Choosing gifts: useful tips. Psychology Buy gifts for the New Year: how to manage everything

1. A gift is a gift - from you to another person. The gift is made in order to

So first of all, just answer this question: “ Why am I going to give a gift? If you want to help financially, then just donate money. If on New Year If you want to honor all your colleagues with your attention, then any trinket like a candle or curly stickers will do. But if you want to please another person with your gift, you should act more subtly.

2. Functional luxury. The ideal gift would be one that is functional and somewhat luxurious. Here, by luxury gift we mean not something made of gold and diamonds, but something that a person cannot or does not want to buy for himself. A child, for example, cannot buy himself a toy. Therefore, any toy for him turns out to be a luxury. An adult, for example, can afford a can of expensive coffee, but does not want to (saves). Therefore, a can of expensive coffee is a luxury for him.

However, luxury comes in different forms. You can give, for example, an expensive sweater to a child, but he will be upset because you can’t play with the sweater. You can give an adult woman a luxurious radio-controlled car, but she is also unlikely to be happy - she has no use for this car (except to give it to her son or grandson).

A functional thing is not only something that is useful for life (for example, a meat grinder), but also something that simply brings joy (for example, flowers) without any visible objective benefit.

A typical gift is likely 50% functionality, 50% luxury. That is, if you, say, decide to give a can of coffee as a gift, then buy one that is twice as expensive as the regular coffee that this person buys for himself. Of course, you need to choose a different type of coffee - and not just buy a large pack of coffee.

Of course, the balance of luxury and functionality can be changed. It is better to change towards more luxury. If, say, your friend writes with ordinary cheap ballpoint pens for 50 rubles, then you can give him an expensive one for 1000, and it will be a good gift. But the other way around is also possible. If your friend is going to buy a new hard drive for his computer in a month or two, you can speed up this process by purchasing it yourself and giving it as a gift. If your friend was going to buy a cheap hard drive, then you can buy him an expensive one.

3. How you give a gift matters. It will never be superfluous to arrange a small festive performance or surprise for your neighbor. Suppose you work in the same office with a woman, her birthday is tomorrow, you choose what to give her: flowers or candy. Here you might think good idea: let this woman come to her workplace tomorrow, and there a vase of flowers will already be waiting for her. Surprise? Surprise. Nice? Nice.

4. Unpredictability factor. And in general, of course, the surprise factor matters. It would be a bad idea to give the same thing (say, a box of chocolates) for your birthday every year. It will seem that giving gifts is a formality for you. Or even worse - you don’t try to choose a gift you like. Let your gift be unpredictable. Maybe even ridiculous, but it's still better than predictability.

5. Somewhere it won’t be enough to just go to the store. Use your imagination. You can, for example, take a photograph of your friend and take it to an artist - let him draw a portrait. Another option is to buy something ahead of time (for example, a rare book that cannot be found in your city) through an online store. Any of yours additional personal contribution as a gift will be positively appreciated.

They say that the best gift is a gift made with your own hands. But you need to be able to give gifts correctly.

Comic poems for gifts from A to Z

The whole variety of small, inexpensive items and large, exclusive ones can be represented in the form of an alphabet. Our collection also provides excellent ideas for choosing if you are still looking for what to buy.

Subscription (to the pool, gym, fitness), car, pen, iPhone, aquarium, album, angel, antenna, radar detector, pineapple, battery, aquarium with fish, watercolor paints, car covers, car wash, auto recorder, car radio, orange, first aid kit , pressure measuring device, air flavoring, aroma lamp, watermelon, alcohol, breathalyzer, convection oven, ascorbic acid, amulet, subscription...

Bank with money, bath accessories, barometer, trampoline, ticket, blender, notepad, bracelet, keychain, diamond, razor, brooch, bouquet, beads...

Poems for gifts: vase, felt boots, mittens, bicycle, broom, floor scales, DVR, business card holder, wine, Vinnitsa (wine stand), whiskey, vodka, vape...

Tie, dumbbell, weight, ironing board, potty...

Handbag, money machine, drill, money, perfume, money tree, tree of happiness, money umbrella, money cake, oven, melon, hole punch, breathing tube for swimming, darts, dacha, country swing, summer resident, country chair, brownie, brownie, house (house), dollars, cutting board, sofa, disk , diploma…

Presents: food, diary, Christmas tree, Christmas tree toy, Christmas ball, hedgehog mittens for a wedding, hedgehog, euro, container for spices, brush, ...

Poems upon presentation: blinds, magazine, chewing gum, chewing gum, pearls, vests, liquid soap, lingerie, hard drive, nail polish remover, fresh flowers, brazier, oven, jasmine (flower)…

Teapot, lighter, notebook, cufflinks, hairpin, animal cap, green tea, mirror, winter tires, goldfish, gold, umbrella, toothbrush...

Comic poems for gifts: game, toy, air ionizer, icon, toy, tools, caviar, Internet, artificial flowers, personalized spoon, personalized doll...

Calendar, hookah, picture, swing, kinder, housekeeper, book, speakers, ring, computer, console, candy, skates, box with wishes, kitten, wallet, piggy bank, cognac, hand cream, chair, rabbit, mug, doll, hen…

Gift giving: hairspray, nail polish, LEGO, watering can, lottery ticket, bow and arrow...

Ointment, barbecue, marmalade, massager, machine, medal, microwave, hammer, body milk, monopod, washcloth, multicooker, soap, meat grinder...

Congratulations for gifts: a set of knives, handcuffs, headphones, socks, a laptop, underwear, a tumbler, a sky lantern, the bride, a navigator, a set of tools, a knife, a nightgown, a handkerchief, threads...

Blanket, monkey, glasses (for sun, for swimming, for sleeping, for vision), postcard, screwdriver, amulet, window, hunting knife, office chair, office paper, sheep, vegetables, vegetable cutter, vegetable dryer, honey mushrooms, mouthwash, orchid, organizer, nuts, order, weapons, olive oil, deer, olives, cologne, clothes, necklace (made of pearls, macaroni, bagels), air purifier, air freshener (for car), steamer, passport cover, document cover, heater, shoes...

Puzzles, a stole, a selfie stick, parking sensors, bubble bath, gloves, a rooster, beer, pajamas, piercings, a tablet, a scarf, a blanket, a pillow, a portrait, bed linen, dishes, a towel, oven mitts, a voucher, a vacuum cleaner...

Poems for gifts: radio, comb, belt, rollers, rose, gun, pen, fish...

Salad bowl, moonshine still, boots, candles, set, certificate, rolling pin, skipping rope, tablecloth, frying pan, scrub, smartphone, dog, bath salts, cell phone, spinner, souvenir, bag...

Shampoo, champagne, hat, scarf, chocolate, shawl, balls, cartoon, chess, checkers, kebab maker, kebab, sewing machine, mop, sewing kit, chaise longue, shaker, neckerchief, woolen socks, silk bedding, tires, pine cone, box, school, helmet, hat, laces, shorts, skewers, spatula, syringe, sprats, pants, corkscrew, curtains, damask, screwdriver, fur coat, slotted spoon...

Congratulations and poems for gifts: e-book, e-cigarette, expander, skirt, egg, Easter egg, amber...

If you haven't found a suitable verse for a gift, don't worry! We work to order and we will write you a unique poem at no cost.


Do you like receiving gifts? What about giving? What about choosing? For most people, the process of choosing gifts is a rather painful procedure, especially if you want to give something really necessary, useful, with meaning, and not get away with a cute trinket. How often a gift turns out to be unnecessary and remains to gather dust somewhere on a shelf in a closet, or is even given away altogether - and all this is a consequence of the inattention of the giver, his ignorance of the basic rules for choosing gifts.

However, the gift industry is currently so well developed that it is simply a sin, if not to give a person what he has always dreamed of, then at least something that he will sincerely enjoy. How to choose the right gift?

7 tips for choosing a gift

1. Find out about the person's hobbies. According to his hobby you can choose the right gift. Give it to a florist houseplant, for a book lover - an encyclopedia, for a board game lover - backgammon self made, for a collector of alcoholic drinks - a mini-bar.

2. Gifts related to a person's profession. Not only a hobby, but also a person’s profession will help you choose the right gift. Surely a businessman will not refuse a good organizer, a programmer will not refuse a new useful gadget, and an alarm clock in the shape of a soccer ball will become “native” for a football player.

3. A gift of character. A person’s character is also an important criterion, based on which you can choose the right gift. For a person with good feeling humor will do cool gifts– fortunately, nowadays there are a great variety of them for every taste. For extreme sports enthusiasts, you can give a parachute jump or hang gliding flight, diving or bungee descent.

4. A gift associated with events in life. Has the hero of the occasion recently had a baby? You can choose a gift in the form of a baby monitor or a sling. Is the birthday boy a new resident? Then he will be happy with household items, amulets for the home, and dishes. Are you going to visit a person who has gone through a difficult period in his life? Give him something to lift his spirits.

5. Reason for celebration. The gift can be exclusively for a specific holiday and will remind you of it for many years. But here, too, be original and don’t settle for cufflinks on February 23rd or a vase on March 8th. You need to choose a gift that is not expected from you, that will surprise and delight you.

6. You can just inquire , what the hero of the occasion would like to see as a gift from himself or his relatives. Believe me, a well-known but necessary gift is a hundred times better than a useless surprise.

7. If you decide give money , approach this issue outside the box. There is no talk of the fact that people have not given money in ordinary envelopes for a long time; there are special postcards and envelopes for this purpose. You can also design a money tree or give a piggy bank with a paper bill in it.

Be careful when purchasing the following items as gifts:

1. Interior items, home decor (vases, indoor fountains, paintings, etc.) Such a gift may simply not “fit” into the overall atmosphere of the house or may not suit your taste.

2. Clothes – it’s easy to miss the model, size and color here.

3. Pets - unless you are sure that the hero of the occasion dreams of a parrot or a cat.

4. Cosmetics, perfume - unless you probably know that the person for whom you want to choose a gift uses exactly this lipstick and exactly the same perfume.

5. Household appliances – the characteristics may simply not be suitable, and this will be doubly offensive to both you and the hero of the occasion, because the products of this group are not cheap.

Do not use as a gift:

1. Gifts related in any way to a person's shortcomings . Roughly speaking, if the hero of the occasion is planning to go bald, there is no need to give him a remedy for hair loss. Don't remind us of the bad things on the holiday!

2. Gifts for the future (“I’m sure you’ll need this someday!”)

3. Things from my home , even those that you have never (or almost never) used. Firstly, this is unethical, and secondly, the birthday person could notice this thing in your home and be offended by receiving such a gift.

4. Things with defects – even if you noticed it after the purchase (keep this item for yourself and buy something else).

5. What already exists at the hero of the occasion.

By approaching the process of choosing gifts creatively and devoting a sufficient amount of time to it, you will certainly choose exactly the option that will please the hero of the occasion, and will receive as a reward the phrase “This is exactly what I dreamed of!”

How to choose a good gift for your loved ones? We face this question every time before the holidays. How often have we been given gifts that we passed on or that simply collected dust on the shelves so as not to offend anyone? In order not to give another unnecessary gift, we have selected some tips for you.

How to choose a gift, what to pay attention to

  1. Habits and character.
    Before you start choosing a gift, think about the habits of the person for whom it is intended. For example, if she is a housewife, then most likely she will be pleased with the new kitchen sets; if this is a sporty person, then you can give a fitness bracelet or new sneakers. Depending on the character, you can choose the color. For example, bright colors are more suitable for active people - orange, red, etc.; For those who are calm, neutrals are closer - gray, beige, blue...
  2. Hobby.
    Undoubtedly a good gift there will be one that relates to the person’s hobbies. If, for example, he is interested in fishing, then you can give him a fishing rod; if he is a collector, then something for his collection. As a result, such a gift will cheer up and delight the hero of the occasion.
  3. Profession.
    Gifts for professional development are very stimulating for people. Here you can build on what a person is currently using and what can increase his status or distinguish him among his colleagues. This could be a souvenir on the table, an expensive pen for office workers, or a brand new stethoscope for a doctor.
  4. Gender and age.
    Many people think that a gift for a woman needs to be chosen much more carefully than a gift for men, because... they are indifferent to gifts - this is not true. Any man is happy with a gift or disappointed in it. He only shows his emotions more restrained than a woman. There is one rule for both women and men: a gift must be given that only he, and not the whole family, will use. For example, a woman will not be delighted with a birthday gift in the form of a vacuum cleaner or food processor, but a man who flies on vacation to warm countries will sleeping bag or a tent. And of course, a gift for a young girl should be different from a gift for her mother or grandmother.
  5. Originality.
    You should not give obscure books about health, how to quit smoking, or decorative items such as figurines or souvenirs that will simply gather dust on the shelves. Also, photographs in frames are not the most original gift. Originality does not mean banality. One of the most important rules of choice interesting gifts, this is one that will bring joy for a long time.
  6. Events in life.
    Did the birthday boy have a baby recently? A baby monitor or playpen will do. If he is a new home, then the best gift would be household items, repair tools, a microwave, and dishes. It also happens that he has recently gone through a difficult period in his life, you can give him something fun that will cheer him up.
  7. Holiday.
    Of course, a gift can be given for a specific holiday, but do not forget about originality! There is no need to give socks or shaving foam by February 23, or vases by March 8. Therefore, you need to choose a gift that is not expected from you, that will surprise and delight you.

Don't know what to give?

8. Ask directly.
You can ask the hero of the occasion directly what he wants, but there are many disadvantages:

  1. Firstly, many are waiting not for the gifts themselves, but for surprises! Something that will pleasantly surprise and delight them, not knowing in advance what they will be given.
  2. Secondly, this may cause awkwardness for the birthday person, because... he will hope that you know him well and understand what he needs. Perhaps it is from you that he does not expect to hear the question: “What should I give you?”
  3. Thirdly, the same question can lead you into a dead end if the cost of the desired gift is much higher than the allocated budget. In this case, there may be an unpleasant aftertaste that is of no use to you.

9. Money.
A lot is changing in our rhythm of life and its speed. Places of work, social circle, place of residence. People often move, change their social circle, and if you want the memory of you to remain, you need to give something worthwhile. In addition, they don’t give money for one more reason - so as not to offend a person. Money most often means that you were too lazy to bother with the gift or simply didn’t want to spend time on it, because it’s easier to “pay off”. If it's not wedding gift newlyweds, it is better not to give money.

10. Gifts that can be given, but with caution

Giving clothes is dangerous because... you may not guess with taste, fashion or size. Little children will never appreciate the most expensive suit or designer dress, because... they expect toys as gifts and may be very upset if instead of a doll or car there is a cool suit and tie. Never give gifts for the future in the hope that they will come in handy someday. When given as a gift household appliances, you need to find out the required characteristics and dimensions in advance, what if the equipment doesn’t fit? Never over-gift or donate anything from your home.

The conclusion is simple

If you want to hear in response to a gift that this is exactly what you dreamed of, then you need very little. Don’t buy a gift on the run, choose a time for this, or better yet, choose a few days before the event. Approach the choice of a gift creatively, with all your heart, and you will definitely find the most suitable gift, exactly the one that will cause delight and joy for the birthday person.

Don't know how to choose a gift? We can offer you to order a unique gift - a Picture of your voice. Thanks to the painting of voices, you can hear and see the sound on canvas or photographic paper. The sound will be a voice, laughter, a favorite song or another sound. You choose the design yourself. The visualization of a sound wave is used as an image in the painting.

This will be a creative approach an original gift for many years!))

How to choose a gift?

We often struggle with the issue of choosing a gift. In addition, it is not so important in whose honor the phenomena we give. This could be a gift for an anniversary, for March 8, for February 23, for New Year, and so on. The person begins to project: “He won’t like this. He most likely has had this in stock for a long time. It’s not fancy anymore.” Also a lot of similar fluctuations. How to choose a gift? In the scope of this article, we are given the opportunity to give only some recommendations, since it is unimaginable to take into account and submit everything. Here are some tips and some examples for who and how to choose a gift.

To begin with, you need to determine the type of person, gender, age, your relationship with him and the event in honor of which gift is being given. Let's go through each of these points one by one.

Type of person. In the scope of this article, it is not possible to divide them into a large number of types, but we will list the main types, which, from our point of view, are the most different: traders, bosses, collectors, housewives, university students and children. Among other things, people can be divided based on their type of activity, in other words, by profession: medical worker, software developer and so on. Of course, the collector can be a boss or a businessman or anyone else, but in this case, we are interested in him as an object who receives a gift. But even this is portrayed as an example, only to make it easier for you to choose a gift. So, if a person is a collector, then everything is as simple as shelling pears - we find out what he collects and acquire it. For example, the birthday boy is a fan of reaping nautical ship models, so we choose a ship model for the amount we hope and purchase. It is important to know what you can give as a gift, something that the recipient has had in stock for a long time. In order to avoid this, it is necessary to consult with the seller which model is new and, most likely, the recipient does not yet have it, or to ask in advance, under other pretexts, the culprit, what he wants to add to his collection. And in the opposite example, you will be much more pleasant for him, since you are giving him what he needs.

The nicest gift for a private entrepreneur could be a business card holder, a notepad, a diary and much more. He's been in a mess for a long time and doesn't have enough time to buy what he needs. He may not even suspect that he needs it. And then, the person will be nice, and your gift will be remembered by him, not to mention the fact that he will be given the opportunity to keep this in mind for an endless amount of time and tell his people.

You can give your boss a desk set, an unusual lighter, shaving kits, or anything else. It is especially worth paying attention to the fact that this is a thing that is used quite often. For housewives, you are given the opportunity to choose dishes, kitchen knives and many other gifts used in everyday life.

Gift for kids. Everything here is extremely easy. Children can be most pleased with a toy.

It is preferable to give a student a gift for a nice pastime in his spare time. To achieve the desired result, you can make a choice board games. In particular, a poker set, chess, backgammon, etc.

Gender of a person. By gender: a person is divided into representatives of the stronger sex and representatives of the weaker sex. Here you can personally understand what is intended for the stronger half of humanity and what is for the fairer sex. In particular, you cannot give a jewelry box to a representative of the stronger sex.

Age. When choosing a gift, it is important, among other things, to take into account the age of the person for whom you want to purchase the gift. Because every age group has its own benefits. By age, people are divided into children, young people, young, old and elderly. Here you can already make your choice yourself, what you need.

In particular, our recommendation is to give an elderly person one or another retro telephone. Then you will experience the sensation, evoking nostalgia and sweet memories. Or perhaps, as a child, he dreamed of having a similar telephone set at home, or he had a similar telephone set.

It is important to take into account your relationship with the person for whom you want to purchase a gift. In particular, if you have a business relationship with a person and give him manicure set. This is not completely correct. And if you give a manicure set to your close friend, then it would be extremely useful to note that.

Among other things, it matters for what occasion you give the gift. You are given the opportunity to purchase a gift for a birth, wedding or another holiday. As a result of this, it is necessary to imply, let’s say on February 23 Christmas tree toy giving is not relevant.

This is just a small part of the advice that we have the opportunity to give when purchasing a gift. A special thing to note is that try to be real and make people feel good. Because a person receives true pleasure only after this, as soon as he makes it convenient for the opposite person. So, by giving a person an extraordinary gift, you are given the opportunity to feel like the recipient. Good luck in choosing a gift.