Creative work “Profession Hairdresser. Professional skills competition in the profession of hairdresser


1 State budgetary educational institution of secondary vocational education "Klintsy Social Pedagogical College" METHODOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT FOR EDUCATIONAL PRACTICE PROFESSION "HAIRDRESSER" TOPIC OF DEVELOPMENT: "Bleaching of regrown hair roots" Prepared by master of industrial training Sineplekhova Valentina Nikolaevna

2 AGREED: Chairman APPROVED: PCC profession “Hairdresser” Sineplekhova V.N. Senior master T.P.Sereda Open lesson plan For educational practice, professional module 03 “Performing hair coloring” group 5, 2nd year. By profession: “Hairdresser” Date: October 22, 2013 Venue: training workshop The lesson is conducted by the master of industrial training V.N. Sineplekhova Time 6 hours Topic of the program: “Performing hair coloring with dyes of the first group.” Lesson topic: Bleaching regrown hair roots Lesson objectives: Educational: - study and practice technologies and practically perform bleaching of regrown roots; - perform preparatory and final work; - master rational techniques and methods of work Developmental: - develop the ability to compare, analyze, generalize, draw conclusions; -carry out current and final control, evaluation and correction of one’s own activities, be responsible for the results of one’s work; -develop students’ cognitive interests through non-standard forms of presenting new material. Educational: - to cultivate the need for proper hair care, as well as responsibility and accuracy. Lesson type: Application of previously acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in practice. Teaching methods: Interactive (conversation, story, video demonstration, practical implementation (working techniques) by a master, reinforcement with demonstration of diagrams, practical implementation (working techniques) by students)

3 Interdisciplinary connection: hygiene. basic physiology of skin and hair, sanitation and material and technical equipment of the lesson Tools: comb with a tail (plastic), brush. Equipment: gloves, bowl, brush, shaker, measuring cup. Equipment: hair dryer, hairdresser's workplace. Materials: group 1 dye, oxygen agent 9%,6%. Hair care products: balms, shampoos, hair foams. Technical means: computer, multimedia projector, screen. Didactic support: Instruction cards. Crossword Hair care textbook "Technology of hairdressing services"; handouts for students; task cards; cards with independent work; score sheet. Literature used: “Technology of hairdressing services”, “Technology and equipment of hairdressing works”. e mail: academia Moscow. ru LESSON PROGRESS 1. Organizational part: 5 min. - check presence in class; - report from the duty officer on readiness for the lesson, appearance; 2. Introductory briefing: (35 min) 2.1 Announce the topic of the lesson, objectives of the lesson, motivation for educational and practical activities. Testing students’ knowledge on the topics covered. 1.Question: What is the visible part of the hair called? Answer: rod. 2.Question: Is the invisible part of the hair located under the skin? Answer: Root. 3.Question: What is the name of the work that a hairdresser performs before starting to work with hair? Answer: Preparatory. 4.Question: What is the most common and necessary tool for a hairdresser? Answer: Comb 5. Question: What is the purpose of washing your hair to remove dust, dirt, and grease? Answer: Hygienic

4 6.Question: What hair care product do we use when washing our hair after coloring Answer: Shampoo 7.Question: Is it shortening the length of hair over the entire head or in certain areas? Answer: Haircut. 8.Questions: What is the ultimate goal that the master hairdresser faces during the haircut process? Answer: Style. 9.Question: What is the hairline or border called? Answer: Regional. 10.Question: Kneading the skin and subcutaneous tissues to improve the functioning of the subcutaneous sebaceous and sweat glands7 Answer: Massage. 2.3 Explanation of new material. Presentation on computer (Appendix 1) Questions: 1.What is hair bleaching? 2. Degree of hair bleaching? 3. Dyes for bleaching hair roots? 4.What does hair bleaching depend on? 5. What determines the time of exposure of the drug to the hair? 6. Technology and procedure for lightening regrown roots. 7. What will be the consequences of violation of bleaching technology? 8.What measures should be taken to care for your hair? 9. Card of defects and their elimination. 2.4 Reinforcing the material: Using task cards in the form of a test. The work is assessed by the teacher, and self-assessment is carried out by the students. Students receive cards with independent work in 2 versions. Then they exchange cards and evaluate each other. (2 options) (Appendix 2) 10 min. The results are entered into the evaluation sheet (Appendix 3). Students submit assessment sheets to the teacher. 2.5 Repetition of safety precautions. 3. Current instruction 300 min.: 3. 1 Practical demonstration of the master. 3.2 Targeted walkthroughs of workplaces: 1st walkthrough: Check the organization of the students’ workplace. Walkthrough 2: check that students are performing the work techniques correctly.

5 3rd walk-through: check compliance with safety regulations at workplaces when working with tools 4th walk-through: individual work with students who need the help of a master. 4. Final briefing 15 min: 4.1. Analysis of work for the day. Mark the best works. 4.2Analysis of typical student errors (Appendix 4) 4.3 Evaluating student work. 5. Homework: As homework, students are asked to fill out a table and make notes. (Appendix 5). 6. Cleaning workplaces and workshop. Foreman p/o Sineplekhova V.N.

6 Lesson summary Master: Hello, sit down. The attendants report on their readiness for the lesson (check their uniform, change of shoes). The topic of our lesson: Bleaching of regrown hair roots. Purpose of the lesson: Development of technology and practical implementation of bleaching regrown hair roots, mastering rational techniques and methods of work Objectives of the lesson: -know the dyes that allow you to perform the process of bleaching regrown roots; - know the effect of dyes of this group on hair; -develop the ability to compare, analyze, generalize, draw conclusions, -develop students’ cognitive interests and creative abilities, -synthesize new knowledge based on previously acquired knowledge; - instill love and interest in the profession; Before we begin studying our topic, let's remember what we went through with you, answering the following questions: 1. Question: What is the name of the visible part of the hair? Answer: rod. 2.Question: Is the invisible part of the hair located under the skin? Answer: Root. 3.Question: What is the name of the work that a hairdresser performs before starting to work with hair? Answer: Preparatory. 4.Question: What is the most common and necessary tool for a hairdresser? Answer: Comb 5. Question: What is the purpose of washing your hair to remove dust, dirt, and grease? Answer: Hygienic 6. Question: What hair care product do we use when washing hair after coloring? Answer: Shampoo 7. Question: Is it shortening the length of hair over the entire head or in certain areas? Answer: Haircut. 8.Questions: What is the ultimate goal that the master hairdresser faces during the haircut process? Answer: Style. 9.Question: What is the hairline or border called? Answer: Regional.

7 10.Question: Kneading the skin and subcutaneous tissues to improve the functioning of the subcutaneous sebaceous and sweat glands7 Answer: Massage. Let's start studying a new topic. Let's look at the questions you need to know before starting practical implementation. The questions are displayed on the screen. 1.What is hair bleaching? - Lightening and bleaching hair is the blurring of artificial or natural pigment. As a result of lightening, you can change the hair color by several stages, and with bleaching, you can even completely discolor your hair. Our client has overgrown hair roots that need to be bleached. How to do this, what points to pay attention to? 2. Degree of hair bleaching? For a weak or medium degree of lightening, you can use dyes from the blond group, and for a high degree of lightening, you need to use a blonde preparation that allows you to lighten your hair even by 6-7 tones. The process of hair bleaching occurs in stages, so at any time you can check at what stage the bleaching process is. The color of the pigment changes in the following sequence: red red-orange orange yellow-orange yellow light yellow. Our client does not know what dye his hair was dyed with. You and I must know this and apply it correctly. 3. Dyes for bleaching? It should be borne in mind that only natural hair color can be lightened with dye, since such dye is not capable of bleaching artificial pigment. Modern dyes for bleaching hair create a great lightening effect, but, unlike blondoran, they are less aggressive, since they contain a different type of alkali and substances that simultaneously care for the hair. What effect do bleaching dyes have on hair? When lightening hair with dye, two processes occur simultaneously: lightening and color nuance. In case of severe bleaching of hair, it is necessary to perform subsequent hair tinting, which will have a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair; the hair will become smoother, shiny and acquire a beautiful shade. When hair is bleached, the natural pigment is oxidized by oxygen released from hydrogen peroxide. The pigment loses its color and, acquiring the ability to dissolve in water, is partially washed out of

8 hair, leaving voids in it, so bleached hair becomes lighter. Oxygen also destroys the keratin chains of the hair. 4.What does hair bleaching depend on? Hair lightening depends on: the time the dye is left on the hair; the amount of dye applied to the hair; temperature at which the hair lightening process takes place. Any degree of hair lightening from light to complete bleaching disrupts the hair structure. What needs to be done to achieve high-quality results in coloring regrown roots? In order to preserve the hair structure as much as possible and achieve good results after lightening, it is necessary to assess the condition of the hair (thickness, porosity, previous hair lightenings) as accurately as possible in order to choose the right lightening agent and exposure time. The strength level of hydrogen peroxide is determined depending on the required level of hair lightening. 5. What determines the time of exposure to the drug? Hair structures; The required degree of hair bleaching; Intensity of natural pigment; Ambient temperatures. 6. Technology for lightening regrown roots. (Presentation on the screen in the form of slides) If only the regrown part of the hair is lightened, the bleaching composition is applied very precisely so as not to damage previously colored hair. Technique for bleaching regrown hair roots Divide your head into four zones with vertical and horizontal partings. Apply bleaching dye only to the regrown part of the hair, starting from the crown of the head. The holding time in this case ends when the required level of hair lightening is achieved. If the ends of the hair have become dull and need to be slightly lightened, a few minutes before the end of the process, they should be moistened with a spray bottle and the bleaching mixture should be combed from the roots of the hair. However, it should be taken into account that if the hair is very porous, it will lighten even when the composition is washed off from the hair roots. When the desired result is achieved, rinse your hair thoroughly with non-hot water, rinse with shampoo and treat with the necessary preparations.

9 If after drying there is a difference in color, the lightening paint should be reapplied to the darker areas. If your hair does not lighten well, you can use climazone, but additional heat must be used very carefully! Additional heat not only softens the hair (making it more fragile), but can lead to damage to the cuticle and cortex, since under the influence of high temperature the reaction will occur very intensely. If the hair bleaching process takes place outdoors, the bleaching dye should not be too thick. Otherwise, the bleaching mass will quickly harden in air and the hair lightening process will stop. Hair bleaching stops at the moment of neutralization. The art of bleaching hair is to achieve the desired color effect without disturbing the hair structure. 7. What will be the consequences of violation of bleaching technology? Strong exposure to an alkaline environment (hydrogen peroxide) on the hair can lead to the fact that the protective scales of the hair, having opened, get burned and even when exposed to an acidic environment that promotes the closure of the scales, they will nevertheless no longer be able to close. Hair becomes difficult to comb, quickly splits, as it is deprived of a protective layer, and requires the mandatory use of balms, which begin to perform the protective function of the scales, filling the space between the open lifeless scales. In addition, incorrect hair bleaching technology leads to the fact that in case of insufficient fat lubrication on the scalp, strong alkaline compounds can penetrate into the hair roots, weaken the hair roots, as a result of which hair begins to fall out. 8.What measures should be taken to care for your hair? Balms protect hair from harmful environmental influences and at the same time nourish it. What mistakes or disadvantages can there be when performing bleaching of regrown roots? let's analyze the table. Map of possible defects (Appendix 4) Type of defect Cause of defect Elimination 1 Hair is not completely dyed 2 Yellow roots during bleaching Incorrect proportions of dye and oxidizer Short exposure time, low concentration oxidizer selected Repaint Repaint 3 Very long exposure time, selected Incorrect

10 light color at the roots oxidizing agent of strong concentration 4 Uncolored Violation of dyeing technology: separation of thick strands, inattention, too thick solution 5 Uneven hair color of the roots and ends of the hair Violation of dyeing technology. Short holding time. The oxidizing agent of the wrong concentration was selected. Repaint Repaint And now let's consolidate the material received by completing the work on the tests and check each other, and then I will check your work. And we will enter the results into the evaluation sheet, which is located under the table. Reinforcing the material: Using task cards in the form of a test. The work is assessed by the teacher, and self-assessment is carried out by the students. Students receive cards with independent work in 2 versions. Then they exchange cards and evaluate each other. (2 options) (Appendix 4) 10 min. The results are entered into the score sheet. Students submit evaluation sheets to the teacher. (Appendix 5) Task card Option 1 (Appendix 2) Question What percentage of oxidizing agent is used to bleach regrown roots? What partings do we primarily use when bleaching regrown roots? When do we prepare the dye? What determines the degree of hair lightening? Answer. 6%,9% Vertical, horizontal. Before applying to hair. duration of dye exposure on hair; the amount of dye applied to the hair; temperature at which the hair lightening process takes place Task card Option 2 (Appendix 2) Question Answer. What percentage of oxidizing agent is not allowed 12%

11 is used for discoloration of regrown roots? From which zone do we start applying the dye when bleaching regrown roots? What determines the residence time of the dye on the hair when bleaching regrown hair roots? Which group of dyes are used to bleach regrown hair roots? Parietal. Hair structures; The required degree of hair bleaching; Intensity of natural pigment; Ambient temperatures. Blonde groups. Evaluation sheet (Appendix 3) Answer on the card Full name learning to consolidate with independent work option self-assessment Assessment Assessment of the teacher's neighbor Performing a practical task self-assessment Assessment of the neighbor Assessment of the teacher Before starting the practical task, let's repeat the safety precautions with you. 1. Safety precautions before starting work. 2. Safety precautions during work. 3. Safety precautions upon completion of work. I ask you to take your seats and carry out preparatory work to serve the client. Each of you has an instruction card on your desk to help you complete the practical work. Practical execution of the task is underway, with targeted inspections of the master. Summing up working hours. Homework: make a table: (Appendix 5) Stages of implementation Technological requirements for Possible defects and Possible corrections

12 dyeing of regrown roots Preparing hair for dyeing at each stage. errors at each stage of execution defects and errors (if possible) Comb clamps Inaccurate remake with ponytail, division of gloves,

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A set of control and evaluation tools for the professional module PM 02. Perm hair. retraining programs for workers in the profession 16437 “Hairdresser” General provisions

I approve
Deputy Director for UP GBPOU ITM
________________ P.P. Chupin “___” _______________ 2016
about the organization and conduct of the competition
"The best hairdresser in the profession"
I. General provisions:
The event is held in accordance with the plan of the main activities of the methodological work of SBPOU ITM

Competition goals:
Identify the level of professional excellence, knowledge, skills in special disciplines,
Identify the best hairdresser by profession;
Develop a love for your chosen profession.
To develop a caring attitude towards equipment, inventory, accuracy and attentiveness in work, and compliance with safety regulations.
Develop creative thinking when performing educational and production work.

Competition objectives:
Increasing motivation of students to improve professional and general competencies. Strengthening the practical orientation of vocational education.
Educational and material equipment:
Equipment: hairdresser's workplace, sinks, dryers.
Tools and accessories: electric hair clippers, hair dryers, scissors, combs, brushes, spray bottles.
Materials: gel for hair styling, varnish for fixing hair styling, mousse for hair styling, shampoo for washing hair, balm for washing hair, gloss for styling hair.
Linen: negligees, towels, disposable collars.
Didactic material: sheets of paper, pens, cards with tasks.

II. Organization and procedure for the competition:
To organize the work of holding a professional skills competition, the composition of the jury is approved.
1.Functions of the jury: approval of the conditions of the competition; content of theoretical and practical competition tasks; development of criteria for evaluating competitive works; summing up.
2. The jury is charged with assessing the level of training of students in theory and practice. The jury members control the time the task is completed.
Chairman of the jury: Dvoretskaya A.N. - Chairman of the Central Committee;
Members of the jury: Snegireva T.V. – teacher of special disciplines;
Cherednikova A.G. master hairdresser - all-rounder,
graduate of 2013.
3. Participants of the competition:
1st year students of the PR-5 group take part in the competition.
4. Time and place:
The competition is held on March 11, 2016 in the hairdressers' workshop. The competition starts at 9-15. Time: 1 hour 30 minutes.
5. Procedure:
The competition is held in 3 stages:
1. theoretical,
2. practical,
3. creative.
Stage 1 - Theoretical:
Conducted in the form of tests (students are given 15 questions on previously studied material)
Stage 2 – Practical:
Completing practical tasks.
1. Perform hair washing.
2. Perform a head massage.
3. Performing cold hair styling “Wave”.
4. Performing a men's sports haircut.
Stage 3 - Creative:
1. Greeting the teams.
2. Pantomime.
6. Summing up the results of the competition
Compiled by: teacher of the professional cycle, master of training I.V. Patsus.
Progress of the competition:
Opening of the competition:
Formation of competition participants in the hairdressers' workshop.
Presenter: Hello, competition participants, dear jury!
Today, we are holding a competition “The best hairdresser by profession” among 1st year students of group PR-5.
Two teams compete – 1. Team “Sharm”
2. Team "Glamour"
You have to show your professional knowledge, skills and abilities. Throughout your studies, you gained knowledge in various subjects and mastered professional skills in your specialty.
The purpose of our competition is to identify the best hairdresser in the profession.
I present the participants of the competition who will compete in their professional skills and claim the title of the best:
Team "Sharm"
Mikhailovsky Vladislav
Fedoseenko Anastasia
Zaripova Daria
Tanana Elena
Gorbatovskaya Nadezhda
Bogrova Olga
Bordunova Diana
Alekhina Anna
Matskevich Arina
Sukhanova Anna
Ermolaeva Kristina
Team "Glamour"
Joke Daria
Khokhlova Svetlana
Alekseeva Valentina
Girina Ksenia
Livanova Anastasia
Tarasova Lyudmila
Gordienko Ekaterina
Belay Ksenia
Moiseenko Anastasia
Doroschenko Evgeniya
Our competition will be judged by the following jury:
Chairman of the jury:
Dvoretskaya Anastasia Nikolaevna, chairman of the cycle commission
Jury members:
Snegireva Tatyana Vasilievna, teacher of special disciplines;
Cherednikova Anastasia, master hairdresser of the hairdressing salon, graduate of the technical school in 2013.
The floor is given to the chairman of the jury, Anastasia Nikolaevna Dvoretskaya (with congratulations and wishes).
The competition is held in 3 stages:
1 - theoretical,
2 - practical,
3 - creative.
So here we go.
But first
Competition motto:
There are many professions on the planet,
But you only chose the one
What is dearer to you than anyone in the world,
To devote yourself to work.
1. Homework - each team must come up with a greeting. Execution time 2 minutes.
Evaluation criteria: for the most original greeting – maximum 5 points
2. Performing hair washing - 1 participant from each team performs hair washing. Running time 7 minutes.
Evaluation criteria: mastery of washing techniques, correct handling of the client, correct determination of water temperature, application of detergents, compliance with safety precautions - maximum 5 points.
3. Performing a head massage – 1 participant from each team performs a head massage. Running time 20 minutes.
Evaluation criteria: mastery of massage techniques, adherence to the sequence of movements, correct handling of the client - maximum 5 points.
4. Performing cold hair styling “Wave” - 1 participant from each team performs hair styling “Wave”. Running time 20 minutes.

5. Performing a men's sports haircut - 1 participant from each team performs a men's sports haircut. Completion time: 75 minutes.
Evaluation criteria: Mastery of the tool, correct handling of the client, compliance with safety regulations, quality and cleanliness of execution - maximum 5 points.
6. Completing the test task - the team selects participants for the competition (no more than 3). Running time 20 minutes.
Evaluation criteria: Answer accuracy – maximum 5 points.
7. Pantomime – team members take turns performing pantomime by profession. Execution time 3 minutes.
Evaluation criteria: Originality, humor, relevance to the profession, strict adherence to completion time - maximum 5 points.
Before starting work, the presenter:
-conducts safety briefings, participants sign the safety log.
- checks the appearance of participants, personal hygiene, availability and compliance with special requirements. clothes.
- gives the task to the competition participants,
-gives time to complete practical tasks.
The competitors begin to work...
The time has come for the final stage - summing up the results of the competition.
The chairman of the jury announces the winners based on the results of the competition.
Participants of the competition are awarded certificates and valuable prizes.

Appendix 1
Test for the Charm team
1. Tools of the hairdresser that play a supporting role in the haircutting operation?
A. Tools
B. Electrical appliances
B. Accessories
2. Water temperature when washing your hair?
A. 45
B. 39
V. 20
3. What is cold styling?
A. Hair styling with curlers.
B. Styling with a comb and fingers.
B. Styling with a hair dryer and brush.
4. Is it combing?
A. Flipping the hair to half the thickness of the strand.

B. Beating at the root of the strand.
5. A hairdresser's tool that no operation can do without?
A. Comb
B. Scissors
B. Brush
6. Direction of wrapping of the occipital zone?
A. To the face.
B. Back down.
B. Up to the parietal zone.
7. Physical disinfectant?
A. Boiling
B. Sterilization
B. Disinfection
8. Outer layer of skin.? A. Epidermis
B. Dermis
B. Hypodermis
9. Ability of hair to absorb moisture?
A. Porosity
B. Elasticity
B. Electrical conductivity
10. What is a head massage?
11. List the indications for performing a head massage.
A. Severe hair loss, hypotension, head injuries.
B. Hair loss, hypertension, scalp diseases.
B. Hair loss, hypotension, improved blood circulation.
12. List the types of hair styling.
A. Hot styling, air, cold, combined.
B. Hot styling, air, warm, wet.
B. Hot styling, air, wet, combined.
13. List the final works.
A. Correction of work, removal of linen, registration of a client card, cleaning of the workplace, disinfection of tools.
B. Correction of work, removal of linen, drawing up a client card, inviting the next client.
B. Correction of work, removal of linen, invitation of the next client.
14. List safety precautions when working with scissors.
A. Store in a case, catch when falling, pass with the blade forward.
B. Store in a case, do not catch it when it falls, pass it forward in rings.
B. Store in a case, do not catch it when it falls, pass it with the blade forward.
15. A device is _____________________________________________________

Test for the Glamor team
1. List the elements of a hairstyle.
A. Parting, half-parting, curl,
B. Parting, braid, curl.
B. Parting, wave, half parting.
2. What is hair blunting?
A. Flipping the hair to half the thickness of the strand.
B. Thickly whip the hair over the entire width and thickness of the strand.
B. Beating at the root of the strand.
3. List the preparatory work.
A. Cleaning the workplace, preparing lunch, talking with the client.
B. Cleaning the workplace, disinfecting tools, talking with the client.
IN). Cleaning the workplace, disinfecting tools, issuing a client card.
4. List the purposes of washing your hair.
A) Hygienic, preventive, deformation.
B) Hygienic, deformation, preparatory.
C) Hygienic, preventive, preparatory.
5. List the contraindications for performing a head massage.
A. Severe hair loss, head injuries, hypertension, scalp diseases.
B. Severe hair loss, hypotension, improved functioning of the sebaceous glands.
B. Severe hair loss, head injuries, general relaxation of the client.
6. List the rules for hot hair styling.
A. Dry, clean hair, warming up the strand, curling from root to ends, holding time 20-30 seconds.
B. Dry dirty hair, warming up the strand, curling from root to ends, holding time 20-30 seconds.
B. Wet, clean hair, warming up the strand, curling from root to ends, holding time 20-30 seconds.
7. What is hair drying?
8. List the rules for curling hair with curlers.
9. What is a curl?
10. The ability of hair to resist physical stress?
A. porosity
B. strength
B. Elasticity
11. What are chemical disinfectants?
A. Exposure to hot air
B. Irrigation with a disinfectant solution
Q. Exposure to ultraviolet rays?
12. What is hypodermis?
13. List hairdressing equipment.
A) Spray gun, straight and thinning scissors, brushes
B) Spray gun, clamps, brushes and cups for painting.
C) Spray gun, clamps, straight and thinning scissors, brushes.
14. Tools for combing hair?
A. Thinning razors, brushes
B. Combs, brushes
B. Scissors, combs
15. What are these tools?
Test for the Glamor team
Appendix 2
Score sheet
No. Team Name of competitions Number of points place
Greeting the teams Test Hair washing Head massage Wave styling Men's haircut Pantomime Penalty points 1 Charm 2 Glamor







Methodological development

professional skills competition

profession Hairdresser

“A girl’s beauty is not only a Russian braid”



to practical application

at the meeting of the MK Professional Cycle

Project №____ dated____________2017 G. __

Chairman of the MK ___________________---..


1. Kovaleva Irina Anatolyevna – master of industrial training of the highest category of GBPOU RO PU No. 38


The professional skills competition “Girl’s beauty is not only a Russian braid” was developed to conduct an extracurricular event as part of the week of the Hairdresser profession for students of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd courses.

The methodological material for the professional skills competition includes topics from the PM program. 01 Performing haircuts and hair styling and PM.04 Designing hairstyles anddeveloped in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for secondary vocational education by profession43. 01.02 Hairdresser.

To ensure a more detailed and in-depth study of PM 04 Hair styling based on the professional standard “Specialist in the provision of hairdressing services” and taking into account the recommendations of employers - social partners, additional skills have been introduced within the variable part:Possess techniques for weaving Afro braids, French braids and knowledge: Techniques for weaving Afro braids, French braids.

When drawing up the competition program and assignments for students, new skills and knowledge were taken into account.

DAnnwowmethodological developmentrecommended for use when studyingand developmentprofessional modulePM.01 Performing haircuts and hair styling and PM.4 Design of hairstyles

Methodological development of the competition professional skill

Professions hairdresser

Purpose of the competition :

    determining the quality and level of theoretical and practical training, its compliance with the Federal State Educational Standard;

    identifying the most gifted and talented students, further improving their skills, consolidating and deepening the knowledge and skills acquired in the process of theoretical, practical and professional training, stimulating creative growth;

    increasing the prestige of the profession "Hairdresser».

Form: professional skills competition

Venue : educational hairdressing salon-workshop

Logistics and technical support:

Multimedia projector, screen, computer, dummies - heads with hair 55 cm long, hairdressing tools, hair styling and fixing products, pasting products, accessories and decorations for hairstyles, professional magazines

Methodological goal : testing students’ ability to act systematically in a professional situation, analyze and plan their activities;

General competencies:
OK 1. Understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, show sustained interest in it

OK 2 Organize your own activities based on the goal and methods of achieving it, determined by the manager.

OK3 Analyze the work situation, carry out current and final monitoring, assessment and correction of one’s own activities, and be responsible for the results of one’s work.

OK 4 Search for information necessary to effectively perform professional tasks.

OK 5 Use information and communication technologies in professional activities.

Progress of the event:

    The presenter introduces the jury.

    The presenter introduces the students and competition participants

    Participants of the competition take a place in the workshop.

    The presenter introduces the jury and competition participants to the conditions and sequence of the competition:

    1. Theoretical part- 10 min.

      Practical part - 45 min.

      Homework: presentation “The history of the braid”, “Afro braids” - 10 min

5 Summing up the results of the competition

6. Awarding the winners

7. Reflection. Photo for memory

1. Theoretical part.

The presenter distributes tickets with questions to each participant according to three options. Answers in writing.

Time to complete the work is 10 minutes.

Questions and Sample Answers

Option #1

1List the types of hairdressing salons

a) men's

b) women's

c) mixed

2Indicate which haircut is performed using a strictly defined technology

a) basic

3Indicate what ventilation should be in accordance with sanitary standards, depending on the number of workplaces

a) supply ventilation – from 3-10 workplaces

b) supply and exhaust ventilation – from 10-20 workplaces

c) natural ventilation (windows, vents) – up to 3 workplaces

4 Determine the name of this parting

5 What should a hairdresser’s workplace be equipped with?

a) dressing table

b) barber chair

c) mirror

6 Name the main zones of hair division

a) frontal b) occipital

7Name the types of hair

a) cannon

b) bristly

c) long

8 List haircut shapesa) monolithic b) graduated c) cascade

d) uniform

9 List the shades of hair depending on the content of pheomelanin in it

a) ashy

b) matte

c) golden

d) orange

d) red

10 Decipher the abbreviation: VBZ 1a) temporolateral zone

Option No. 2

1 List the signs of healthy hair

a) soft

b) shiny

c) obedient

2 Name the methods of washing your hair

a) with the head tilted forward

b) with the head tilted back

3 What are the purposes of head massage?

a) improve hair condition

b) strengthen the roots

c) improve blood circulation

d) increase hair growth

d) get rid of dandruff

e) improve the functioning of the sebaceous glands

4Indicate what determines the hair drying time

a) from the hygroscopicity of hair

b) on the thickness of the strand being wound

c) on the length of the hair

5 Determine the name of this parting

6 List the types of hairdressing bedya

a peignoir

used napkins

in a towel

g collar

7 List the types of hair salons

a) luxury salons

b) hairdressing salons

c) hairdressers

8 Indicate the types of sanitary facilities in hairdressing salons

and water supply

b sewer

in heating

g lighting

9 Decipher the abbreviation: KLRVa) marginal hairline

10 List the stages of a hairdresser’s work

and preparatory work

b main technological process

in final works

Option #3

1 Name the hair types

and normal

b dry

in bold

2 Specify a sign of damaged hair

and dim ones

b hard

the naughty

3List the types of shampoos depending on their purpose

and ordinary

b special

to medicinal

g special purpose

4Define the name of this parting

5 Indicate what tasks combing your hair can accomplish

and eliminate tangled areas of hair

b ensure parallel hair placement

to give the desired direction to the hair

d determine the length of individual sections of hair

6 Indicate into which zones the frontal zone is divideda) parietal b) temporal

7 List the indications for massage

and prevention of hair loss

b disruption of the sebaceous glands

in low blood pressure

d strengthening hair roots

d general relaxation of the client

8 Name the hair styling tools

and curlers

used hair dryer

in electrospikes

g comb

9 Decipher the abbreviation: CGPa) central horizontal parting

10 List the installation methods

and cold

b air

in hot

g combined

2. Practical part

Each participant in the competition is invited to perform a braid on a dummy head.

Practical partconsists of tasks:

    Weaving an external, internal braid of 3 strands -10 b

    Weaving an external, internal braid of 4 strands - 15 b

    Weaving an external, internal braid of 5 strands - 20 b

    Braiding with ribbon - 20 b

    Weaving a braid of 2 strands with a fishtail pick-up - 25 b

    Weaving a French braid “Spikelet” 20 b

    Weaving openwork braids 30 b

CriteriaAssessments for practical part assignments are:

    Correct weaving

    Weaving quality

    lead time

    Difficulty of work

    Aesthetics of the image

The maximum number of points scored by a competition participant based on the results of completing all tasks is 90points.

3. Homework

Presentation of competition participantson topic“The history of the braid”, “Afro braids”

Performance time: 10 minutes.

The maximum possible number of points is 30.

5. Summing up the results of the competition

Each jury member fills out the assessment sheet for completing the competition task in accordance with the developed criteria. The final grade is entered into the summary sheet.

Summary statement of completion of competition tasks


1. Theoretical part


2. Practical part

3. Presentation


Final grade




Time Done

Time completed



Final in 2 hours

Vorobyova N

Snegovskaya A

Nesterova A


6. Awarding the winners

The winners of the Competition are determined by the best total indicators (scores) of completing the Competition tasks.

All participants of the Competition are awarded diplomas of participation, and the Winners of the Competition are awarded diplomas forI, IIAndIIIplace.

7. Reflection. Photo for memory

1. What is the longest female hair in the world?
-5m79cm! Correct answer
2. A man has the longest beard in the world
-563cm! Correct answer
3.The longest beard on a woman
-28cm! Correct answer
4. What was used to lubricate the hair of Queen Marie Antoinette of France so that the hairstyle would last for about a month
Correct answer (the hair of Queen Marie Antoinette of France was greased with lard so that the hairstyle would last for at least a month. Not surprising, because the height of her hairstyle reached 91 centimeters, and sometimes was higher. This height was achieved mainly through decorations, for example, feathers or ribbons, however, the length of real hair was also very impressive.)

5. You have arrived in a city where there are only two hairdressers, Bill and John.
Bill is well-groomed, neat, with a beautiful hairstyle, but John has a “nest” on his head, and in general he doesn’t look very good.
Which one will you go to for a haircut and why?
Correct answer (To John, because he cuts Bill's hair)
6..The most expensive haircut in the world?
-3000 dollars
-more than 5000 dollars
-more than 15,000 dollars
Correct answer (The most expensive haircut in the world, included in the Guinness Book of Records, cost $16,000. It was done by the stylist known as the “chief hairdresser of celebrities,” Stuart Phillips. The client was millionaire Beverly Lateo, who, not wanting to interrupt her vacation in Italy , called Phillips from London. He flew first class, and was taken from the airport to a hairdressing salon specially rented for the whole day in a luxurious limousine.)
7..People of what profession in Russia were called toupee artists?
Correct answer: hairdressers.
8. Everyone knows that shaving with a straight razor is a delicate matter. The slightest wrong movement and... At the beginning of the last century, shaving a children's toy was a popular, although very difficult, training for hairdressers. Which?
Correct answer: balloons (covered with foam).
9: Perms were invented by German hairdresser Carl Nestle. Another of his inventions, “artificial hair that curls upward,” is also used to this day. What are we talking about?
Correct answer: These are artificial eyelashes.
10. What fashion did the wife of Napoleon III introduce, and what did a certain hairdresser help her with?
Correct answer: Fashion for red hair
A set of available materials for a creative competition consists of a large number of newspapers, garbage bags of different colors, tape, scissors, a stapler, and hair bands.
We invite you to sing ditties, We have an assortment of them! Very many and fun, Choose at once!***
Advise me, brothers
How can I find my image:
Should I remain blond?
Maybe go brunette!
I don’t even know why
Got a bob haircut!
My ears are freezing
After all, winter is already here!
Me with my short hair
Earned a flaw:
They confuse me with a boy -
Everyone shouts: “Hi, kid!”
Got my eye on the hairstyle from the glossy cover!
I'll go to the salon now
For the “bob on the leg”!
Who makes patches on a couture dress,
I'm on my own hair
I'm making overlays!
Sometimes I love, brothers,
Throw everyone into a slight shock!
Thinking about cutting my hair again,
I'm getting a bowl haircut!
I shaved the back of my head
Got a “tattoo” on it!
I didn't take into account the prerequisites
I chose the wrong fashion!
I have a head of hair
Red and shaggy!
There is a terrible demand for her
Husbands have “horns”!
I'll cut my hair into a crew cut -
I'm not afraid of this haircut!
So what, why am I injecting myself?
But I look cool!***
Its sparse hairs
I'll wash it with a raw egg,
And then I confuse when I'm asleep
Your own scruff with a face!

Scenario for the holiday “Hairdresser’s Day”
Conducted with students studying in the profession “Hairdresser” and the specialty “Hairdressing”.
The celebration is held in the assembly hall.
The hall is divided into 2 sectors: chairs are placed along parallel walls.
A flag of a certain color is placed on each chair to indicate team affiliation and to express emotions.
When is Barber Day celebrated?
While studying the question of what date is Hairdresser's Day, I want to say that this profession is very, very ancient. It arose several thousand years ago, when - it has not yet been established. However, we can say with confidence that hairstyles appeared somewhat earlier than human clothing and have come a long way, developing and changing along with the person.
And before answering when is Hairdresser’s Day, let’s dive a little into the history of this wonderful craft. Thanks to ancient frescoes, today you can admire the multi-part hairstyles of Egyptian priestesses and pharaohs; even then people used basma and henna to color their hair, and had various analogues of modern cutting and styling products such as scissors, razors, combs, curling irons, etc.
When is Hairdresser Day in Russia? For some reason, Hairdresser's Day in Russia is celebrated on two days: one on September 13, and the second on the 14th. There is no exact date, but this does not prevent hairdressers from organizing a solemn celebration of their masters and fun holidays.
So today we invite you to have a little fun.
Each of you noticed a flag on your chair.
They are different colors, just like our 2 teams.
So, one team is LILAC, the other is YELLOW.
We would like to immediately test your professional suitability.
The competition is called BARANKA:
For this competition we invite 5 participants from each team.
Participants stand in a circle one after another and must braid beautiful braids in a short time. A short time is 5 minutes.
I almost forgot. To evaluate the results, we invited our masters and teachers to the jury. I present to you the jury:_________________
The maximum score for the competition is 5 points, just like in the lesson.
At the end of the competition, the winning team receives a prize.
Well, now we can begin. Teams are given 5 minutes. Time has passed. Fans can wave flags and support their teams.
A competition is being held
I invite the jury to evaluate the work of our hairdressers.
(The jury takes minutes)
A little more history In Ancient Greece, hairdressing received a new round of development. Who else but the Greeks knew a lot about human beauty, and they tried in every possible way to improve it. Rich nobles wanted the hands of a skilled barber to embellish them in a special way. At first, specially trained people were involved in this business, and over time, the first beauty salons began to be created.
An interesting fact: at different times and in different countries, these people were called differently - barbers, hairdressers, barbers, toupee artists, cuafers, since in addition to styling hair, they could do shaving and manicure, and even took on the duties of doctors, subjecting their clients to various simple procedures.
I can talk a lot about the script, but I also want to ask the teams a few questions. I suggest that the jury do a little work.
Teams answer questions in turns. Each correct answer is worth 1 point.
Let's start the QUIZ (see Appendix)
We invite the jury to submit their scores.
Hairdressing is the art of creating hairstyles, styling, coloring and cutting. How much does a modern hairdresser need to know in our time? Quite a lot. But the most important thing is that you not only need to possess knowledge and information, but also apply it in your daily creative work.
Now we will see how you cope with our next task.
Everyone knows that 2016 is the year of Russian cinema, so
We called the competition “ACTING IMAGE”.
We invite one model and 5 members of the creative workshop.
The teams must come up with an image for the film, bring it to reality and tell the jury and fans what happened.
For work, each team receives the same set of available tools and materials. (see Appendix)
The time allotted for work is 15 minutes. Time has passed.
While the teams are doing their thing, the fans are cheering and helping their teams.
Great. Present your images.
We invite the jury to evaluate your creativity.
I invite everyone to sit down, take a breath and listen to me.
Every profession has its costs. In other words, in any business there is something to have fun about. But, if the profession is related to communicating with people, then there are many times more such fun moments. Let's take, for example, the profession of a hairdresser. Do you think there could be anything funny here? But then a client comes and asks to make him... an elongated butt
or, take off my hairy snout and trim my ears
or like this: “Put my household in order and make it fit my face... Well, see for yourself there...
Needless to say, if the client has a sense of humor, then the haircut will go off with a bang and the household will be in perfect order. Well, if the hairdressing master is caught with a laugh, then in general everything will just go wonderfully. Without a hitch, the client will be cut, shaved and styled in the right place and with the right amount of hair. Both on the head and in other, no less important places, otherwise some people have a beard that grows faster than their head, but they themselves cannot cope with it, that is, with a beard. So it turns out that hairdressing is a very fun profession.
Now we will check the level of cheerfulness of our teams.
Again we invite 5 participants from each team.
Each participant selects 1 sheet with the task (see Appendix). Now Nastya will turn on the music for us and we will sing ditties for everyone. (minus the ditties is turned on).
Competition SINGING DITS
You see what a fun profession a hairdresser is. We invite the jury to give their points.
Hairdresser's Day is not celebrated at the state level, but this holiday is another reason to rejoice and congratulate people who are fluent in this craft. Without them, it would be boring and tedious to live in a world of constant stress and negativity; they seem to color our lives.
If you have your own master, then you are very lucky, and if not, look for him immediately, because he will be able to change your destiny, including as a psychologist. Women and men leave beauty salons with increased self-esteem, because they look fresh, beautiful, new, this lifts their spirits and gives them self-confidence.

Cheerful and modern hairdressers love to dance.
DANCE competition
So that the dance competition does not seem very simple to you, we invite teams to express themselves and show us different dance moves to the proposed music. (see Appendix)
We invite the jury to sum up the results of our wonderful competition.
I really want you all to take your seats. Before the jury announces the results of our competitions - 3rd year students made you
A wonderful gift. Introducing the hair show.
We give the floor to our very, very competent jury.
(The jury gives scores so that “friendship” wins, because it’s more fun that way)
The kindest and most positive congratulations on Hairdresser's Day, cool and cheerful, must be heard on this day; they will further emphasize the festive atmosphere, because it is not for nothing that people say: until you arrange a holiday for yourself, no one will.

All participants and fans were at their best today and deserved a small but very sweet prize.
Have a good mood! Hairdressers have flexible and grateful clients, and everyone else has talented hairdressers who love their profession.