Strengthening and preserving the health of children parent meeting. Parents' meeting preserving and strengthening the health of younger preschoolers


Andreeva Marina Vladlenovna


MADO "Kindergarten No. 46", Tobolsk

Parents meeting“Strengthening and maintaining the health of preschool children” (senior group)

Form: discussion.

Target: to familiarize parents of preschool children with the main factors that contribute to strengthening and maintaining the health of children at home and in the environment kindergarten.

Tasks: inform parents about the health status of their children during the meeting; to form in parents responsibility for the health of their children and their own health; create conditions for parents to become aware of some factors that can adversely affect the health of preschool children; show one of the options for increasing children's motor activity.

Progress of the event

I.Preparatory stage:

1. Conducting an analysis of the health status of children.

2. Preparation of attributes for the practical part “Fun Jump Rope”.

3. Preparation of applications “Life by the rules: with good morning!”, “A reliable shield against diseases.”

II.Organizational stage.

- Dear parents, divide into groups based on “my attitude towards life”: optimists, realists and pessimists and take your place.

III. The stage of preparing the perception of the topic.

You can hardly find parents who do not want their children to grow up healthy. However, many do not know how to achieve this. Some generally believe that educators and doctors should be involved in promoting the health of the child, while parents are only supposed to take care of the food and clothing of their children. There are also mothers and fathers who are looking for effective ways to improve the health of their children, they completely reject proven recommendations and use only unconventional methods, often having an adverse effect on the child’s health. Finally, there are parents who carefully and punctually follow medical recommendations, use medications often and in large quantities and, nevertheless, do not always achieve the desired effect.

Today we will get acquainted with the main factors that contribute to strengthening and maintaining the health of a preschooler at home and in a kindergarten.

In modern society, new, higher demands are placed on a person, including a child, on his knowledge and abilities. Caring for the health of children and adults has become a priority all over the world. Any country needs creative, harmoniously developed, active and healthy individuals.

What should a healthy child be like? First of all, if he gets sick, it is very rarely and in no case seriously. He is cheerful and active, treats people around him kindly. Positive emotional impressions predominate in his life, while negative experiences are endured by him steadfastly and without harmful consequences. A healthy and developed child has good body resistance to harmful environmental factors and resistance to fatigue, and is socially and physiologically adapted.

In preschool childhood, the foundation of a child’s health is laid, his intensive growth and development occurs, basic movements, posture, as well as the necessary skills and habits are formed, basic physical qualities are acquired, and character traits are developed, without which life is impossible. healthy image life.

IV. Work in groups.

We are divided into 3 groups: optimists, realists and pessimists. Answer the questions based on your attitude towards life.

1. What is health? According to surveys, only 5-7% of children are born healthy, 2-3% have the first health group. Health is physical, mental and social well-being, and not just the absence of disease and physical defects. In our group there are only 4 children with the first health group, the rest have the second.

2. Name the factors influencing health status.

20% - heredity

20% - ecology

10% - healthcare development

50% - lifestyle

Which factor could we put first?

3. What is a healthy lifestyle?

Rational nutrition

Compliance with the regime

Optimal motor mode

Full sleep

Healthy hygienic environment

Favorable psychological atmosphere


On a 100% healthy lifestyle scale, what percentage would you give yourself? Why?

Today there is a general tendency for the health of children to deteriorate. Factors in the urban environment negatively affect the development and health of the child. Thus, environmental pollution with harmful substances leads to diseases of the tonsils, adenoids and lymph nodes in children. And a long stay in such unfavorable conditions causes overstrain of the body’s adaptive capabilities and leads to exhaustion immune system. Chronic diseases of the bronchopulmonary system, ENT organs and other diseases occur.

The increase in the number of childhood diseases is associated not only with the socio-ecological situation, but also with the very lifestyle of the child’s family, which largely depends on family traditions and the nature of the motor mode. With insufficient physical activity (hypodynamia), a deterioration in the development of motor function and a decrease in the child’s physical performance inevitably occur.

So let's fight for this 50% so that they are the percentage of a healthy lifestyle.

What can we do to introduce children to a healthy lifestyle?

1. Must be actively used healing natural environmental factors: clean water, ultraviolet rays of sunlight, clean air, phytoncidal properties of plants.

2. The child needs calm, friendly psychological climate. Quarrels in the presence of a child contribute to the development of neurosis in him or aggravate existing disorders nervous system. All this significantly reduces the protective capabilities of the child’s body. Excessive prohibitions – “you can’t”, “don’t run”, “don’t make noise” – also give a negative result. Strictly authoritarian upbringing contributes just as little to the normal development of children as the opposite extreme in the form of permissiveness.

3. Adults should not only protect the child’s body from harmful influences, but also to create conditions that help increase the child’s body’s defenses and performance. And the important thing here is properly organized daily routine– these are the optimally combined periods of wakefulness and sleep for children during the day. It satisfies their needs for food, activity, rest, physical activity, etc. The regime disciplines children, accustoms them to a certain rhythm. We, kindergarten workers, consider Monday a “hard” day, since many children refuse food, are capricious, get tired quickly, etc. It's not far from illness here. And the whole point is that on Saturday and Sunday the children did not go out, did not sleep during the day, went to bed late in the evening - in a word, the entire daily routine strictly observed in the kindergarten was violated. How to properly organize your daily routine? When is the best time for a baby to have breakfast, lunch, exercise, play, walk, listen to music? Our handouts will help you with this (distribute Appendix 2).

4. Complete nutrition - inclusion in the diet of foods rich in vitamins A, B, C and D, mineral salts (calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, copper), as well as protein. A prerequisite for a balanced diet for children of all ages is a varied diet, both through different products and methods of preparing them. Improving appetite and digestion of food is facilitated by beautiful presentation of dishes and table setting.

5. Important for children develop an interest in improving one’s own body health. How earlier child will get an idea of ​​the structure of the human body, learn about the importance of hardening, movement, proper nutrition, sleep, the sooner he will be introduced to a healthy lifestyle. If a child is forcibly forced to engage in physical education, as well as to observe the rules of hygiene, then the child quickly loses interest in this.

6. To improve health and normalize weight walking and running are effective, helping to increase overall endurance, strengthening the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, various muscle groups, joints and ligaments. It has been proven that running improves blood flow in all internal organs, including the brain. In addition, walking and running have a pronounced training effect and help strengthen the body. What is hardening? This is an increase in the body’s resistance to the adverse effects of a number of environmental factors through systematic short-term exposure to the same factors in small doses.

As a result of hardening, the body adapts to changing environmental conditions. The point of hardening is to, over time, with the help of special procedures, increase a person’s resistance to cooling due to the fact that the body will always react with appropriate protective reactions - an increase in heat production and a decrease in heat transfer. Do you carry out hardening procedures with your child and what kind? At home, you can become familiar with the methods of hardening procedures in detail (distribute Appendix 3).

Along with traditional hardening methods (air baths, water foot baths, gargling), non-traditional ones are also widely used: contrast air hardening (children go from a warm room to a cold one), walking barefoot, contrast showers. Minimum hardening involves air and water procedures and properly selected clothing.

You can also harden your child’s body with foods. What foods or substances help a child become more resilient?

1. What plants – shrubs, vitamin C stores – help against colds? (blackcurrant and rosehip).

2. Which juice increases the body’s resistance to diseases of the upper respiratory tract and lungs and is rich in vitamin A? (carrot juice per day from 1 tablespoon to half a glass).

3. What more beneficial for the child– juice or apple? Explain your choice. (Juices are absorbed faster by the body; juices contain a lot of water, but this is truly living water - it is enriched with biologically active substances of plant cells).

7. To increase the child’s body’s defenses, it is recommended taking vitamins. The recommendations of your local pediatrician will help you in this matter.

8. The child’s health is harmed harmful tendencies of parents. It is no secret that children of smoking fathers and mothers suffer from bronchopulmonary diseases much more often than children of non-smokers.

9. Dire consequences for health have injuries and accidents. What in the home environment can pose a danger to a child’s life? How to protect children from accidents?

Dear parents! Remember, the health of the child is in your hands! It has long been noticed: in those families where adults get sick little, children, as a rule, are healthy.

V.Practical activity stage.

Please stand in a circle. Imagine that this ball is your motor activity. Stand at a distance from the ball that would best demonstrate proximity or distance to your motor activity. I want to offer you one of the options for increasing physical activity.

Today I brought everyone’s favorite jump ropes as a child. The history of the modern jump rope began with an ordinary rope. Even the ancient Egyptians and Chinese twisted ropes and ropes from hemp. They constantly had to jump over them to keep them from getting confused. The children, having watched the adults, began to jump over short pieces of rope for fun. Which child can show off their ability to jump rope? What about the parents?

You can not only jump through a jump rope, but also play different games. Let's play.

Outdoor game "The Elusive Jump Rope". Children stand in pairs with their parents and sit on chairs back to back. A jump rope is placed under the chair. The participants of the game are running. At the signal “On the chairs!” sit on chairs and pull out a jump rope from under them. The first one to take the jump rope wins.

Outdoor game "Moving jump rope". Two or three pairs of parents, taking jump ropes, tighten them and walk around the playground, first holding the ropes at a height of 20 cm, and then raising it higher and higher. Children move freely around the playground, and when the leaders with a skipping rope approach them, they jump over it. The one who touches the rope is eliminated from the game.

Outdoor game "Week". Two parents pull a jump rope in the middle of the hall at a height of 5 cm (Monday), all participants in the game step over it. Then raise the rope by 10 cm (Tuesday), 15 cm (Wednesday), 20 cm (Thursday), 25 cm (Friday), 30 cm (Saturday), 35-40 cm (Sunday). Then the parents jump over the rope, the children enjoy watching them do it.

Outdoor game "Nimble hands, fast feet." The child folds the rope in half, takes it by the ends, spins it near his feet and jumps over it. Whoever gets confused is out of the game.

Outdoor game "Fishing Rod". A small weight is tied to the end of the rope. The participants of the game stand in a circle, the leader with a skipping rope is in the center. The leader spins the rope and the children jump over it. Whoever hits it is out of the game.

- You jumped over a short rope, but it’s no less interesting to jump over a long one.

Outdoor game "Friendly Troika". Two adults twirl a long rope, and children run under the rope.

- Did you like jump rope games? Now you can actively relax with your children.

VI. Summing up the results of the parent meeting.

Application1. “Life according to the rules: good morning!”

How to properly organize your daily routine? When is it better for a baby to have breakfast and lunch, play sports, play, walk, listen to music? Try to follow the body's biorhythms.

Biorhythms are, in fact, programs of vital activity of individual organisms, systems and the entire organism as a whole. They regulate the time and duration of sleep, growth rate, weight gain and other parameters of child development.

5:00. The kidneys are resting, the muscles are dormant, the metabolism is slowed down - in a word, a complete idyll in the body. The child has already changed several phases of sleep, and, in principle, is ready to wake up. At this time, children most quickly become awake: it is easier to get up at 5 o’clock than at 4 or 6.

6:00. An internal alarm clock goes off: the adrenal glands release special hormones - adrenaline and norepinephrine, which increase blood pressure, make the heart beat faster - in a word, prepare the body for awakening, even if the child’s consciousness is still dormant.

7:00. The immune system's finest hour! It's time to put the not yet fully awakened child under a contrast shower, which activates the body's defenses. At these moments, they selflessly fight viruses, bacteria and other microscopic invaders, and antibiotics and many medications are absorbed better than at other times of the day. After such a cheerful morning prevention, colds and childhood infections are not scary for the child.

8:00. The Cinderella of the digestive system – the liver – has taken on the job of “cleaning up” the body. She works in emergency mode, neutralizing harmful substances accumulated during the day. No fatty or heavy food at breakfast - you can’t overload your liver at this hour! Milk porridge, yogurt, fruit - this is what your baby needs in the morning.

9:00. Mental activity grows, the heart is running at full capacity, sensitivity to pain decreases. At this time, the child can be vaccinated and taken to the dentist without fear that a sea of ​​​​tears will be shed.

10:00. The body began to ascend to the peak of activity (it will last until about one o'clock in the afternoon). Use this time to your advantage. Literacy training and sports training are best timed to coincide with this time!

11:00. The body is in excellent shape. The biological computer - the brain - solves difficult problems, and the fiery motor - the heart - enthusiastically accelerates the blood through the vessels. At this time, the test results for admission to the gymnasium, auditions at a music school, performances in sports section will be beyond any praise for the child. Well, if the baby doesn’t have any important things planned for this hour, take him for a walk.

12:00. Climax: at noon, a child can literally move mountains or, if the violent energy does not find a worthy use, turn the entire apartment upside down, creating a grandiose mess.

13:00. It's time to relax! There is a temporary decline in internal processes; the liver and pancreas, which are responsible for the transition of glucogen into the glucose needed by the brain, work at half-hearted speed and do not provide neurons with a sufficient amount of cellular fuel. It's time to feed your child dinner and send him to bed.

14:00. Strength is at zero, reactions are slow, head is empty, and no wonder: after lunch the blood drained from the brain to the stomach. Put your baby to bed as soon as possible - at this moment he will fall asleep perfectly without much persuasion.

15:00. Your child is sleeping and gaining strength, which he will need in the afternoon. Meanwhile, appetite and taste sensitivity are sharpened to the limit - prepare a light afternoon snack for the young gourmet!

16:00. There is an intellectual and physical decline. Make no mistake: it won't last long. There is a whole evening ahead, and your restless child will still show what he is capable of. In the meantime, read him a book, give him a piece of paper and a pencil, or sit him down for quiet games - dolls, cubes, puzzles.

17:00. Energy is in full swing, questions “how?”, “why?” pouring out like from a cornucopia. It’s great if drawing, foreign language, music or sports classes are scheduled at this time - the child will perform the exercises with double strength and the best results.

18:00. It's time to go for a walk: the body requires movement, but mental performance decreases - the gray cells also need rest.

19:00. Mood deteriorates, signs of fatigue increase, the main of which are intractability and whims.

20:00. Put your child on the scale - the readings will be maximum for the day. Otherwise, this hour is generally unremarkable: there are no outstanding achievements to be expected - it’s time to have dinner and get ready for bed.

21:00. Seize the moment - before going to bed, memory is especially sharp and is capable of capturing a huge amount of various information. Read a chapter from a children's encyclopedia to your child, sing a song in English, recite the poem, and in the morning he will reproduce what he said.

22:00. The blood is full of white cells - 12 thousand leukocytes per milliliter instead of the usual 5-8 thousand. This protective system conducts control patrols of the bodily territory entrusted to it in the coming sleep. Body temperature decreases slightly to ensure restful and deep sleep.

23:00. At such a late hour, the muscles relax more and more, but the body does not waste time - restoration processes take place in every cell.

24:00. Dreams slowly take over the dormant consciousness, and the brain continues to work, sorting out the information received during the day and discarding everything unnecessary.

1:00. At this time, sleep is very light. In addition, sensitivity to pain increases - an injured knee or a problematic tooth, on which the filling should have been changed a long time ago, will most likely change right now and will not allow the baby to sleep until the morning. Don’t let it get to this point - eliminate problems in the child’s body as they arise!

2:00. Almost all organs are resting, and only the liver has no rest: it “cleanses” the sleeping body, freeing the tissues from the end products of metabolism - toxins.

3:00. The lower limit of physiological decline: low blood pressure, and pulse and breathing are extremely rare.

4:00. The brain is supplied with a minimal amount of blood and is not yet ready to awaken. But the hearing is sharpened to the limit - the child can easily wake up from the slightest noise. Turn off your phone in case someone decides to disturb your peace with a call at this early hour.

Appendix 2. “Reliable shield against diseases”

Hardening is a complex system of health-improving effects aimed at achieving stability and immunity of the body to factors harmful to health. What happens in the body during hardening? First of all, nerve endings that are sensitive to temperature influences are trained. At the same time, natural factors - sun, air and water - act on the vascular apparatus of the skin and subcutaneous tissue. Under the influence of cold, the lumens of the skin and subcutaneous vessels narrow, due to which the blood supply to the internal organs increases. As a result, heat transfer decreases and heat production increases.

Hardening is not only rubbing or dousing, but also ordinary everyday procedures that do not require special organization or additional time: staying indoors and outdoors, washing with cool water, sleeping with the window open, active activities physical education. Clothing is important during passive hardening. You should never wrap a child - this leads to overheating of the body. Excessively warm clothing disrupts normal development thermoregulation, as well as metabolic processes, resistance to infections. The more parents wrap up their children, the higher the likelihood of raising them to be weak.

Air hardening methods simple and convenient. The very presence of a child in the open air has a general strengthening and health-improving value. Under the influence of air baths and air flows, the tone of the nervous system increases, performance increases, and the functioning of the cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive systems, and endocrine glands improves. The number of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the blood increases.

A good health booster hardening with water. Children love to play with her; Such activities improve your mood and evoke joyful emotions. It is better to start water procedures in the warm season: wash with cool water, first - hands to elbows, then neck, face.

One of the effective methods of hardening is contrast dousing of legs: first with cold water - 24 - 25°, then warm - 36° and again cold, as well as gargling - first with warm, then cool water.

The most powerful healing and hardening agent is swimming in a pond. For healthy child it is permissible from the age of 2 years at an air temperature of 25 - 28° and water temperature of at least 22°. At the first signs of trembling in a child, he should be immediately taken out of the water, wrapped in a towel, and then allowed to lie in the sun for a while; When in water, even warm water, the child must move, otherwise he will quickly freeze.

It has been known since time immemorial that walking barefoot– a wonderful hardening agent. It has been established that there are many temperature receptors on the surface of the foot, which are directly connected with the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, as well as with almost all internal organs. However, when starting such hardening, you need to follow a certain sequence. At the first stage, it is better to walk in socks, then barefoot on a rug or blanket. Then this period increases, the child can run barefoot and on the floor, in the summer - on grass or sand.

A good hardening and restorative agent can be sunbathing, which have a multifaceted effect on the body. Their main health value lies in their bactericidal properties (many bacteria and viruses die when exposed to direct sunlight) and in increasing the body’s resistance to colds and other pathogenic factors. However, you need to know that exposure to solar radiation is beneficial only in moderate doses.

It must be remembered that the hardening effect of the applied influences depends on the systematicity, continuity of use, gradually increasing intensity of the procedures, and the individual sensitivity of the child.

Target: formation in parents of sustainable motivation to preserve and strengthen their health and the health of their family and their children.

Form of conduct: meeting-dialogue.

Meeting plan(questions for discussion).

  1. What is “health”? Health components.
  2. The national health crisis in the country and its features in the conditions of the northern region.
  3. Health status of first and fourth grade school students.
  4. Analysis of diagnostics of students and parents “Health in my family.”
  5. Health-improving techniques for restoring the health of schoolchildren at home.
  6. Rational nutrition.
  7. Motor activity.
  8. The meaning of sleep for children.
  9. Increasing psycho-emotional stability.
  10. Hygiene requirements when doing homework.
  11. Components of our health.
  12. Advice for parents.
  13. Decision of the meeting.

Progress of the meeting

Speech by the propaganda team “WE ARE FOR A HEALTHY NATION!”

1st participant.

December rings a cheerful bell and gets us ready for school.
In the gym, children's laughter flies somewhere high.

2nd participant.

And my friend in class suddenly, as a confession, will say
It’s great to be healthy and it’s important for everyone!

3rd participant.

Well, is everything assembled?( All).
– What will our conversation be about? ( Of course, about health).
– What is “health”?

4th participant. Health is a state of a person characterized by complete physical, spiritual and social well-being.

Health is great!

5th participant. What does our health depend on?

  • from heredity – 20%;
  • from environmental influence – 20%;
  • from medical care – 10%;
  • from lifestyle – 50%.

ALL: Being healthy is not so easy!!!

5th participant. There would be health, and everything else would be there!

1st participant.

In the new millennium there comes a moment,
When we are responsible for everything!

2nd participant.

The man who conquered the sky, inventing a miracle of technology,
By joining bad habits, he forgets about his health!

3rd participant.

How exhausted the nation is! She's on the verge of death!
We have one planet, and we are given one life!

4th participant. Modern society suffers from alcoholism, smoking and drug addiction.

ALL: The nation is in danger!!!

5th participant. People suffer from AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases!

ALL: The nation is in danger!!!

1st participant.

Families are being destroyed, young people are not studying.
The nation is in despair!

ALL: The nation is in danger!!!

2nd participant.

From despair to hope and to a healthy lifestyle!!!
Drive away illnesses, health is more beneficial for everyone!

3rd participant.

Health is our earthly compass, and luck is the reward for courage!
We will go in for sports with you, health is a good thing!

ALL: Health is great! We are for a healthy lifestyle!!!

4th participant. We want all the inhabitants of the Earth to not be indifferent to their health or the health of others.

5th participant.

To you, parent, I say: Sport is good for health!
Stadium, swimming pool and court, hall, skating rink - everyone is welcome everywhere
For your efforts, your muscles will become hard as a reward,
There will be cups and records!

1st participant. You can do fitness.

2nd participant. We all need to skate.

3rd participant. Skiing is good too!

4th participant. Basketball and volleyball.

5th participant. And football, hockey, dance floor.

1st participant. In general, move sportily and beautifully and actively!!!

2nd participant. Remember, everywhere, always, you have to move, friends!

3rd participant. Remember, making a mistake is very easy - fixing it is difficult!

4th participant. Don't forget to lend a helping hand to someone who is in trouble!

5th participant. Remember, we came into this world to make it more beautiful!

ALL: We choose a healthy nation.

1st participant. We choose health!

2nd participant. Physical education and sports –


3rd participant. Bad habits -

ALL: NO!!! NO!!! NO!!!

There is a song about sports.


This story happened a long time ago in an ancient city where a great sage lived. The fame of his wisdom spread far around his hometown. But there was a man in the city who was jealous of his glory. And so he decided to come up with a question so that the sage could not answer it.

And he went to the meadow and caught a butterfly. He planted it between his closed palms and thought: “I’ll ask the sage: tell me, oh wisest one, which butterfly is in my hands: alive or dead?”

If he says - alive, I will close my palms and the butterfly will die, and if he says - dead, I will open my palms and the butterfly will fly away. Then everyone will understand which of us is smarter.

The envious man caught a butterfly, planted it between his palms and went to the sage. And he asked him: “Which butterfly is in my hands, oh wisest one - alive or dead?” And then the sage said, “Everything is in your hands, man!”

Dear parents,

We live in the 21st century, which has already been dubbed the century of maximum speed and science. The new century, technical and scientific progress require enormous loads and efforts from any person. How can you deal with this? Only through daily and constant work on yourself. With such intellectual loads, which offers today modern education, only constant physical work of the body can cope, in other words, an absolutely healthy student. Therefore, today we will talk about health in general and the health of schoolchildren in particular, about how to help our children maintain and improve their health, and about many other very important and serious things.

1. What is “Health”?

Health saving theorists interpret this important concept in different ways. " Health– the process of maintaining and developing biological, physiological and mental functions, optimal working capacity, social activity with maximum life expectancy” (V.P. Kaznacheev).

« Health- this is a state of the body in which it is biologically complete and able to work” (V.I. Dubrovsky).

« Health“This is not the absence of illness, but the physical, social and psychological harmony of a person” (I. T. Frolov).

The most popular definition given by the World Health Organization is:

« Health“is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”

Important in all these and other definitions of health is the attitude towards it as a dynamic process, which allows for the possibility of purposefully managing it.

Based on the definitions of the World Health Organization, the following components of health are distinguished:

  • Physical health– this is a condition in which a person has harmony of physiological processes and maximum adaptation to various factors external environment.
  • Mental health – This is a person’s ability to adequately respond to external and internal stimuli, the ability to balance himself with the environment.
  • Social health – a measure of social activity, a person’s active attitude to the world.
  • Moral health is a complex of characteristics of the motivational and informational sphere of the individual, the basis of which is determined by a system of moral values.

Do our children have physical, moral and social well-being? What is the health of the nation in the country? What are the current problems health in our district? We will try to answer these and other questions during our dialogue.

2. The national health crisis in the country and its features in the conditions of the northern region.

The issues of the child health crisis and the degeneration of the nation are the subject of constant attention of society and the state. Let me give you a few numbers as examples:

All this makes you not only think, but also sound the alarm.

What is the reason for the crisis of children in Russia and the region in particular? There are different points of view.

According to medical science, human health is determined by four main factors:

  • 50–55% depends on lifestyle: sedentary lifestyle, bad habits, unhealthy diet, psychological climate.
  • 20–25% influence of the environment and ecology (only 5 to 10 percent of children are born healthy).
  • 20% - heredity (diseases such as Down's disease, metabolic diseases, viral and other diseases are transmitted by heredity).
  • And only 5% depends on medicine.

The following negative health factors aggravate the condition of students during the learning process:

  • sedentary behavior of students;
  • overload educational process many disciplines;
  • stress during training;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • lack of a healthy lifestyle in many families;
  • non-compliance with the daily routine;
  • failure to comply with hygiene requirements.

According to domestic researchers, by the end of the school period, the number of practically healthy children is less than 10% of students. Therefore, it is very important, dear parents, not to waste time, but to correctly formulate for each family the main tasks of preserving and strengthening the health of schoolchildren in the process of their growth, development and learning, and to create a health-preserving educational environment in each family.

3. The health status of students in the first and fourth grades of our school(the floor is given to the school physician).

Results medical examinations they say that schoolchildren have various health problems:

  • The number of children with scoliosis is increasing year by year.
  • The number of obese children is increasing.
  • The number of children with diseases of the nervous system is increasing.
  • The number of children with abnormalities in the circulatory system is growing.
  • The percentage of children suffering from allergies is increasing.

During the first quarter of the 2008/09 school year, a total of ... lessons were missed due to illness. Among the common diseases are...

4. Diagnostic results for students and parents(questionnaires for parents and students, Appendix 1 and Appendix 2).

You, dear parents, have been asked to answer the questions of the questionnaire “Health in my family.

The purpose of the survey: to conduct a diagnosis by questioning parents and to identify the parents’ attitude to the value of health and the work being done to preserve and strengthen it. The floor is given to the school psychologist.

Thanks guys, you helped us a lot!

Analyzing the answers of parents and children, we can say that the creation of conditions for the formation of a healthy lifestyle depends on the specific conditions in which a person lives, on the economic state of the family in which the student is being raised, on the attitude of the child himself, on his needs and capabilities, on the desires and aspirations of the family to be healthy. And again we return to the parable. Everything is in the hands of the person himself, including health.

5. Health-improving methods for restoring schoolchildren at home.

Today we will introduce you to some rules of rational nutrition. We will tell you about the importance of movement in a person’s life, what a daily routine is and why it needs to be followed, what hygienic requirements must be observed when doing homework and why it is necessary to increase the psycho-emotional stability of schoolchildren.

We continue, and I give the floor...

Rational nutrition

Food must be rational in chemical composition and contain proteins, fats and carbohydrates, vitamins and microelements. Be harmless and safe. Even in ancient times it was known that proper nutrition is an indispensable condition for a long life.

Modern scientists have revealed that the main nutritional disorders are an excess of carbohydrates and fats of animal origin, a deficiency of fruits, vegetables and berries, as well as a violation of the diet.

According to research, the vitamin content in the body of schoolchildren is normal in only 10%. Therefore, it is recommended that children use vitamin complexes. Especially in winter.

In the school canteen this school year, a table has been organized, which includes onions, garlic, lemon and vitamin teas.

Parents also need to remember that children of primary school age need to eat at least 4-5 times a day and adhere to the following rules: variety, moderation and timeliness of meals.

Should a child be forced to eat if he refuses? You can’t force it, assessing your desire to eat; the child listens to the needs of his body.

Do children have to eat first courses? Yes. Eating only main courses does not cause sufficient secretion of gastric juice; food lingers in the digestive canal for a long time, ferments and irritates the mucous membrane.

In addition, you should teach your child to eat slowly, chew food well, and not engage in extraneous activities while eating.

Motor activity

Movement as a form of physiological activity is an indicator of physical health, inherent in almost all living things and plays an important role in the development of the human psyche and intelligence.

A growing organism develops a certain excess of motor activity. There is a concept of “biological sufficiency of movements.”

For example, the minimum number of steps per day for an adult is 10 thousand, and a schoolchild should take 25–30 thousand steps per day.

If parents are overweight, then 80% of children are too.

People who do not exercise have a 20% higher heart rate. This leads to rapid wear and tear of the body. According to statistics, 20% of children born develop flat feet. This is due to muscle weakness.

And now 4th grade students invite all parents to perform a set of health-improving gymnastics exercises with them.

The meaning of sleep for children.

A special place in the daily routine is given to sleep. Junior schoolboy He spends a lot of time at school, he is active and easily excitable, so he needs good sleep. First-graders need to sleep 11 hours, and students 8-10 years old up to 10 hours a day.

Proper sleep ensures rest, high performance, and prevents fatigue, headaches, and weakness. irritability, tearfulness.

And if a child chronically does not get enough sleep, he develops a neuropsychiatric disease.

And that’s why we now invite all parents to plunge into a wonderful magical dream.

Game "magic dream"

Everyone can dance, run, jump and play.
But not everyone knows how to relax and rest.
We have this game, it’s very easy and simple.
Movements slow down and tension disappears.
And it becomes clear that relaxation is pleasant.
Eyelashes droop, eyes close,
We rest peacefully and fall asleep in a magical sleep.
Breathe easily, evenly, deeply.
The tension has flown away and the whole body is relaxed.
It's like we're lying on the grass, on green, soft grass,
The sun is shining now, our feet are warm.
Breathe easily, freely, deeply.
The lips are warm and limp, but not at all tired.
And your obedient tongue is accustomed to being relaxed.
It was nice to rest, but now it's time to get up!
Clench your fingers tightly into a fist and press your chest like this!
Stretch, smile, take a deep breath, wake up!
Open your eyes wider - 1, 2, 3, 4!
Cheerful, cheerful and ready for classes again!!!

Increasing psycho-emotional stability.

According to research materials, what is especially dangerous for any person, including students, is not active emotions, but passive ones: despair, anxiety, fearfulness, depression. That is why it is necessary to develop positive thinking which is achieved through hard training.

It is important to teach a schoolchild to rejoice even in his own small victory, and even more so in the luck of others. Learning will only be effective when the student experiences joy from the learning process.

Parents should also remember that only in a strong, friendly, prosperous family, where there is a comfortable environment and understanding parents, where mutual understanding and love reign, where conflicts are internal in nature and quickly resolved, only in such a family can they raise truly healthy offspring.

Hygiene requirements when doing homework.

Air-thermal regime– one of the important environmental factors influencing the performance and health of children. Hygienists have established that the room where the child works should have a temperature of 18–20 degrees and a relative humidity of up to 60%. Temperature measurement is carried out in the center of the room at the height of the child. Daily wet cleaning and ventilation of the room is mandatory.

Light mode– can prevent overload, stimulate the development of the visual analyzer, and prevent the occurrence of myopia. The most optimal location of the room for lessons is the south or southeast side. Not suitable for interior use dark colors. Red color is used only as signals. Warm colors are recommended - orange and yellow. You can use shades of green. You can use artificial lighting in addition to natural lighting. In December, the lights should be on until 10 a.m. and from 2 p.m. Then, every month, reduce the additional light regime by 1 hour.

Furniture and other equipment also affect the health of schoolchildren. The level of the tabletop should be 4 cm above the elbow of the freely lowered arm of a sitting person.

If the chair is too low, the student is forced to raise his right shoulder high, and if the chair is high, the child is forced to hunch, and this all leads to curvature of the spine.

A prerequisite when doing homework is its timing.

Lessons must be completed at the same time, the optimal and most productive time is considered to be from 16 to 18 hours. By 12 o'clock there is usually a decline in performance. The first phase is working in, it lasts up to 7 minutes. The average duration of active attention of a first-grader is up to 20 minutes; for 4th-grade students it is slightly higher. Then performance begins to decline, and rest is needed. In 2 hours of lesson preparation, you can do 2-3 breaks of 5 minutes each.

The most difficult lessons are considered to be mathematics, computer science, foreign language, social studies, literacy.

During the week, Tuesday is considered the most productive; from Wednesday to Saturday, productivity decreases. Its lowest indicators were noted on Monday. On Friday, there was an increase in efficiency again.

Therefore, it is better to prepare home lessons like this:

  • Lesson 1 – development phase, lessons of medium difficulty.
  • Lessons 2–3 are lessons of maximum difficulty.
  • Lesson 4 is easier.

Duration of continuous reading in elementary school is as follows: 10 minutes for students in grades 1–2, up to 20 minutes for students in grades 3–4.

The same amount of time is allocated for working with the computer.

6. The most important components of schoolchildren’s health.

So, let's summarize everything said above.

Thank you for your cooperation! We wish you good health!

Parents meeting

“Strengthening and maintaining the health of preschool children

Parent meeting “Strengthening and preserving the health of preschool children”

Target : introduceparents pupils with the main factors contributing tostrengthening and maintaining the health of preschoolers

Event plan :

1. Organizational stage

2. Speech on the topic : « »

3. Work in groups to discuss issues. Questionnaireparents and analysis .

4. Speech by a nurse on the topic"State Analysis health of pupils »

5. Speech on the topic promoting children's health »

6. Summing up

Speech on the topic : « Preservation and promotion of health »

Parents They enter the hall walking along the gymnastic paths.

Dear,parents , Hello! It seems like such a simple and ordinary word - hello. But it has everything: warmth, meetings, a handshake from friends, and, of course, wisheshealth . So today we will talk aboutchildren and get acquainted with the main factors contributing tostrengthening and maintaining the health of preschool children at home and in kindergarten settings.

"What is hello" -

The best of words


Means : "Be healthy » .

Health Everyone needs it - children, adults, and even animals.Health children are the future of our country.

They are heard more and more often in the media, from the lips of teachers, doctors,parents , issues related to problemshealth children - the younger generation of our country. In the era of computer technology, the invention of ever new machines that seem to be designed to help people, freeing them from everyday problems, in the era of an irreversible process there is a tendency for the condition to deterioratechildren's health . Health does not exist in itself, once given, constantly and unchangeably. You need to be willing and able to take care ofhealth . If you don't take care of yourhealth , you can lose it.Maintain and improve health – a huge daily work, starting from birth.

INpreschool child's health , its intensive growth and development occurs, basic movements, posture, as well as the necessary skills and habits are formed, basic physical qualities are acquired, character traits are developed, without which it is impossiblehealthy lifestyle .

Hardly to be foundparents who don't want their children to grow uphealthy . However, many do not know how to achieve this. Some people even think that doinghealth promotion the child should be educated by educators and doctors, whileparents one is only supposed to take care of the food and clothing of one's children. There are also mothers and fathers who, in search of effective waysimproving the health of your children , completely reject proven recommendations and use only unconventional methods, which often have an adverse effect on the conditionchild's health .

Finally there isparents who carefully and punctually follow medical recommendations, often use medications in large quantities and, nevertheless, do not always achieve the desired result.

Caring forhealth child and adult began to occupy priority positions throughout the world. Any country needs creative, harmoniously developed, active andhealthy .

The child is constantly sick.

Mother in panic, in tears : both fear and sadness.

After all, I have him since the cradle

I always try to keep it warm.

The apartment has windows even in summer

He’s afraid to open it in case there’s a draft,

With him, either to the hospital or to the pharmacy,

The number of medications cannot be counted.

Not a boy, in a word, but suffering.

That's how, sometimes, we are from children

Growing a greenhouse creature

And not fighters - heroes.

V. Krestov “Greenhouse creation”

What should it behealthy child ? (Answers parents when passing the ball ) .

There are several factors influencing the conditionhealth . Tell me, can you highlight which ones?(called parents )

We put the names of the factors on the easel.

20% - heredity,

20% - ecology,

10% - healthcare development,

50% is lifestyle.

Which factor could we put first?(answers parents and distribution of factors by location)

What's happenedhealthy lifestyle (answers parents passing the ball )

Rational nutrition.

Compliance with the regime.

Optimal motor mode.

Full sleep.

- Healthy hygienic environment .

Favorable psychological atmosphere.


The main goal of the kindergarten, together with the family, is to help the child understand thathealth - the main value of life, since inpreschool childhood lays the foundationchild's health , its intensive growth and development occurs, basic movements are formed, basic physical qualities are acquired, character traits are developed, without which it is impossiblehealthy lifestyle .

Adults must not only protect the child’s body from harmful influences, but also create conditions that help increase the child’s body’s defenses and performance. And what is important here is a properly organized daily routine - these are optimally combined periods of wakefulness and sleep for children during the day. It satisfies their needs for food, activity, rest, physical activity, etc. The regime disciplines children, accustoms them to a certain rhythm. We, kindergarten workers, count Monday"heavy" during the day, since many children refuse to eat, are capricious, get tired quickly, etc. Here, illness is not far away. And the whole point is that on Saturday and Sunday the children did not go out, did not sleep during the day, went to bed late in the evening - in a word, the entire daily routine strictly observed in the kindergarten was violated. How to properly organize your daily routine? When is the best time for a baby to have breakfast, lunch, exercise, play, walk, listen to music?

Setting the power modepreschooler , you need to remember that the child should eat 4-5 times a day. You should have breakfast no later than 45 minutes - 1 hour after waking up, and plan dinner 1.5-2 hours before bedtime. You also need to determine the time for lunch, afternoon tea and dinner, in accordance with the general routine in the family. Do not allow children to snack on cookies, candy, etc., so as not to spoil their appetite.

SLEEP MODE : normal sleep duration for 5-6 years is 12-13 hours. Part of this time is allocated for daytime sleep. Children 5-6 years old usually sleep 1.5 hours during the day. You also need to take into account the conditionhealth child – weakened children need longer sleep. Children should be put to bed at night at 8-9 pm. To do this, you need to create a calm environment, then the child will quickly fall asleep.

OUTDOOR WALKS : During the daypreschooler Be sure to provide time for daily walks in the fresh air. In winter, children should walk outside for at least 3-4 hours, and in summer much longer.

GAMES : During the daypreschooler There should be time for a variety of activities and games. It is necessary to alternate noisy and active games with calmer ones. In the evening before going to bed, it is better to organize a quietclass : stack cubes, draw, sculpt, you can read a book to them or tell them something.


At 8 o'clock - rise.

From 8 to 8.30 – gymnastics, washing, drying.

From 8.30 to 9 o'clock - breakfast.

From 9 to 10 o'clock - games and activities at home.

From 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. – walks and outdoor games.

From 13.00 to 13.30 – lunch.

From 13.30 to 15 o'clock - afternoon nap.

From 15 to 15.30 – afternoon tea.

From 15.30 to 18.30 – walk and games in the air.

From 18.30 to 19 o'clock - dinner.

From 19 to 20 hours - quiet activities, evening dressing and preparation for bed.

From 20 o'clock to 8 o'clock in the morning - night sleep.

Benefits of Adherenceday :

1) compliance with the child’s regime is its keyhealth (timely eating, mandatory walks, required amount of sleep, etc.);

2) according to doctors, the regimenstrengthens immunity - the subconscious learns that everything has its owntime : eating, sleeping, walking, and the body adapts - sleep becomes deep, appetite is good;

3) linking things over time creates predictability, the routine helps to avoid chaos, fuss, helplessness, and surprises, which, in turn, makes children calmer and more confident;

4) if the child is used to living according to the regime, thenparents there is no need to constantly give instructions;

5) the regime helps children adapt to a new environment(kindergarten, school) ;

6) the daily routine contributes to the development of the skill of self-discipline, which will certainly help the child in adulthood;

7) thanks to the regime, more time is devoted to unregulated activities, since the necessary and mandatory ones are carried out"on automatic" (similar to the approach"fly lady" ).

Thus, the daily routine is not a strict schedule for completing certain tasks, but a simple way to satisfy all the basic needs of the child.

Good nutrition - inclusion in the diet of foods rich in vitamins A, B, C and D, mineral salts (calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, copper, as well as protein. A mandatory condition for rational nutrition of children of all ages is a variety of diets, both due to different products, as well as methods of their preparation. Beautiful presentation of dishes and table setting contribute to improving appetite and absorption of food.

To increase the child’s body’s defenses, it is recommended to take vitamins. The recommendations of your local pediatrician will help you in this matter.

It is important to develop children's interest inhealth improvement own body. The sooner a child gets an idea of ​​the structure of the human body, learns about the importance of hardening, movement, proper nutrition, sleep, the sooner he will be introduced tohealthy lifestyle . If a child is forcibly forced to engage in physical education, as well as to observe the rules of hygiene, then the child quickly loses interest in this.

Forhealth promotion and normalization of weight, walking and running are effective, helping to increase overall endurance,strengthening cardiovascular and respiratory systems, various muscle groups, joints and ligaments. Running has been proven to improve blood flow in all internal organs, including the brain. In addition, walking and running have a pronounced training effect and help strengthen the body. What is hardening?

Hardening is one of the effective means health promotion and disease prevention. It has a positive effect on the mechanisms of adaptation to cold and heat, weakens the negative reactions of our body to weather changes, increases resistance to viral and bacterial infections, creates a strong shield against colds and thereby significantly extends the life of a person’s active creative life. Everyone needs to strengthen their body. It is better to start hardening with early age. The main natural hardening factors are air, sun and water. Sufficient exposure of the child to the air; regular ventilation of the room; clothing that allows you to move freely without overheating - all these factors constantly and naturally have a hardening effect on the body. In kindergarten, a set of activities is carried out aimed at providing conditions forpromoting children's health

Do you carry out hardening procedures with your child and what kind? At home, you can get acquainted in detail with the methodology of hardening procedures.

Hit onhealth the child is harmed by harmful tendenciesparents . It is no secret that children of smoking fathers and mothers suffer from bronchopulmonary diseases much more often than children of non-smokers.

Severe consequences forhealth have injuries and accidents. What in the home environment can pose a danger to a child’s life? How to protect children from accidents?

And now I will tell you what children do in kindergarten to behealthy . First of all, they gain knowledge about the child’s behavior on the street, about dangerous situations on the road, at home, in transport, about the structure of the body and proper nutrition, and the benefits of vitamins, and much more.

Practical skills :

walking along massage paths,

contrasting air baths,

sleep with access to air,

walking barefoot,

washing and washing hands with cool water,

mouth rinse,

participation in sports activities,

walks with games and sports exercises in the fresh air,

morning exercises, breathing, finger exercises,

games with small toys for development fine motor skills hands

Laying out various figures from sticks, working with plasticine, pencils,

visiting the pool,

physical development classes both indoors and outdoors.

What do adults do tosave children's lives and improve their health ?

Agree how nice it is to feelhealthy , cheerful and cheerful. After all, as the ancients saidGreeks : "IN healthy body - healthy mind » . But many proverbs and sayings have been written by the Russian people.« Health is more valuable than gold » , « Health , no amount of money can buy you" , “Take care of your nose in white frost” , "Whoever is not sick is does not know the price of health » .

And so, what is ithealth ? (answers parents )

( Health is strength and intelligence , mood, emotional state, beauty, happiness, wealth)

And now I invite you to watch and listen to how the children answered this question Viewvideo : “Who ishealthy person ?”.

My child willhealthy if I..." .

Answersparents .

Now I would like to invite you to watch an interview in which children discuss what needs to be done tomaintain your health .

Watch video : “What do you have to do to behealthy ?”.

4. Speech on the topic : “Events aimed at providing conditions forpromoting children's health »

Morning exercises. The main task of morning exercises isstrengthening and healing the child’s body .

Excepthealth Morning exercises also have educational significance. With the help of morning exercises, children become accustomed to a certain routine.

Through daily exercise, children improve their basicmovement : running, walking, jumping. Children acquire and consolidate the skills of placing in space - building in columns at a certain distance from each other using the eye, and not outstretched arms.

To give your child a boost of energy, good mood and felt comfortable after the exercise, we try to make it as interesting as possible, using artistic expression, various objects(cubes, handkerchiefs, flags, balls) .

Play massage is the basis of hardening andhealing the child's body . Intense pressure on the fingertips stimulates blood flow to the hands. On the auricle there are a large number of biologically active points connected reflexively with all organs of the body. Playing with the ears is useful, in particular, for improving the functioning of the respiratory system and protecting the body from colds.

We carry out the exercises 1-2 times a day, using various rhymes that correspond to the actions being performed. Children take part in this game with great pleasure.

Breathing exercisesstrengthens respiratory muscles, improves blood circulation in the upper respiratory tract and increases resistance to colds, as well as endurance during physical activity.

Gymnastics in bed. After a day's sleep, we do hardening exercises in bed. We start doing gymnastics with the children who wake up, the rest join in as they wake up. It includes elements such as stretching, alternately raising and lowering arms and legs, elements of finger exercises, eye exercises, and elements of breathing exercises. The duration of gymnastics in bed is 2–3 minutes. In order to evoke an emotional response in children, as well as a desire to perform exercises together with the teacher, I use game exercises, accompanying them with various verses.

Massage mats, non-standard equipment. They are a means of preventing flat feet. Rugs are made from various waste and naturalmaterials : felt-tip pens, bottle caps, buttons, pebbles, pine cones. All children like these exercises.

Air procedures. Practice shows that any exposure to low temperature air has a beneficial hardening effect, training autonomic vascular reactions, i.e. improves physical thermoregulation.

Therefore, walking naked on rugs, changing a child’s clothes before bed, sleeping in a T-shirt in cold weather and panties in warm weather, as well as walking on rugs after sleep is a valuable hardening activity.

Water procedures. Water procedures have a more intense hardening effect than air baths. Washing is the most accessible type of water hardening in everyday life. For children younger age It is recommended to wash not only your face, but also your hands up to the elbows every day.

Walk. Outdoor games. Exposing children to the fresh air is of great importance for physical development. Walking is the first and most accessible means hardening of the child's body. It helps to increase its endurance and resistance to adverse environmental influences, especially colds.

We go for a walk in any weather, except for strong wind or heavy rain, and at an air temperature not lower than - 15C. Children should not be allowed to get their hands and feet wet in winter. It is known that the hands and feet contain many thermoreceptors directly connected to the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, therefore, when cooled, a quick manifestation of a reflex effect on the mucous membrane in the form of coughing, runny nose, sneezing, etc. is possible. A walk includes an active game with increased motor activity. During the walk, 2-3 different games are played.

Optimal rotation various types activities. When conducting classes, we usehealth-saving technologies aimed atpreserving and strengthening the health of children . During classes, children walk, stand, sit on a chair, on the floor, look for objects, and reach for them. The complex of physical minutes spent during classes is playful and creative in nature, includingmyself : elements of breathing exercises, eye exercises, finger gymnastics, exercises for the back, neck, arms, legs. I select physical education minutes in accordance with the topic of the lesson; they are not a separate part of the lesson. At the end of the lesson I conduct an outdoor game or perform dance movements to music.

So our conversation today has come to an end. And in conclusion, I want to invite you to play a game. Let's form a circle with you, and each of you will tell your neighbor a wish to introduce him tohealthy lifestyle , taking him by the hand, (when the circle is closed, we will all say in unison"And we will healthy » .)

Our thread has not been broken and I hope that we will always fight together forthe health of our children , we will support you in difficult times. After all, good deeds and friendship are alsohealth . Remember thathealth the child is in our hands.

(V. Sukhomlinsky) :

"I'm not afraid again and againrepeat : caring forhealth - this is the most important workparent . Their spiritual life, worldview, mental development, strength of knowledge, faith in one’s strength.”

Target : To acquaint parents of pupils with the main factors that contribute to strengthening and maintaining the health of preschool children at home and in kindergarten conditions. To form in parents the motivation for a healthy lifestyle, responsibility for their health and the health of their children.

Plan for the meeting.

1 Introductory remarks.

2 Message for parents on the topic of the meeting.

3 Creating a problematic situation for parents.

4 Speech by the head nurse of the kindergarten.

5 The role of walks in a child’s life.

6 Presentation of the project “Hardening of Young Children.”

Progress of the meeting:

Dear parents, hello! Thank you for taking the time to come to the parent meeting. “Hello” seems at first glance to be a simple and ordinary word. It has everything: warmth, meetings, handshakes of friends, and wishes for health. I say “hello” to you, which means I wish you all health! Have you ever wondered why greeting people involves wishing each other good health? Probably because health is the most important value for a person. But, unfortunately, we start talking about health only when we lose it! And today we will talk about the health of our children.

In modern society, new, higher demands are placed on a person, including a child, on his knowledge and abilities. Caring for the health of children and adults has become a priority all over the world. This is understandable, since any country needs creative, harmoniously developed, active and healthy individuals.

Taking care of raising a healthy child is a priority in the work of our preschool institution. A healthy and developed child has good body resistance to harmful environmental factors and resistance to fatigue, and is socially and physiologically adapted. In preschool childhood, the foundation of a child’s health is laid, intensive growth and development occurs, basic movements, posture, as well as the necessary skills and habits are formed, basic physical qualities are acquired, character traits are developed, without which a healthy lifestyle is impossible. The subsequent real lifestyle and health of a person depends on how successfully it is possible to form and consolidate healthy lifestyle skills in children.

The main goal of the kindergarten is, together with the family, to help the child grow strong and healthy, to let the child understand that health is the main value of human life.

The increase in the number of diseases is associated not only with the socio-ecological situation, but also with the very lifestyle of the child’s family, which largely depends on family traditions and the nature of the motor regime. Today it is important for us, adults, to form and maintain an interest in improving the health of both ourselves and our children. Unfortunately, due to the developed cultural level of our society, health is not yet in first place among human needs. Therefore, many parents cannot serve as a positive example of a healthy lifestyle for their child. Often, parents have little idea of ​​how necessary it is to introduce their child to a healthy lifestyle.

Creating a problematic situation for parents.

During the meeting I would like to speculate a little. Let's answer one seemingly very simple question: “Who is a healthy person? (parents' answers).

“my child will be healthy if...” (parents’ answers).

Now we give the floor to the kindergarten nurse, Irina Aleksandrovna Morozova. She will talk about the treatment of colds, their prevention and hardening. (Speech by a nurse).

In the future, our conversation will focus on hardening. The results of your questionnaires show that you carry out various types of hardening with children.

Contrast air hardening (children go from a warm room to a “cold” one);

Walking barefoot;

Contrast shower is the most effective method of hardening at home;

Gargling with cool water with a decrease in temperature is a method of preventing nasopharyngeal disease (gargling begins with a water temperature of 36-37 degrees, decreases every 2-3 days by 1 degree and is brought to room temperature).

How to improve children's health and avoid diseases? These questions concern both you parents and us teachers, since we all want our children not to get sick, to become healthier and stronger from year to year, to grow up and enter a big life not only knowledgeable and educated, but also healthy and seasoned.

About the role of walks in a child’s life.

A.S. Pushkin wrote about the beneficial effects of walks in the fresh air:

“My friends! Take your staff

Go to the forest, wander through the valley,

And your sleep will be deep throughout the night.”

Children's daily walks can and should be effective method hardening Under the influence of air baths, not only does the tone of the nervous, respiratory and digestive systems increase, but also the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the blood increases.

Walking is one of the essential components of the regime. Staying in the air helps increase the body's resistance and hardens it. We all understand that a child needs to walk as much as possible. However, not everyone knows exactly the meaning of walks for children and how they are useful. First of all, during walks in the air, the lungs are cleared of allergens and dust, thereby improving the functions of the upper respiratory tract and nasal mucosa.

Why is it important for a child to walk a lot:

Walking outside promotes the normal function of vital systems of the body, as well as the brain;

Walking is an additional expenditure of energy for motor activity, as well as maintaining body temperature, which improves the functioning of all body systems, and above all the immune and cardiovascular;

When a child comes into contact with various environmental factors, such as frost, heat, wind, rain, the body’s adaptation mechanisms are activated;

When the skin receives UV rays, it produces vitamin D, a deficiency of which can cause rickets;

Walking in the fresh air helps prevent myopia. The gaze in a limited space focuses on objects that are located nearby, and on the street on those that are located in the distance;

During walks, the baby has many positive emotions and new impressions, on which both his intellectual and social development depend.

An equally important part of the regimen is sleep. It is important that the baby falls asleep at the same time every day (both day and night). Thus, the child’s home routine should be a continuation of the kindergarten daily regimen.

Equally important is the diet, that is, maintaining certain intervals between meals. It is important for children to develop an interest in improving their own body health.

Despite the fact that we pay a special place in our pedagogical activities to preserving and strengthening the health of children, the main problem remains morbidity. We have developed the project “Hardening of Young Children”. We have been working on this project for 2 years. (Project presentation)

Summary of the meeting:

Dear parents! Remember that the health of the child is in your hands! You need to create conditions for a healthy lifestyle for your child. Caring for the health of children and adults has become a priority all over the world. The more we show and tell the child about health. So much the better for its development. We invite you to support the initiative of the kindergarten and introduce a healthy lifestyle into the family.

Decision of the parents' meeting.

Create the necessary conditions to fulfill the child’s need for physical activity.

Organize a daily routine and nutrition at home close to the daily routine in kindergarten.

On weekends, be sure to organize walks with your children.

Systematically harden the child in a family setting.

Questionnaire for parents

"About children's health" (underline as appropriate )

  1. Does your child get sick often?
  1. Causes of the disease:

Insufficient physical education child in kindergarten;

Insufficient physical education in the family;

Heredity, predisposition.

  1. Do you know physical indicators by which you can monitor the correct development of your child?

Yes no partially

  1. What, in your opinion, should families and kindergartens pay attention to? special attention taking care of health and physical culture child?

Compliance with the regime;

Rational, high-calorie nutrition;

Full sleep;

Sufficient exposure to fresh air;

Availability of sports and children's playgrounds;

Physical education classes;

Hardening activities.

  1. What hardening procedures are most suitable for your child?

Lightweight clothing for a walk;

Lightweight clothing in a group;

Pouring feet with water of contrasting temperature;

Walking barefoot;

Walk in any weather;

Gargling with water at room temperature;

Wash your face, neck, arms up to the elbows with water at room temperature.

  1. Do you know how to improve your child's health at home?

Yes no partially

  1. Do you do morning exercises at home?

Yes no sometimes

  1. Does your child follow personal hygiene rules?

Yes no sometimes

  1. Do you know the basic principles and methods of hardening? Please indicate which ones:
  1. What prevents you from hardening your children at home?


  1. Which family member most often walks with the child?

Dad mom with the whole family

  1. Do you go for walks with your child after kindergarten?

Yes no sometimes

  1. Does the child get sick often, what diseases or injuries has he suffered?


Thank you for your cooperation!

Parents meeting

Topic: “Strengthening and preserving

health of preschool children"

Form: round table.


Event plan:

1. Organizational stage

2. Speech on the topic: “Preservation and promotion of health”

3.Work in groups to discuss issues. Parent survey and analysis.

4. Speech by a nurse on the topic “Analysis of the health status of pupils”

5. Speech on the topic: “Events aimed at providing conditions for improving the health of children”

6. Summing up

1. Educator: “The topic of our parent meeting is “Strengthening and preserving the health of a preschooler.”

Target: to familiarize parents of pupils with the main factors that contribute to strengthening and maintaining the health of a preschooler at home and in a kindergarten.


1. Speech on the topic: “Preservation and promotion of health”

2.Work in groups to discuss issues. Parent survey and analysis.

5. Summing up

2. Speech on the topic: “Preserving and promoting health”

Everyone needs health - children, adults, and even animals. Children's health is the future of our country.

In modern conditions, there is a sharp deterioration in the health of children. According to the Research Institute of Social Hygiene and Health Organization named after. N.A. Semashko, in Russia about 40% of children can be considered relatively healthy. However, health does not exist on its own, once given, permanently and unchangeably. You need to want and be able to take care of your health. If you don't take care of your health, you can lose it. Maintaining and improving health is a huge daily task, starting from birth.

Strengthening the health of children should be carried out through the joint efforts of the family and kindergarten. In this case, the leading role belongs to the preschool institution, where the child spends most of his active time.

Therefore, improving children's health in preschool institutions– the primary task of teaching and medical personnel. What should you do to be healthy? Since ancient times, it has been noted that hardening helps improve health. Therefore, hardening activities should form the basis of the educational and health process, the goal of which is to reduce the incidence of illness in children.

In order to help children maintain and strengthen the health of children, to instill in them the need for health as a vital value, a conscious desire to lead a healthy lifestyle, and a responsible attitude towards their health, a lot of systematic and constant work is needed.

Hardening is one of the effective means of promoting health and preventing diseases.It has a positive effect on the mechanisms of adaptation to cold and heat, weakens the negative reactions of our body to weather changes, increases resistance to viral and bacterial infections, creates a strong shield against colds and thereby significantly extends the life of a person’s active creative life. Everyone needs to strengthen their body. It is better to start hardening from an early age. The main natural hardening factors are air, sun and water. Sufficient exposure of the child to the air; regular ventilation of the room; clothing that allows you to move freely without overheating - all these factors constantly and naturally have a hardening effect on the body. The kindergarten carries out a set of activities aimed at providing conditions for improving the health of children

  1. through ventilation;
  2. compliance with sanitary and hygienic conditions;
  3. morning exercises in a ventilated room;
  4. breathing exercises (2–3 times a day);
  5. play massage (2-3 times a day);
  6. gymnastics in bed after a nap;
  7. walking barefoot on massage mats
  8. washing with cool water;
  9. walk in the fresh air;
  10. optimal alternation of different types of activities

2. Dear parents! You are divided into 3 groups based on “My attitude towards life”: optimists, realists, pessimists. I ask you to discuss the topics.

What is health? - factors influencing health status

What is healthy lifestyle?

I present to you a questionnaire.

  • How do you assess your child’s health (good, fair, bad) –
  • Has the child’s health status changed during the period of attending kindergarten (for the better, for the worse)
  • What reasons, in your opinion, may influence the deterioration of a child’s health while he is in kindergarten?
  • What should a teacher pay attention to when working with a child?

3. Speech by a nurse on the topic “Analysis of the health status of pupils”

4. Speech on the topic: “Events aimed at providing conditions for improving the health of children”

Morning exercises.The main goal of morning exercises is to strengthen and improve the health of the child’s body.

In addition to its health-improving value, morning exercises also have educational value. With the help of morning exercises, children become accustomed to a certain routine.

Through daily exercise, children improve their basic movements: running, walking, jumping. Children acquire and consolidate the skills of placing in space - building in columns at a certain distance from each other using the eye, and not outstretched arms..

In order for the child to receive a charge of vivacity, good mood and feel comfortable after exercise, we try to make it as interesting as possible, using artistic expression and various objects (cubes, handkerchiefs, flags, balls).

Play massage is the basis for hardening and healing the child’s body. Intense pressure on the fingertips stimulates blood flow to the hands. On the auricle there are a large number of biologically active points connected reflexively with all organs of the body. Playing with the ears is useful, in particular, for improving the functioning of the respiratory system and protecting the body from colds.

We carry out the exercises 1-2 times a day, using various rhymes that correspond to the actions being performed. Children take part in this game with great pleasure.

Breathing exercisesstrengthens the respiratory muscles, improves blood circulation in the upper respiratory tract and increases resistance to colds, as well as endurance during physical activity.

Gymnastics in bed.After a day's sleep, we do hardening exercises in bed. We start doing gymnastics with the children who wake up, the rest join in as they wake up. It includes elements such as stretching, alternately raising and lowering arms and legs, elements of finger exercises, eye exercises, and elements of breathing exercises. The duration of gymnastics in bed is 2–3 minutes. In order to evoke an emotional response in children, as well as a desire to perform exercises together with the teacher, I use game exercises, accompanying them with various poems.

Massage mats,non-standard equipment.They are a means of preventing flat feet. Rugs are made from various waste and natural materials: felt-tip pens, bottle caps, buttons, pebbles, pine cones. All children like these exercises.

Air procedures. Practice shows that any exposure to low temperature air has a beneficial hardening effect, training autonomic vascular reactions, i.e. improves physical thermoregulation.

Therefore, walking naked on rugs, changing a child’s clothes before bed, sleeping in a T-shirt in cold weather and panties in warm weather, as well as walking on rugs after sleep is a valuable hardening activity.

Water procedures. Water procedures have a more intense hardening effect than air baths. Washing is the most accessible type of water hardening in everyday life. Young children are advised to wash not only their face, but also their arms up to the elbow every day.

Walk. Outdoor games.Children's stay in the fresh air is of great importance for physical development. Walking is the first and most accessible means of hardening a child’s body. It helps to increase its endurance and resistance to adverse environmental influences, especially colds.

We go for a walk in any weather, except for strong wind or heavy rain, and at an air temperature not lower than -15 WITH . Children should not be allowed to get their hands and feet wet in winter. It is known that the hands and feet contain many thermoreceptors directly connected to the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, therefore, when cooled, a rapid manifestation of a reflex effect on the mucous membrane in the form of coughing, runny nose, sneezing, etc. is possible. The walk includes active play with increased motor activity. During the walk, 2-3 different games are played.

Optimal alternation of different types of activities.When conducting classes, we use health-saving technologies aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of children. During classes, children walk, stand, sit on a chair, on the floor, look for objects, and reach for them. The complex of physical minutes spent during classes is playful and creative in nature and includes: elements of breathing exercises, eye exercises, finger exercises, exercises for the back, neck, arms, legs. I select physical education minutes in accordance with the topic of the lesson; they are not a separate part of the lesson. At the end of the lesson I conduct an outdoor game or perform dance movements to music.

Conditions have been created for the physical development of children in the group. There is sports equipment and equipment for physical activity: balls; hoops; toys that can be rolled; ladder, dry pool. The group has a place for children to play together, and there is an open space for outdoor games. All sports equipment and facilities are available to children.

6. Dear parents! Remember the health of the child is in your hands! It has long been noticed: in those families where adults get sick little, children, as a rule, are healthy.

At the end of our meeting, let's outline a joint action plan to improve the health of our children:

Use the information received at the parent meeting to maintain and improve health;

Introduce a healthy lifestyle into every family;

Set your home routine in accordance with your daily routine;

Systematically carry out hardening;