Tattooed couple. Paired tattoos for two lovers, for girlfriends, sisters

We all have friends. But in every company there is a person who is closest to us in spirit. Common interests and hobbies unite so much that you want to express your friendship and do something memorable. For example, a couple tattoo. We have collected for you examples of beautiful works that both girls and boys can be inspired by.

Here are 17 fun and colorful couple tattoos for best friends.

Which one of them did you like the most? And what do you think of this idea? Tell us in the comments!

1. In case of a quarrel, remember:

photo: Pinterest

Make up, make up, make up. And don't fight anymore!

2. You never know what is hidden behind the mask of friendliness...

photo: Pinterest

Therefore, you need to be prepared for anything)

3. How much time do we spend with friends over a cup of tea?

photo: Twitter

Looks very symbolic...

4. Yin Yang

photo: Pinterest

Because everyone complements each other

5. There is no better friend than a sister...


And there is no sister better than you...

6. How do you like these hugs?


Really cute and funny?

7. Best friends are like lovebirds!

photo: Pinterest

They feel bad apart and are bored

8. Can you hear me, friend? Reception

photo: Pinterest

I hear you! Reception

9. For fans of the cartoon “Dog Cat”:


Both funny and meaningful)

10. Sun and moon

photo: Pinterest

When you are different but still alike

11. Best girlfriends are always in touch)

photo: Pinterest

At any time of the day, no matter what happens...

12. Mickey and Minnie Mouse

photo: Pinterest

13. When you’ve been friends since childhood...


And you don't plan to leave

14. I love my girlfriend!


Paired tattoos for women, especially if they are best friends, are offered in many beauty salons. Tattoo designs are so varied that sometimes choosing the most ideal option is quite difficult.

That's why you need to think things through carefully. You need to choose the right sketch of the future image, since the tattoo must have its own meaning. In addition, the picture should please others in size, color, and meaning.

It is no secret that many women who chose a tattoo thoughtlessly, over time, realized that they did not like the picture, so they began to dislike the tattoo. But removing a tattoo is a painful, expensive process and does not always bring good results.

Where is the best place to get paired tattoos for best friends: choosing a place on the body

  • They give you the opportunity to show your individuality, your attitude to the world around you, and to emphasize some of your own character traits. In addition, with the help of a tattoo you can determine the relationship between two people who can be connected by family, tender, and friendly relations.
  • IN in this case The most ideal option would be paired tattoos. They can be a copy or continuation of two people.

If you and your girlfriend decide to get matching tattoos, you must decide where to place them. Choose an area of ​​the body that everyone around you can see:

  • Wrist. This place is considered quite successful. Almost every sketch looks good here. Small pictures look especially beautiful, for example, images no larger than a matchbox. But you must take into account that this area of ​​the body is very painful. And all because the skin of the wrist is thin and sensitive. You can get a tattoo on both the front and back areas.

  • Palm, hand. Also suitable areas of the body, they are always noticeable. You can get a tattoo in the form of an inscription on your palm “together forever” or “friendship forever”. Choose any language, for example, Latin. But words written in Russian will also look beautiful.
  • Fingers. Finger tattoos are not considered uncommon. If a few years ago people thought that only prisoners and criminals got tattoos on their fingers, today many young people get tattoos on their fingers. You can put small tattoos on your fingers, for example, the first letters of your name and the name of your girlfriend. A tattoo in the form of an infinity sign also looks beautiful. Not only a girl and a guy, but also best girlfriends, friends, sisters put pictures on their fingers. But you must understand that tattoos on the fingers, as well as on other parts of the hand, tend to quickly lose their color and become fuzzy. This happens for the following reason - human hands constantly touch water and other liquids, more often than other areas of the body.

  • Forearm, neck. As a rule, the design is applied to the back of the neck. But in women, the tattoo is not noticeable, since it is covered with hair. Therefore, you can make a tattoo on the side, for example, in the ear area. Apply a large tattoo on your forearm, since there is a lot of space here.

The main thing is the neck and arms
  • Ankle of the leg. Great option, where you can apply paired tattoos. The skin here is dense and rough. Therefore, stuffing will be almost painless. In the cool season, the tattoo will be covered with pants or a floor-length skirt. In the summer, if you wish, you can complement the tattoo with exquisite jewelry.
  • If you take into account the area where the tattoo is applied, this does not make much sense. You just have to choose a sketch together with your friend. By the way, many people get paired tattoos in different areas of the body.

  • If you don't want to show your tattoo to other people, then choose closed areas that are exposed on rare occasions, such as the back, stomach, and so on.

What paired tattoos are suitable for best friends?

Of course, not only beloved couples get such tattoos. Very often, girlfriends paint pictures on their own bodies that indicate common views, interests, and hobbies. In this case, you can choose the same sketch as a tattoo, duplicating it on the bodies.

Paired tattoos for best friends:

  • Coron.
  • Tsvetochkov.
  • Hearts.
  • Stars and so on.

In addition, such tattoos will emphasize the brightness and your individuality.

Paired tattoos for best friends: interests, views

Couple tattoos for best friends also often stuffed by girls who are connected by one common cause. For example, they are part of the same musical group, a vocal duet. In general, they are an integral part of the creative union.

But you must understand that girlfriends who are interested in one common activity most often encode their own path, both creative and life, in the tattoo. Although such encryption is conditional.

For example, musical personalities tattoo sketches on their bodies in the form of:

  • Guitar.
  • Amplifiers.
  • Keys
  • Treble clefs.
  • Microphones and so on.

But girls who adore dogs get tattoos depicting their pets or symbols representing a dog handlers club.

Literature fans and girls who adore poetry and books get:

  • Books.
  • Pens or quills for writing.
  • Paper sheets containing text.

Everything will depend on how close you and your friend are, what kind of characters you have. Because it was on the basis of your characters that you were able to get along.

Therefore, you can use the following images for your sketch:

  • Coron. Choose them if you like to follow fashion and adore glamorous, bright things.

  • Cartoon character heads. These tattoos will suit you if you are a perky, cheerful girl.
  • Fists and other brutal elements. Choose if you are a confident person, even a little cocky.

Matching tattoos for best sister friends

  • Paired tattoos are often applied by close sisters. So they want to emphasize that they do not lose the spiritual connection with each other.

  • The main symbol of such a couple tattoo for best friends is gratitude. After all, the sister will be pleased to see that her loved one has a tattoo associated with her on her body.
  • Please note that couple tattoos for sisters it can be like a kind of manipulation.

Types of couple tattoos for best friends

All tattoos of this type are of the following types:

  • Written.
  • Artistic.

The first category includes pictures that include individual letters, words, quotes from stories, poems. By tattooing identical phrases or breaking phrases into parts, people want to demonstrate that the tattoos refer to the same subject.

  • Magnitude couple tattoos for girlfriends can be very different - from the smallest to the largest. Because the actual dimensions of the sketch are not important. The most important thing here is that the pictures turn out the same and can complement each other.
  • But the advantages small tattoo is this: it can be hidden from people and prying eyes. One tattoo can have an intimate character and connect people.

A tattoo like this can easily be hidden under:

  • Things.
  • Accessories.
  • Cosmetics.

It's very comfortable. Because sometimes, for example, while working at a serious company, the dress code does not allow you to show tattoos.

Fashionable paired tattoos for best friends 2019-2020

  • Couple tattoos for best friends– an excellent occasion to emphasize your own individuality. This is a method of expressing the range of relationships between people using stylish, original motifs.
  • This season, signs and various symbols that resemble important events are considered popular. Young girls most often prefer graphics in any form. Pictures can be made in black or color. The style of realism and watercolor sketches do not lag behind them. There are no clear restrictions in these genres, so you can apply drawings at your own discretion.
  • When choosing a design for a tattoo, approach the process with special responsibility, as if you were choosing a life partner.

Couple tattoos are suitable not only for romantic couples, but also for friends and best girlfriends. Depending on the topic, the essence of the tattoo and its appearance may change. Basically, tattoo designs are applied to visible areas of the body, for example, on the shoulders, wrist, fingers. The choice depends solely on your wishes.

Let's look at the most popular options for paired tattoos for best friends this season:

  • Many girls who have been friends for a long time get tattoos that depict initials, crowns with inscriptions. Such tattoos allow you to get a whole composition. For example, connecting palms and other parts of the body, thus creating a single picture.
  • Many people like to get tattoos with portraits, images animals, with whom people associate their partners.
  • Girls really like it funny drawings various directions, which are sometimes even incomprehensible to others. Such sketches can be in the form of letters, quotes, which are understandable only to the owners themselves.
  • Paired tattoos for girlfriends can demonstrate friendship between girls, their common interests, hobbies, and recall bright moments. It is very fashionable this season to make laconic signatures using English language, For example, "Best friends"
  • Interesting characters or even memes from the internet and also jokes that only girl friends can understand.
  • An excellent option is a picture depicting the family coat of arms. They look very nice cute art. They will talk about your warm, kindred feelings, deep affection.

Meanings of the most popular paired tattoos

Paired tattoos can mean unity and complement each other. Images are either duplicated or split into 2 elements. Let's look at the most common paired tattoos.

  • Tattoo depicting cardiogram. The line that represents the heartbeat indicates a spiritual connection between friends. If you look at such a picture, the phrase immediately appears in your head when hearts beat in unison.

  • Do you want to highlight the feelings between you and your friend? Then apply it to your body infinity sign.

  • An excellent option, which is also often used by couples in love, is a loop with an arrow. The ends of the arrow extend beyond the sign. On one side there is a feather edge, on the other side there will be a tip.
  • IN couple tattoos for best girlfriends includes a picture showing 2 hands held with the little fingers. If you look at such a sketch, you begin to understand that the friends do not intend to ever swear. A custom comes to mind when people hold their little fingers and then pronounce a phrase familiar to everyone.
  • Paired tattoos for girlfriends are often made in the form of a red thread that weaves around the wrists or on the girls’ legs. This is a kind of symbol, a vicious circle. He protects his mistresses from attacks and problems. The color of blood is protection from darkness. Many people believe that it can repel evil spirits.

  • Tattoos in the form of bricks and Tetris games look quite harmless. You can also make such a tattoo by placing it on your arm. As a rule, such tattoos are filled differently, but they fit together perfectly.
  • Looks beautiful on hands owls. They mean wisdom, mystery. Birds indicate that people have feelings, which are a mystery to the heavens. In order to preserve such feelings, it is necessary to become wise people.

  • Branches are also of particular importance. They mean development, growth, life, the desire for the sun.
  • To make the sketch unique, you don’t need to come up with it yourself. Take certain elements of various pictures, search them on the Internet, and combine them with each other.
  • When choosing paired tattoos for your best friends, you can consult with the artist. Tell him what you want to get in the end. If the tattooist is an excellent master, he will quickly create a sketch and transfer it to the skin.
  • Check with the specialist what a certain symbol means. It may have bad characteristics.
  • Don't put names on your body . This is not necessary. Life is so unpredictable. Today you and your girlfriend are close people, and tomorrow you will quarrel forever.

  • Many people, when choosing a picture for a tattoo, try to pay special attention to its meaning. But a tattoo may have no meaning at all. Therefore, do not focus on the semantic meaning.
  • Remember that you need to take care of your tattoo immediately after getting it. This is especially true during wound healing.

If you are not yet sure whether to get a tattoo or not, do not rush to visit the salon. Perhaps the time has not come when you can take such a responsible step.

Video: Paired tattoos for girlfriends and friends

Watercolor crown tattoo

Paired tattoos are a whole universe with its own laws and rules. The themes are vast: from symbolism to humor. Couple drawings are made by lovers as a sign of the strength of their relationship.

They are created as a detailed message. Techniques for drawing: minimalism, linework, realism, old school, Chicano, dotwork, traditional, blackwork and minimalism.

Symbolic component

First of all, the symbolism of a paired design signifies a tattoo for two. The drawing should be equally suitable for him and for her.

An interesting approach is the selection of different zones for applying the image. For example: a hoop on a man’s hand and a woman’s wrist with a common element.

To choose what to apply to the steam, the master should conduct a mini-interview before starting work. It is necessary to collect as many details as possible, since the drawing cannot be completely identical, but it should look like that.

This effect is associated with the different structure of the muscular system of women and men. Some details will have to be adapted to the physiology of the hosts. However, the final version must look as if it completely repeats the second image.

Paired tattoos meaning and philosophical meaning

The main meaning of paired tattoos: unity and harmony of halves. The same applies to drawings compiled for one person.

The master has a field for imagination, since he can experiment with allegories and semantic associations.

For example:

  • two halves;
  • and key;
  • sea ​​wave and rock;
  • female and male characters;
  • a stack of books and a console remote control.

This will reflect the individual preferences of the wearer, creating a philosophical perception of the tattoo. Just as important are the bonds of those for whom the work is being done.

For example, paired tattoos for sisters can be as identical as possible with small distinctive features. If one of the girls is more active, this can be expressed by adding characteristic features to the drawing.

For loving hearts

Tattoos for lovers symbolize sensuality. Tattoos for couples are selected with individual meaning.

Universal paired lettering tattoos are suitable for absolutely everyone. An example of a successful solution for a couple is a semantic composition with a translation into English of “Queen/King” and paired crown tattoos. For married couples“Mother/Father” and puzzles are suitable.

Lion and lioness tattoo

To create a unique tattoo for lovers, you can choose. For a guy's girlfriend, the first half and the second will become one only when the two components are combined. Separately, parts of the phrase look like slogans.

Paired eternity signs are suitable as a symbol of feelings. Tattoos for two lovers reflect the power of love. The strength of the relationship will be emphasized by beautiful joint small tattoos with drawings in which each side’s hands stretch out.

Couple love tattoos carry the meaning of “together forever.” A set of signs symbolize the power of love.

They remind you of your soulmate in case of separation for a long time. Better options these are the words loved. For example, you can put the first letter of her name. This symbolism is suitable for married couples.

Beautiful options for friends

Tattoos for friends or girlfriends can be humorous. At the same time, tattoos for friends should symbolize the seriousness of the relationship.

The drawings can be the same in style but different in symbols. For example, for fans of the comics industry, the best options are halves of super hero logos.

Small tattoos are suitable for best friends. The signs will only be visible if you look closely. This will emphasize the intimacy of the connection.

For girls, friendship is expressed in differences in potential. Using this principle, you can choose the sun and the moon, a ship and a Wind Rose.

Humorous unusual ideas in color

Ideas can be taken from pop culture. Drawings of unusual animals are very popular. Among cartoon memes, a good solution would be a cat-dog character or penguins.

Penguins tattoo on leg

Colored Pac-Man ghosts will decorate your forearm. An original step is to depict a fruit with a large seed. For example, an avocado - one half with a notch, the other with a pit.

Texts with a humorous key will emphasize the ease and transparency of relationships. At the same time, they will indicate the closeness of the connection.

Black and white paired tattoos, options

Black and white versions include engravings. Inscribed in a circle or triangle, they will perfectly complement each other.

For example, the Hokusai wave. Drawings in linework style depicting a heartbeat are popular. Small tattoos in the form of joined hands look great.

What to apply to couples?

Couples are recommended to paint images that emphasize the inextricability of the bond. To do this, you can select characters that are designed to interact.

One of the images can transition into another when connected. For example, a lock pendant and a key are connected by a chain. Celtic symmetrical patterns are great for this purpose.

Best places to stay

When choosing symbols, it is worth deciding on which parts of the body the drawing will be placed. The best area for a wrist tattoo is the area closest to the hand.

On the hand too good place The expansion area is considered to be closer to the fold.

Suitable places on the fingers that connect when holding hands.

On the legs, this is the area from the top of the thigh to the foot, in the back. When people stand next to each other, the drawings harmonize.

Examples of paired sketches can be seen on the Internet. You should not copy images. They should be considered as an impetus for imagination.

The design should have a personal meaning, so choosing a paired tattoo is done jointly; you should come to the interview having agreed on the desired topic.

It is better to order sketches of paired tattoos from a master. He will take into account the peculiarities of the couple’s relationship, consider and select successful options.

An experienced master takes into account the physiology of clients and their skin characteristics in their work. The choice of color or black and white depends on your financial capabilities and skin color.

Video on the topic

Paired tattoos are a good reason to emphasize your spiritual closeness. A great way to express the whole gamut of human relationships in stylish and original motifs.

The trends for the upcoming 2018-2019 season are the same signs, symbols, reminders of significant events, and outlines in the form of rings. Young people are increasingly choosing graphics in all its forms, both color and black and white; realism and watercolor are not far behind. However, there have never been clear restrictions in these genres, and it is better to do as your soul dictates. The choice of patterns on the skin should be approached as seriously and thoroughly as in the selection of a life partner.

This is suitable not only for romantic couples, but also for those connected by blood or friendship. Depending on the topic, it changes appearance and the essence. As a rule, such designs are created on visible areas of the body, such as shoulders, forearms, wrists and even fingers, but it all depends on your desire. In our article we will look in detail different options pair tattoos.

Tattoos for lovers can seal your feelings. This is a vow of eternal love, applied to the skin. Most often, people in love make paired tattoos in the form of initials, crowns with the signatures King and Queen, or complementary images. Such tattoos form an integral composition when, for example, your hands or other parts of the body are connected and create a complete picture. Half hearts are very popular in such cases. Some choose portraits, as well as art with animals with which they associate their partner.

There are many variations of tattoos for husbands and wives. For example, American actress Pamela Anderson and rock musician Tommy Lee instead wedding rings applied to ring fingers names. Spouses prefer a variety of paintings, it is only important that they talk about relationships, there are texts with the date of wedding or acquaintance, a castle - as a symbol of fidelity, an anchor - reliability, doves - a union for life, infinity, as well as hearts, flowers and letters.

These are not the only versions of double images, in fact, not only couples do them, but also best friends. Girls like it funny pictures completely different directions, sometimes even understandable only to themselves. Symbolic letters, quotes made in the same style or numbers, the main thing here is the meaning that the customers put into this work.

Paired tattoos for friends will help prove the sincerity of your friendship, demonstrate common hobbies, and remind you of fun moments. It can even be a simple, laconic signature in English like “Best friends.” Funny characters or even Internet memes, also jokes that are clear only to the two of you.

Brothers, sisters and members of the same family also decorate their bodies in a similar way. These could be some sacred signs that hint at a blood connection, like a kind of family coat of arms. And also simply cute and gentle art that speaks of warm family feelings and deep affection.

Before you get a couple tattoo, think carefully. Are you confident in each other? Has friendship been tested over the years? If the answer is yes, congratulations. After all, a true friend is the greatest value in a person’s life. Well, maybe after the parents.

A friend is one soul living in two bodies. © Aristotle.

We have selected the most interesting and unusual among paired tattoos. This collection will not contain tattoos with inscriptions in the form of names or images in the form of half of the design. Each tattoo looks great on its own. But it takes on a special meaning when your friend is nearby.

Friendship is the most necessary thing for life, since no one would wish for a life without friends, even if he had all the other benefits.
© Aristotle

A small uprising of cute dinosaurs.

Two small, very delicate roses.

Stylish, very coolly drawn feathers.

A flock of birds for a large company. By the way, together they form the letter V (Victory).

For two talkers.

Female friendship is a rare thing. And the panda is a very rare animal.

For those who maintain friendships on different continents.

Well, how can you do without kittens in pajamas in such a selection?