Tying hands in bed. How to tie up a girl at home

Bondage is a very common sexual practice and an even more common sexual fantasy, dreamed of by 46% of men and 52% of women. Moreover, the restriction of mobility is quite harmless; it is enough to allow yourself (or receive such permission from your partner) to remain in a passive role and simply enjoy what is happening. The inability to do anything actively intensifies sensations and expands the experience of trust - if, of course, the partner was initially trustworthy. What and how to use for binding?

Jute rope

The rope is the most obvious idea, but also the most difficult to implement. Use ropes only made from natural fibers: synthetic ones can burn your skin. For people with sensitive skin and existing irritations, avoid coarse ropes; it is better to use cotton ropes. Don't tie complex knots unless you're sure you can untangle them. Always keep scissors nearby just in case. Make sure that you can easily insert a finger or two between the rope and your body, otherwise you will not avoid marks and pain. This is especially true of the ankles and wrists: unskilled bondage often leads to long-term loss of sensation, and in general this is a frequent source of neurological problems.

Vinyl tape

Ten meters of tape that sticks to itself is a great thing for tying anything together; you can even make a dress or underwear out of it (unfortunately, it’s disposable). Just like with the rope, leave extra space between the tape and the body. Take scissors with round ends so as not to accidentally injure your partner. Do not try to fix complex figures from an unprepared person - everything will immediately become numb. Just imagine if you can hold this position for at least ten minutes. No? So don’t offer it to your partner. By the way, you can even make a mask for your eyes from the tape; it doesn’t stick to your hair either.

Transformable belt

A collaboration between the famous fetish sex shop The Stockroom and guitarist Dave Navarro, who played in Red Hot Chili Peppers and Nine Inch Nails. A hand-assembled leather strap with steel rings holds the guitar and, if necessary, transforms into a collar and hog tie device - wrists and ankles secured together. A potential danger is the risk of losing tiny keys to padlocks. The solution is to order spare copies and put them somewhere close. For fans: the first 500 belts are signed personally by Navarro, and The Stockroom has begun delivering to Russia.

Pillow with gag and handcuffs

The leather cylinder pillow is used like this: lie on your back, put your head under the gag and take it into your mouth, your hands are handcuffed, and let your partner do the rest. The gag is attached to a belt that can be detached, so if you don't like that sort of thing, there's no problem getting rid of it. Or, on the contrary, you unfasten it and use it for its intended purpose separately from the pillow. True, you still can’t call it a budget multifunctional thing; the manufacturer Fleet Ilya creates luxurious sex devices and leather lingerie of excellent quality, wonderful shapes and astronomical prices.

Hanging from the ceiling

A complex device that requires a hook in the ceiling (the hook is included in the kit). If the chandelier has not yet been hung and there is space or you have managed to allocate a special room for various interesting devices, attach the hook to the ceiling and hang the included belt with bracers on it. The latter, without any locks, are fastened with Velcro, making it easy to get out on your own if necessary. Important: you don’t have to hang with your wrists pinched; there are special bars inside that you can hold on to. It’s up to you to decide what to do with your hanging partner.

Hand holder for door

The Fetish Fantasy brand of Pipedream is the most prominent supplier to the Russian market of convenient devices for fixation and games of light BDSM. Their white boxes with desperately having fun couples in black and a free eye mask included are in every sex shop, and they really do have a lot of simple and effective products. For example, this thing is a belt with bracers on one end and bulges on the other. Throw the other end over the door, close it, and voila, you have dangling straps with bracers. Fix your partner's hands and take them off and hide them in a matter of seconds if relatives from Volgograd, whose arrival you completely forgot about, suddenly arrive. Before buying, inspect the door: if there is a very large gap between it and the jamb at the top, the belts will move.

Universal door lock

This review would not be complete without Fifty Shades of Gray. Another door lock with a lot of useful things. Firstly, it is attached to the door both above and below. Secondly, there are cuffs for both arms and legs, so if you have always dreamed of hanging out a little on a wooden cross, but have nowhere to put it, try an imitation belt on the door. Thirdly, the length of the straps is adjustable, so you can hang it on doors of different heights. Fourthly, everything is detachable and can be used separately from the door if you can no longer see it, as well as with other fixation kits of the same series.

In order to tie up a girl correctly, it is not necessary to study books; this is primarily philosophy and a creative approach. It's always interesting to try something new or aesthetically pleasing, such as shibari (Japanese bondage). The most important thing is the beauty of the lines. It is enough to learn how to make a few knots, and the rest is your imagination.

The quality of the rope and its tension are of great importance; it should cause pain, not sag, but force the body to be in tension. The pain threshold here is a limiter. But in general, everything is very individual and unique in each case.

Shibari - history of the issue

How to tie up a woman correctly

The tradition of tying women up began in Japan, a country known for its quirky relationship culture. Since ancient times, rope has been given special significance in Japan, considering it a symbol of the connection between man and God. Most of the decorations were tied with rope, and almost all elements of clothing were tied with it.

In the 15th–16th centuries, when the country was torn apart by feudal wars, a special technique for binding captives appeared - hojo-jutsu. The essence was that the nodes were located at special points of the body, with the help of which it was possible to achieve complete paralysis of the enemy’s body or even his slow strangulation.

During the Edo period (1600–1868), when the wars ended and a period of economic prosperity began, the tradition migrated into the everyday life of the Japanese. It was then that the first theatrical performances began to appear, in which specially trained masters tied up girls for the amusement of the public. A little later, special clubs began to open, where the art, called shibari, began to actively spread. The craftsmen have always been distinguished by their emphasis on the skill of the bindings and the theatricality of the actions, so that an untrained person would never be able to repeat their work.

Basic elements of shibari

Hands tied in front

The rope folded in half is pulled into the stirrup loop. After this, the loop is put on the girl’s closed palms. The loop is tightened, then the ends are tied with a simple knot. In a similar way, you can tighten one hand, if necessary.

Legs tied to the knees

The stirrup loop is placed on the leg. After which the captive's legs are bent at the knees, and the rope is made several turns around the ankle. The rope is passed under the turn and begins to encircle the leg in the opposite direction. The final harness ends with a knot.

Hands tied behind back

A loop tied with a stirrup knot is threaded through the left hand. After which the rope goes over the left shoulder, encircles the chest and reaches the right wrist. The main thing here is to pull the rope harder to fix the position of the hand. Then it goes around the right hand and is led in the opposite direction, close to the previous turn. The rope comes to the left wrist and is similarly attached there. The operation is repeated several more times, then the rope is secured with a knot on the right hand.

Bound feet

The ankles are crossed, after which they are tied with the same “stirrup” knot. The rope wraps around the shin several times and is secured with a knot just below the knees. The remaining part of the rope is pulled between the legs and down to the first knot. Next, the rope goes between the thighs again, but in the opposite direction. After several turns, the rope is tied in a knot. The main thing is to constantly tighten the rope so that your legs are pressed as tightly as possible to each other.

How they dealt with this in the movies:


Coward, Goofy and Experienced seemed to have first-hand knowledge of shibari culture or had randomly reproduced this Japanese technique. All the loops carefully encircle the captive, and at the end they are skillfully tightened on the chest. It turned out quite reliably: no matter how much Nina resisted, she could not get out, and even Shurik needed a lot of effort to untie her at least one hand.


TIE ME, 1990

Ricky skillfully took advantage of the surrounding situation - in order to deprive the girl of the opportunity to move, he simply tied her to the bed. A few loops on your legs and arms - and there’s no point in calling for help. As a result, captivity only benefited the girl - she fell in love with her captor and went to him (which, although fiction, can serve as some argument in the debate about associating with feminists).

TIE ME, 1990


Nastenka was tied in an old-fashioned, but quite reliable way: they tied her in loops around a tree in the forest. Perhaps the methods of the villagers will seem somewhat clumsy, but they certainly work flawlessly.



The villains primitively tied Lai's hands, taped her mouth and placed her in a bag. Some freedom in movement, which the bandits thoughtlessly left to the captive, ultimately saved her life: noticing the moving cargo, the main character found her.


BUFFY 1997–2003

An excellent example of how to tie up girls without any extra tricks: the mouth is taped shut, the arms are clasped behind the back, the ankles are closed and pressed tightly against each other. In this position, girls can only roll on the floor. The main thing is to watch to see if they have hidden a knife, pin or any other sharp object in their sleeve.

Rope bondage is my first love for bondage games! Ever since I was a college student, I was inspired by memories of heroes and villains tied up with ropes in the many TV movies I saw as a child in Japan. In addition, I was a poor student, and this imposed financial restrictions on the purchase of expensive devices. This is how what was at first a necessary measure eventually became my passion and led to studying rope tying in detail, and then to developing my own philosophy and style. This passion resulted in books I wrote and workshops that I still teach on weekends at Rope Dojo. Almost 30 years later, the rope still makes my heart beat faster.

Rope is endlessly versatile, whether you can just tie your shoelaces or memorize all the knots from Ashley's book. Don’t get complex, thinking that you should only use some particularly exotic knots. If you like tricky knots, great, but you don't have to know them.

A very important point is choosing the right material. Cotton rope is especially suitable for beginners. Look for it in magic shops, or even better, in specialized sex shops. Avoid using ropes made of nylon, polypropylene and most other synthetic materials because they are very likely to cause burns. Ropes made from hemp, jute, raw silk and bamboo are great, but they are quite expensive materials. Use short ropes at first - 3, 4 or 6 m long. Nothing ruins a scene full of hot passion like a top getting tangled in his own rope.

Below are some simple bondage options that can be used on a single limb or a pair of limbs.

Simple rope tying « one pillar »

Why "pillar"? The body can be considered a series of pillars: wrists, ankles, hips, torso - all of these can be considered pillars. Knowing how to tie a single post is very useful as it is almost the same as using leather tie downs or belts. This type of binding can be used as a basis for tying one part of the body to another or to a piece of furniture.

Adaptations :

One piece of rope (about 3 m for the wrists. To tie other parts of the body, the rope should be longer). It's best to use cotton rope!

Actions :

Fold the rope in half.

Wrap the doubled rope around the chosen “post”. Two or three turns of rope will be enough to tie around most people's wrists or ankles. If you want to tie a larger area, make more turns of the rope.

Make sure that the looped end is not too long: 12-15 cm from the wrapped rings of rope will be enough.

Cross the loop end and the loose ends of the rope.

Pass the end in a loop under the turns of the rope and pull it out on the other side of the turns.

The loop can be a convenient place to attach other ropes or other devices such as carabiners or latches.

Simple rope tying « two pillars »

Tie two body parts with one rope

Adaptations :

One piece of rope (about 4.5 m for the wrists. For tying other parts of the body, the rope should be longer).

Actions :

These two “pillars” should be a few centimeters apart from each other.

Fold the rope in half.

Wrap the doubled rope around the selected “pillars”. For most people, 2-3 turns of rope will be enough to tie around the wrists or ankles. If you want to tie a larger area, make more turns of the rope.

Cross the looped end and the loose ends of the rope. This is not a node yet. Now these two ends of the rope should be perpendicular to the turns that go around the wrists.

Bring down both ends of the rope on both sides of the wraps.

Twist the two ends of the rope, making a full turn, and bring them to the top. They should now be in the same place.

Tie the end in a loop and the loose ends of the rope with a simple knot.

If the rope slips, which often happens with synthetic materials, tie a second knot on top of the first.

Bondage option with legs spreadCrab »)

Adaptations :

Actions :

Bend one leg so that your ankle is tucked toward your thigh. Tie the thigh and ankle together by simply tying two “posts”, securing the base of the thigh and ankle. Do the same with the other leg. Tie the third rope with the looped end to one of the completed harnesses.

Wrap the third rope around the back of your back and pass it through the turns of the other harness.

Determine how wide your legs will be and tie a simple knot.

Bondage option “Crab” with legs spread (sexy rope sling)

Adaptations :

Three pieces of rope (ropes 6–7 m long will be enough).

Actions :

Make two harnesses, tying the ankles to the thighs, as described in the previous version.

Tie the third rope to the loop on the right leg harness.

Order the “bottom” to grab his knees. This is important for achieving incredible sexual position and comfort later.

Bring the free part of the third rope from your right leg over your right shoulder and under your left arm.

Pass the third rope through the loop of the left harness and pull tight.

Pass the remaining end of the third rope from your left leg, over your left shoulder and under your right arm.

Pass the end of the third rope through the right loop and tie with a simple knot.

The third rope should form a cross on the back.

Now tell the bottom one to let go of his knees. Gently tilt it back.

His legs will remain spread and held in this position by the ropes.

How to tie up an opponent (continued)

Connection methods are determined in the process of solving specific problems. For example, during escort, hands are tied; to prevent violent behavior, other, more stringent measures of restraint, including tying hands, legs and torso, can be used. As a rule, the hands behind the back are tied (when a suspect is transported, the hands are tied in the front position).

To more reliably restrict movement, the following hand positions are used when tying:

  • hands behind your back, hands crossed (photo 1)
  • arms behind your back, hands one above the other (photo 2)
  • hands behind your back, hands pressed against each other with their backs (photo 3)
  • hands behind your back, one on top, the other below (photo 4)
  • hands behind the head, hands crossed, the free end of the rope is tied to the waist or trouser belt (photo 5)
  • arms crossed on the chest, hands behind the back (photo 6)

When tying, you must be on the side of your opponent, out of reach of your legs.
Tying is usually used after painful holds and throws. To carry out tying, it is advisable to force the suspect to take an uncomfortable position for him - stand facing the wall, lean his hands on it, or lie on his stomach with his hands behind his back.

Bondage with a trouser belt

To tie an opponent with a trouser belt, a double non-stretching loop is used (photo 9).
To prepare a loop for tying with a belt, you need to fold the belt in half (at the same time, to increase the reliability of tying, the rough surfaces of the belt should touch) insert it into the hole of the buckle from above, expand the resulting loop, throw it over your hands and tighten it by pulling the end of the belt and rotating it in that direction so that the belt does not block the buckle hole (photo 7,8,9,10,11) (the clockwise rule does not work here).

To remove a tightened loop, you need to tightly clasp it with the fingers of both hands on top of the top layer, make several movements in the opposite direction to tightening the loop and loosen it.
To determine which direction to untwist the loop, you need to make sure that the free end of the belt covers the hole in the belt buckle (photo 10, 12), and twist it there.

When tying in this way, instead of a belt, you can use any available means similar to a belt, having a buckle in the form of an “eye” (dog leash, belts from radio stations, bags, cameras, briefcases).

Tying with a tie

Remove the tie, pull the tie loop over the opponent’s two hands, parallel to each other. After tightening the loop, move the ends of the tie in different directions and tie them at the bottom in a figure eight (photo 13,14,15,16,17,18).

Bondage with rope

1 Option

Let's look at one of the more reliable methods of tying your hands from behind with a rope. For this method, the rope should be approximately 2-2.5 meters long, depending on the height and flexibility of the person being tied.

Under the threat of a weapon or when performing fighting techniques, force the opponent to lie on the ground, and you yourself sit astride him performing a painful hold on both hands. Make sure that, while sitting on your opponent, you tightly press your thighs against the forearms of his arms bent behind his back (photos 19,20,21). If your opponent resists, kneel slightly. This will lift both of your opponent's forearms away from his back and cause him severe pain in both shoulder joints.

Take out the rope and make a tightening loop. To do this, take the end of the rope with your right hand and wrap it once around your left hand (photo 22,23,24). With your left hand, grab the free end of the rope and tighten the loop (Photo 25).

The loop will be made correctly if, by pulling the long end, it tightens. Another condition when making a loop is that the short end should be 30-40 centimeters. Another option is a throw loop (photo 32,33,34), but it eats up more than 20 cm of rope.

Place the loop around your opponent's right wrist (Pic 26). Throw the rope over his right shoulder and pass it under his chest, slip it from below into the elbow crook of his left arm (photo 27). Then pass the rope through the bottom of the resulting loop (Photo 28), place your left hand on the rope and wrap it around your opponent's wrist. Next, wrap the wrists of your right and left hands alternately one more time and twist at least two turns of the rope between the opponent’s hands (the more turns, the tighter the knot). Take the short end of the rope and twist it between your hands in the opposite direction and secure it with a regular knot (photo 28,29,30,31).

This method can also be tied in a standing position, bending the arm behind the back, pressing the offender against the wall, but it is much more difficult to control his actions.

Option 2

For quick tying, a cast loop is used. To make a loop, fold the rope in half, take it from the ends with your right hand, open the closed end and put it on your fingers; place the open closed end on the rope near your right hand. With the index and thumb of your right hand, fold and pinch the rope and move your left hand along the rope to the left (photo 32,33).

Place the resulting loop on your arms or legs. A “throw” loop can be made by placing a rope over your hands and inserting both ends into the open closed end.

To tie, put the loop over your hands, tighten it tightly, separating the ends of the rope, wrap them around your hands 2-3 times and tie the ends with a regular knot (photo 34,35,36,37,38,39).

Option 3

Let's show another tying option where a “throw” loop is used. As in the previous version, the rope is folded in half and put on the hands with a noose (photo 40). Wrap the rope tightly around your hands several times. Thread the ends of the rope into a pre-prepared loop (photo 41,42,43,44). Spread the ends of the rope in different directions and wrap them between your hands and tie a knot (photo 45,46,47,48,49).

Option 5

The principle of regular handcuffs and rope handcuffs is the same - they both fix the hands in the shortest possible time.

Throw the rope over your thumb and index finger (Pic 60). Wrap the rope around your index finger clockwise several times, repeat the same with your thumb, only this time counterclockwise (Photo 61). Carefully remove the rope from your thumb and index finger, so that you are left with coils of rope with holes in the places where the fingers were (photo 62,63). Now take the free ends of the rope and thread them through these holes, each on its own side (photo 64,65).

Pull the ends carefully so that the turns do not get tangled (photo 66).
By tightening the knot more tightly, you should get a loose structure (photo 67,68). The resulting mini handcuffs are easy to use and can be tied in advance - they won't unravel from storage. Insert your hand into any of the loops, place your other hand in the opposite loop (photo 69,70).

Pull one of the free ends of the rope - the loop on the opposite side should tighten.
Pull the second end of the rope - the second loop will tighten (photo 71). Twist the tassels so that the knot of the rope is tightened more tightly and you can further pull it by the free ends of the rope.

Option 6

Let's consider a simpler method of handcuffing from rope.
Taking the rope with both hands (photo 72), tie a simple knot in the middle (photo 73,74). The resulting two loops should not be very large, and the knot should be tied as tightly as possible, so that when tightening the loops, the hands are more firmly secured.
Place the loops around your wrists and pull the ends of the rope (photo 75,76), wrap the rope around your hands in a figure eight and tie a knot between your hands (photo 77,78). If the rope is short, you can not twist the figure eight, but after making several turns between your hands, tie the free ends of the rope in opposite directions in a knot.

Obtain the consent of the person you intend to contact. It is illegal to tie someone up without permission. It is important to realize that the tied person will be uncomfortable for quite a long period of time. Never keep a person tied up for more than an hour and never leave him alone unattended.

  • Periodically check that the person is breathing freely and is comfortable, especially if you are gagging or using other restraint equipment. Safety comes first.

Tie the person's hands behind his back. Gently take the person's arms and place them behind their back. Palms should be facing each other. Take a rope and wrap it around your wrist several times. Tighten the rope by pulling it between your hands.

Gently tie the person's elbows together. Tie the person's hands at the point just above the elbows, bringing them as close as possible but tight enough to prevent the rope from slipping. It's up to you how tightly to wrap the rope. You can also limit yourself to just your wrists.

  • At this stage, some people choose to additionally tie their arms to the waist, although this is not necessary for the basic method. If you want, you can wrap the rope around the waist/stomach like a belt and pull the arms down so the person can't move them up or down, then tie the ropes together with a knot.
  • Place the person on the floor. Let him be comfortable and his breathing should not be difficult when you lay him on his stomach. Again, periodically check in to make sure the person you've connected is completely comfortable.

  • Tie the person's legs at the ankles. Use the same method you used to tie your hands. Pass the rope between your ankles and wrap each one individually, then tie them tightly together.

    • For best results, remove the person's socks and shoes. If you do this you will have the distinct advantage that you will be able to tie the toes, the rope will be wrapped around bare skin rather than clothing so it won't slip and you will have an overall easier time tying the person up.
  • Use another rope to tie your ankles and wrists together behind your back. To complete this process, first pass the rope through the ankle rope and the wrist rope, connecting them together. In this case, the ankles will need to be raised by bending the person's knees.

    • If you want, you can additionally link the person. Some people also prefer to tie their elbows to their feet, tying the rope around their toes (or around any other part of the body, depending on your preference). If you wish, you can experiment with different nodes and directions.