4 positive blood who is suitable. Fourth negative blood: nutritional specifics and character traits

Blood group is an immunogenetic trait that allows people's blood to be grouped into certain groups based on the similarity of antigens - substances foreign to the body that cause the formation of antibodies.

Every person's red blood cells, leukocytes, platelets and blood plasma contain such antigens. The presence or absence of a particular antigen, i.e. substances alien to the owner of the blood, as well as possible combinations of them create thousands of variants of antigenic structures inherent in people. There is four blood types, with differing biochemical characteristics. This fact was established by science at the beginning of the twentieth century. Throughout the world, four blood groups are designated by symbols: I(0), II(A), III(B), IV(AB).

  • 0(I) the most common on the planet - it flows in the veins of 45% of humanity.
  • A(II) predominates among Europeans - approximately 35% of people are its carriers.
  • B(III) The blood type is less numerous - it can be found in only 13% of us.
  • AB(IV) blood type is the rarest on Earth, found in only 7% of people.

If you admit to a Japanese that you do not know your blood type (which often happens among Europeans), this will greatly surprise him and even arouse suspicion.

The fact is that we are used to determining the character of people by their zodiac sign, while the Japanese do so by their blood type. In Japanese newspapers and magazines on those pages where we usually publish star horoscopes, their psychologists predict successes and failures for people belonging to one or another blood group. Along with physical qualities, blood biochemistry largely shapes a person’s character.

First blood group

People in this group are purposeful, sociable and energetic. Most of them are enthusiasts. They are dominated by the desire to take a leadership position, be it relationships at work or in bed. At the same time, this is a very vulnerable, sensual nature. People with the first blood group are very jealous, which does not prevent them from being gentle and faithful husbands, lovers and friends. They are frank with loved ones and speak directly about their desires. With strangers, on the contrary, they are distrustful and reserved.

Second group

A pronounced craving for harmony and tranquility. A person with this blood type prefers peaceful human relationships, rarely gets into disputes and quarrels, and is restrained in actions and expressions. These people are friendly, caring and very attentive to others. They often perceive other people's problems as their own and therefore are constantly in a tense state, unable to relax. At the same time, they are stress-resistant, and even after serious emotional experiences and adversity, they are able to pull themselves together and focus on business.

They often have pessimistic views of the future. They confidently follow the traditions of their fathers and grandfathers, they are conservatives and connoisseurs of the past and often lag behind progress of their own free will.

They are vulnerable, their mental wounds heal slowly. They also have a desire for perfection: they divide the whole world into black and white, evil and good.

Third group

These people are impressionable, but they “impress” to themselves, quietly and calmly. You rarely hear from them: “Oh, how wonderful!”, “What a beauty!”, “Now I am the happiest person in the world.” They will think a thousand times before they say out loud a declaration of love. They have a rich imagination, they are creative individuals. They think and act in an original way, in their own way, moving away from stereotypes. Swift in decisions and actions. Forgetful, they do not attach much importance to past sorrows and frustrations. They are restless, striving forward to explore open spaces. It is difficult to tame such a person and attach him to yourself, to keep him in the family if he believes that somewhere there he will be much more interesting. He easily succumbs to other people's ideas and opinions.

Fourth group

These are the "New People", and in the process of evolution they originated from the 2nd and 3rd groups.

There are fewer of them in the world. They are philosophers. Their favorite pastime is to contemplate and comprehend. They are excellent critics and psychologists, capable of comprehensively examining a problem and evaluating it; they tend to look at traditional things from an unusual point of view. They will always help you understand other people’s relationships, find the right solution, and give advice. But only if they are asked to do so - otherwise they will under no circumstances interfere in someone else’s life.

Possessing a rich imaginative imagination, representatives of the fourth blood group are creative and sophisticated. They realize their uniqueness very early, therefore, while still playing in the sandbox with their peers, they prefer to build sand castles on their own. They have little need for society and do not pursue vain earthly honors or material well-being, although thanks to their intelligence, erudition and deep knowledge, they often reach career heights. Main goal their lives are to discover the diversity and beauty of the world around them. At heart they are storytellers and dreamers. They may be torn by feelings, but they will never admit it, they will experience everything within themselves, without confessing to anyone. The result is a spiritual, multifaceted, but sometimes scattered personality who strives to embrace the immensity. For such people, any strong feeling is a means to get rid of contradictions and become whole, to find their true nature. Also, along with representatives of the 3rd group, they slowly age.

People with this blood type will be able to produce antibodies to fight off any hostile antigen known to any mutant that may arise. In an overpopulated, polluted world with scant remaining natural resources, this new group awaits the rise to a dominant position in all human societies. Well, the old blood types will begin to die out, just as people with the first blood group died out during plague and cholera epidemics in medieval cities.


As for the compatibility of people by blood type, the relationship between two people who have the same blood type is most often idyllic. There is great sympathy and deep mutual understanding within this couple.

Blood group 4 - features

This is the rarest group. Previously, it was believed that people with this group affiliation could be transfused with the blood of any person - they are universal recipients. Later views changed, transfusion different groups blood is not practiced.

Blood groups - differences

At all times, doctors have unsuccessfully tried to transfuse other people's blood to sick and wounded people. At the very beginning of the 20th century, Karl Landsteiner established the division of blood into groups. This was due to the presence or absence of certain antigens in it - protein-carbohydrate complexes. Antigens are present in the membranes of red blood cells (agglutinogens) and in the liquid part - plasma (agglutinins).

Based on this criterion, blood is divided into 4 groups. The group antigens of erythrocytes A and B are of primary importance:

  • first – I (0); antigens A and B are absent; on this basis it is compatible with other groups;
  • second – II (A); antigen A is present; compatible with 2 and 4;
  • third – III (B); antigen B is present; compatible with 3 and 4;
  • fourth - IV (AB) - antigens A and B are present; compatible with 4.

If a person is transfused with blood that is incompatible with the A0 system, intravascular coagulation will occur and the person will die.

The history of the appearance of the fourth blood group

The formation of blood groups took place over many millennia. The oldest group is the first. This is the blood of hunters and root gatherers. There are no antigens in her red blood cells.

After several thousand years, man began to master agriculture. This led to the appearance of cereals, vegetables and fruits in the diet, which gradually affected the composition of the blood: antigen A appeared in it.

The development of cattle breeding led to the appearance of the B antigen in erythrocytes, and the mixing of races, the development of cooking and cultural characteristics led to the appearance of both A and B antigens in erythrocytes simultaneously.

The 4th group appeared later than the others. It is the result of a mixture of Indo-European and Mongoloid races. It is assumed that there is a connection between its appearance and spread viral infection. It occurs rarely, in 7–8% of people. It was discovered later than the first three groups and at first was considered as a deviation from the rules. It took 5 whole years to prove its existence.

The change in the antigenic composition of the blood was influenced by the changing varied nature of nutrition. Previously, food was natural, unprocessed, then heat treatment and various additives appeared that affected the composition of the blood. The exotic theory suggests: the mixing of antigens A and B occurred against the background of a desire for creativity and interest in beauty.

Rh factor

The discovery of the AB0 system led to the rapid development of blood transfusion. The clinical experience gained revealed another type of immunological incompatibility. Further research revealed the presence in human red blood cells of the Rh antigen (Rh factor), which received its name from the Rhesus monkeys used by scientists in experiments.

The Rh factor includes 20 antigens. Significant for blood compatibility is the D antigen. It is present in most people and only a small number (15%) do not have the Rh factor. Based on the presence or absence of the Rh factor, human blood is divided into Rh positive and Rh negative.

When a person with Rh-negative blood is transfused with Rh-positive blood, antibodies are produced, and an Rh conflict will arise. The first transfusion goes smoothly, then antibodies accumulate, increasing the risk of developing Rh conflict. In women this happens after 2 - 3 transfusions, in men - after 3 - 5. Rh conflict does not develop immediately, but approximately 30 minutes after the transfusion. Delayed conflict occurs after a day or more.

Blood type 4 Rh-negative is very rare. Such people were previously considered universal recipients, but in our time additional antigens have been discovered, so blood transfusions of only the same group are practiced. Donors from the 4th rhesus- negative group are highly valued.

Characteristics of a person with blood group 4

When examining the Shroud of Turin (the body of Christ was wrapped in it), blood type 4 was discovered. Many believe that people who have the same blood carry an unsolved mystery. The book “You and Your Blood Type” by T. Nomi describes the character traits of people with different blood types.

The author believes that blood type 4 gives a person intuitive abilities and increased emotionality, surrounded by a flair of mystery. Among such people there are many psychics, clairvoyants, and fortune tellers. At the same time, these are people inclined to an artistic perception of the world, “bohemians” - musicians, actors and artists.

They are excellent organizers, pleasant to talk to, and many people try to be friends with them. Marilyn Monroe, 35th US President John Kennedy, lead singer of The Rolling Stones Mick Jaggaer, actor Jackie Chan - they all share the same blood type. These people are diplomatic, have an inner core, and attract others to them.

Intuition tells them when they need to change their lives by changing their job, family, or country of residence. They are the first to leave when they sense danger. Romantic attitudes run through their entire lives, but outwardly it is not noticeable. A rich emotional and love life makes such people real sleepyheads: they need full sleep at night and short breaks for sleep during the day.

People with blood type 4 are considered attractive and friendly. To them negative traits refers to a low assessment of one’s personality and the associated difficulty in making responsible decisions.

How does blood type 4 affect human health?

Health features include reduced immunity, the person often gets sick colds, has a tendency to chronic infectious-inflammatory and oncological processes.

Characterized by increased blood clotting, a tendency to thrombosis, thromboembolism, thrombophlebitis.

People of this type are characterized by diseases of the digestive system against the background of low acidity of gastric juice, cholesterol metabolism disorders, and cardiovascular diseases (angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, vascular insufficiency of the extremities, etc.). Cholesterol metabolism disorders are combined with obesity and type 2 diabetes.

High emotionality and increased adrenaline levels are the cause of low stress resistance, the development of neuroses and depression, and a tendency to abuse alcohol and psychoactive substances.

How should you eat if you have blood type IV?

There are no official recommendations on the diet of people with different blood groups. There are diets designed for people prone to developing any diseases. People with blood group 4 are advised to adhere to the principles healthy eating developed by the World Health Organization - WHO:

  • eat cereals, vegetables and fruits without restrictions;
  • lean meat; Lamb, rabbit, turkey and chicken are suitable; It is better not to eat the meat of geese and ducks;
  • sea ​​fish (including fatty ones) and squid are healthy; give up shrimp - they collect all the toxic products in the sea;
  • give up fried, smoked, canned foods – helps reduce the risk of atherosclerosis;
  • low-fat dairy products are useful: cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt, natural yogurt;
  • oil – butter, olive (you can use it to cook and season salads); limit sunflower oil;
  • recommended to use walnuts, peanuts; limit other nuts and seeds;
  • Black and red pepper and vinegar should be excluded from seasonings; can be replaced with garlic, horseradish, garden herbs;
  • Drinks you can drink include infusion of rose hips, mint, green tea, and high-quality dry red wine.

Expecting a child with blood type IV? what's worth waiting for?

Incompatibility of mother and child in terms of blood type and Rh factor can cause miscarriage and severe complications during the newborn period in children. Group incompatibility is rare, but sometimes aggressive antibodies to A or B antigens are synthesized in the blood of a pregnant woman. Why does group incompatibility occur?

After intimacy with a man, the woman’s body produces antibodies in response to the arrival of foreign antigens, and sensitization (allergization) of the body occurs. In some women, this process is insignificant and does not affect subsequent pregnancy, while in others it occurs rapidly, preventing conception and bearing a child. Treatment of married couples with group incompatibility is not always successful.

A woman with blood group 4 may be incompatible with a man with group 1, 2, or 3. She will be fully compatible with a man who has group 4. But group conflicts are rare: the sensitization of a woman’s body is not always high. The peculiarity of these conflicts is that they can develop during the first pregnancy.

Rh incompatibility is more common. It develops in pregnant women who do not have the Rh factor (Rh negative) but the fetus has Rh positive blood, inherited from the father.

Rh factor incompatibility never occurs during the first pregnancy. During this period, sensitization of the body occurs. With repeated pregnancies, Rh conflict and miscarriage occur. A large number of antibodies from the mother’s blood enter the fetus’s body during childbirth, which leads to hemolysis (sticking together) of red blood cells in newborns - a serious complication that often ends in the death of the child.

All pregnant women must have their blood type and Rh factor determined. Women with Rh-negative blood are not recommended to terminate their first pregnancy that is safe for mother and child: with each subsequent pregnancy, the risk of complications increases.

Blood type incompatibility increases the risk of developing severe Rh conflict, so expectant mothers with Rh-negative blood group 4 require special monitoring.

Advantages and Disadvantages


  • intuitiveness, creativity;
  • diplomacy, ability to organize a team;
  • ability to adapt in a social environment;
  • the ability to transfuse any blood in emergency cases; however, this is not practiced today: it has been established that incompatibility may depend on the presence of other antigens; so this is rather a drawback - group 4 is very rare in blood banks.


  • increased emotionality, susceptibility to stress, frequent depression, alcohol abuse;
  • reduced immunity, infectious-inflammatory and oncological processes;
  • increased blood clotting, thrombosis, thromboembolism;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • disorders of cholesterol metabolism with the formation of atherosclerosis and diseases of the circulatory system.

Blood types have their advantages and disadvantages. No clear, scientifically confirmed differences in the character and development of individuals with different group affiliations have been identified. There are also no special recommendations for their nutrition.

Such a sign as blood group began to be used relatively recently, at the beginning of the 20th century. To distinguish blood, the AB0 system was born, based on the content of antigens in the plasma.

Some of them were designated by the letter A, others B. The plasma of group 1 is completely devoid of antigens, in group 2 there are antigens A, and in group 3 antigens B are found. At first, three blood formulas were known. Then blood of formula 4 was discovered. It also contains agglutinogens A and B, which ensures blood compatibility with all previous formulas.

According to research, group 1 is the oldest. In people with this group, stomach acidity is slightly increased, which allows them to better digest meat. Due to changes in living conditions, nutrition and external environment the second and third groups of plasma appeared.

The age of the fourth group is the youngest. People with this type of plasma can adapt well to a variety of conditions, including the most unfavorable ones. However, this group is very small. Only 5% of people have the fourth plasma formula.


There is another sign by which blood is distinguished. Each group is distinguished according to the Rh factor. What is it? The Rh factor is considered positive if a certain protein compound, a lipoprotein, is detected in the erythrocyte cells. When it is not in the blood, Rh is negative and vice versa. Carriers positive rhesus prevail. Also, the same Rh factor of the father and mother means that there is compatibility between their genes.

Reasons why you need to know your blood formula:

  • in case of injury associated with blood loss, urgent transfusion may require donor blood and doctors must have information about the recipient’s blood formula in order to ensure compatibility of different plasma formulas during transfusion;
  • When planning a child, information about blood and Rh is important to avoid problems during pregnancy, since if the mother Rh negative, and in the case of the fetus, on the contrary, her body will begin to produce antibodies, which can lead to serious consequences and danger to the life of the fetus.

If we talk about the fourth blood group, then it has both pros and cons. Among the advantages is that people with this blood group with negative Rh can use blood of other groups if Rh is negative. The group is compatible with all groups, if you do not take into account Rh. True, it turns out that there are very few such people - less than one percent. But these people are incredibly valuable for donation.

Also a plus is the resistance of people of the fourth blood group to allergies and diseases immune system. It is easier for them than those with other blood groups to adapt to changing living and nutritional conditions.

Currently, the idea that the best food to eat depends on the blood type. Many diets for specific blood types have emerged. In the case of negative group 4 of plaque, which is characterized by nutritionists as not the most favorable, it is necessary to reduce meat consumption (and it is better to avoid beef meat altogether). In this case, more attention should be paid to plant foods.

Sea kale, rolled oats, and pineapple help control weight well. Fish and other seafood are beneficial for people with a negative fourth blood group. Olive oil not worth using. Corn oil provides greater compatibility with the blood formula.

What to pour?

The Ministry of Health prohibits the transfusion of fresh blood. Only red blood cells or other blood substitutes can be used.

However, doctors from time to time in emergency cases of injury, heavy blood loss, when the delay in replenishing blood loss puts the patient at risk of life, sometimes even requires a direct blood transfusion.

Universal plasma

Due to the fact that it is extremely difficult to find a donor for a negative fourth blood group, blood of any group with a negative Rhesus is suitable. In this regard, people with the fourth group are considered generalists. After all, they already have agglutinogens A and B in their blood, so additional transfusion of plasma of groups two and three will not lead to negative consequences, in the first there are no antigens at all. Therefore, we can say that group 4 has high compatibility with others.

A compatibility test is always carried out, even when a planned blood transfusion is performed.


During pregnancy of women of the 4th negative group, problems may arise if the father is Rh positive and the child has chosen the genes of the man. At this moment, the mother’s body begins to produce antibodies towards the fetus. A so-called Rh conflict arises, which occurs due to a lack of compatibility.

Moreover, when a child chooses maternal genes, pregnancy will pass absolutely conflict-free.

Rhesus conflict is dangerous for both mother and child. Pregnant women with this disorder are at risk of disruption of the formation of future organs and systems of the child’s body. There is a risk of early pregnancy termination.

If this is the first pregnancy for women, then the level of antibodies that threatens the life of the fetus accumulates only towards the end of the gestation period. At the same time, the conflict has almost no effect on the child’s body. The greatest danger is posed by the second and subsequent pregnancies of women with Rhesus conflict. Even if the first pregnancy did not result in childbirth or there was an abortion, the body of women who are Rh negative already contains an unacceptable level of antibodies. They immediately attack the defenseless fetus until it is completely rejected.


To avoid Rh conflict and prevent such situations, gynecologists check whether the child’s parents match the Rh. All adults should know what their blood type and Rh is.

When pregnancy begins, it is necessary to determine that women have begun to produce antibodies at the earliest possible stage. To determine this, women are sent to a special blood test to understand the nature of the pregnancy.

Women with group 4 negative plasma are advised to take an injection of so-called anti-Rhesus globulin in the first days after childbirth or an abortion. This method often makes it possible to have children after the first birth.