice in the successes of friends, to make peace and forgive. Thanks to your classes, the children’s speech became clearer and more beautiful, they succumbed to the most naughty sounds, and their memory developed.

To the nurse

Today, children, kindergarten workers and parents gathered for the graduation celebration. Our guys have learned a lot, but most importantly, they are healthy. The parents' response would be incomplete if we did not remember the nurse. We thank the medical worker for his attention and care and for strict monitoring of the children’s health. We are grateful to the nurse for her help and professional advice to parents. Your work is very necessary and very important. Be healthy and take care of the health of your children and employees.


Kindergarten is a complex structure. Every employee there is irreplaceable. On behalf of all the parents, I convey my gratitude to the kindergarten methodologist. Your competent professionalism, your care for children, your love for them ensured the excellent work of the entire teaching staff. Thank you for the holidays and events that revealed our children and captivated them. Thank you for today’s graduation celebration, which we will remember for the rest of our lives.

Physical education teacher

We express our gratitude for the dedication and love for children to the physical teacher of the kindergarten. Children always happily ran to fun morning exercises, looked forward to fun starts, and sports games during walks. You managed to instill in them an interest in physical education, developed coordination, and cultivated a healthy mind in a healthy body. Cheerful, fit, athletic guys came to the graduation party today. Thank you very much for this.

To the caretaker

I remember the first impression that the kindergarten made on me: warm, cozy, beautiful. The kind hand of a real hostess was felt in everything. Our graduation celebration would have been incomplete without words of gratitude to the caretaker. Thank you for caring for the children, attention and concern. Thank you for the wonderful playgrounds, for the shady gazebos, for the friendly, clean paths along which we happily walked here and returned from the garden every morning. Thank you for the feeling of a welcoming, generous home for our children.

The response from parents at graduation celebrations has long become a mandatory element of the script. Words of gratitude to the teachers, the nurse, the manager and all the staff are sincere gratitude from families for raising children, for caring for them, for good advice to young parents, for bright holidays and for the readiness of children for school. The main thing in such speeches is sincerity and attention to the kindergarten staff, because these speeches teach children to be grateful to their mentors. Have a nice holiday!

For almost every child, at a certain point in time, kindergarten essentially becomes a second home, where wise educators teach them the first lessons of life with love and care. And sometimes the future fate of a little person depends on what these lessons are.

On this graduation day, we say to you, dear educators, words of sincere gratitude for your hard work, for the fact that every day you gave yourself and your warmth to our children without reserve. Thank you for your energy, selfless love and touching care that you bestowed on our children!

We, parents, and our children of the Rodnichok group are very lucky with our teachers!!! Sincere words of gratitude to Tatyana Nikolaevna Gubanova, Ekaterina Sergeevna Kuznetsova and junior teachers Svetlana Innokentievna Maltseva and Nadezhda Valentinovna Shirkina for their warmth, for their understanding, for the care they showed for our children. Thank you for being able to prepare our children for school, teaching them to read and count.

Many thanks to the head of the kindergarten, Tatyana Leonidovna Zhirova, through whose efforts our children felt cozy and comfortable in the kindergarten.

I would like to note the impeccable work of our beloved speech therapist Ekaterina Yuryevna Koshkina. She is not only a teacher, but also a very creative person; not a single matinee was complete without her participation. Activities with her were a pleasure for both us, parents, and our children. Special thanks to her for the memorable gift about the kindergarten in the form of a video film. There are also good and smart nurses in our kindergarten, our respected Elena Arkadyevna Malkova and Svetlana Vladimirovna Vasenina. With them we were calm about the health of our children.

A wonderful, diligent and creative psychologist Marina Vladimirovna Polukhina - our children went to her educational classes with special pleasure.

We would like to express our deep gratitude to the physical education instructor Irina Igorevna Kreneva as an excellent teacher and professional in her field. She found an approach to each student and was able to instill a love of sports and a healthy lifestyle, and instilled in our children confidence in their abilities. Throughout her stay in kindergarten, she repeatedly held sports competitions for children and parents. These were not just competitions, but entire performances. Our children really fell in love with physical education and sports. Thank her very much.

I would like to express my deep gratitude to the musical directors Ekaterina Nikolaevna Yamshchikova and Elizaveta Andreevna Bushueva for the musical education of our children, for the wonderful repertoire at the holidays!

We thank all the staff of the nursery “Malyshka”!!!

Let the reward for your dedicated work be the worthy, intelligent, spiritually rich and spiritually generous citizens of our city, who received their first life lessons under your wise and sensitive leadership.

We sincerely wish you good health, happiness, prosperity, inexhaustible warmth and optimism! May success accompany all your good deeds and endeavors.

Low bow to you and the warmest words of gratitude for your work!!!

Thank you for the kids!

From grandmothers, fathers and mothers!

We appreciate your hard work.

Decades will pass

But we will remember that

That our children had a home,

Which was good.

In which you want more!

Parents and children of the Rodnichok group
kindergarten "Malyshka"

Interview with the teacher of the graduating group “Rodnichok” of the school “Malyshka”
Kuznetsova Ekaterina Sergeevna

In the “Rodnichok” group of the “Malyshka” school there are excellent teachers - Tatyana Nikolaevna Gubanova, a teacher and educator with many years of experience, and a very young teacher Ekaterina Sergeevna Kuznetsova. Today is the first graduation for the children of this group, kindergarten is over, school life awaits them. For Ekaterina Sergeevna, this is the first graduation of her group. I would like to ask her a few questions about her first experience as an educator.

— I know that this is your first issue. What feelings overwhelm you?

“It’s a shame to leave, but the guys need to move on, so I’m letting them go with peace of mind!” I'll always be glad to see you!

— How long have you been working with these children?

- 3 years. I came to them in the middle group and stayed until graduation.

— What will this group be remembered for?

“During these three years, we had everything: from small failures to bright victories, from tears to happy smiles. Therefore, all the moments will be remembered.

— What type of creativity do you like best in classes with children?

— I prefer artistic and aesthetic activities. We draw and sculpt a lot, we always invent and do something new and interesting.

— Do you think the children are ready for school, since now they are future first-graders?

- They are the smartest and smartest. I have no doubt that they will study with only straight A's.

— How do you put the guys to bed?

- In fact, there is no secret here: I’m reading a book or just wishing you sweet and magical dreams. They have such a busy day that they fall asleep quickly.

— How do you cope with so many children?

- Well, the main thing here is love for children! How you treat them is how they treat you, this is the basis of the entire pedagogical process.

— Do you intend to continue working at the “Malyshka” kindergarten?

— I am planning to move to another city. But if I return, it will only be to this kindergarten. I would like to say “THANK YOU!” to the entire team of the nursery school “Malyshka” for accepting me as family, teaching me a lot, and always supporting me in everything. And a special “THANK YOU” to Galina Vasilyevna, Tatyana Nikolaevna, Svetlana Innokentyevna and Galina Aleksandrovna for raising our children together and helping us.

— Will you miss your kids?

“I already miss them very much and I miss them already.”

— Will you have any wishes for the children and parents of this issue?

— I would like to wish that your journey together continues to be easy, cloudless, bright and creative, full of victories and achievements! May you continue to walk with your children hand in hand and conquer this world! Thanks for everything! Good luck!

Prepared Elena Belousova.
Read this and other materials in the NBB newspaper No. 23 dated June 10, 2016.
(Yaransk, Sanchursk, Kiknur, Tuzha).

Here are collected texts for you (short and “full-length”) with words of gratitude to kindergarten teachers from parents. They will come in handy to include in the text of congratulations on graduation (or anniversary) and other holidays in kindergarten. You can also sign a postcard, a card for a bouquet, a gift with them, or express personal gratitude to your favorite teacher (and other employees of the preschool institution).

All texts are written in prose, for those who want to express gratitude in their own words.

All names are used only for convenience of presentation, do not forget to change them to the ones you need. Recommendations for use will help you shorten or lengthen any text; they are located at the end of the page.

If you would like to express your gratitude in writing, you are welcome on a separate page.

These will help you add more wishes to the text (just select the ones that suit you and add them to the final part of the text you like).

Our dear, beloved helpers!

We love you very much and during the time that you devoted to our children, we began to consider you members of our family. After all, you occupy a huge place in the lives of our children and us, parents. Together with us, you create a happy childhood for our children... Together with us, you overcome the difficulties of raising the younger generation, and practice ingenuity when it is necessary to solve a new pedagogical problem. Together with us, you find a way out of any situation regarding the development of children... You are not just employees of a child care institution, you are our support, support, friends and loved ones.

Thank you for being you. Please accept my sincere gratitude for your much needed work and the positivity that you bring to the lives of our families.

Dear teachers, you are people with a capital “P”. We are happy that we have such helpers as you in our lives and thank fate that you are involved in raising our child. From the bottom of my heart, thank you:

  • for your concern for children and for us, parents;
  • for the fact that your friendly team creates a cozy atmosphere in kindergarten that is comfortable for development and creativity;
  • for being filled with positivity and always smiling when meeting children in the morning;
  • for being patient and finding the strength to engage in such complex and responsible work every day;
  • for helping our children discover their talents and believe in themselves;
  • for not being stingy with praise and kind words to our kids;
  • for preparing and holding fun, bright holidays.

But, most importantly: we love and respect you for choosing this troublesome path for yourself and remaining faithful to it to this day. May life return, multiplied many times over, all the good that you create with your own hands every day. And we promise not to stand aside and do everything possible to make your work easier.

Dear friends, our beloved educators and everyone who contributes to the education of future generations! We always admire your work prowess, professional skill and teaching talents... But today we want to express our endless gratitude for the fact that:

  • You take on a considerable part of our parental burden and make a significant contribution to the upbringing of our children. This makes our life easier and helps relieve our everyday life of a lot of hassle.
  • You are attentive, responsible and responsive to children. This reduces our worries and we are not afraid to leave our children with you.
  • You skillfully and painstakingly create an environment for our children to develop their musical, artistic, creative, mathematical abilities and sports capabilities. Thanks to this, we are endlessly amazed at how much our children can and know.
  • You teach our children to respect each other, to respect the rules of interaction with each other, to communicate and argue constructively, to fantasize and be friends. These are vital skills and we fully understand the importance of what you instill in them. They will help our children (and ourselves) to be effective later in life.
  • With your own hands you create a fairy tale for children that will stay with them forever. Thanks to this, we are calm about their childhood - warm, joyful and cozy.
  • You take care of warm clothes during walks, maintaining hygiene before breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea... You monitor our children’s routine and strictly follow all the rules for preserving life and health. Such care cannot be overestimated. Thanks to this care, we are all healthier and more vital than we could be without you.
  • By your example, you demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively. It is always easy for us to agree. Your attentiveness to us, parents, is no less important to us than your sensitivity to children.
  • You are serious, strict and disciplined. Yes, yes! We are happy about this... Because with such teachers we are not afraid!

We can endlessly praise you, list your merits and admire the fruits of your labor... The most important thing for which I want to bow to you is for your contribution to our peace, and therefore to our health, as well as the health of our entire family. Thank you for this, our invaluable teachers!

Dear educators! On behalf of the entire team of parents, we thank you for your hard work every day. For helping us raise our children, develop them and educate them. Thank you so much for helping us, parents... for your support, valuable advice and observations, for sharing with us your many years of experience in working with children. Without you, we would cope with our parenting responsibilities much less effectively. May your life and professional journey be easy, grateful and happy.

Thank you for making our children sociable and kind, creative and happy. For the fact that you invest a piece of yourself in every child. Because you are not just people, you are wonderful people and the first teachers in the life of every child. Thank you for the fact that when our children return from kindergarten, they share with us the positive energy with which you charged them.

Dear teachers! Thank you for becoming not only wise mentors for us and our children, but also good friends. Thank you for your teaching skills, for your talent in raising children and for constantly improving your skills and your talent. You are the best teachers in the world and meeting you is our personal, great luck.

Dear teachers! The fruits of your labors endlessly surprise and delight us. You have discovered talents in our children that we did not even suspect. You were able to create such an atmosphere in the kindergarten that the child runs to the kindergarten every morning, joyfully and eagerly awaiting each new meeting with you. Of course, this proves that our kindergarten has unique, talented and amazing teachers. The best possible! Thank you for this and for being with us.

Dear Maria Petrovna and Svetlana Ivanovna!

With all our hearts and with all our hearts, we thank you for choosing raising children as your profession and for giving our children care, warmth and your smile for so many years. We are very lucky that our children, from a very young age, received a wise, caring and respectful attitude from their first teachers. For your patience, inexhaustible cheerfulness and positivity, responsiveness and pedagogical skill - a special thank you to you, parents. May all your dreams come true, and may you meet only kind, understanding and respectful people in life.

Dear teachers!

Please accept my heartfelt gratitude for your many years of care for our children. We are proud to communicate with such purposeful, caring, competent and interested people as you. Any educational institution can dream of such specialists, because you are real diamonds. You have no equal in raising children and your contribution to their development is enormous. And your help to us, parents, is priceless. Warmth to you, your families, and may a worthy reward for your work always find you, and be what you desire.

Dear our teachers! During our communication and cooperation with you, you have become our guiding star on the path of development and education of our children. Together with us, you make childhood colorful and bright, decorate our days with cheerful holidays and constantly invent, invent, and improve the environment in which our children grow up. Oddly enough, together with our children, with your help, we ourselves, parents, are improving. We learn a lot of new things, observe wonderful transformations happening with our children, learn a lot and change a lot in ourselves. And all this is thanks to you. Thank you for your participation, for being in the lives of our families and for making us better next to you.

Dear teachers! We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the time you spent with us and our children. This period is one of the brightest, most memorable, joyful in the life of our families. It became this way because you put a lot of effort and your teaching talent into it. You not only made the childhood of our children happier and more fruitful, but you give joy to us ourselves. And along with joy, you give us peace and confidence in the bright future of our children. After all, so much attention, love and care have been invested in them.

They leave the garden socialized, familiar with the basics of etiquette, they know the initial laws of communication and the rules of behavior in the environment in which they will live and work. You, your friendly team and the results of your activities exceeded all our bold expectations. Special thanks to you for not deceiving our faith in you and for giving more than we expect.

We wish you all that life gives only the best and its gifts exceed your expectations, justify your hopes and give only joy.

Dear teachers! We sincerely thank you for the fact that our children have a high-quality, solid foundation for subsequent personal development. Thank you for being a reliable support for us, parents, and always providing feedback throughout all the years of visiting our beautiful kindergarten. Thank you also for flawlessly providing support when we needed it and answering all questions that arose without delay.

Thank you so much for your vigilant control over our children, for their strong nervous system, inexhaustible patience and dedication to work. May you be blessed with health, longevity and happiness.

Dear and respected! You are not simple educators, but real guides to the world of discoveries, new knowledge, skills and miracles. Thank you for making the educational process for our children exciting, active and fruitful. Thank you also for the fact that, as a result of this process, you tirelessly monitored the health and safety of young discoverers and inventors. I bow to you for the tenacity with which you realize yourself in the difficult teaching field, and also:

  • for trying not to get sick;
  • for smiling when you are dead tired;
  • for remaining calm even when there is no reason for calm;
  • for finding energy somewhere to cope with restless fidgets;
  • for generating warmth and good mood to give to children and to us, parents;
  • for a creative approach to any business, and inexhaustible resourcefulness in solving any issues.

Special thanks to you for your generosity and huge hearts. We wish warmth, stability, prosperity and prosperity to your families.

Dear teachers! Please accept sincere parental gratitude, first of all, for giving children faith in themselves and lighting a spark of curiosity in their eyes. Thank you for being creators, for not destroying the wonderful world of childhood and creating a solid foundation for the subsequent development of children as individuals.

We also thank you for working tirelessly for the development of not only children, but also us, parents. For always being friendly, balanced and finding an individual approach to each child and parent. In our hearts you will forever occupy a strong place where the warmest memories and gratitude live. We wish you to receive only pleasure from your work, may all your plans come true, may your dreams come true and your hopes come true.

Dear teachers! You have no equal in pedagogical skills simply because you have turned a preschool institution into a second home for children.

The guys are not afraid to come here, they don’t whine when they get ready to meet you in the morning. They are cheerful, joyful, full of new ideas and ready to implement all of them, confident in your support and that all plans will come true. All these wonderful transformations that we see every day in our children... all these are the fruits of your labor. We are not only delighted with the results of your activities, but also endlessly grateful to you. My deepest bow to you for choosing teaching for yourself and God grant that your life be as colorful as the drawings with which our children decorate our home and our lives.

Our dear teachers! Thank you for the fact that in certain periods of life you replace a mother for children, console them in moments of despondency and share moments of joy with them. May you be surrounded by the warmth and care of your loved ones. May good luck and inspiration accompany you throughout your life.

Dear teachers, friends! Every kindergarten employee always faces the main task of nurturing the best human qualities in a growing person. After many years of communicating with you and observing the results of your work, we can confidently say that you are doing an excellent job with your mission. Thank you very much for this!

Preschool age is the most important age in a child’s life. At this age, health is laid and the foundations of a future personality are formed. A prosperous childhood and the future fate of each child depends on the wisdom of teachers, their patience, and attention to the child’s inner world. With the help of their teachers, preschool children learn to love and take care of their family, make friends, learn the secrets of the world around them... From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you, teachers, for generously sharing your knowledge and skills with children, and for being fully their teachers , guides to the big world in which they will live.

Dear friends! We all come from childhood... Everything that is in our children and in ourselves, we got from there, from distant childhood. And we all raise some kind of children: some of our own, some of strangers... But there are people for whom education is a calling. And these are not people who have a diploma of appropriate education... these are people who have enormous patience, boundless talent and a deep understanding of children.

We really want, dear teachers, that the potential that is in you never runs out, just as a spring never runs out. So that your little pupils can always, by looking into this source, receive the most important thing - love, care, fidelity.

The most loyal admirers of your talent are your little pupils and we, their parents. Children respond to you with the same boundless love that you give them. And we, parents, have found allies in you, whose experience we can rely on, whose professional opinion we can trust.

Beloved teachers, may the light that you carry with dignity and give to our children forever preserve warmth, comfort and happiness in this world.

Dear and beloved kindergarten employees! Throughout a person’s life, the seeds that you sowed grow and develop in him. Thank you for sowing only seeds of goodness, care, responsibility, sincerity, tenderness and friendship on this fertile soil. We sincerely wish you new pedagogical victories, longevity and material well-being.

Dear kindergarten employees! You all, without exception, have become our second family! So much is required of you:

  • replace children with their parents while they (adults) are at work;
  • be professional and sensitive with both children and parents;
  • be healthy, active, energetic and alert;
  • organize and design an environment for the development of children;
  • maintain a healthy climate and warm atmosphere in the institution;
  • comply with the requirements of the administration, WHO, and regulatory authorities;
  • successfully communicate with each other and create a strong team of professionals.

And with all this, you need to pay attention to your own family... This is a colossal daily work and people who manage to do all this cannot but admire. Thank you for existing and for the fact that children from a very young age are lucky to communicate with people like you. Because only you can teach everything that is best in a person.

Let only grateful students and their parents meet in your life. Let your work bring you only benefit, health, joy and replenish your vitality.

Thank you, our dears, all the kindergarten staff!

We are happy that we spent the last few years with you. We are very lucky to have helpers like you in raising our children. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts:

  • for not letting our children be lazy and for not letting them suffer;
  • for wiping away our kids’ tears and snot;
  • for not giving any concessions and forcing me to think and work;
  • for preventing them from freezing and overheating;
  • for not allowing us to become ignorant, ill-mannered and uncultured;
  • for not hiding their experience and pedagogical wisdom from us, parents;
  • for not allowing children to become withdrawn and closed “loners”, attracting them to interact with the group;
  • for the fact that not a single one of the guys left you without friends;
  • for this reason, you have not ignored or left a single bad deed without reproach;
  • for the fact that you didn’t let any of the guys go without valuable life experience, without the skills of drawing, singing, modeling, dancing... you can’t list everything that they now have in stock for subsequent development.

Huge gratitude for all the brightest, most genuine, truthful and kind things that you have invested in our children, and the main thing is that not one of us leaves your garden with an empty soul, an empty heart and empty eyes. All of us, with your help, take away from this kingdom of childhood many happy memories that will warm us for the rest of our lives. We really hope that you are not left with nothing. May your life be full of joy and love, laughter and kindness. Well, you already have our eternal gratitude.

Our precious employees of our beloved garden!

Today you are sending another batch of new graduates into the big world... We congratulate you on the completion of the next educational and developmental process and the beginning of a new one. Please accept my deep gratitude for all the good you have done. For all that we will forever keep in our hearts and in our memory. Thank you for being always there all these years and helping us grow, gain new knowledge, skills and abilities. Everything received here will remain forever in us and our children and, therefore, we will never be able to forget you.

We are sorry that the preschool years flew by so quickly. I don’t want to part with such talented teachers who have become family and friends to us. We believe that your students will subsequently become your pride and glorify you and your educational institution. We wish you the realization of new creative ideas, inspiration in life and work, good health, happiness and stable prosperity.

The texts on this page are written in a special way. You can shorten or lengthen each of them (turning it into a full-fledged solemn speech) without losing meaning.

  • To shorten the text you like, leave only the first and last sentences. Next, select 1-2 points from the bulleted list (take them from texts that have such a list) and insert them between the initial and final phrases. You will receive your own unique text (shortened version).
  • If you need to express gratitude in just one phrase, then do the following: say the words “Thank you for...” and then say a phrase from any bulleted list on the page. This will briefly express your appreciation for something specific that you appreciate most about the teacher (or preschool).
  • To increase the volume of the text you like and make it a full-length ceremonial speech, add any points from any texts with bulleted lists to it (keeping its initial part unchanged). In the final part of such text, you can insert any last sentence taken from any text on the page.
  • The thank you speeches given on the page are just an example; they can be used in the form in which they are, but you can also transform and modify them to your liking (the above are ways to do this). All these texts are easy to convert. To do this, “play” with phrases, rearranging them, moving sentences from one text to another.
  • All these texts are universal and suitable for any event in kindergarten. If you definitely want to indicate in honor of what event you are pronouncing these heartfelt words, then in one of the first sentences of the text used, simply insert words of congratulations (on the graduation of students or on a professional holiday, on the birthday of a preschool employee, on the anniversary of a preschool institution, etc.). d.).
  • Remember: to make words touching, memorable, and speech bright, it is not enough to simply fulfill the formality of uttering beautiful phrases. Intonation and inner attitude towards those present also matter... Even better, sincerely feel real gratitude for the people to whom you address your words. Color your speech with lively emotions, facial expressions, gestures, and your words will be able to truly touch the soul of those present.

Today we have selected beautiful, funny poems about kindergarten employees: teachers, head teacher, nanny, cooks and other important people from grateful parents.

Your children received a lot of warmth and care during their stay in the kindergarten from its staff. Remember when you were children yourself. I think you still remember with nostalgia delicious casseroles and cutlets, fun games, interesting creative competitions.

Find your old childhood photos and show them to your children. Surely they will be very interested to see how their mothers and fathers were little. It will also be valuable for them to hear about your teachers, what funny and instructive stories happened to you in kindergarten.

The children already have school ahead of them, new friends, their own worries and their first teachers. But the foundations of personality were laid right here, in kindergarten. Over time, the faces of the teachers will be erased from memory, but a feeling of warmth in the heart will always flare up when thinking about these wonderful years.

Therefore, it is so important to say your words of respect and respect to these good people. And it seems to us that kindergarten employees deserve to hear poetry in gratitude for their work.

Poems for kindergarten graduation 2015

Our kids are a year older now
And he dreams of entering first grade as soon as possible,
Why are our teachers sad?
And tears fall from gentle eyes?

The treasured door has opened for the children,
They will all fly out like chicks from a nest.
You gave them all your good heart,
Sparing no effort and effort for them.

Children were given tenderness and generous caresses,
They shielded us from trouble, loving with all our hearts,
You read them fairy tales about the victory of good,
To live it with hope and faith in yourself.

The children lost their socks and tights somewhere,
We were angry with you because of such little things,
But even with us you were calm and meek,
Doing my holy work.

Graduation will fly by, hiding behind bouquets,
The children will scatter from their groups to their homes.
We bow to all teachers at the waist,
And nurses, nannies and cooks!

Don’t be sad, dear ones, and wipe away your tears,
After all, not only the kindergarten is proud of you!
Please accept our huge thank you
Because you loved our guys!

You lit children's hearts with love,
Praise and honor to you for your children's happiness!
Your work is like the tributaries of a river,

A short poem for educators from parents

Thank you for the kids
From grandmothers, fathers and mothers.
We appreciate your hard work.
Decades will pass
But we will remember that
That our children had a home,
Which was good.
In which you want more.

You have had hard work -
He requires a lot of attention (patience),
After all, everyone understands for themselves,
What does it mean to educate children?

While the working day dragged on -
You replaced the children's mother.
And today everyone wants
Thank you for everything!

Did you teach the guys how to write letters?
How can you tell the time using a clock?
Add three and eight and subtract four.
And you talked about the stars and the world.

Have you read fairy tales where there are elves and fairies.
You taught your children to believe in their dreams.
We want to say thank you today.
After all, every child was loved by you.

Thank you, bow to the ground,
Accept from all parents,
And also carefully, lovingly,
Teach your other children.

Bow for your golden hands,
For your faithful hearts.
After all, you worked, dear ones,
Not for the sake of a nice word.

Poems of gratitude to all employees from moms and dads

Teachers and nannies,
To the nurse and cooks,
Methodologist and caretaker
We say: thank you!
For warmth, smiles, joy,
Everything you tried to give us
Every day coming here -
Be happy always!
To our laundresses, watchmen
We say: thank you!
And our manager -
Thanks to all children!
Every day with your care
This kindergarten is only more beautiful
This kindergarten is getting brighter!

Maybe silence is golden
But how can we remain silent now?!
Our cheerful guys
Absolutely delighted with you!

They are growing up little by little -
Look - they will reach the crown!
They will forever preserve everything that
You gave it to them until the end!

Your hearts, souls and nerves,
Bottomless supply of talent!
Although children only go to the first one,
For them, you are always top class!

Manager and security,
And to nannies, janitors - everyone:
"Thank you for your calling
Fidgets are funny to love!”

We wish you love and happiness!
Great ideas and salaries!
The entire future is in your power!
Long live our kindergarten!

How quickly the years have flown by.
We didn't have time to look back,
It's time for the kids to go to first grade.
Today is the last time
We brought the children to kindergarten.
They brought flowers, sweets...
May, the long-awaited graduation!
Well, dear teacher,
The hour of parting is near,
And your parents have for you,
Until the bell rang
There are a couple of warm lines

Poem for a teacher from parents

Maybe we just got used to it,
But you can't help but see it,
What do teachers usually do?
Tired eyes in the evening...
We know what it is
Children are a restless swarm!
You won’t find peace here with just one,
And not with such a crowd.
This one is funny, and this one looks askance,
There the fighter is already starting a fight...
What about questions? Thousands of questions...
And everyone requires an answer.
How much affection and care is needed,
Hear everyone, understand everyone...
Grateful and hard work
Constantly replacing mom...
Mom is not worried at work...
Children's voices are cheerful...
After all, they always watch the kids
Kind tired eyes.
The day is over... Not all songs are sung.
Children don't have trouble sleeping...
So take a bow from the entire planet,
For the children, take our bow!!!

Poem for the teacher

The teacher has a job -
This is such a concern!
We need to wipe the snot,
Songs to sing and dance.

Comb, kiss,
Feed and rock.
He laughs, he cries,
This one chases everyone with a stick.

Try and follow
Keep everyone safe.

It’s so difficult with just one,
And you can’t even count them.
How many eyes do you need?
And yes, there are definitely six hands.

We are calm for the children
For your pencils.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart
And bow to you to the ground!

We want words of recognition
Tell the teachers.
For hard work, for effort,
Give you all your due.
You taught our children
Don't feel sorry for yourself.
They put their heart and soul into them,
They instructed them lovingly.
They were surrounded by care.
They were like their own mother.
For great work
We want to wish you
To make all your dreams come true,
There was enough time for everything
Good health to you,
So that the soul does not get tired.
Never be discouraged
Interesting guys,
And, of course, wish
A decent salary for everyone!

Graduation poems for kindergarten staff from parents

You accepted our children as babies,
Who still speak poorly.
They diligently eat themselves with spoons,
But they don’t want to get dressed yet...

Teaching children diligently to order,
We have to explain a lot to them:
And how to wash and do exercises,
Go to the potty and fall asleep at night.

They need to wipe away their tears and snot,
Distract, calm, understand, regret.
Learn how to move together to music,
Sculpt, draw and sing a little!

And mothers calmly go to work,
We know that the kids are in good hands.
For your love and for your care,
We are grateful for your work from the bottom of our hearts!

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At graduation in kindergarten, both parents and children say touching and tender words of gratitude to the teacher. Beautiful, heartfelt lines filled with the best emotions and pleasant, good wishes are suitable for such an occasion. We have collected the most successful options in poetry and prose, which are appropriate to say at a festive matinee. Draw inspiration from our ideas, choose the best text and thank the teachers for their generosity, endurance and patience with which they treat their mischievous, hooligan and restless pupils.

Beautiful and kind words of gratitude to the kindergarten teacher for graduation in verse

In honor of graduation, all sorts of festive events are held in kindergarten, at which parents and children say beautiful, gentle, touching and kind words to teachers and nannies. The staff of the preschool institution is warmly thanked for the patience, attention and care shown to the kids, and they promise to always remember this. Pleasant words are put into a harmonious poetic form and recited aloud during festive matinees. The rhymed lines are complemented with the most sincere and warm wishes for prosperity, health, happiness and, of course, endurance, which will help you easily endure all the cute pranks committed every day by little, carefree tomboys. Such wonderful words penetrate into the very heart of educators and evoke a whole storm of positive emotions. After all, it is always pleasant and flattering for every person to know how highly others value his professional work.

Thank you, teachers,
For affection and love,
For work and charm,
For many kind words.

For wiped noses,
Wiped away tears
For fairy tales and walks,
Exercises and warm-ups.

Happy graduation today
Let's congratulate and be sad,
And in the fall with a briefcase
Let's go to first grade.

We wish you inspiration
And strength to create.
We wish new children
Give your warmth.

You raised them like family,
They were given care and affection.
Parents to you every moment
They said thank you for them.

But now the kids have grown up,
We have already stepped into the school yard.
Let them remember forever:
You loved them very much.

And we wish you happiness,
Huge, bright, pure love,
Good health on your journey,
Support from family and friends.

Dear teachers,
Our mothers are second,
Your chicks now
Move to first grade.

We congratulate you on this,
We appreciate and respect you very much.
Let your pupils
They will be able to make our world more beautiful.

Thank you for your work,
For kindness, warmth, care
From the bottom of our hearts we want to say,
Wish you happiness in life!

Kind words of gratitude to the kindergarten teacher at graduation in prose

Parents say the kindest, most reverent and tender words to a kindergarten teacher on graduation day. They thank the mentor for the patience and restraint with which he treats the children and promise never to forget about the one who taught their dear children to distinguish between what is “good” and what is “bad”, instilled the foundations of such concepts as friendship and mutual assistance , and introduced me to the world around me.

Sublime phrases of gratitude are usually pronounced in prose, at the same time supplementing them with the most touching, kind and pleasant wishes. There are no strict rules or requirements for the text here. You can just go on stage and say everything that is in your heart. Any compliments and beautiful turns of phrase with a large number of adjectives will be appropriate, describing in the brightest, richest colors the feelings of parents towards people who have carefully cared for their children for many years. The main thing is to pronounce all words sincerely and from a pure heart. Then they will penetrate into the soul and remain in the teachers’ memory for a long time.

We would like to thank the teachers for their work, dedication, attention and love for our children, who today have their first graduation in their lives. We wish you to continue to enjoy your work. Wishing you obedient students and bright days, joyful and amazing events, high salaries and patience!

On the day our children graduate from kindergarten, we must say a big thank you to the wonderful teachers. Dear and respected, always remain as kind, sweet, understanding, sincere, caring and radiant. We wish you great success, joyful work and good health.

Dear educators, today you say “Goodbye” to our children. And we thank you for making the children feel like they were at home in the garden. We wish you health, good luck, creative and professional success. Let your new students be as glorious as today's graduates!

Beautiful, heartfelt words of gratitude to the kindergarten teacher at graduation from the children

At a matinee dedicated to graduation in kindergarten, children are sure to say beautiful, heartfelt words to their favorite teachers. In their sincere and tender address, boys and girls remember the best moments of their kindergarten lives and thank their mentors for always being there, coming to the rescue in difficult times, telling them how to do the right thing in a given situation and kindly scolding them. pupils for restlessness and a tendency to play pranks.

To make the thank you speech sound especially bright and impressive, it is presented in the form of an original number in which the whole group participates. An initiative team of several parents selects poems of appropriate content for the kids in advance. Children memorize them, and then at a certain moment at the matinee they recite them aloud to beautiful musical accompaniment, dance or costume performance. Such a performance makes the most pleasant, joyful impression on the teachers and remains in the memory of all those present and direct participants for a long time.

To the teacher today
Let's all say thank you.
Without your smile it would be
Sad and depressing.

Thankful for your concern
Every bright, warm moment.
Your work is significant, very important,
He is exalted and great.

A teacher is not a job,
And the soul's calling.
Get involved in important matters
Laurels and recognition.

Thank you for your efforts,
For warmth and kindness,
For love and understanding,
Hearts sensitivity, breadth.

With our teacher
Calm and warm.
With our teacher
We are very lucky:
There is no kinder character
And there is no more generous soul.
Happiness and joy to you
Kids wish!

Words of gratitude to the kindergarten teacher at graduation from parents - examples of texts in poetry and prose

For a festive event in honor of graduation in kindergarten, parents should prepare heartfelt, reverent and tender words of gratitude for teachers. Beautiful, optimistic texts in prose or inspired, touching couplets in poetry would sound equally appropriate at a matinee. The main thing is that the words sound positive and fully reflect all the feelings that mothers and fathers experience when celebrating the first graduation in the life of their dear kids.

You can supplement your festive speech with sincere and kind wishes for patience, endurance, health, happiness, creative and professional success, prosperity and material wealth. These simple words, although not very original, are always received favorably and evoke pleasant, warm emotions. At such a moment, educators clearly realize how important their work is and how highly the parents of their little charges value their work.

Words of gratitude in prose from parents to teachers

Dear our teachers! Every day when our children returned home from kindergarten, we saw joy in their eyes. We saw how happy they were to spend another day at their favorite kindergarten. Everyone in the kindergarten was a great happiness for all the children. After all, for the years they spent in it. The kindergarten became a home for them. A home where fun, laughter and entertainment are always waiting for them. A home where friends and beloved teachers await them.
Today is graduation. Today you and we say goodbye to each other. We will no longer return to kindergarten with our children. But we will never forget what you did for us, did for our children. Everything our children can do is thanks to you and your care for them.
Thank you again and may everything go well for you. After all, you are doing the most important work in the world!

Today is the saddest day of our lives. After all, today we are separating our children from you - from their teachers. We would so much like to leave them with you again, but we can’t - school and adult life lie ahead.
During the years that our children spent in kindergarten, they learned a lot. The years that passed in kindergarten are the happiest years for our children. Every day is a new discovery. Every day is like a holiday. Every day these are friends and educators.
Thank you, our dear teachers. Thank you for your work, work that cannot be assessed. After all, everything you do, you do for the whole society, for our whole country!

The day has come - our children's graduation. We waited for it for a long time, prepared for it and were worried. And now it has come. How do we feel? We are sad. It's sad that we are leaving kindergarten. But we are even sadder that our children are parting with you - with their beloved teachers. Over the years spent in the garden, the children got used to you, they fell in love with you. Every time we came home from kindergarten, our children told us how they spent the day, what they did and what they did. And we understood - they like it in kindergarten, they like it with you - with their favorite teachers.
Today we say thank you for our children. You have done so much for them that it is simply impossible to measure it. You did something for them that they have not yet appreciated. You gave them a start in their future life, you prepared a strong foundation for their life.
Thanks to your work, we don’t have to worry about our children. We know that everything will be fine for them.
Thank you, our teachers. Thank you for your work and for every day that you gave to our kids!

Words of gratitude from parents to teachers at graduation in verse

Thank you for your understanding,
Patience, care and attention.
You help the development of children,
May they become kinder and smarter!

We wish you health, long life,
We also wish you personal victories!
Our children will grow up, then
We will definitely bring our grandchildren to you!

Thank you for your warmth and kindness,
For raising our children,
For giving them love,
What knowledge did you give them!

We wish you health and goodness,
May you live in abundance and love.
So that you always smile joyfully,
May you never be sad at all!

Our children are growing up quickly
Sometimes you can’t keep up with them,
But you are always responsible for them,
Give them good advice.

We hand over chickens in the mornings,
Which give you trouble.
And in the evening we take the preschool children away,
Who both write and count.

And how do you still manage to
Raise our children?
All that remains is to say thank you,
And convey my gratitude!

Original gratitude to teachers for graduation in kindergarten - video clip

This video clip shows a very original and effective version of gratitude for teachers at a graduation party in kindergarten. The mothers approached the issue creatively and prepared for the teaching staff not just a speech with beautiful words and pleasant wishes, but a whole mini-concert of funny ditties describing all the most important aspects of the life of a preschool institution. In the couplets, kind words were mentioned not only to the teachers, but also to the manager, nannies and all other workers who daily make sure that the children feel comfortable and cozy. Such an extraordinary number became a real surprise at the holiday and caused a storm of admiration and long, prolonged applause.