A person’s work feeds him, but laziness spoils the interpretation. Class hour “Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils”

Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils him.
Cm. WORK IS Idleness

  • - Human anatomy from fertilization to adulthood...

    Atlas of Human Anatomy

  • - Scientific justification for laziness, unwillingness to work...

    Dictionary of folk phraseology

  • - Wed. Paupertas omnes artes perdocet, ubi quem attigit. Plaut. Stich, 1, 3, 24. Wed. Πενία αυτοδίδακτος. Trouble is self-taught. Diogeniana. See a person's troubles teach wisdom. See the need is galloping...

    Mikhelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

  • - Poverty teaches, but spoils happiness. Wed. Paupertas omnes artes perdocet, ubi quem attigit. Plaut. Stich. 1, 3, 24. Wed. Πενία αὐτοδίδακτος. Per. The trouble is self-taught. Diogeniana. See: Man's troubles teach wisdom...

    Michelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (orig. orf.)

  • - See WEALTH -...
  • - Will spoils even a good wife...

    V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Will and goodness spoil a man. See WILL - BOND Will spoils even a good wife...

    V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - see Will destroys, bondage plagues...

    V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See WORK -...

    V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - The supply does not damage the bag...

    V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - A penny spoils the ruble...

    V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - see Kissel is not harmful to teeth...

    V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - You can’t do anything without damage...

    V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - The plow feeds, but the onion spoils...

    V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - see: Order does not make you poor...

    V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - see: Accounting is not a hindrance to friendship...

    V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

“Labor feeds a man, but laziness spoils him.” in books




From the book Life in the Depths of Ages author Trofimov Boris Alexandrovich

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Work ennobles a person

From the book One Life, Two Worlds author Alekseeva Nina Ivanovna

Labor ennobles a person From here the train went along the old single-track road, and nearby the construction of the second highway, the so-called Baikal-Amur Mainline - BAM, was in full swing. New sleepers, new rails, neat embankments on the sides, lined with fresh

This is how God feeds!

From the book On the Way with God (collection) by Ramdas Papa

This is how God feeds! The sadhus walked further until they came across a village, where they stopped for the night at the Maruti temple. As a rule, they were content with one hot meal a day. In the evening, Ramcharandas, if possible, ate some light food. Almost all villages

Laziness, oh laziness! Who are your parents?

From the book The Lucky Beginner's Guide, or Vaccine against Laziness author Igolkina Inna Nikolaevna

Laziness, oh laziness! Who are your parents? We have already tried to look for the cause of laziness in the national character. As the previous chapter showed, nationality is not associated with laziness, in any nation there are lazy people and hardworking people, and we are not really leaders in the matter

Activity and work. Labor as actual “work” and universal labor

From the book Marxist philosophy in the 19th century. Book one (From the emergence of Marxist philosophy to its development in the 50s - 60s of the 19th century) by the author

Activity and work. Labor as actual “work” and universal labor As long as the development of the means of subsistence still dominates the further development of man himself, so long in practical activity, which is the unity of opposites

Was it laziness that turned a monkey into a human?

From the book Secrets of the Origin of Humanity author Popov Alexander

Was it laziness that turned a monkey into a human? But perhaps the most interesting theory about the transformation of a monkey into a man is that it was not work that did it, as Friedrich Engels taught, but fraud and dishonest behavior. A very un-Marxist point of view. Today it has been proven that those

From the book The Big Book of Wisdom author Dushenko Konstantin Vasilievich

Laziness See also “Work is idleness”, “Labor” Lazy: a person who does not pretend to work. Alphonse Allais* We admit laziness more readily than our other shortcomings; we convinced ourselves that it, without causing much damage to other virtues, only moderates them

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Chapter 1. Work and labor in human life

Laziness is a sign of human intelligence

From the book Verboss-3, or Clean your ears: the first philosophical book for teenagers author Maksimov Andrey Markovich

Laziness is a sign of a person's intelligence Lazy (lazy) is perhaps the most common of all curse words that adults address to children. I don't think a day goes by without someone calling you lazy (lazy). Sometimes it seems that,

Labor is the main human resource

From the book The Key to the Subconscious. Three magic words - the secret of secrets by Anderson Ewell

Labor is a person’s main resource, no matter what area your work belongs to - science, culture, education, industry, agriculture or trade - your goal should be the development and well-being of society at the physical, mental and spiritual levels. Any

From the book Newspaper Tomorrow 974 (31 2012) author Zavtra Newspaper

From the book Newspaper Tomorrow 401 (32 2001) author Zavtra Newspaper

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From the book About Sin and Its Consequences author Religious Studies Author unknown -

The word that sin spreads darkness throughout a person’s entire being, spoils his mind, disfigures and poisons his knowledge and predisposes the sinner to madness. Sophon will go like blind men, having sinned for the Lord. 1.17 The very first of the seductions with which the hellish serpent enticed

Everything in the world is created by labor: cities, factories and factories are built, bread is grown, smart machines are created, solid houses designed by engineers, mines built by builders, coal mined by miners, flowering gardens well-groomed by people, laughing children raised by parents, kindergarten and the school - people's labor is invested in all this. Their thought soared high, and their hands turned thought into action. And all this is for a person to be well-fed, healthy, cheerful and happy. And without labor there is no fruit, says popular wisdom, because “every work is started by man, and is glorified by man.”
There are countless proverbs and sayings in which people glorify work. And work exalts a person, makes him strong and resilient, rich and independent. “Work for a person is health and life.” After all, “those who are used to working cannot sit idle.” Such people are always respected and valued both in the family and at work.

Proverbs are ubiquitous. They invade every area of ​​human life. People have a lot of proverbs about work. The proverb is eloquent, succinct, good and short. Introduce your children to the most famous proverbs about work, explain the meaning of outdated words in proverbs.
A good proverb is not so easy to understand, because its whole meaning lies in association. I recommend that you read with your children the proverbs about work and laziness collected in our article.

Lazy Fedorka has excuses for everything.
It's a long day until the evening, if there's nothing to do.
Ulyana woke up neither late nor early: everyone was leaving work, and she was right there.
Time for business, time for fun.
Don't sit idly by, you won't get bored.
Work early in the morning to make your heart happy.
The master's work is afraid.
According to your work, your honor.
You cannot make stone chambers through righteous labor.
Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils him.
Out of boredom, take matters into your own hands.
White hands love other people's works.
And Moscow was not built suddenly.
He who eats quickly works quickly.
Those who got up early went further away.
Even though the work is menial, the money will be white.
Eat your fill, work until you sweat.
A small deed is better than a big idleness.
Don’t get busy with the task, and don’t fight back from the task.
The bee flies far after the drop.
Eating rolls - don't sit on the stove.
It’s not hard to do, it’s hard to think about it.
Pick one berry at a time and you'll get a box.
For my hard work, I got caught in a collar.
Without bowing to the ground, you won’t raise fungus.
Life is not measured by years, but only by labor.
They are looking for mushrooms - they are scouring the forest.
One with a bipod, and seven with a spoon.
I picked up the tug, don’t say it’s not strong.
I would drink and eat, if work were not on my mind.
The eyes are scary, but the hands are doing.
He eats with his hands and works with his belly.
They plow the arable land without waving their hands.
You can't recycle all the work.
Plowing is not playing the tune.
The master's work cannot be reworked
He who does not plow has no faults.
It's not a damn job, it won't go into the water.
Know how to make a mistake, know how to get better.
God has a lot of days, we’ll have time to work on it.
Trying is not torture, and demand is not a problem.
Work with your teeth, but laziness with your tongue.
What goes around comes around.
Bread does not follow the belly.
Without dew, grass does not grow.
If you don’t work, then no bread will be born.
Mow, scythe, while there is dew: away with the dew - and you're home.
Weed millet - prick your hands.
I’m in diapers myself, but I’ve been lazy since I was a calf.
The earth loves care.
Prepare a sleigh in summer and a cart in winter.
See the tree in its fruits, and the man in his deeds.
Patience and work will grind everything down.
Every bird has its nose full.
To live without work is to smoke heaven.
To eat a fish, you have to get into the water.
Such are the works, such are the fruits.
What kind of worker is - such is his pay.
The master is afraid of every work.
A craft suits every young man.
He who sweats from his craft will get rich.
As you trample, so shall you burst.
The work of learning is boring, but the fruit of learning is delicious.
He who works tirelessly cannot live without bread.
He who looks at the sky sits without bread.
You can't grow turnips without care.
No work and the stove is cold.
Nothing comes without work.
God help me, don’t lie on your side.
Not all work is good.
Don't pray, but work.
Insomnia is treated with difficulty.
Look at a tree by its fruits, and a man by his works.
Gold is tested by fire, and a person is tested by labor.

The proverb does not stand still. Over time, it changes, acquires new words or transforms to suit the environment. If you know new proverbs about work or, in your opinion, some of the proverbs given in the list are not entirely correct, send them to us, we will be grateful to you.

Every morning people start with work. The schoolboy sits down at his desk, the driver climbs into the cab, and the worker stands at the machine. The student takes a book, because reading is also work. An office worker turns on the computer, a businessman makes a phone call, a housewife lights the stove, and a fisherman goes out to sea. No one is left idle. This is because work is a natural human activity.

Labor provides livelihood. Everything that a person has achieved, he achieved thanks to work. Cozy houses, beautiful clothes, delicious food, interesting entertainment - all these are the fruits of human labor.

In addition, it is not for nothing that they say that work ennobles a person. This, of course, should be work you enjoy and that brings you joy. A person who works feels cheerful and energetic and looks fit. “The sun paints the earth, and...

“man’s work” - this is a popular saying.

A hardworking person's abilities and talents are not wasted. She gains authority and respect from others. “Man is famous for his work” - that’s what they say about it.

An active person is easy to distinguish from a lazy one. Since it is unnatural for a person to do nothing, the lazy and idle will not find a place for himself. He will be bored and “killing time.” He will even get tired of having fun someday.

The works of Russian classics describe nobles who did not need to work, but this did not make them any happier. They didn't know where to apply themselves. “Where there is work, there is joy,” says the proverb, but a slacker is deprived of this joy.

Let each of us find work that suits him, and then his personality will develop.

You are currently reading an essay

Labor feeds, but laziness spoils

Olga Prikhodina
Lesson “Work feeds a person, but laziness spoils him.”

Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils him.

Target: help students understand the importance of work.

If there was a desire, the work would go well. Don't sit idly by - you won't get bored.

The teacher can invite children to remember how they help adults (helping their parents, participating in cleaning the apartment, taking care of their clothes, books, things), etc. It is important to help children feel the joy of the fact that they can do something and do it themselves.

As a literary illustration of the topic, we use fairy tales known to children, which tell about hardworking and lazy heroes (different versions of the fairy tale “Morozko”, etc.). When analyzing the fairy tale, the teacher draws the children’s attention to the hard work and politeness of one sister and the reluctance to work and rudeness of the other. Other works that will be proposed by children are also analyzed. (Give the children a task to make them think).

In a conversation with children, the teacher emphasizes that the attitude towards lazy people is always negative (they are not liked, and together with the children he searches and formulates an answer to the question why this happens. Children come to the conclusion that the lazy person also wants to eat, drink, get dressed, but does not like to get all this with his own labor. This means that others work for him. The teacher asks the pupils to remember who in their family does the housework and what kind of work. Then the teacher finds out what responsibilities the children have in the family, how and with what they facilitate the household work of their parents. .

The main result of the lesson is to help children realize that all the benefits that surround us at school and at home are the results of the work of many people. Preserving them and creating new benefits is everyone’s concern.

In conclusion, the teacher gives the children the task of listing on a piece of paper their permanent responsibilities, the tasks they perform at the request of their parents, and also name their least favorite and favorite type of work. At the end, children read the rules of a hard-working student and make drawings depicting different types of household work.


When the room is tidy and clean, the mood is good,

the work goes better.

You should be able to make your bed beautifully and do

this is every morning.

Your books and toys should be in place after games

and classes. If you make a mess, collect the trash, sweep the floor,

wipe off the dust.

Your clothes, jacket, shoes should always be on the same

Know how to wash your T-shirt, handkerchief, and socks.

Know how to mend a small hole, sew on a button,

do it without waiting for reminders.

If you see that your parents are tired, be there for them

especially attentive: help set the table; ask

Do you need to do anything around the house?



Labor is a type of social activity, the result of which is enshrined in material and spiritual values.

Hardworking - diligent, industrious, hard worker.

Diligence is the love of work.

Diligence is a moral quality that manifests itself in the desire to work and the inability to live without doing anything.


G. Mamlin

Seryozha is looking for a pencil.

Today there is chaos in the house:

Seryozha is looking for a pencil.

I put it in the cupboard

Who touched my pencil?

There is no order in your house! –

He told his mother sternly.

Armed with a poker

To search for Seryozha.

And to begin with he kicked

The kitten puffed in the hallway.

I looked in the closet, stood on a chair,

He lay prone on the floor,

He looked under the sofas,

He knocked a vase off the shelf

And he scratched the table.

A hurricane arose in the house.

A suitcase fell from the closet

And they flew under the ceiling

Pillows, Brema thick volume,

Notebooks and newspapers

And other items.

How did Seryozha look for a pencil?

Who suffered from his actions?

Will there be order with such behavior?

S. Baruzdin.


Our mom is at work

Big brother is at work.

How much concern do you have, -

The neighbors tell me.

I decided to get down to business.

If mom is gone for a long time,

Someone's gotta try

Prepare us lunch.

Let her not bother us -

I'll bring more firewood

And I’ll cook dinner just as well

Real chefs.

I put water in the tub

And I will wash the dishes.

All notebooks and toys

I'll put it back in place.

Mom and brother will say: “We know,

Not a boy - just a treasure.

There is an owner in this house,

Although he’s a bit short.”

Questions and tasks:

How did the boy decide to help his mother and brother?

Can his attitude towards household chores be called masterly?

Tell us how you help at home?

Vl. Lifshits


Tired, from work

Mother came in the evening

And he sees that his son

The bed is not made

Why does the tea in the glass get cold?

That the floor is not swept,

What, lying on the sofa,

He is reading a book...

And his mother is offended

She said: “Son,

Someday you mom

Did you help in any way?”

And the son answered gloomily,

Barely looking at his mother:

You, mom, are talking about Timur

I'm sure guys

What if Gaidar lived -

Famous writer

And the brave commissar, -

Then this boy

Why does a mother greet you this way?

(Or rather, I could say):

“You probably have a conscience

I fell asleep, boy!

You managed to read the story,

But I couldn’t understand..."

What was the conversation between mother and son?

Why was the mother offended by her son?

What “important” business was your son busy with?

Who knows who Timur and his team are?

What were they doing?

What did your son not understand in the book?

B. Zakhoder

Whose basket is heavier?

Two friends went

We went mushroom hunting.

We walked and walked, Tired of walking.

We went one way

And they passed equally

Yes, but not equally,

Not equally found.

In one basket - white,

And everything is just right!

In the other - one and only

Rotten fly agaric.

The second friend said:

Well, no luck.

But my basket

It's not hard to drag! –

They're going back

They are going home, the first one is skipping,

The second one crawls behind him.

The first one to skip

With loot in hand,

The second one barely trudges along,

Even though he is light.

The first said to the second, saying goodbye at the door:

An empty basket

It turns out it's harder!

Why did the guys pick mushrooms with such different results?

Why is it that an empty basket is heavier than a full one?

What does this depend on?

Are you picking mushrooms?

What successes do you have?

Folk wisdom.

Don't sit idly by - there will be no boredom.

If there was a desire, the work would go well.

1. What kind of person do we call hardworking?

2. Mark with a “+” sign those qualities that a hardworking person should have:

Ability to work.

Good mood.


The ability to force yourself to finish what you started.

3. Complete the task and analyze the results obtained: mark with “+” signs in the table during the assignment those qualities that speak of hard work, and with “-” signs the qualities that prevent you from becoming hardworking.

Numbers/qualities 1 2 3 4 5 6 7



Labor discipline

The ability to force yourself




Desire to help

3.1. Underline with a red pencil your regular responsibilities at home, with a green pencil the work that is done at the request of your parents, and with a yellow pencil - the work that you never do, add what you need on the free line.

I go to the store to buy bread.

I'm walking with the dog.

I clean up after the cat.

I feed the animals.

Cleaning out the bird cage.

I water the flowers.

I sweep the floor.

I wipe off the dust.

I take out the trash.

I'm tidying up my corner (putting things in order).

I make my bed.

I wash the dishes.

3.2. Underline the correct answer.

It’s hard for me to force myself to sit down for homework, start cleaning, or start any housework.

Publications on the topic:

“We are not too lazy to help mom! March 8th is mother’s day!” March 8th is coming soon. The political connotation of this holiday is gradually being erased. But it must be said.

Physical education lesson “Vegetables. Adult labor in the fields and gardens” (multi-age group) 5–7 years old Objectives: 1. Practice balance; in high jumps over a rope, throw the ball into a basketball hoop with one and two hands confidently.

Integrated lesson (cognition and manual labor) in the preparatory school group “Amulet Doll” Goal: To develop the ability to make a rag doll-amulet “Bell” Objectives: To expand children’s ideas about folk toys.

Integrated lesson “Wasted Labor” based on the story (We made a snowman) Integration of areas: Cognitive, communicative, speech, artistic aesthetic Purpose: Teaching storytelling. Objectives: Cognitive.

Every morning people start with work. The schoolboy sits down at his desk, the driver climbs into the cab, and the worker stands at the machine. The student takes a book, because reading is also work. An office worker turns on the computer, a businessman makes a phone call, a housewife lights the stove, and a fisherman

Goes out to sea. No one is left idle. This is because work is a natural human activity.

Labor provides livelihood. Everything that a person has achieved, he achieved thanks to work. Cozy houses, beautiful clothes, delicious food, interesting entertainment - all these are the fruits of human labor.

In addition, it is not for nothing that they say that work ennobles a person. This, of course, should be work you enjoy and that brings you joy. A person who works feels cheerful and energetic and looks fit. “The sun paints the earth, but man’s labor” - this is a popular saying.

A hardworking person has the ability

And talents are not wasted. She gains authority and respect from others. “Man is famous for his work” - that’s what they say about it.

An active person is easy to distinguish from a lazy one. Since it is unnatural for a person to do nothing, the lazy and idle will not find a place for himself. He will be bored and “killing time.” He will even get tired of having fun someday.

The works of Russian classics describe nobles who did not need to work, but this did not make them any happier. They didn't know where to apply themselves. “Where there is work, there is joy,” says the proverb, but a slacker is deprived of this joy.

Let each of us find work that suits him, and then his personality will develop.

Essays on topics:

  1. “Work feeds, but laziness spoils,” as people say. Laziness is a state of reluctance to do something necessary and useful....
  2. Our life is continuous work, because this is exactly what the legends say, which were created many years, no, even centuries ago...
  3. Labor is a very important factor with which the whole life of every person is closely connected. A person works in order to provide for himself...

“a person’s labor feeds him, but... spoils him” (proverb)

Alternative descriptions

Lethargy, apathy

Voluntary prison

Daughter of wealth and mother of poverty

What vice partially neutralizes other vices?

Mother who was born prematurely

Reluctance to work, the mother of vices

One of the seven deadly sins

One of the ways of survival for a Russian person

She was born before us

Tendency to idleness

Character trait, human condition

Mother of vices

J.C. Jerome wrote that only those who have a lot of absolutely urgent matters can truly enjoy it

Panacea for everything

If you believe Russian proverbs, she dines without salt, it won’t do any good, she’s built a nest in her bosom, she’s frozen while lying on the stove

. “... doesn’t feed a man” (proverb)

The habit of resting before fatigue

The vice of a parasite

Tendency to parasitism

Sweet feeling of slight fatigue before work


. "mother" of a slacker

Oblomov's vice

Mother, who was born before us

. “... doesn’t feed the man”


Engine of progress

Sofa-bed feeling of idleness

. "mother" of all couch potatoes

The main trait of a couch potato


Vice Emelya

Reluctance to do anything

. “everyone would like to know how to win... without getting out of bed”

. "mother" of any slacker

Reluctant mood

Craving for idleness

Disgust from work (according to Dahl)

The Slacker's Vice

Tendency to idleness

Lethargy, apathy, lack of desire to act, work

. "... doesn't feed the man"

. "... doesn't feed the man" (last)

. "... doesn't feed a man" (proverb)

. "Mother" of a slacker

. "Mother" of all couch potatoes

. "Mother" of any slacker

. “a person’s labor feeds him, but... spoils him” (proverb)

G. reluctance to work, aversion to work, work, activities; a tendency towards idleness and parasitism. adv. property or quality is in action; I don’t want to, I’m lazy. Laziness (personification), shut the door, you'll freeze! I'm lazy, lazy, reluctant. Lying on the stove, Lyon froze. Laziness takes care of clothes; if you don’t work, you don’t wear yourself. If we weren't lazy, we'd all wear velvet! Laziness will not lead to good. Laziness takes care of itself. Laziness was born before us. Laziness slurps without salt. From laziness it became blister (swollen). After the bread, after the salt, rest for an hour, then wrap up a piece of lard and a bag of laziness. A dream came from seven villages, and laziness came from seven villages. Too lazy to be lazy and take a spoon, not too lazy to eat dinner. Laziness, open the door, you'll burn! Even if I burn, I won’t open it. Laziness is kicked out from under the rings. If you're not lazy, listen to them lie. Lenz will belittled. sloth enlarged His laziness takes over. Horse with lance. Laziness overpowered them. A lazy horse takes care of its owner, will not overstrain itself and will not cause him to lose money. Lazy, lazy sowing. given over to laziness, who is too lazy to work; industrious, idle; negligent; sluggish, sluggish, slow. It's always a holiday for the lazy. Lazy or rich: everyone walks. He who is lazy is also sleepy. The lazy person sleeps while lying down and works. It’s good to send the lazy to death. The lazy person does not have pain in the spine. Lazy for lunch, zealous for work, only the lazy one doesn’t beat him. It's always a holiday for the lazy. You'll get the lazy one, you'll wake up the sleepy one, but you won't get the dead one (and you'll never get the dead one). I’ll get the lazy one, I’ll get the sleepy one, but I can’t get rid of a fool (I can’t cope with a fool). Lazy step, slow. Lazy cabbage soup, made from fresh whole cabbage. Laziness f. property of the lazy. Lazy, prone to laziness, originating from it. Lazy man, life. Laziness w. laziness, but in an abstract sense. uncommon Laziness cf. laziness and indolence as a permanent property; loitering, ordinary parasitism. Lazy, lazy, lazy. red day to spin lazily. See shed. Lazy, flaxen to a lesser extent. He'd be a nice guy, but he's a bit lazy. Laziness, laziness, property, quality sign. adj. Laziness, like a prank, can be accidental and temporary; laziness, like playfulness, is more permanent. Lenivets m. -vitsa f. lazy m. -tyayka w. lengas arch. lunch hard a lazy person, an idle person, a parasite, running away from work and work; sluggish, bad worker. Lazy and slutty two siblings. Sloth, animal Bradipus, quiet brood, ai. Lenivitsa Vologda. sloth perm. a wide board from the stove; eastern a wide bench near the stove where the sick lie; it replaces cabbage roll; bed; Sib. a ledge of the shore, in the form of a stove bench, a crown surrounding the lowland. Leno(u)ha vol. Vlad. resin sloth, bench by the stove. Lenivishcha vol. lazy in the extreme, lazy. Lenushka hard Psk. stove bench, golbets, counter near the stove, for relaxation. To be lazy, use. from previous from, about, lead to laziness. Be lazy, be lazy, be lazy. I’m afraid to send a slave, but I’m too lazy to go myself. If he hadn't been lazy, he would have been businesslike. He got lazy, lazy and got to work. I got extremely lazy. I'm kind of lazy. I got completely lazy. I got quite lazy. He got very lazy. Got a little lazy. It gets a little lazy. You've all been too lazy, been lazy all summer. He became lazy and limp. To be lazy, to idle, to wander around, to stagger, to loiter around without doing anything. Lazyness cf. laziness, ordinary idleness

M. Ural. fish, probably tench

She was born before us

Emelya's negligence

. “... doesn’t feed the man” (last)