Ukrainian-Polish dictionary. Polish dictionary online

Jun 19

Traveling is always exciting, because it’s so nice to visit new places and get new experiences. But sometimes the problem of knowing the language, or rather, not knowing it, arises. Moreover, when going to Poland, I would like to communicate specifically in Polish to experience the local flavor. That is why every tourist will need a small Russian-Polish phrasebook.

So, you have finally arrived on a trip to Poland. Let's start our Russian-Polish phrasebook with greetings, which is an indispensable part of any conversation. Of course, the actual pronunciation of some words is quite difficult to describe, but even with minor errors in pronunciation, they will definitely understand and help you. Let's not forget that The stress in all words is on the penultimate syllable.

"Basic forms of communication"

Russian language Polish Pronunciation
Thank you Dziękuję Jenkuen
Thank you for your concern/help/invitation/advice Dziękuję za opieke / pomoc / zaproszenie / rade Jenkuen for custody / help / requested / rade
Please Prosze Prosheng
I'm very pleased Jestem bardzo zadowolony Estem Bardzo are satisfied
Please help me Proszę mi pomóc Proshen mi pomuts
Let me ask Pozwólcie że zapytam I'll torture you more vulgarly
It's OK! Nic nie szkodzi! Nits not skoji
Cheers! Na zdrowie! Cheers!
Bon appetit! Smacznego! Smachnego!
I'm in a hurry Śpieszę się Shpeshen puppy
Yes So So
No Nie Not
I agree Zgadzam się Zgadzam puppy
It's clear Jasne Yasne
I don't mind Nie mam nic przeciwko Not mom proszecivko
Unfortunately, I don't have time Niestety, nie mam czasu Nestats, no mothers
With pleasure Z przyjemnoscią For a night

"Railway station"

Upon arrival in Poland, you find yourself at the train station. Let's call the following table “Station”. But phrases from it will help you for your further journey.

Russian language Polish Pronunciation
How to get to the ticket office? Gdzie tu jest kasa biletowa? Gje tu eat kasa ticket?
What time will the train arrive to...? O ktorej godzinie mam polaczenie do...? About kturei gojine mam polonchen do...?
How many stations does it take to...? Jak wiele bedzie do...? Yak vele benje do...?
This platform number...? Liczba ta platforma...? Lichba that platform...?
Where should the transplant be made? Gdzie trzeba sie przesiasc? Gje tsheba schen psheshchenschch?
From which platform does the train depart to...? Z ktorego peronu odjezdza pociag do ...? Z kturego peronu clothes pochong do...?
Give me a ticket for a sleeping car/second class. Prosze o bilet sypialny/drugiej klasy. Proshe about the ticket strewn / other klyas.
What station? So to za stacja? What's the point?
Where is the dining car located? Gdzie znajduje sie wagon restauracyjny? Do you know the restauratery car?


Russian language Polish Pronunciation
Where is the nearest bus/tram/trolleybus stop? Gdzie jest najblizszy przystanek autobusowy / tramwaju / trolejbusowy? Gje eats the nearest bus/tram/trolleybus?
Where is the nearest subway station? Gdzie jest najblizsza stacja metra? Gje eats the nearest hundred meters?
What tram/bus/trolleybus can I take to...? Jakim tramwajem / autobusem / trolejbusem moge dojechac do...? Which tram/autobus/trolleybus can you use to get to...?
Where should I change trains? Gdzie sie mam przesiasc? Gje schen mam psheschonschch?
How often do the buses/trams run? Jak czesto jezdza autobusy / tramwaje? Yak chensto ezhdzhon buses/trams?
What time does the first/last bus leave? O ktorej godzinie pierwszy / ostatni autobus? About kturei gojin pervshi / ostatni bus?
Could you tell me when I need to leave? Prosze powiedziec, kiedy wysiasc? Proshe povedzhech sneakers vyschonschch?
What time does the bus leave to...? O ktorej godzinie odchodzi autobus do...? About kturei gojine odhoji bus to...?
Where can I get a bus to...? Gdzie mozna pojechac autobusem do ...? Is it possible to go by bus to...?

"City, orientation"

Russian language Polish Pronunciation
Where is...? Gdzie best...? Gje eats...?
How many kilometers to...? Jak wiele kilometrow do...? How many kilometers is it to...?
How can I find this address? Jak znalezc ten addresses? How did you know the address?
Could you show me on the map where I am now? Czy moze mi pan (i) pokazac na mapie, w ktorym miejscu teraz jestem? What can you show on the map, in kturim meissu teraz estem?
How long does it take to get there by car/walk? Jak dlugo trzeba czekac, aby osiagnac tam samochodem / pieszo? How long will it take to check, if only at night there’s a self-propelled gun / on foot?
Can you show on the map where this place is? Mozna pokazac na mapie, gdzie to jest? Can you show it on the map, where does it eat?
How to get to the city center? Jak dostac sie do centrum miasta? How to get a puppy to the center of the meat?
Are we going to... right? Jedziemy do prawidlowego...? Edzemy before the truth...?


If you go on a trip on your own, without the services of a travel agency, then you will definitely need to book a hotel.

Russian language Polish Pronunciation
Do you have a single/double room in the hotel? Masz jedno / dwuosobowy pokoj w hotelu? Mash edno / biosobovy buy in the hotel?
Do you have any available rooms? Czy ma pan (i) jakies wolne pokoje? Chy ma pan(i) yakesh volne rest?
I (don't) like this number. Ten number do mnie (nie) podoba. Ten number is (not) like me.
How much is the room with bath/breakfast/without breakfast/full board? Ile jest pokoj z lazienka / sniadaniem / bez sniadania / pelne wyzywienie? Ile eats food with lazhenko / schnyadan / without schnyadan / peune vyzhivene?
Is there a cheaper/better room? Tam jest wiele taniej/lepiej? Is there vele tanei/lepei there?
A hotel room has been reserved for me. Mialem zarezerwowane dla pokoju hotelowego. Meowem reserved for the peace of the hotel.
What floor is the room located on? Na ktorym pietrze jest pokoj? Na kturym pentshe eats pokuy?
Is there air conditioning / TV / telephone / refrigerator in the room? Why not klimatyzacja / telewizor / telefon / lodowka? Why eat air conditioning / TV / telephone / ice blower?
When and where can you have breakfast? Kiedy i gdzie mozna zjesc sniadanie? Can you get sneakers and shoes?
What time is breakfast? Ile sniadanie? Ile shnyadane?
Do you have a buffet? Czy masz szwedzki stol? What kind of swedish chair is it?
Can I leave it in the safe? Moge zostavic w sejfie? Can you put it in the safe?
Where are the toilets located? Gdzie best toaleta? Does Gje eat toilet?
Could you please bring a blanket? Can you przyniesc koc? Can you pshineshchch kots?
There is no soap/towel/hot water in my room. W moim pokoju nie ma mydlo / reczniki / goracej wody. In my peace there is no thought / ranchers / gorontsy water.
Switch/lights/radio/AC/fan/heating not working. Nie dziala przelacznik / swiatlo / radio / klimatyzacji / wentylatora / telewizor / ogrzewania. Not dzhyala pshelonchnik / shvyatlo / radio / climate control / fan / TV / ogzhevanya.
Wake me up... please. Obudz mnie...prosze. Tell me... ask.
I'll pay in cash. Zaplace gotowka. Zaplatsen gotuvkon.
I'll pay with a credit card. Zaplace karta kredytowa. Zaplatsen with a credit card.

"Bar, restaurant, cafe, shop"

And of course, in the Russian-Polish phrasebook you will need phrases in order to refresh yourself or buy something in a store.

Russian language Polish Pronunciation
Could you recommend a good/inexpensive restaurant? Czy moze pan (i) polecic dobry / tani restauracji? Why can pan(s) treat good / tani restaurates?
What time does the restaurant open/close? Restauracja na co otwiera / zamyka? Restauratsya on the opening/lock?
Where is the nearest restaurant? Gdzie jest najblizsza restauracja? Does Gje eat the closest restaurant?
I would like to book a table for two/three/four. Chcialbym zarezerwowac stolik dla dwoch / trzech / czterech. Khchalbym reserve a table for two / tshekh / chtereh.
Do you have a table in the corner/on outdoors/ near the window / in a non-smoking room? Czy macie stolik w rogu / na zewnatrz / w poblizu okien / w zakaz palenia? Why mache table in the horn / on zevnontzh / in the closer window / in the order of the fire?
What do you recommend? Co proponujemy? Are they proponable?
Menu, please. Poprosze menu. Please ask for the menu.
Do you have a special menu for diabetics? Czy macie specjalne menu dla diabetykow? What is the special menu for Diabetykuv?
Do you have dishes for children? Czy macie dania dla dzieci? What is the tribute to mache for dzhechi?
There must be a mistake. I ordered... To musi byc pomylka. Zamowilem (a) ... That's a damn mess. Zamovilem...
The check, please. Prosze o rachunek. Ask for rahunek.
We liked it. Thank you. Podobalo nam sie to. Dziekuje. It was fitting for us to do that. Jenque.
Where is the nearest store? Gdzie sie znajduje sklep? Do you know the crypt?
Where can I buy...? Gdzie moge kupic...? Gje mogem cupich...?
Excuse me, do you have...? Niestety, ma pan (i) ...? Nyestats, ma pan(i) ...?
I would like to buy... Chcialbym kupic... Khchalbym buy...
Could you wrap this for me? Czy moze pan dac mi zwrocic? Chi mozhe pan dach mi zvruchich?
How much does it cost? Ile to kosztuje? Ile to koshtue?
Can I try this on? Can you sprobowac? Can we sprubovat?
Is there any other color? What's the best inny color? What does Inny Kohler eat?
Is there a smaller/larger size? Czy sa rozmiar mniejszy / wiekszy? What is the puppy of Rosmyar Mneishi / Venkshi?
I need half a kilo / a kilo / two kilos Potrzebuje pol kilo / kilogram / dwa kilograma Potshebuen pul kilö / kilogram / two kilograms

It will become indispensable for tourists. The phrasebook also contains phrases in Russian and Polish, as well as pronunciation necessary phrases.

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Entering text and selecting translation direction

Source text on Ukrainian language you need to print or copy into the top window and select the translation direction from the drop-down menu.
For example, for Ukrainian-Polish translation, you need to enter text in Ukrainian in the top window and select the item with from the drop-down menu Ukrainian, on Polish.
Next you need to press the key Translate, and you will receive the translation result under the form - Polish text .

Specialized dictionaries of the Ukrainian language

If the source text for translation relates to a specific industry, select the topic of a specialized Ukrainian lexical dictionary from the drop-down list, for example, Business, Internet, Laws, Music and others. By default, the dictionary of general Ukrainian vocabulary is used.

Virtual keyboard for Ukrainian layout

If Ukrainian layout not on your computer, use the virtual keyboard. Virtual keyboard allows you to enter letters of the Ukrainian alphabet using the mouse.

Translation from Ukrainian.

The modern Ukrainian literary language has 38 phonemes, 6 vowels and 32 consonants. When translating from Ukrainian into Polish, it is necessary to take into account that the vocabulary mainly contains words of common Slavic origin. However, there are also many words that were formed in the Ukrainian language during the period of its independent historical development; there are borrowings from other languages, not necessarily from Polish.
Ukrainian language is one of the most beautiful languages ​​in the world. Among all languages Ukrainian takes second place after Italian in terms of melody.
As with any other language, when translating Ukrainian text, remember that your task is to convey the meaning, not to translate the text word for word. It is important to find in the target language - Polish- semantic equivalents, rather than selecting words from the dictionary.

When traveling on your own, it is very important to know at least basic phrases or have a phrasebook with you. While preparing for a trip to Poland, we accidentally came across a Polish phrasebook, which contains the most common phrases. It provides phrases in Russian, translation in Polish and pronunciation. He will also become an assistant in obtaining a Pole's Card, where basic Polish is required.

Polish phrasebook “Greetings”

Phrase in Russian



Good afternoon (morning)

Dzien good

Jen are kind

Good evening, night

Dobry wieczyr

Good evening





Do widzenia

Until Vidzen

Phrasebook of the Polish language « Standard phrases»

Phrase in Russian









Sorry, I don't understand Polish

Przepraszam, nie rozumiem po polsku

Psheprasham, we don’t understand Polish

Please (in response to sorry)



Thank you

Dziekuje, dzieki

Jenkue, Jenki

What is this?

What's next?

Tso eats it




Where is Hotel N, Museum M?

Gdzie jest hotel N, muzeum M?

Gdze eat hotel N, museum M?

Where is the exchange office located?

Gdzie jest kantor?

Where does the cantor eat?

My name is Nikolay

Mam na imie Nikolaj

Mom's name is Nikolai

I want to exchange 100 rubles for Polish money.

Chcial’bym wymienic’ 100 rubli na polskie pienia,dze

khchyalbym exchange one hundred rubles in Polish penyondze

Where is the money exchange office located?

Gdzie tu jest biuro wymiany?

where does the udder bureau eat?

zloty = 100 groschen

zl"oty = 100 groszom

zlotys are equal to one hundred penny

Where can I find...

Gdzie moge znalezc...

Gdze moge know...





Pogotowie ratunkowe

Ratunkove ready

Ice cream






Gas station

Stacja benzynowa

statsya benzynova

What is your address?

Jaki jest pana(l) addresses?

Yaki eats pan(s) address

Here's my address

Oto mo’j addresses

otto muy address

Polish phrasebook “At the station”

Phrase in Russian



At the station

Na dworcu

at the palace

Please give me two tickets for a second class carriage to Warsaw.

Prosze, dwa bilety drugiej klasy do Warszawy.

Proshe two tickets, another vow to Warsaw

Please give me a first class ticket for the fast (passenger) train to..., which leaves at 0:05.

Prosze, o bilet pierwszej klasy na pocia,g pospieszny (osobowy) do ... ktory odjezdza o godzinie 0:05.

proshe o ticket perfshay klyasy na potsenk hasty (special) to ... ktury odezhdzha o gojin zero pench

Ticket office

Kasa biletowa

regarding the ticket

When is the next train?

Kiedy jest naste, pny pocia?

sneakers eats nastampny kidney


Rozklad jazdy

list of poisons

electric trains

Pocia,gi elektryczne

pochengi electric

commuter trains

Pocia,gi podmiejskie

pochengi podmeysk

How long does the train take to...?

Jak dl’ugo jedzie sie, do...

how long has it been before...

Can you call a taxi?

Czy moze pan(i) przywolac takso’wke?

chshi mozhe pan (i) pshivolach taksufke

Where are the restrooms?

Gdzie tu sa, toalety?

gje tu so" toilets

Will you have items subject to duty?

Czy ma pan(i) cos’ do zadeklarowania (oclenia)?

chy ma pan(i) tsosh before declaring (declaring)

I only have items for exact use.

Mam tylko rzeczy do uz’ytku osobistego.

mom tylko zhechy do uzhyotku osobistego

I have several gifts and souvenirs.

Mam kilka prezento’w i pamia,tek.

mom sprat presententuf and pamyontek

A license is required to export this.

Na wywo’z tego potrzebne jest zezwolenie.

na vyvus tego potshebne eats zezvolene

You must pay a fee for this device.

Za ten aparat musi pan(i) uis’cic’ opiate, celna,.

for ten aparat mushi pan(i) uychich payment entirely"

What fee do I have to pay?

lie wynosi opl’ata?

ile endure, payment

Where can I buy plane tickets?

Gdzie moz’na kupic’ bilety na samolot?

where you can buy plane tickets

How can I get to the airport?

Czym dojez’dza sie, do lotniska?

chym until the flight

Are there return tickets?

Сзу sa, bilety powrotne?

chshy so" tickets turnaround

Please give me a return ticket.

Prosze, o bilet powrotny.

simpler” about the turn ticket

Please give me a ticket for tomorrow, the day after tomorrow.

Prosze bilet na jutro, pojutrze

Ask for a ticket to the Utro, sing better

Give me a ticket to Krakow on the next express train

Prosze bilet do Krakowa na najblizszy Express

Ask for a ticket to Krakow on the nearest express train

How much does a ticket to Krakow cost on express, intersity and fast train?

Ile kosztuje bilet, do Krakowa na Express, Intercity i pospieszny?

Ile koštuje ticket to Krakow by express, intercity and hasty?

Polish phrasebook “Passport control”

Phrase in Russian









year and place of birth

data i miejsce urodzenia

date and time of birth







profession, specialty






civil status

stan cywilny

Tsyvilna camp

place of permanent residence

miejsce stal"ego zamieszkania

meitsse stalego hesitation

real address

obecny addresses

obetsny address

attitude towards military service

stosunek do sl"uz"by wojskowej

stosunek before military service


w wieku poborowym

in the age of extortion

What foreign language do you know?

Jaki je,zyk obcy zna pan(i)?

Yaki e”zyk optsy zna pan(s)

I understand a little Polish.

Rozumiem troche, po polsku.

Let's consider trohe" in Polish

I speak a little German.

Mowie, troche po niemiecku.

muve trohe in German

Where are you from?

Ska,d pan(i) jest?

skont pan(s) eats

I came from...

Przyjechal"em z

pshekhalem z

What is your profession? (What is your specialty?)

Jaki pan(i) ma zawo"d?

yaki pan(i) ma zawut

Where do you work?

Gdzie pan(i) pracuje?

where is the pan(s) pratsue

Polish phrasebook “Orientation in the city”

Phrase in Russian




Przepraszam bardzo!

psheprasham barzo

Where is the street...

Gdzie jest ulica...?

Gje eats street

Which direction should you go to get to the Bristol Hotel?

Who "re,dy mam is"c" do hotelu „Bristol"?

Kturendy moms search for hotel Bristol

Where is the restaurant here?

Gdzie tu jest restauracja?

Gje Tu eats restoration

Immediately opposite.

Zaraz naprzeciwko.

now napshechifko

Around the corner (streets) to the left.

Za rogiem (ulicy) na lewo.

behind the horn (streets) to the left

Where is the stop for tram number 6?

Gdzie jest przystanek linii tramwajowej nr 6?

gdzhe eats pshystanek linyi tramvayovey numer sheshch

Where is the information desk?

Gdzie tu jest informacja?

gje tu eat information

Polish phrasebook “Shopping”

Phrase in Russian



How much does it cost?

Ile to kosztuje?

Ile to Kostue

Please change 20 zlotys.

Prosze mi rozmienic’ dwadzies’cia zl’otych.

proshe mi rozmenich two zlotys

Can you change me 100 zł?

Czy moz’e mi pan(i) rozmienic’ 100 zl’otych?

chy mozhe mi pan (i) exchange one hundred zlotys

Polish phrasebook "Transport"

Phrase in Russian






Please show me the place.

Prosze mi wskazac’ moje miejsce.

simpler” mi fsay my meystse

How are you feeling?

Jak sie, pan(i) czuje?

Yak shche” pan(s) sense

I feel bad.

Jest mi niedobrze.

I eat worse

The plane is about to take off.

Samolot: startuje.

the plane is taking off

What time does the bus to Krakow leave?

O kto’rej godzinie odchodzi autobus do Krakowa?

o kturei gojin otchodzhi bus to Krakow

Do you want a seat in the front or in the back?

Czy woli pan(i) miejsce z przodu czy z tyl’u?

chshi willi pan(i) meisce spshodu chy styu

Please, from the front if possible.

Raczej z przodu, jesli moz-na.

Rachey, why is it still possible?

How to get to...?

Who're,dy sie,jedzie do...

kturendy sche” edze do…

May I leave my car with you?

Chcial’bym pozostawic’ samocho’d u pana.

khtschyalbym pozostavich samohut u sir

Please. For how long?

Prosze, bardzo. Na jak dl'igo?

simpler” borazo na yak long

See you tomorrow morning.

Do jutra rana.

to the south the wound

How much does it cost per day?

lie kosztuje garaz’owanie na dobe,?

Ile Kostuje Garazovane na Dobe

What street is this?

What's the point?

what a street

What is your address?

Jaki jest pana(-i) addresses?

Yaki eats pan(s) address

I live at the Bristol Hotel.

Mieszkam w hotelu „Bristol".

bags in hotel Bristol

The best way to get there is by bus 102.

Najlepiej dojedzie pan(i) autobusem numer 102.

nailepei doeje pan(s) aytobusem number one hundred two

Where is the tram stop?

Gdzie jest przystanek tramwajowy?

gdzhe eats przystanek trams

Give a regular, bus, tram ticket (with a discount).

Prosze, about bilet normalny (ulgowy), autobusowy, tramwajowy.

proshe" about ticket normal (Ulgov) bus trams

This tram (bus, trolleybus) goes to...?

Czy ten tramwaj (autobus, trolejbus) jedzie do...?

chy ten tram (bus trolleybus) eje do

Where is the stop for tram number 8 and bus number 124?

Gdzie jest przystanek tramwaju numer 8, autobusu numer 124?

Gdze eats przystanek tram number oschem, bus number one hundred dvadeshcha chtery?

Where can I buy a ticket?

Gdzie moge kupic ticket?

Where can you buy a ticket?

How can I get/get to U Street, P Square, or the train station?

Jak dojsc/dojechac, do ulicy U, placu P, na dworzec?

How do you get to U street, P parade ground, to Dvozhec?

I live on Pulavskaya street, 17, entrance II, apt. 3, III floor.

Mieszkam przy ulicy Puiawskiej 17, II klatka, m 3, II pietro.

sacks pshi streets Puławski schedemnaschche friend klyatya scumbag chshi friend pentro

Polish phrasebook "Tourism"

Phrase in Russian



City tour

Zwiedzanie miasta

zvedzane myasta

Today I want to explore the city.

Chcial "bym dzis" zwiedzic" miasto.

khčalbym džiš zvečić myasto

What do you want to watch?

With chcial"(a)by pan(i) zobaczyc"?

tso htsal(a)by pan(i)zobachsich

I want to go on an excursion to the mountains (to the sea).

Chcial"bym pojechac" na wycieczke, w go"ry (nad morze)

we would like to go on a cheque to Guri (above we can)

Tomorrow to Lake Snyardwy.

Jutro pojedziemy nad jezioro S"niardwy.

Let's go over Lake Shnyardvy in the south

What will you go on?

Why not?

chym poedzheche

We'll go on foot.

Po"jdzienny pieszo.

puijema pesho

I want to visit Zhelazova Wola.

Chce, zwiedzic" Z"elazowa, Wole,.

hce "" Zwiedzic Želazovo" will

Is it far?

How about far away?

damn it's far away

Very close.

That's bardzo blisko.

then Barzo is close

We can walk.

Moz"emy przejs"c"piezo.

mozhemy psheyschch pesho

Do you have the necessary equipment?

Czy ma pan(i) odpowiedni ekwipunek?

chy ma pani reprimand ekfipunek

I don't have the necessary equipment.

Nie mam niezbe, dnego ekwipunku.

not mam nezbandnego ekfipunku

When do we leave?

Kiedy wychodzimy?

sneakers exercises

We leave on Friday at 6 o'clock in the morning.

Wyruszamy w pia,tek o (godzinie) 6 early.

vyrushami f pyontaek o (gojin) shustei early

Assembly point at the station at 6 o'clock.

Zbio"rka na dworcu o godzinie 6.

zbyurka on the palace about gojine shustey

On an excursion

Na wycieczce

on vychechtse

Please tell me how I can get to...

Prosze, nam powiedziec"

jak moz"emy przejs"c" do ...

Where is the village?

Gdzie znajduje sie, wies"?

where do you know more "things"

Turn right (left).

Prosze, skre, cic" w prawo (w lewo).

please skrank f right (left)

Go straight!

Prosze, is "c" prosto.

please ask simply

Where can you stay for the night?

Gdzie sie, be,dzie moz"na zatrzymac" na noc?

gje shche" benje can be zachshimach on noc

Can you sell us some milk (cheese, sour cream)?

Czy moz"ecie nam sprzedac" troche, mieka (sera, s"mietany)?

chshi mozheche us spshedach trohe milk (sir shmetany.)

I'm tired. Let's take a little rest.

Zme,czyl"em sie". Odpocznijmy troche,.

zmenchylem sche" otpochniymy trohe

Let me introduce you, I...<называя статус, должность>

Pozwoli pan(i) z"e sie, przedstawie, jestem ...

let the sir still "pshetstave" estem name is...

…nazymam sie,…

I call her"

countries of the world

strony s"wiata














How do I get to the tour bus stop?

Jak trafic na przystanek autokarow wycieczkowych?

Yaktrafich na pshistanek avtokaruv vychechkovyh?

Travel agency. Help Desk

Biuro podro'zy. Informacja.

girlfriend bureau information

Unfortunately, it was not possible to completely load the phrasebook due to character restrictions. Below I will provide an electronic file where you can download it in full. I hope the Polish phrasebook will be useful not only to us, but also to you, our dear readers! Enjoy it for your health!

Download full version Polish phrasebook possible

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hotellook- search for budget accommodation, hotels and apartments around the world and on all popular booking sites, including Agoda, and other popular booking systems. a familiar and convenient search and booking of housing in Ukraine. Travel Diary

Today Poland is a very popular country among labor migrants. Many people go to make good money. This state offers any vacancies, for professionals and beginners. All conditions for comfortable work have been created here. New projects are constantly opening, so you can always choose the right job for yourself.

For many vacancies, employers make a requirement: knowledge of the Polish language. But there are proposals without such an obligation. Therefore, not everyone who goes to work in Poland learns the official language of this country in advance. Many come here without knowing the language, and learn it later, on the spot. It is very simple and similar to Ukrainian.

The most popular free online resources for learning Polish:

  • Gorde

One of the simplest self-teaching books for the Polish language. With the help of this site you will master the most important phrases in just a few days. With the help of professional transcriptionists, you will be able to understand the specifics of pronunciation and learn to speak correctly in every situation. You can always return to a topic that is important to you to repeat it before a certain event. The site contains a lot life situations: business meetings, travel, leisure, work, everyday communication. Everything is collected and compiled into 101 lessons.

  • Lingust

To learn the Polish language, this site contains materials from the best tutorials. Online lessons help you learn more colloquial speech rather than any grammatical skills. You will control your language learning yourself, using various tips.

  • Polish in 7 lessons

This is one of the more global courses for self-study of the Polish language. Many people managed to learn Polish to a below-intermediate level with the help of this course. On the site you can find video and audio materials with explanations for the lessons. After each lesson there are exercises to consolidate knowledge. It is very convenient that all materials, with the exception of videos, are available offline. The website contains a proposal - how to learn Polish in a week using your Android smartphone based or iOS.

  • Polish

A very interesting site where you can learn Polish in game mode. You can choose how you want to study it: through exercises, collecting words, listening to words, guessing words, collecting phrases, etc. The site administration believes that for free communication on foreign language at the level of everyday life, you need to have a vocabulary of 2000 words. And, of course, the site will help you with this. Every day, several important phrases or words (10-15) will be sent to your email, which everyone can easily remember throughout the day. And thus, you will master the language in less than six months.

  • Book2

Quite a powerful platform for learning Polish. Here you will find: a phrasebook, a dictionary and audio recordings in two languages. The phrasebook contains 100 lessons (30 of them are free), which were compiled by foreign native speakers. The dictionary can be used to improve understanding of lessons or to replenish vocabulary. And audio recordings help you learn to speak correctly, with a specific accent. With Android and iOS offers you can learn Polish anywhere, making the process more comfortable.

  • Polish language tutorial

A convenient simulator-game for learning Polish. It is recommended to devote 2 hours a day to this site, and then you will speak Polish in just a month. By studying cards with words, after some time you will already develop linguistic intuition and gain a powerful vocabulary base. In addition to the simulator, the site contains several simple lessons to help you independently control your learning process.

Well, for starters, we have selected a list of the most popular phrases that will help you get comfortable and start learning the language more deeply.

How to say hello and goodbye

Phrase in Polish


Translation into Russian







Dzien good!

Jen are kind

Good afternoon

Do widzenia

Until Vidzen





Na razie

On a rampage

See you soon!

Common everyday phrases

Phrase in Polish


Translation into Russian

Jak ma pan(i) na imie?

Yak ma pan(i) na im?

What's your name?

Mam na imie

Mom's name

My name is

























Przepraszam, nie rozumiem po polsku

Psheprasham, we don’t understand Polish

Sorry, I don't understand Polish.

Dziekuje, dzieki

Jenkue, Jenki

Thank you




Gdzie jest kantor?

Where does the cantor eat?

Where is the exchange office located?

Gdzie moge znalezc?

Where do you know?

Where can I find it?




Jaki jest pana(l) addresses?

Yaki eats pan(s) address?

What is your address?

Która jest godzina?

Ktura is gojina?

What time is it?

Pierwszy dzień to poniedziałek.

The first day is Monday

The first day is Monday

My pracujemy tylko pięć dni.

We only work on Pench days.

We only work for five days.

Te języki są do siebie dość podobne.

Te languages ​​with do shiebi doshch similar.

These languages ​​are very similar.

Robię jeszcze dużo błędów.

Robi is still very strong.

I still make a lot of mistakes.

Nie pamiętam tytułu.

Not to mention Tetu.

I can't remember the name.

O której odjeżdża pociąg do

About kturoy odjda potyag do

What time does the train leave to

Muszę zrobić zakupy.

Mushe make purchases

Need to do some shopping.

Wezmę ją.

Vezme yo

I'll take it.

Chciałbym zostać inżynierem.

Hchaube wants to become an engineer.

I want to become an engineer.

Chcę studiować na uniwersytecie.

Htse shtudiovac at universeteche

I want to study at university.

Jestem praktykantem.

We are trainees.

I'm a trainee

Szukam pracy.

Shukam praci.

I'm looking for a job.

Proszę mi pomóc.

Proshe mi pomuts

Please help me.

Good luck!

To your health

Be healthy!

What's wrong?

Yak se mash?

How are you?

Bardzo mi przyjemnie poznać!

Barzo mi pshiemne reap.

Nice to meet you.

Nie chcę.

No way

Don't want

Proszę mi powiedzieć, gdzie jest najbliźsza apteka?

Please let us know about the best pharmacy?

Tell me, please, where is the nearest pharmacy?

Czy czuje pan(i) się źle?

What do you smell pan(s) more jelly?

Are you feeling bad?


Mom mdvoschchi

I feel weak.

Jest mi niedobrze.

I eat worse

I feel bad.

Then, in the panel control panel, select "Keyboard".
In the window that appears, select the "Language" tab. You must have 2 languages ​​installed: Russian and English. If Russian is selected as the primary language, then select the “English” language, click on the “Set as primary” button, “OK”, and then restart the computer.

In the Keyboard window, on the Language tab, click the Add button.
In the "Add a language" window that appears, select Language "Polish".
Click "OK" and the "Keyboard" window will remain. Select the language "English", click "Delete".
The program will ask you to insert the distribution disk.

Usually a reboot is required after this.
After rebooting, select Start | Setting | Control Panel.
In the Control Panel, select "Keyboard".
In the window that appears, select the "Language" tab.
Highlight Language "Polish" and click the "Properties" button.
In the "Language Properties" window that appears, select the "Polish (programmer)" layout.
Click OK.
The program will ask you to insert the distribution disk.

Windows NT with Service Packs installed already has support for Eastern European languages.
All you have to do is add the “Polish (programmer)” keyboard layout, and then delete the “English” layout that has become unnecessary.

Windows ME (Millennium)

In the window that appears, select "Add or Remove Programs"
In the window that appears, select the "Windows Installation" tab. Click on the Multilingual Support component. Click the "Composition" button and in the "Multilingual Support" window that appears, check the "Languages ​​of Central Europe" box.
Click "OK", "OK".
The program will ask you to insert the distribution disk.

In the Control Panel window, select Keyboard.
In the Keyboard window, select the Language tab. You must have 2 languages ​​installed: Russian and English. If Russian is selected as the main language, then select the “English” language, click on the “Set as default” button, and then “Apply”.
Click on the "Add" button, in the "Add a language" window, select Language "Polish".
Click OK. In the remaining "Keyboard" window, select the "English" language, click "Delete".
Highlight the language "Polish" and click the "Set as default" button, and then "OK".
The program will ask you to insert the distribution disk. Then a message will appear stating that changing the language is not possible - ignore it.
Restart your computer.

Open the "Keyboards" window from the "Control Panel", click on the "Language" tab, select the "Polish" language, click the "Properties" button and in the "Language Properties" window that appears, select the "Polish Programmer" layout, click "OK" OK".
The program will ask you to insert the distribution disk.
Restart your computer.

Start Menu | Setting | Control Panel.
In the window that appears, click on the “Language and standards” icon
On the General tab, in the "System language settings" list, select "Central Europe".
Then click "OK".
Restart your computer.

Please note that in Windows 2000 you can use Polish characters in the Russian version in system fields (like names of files or parameters).

Possible problems

Symptom: After installing the Polish layout, it became impossible to switch to the Latin alphabet when entering file names, passwords, in the browser address window...
Reason: You have set the Polish layout incorrectly.
Remedy: Remove the Polish keyboard layout, install the English one instead, and make it the main one (used by default). Then reboot and do everything exactly as it is written in our instructions, not forgetting to reboot where we write about it.

Symptom: when trying to make the Polish layout the main one, a message is displayed stating that such a replacement is impossible.
Remedy: 1. Do everything as written in our instructions, ignoring such messages, but be sure to reboot after that.
2. See eliminating the previous cause.

Symptom: you did everything as written, and programs like Word correctly show Polish characters and allow you to enter them. But in other programs, abracadabra is displayed instead of Polish characters.
Reason: You may have changed the code tables for 1250 coloring (this is done, for example, so that PhotoShop starts writing in Russian).
Remedy: The old values ​​need to be returned.
Click "Start", select the "Run..." menu and enter "regedit" in the "Open" window. The registry editing window will appear. In it, find the branch "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Nls\CodePage". For parameter "1250" there should be "c_1250.nls" (often replaced with c_1251.nls).
Do the same for the branch "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SYSTEM\ ControlSet002\ Control\Nls\CodePage" and for "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SYSTEM\ CurrentControlSet\ Control\Nls\CodePage".
Reboot your computer.
Now PhotoShop will not write in Russian, but you will be able to enter Polish characters normally.

P.S. Why "Polish Programmer"?

There are 2 main Polish layouts: "Polish standard" (like on a typewriter), and "Polish programmer". The Polish standard layout, unlike the English one, has a changed location of the “Z” and “Y” keys, as well as “:”, “;”. Using this layout is not very convenient.

You've done everything. How to type special Polish characters?

Change the current language to Polish (using the combination Ctrl+Shift, Alt+Shift, etc., depending on your settings; or on the keyboard indicator).
In order to write "A," "C," "E," etc. press right "Alt", and the corresponding main letter on the keyboard ("Alt+A", "Alt+C", etc.)
The only letter you won't be able to write this way is "Z" with a line. It is entered by the key combination "Alt+X" ("X" is the next key after "Z").

These keyboard shortcuts work in all Windows programs.

Finally, when all your “torment” is over, we will note that in emails it is possible to do without using special Polish characters at all. ;-)