3 negative and 2 positive. Diet for people with a second positive blood group

If you follow the blood type 2 diet, you will definitely lose weight. If you are used to eating meat, then at the beginning of the diet you will rapidly lose weight, the main thing is to exclude toxic foods from your diet.

Diet for blood type 2 activates immune system and prevents the development of dangerous diseases.

Diet for blood group 2 positive and negative Rh factor

The diet for 2 positive blood group does not differ from the diet for 2 blood group with negative Rh.

Meat products

When eating meat food, people with blood type 2 experience lethargy. This is due to the fact that the body produces low amounts of gastric juice, which causes difficulty in digestion.

Vegetable proteins contained in beans and legumes have a positive effect, with the exception of those that are not recommended in the food table for the blood group 2 diet.

Illicit foods can reduce insulin production, which can lead to obesity and diabetes. Tofu cheese should be a mainstay on the menu.

People with blood type 2 need to eat fish meat in large quantities, including salmon, sea or rainbow trout, red snapper, cod and mackerel. Chicken and poultry can be eaten up to twice a week, but beef, pork, game meat and shellfish should be completely excluded from the diet.

Dairy products

Dairy products are also poorly digestible and slow down metabolism. Dairy products are allowed for consumption fermented milk products and low-fat sour cream.

Fruits and vegetables

Vegetables and fruits are vital to the blood type 2 diet because they supply minerals, enzymes and antioxidants to the body.

A wide range of fresh, organic fruits and vegetables is allowed. According to the theory, the diet of ancient people, farmers, consisted of precisely these products.

The best vegetable choices include artichokes, onions, broccoli, okra, turnips and dark leafy greens such as spinach, kale and lettuce.

Blueberries, cherries, figs, pineapple, plums and grapefruit are the healthiest fruit and berry products. You can also eat asparagus, cucumbers, avocados, beets, strawberries and apples several times a week. Bananas, oranges, cabbage, eggplants, tomatoes, peppers and potatoes should be avoided in food.

People with blood type 2 are sensitive to lectin, which is found in potatoes, Jerusalem artichoke, sweet potatoes, cabbage, tomatoes and peppers. It irritates the walls of the stomach, which is very sensitive in owners of blood type 2.


According to the basic principles of the diet for blood group 2, the best are sprouted wheat grains, buckwheat, rice and amaranth porridge, oatmeal and rye flour products. You should refrain from eating products made from wheat flour and semolina. You can eat rice, barley, corn, couscous, quinoa and millet 2 times a week.

Nuts, seeds, beans and legumes

Pumpkin seeds and peanuts are beneficial, as are beans and legumes such as lentils, peas, soybeans, red and black beans. It is necessary to exclude pistachios and cashew nuts.

Fats and Seasonings

It is recommended to use olive and flaxseed oil for eating and cooking, periodically, you can allow yourself cod liver and rapeseed oil. Soy sauce, ginger, garlic, mustard and tamari soy sauce are all healthy seasonings. Pickles, jams or jellies made from recommended fruits are good in moderation. Vinegar, ketchup, mayonnaise, as well as corn, sesame and safrole oils are considered harmful.

Example of a diet menu for blood group 2 for women for 1 day


A good breakfast would be whole grain porridge, including oatmeal with fresh fruit.

Typical snacks: nuts, seeds, rice cakes and peanut butter.


For lunch, as a rule, a large portion of a hearty salad with plenty of fresh vegetables is served.


Pair of broccoli with pasta and tofu topped with pesto.

Blood type diet 2 reviews and results

Positive aspects of the diet for the second blood group

  • Giving up meat makes it easier for the digestive system. As a result of this diet you will lose overweight and improve your well-being.

Negative aspects of the diet for the second blood group

  • People with chronic illnesses may feel slightly unwell.

We will be interested in the results you get as a result of the 2 blood group diet and your feedback.

Antigens of human blood groups were discovered about a century ago, but even today interest in their study has not waned. Red blood cell antigens perform various functions in the human body. In numerous monographs on transfusiology, the emphasis is usually placed on methods for studying the ABO blood group and the Rh factor of human blood.

At one time, there was a kind of fascism based on blood types: according to this characteristic, children were divided into subgroups in kindergarten, classes in school, and even when a person was hired, they were recorded in a special column in order to assess the person’s temperament and abilities for a particular position. It is noteworthy that the second human blood group was highly valued. It is interesting to note that less than a third of Europeans and Americans know their group and Rhesus; among Asians this figure reaches 90%.

In this article we will consider the second positive group. This group arose in humans approximately 25,000-15,000 BC. e. Now the concentration of owners of this blood group is typical for Western Europe; in total there are 25-30% of them in the world. The smallest number of its representatives is located in Southeast Asia.

According to the AB0 method, this group is marked with the letter “A” and the sign “+” is written (because it has antigen A and a positive Rh factor). For example, “A+” is written on the chest stripes on military uniforms. According to international rules, only letters are used to indicate a person's blood type, not Roman numerals. Rh positive group recognized because those who have it have the D antigen, which was discovered in 1940.

Antigens develop on red blood cells even before human birth (found on a 37-day embryo), but fully mature only a few months after the birth of the child. The membrane of one erythrocyte can contain up to a million antigenic determinants. The number of determinants of Rh system antigens varies from 10,000 to 85,000 per red blood cell (the more there are, the easier it is to identify the antigen in the agglutination reaction).

Blood type and Rh do not change throughout life. Antigen A is chemically a glycolipid. Its determinant differs from the determinants of other antigens by terminal sugars attached to the main chain (α-N-acetylgalactosamine). In 1911, it was established that there are two subgroups of the A antigen: A1 and A2. Among European residents, 80% of carriers of the second group have the A1 subgroup, the remaining 20% ​​contain the A2 subgroup.

A person can get a positive Rh factor and group A from one of their parents (or from both). How donors are suitable for people with the second and fourth positive groups. As a recipient, they are compatible with the first and second positive and possibly negative blood groups. According to the official website of the Ivanovo blood transfusion station, there is now an acute shortage of donors of the second group with positive Rh factor.

Medical Features

Carriers of the second positive blood group have a tendency to anemia and stomach cancer due to low acidity caused by a lack of vitamin B12 in the body, the absorption of which requires a considerable amount of stomach acid, they are characterized by lung tumors, diseases of the uterus and heart. But these people are more resistant to infections characteristic of densely populated areas (smallpox, plague, cholera). Neuroscientists at the University of Sheffield (UK) have proven the connection between blood type and brain volume. By measuring the level of the coefficient mental development(IQ) representatives of all groups, noticed that carriers of the second positive showed an average IQ (similar to the first group): higher than that of the fourth (by 1.3%), but lower than that of the third (by 4%).

Those with each blood type have a unique path to recovery. Blood has a great influence in the nutrition of the body, so a hypothesis arose that with the help of blood characteristics it is possible to determine differences in the gastronomic needs of people.

After a multi-year study involving a significant number of patients, it turned out that a diet high in protein (if it came from large portions of meat) worsened the health of carriers of blood A with Rh positive, but when switching to plant protein (vegetables, soy, tofu), the well-being of these people improved. Dairy products caused profuse mucous discharge in their paranasal sinuses and respiratory tract. When engaged in active physical exercise, such people felt a loss of strength and malaise, but during low-intensity exercise (yoga) they became more cheerful.

Psychological aspects

From a psychological point of view, people of this group have a number of character traits: planning, cooperation, non-conflict, responsibility. Japanese psychologist Nomi based on 25 years of observations and analysis of the character traits and blood groups of her friends (little attention was paid to the Rh factor). Many of Nomi’s suggestions are recommended for use in developing team management methods. About the group discussed in our article, he wrote that “it’s difficult for people with such a character, because they pay attention to little things and details, are hardworking and diligent, calm and neat, they are excellent performers.”

According to research on students of the West Kazakhstan Medical College, the vast majority of A+ people are sanguine (39%) and phlegmatic (23%), that is, they have a stable type of nervous system.

Such character traits are due to the fact that the second group arose with the transition of humanity from hunting to agriculture, and farmers are characterized by patience and an accommodating nature when growing crops.

Most people have long known that blood type and Rh factor to a certain extent influence a person’s character and life. In addition, thanks to many years of research by specialists in this field, it has become clear what diseases people with a specific blood type should be wary of.

From this article we will learn what is special about people who are characterized by the second positive group, what character traits these individuals have, and whether compatibility with other blood categories is possible. The type of diet a person follows plays an equally important role, therefore, it is important to know which foods to avoid. Let's figure it out.

Origin of the second blood group

If you look a little into history, you can remember that the first group is considered the most ancient.

All types of blood generally differ in the content of a specific antigen in each of them. The peculiarity of the second blood group is the presence of alpha antigen.

Some researchers argue that the second blood group appeared simultaneously with the development of land ownership. Meanwhile, as there were more and more people on earth, the load on each inhabitant increased. This forced people to learn to withstand some of the stress associated with living in densely populated regions. Those who learned to establish relationships with neighboring tribes had particular success.

Gene combination for the birth of a child with this type of blood

In order for the second positive blood category to appear in a newborn child, at least one of the parents must be a representative of this group. If both parents have the first or third group, then having a child with the second is impossible.

This fact is widely used in medicine and legal proceedings. This point plays an important role when confirming or denying maternity or paternity.

Is the Rh factor so important?

The difference between blood groups is too significant to be ignored. However, it remains a mystery to many people why it is necessary to know the Rh factor and when its compatibility can play a vital role?

There are two main goals:

  • Rh factor compatibility is established before blood transfusion;
  • knowledge of the Rh factor is important for the normal course of pregnancy.

The importance of the Rh factor during blood transfusion

In addition to the fact that blood transfusion is associated with a high risk of contracting various infections transmitted through blood, a medical error associated with incorrect determination of rhesus can cost lives.

That is why, if a transfusion is prescribed, an additional study is carried out before the procedure to establish the Rh factor of both the donor and the recipient. This additional compatibility check is very important for every person admitted to hospital for treatment.

Giving a transfusion to a person who is type 2 positive carries special risks. Due to physiological characteristics, this type of blood has poor compatibility. Consequently, transfusion is considered possible only for a person with the same group and Rh.

Although some doctors insist that compatibility with the first positive group is possible, this statement is not appropriate in all cases and is carried out under the strict supervision of the treating doctor.

Rhesus value during pregnancy

Obstetricians-gynecologists assign an important place to information about blood group and Rh factor. This is due to the fact that in some circumstances it is possible to terminate a pregnancy at early stages. In what case can this happen? How can Rhesus affect the future of a little person? Is compatibility really that important?

In the early stages of pregnancy, the doctor is required to collect full information about the blood type and Rh factor of both parents. If it turns out that the father is Rh positive and the mother is Rh negative, this may result in a miscarriage.

When conception occurs, the child selects one of the genes. If both the fetus and the expectant mother have the same Rh factor, the pregnancy will be successful. In the case of Rh conflict, the mother's antigens begin to fight, perceiving the child as a foreign body. As a result, a miscarriage occurs. Unfortunately, to determine whose gene will take unborn child, mother or father, is impossible in advance.

Why does the risk increase with repeated pregnancies?

Most doctors agree that the compatibility of blood type and Rh factor plays a special role during repeated pregnancy. What is this connected with?

The fact is that during primary pregnancy, antigens begin to be produced only at the end of the term. This makes it easier to fight Rhesus conflict and reduces the risk of miscarriage. However, during repeated pregnancy, these antigens are actively working from the first weeks. This is why first abortions are considered extremely dangerous.

How to prevent Rh conflict

A gynecologist who cares about the health of the expectant mother regularly prescribes a special test for antigen content. Timely determination of the level of these elements in the blood can save the baby’s life and protect the woman’s health from danger.

Possible diseases with the second blood group

Through long experiments and observations, blood specialists still managed to identify possible diseases characteristic of a particular blood category. So, those who have the second positive group need to reverse special attention on the health of such organs and systems:

  • immune system;
  • vascular flexibility;
  • acidity in the stomach;
  • heart muscle.

People who have the second blood group are not protected from the effects of infectious diseases, as well as severe food poisoning. The development and manifestation of various allergic reactions is possible. The development of oncological tumors is also not excluded.

Which eating style is best?

It is very important that there is harmony and compatibility between what your body can accept and how you eat. Human life and health directly depend on nutrition. What foods are considered most beneficial for people with blood type II?

It is worth noting that often this category of people becomes vegetarians. This is often due to problems with the intestines and digestive system. The greatest benefit to such an organism comes from plant foods, that is, vegetables or fruits. However, not all fruits will be well accepted by the human body.

If we remember that people with this blood type often have high acidity, then the following vegetables and fruits are perceived most comfortably by the body:

  • sour apples;
  • pineapples;
  • beet;
  • carrot;
  • bell pepper;
  • currant;
  • cherry;
  • cucumbers

It is advisable to exclude most spices. Natural mustard is well accepted by the body.

There is a list of products that, although not prohibited, should not be consumed in unlimited quantities. Such products include:

  • garlic;
  • ginger;
  • beer.

You should also be careful with seafood and fish. Fresh baked goods, flour products, cakes and sour fruits are especially hard on the body. Meat products are poorly digested.

Dairy products are allowed only in the form of hard cheeses and curd products. Kefir is also allowed, but any dairy products are not recommended for overweight people.

Character traits

People with this blood type are characterized by an explosive nature. Nevertheless, they more or less know how to maintain peaceful relations with others and establish diplomatic relations. It is important to learn to keep your word. Sticking to simple tips, you will improve your life and relationships with others!

What is group 2 positive blood? Blood type is the most important genetic trait that does not change throughout life, regardless of any external circumstances. The existence of group affiliation is the basis for the practice of blood collection and transfusion, its useful components, and is of vital importance in the activities of gynecologists and obstetricians.

General information

Blood is the most vital part of the human body. Today, science strictly divides it into four separate groups - the first, second, third and fourth blood groups. The second blood group is one of the most common. According to statistics, about a third of the world's population are its owners. It is called the blood of landowners and is rightfully considered one of the oldest varieties of human blood, existing long before the mixing of peoples and races.

It has a common property with other blood groups, which is the division into positive and negative according to the Rh factor. Scientists have established that its appearance occurred after the appearance of the first group. The second group is distinguished from it by slightly different properties that give its bearer special characteristics. Such people have a special character, which shows flexibility and sociability. They are good organizers, and to some extent they can be called idealists.

What sets you apart from other groups?

The second is positive and negative group blood is one of the most common in the world. It is as important as the Rh factor itself. This is taken into account when choosing a donor for blood transfusion. Donation does not happen in every person’s life, so not everyone needs to know the peculiarity of their group. But in everyday life it must be taken into account when creating a diet.

There are a lot of people in the second group, and for this reason many are not too picky in their choice of food. But this is wrong, because the body requires the consumption of quality foods. This rule is ignored by many. What does this lead to? There may be such people, but they significantly undermine their own health with improper nutrition.

Today there are a number of recommendations for following a certain diet for people who have a particular blood type. But, despite the fact that not many people follow these recommendations, which deteriorates the quality of their blood, the number of needed donors is sufficient. This is due to the fact that there are a large number of carriers of this group, which cannot be said about the third or fourth blood groups, which are very rare even at the present time.

People with a second blood type and a positive Rh factor can help many people who are in trouble or undergoing outpatient treatment with transfusions. To do this, you do not need to comply with any conditions, you must be in good health and be sure to obtain permission from a doctor. Previously, blood transfusions using antigens were allowed, but today this once widespread practice has been stopped.

The positive group is distinguished primarily by a large amount of protein in the blood bodies, which protect red blood cells in the body. There is an opinion that the lack of protein is a sign of illness, but this is not at all true. The absence of protein is as natural as its presence and does not indicate the presence of disease. What blood type is suitable for transfusion? Transfusion of whole blood components in emergency situations involves the use of different blood groups with the same Rh factor. Common practice involves matching blood type and Rh factor. But in some cases, with heavy blood loss or complex surgical operations, this rule can be circumvented by looking for donors with the right group blood there is no time or opportunity.

Donors from the second group help in the treatment of a number of complex diseases, such as leukemia. Such diseases are considered practically incurable, and this is one of the ways to combat them. In this case, the blood of the second positive group is incompatible with other groups, regardless of the Rh factor. Incompatibility will only lead to a deterioration in the patient's health.

Donation occupies a very important place among methods of combating various diseases. And therefore the second group is one of the most required for the treatment of numerous ailments.


Those with blood type 2 are advised to adhere to a certain diet. Positive and negative factors have their own characteristics and differ from each other, but the preferred menu for them is almost the same. Diet food helps not only to become a good donor, but also to prevent your health, overcome ailments and prolong your life.

Among the products that have a positive effect on the second blood group are the following:

  1. Fruits and vegetables. The exceptions are bananas, tangerines and oranges; these fruits have a rather negative effect on the composition of the blood.
  2. Diet food: chicken, turkey, rabbit. Their meat is preferable to fatty, fried meat, which will not bring benefits and will cause obesity.
  3. Various juices: grapefruit, cherry, carrot. Green tea and strong coffee help a lot.
  4. Any types of fish, except herring and flounder. Fish has a beneficial effect on health, strengthening internal organs.
  5. Porridge. Buckwheat, oatmeal, and rice have a strengthening effect on the body. At the same time, you should consume wheat less often.

This diet has a beneficial effect on people with the second blood group, increasing the chances of positive donation. There are also contraindications for people with this type of blood. It is not recommended to use:

  1. Cheeses, homemade yogurt or cottage cheese without fat. These products inhibit the development of the body and can provoke allergic reactions.
  2. Sour food. Has a negative impact on people with positive factor, which have a natural low acidity. These foods include lemon, sour juices and any other acidic food.
  3. Spicy food. Negatively affects blood circulation. Often the body has difficulty accepting such foods due to substances that do not combine well with the natural processes in the blood vessels.
  4. Alcoholic drinks. They have a destructive effect on the body, provoking painful manifestations of loss of strength and forgetfulness.

It is not at all necessary to completely eliminate the above products from the diet, but it is better to reduce their consumption to a minimum, since they have a rather negative effect on the second blood group. This leads to a deterioration in health, a risk of diabetes, hepatitis, gastritis, etc. Vomiting and nausea may become more frequent.

The body thus reports the dangers of consumed foods, which have a negative effect on internal organs and the circulatory system. Vegetarian cuisine is also recommended: various beans, pumpkin, nuts (walnuts, almonds), seaweed, garlic. Herbal teas made from ginseng are beneficial. Refusal to eat meat does not harm the body in any way. This is the case when vegetarianism is generally justified to maintain the balance of nutrients in the body.

In addition, a vegetarian diet is very good at strengthening the body's immune system, which receives most of its nutrients from foods produced by nature. They contain various vitamins and important elements such as iron, magnesium, zinc, selenium and others. Without these components, the normal functioning of blood masses would be extremely difficult. All this can be obtained by following a vegetarian diet.

Parental antigens and their compatibility

The question often arises about what kind of blood a newborn baby should receive. Typically, children receive the blood type of one of the parents, usually the one whose genes, for various reasons, are stronger than the genes of the other parent. In many situations, complete incompatibility between groups of not only mother and child, but also groups of two parents is possible. It is very difficult to predict this.

If the parents have the same group, then their child will have the same. If your parents different groups, then the child inherits the one that is stronger in percentage terms. This can be either the mother's group or the father's group. The fetus accepts the one that best suits its development. Pregnancy proceeds best when the blood groups of the parents are the same. In some cases, medical practice admits that reproduction does not occur as a result of the action of antigens. Men and women receive special vaccinations that help the antibodies in the body combine to form the blood type for the unborn child.

Proper nutrition and diets have a positive effect on the human body and blood circulation.

The second blood group is one of the most common and medically important throughout the world. Not only the health of the carriers themselves, but also their children depends on this.

Blood is the liquid internal medium of a person. It continuously circulates through blood vessels - veins, arteries, capillaries - providing oxygen and essential nutrients to all our organs and tissues. Blood is very important for proper functioning of the body.

According to the ABO system, several blood groups are distinguished:

  • 0 - 1st group,
  • A - 2nd group,
  • B - 3rd,
  • AB - 4th

The difference between them is determined by the presence of specific antibodies and antigens.

Next, the groups are divided by Rh factor. This antigen is a special protein that is present in red blood cells. People who have this protein are Rh positive, if there is no protein in their blood, they are Rh negative.

Blood type is inherited from parents to children and appears in the prenatal state. It is constant and does not change throughout life. It is believed that blood type has an effect not only on human health, but also on temperament and character.

Blood is the liquid internal medium of a person. It continuously circulates through blood vessels - veins, arteries, capillaries - providing oxygen and essential nutrients to all our organs and tissues. Blood is very important for the proper functioning of the body.


Initially, there was only one blood group on Earth - the first. The 2nd group appeared approximately 25,000 - 15,000 BC. It was formed during a period when humanity was moving from a hunting-gathering lifestyle to agriculture. The change in lifestyle also led to changes in nutrition - food became more varied, preference was given to a plant-based diet.

People with this blood type are restrained, balanced and hardworking by nature. They work well in a team and are very sociable.


Those with blood type 2 are born vegetarians. Studies have shown that people in this group have a delicate digestive system and low stomach acidity.

Therefore, to avoid problems with overweight and various diseases, people with positive blood group 2 are advised to reduce the consumption of meat products, whole milk and wheat.

Preference should be given to fruits, vegetables, and freshly squeezed juices. Replace meat with soybeans, eggs, and sometimes you can use white lean meat - chicken, turkey. It is advisable to limit the consumption of carbonated drinks, strong black tea and alcohol. And here's the coffee has beneficial effects on the body of people with 2nd positive blood group.

Physical activity

People with this blood type are not recommended to engage in strenuous sports. It is better to choose something calmer, for example, yoga, callanetics, Pilates. Regular leisurely walks in the fresh air will be very useful for both men and women with blood group 2.

The main thing to remember is that it is useful for any person to maintain a balanced diet and exercise to maintain their own health.

Men with this blood type

Men with this blood type become wonderful family men. These are romantics. By nature they are gentle, faithful, caring, and love children. This type is not prone to aggression. For them, such factors as stability, decency, and reliability are important in life. True, they can be stubborn and somewhat conservative.

The Rh factor is not of particular importance for men in this group and does not have a big impact on character or health.


Owners of the 2nd blood group are shy, suspicious and jealous. They make good wives- caring, loyal, love comfort and know how to lead household. The character of these women is calm, they are balanced and patient. But their sexual temperament is poorly developed and the intimate side of marriage does not interest them too much.

For a woman with blood group 2, the only danger is Rh negative-factor, since it can lead to problems with pregnancy and the health of the child. Women with positive Rh should not be afraid in this regard.



Knowing your blood type and Rh factor is very important for every person. Previously, this was not taken into account during transfusion, but now doctors carefully ensure that the blood is compatible according to such criteria as:

  • blood type of the patient and donor,
  • everyone's Rh factor,
  • individual compatibility,
  • make a biological test for compatibility.

A special diagram has been drawn up that shows what blood types are combined. According to this diagram, it can be seen that the 2nd group is suitable for donor blood from the 1st and 2nd, and the 2nd and 4th can receive the 2nd group.

When transfusing, the Rh factor is also taken into account. It is believed that an Rh-positive patient can be given a transfusion Rh negative blood, but on the contrary it is strictly prohibited. But this is done only in an emergency; doctors try to ensure that compatibility is complete.


When planning a baby, many couples think about the compatibility of their blood, because this determines how the pregnancy will go, as well as the health of the child. Compatibility is considered ideal when the parents have the same blood type and Rh factor.

If expectant mother has a negative Rh, and the father is positive, then a woman during pregnancy should be more attentive to her condition. This combination can lead to miscarriage or health problems for the baby. But this only happens if there is a Rh conflict between mother and fetus.

They think the baby will be born healthier, if the future father has a higher group affiliation than the mother. For example, if a woman has a second blood group, then the child will be healthier when the father has a third or fourth group.


People with positive blood type 2 love harmony and order in everything. This is a man of duty. They are calm, reliable, and can adapt to any situation. Sensitive, stubborn, unable to relax.

Most favorable relationships arise t between representatives of the same blood group and Rh factor.

Harmonious love relationships will be between people with the second and first blood groups.

The relationship between the 2nd and 4th blood groups is more complicated. They cannot be together for a long time.

Also, conflicts can arise between the second and third blood groups - the temperaments are too different.


Blood type is inherited and this happens according to certain laws genetics. Moreover, the child’s blood type may differ from that of the mother or father. This happens because parents pass on to their child only one gene, which is responsible for its formation. As a result, there are three options: the baby's blood type will be: mom’s, dad’s or the third one, which turned out in combination.

Gregor Mendel drew up laws by which one can calculate the heritable blood type. Using these principles, you can independently find out which group your child will be born with.

So, if both parents have blood type 2, then the child will most likely be born with the same group, although there is a 25% chance of a child being born with blood type 1.

In the case when one of the parents has the 2nd and the other the 1st blood group, then there is a 50% to 50% chance that the child can inherit both the mother’s blood group and the father’s.

If one of the parents has the 2nd and the other the 4th group, then the child cannot have the 1st blood group. 50% that there will be a second and 25% each a third or fourth group.

The most unexpected combination in terms of heredity they give the 2nd and 3rd groups. In this case, a child with any of the four blood groups can be born.

With the inheritance of the Rh factor, everything is not so simple. Only if both parents are Rh negative can we say that the child will also have it. In all other cases, an unexpected result is possible. The Rh factor can also be passed on through generations.