Voice translator from Russian to Polish. Where is Polish spoken? Translation into Polish

(Polish language translator services in Moscow)

Our company offers inexpensive and high-quality translation of the Polish language. We have been working with the Polish language for the 10th year and cooperate with the most experienced specialists in this field. At your service: translation of documents (translation of Polish passports, diplomas, certificates, etc.), translation of various texts (including complex industry texts) and interpretation of the Polish language. We also provide a full range of additional services (certification of our translations by a notary, editing of translations, reconciliation, etc.).

Especially for you:

  • A network of offices within walking distance from the metro
  • Possibility of making urgent translations
  • Certification of our translations at a notary rate
  • Free editing of our translations


Where is Polish spoken?

Today, Polish is one of the most widespread Slavic languages ​​of the Indo-European language family. It is spoken by more than 40 million people around the world. For comparison, a total of no more than six million people speak Latvian and Lithuanian. Polish is the official language of Poland. It is also used by immigrants in the USA, Germany, Russia, Australia, Hungary and many other countries. In this regard, only the translation into German and English is more popular than the Polish translation.

A little history

In the Middle Ages, the Polish literary language was primarily the language of the clergy. In the sixteenth century Polish became popular over a fairly large area. Just like Latvian and many other languages, Polish has many Germanic words. This is due to the serious interaction between Polish and German languages for quite some time. Also in the Polish language there is a fairly large number of borrowings from French.


The Polish alphabet consists of 32 letters. It's like standard latin letters, and additional letters similar to German and French. Polish nouns have gender, person, case and declension. The organization regulating the rules of the Polish language is called the Polish Language Council. This language is second only to Russian and Ukrainian in popularity among the Slavic languages. If we compare this language with the Russian language, then the Polish language, first of all, has a slightly smaller vocabulary.

Translations from/to Polish

Today, find good translator Polish language is not an easy task. Our translation agency employs such specialists. In our company you will get the ideal combination of price and quality of translation!

Some statistics

The total number of Poles is 57 million people. Approximately 80% of them live in Poland, 10% in the USA. Russia accounts for no more than 80 thousand Poles. Oddly enough, among other countries, Brazil occupies the leading place in the number of Polish immigrants (about two million Poles live there).

How holidays are celebrated

Traditionally, Poles celebrate all holidays in the family. And most often among close relatives in a close circle. For Poles family values and traditions are most important when setting priorities.


The basis of the Polish economy is the industrial industry. There are a large number of factories located here, the vast majority of which belong to foreign brand companies. Under constitutional rule, Poland is a parliamentary republic.

Interpreter, dragoman. ... .. Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian dictionaries, 1999. translator, interpreter, interpreter, dragoman, prescriber, whisperer, synchronist, translator, translator,... ... Dictionary of synonyms

TRANSLATOR- TRANSLATOR, translator, husband. 1. A person engaged in translations from one language to another. Translator from French. 2. One who translates or has translated something (see translate in 8, 9 and especially 10 meanings; simple). Money translator. Intelligent... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Translator- an intermediate link in communication, the need for which arises in cases where the codes used by the source and the addressee do not match. As a language intermediary, a translator can carry out not only translation, but also various other things... ... Financial Dictionary

TRANSLATOR- TRANSLATOR, huh, husband. Specialist in translations from one language to another. P. from Czech. | wives translator, s. | adj. translation, oh, oh. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

Translator- the author of the translated work, who owns the right to the translation performed by him. According to the law of the Russian Federation On motor vehicles. law and related rights, P. must use the author. the right to the work created by him, provided that he respects the rights of the original author... ... Publishing dictionary-reference book

Translator- (English translator, interpreter) 1) in civil and criminal proceedings, a person who speaks the languages ​​necessary to translate statements, testimony, petitions, explanations, familiarize himself with the case materials, speak in court in his native language... Encyclopedia of Law

TRANSLATOR- an individual who speaks languages ​​whose knowledge is necessary for translation in civil, administrative, criminal proceedings or during its consideration... Legal encyclopedia

translator- 3.6 translator: An individual who translated the text of a work into the language of this publication. Source … Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

TRANSLATOR - Job responsibilities. Translates scientific, technical, socio-political, economic and other specialized literature, patent descriptions, regulatory technical and shipping documentation, correspondence materials with foreign... Qualification directory for positions of managers, specialists and other employees

Translator- The request “Translator” is redirected here; see also other meanings. The request is redirected here " Electronic translator" A separate article is needed on this topic. A translator is a specialist engaged in translation, that is, the creation of written... ... Wikipedia

translator- noun, m., used. compare often Morphology: (no) whom? translator, who? translator, (see) who? translator, by whom? translator, about whom? about the translator; pl. Who? translators, (no) who? translators, who? translators, (I see) who? translators... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary


  • Translator, Shuvalov A.. ... Buy for 141 rubles
  • Translator, Alexander Shuvalov. “...This book is about those who seem to not exist. Any state shamefully denies the fact that it keeps in its service toothy fighting dogs, which from time to time have to be let off their leashes and...

About forty million people speak Polish as their native language, of which only two million do not live in Poland. It is part of the Western group of the Slavic language family and belongs to the Lechitic subgroup along with Slovinian, Polabian and Kashubian. However, there are philological disagreements as to whether Kashubian can be considered independent, or whether it is a dialect. The Martin Bureau employs qualified linguists, many of whom are native speakers, which allows us to carry out translation from Polish without a single mistake. Translation from Polish into Russian is especially relevant due to the territorial proximity of the countries.

Cost of written translation

Simple theme*

  • Translation from Polish to Russian - 520 rubles
  • Translation from Russian to Polish - 585 rubles

Difficult subject matter*

  • Translation from Polish to Russian - 650 rubles
  • Translation from Russian to Polish - 780 rubles

Cost of translation of personal documents

Cost of interpretation

Formation of language

In the Middle Ages, the formation of the dialect was led by clergy who translated Catholic texts from Latin. Until the sixteenth century, the literary version was created under the strong influence of not only Latin, but also Czech. German also had a great influence; many endings and suffixes, as well as many roots, came from it. In addition, it contains many borrowed Gallicisms and Romanisms.

From the sixteenth century the language spread among the wealthy and noble classes, and the importance of Czech and Latin began to decline. In the twentieth century, many borrowings came from Russian, and in recent years the influence of English has increased. Our specialists monitor all changes in the Polish language, this allows us to fulfill orders of any degree of complexity.


The first written monument was created in the tenth century by Saint Adalbert of Prague, also known by his baptismal name Wojciech. It was a Christian hymn dedicated to the Mother of God. Later it became the battle song of chivalry, and then the royal anthem of the Jagiellonian dynasty.

Translation into Polish

A clearly visible feature is the fixed stress, which always falls on the penultimate syllable.

Martin Bureau specialists translate texts from Polish of any complexity. We will fulfill your order promptly and without a single error. You can also order translation into Polish from our company. We guarantee the perfect combination of high quality and affordable price.

Find out more full information You can find out about prices for translation from Polish on our website, or by calling the company’s consultants. In order to calculate the cost online you will only need to spend 10 minutes.

You can check the current prices with the consultants of the Martin company.

We provide all translations from Polish in accordance with international service standards. Our employees undergo regular qualification certifications.

In addition to translation from Polish, you can order legalization of documents from us. This will allow you to significantly save your time. Entrust translation from Polish to a certified agency. Experienced linguists will perform the work at a professional level, which will allow you to be confident in the quality of the work.

I'll translate, you'll translate, please. translated, translated; translated; having translated and translated, owls. (to translate (1)). 1. someone or something. Move from one place to another, place in another place. Transfer the train to another track. Transfer the patient from one... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

translate- TRANSLATE, food, food; ate, ate; leading; eaten (yon, ena); leading; Sovereign 1. whom (what). Leading, move through which n. space. P. children across the street. 2. whom (what). Move from one place to another, from one place to another. P.... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

translate- move, move, throw, throw; switch; reduce, send, ram through, ram, cut to the root, fatten, liquidate, exterminate, expel, destroy, squander to the thread, spend, redirect, kill, ... ... Dictionary of synonyms

translate- I’m leading, you’re leading; translated, vela, lo; translated; translated; deno, dena, deno; having translated and translated; St. 1. whom. Leading, helping to move from one place to another. P. patient from the window. P. baby in the playroom. // Showing the way, accompanying in... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary

TRANSLATE 1- TRANSLATE 1, I’m going, you’re going; ate, ate; leading; eaten (yon, ena); leading; owls Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

TRANSLATE 2- TRANSLATE 2, food, food; ate, ate; leading; eaten (yon, ena); leading; owls (colloquial). Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

TRANSLATE- TRANSLATE, see translate. Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary. V.I. Dahl. 1863 1866 … Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

translate- Take a breath or breathe (colloquial) 1) stopping, stopping for a while what n. work, movement, breathe more freely (about being out of breath, upset). I ran so fast to pay my respects that I can’t take my breath away. bare. She's hard... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language

translate- translate (s), lead (s), lead (s); drove, drove, drove, drove... Russian word stress

Translate- owls trans. see translate I Ephraim's Explanatory Dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

translate- translate, translate, translate, translate, translate, translate, translate, translated, translated, translated, translated, translated, translate, translate, translated, translated, translated, translated, translated, translated, translated, translated... Forms of words


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