A powerful immunostimulant. Immunostimulating drugs for children.

The state of immune deficiency in many children requires, as a rule, correction with specially selected drugs.

However, before starting treatment with immunostimulating drugs, it is first necessary to determine the presence of immunodeficiency in the child's body, for which you need to contact a pediatrician.

Let's decide when it makes sense to talk about problems with immunity in a child:
a) if your child gets sick more than six times in a year,
b) if the course of any infectious diseases in a baby is very severe with various complications,
c) if the baby’s body reacts poorly enough to the treatment being carried out, and the disease itself lasts too long,
d) if no traditional methods of increasing immunity, such as hardening, taking multivitamin complexes, nutrition correction, as well as various folk remedies practically do not help.

So, you have shown the child to the doctor. After conducting all the necessary tests, the doctor will determine what to do next. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe an immunogram to determine the immune status, as well as a number of additional tests. And only on the basis of all the data, your child will be prescribed the appropriate immunocorrective treatment for him.

The dosage of all immunostimulating drugs should be strictly observed according to the age and treatment regimen prescribed by the doctor.

Immunostimulating drugs for children (as well as for adults) are divided into the following groups.

1. Herbal preparations to increase immunity(they are available without a prescription)

A preparation that contains the herb Echinacea purpurea. It is most often used as a prophylactic for influenza and colds. The greatest effect is observed in infectious uncomplicated diseases and with a predisposition to constant colds to increase immunity.

It should be taken orally, diluted with a little water. For adults and children (from 12 years old) - 20 drops 3 times a day are enough. In this case, an initial dose of up to 40 drops is allowed. Acute stage of the disease - 20 drops every two hours during the first two days.
Children from one to 6 years - 3 times a day, 5 or 10 drops.
Children from 6 to 12 years old - 10 or 15 drops 3 times a day.

Tablets are washed down with water (for small children, tablets can be crushed and mixed with a small amount of water, juice or tea).
Adults, as well as adolescents from 12 years old - 3 or 4 times a day, one tablet.
Children from 6 to 12 - one tablet 1-3 times a day.
For children from 4 to 6 years old, one tablet once twice a day.
The duration of the course is from one week, but not more than 8 weeks.

Echinacea is also part of the following medicines:
1 ) tincture of Echinacea Dr. Theiss,
2 ) domestically produced echinacea tincture.

In addition to the above, the following drugs can be attributed to herbal preparations that have an immunostimulating and adaptogenic effect.

Eleutherococcus extract
Dosage: adults 2 or 3 times 20-40 drops a day, children - twice a day, one drop for each year of a child's life. The drug is taken before meals, inside, preferably in the morning. The course of treatment is from 25 to 30 days.

Ginseng tincture
It is taken 2-3 times daily, 30-50 drops 30 or 40 minutes before meals. The course is 25-30 days.

Chinese lemongrass tincture
It is taken 20-30 drops of tincture dissolved in water (small amount) half an hour before meals 2 or 3 times a day.

2. Preparations for increasing immunity of bacterial origin

These preparations contain enzymes of those bacteria that cause infections such as pneumococcus, staphylococcus, streptococcus, and others. They do not pose a danger, but at the same time they have a fairly strong immunostimulating effect.

It is used as a prophylactic, as well as for the treatment of infectious diseases that recur quite often. These are various sinusitis and rhinitis, otitis and tonsillitis, as well as some other diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Available as tablets or granules for the preparation of solutions. It is prescribed from the age of six months.

This is a remedy for the prevention and treatment of various infections of the upper respiratory tract, recurring very often. These are rhinitis, bronchitis, sinusitis, etc. Available in the form of capsules of 3, 5 and 7 mg. Quite often assigned to children.

It is included in the set of complex therapy in the treatment of secondary immunodeficiencies, which manifest themselves in the form of various sluggish, chronic and recurrent inflammatory and infectious processes, regardless of their localization. Tablets are available in 1 or 10 mg.

This is a topical preparation for inflammatory infectious diseases of the throat, as well as the oral cavity in dentistry and otorhinolaryngology. Available in the form of lozenges. Assign to children from 3 years of age.

For the treatment and further prevention of infectious and inflammatory diseases, both of the respiratory tract and ENT organs: bronchial asthma, rhinitis, tonsillitis, nasopharyngitis, pharyngitis, otitis media, bronchitis, allergic rhinitis, etc. Available as a nasal spray. It is prescribed for children from 3 months of age.

3. Preparations containing nucleic acids that increase immunity

Sodium nucleinate (Derinat)
Regenerative, immunomodulatory, wound healing, reparative agent stimulating hematopoiesis, with the widest spectrum of its action. Available in the form of a solution, both for injection and for external use.

4. Drugs that increase immunity of the interferon group

It can be immediately noted that they achieve the greatest effect in the initial stages of the disease. They do not make sense to use for the prevention of diseases of infectious origin.

The composition of drugs from the group of interferons includes BAS (biologically active substances), which can inhibit and even block the development of many infections.

Leukocyte interferon
In the form of ampoules with a dry solution for the preparation of a ready-made solution.

In the form of rectal suppositories of various dosages and ointments.

Highly effective immunomodulatory, antiviral, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory agent. Available in drops for intranasal use.

Indicators of endogenous interferons stimulate the body to produce its own interferon, which has a pronounced immunostimulating anti-infective effect.

Immunomodulatory and antiviral agent. Available in capsules of 50 and 100 mg. It is prescribed for children from the age of two.

Antiviral immunomodulating agent. Sublingual tablets for children and adults. They can be prescribed to children from one month.

Tablets that stimulate the increase in immunity with a wide range of antiviral activity.

Tablets with immunomodulating action. Has antiviral properties.

5. Thymus or thymus preparations

Used for active immunotherapy. They are prescribed only by a doctor: thymalin, taktivin, vilozen, thymomulin, and some others.

6. Various biogenic stimulants: aloe in ampoules, Kalanchoe juice, fibs and others.

7. Non-specific stimulants(of mixed or synthetic origin): vitamins, leucogen, pentoxyl, etc.

They are coenzymes of numerous biochemical reactions occurring in our body. Provide stimulation of immunity and significantly increase the overall reactivity in the body.

They are used as immunostimulating drugs for children and adults. Treatment with such drugs is carried out only under the supervision of a physician.

Strong immunity to you and your children!

Pharmachologic effect: Immunostimulating agent, has a regulatory effect on the reactions of cellular, humoral immunity and nonspecific resistance of the body, stimulates regeneration processes in case of their inhibition; improves the course of cellular metabolic processes...

Indications: Complex therapy of acute and chronic infectious and inflammatory diseases, accompanied by a decrease in cellular immunity. Prevention of infectious complications, suppression of immunity, hematopoiesis, regeneration processes in post-traumatic...

Pharmachologic effect: Immunomodulator. Stimulates the proliferation and differentiation of T-lymphocytes, inhibits the formation of reagins, as well as the development of immediate hypersensitivity.

Indications: Allergic diseases of the upper respiratory tract (hay fever, infectious-allergic rhinosinusitis).

Pharmachologic effect: Biostimulant of natural origin. It has a complex corrective effect on the body's nonspecific resistance system, increases its resistance to viral and bacterial infections, and normalizes liver function.

Indications: Viral (influenza, SARS, herpes simplex, etc.) and bacterial infections. Diseases that cause liver dysfunction; prevention of drug hepatotoxicity.

Pharmachologic effect: It has anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory properties. Reversibly (for 6-8 hours) suppresses the hyperreactivity of macrophages, reduces the synthesis of TNF and some proteins of "acute" inflammation responsible for the development of toxic and diarrheal syndrome. Increases...

Indications: Inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (acute and chronic), accompanied by intoxication and / or diarrhea; chronic recurrent furunculosis, chronic recurrent herpetic infection, postoperative purulent-inflammatory complications.

Pharmachologic effect: Immunostimulating agent, has an antiviral effect. Stimulates the production of alpha and beta interferons, mobilizes and activates macrophages, inhibits the production of inflammatory cytokines (interleukin1, interleukin6, interleukin8 and TNF), stimulates...

Indications: Correction of immunodeficiency (including with HIV infection), increased immune protection against infections. Treatment and prevention of opportunistic infections caused by bacteria, viruses or fungi. Treatment and prevention of candidiasis of the mucous membranes and skin (including ...

Pharmachologic effect: The plant biogenic stimulant has an immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory effect, stimulates bone marrow hematopoiesis, resulting in an increase in the number of leukocytes and RES cells of the spleen. Activates predominantly cellular immunity...

Indications: Immunodeficiency states (including against the background of mental and physical overwork), manifested by acute infectious diseases: "colds" diseases, influenza, infectious and inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx and oral cavity, recurrent and ... website 2008 - 2017 The materials of the site are provided solely for informational purposes of doctors and medical professionals. The information on this site may only be used by healthcare professionals and should not be used by patients to make drug decisions. This information cannot be considered as a recommendation to patients for the diagnosis and treatment of any diseases and cannot be a substitute for consultation with a doctor. Nothing in this information should be construed as an invitation to non-specialists to independently purchase or use the products described.

Toddlers are not well developed. Therefore, it is not always able to resist a variety of virus attacks. Doctors recommend parents of such crumbs to maintain and strengthen immunity. Much attention is paid to hardening, sports. In addition, the child should eat food containing all the vitamins and minerals necessary for his growth and development. For some children, these measures are not enough. In such cases, the doctor may prescribe immunostimulating agents.

What are they needed for?

If the baby is sick for a long time and often, any diseases are quite difficult, there is reason to think about means that increase immunity. General measures are used to improve the body's resistance to various infections. Sometimes doctors recommend taking immunostimulating drugs.

General measures include:

  • hardening (it can be started from 3-4 years old);
  • multivitamin preparations (such complexes are recommended by a pediatrician).

Only a doctor should prescribe. He examines the baby completely. Carefully examine all records of the child's illnesses. And only if the baby's immunodeficiency is confirmed, appropriate drugs will be prescribed to him. In a different situation, the doctor will advise resorting to general measures.

Immunostimulating agents for children help to increase the activity of the body's own defenses. They improve resistance to disease and infection.

Classification of drugs

There are the following types of immunostimulating drugs that are used for children:

  • interferons ("Grippferon", "Viferon");
  • interferon inducers ("Amiksin", "Arbidol", "Cycloferon");
  • preparations from the thymus gland ("Timemomulin", "Vilozen");
  • herbal medicines ("Echinacea", "Immunal");
  • bacterial agents ("Ribomunil", "IRS-19", "Imudon").

Parents should remember that such drugs must be used very carefully. Improper or prolonged use of them can seriously undermine the defenses of the child's body.

When is it necessary to take drugs?

It is reliably known that in all inflammatory reactions, immunity plays a decisive role in the course of the pathology. A strong body quickly copes with any disease.

It is almost impossible to protect a child from viruses. Therefore, SARS is the most common childhood disease. However, some babies get sick for a very long time. Others suffer colds almost imperceptibly and painlessly. It is in such cases that it is determined whether the child's immunity is weak or strong. However, do not forget that only a doctor can confirm the soreness of a child.

Physicians prescribe immunostimulating agents in the following cases:

  1. The child often has recurrent viral, bacterial, or fungal infections. They do not respond well to conventional treatments.
  2. The kid had colds more than 6 times a year.
  3. Infectious pathologies are very difficult. Often there are a number of complications.
  4. Any disease is delayed for a long time. The body responds very poorly to treatment.
  5. Generally accepted measures do not provide a positive result.
  6. During the diagnosis, immunodeficiency was revealed.

It is very important to understand that immunostimulating drugs are not a panacea for any ailments. These are medicines that have contraindications that can cause unwanted reactions.

Effective drugs

If the crumbs have noticed at least a few of the above symptoms, it is necessary to consult a doctor. After examining the baby and confirming the presence of immunodeficiency, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate medications. They will increase the protective properties of the child's body.

Doctors give a whole list of immunostimulating drugs that can be prescribed to children:

  • "Immunal";
  • "Echinacea";
  • Chinese;
  • "Imudon";
  • "Ribomunil";
  • "Likopid";
  • "Derinat";
  • "Amixin";
  • "Irs-19";
  • "Arbidol";
  • interferons: "Viferon", "Grippferon", "Cycloferon";
  • "Vilozen";
  • "Timemomulin";
  • "Isoprinosine";
  • "Broncho-munal";
  • "Pentoxyl".

Special precautions

Any of these medicines perfectly strengthens immune system. However, it must be used with extreme caution. In the case of prolonged use of such drugs, they can be harmful. Indeed, under their action, the body is seriously weakened.

It is important to understand that immunostimulating agents will only be beneficial if the dosage and the regimen for using the medication were correctly prescribed to the small patient. Consider the most popular.

The drug "Arpeflu"

This is a drug that belongs to the group of immunostimulants and is intended for the prevention and treatment of diseases caused by the influenza virus. The drug "Arpeflu", the price of which is quite low, has an excellent antiviral effect. In addition, it stimulates protective reactions and promotes the production of interferon. As a result of such exposure, the body can fight even those viruses that have already invaded the cells of the mucous membranes. It helps to shorten the duration of the disease, reduces the duration of the pathology.

Indications for the use of the drug "Arpeflu" are:

  • colds caused by influenza viruses;
  • prevention of SARS;
  • immunodeficiency states;
  • chronic bronchitis (in complex therapy);
  • prevention of complications after surgery.

Do not use this remedy in case of individual hypersensitivity to it. The drug is contraindicated in children under 3 years of age. Pregnant and lactating women can use the drug, but need an individual approach and prescription.

Side effects are very rare. These may be allergic reactions:

  • hives;
  • swelling.

In most cases, the drug "Arpeflu" is well tolerated by patients.

The price of this tool is about 56 rubles.

echinacea tincture

The herbal preparation is classified as a good immunostimulant. It perfectly strengthens the defenses, suppresses the activity of herpes and influenza viruses. Able to protect against many pathogenic bacteria.

Echinacea is shown (the price of the tincture is quite acceptable) for the treatment and prevention of viral, colds, bacterial pathologies of various etiologies. It is appropriate to prescribe such a drug in case of immunodeficiency states. Sometimes it is recommended for children after regular physical exertion in order to strengthen the body.

Contraindications to taking this setting are:

  • pregnancy;
  • age up to 7 years;
  • lactation period;
  • autoimmune pathologies;
  • diseases of the liver, kidneys;
  • allergic reactions.

The drug is easily tolerated by almost any organism. Side effects were observed only in isolated cases. Among the manifestations were:

  • chills;
  • symptoms of dyspepsia;
  • allergic reactions on the skin.

Reception of tincture does not require the refusal of transport control. Since echinacea does not affect the concentration of attention.

The price of tincture is approximately 157 rubles.

Medicine "Viferon"

This is an excellent immunostimulating drug with antiviral effects. The medicine is produced in 3 forms:

  • candles;
  • ointment;
  • gel.

The drug "Viferon" is used for children in the form of rectal suppositories. Due to this, the drug has no negative effects and causes very few side effects.

This remedy is prescribed for the following infections in complex therapy:

  • SARS;
  • flu;
  • bacterial uncomplicated pathologies;
  • herpes;
  • sepsis;
  • meningitis;
  • chronic viral hepatitis.

The medicine "Viferon" can be used for children from birth. This drug is suitable even for premature babies.

The only contraindication to the use of the drug is individual sensitivity to this drug.

Among the side effects can sometimes occur itching, skin rash. Such reactions are extremely rare and are reversible.

The price of the medicine varies from 230 rubles to 450.

The drug "Arbidol"

This medicine is an excellent antiviral immunostimulating agent. The drug is produced only in the form of tablets.

The tool is intended for the treatment and prevention of the following pathologies:

  • influenza, SARS;
  • cold complicated by pneumonia, bronchitis;
  • immunodeficiency states;
  • herpetic infection;
  • Chronical bronchitis.

The drug is contraindicated for use in such cases:

  • hypersensitivity to the agent;
  • cardiovascular pathologies;
  • ailments of the liver, kidneys;
  • age up to 3 years.

Often, therapy with the drug "Arbidol" is very well tolerated by the body. Tablets rarely provoke any side effects. Sometimes allergic reactions can occur. But, as a rule, they are observed in isolated cases.

It is undesirable to take this remedy during pregnancy. Such a drug can only be prescribed by the attending physician after the ratio of the predicted benefit and the risk of developing pathologies in the fetus.

The price of this tool is an average of 164 rubles.

Medicine "Immunal"

This is an excellent tool with anti-inflammatory, antiviral, immunostimulating properties. The main component of the drug is echinacea. Quite often, the drug "Immunal" is prescribed for children.

  • stimulation of immunity in influenza, SARS, herpes;
  • frequent colds as a result of weakened immunity;
  • intoxication of various origins;
  • psycho-emotional overload;
  • prevention of acute respiratory viral infections, influenza during epidemics;
  • complex therapy of bronchitis, pyelonephritis, arthritis.

The drug is prohibited for admission in pathologies accompanied by impaired immunity:

  • autoimmune diseases of the bronchopulmonary system, joints;
  • tuberculosis;
  • leukemia;
  • AIDS.

The medicine is not prescribed for crumbs up to one year.

You can buy the drug in almost any pharmacy. The cost of this tool varies from 225 to 295 rubles.

The child's immune system is always exposed to many blows from the external environment. This all happens due to the presence of an immune deficiency. Naturally, such a state requires immediate change. good helpers in this case are specific preparations. But before starting treatment with immunostimulating agents, you first need to make sure that there is a deficiency. For these purposes, see a doctor.

You can talk about a child’s poor immunity if he gets sick more than six times a year, if any infection in a child causes severe complications, if the body reacts poorly to treatment, the disease itself takes a long time, in case of powerlessness to improve immunity by traditional methods, for example, hardening, complexes vitamins, improved diet.

First of all, you should show your child to the doctor. He will conduct various general analyzes, collect preliminary information and prescribe a treatment method. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe an immunogram to remove the immunity status and a number of additional tests. After passing all the procedures, the child will receive corrective treatment for immunity.

It is extremely important not to overdo it with the dosage of immunostimulating agents, focusing on the age and treatment regimen set by the doctor. The following groups of such medicines can be distinguished:

Preparations for improving immunity of plant origin

Immunal- This is a remedy containing echinacea. Often it is used to prevent influenza and other colds. The most persistent effect is observed during infectious diseases without complications, and the remedy is also useful if the child has a predisposition to colds. You need to take this remedy inside, while diluting it with some water.

If the child is over twelve years old, then he should take twenty drops three times a day. You can start with the first dose of forty drops. In the case of diagnosing the acute stage of the disease, take twenty drops every two hours for the first two days of the disease. For children aged one to six years, a dose of five or ten drops three times a day is recommended. Children from six to twelve years old should be taken orally ten, fifteen drops three times a day.

Medicines are drunk with water. If the child is very small, then it will be useful for him to crush the tablet before use. Adolescents from twelve years of age require one tablet three or four times a day. Children from six to twelve years old can take one tablet one to three times a day. For children four to six years old, one tablet can be taken twice a day. The course of taking this remedy ranges from one week to eight.

Echinacea found in other medicines: Taissa echinacea tincture and echinacea tincture from domestic manufacturers.

In addition to the listed drugs, you can bring others. Eleutherococcus extract - the dosage in this case, children rely on one drop per day for each year of the child's age. The medicine should be taken before meals, it is better if it is in the morning. The course of treatment is in the range of twenty-five to thirty days.

Ginseng tincture taken three times a day forty drops. The course of treatment is in the range of twenty-five to thirty days.

Chinese lemongrass tincture used thirty drops a day with water, every half an hour before meals, three times a day.

Medicines to improve immunity of the bacterial type

These are medicines with bacterial enzymes that provoke infectious diseases such as pneumococcus, streptococcus and the like. These bacteria are safe, while they have a great incentive to increase immunity.

Ribomunil used as a prevention and treatment of infections that have a frequent relapse. Such ailments can be called sinusitis, rhenitis, otitis, tonsillitis and other ailments of the respiratory organs. The manufacturer produces the medicine in the form of tablets and granules. This drug is prescribed to children when they reach six months.

Bronchoimunal used as a prophylaxis and treatment of respiratory tract infections, the recurrence of which occurs quite often. Here you can name rhenitis, bronchitis, sinusitis and the like. The drug is available in capsules. Very often the doctor prescribes it for children.

Likopid- This is a complex therapy for the treatment of relapses of immunodeficiencies that occur in a sluggish, chronic form, regardless of their detection.

Imudon- This is a drug in order to apply it topically for inflammation of the throat and oral cavity. This drug is available in the form of absorbable tablets. The medicine is prescribed for children from three years of age.

Irs-19- This is a drug for the treatment and prevention of inflammation of the infectious type of the respiratory tract. Here we can cite, as an example, bronchial asthma, rhinitis, tonsillitis, nasopharyngitis, pharyngitis, otitis, bronchitis. Produced as a nasal spray. Children are prescribed it from the age of three.

Medicines with nucleic acids that improve immunity

More than a hundred years ago, nucleic acid enjoyed great medical interest. Literature on the ability of nucleic acids to increase the body's resistance to disease had already appeared in 1892. At the same time, she began to be treated for such complex diseases as systemic lupus, tuberculosis, cholera, anthrax, diphtheria, and the like.

Animal drugs include drugs with the names Ferrovir, Polydan, Plantentes-integro, Deoxyant.

This may give the impression that the use of these drugs is extremely harmful to the body. But it's not about relationship at all. These drugs have helped many people for many years. No studies have confirmed the effectiveness of nucleic acids. If you give a child these drugs, then you can significantly improve the reaction of his body against numerous ailments. Thus, by consuming nucleic acids, the child becomes strong and healthy.

Sodium nucleate is a drug that stimulates hematopoiesis. The manufacturer produces it for injection and external use.

Drugs that improve immunity from the interferon group

It should be noted that the best effect is achieved in the initial stages of the disease. It makes no sense to use in the prevention of an infectious type of illness.

Part medicinal product active biological substances are included, they are able to stop and block the progress of infections.

Leukocyte interferon It is produced in the form of ampoules in which the dry matter is located, which is used to prepare the solution.

Viferon produced in the form of suppositories for rectal administration in various doses, ointments are also produced.

Grippferon- This is a very effective antiviral agent, it also helps against germs and inflammation. Here, interferon indicators cause the production of its own interferon to begin. He possesses good level stimulation of the immune system.

Arbidol has long been known as a remedy against viruses and stimulating the immune system. It is produced in the form of capsules of fifty and one hundred milligrams. The medicine is prescribed to children from the age of two.

Anaferon- this is good remedy to stimulate the immune system. Also, it is great for fighting viruses. For children, such a medicine is prescribed from one month of age.

Cycloveron released in tablets, it stimulates an increase in immunity, forcing it to act against viruses.

Amiksin has a stimulating effect on the immune system, also has an antiviral effect.

Thymus or thymus drugs

Such drugs were actively discussed back in 1940. Swedish researcher Alice Sandberg gave the first injection to a seriously ill patient. Thymus gland extracts have a beneficial effect on the entire body. They help fight serious diseases, strengthen the immune system. Many age-related diseases are also treated with thymus extracts. The gland itself is responsible for immunity in the body. Naturally, its extract allows you to tighten the immune system to the optimal level, if it has become reduced.

The extracts themselves are taken from the thymus gland of calves. After its removal, a cooling step follows. This is why thymus medicines can be stored for some time. They are sorted into ampoules. The course of treatment lasts, as a rule, from three to five weeks. If after the course there is no improvement in the state of the body, then a repetition is carried out. It is perfectly normal that when writing a prescription, the doctor proceeds from the individual characteristics of each child's body.

Such drugs are used for active immunotherapy. Only a doctor can prescribe them. Timalin, Taktivin, Vilozen and many others can be cited as an example.

Doctors who use these drugs in their practice are guided mainly by natural treatment. That is why world medicine does not recognize these types of therapy. Therefore, one should be as careful as possible with such methods. Everything they offer you. It should be carefully analyzed, because the health of the child is not a joke.

Biogenic stimulants

Here it can be noted that biogenic stimulants also belong to drugs of natural origin. Such funds increase the vital activity of the body, retain the ability to fight and resist harmful environmental factors. These are substances that are formed under certain conditions in the tissues of animals and plants. If such stimulants are introduced into a person, the immune system will respond to this action by growth.

Undoubtedly, this drug group stimulates the immune system to activity and development, but we should not forget that treatment can be prescribed only after competent consultation with a doctor. After all, only a professional can accurately determine the cause of the child's frequent illnesses and determine the correct procedure for doing so. You should not rely only on folk methods, such as the prevention of various diseases by taking honey inside.

Biogenic stimulants include aloe from ampoules, Kalanchoe juice, fibs, and so on.

Stimulants, non-specific

They come from blends or synthetics. These are drugs such as vitamins with numerous biochemical reactions. This drug group provides the development of immunity and greatly increases the overall reactivity. They are used as immunostimulants. Here you can not do without the supervision of a doctor during treatment.

Vitamins are substances without which the existence of a person may be in question. Most vitamins are not produced by the human body itself, which is why it is possible to solve the problem with their deficiency only through the purchase of special medicines, or by improving the daily diet. However, even the best nutrition will never completely fill the need for data. useful substances. That is why it is so important to get vitamin complexes in your first aid kit.

If your baby began to get sick often, then various tablets and capsules containing vitamins will help him to strengthen his immunity. There are many such medicines on the market. But you can not do without the advice of a doctor. The hour is not even when parents, out of the kindness of their hearts, can overdo it with the dosage, then the child will need to be treated for vitamins. Therefore, no matter how great the temptation to independently purchase a medicine, it is still necessary to consult a therapist.

With the onset of cold weather and the arrival of another influenza epidemic in our country, many begin to think not only about protection against ailments, bacteria and viruses, but also about various means to strengthen the immune system. In order to make the protective properties of the body stronger, both effective folk remedies and new generation immunostimulating drugs are used. Concerning folk recipes, then everything is simple and clear here - they are available to everyone and really work, help the body become stronger. But as for the effectiveness of immunostimulating agents, many have doubts - do they really effectively increase the body's ability to resist diseases, or are such drugs just another trick of marketers? Let's look into this issue.

Basic rules for the use of immunostimulating agents

Of course, the opportunity to improve health and immunity, just by eating a few "magic" pills, attracts many people. It would seem that it could be easier to buy a quality remedy for immunity and take it for a while, according to the instructions. But we forget that this is clearly not enough for immunity! To strengthen the immune system, you need to harden, walk in the fresh air, eat fresh vegetables and fruits, exercise, give up smoking and alcohol. But all of these are difficult to implement methods that require serious efforts. Many people find it much easier to take a pill. However, even effective means for immunity, you need to take it “wisely”, here are the basic rules to remember:

  • It is strictly forbidden to prescribe immunostimulating drugs to oneself, they should be prescribed only by a competent doctor, having studied the patient's state of health. A person who gets sick only two or three times a year, and even then with a common cold, definitely should not take them.
  • Immunostimulating drugs are needed only for those who get sick very often and seriously, and all ailments occur with complications, in a severe form. This is a sign of immunodeficiency, that is, serious disorders of the immune system.
  • The doctor should prescribe immunostimulants only on the basis of the results of special tests. In the beginning, it is usually advised to take moderately effective herbal remedies (tincture of ginseng and eleutherococcus). If they do not take effect, it makes sense to start taking medicines with nucleic acids and compounds of bacterial origin.

Detailed classification of immunostimulating drugs

Immunostimulants traditionally include drugs of different pharmacological groups and biogenic substances, they are heterogeneous in their structure. They are usually classified as follows:

  • polysaccharides - they are yeast (such as zymosan) and gram-negative bacteria (this is pyrogenal and prodigiosan);
  • derivatives of purine and pyramidone;
  • vaccines;
  • interferons;
  • imidazole derivatives (dibazole, decaris);
  • hormonal preparations (thymalin, T-activin, thymusine);
  • vitamins.

The immunostimulant prodigiosan is able to increase the effectiveness of antimicrobial drugs and resistance to infections. Prodigiosan is of bacterial origin. Also, this drug stimulates regenerative processes. It is prescribed for salmonella, hepatitis B, tonsillitis, ulcerative colitis, as well as during radiation therapy. Prodigiosan is administered intramuscularly, sometimes prescribed as an inhalation (for problems with the respiratory system). Possible adverse reactions of the body - fever, it can last three to four hours. This immunostimulant is contraindicated in patients with ischemic heart disease and problems of the central nervous system.

Pyrogenal - it appears in the process of vital activity of special microorganisms, causes a pyrogenic reaction in the body. Pyrogenal is able to improve metabolic processes in tissues, increase tissue permeability. You can take drugs based on it for the same reasons as prodigiosan. In addition to these reasons, it is effective for psoriasis, bronchial asthma, bronchial problems, prostatitis, epididymitis. You should be careful with pyrogenal and preparations with it, because an overdose may cause vomiting, a sharp headache, and the temperature can rise (up to 39 degrees). All these symptoms can torment a person up to ten hours. Preparations with pyrogenal are prohibited for pregnant women, with diseases that are accompanied by fever, diabetes mellitus.

Sodium nucleinate is prescribed quite often. The drug is really able to make the immune system more active. He is able to accelerate wound healing and increase immunity at the cellular level. Means are prescribed in combination with antibiotics, usually with infectious processes that last a long time, ulcerative colitis. In general, they are well tolerated by patients, but they can irritate the digestive tract, cause allergic reactions, sleep disturbances, diarrhea, and nausea.

Interferon is a well-known antiviral agent. In addition, it has a good effect on the functioning of the immune system. It is prescribed for complex infections (hepatitis, for example) and tumors. Interferon almost does not give any side effects, there are almost no contraindications to the use of interferon, therefore it is prescribed even for babies.

Today, the well-known immunostimulating drugs have not lost their effectiveness:

  • methyluracil, pyrogenal, prodigiosan - they well stimulate the body's resistance system;
  • probiotics (bifikol, bifidobacterin, lactobacterin) - they normalize the intestinal microflora, help the body resist infections;
  • herbal immunostimulants (tinctures of ginseng and eleutherococcus, extracts of rhodiola) improve metabolism and the overall state of the body;
  • vitamins (retinol, ascorbic acid) are also able to stimulate the immune system, because they force the body to actively produce antibodies.

Considering all of the above, we can draw the main conclusion - immunostimulants should be taken, but only in serious, critical health situations, and only as prescribed by the doctor. For example, with severe influenza with complications, hepatitis, meningitis. These drugs will only be useful in this case. But self-administration of immunostimulants can not only not help, but also harm - provoke the appearance of autoimmune diseases, make immunity even weaker.

The only calming fact is that almost all drugs for immunity sold in pharmacies cannot seriously harm the body. It makes no sense to spend money in vain, buying supposedly "magic" immunostimulants. It would be much wiser to use traditional, folk remedies that definitely help immunity: garlic, propolis, honey, echinacea, chicory, nettle, ginseng. Another sure way to strengthen the protective properties of the body is to simply start living correctly: play sports, eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, breathe fresh air, get enough sleep, keep calm in any situation.