Review of the game world of warships. Types of ships in World of Warships. Review of the game World of Warships

Would you like to play the role of the captain of a ship, not some pirate sailing ship, but an armored battleship or light destroyer? We present to you one of the new client online games World of Warships from the Belarusian studio Wargaming, familiar to millions of players. Probably few people don’t know about World of Tanks or World of Warplanes, but now the setting has expanded to include naval battles. In the best traditions of the developers, they left the distribution scheme free-to-play with the possibility of microtransactions (optional). For now, the project is at the stage of open beta testing, so it is available only to PC users, although the developers are considering a port of the game to game consoles from Microsoft and Sony. Next, we will conduct a detailed review of World of Warships and answer all the questions that interest players.

If the battleship player decides to stray from the main battle, your entire fleet will slowly unravel because no one can deal the damage needed to take out the enemy ships. If your carrier destroys all of its fighters, the ships will be picked off one by one by enemy bombers. It really works if people end up - by chance or by design - working together. Although there are a few goofy fools or team players, most players try to work together even if they don't say a word.

High-tech ships force me to improve some skills and develop new ones. High-tech ships not only feel like better versions of things I already have, but also force me to improve some skills and develop new ones. Progression is especially useful because each ship looks sleeker and prettier than the last, with boxy, smoking old rusts replaced by long, low greyhounds that seem like a knife through the water. Warships start to feel like a pretty complete package once you unlock each ship class.

Review of the game World of Warships

From the very beginning of closed testing, the entire project was filled with epicness and entertainment (gameplay recordings leaked online, which excited the minds of many Wargaming fans and others). When the game became available, I didn’t miss the opportunity to try out what happened there. What came out was, I’m not afraid of this word, a masterpiece that raised the level of client simulators to prohibitive heights.

This link is for a retail branch. But the view from these peaks more than makes up for those dives under the waves. Is the world of militarized ships floating in the gunfighter arena, or is it ultimately waiting in some trench for James Cameron to dig around? Your ship takes time to respond, so you must calculate your movements tactically; you can't speed up and slow down wildly. And you can't make sharp turns like his. The movement is intoxicated - hard turns are impossible, and if the developers wanted to mess with players, they would have included rollovers as a consequence.

Since the battles take place in the open sea, the size of the map was significantly increased (ships are not tanks, they still need space for maneuvering), the mechanics of the engine were redesigned to meet the new requirements (it’s not like a tank fired and hid, fire is fired from a dozen guns on one separately taken ship). Graphics and optimization have also been significantly improved (War Thunder and Metal War are bursting with envy), not to mention the browser simulators.

To get used to it, you navigate the span of a tunnel of steel across the seas, avoiding collisions with scattered islands and enemy fire. But once accustomed, the seemingly lethargic movement plunges you into the role of captain of a warship. And you don't have to constantly worry about where your bow is pointing on the high seas.

It can be used tactically to get you into cover while you worry about aiming the fuzand at enemy ships. Firing artillery across miles of stormy seas and sending the enemy into a hell of fire is intensely satisfying. Using the mouse wheel, you can adjust the camera to zoom in on your periscope and line up your shots. Imagine if you had to do the math to raise your artillery yourself? Navigating the island terrain and diving into stagnant sniper ships that have dropped anchor too soon is fun when you're shooting the salvo.


In World of Warships, equipment, or rather ships, are presented in the form of authentic examples of the largest naval powers during the Second World War. At your disposal are the naval forces of the countries: Germany, Japan, the USA, the Russian Empire and the USSR, Great Britain. Due to the fact that the game is still at the testing stage, only the USA and Japan have complete research branches, but others also have something to boast about. In general, everyone will find a ship to their liking. There is both the legendary armored linear Bismarck (Germany) and its no less famous competitor Iowa (USA). You will be able to control the first ever Hosho-class aircraft carrier (Japan) and the symbol of the revolution, the Imperial Navy cruiser Aurora (Russia).

And it's intensely satisfying when your squall barrels into the port, forehead or starboard side of an opposing ship. Circling the Atlantic Islands takes time, reloading your guns takes time, and sometimes meeting enemy ships takes time. But the somewhat slow pace creates an almost unbearable sense of tension in the midst of a firefight.

As you watch the timers until you can fire again, you cross your fingers that the destroyer in your sights will miss the next salvo so you can bring down his ship with everything in its arsenal. The open seas create a feeling of vulnerability as you patrol, trying to spot the enemy before they see you. Using the terrain as cover and maintaining your distance without the gangster is the key to getting back to port. But behind the steel beasts there is a huge inertia that prohibits them from leaving under the roof, shooting and taking cover again.


The 117 fleet units present in World of Warships are divided into the following classes:

Battleship (Battleship) - heavily armored, slow-moving ships with the greatest firepower in the game, perfect for fans of protracted battles and stunning damage.

The cruiser is the main class of warships; their excellent combination of firepower and maneuverability makes them a formidable opponent even for the most armored enemies.

Once your ship moves, it cannot turn around easily; this will continue. Coming out from behind the cover puts you in danger, but this is the only way to kill the ground. So you have to set up waypoints using the map and change the speed of your ship to trick the enemies into shooting sooner or later. And keep in mind that this is not a realistic simulator. It in no way depicts naval warfare. So, there are quite a few balancing issues as the developers polish the game.

Whenever a game has a huge library of weapons and playstyles, it becomes incredibly difficult to create a fair experience. While your ship is engulfed in an unholy fire due to misdirection, you can notice the beautiful seas. The azure oceans will be silent until your ship cuts through them - the awakening dissipated with ease. The ships have sharp detail where even the fire extinguisher looks like it has been carefully modeled. As it becomes battered, the ship's steel will show age and age, so it looks more at home at the bottom of the sea, foreshadowing your destruction.

Destroyer - light maneuverable ships equipped with torpedoes. A squadron of destroyers, taking advantage of its advantages of breaking into the enemy's blind spots and easily dealing with them thanks to torpedoes, perfectly performs both offensive and defensive tasks for the allied fleet.

An aircraft carrier is a class of ships that do not engage in open battles, but provide support with the help of air groups, which include both fighters with bombers and torpedo bombers (a torpedo bomber unit, when used correctly, will send any battleship to the bottom in a matter of moments).

The fire effects are wonderful and require a sense of panic as your ship is engulfed in flames. The ship feels like toys in some child's bathtub as he imagines an epic battle from the First World War. And this youthful expression underscores the game's arcade presentation. The sound effects are especially well done. The artillery fires with force, and this is an echo. When they get on your ship, it hurts; you feel the weight of the explosion. And when you shoot while shooting, an alarm sounds to alert your team - a subtle touch that increases the intensity of the battle.

Video trailer


Ships in World of Warships don't just sail in a specific direction, they are 100% physical objects. So, for example, going at full speed and seeing that torpedoes have been fired at your ship, you can, having estimated the direction of their movement, slow down and lie on board allowing them to pass by you. Some might say that these are the same tanks, only in a different wrapper; there are many visual similarities. But the features of World of Warships make their own adjustments. Movement and maneuver are the key to the survival of your ship, and skillful interaction of allied fleets is the key to victory. The gameplay is built largely on the interaction (the “drag into one” option is possible, but unlikely) of different classes of ships with each other. So, for example, a naval group of a battleship and destroyers will have an advantage over a group of even the heaviest enemy linemen. Firing from main calibers is also not the main feature; the highlight is the presence of torpedoes and the support of aviation groups. Battles take place in the familiar 15 vs 15 format on huge sea locations, but you can play World of Warships, like other projects from Wargaming, with friends.

As your team desperately releases the flames of a direct hit, epic orchestral crescendos play out, fit for an Indiana Jones action sequence. It turns out that the didgeridoo was the last sound my crew heard before joining their comrades on the reef below. As you'd expect from a war game, there's an extensive technology tree that can be flown by aircraft carriers, battleships, cruisers, and destroyers. And, of course, premium ships for players with cash.

Unlocking new ships takes time. When you play on a specific ship, you gain experience by transferring it to research points on another ship. The same credits can be used to purchase modules and upgrade your ships, upgrading the main battery, hull and engine, among other parts.


As has already become clear from the above, the game stands out clearly from everything that came before it. It’s not easy to single out any features of World of Warships, since the game is innovative and unparalleled. The combination of unusual gameplay, excellent graphics, variety of ships and well-balanced balance make the project unique.

To equip a new module, you must first research the update and then allow the purchase and installation of the module using exchange credits. Each ship has its own statistics and play style. While the cruiser "Myoko" can launch torpedoes to destroy the hull of enemy ships. Other ships have better concealment, protecting them from vigilant players looking to the horizon, masking their ship's presence. Each ship presents its own advantages and disadvantages and suits certain playstyles, be it a fast fighter or a long-range sniper.

Is it worth playing? Results.

To the question “Is World of Warships worth playing” the answer is unequivocal - “Yes!” The game will appeal to both fans of sea battles and beginners unfamiliar with this topic. An easy and intuitive interface will help you easily get used to it without feeling like a beginner. In conclusion, we cannot fail to mention that the game was presented at the Igromir 2015 exhibition, receiving good reviews from critics and users included in .

But it will take you a while before you can try out each vessel as you grind research and upgrade credits. As of this writing, there are several maps available. Since the fighting takes place on open waters, the maps are essentially large fields with a pockmarked structure to add a strategic element. If you want to switch up your gameplay, you can join a clan called a division. They can only consist of three people, so if you have a fourth friend, it's time to move on.


System Requirements

Taking part in naval battles and having fun will allow you to:

Divisional battles function as deathmatics for glory and dominance of the seas. While some balancing issues between ships should be discussed by the developers, this does not hold back the casual gameplay. This is certainly unique in the growing glut of military shooters. It plays well and a ton of thought went into many aspects of the design. Although separate teams worked on each of the games in the trilogy, there were always many similarities between them. Warships are stylized in the trappings of other games, with two teams of players tugging it and the ship's captain from one of four ship classes.

  • OS starting from Windows 7 and higher;
  • dual-core processor with a frequency of at least 2.2 GHz;
  • video adapter GeForce 8800 with 512 MB (or similar);
  • 3Gb of RAM.

You can download the game World of Warships and play on the official website at

More knows how to wait. For thousands of years it washed the islands and continents and watched the rise and fall of humanity. Quietly chuckled at the first ridiculous attempts to conquer the vast oceanic space. Clumsy rafts gave way to unreliable galleys and triremes. New discoveries in mathematics and engineering made it possible to create the first sailing ships- It was on such vessels that Columbus first discovered America.

Each ship class is defined by its purpose, and this system is more important in Military Ships than in any other world of the games. Destroyers are fast and capable of dealing great damage to torpedo launchers, but due to their fragility, they must use their mobility to stay alive. Cruisers are frontline ships and are balanced in terms of durability, firepower and speed. Battles have the biggest guns and the longest ranges, but they are the largest and slowest targets.

Sound component of the game

That honor belongs to aircraft carriers, who must manage squadrons of aircraft while also attempting to escape. Warships have more rock-scissors mechanics. As a rule, each ship class is most easily defeated by the one after it. That doesn't mean it's a done deal; a competent cruiser can still defeat a poorly captained battleship.

Time does not stand still. The discovery of the steam engine made it possible to build ships from metal. Steam turbines were improved and made it possible to create ever more magnificent examples of battleships. A thick layer of armor, powerful and formidable weapons - these characteristics have always attracted men. And it doesn’t matter that later these dreadnoughts became easy prey for carrier-based aircraft - history remembers everything.

Much of this dynamic can be attributed to the courts' more methodical approach. In Tanks, death can occur in an instant, but ships move more slowly and often along continuous lines of sight along the surface of the water. You almost always see the ship that is shooting at you - and well in advance. This is usually good way force players to stick together and use their combined firepower to destroy enemy ships.

There are some balance issues when it comes to some of the ships. While this may be due to your playstyle, it may also be due to the ship being superior to its level. For example, some Japanese battleships only have three sets of guns, and each one has high variance, so if you fire a long shot, you've already used one third of your salvo. Even with such high variance, your subsequent shots will likely not notice their sign.

It is precisely this time period that covers new project from the famous Wargaming – World of Warships. The fleet here is represented from the era of the first dreadnoughts to the decline of artillery surface ships.

A little background

Wargaming is a middle-aged company on the market. It originated in the last millennium – in 1998. Until about 2010, she took part in the development of various projects (DBA Online, Massive Assault and others) with varying success. Having earned a lot of big shots and experience in 2010, Wargaming finally “hit the target” - the World of Tanks project began its triumphant march.

On the other hand, there are a few ships that seem to excel in a variety of situations. The ship moves slowly, but the gameplay doesn't feel that way. You look at the minimap to see how the battle has moved and where you feel is the best place to place your ship for the upcoming battle. The weapons on the deck take a while to rotate, so you'll be worried about getting them in place. You will also maneuver around land or orient your ship to present the smallest profile to the enemy.

Rapid development, a large number of awards, a huge army of fans - we can talk about “tanks” for a long time. It was an undoubted success, which gave impetus to the development of World of Planes and World of Warships.

In some ways, warships are more interesting than tanks. These are massive fighting machines that combine many systems and are powered by hundreds, even thousands of people. Will these sea Leviathans be able to repeat the feat of their armored land turtles? World of Warships, available for open beta testing (OBT), can indirectly tell us about this.

Say a word about the graphics

They greet you by their clothes. World of Warship inherits everything from its older “armored” brother and takes on the time-tested BigWorld. Is this good or bad? There are many known problems with optimizing the engine for new hardware (for example, full multi-core support). This has an adverse effect on performance. On the other hand, the graphical component has already undergone a long trial run on WoT.

If we talk about the quality of the rendering of ships and special effects, then the conclusion suggests itself - not bad. It may not be GTA 5 with 4K textures, but everything looks quite nice and doesn’t hurt the eyes. And it runs on relatively weak computers (although the system is needed and more powerful than for “tanks”).

The sound and music in the game is laconic and fully corresponds to the picture shown. Explosions, roars, announcer comments - nothing hurts the ear.

Gameplay: an old recipe in a new wrapper

World of Warships is a team game. Each battle involves 12 players on each side. If you play against the computer (and such a possibility exists), then there will be 16 ships on the battlefield at the same time (8 of them are controlled by AI).

Features of maps and movement

An important component of naval battles is inertia. A warship is a colossus weighing tens of thousands of tons. It is not so easy to stop, much less change direction. In WoWs this is an important part of the gameplay. If you want to make a correct and precise maneuver, take into account inertia. It also makes the “rolling around the corner” tactics that we saw in WoT ineffective. By the time you roll out from behind the island, stop, and go back, you will have time to catch shells from all the surrounding well-wishers.

The fighting does not take place on the open sea, but among islands and other land areas. They act as shelters and barriers. There are also shoals that not all ships can navigate.

Armor, weapons and damage system

The developers took as the basis for the gameplay what has proven itself well in World of Tanks - a mixture of realism with a general arcade feel and dynamism gameplay. As in "tanks", in WoWs each ship is not just a set of speed, hit points and weapons. The armor of naval military vehicles fully corresponds to what was in reality. To win, it is not enough to just shoot at the target; you also need to try to hit its weak spots.

The armament of ships in World of Warships pleases with its diversity:

  • Air defense systems;
  • Main Caliber guns;
  • Anti-mine caliber;
  • Torpedo tubes;
  • Deck-based aviation;
  • Auxiliary systems (smoke generator, afterburner).

The player controls only the Main Caliber and torpedo tubes. Anti-mine caliber and anti-aircraft fire automatically. But it is possible to set firing priorities for them.

The impact of artillery shells and torpedoes does not go unnoticed. Every now and then fires break out and individual ship systems fail.

In WoWs, the following critical damage options are possible:

  • breakdown of the steering mechanism;
  • failure of the propeller;
  • destruction of ship guns of any type;
  • fires;
  • holes;
  • ammunition explosion;
  • entering the citadel.

Ship classes

There are 4 classes of ships available to the player to upgrade:

  • cruisers;
  • destroyers;
  • battleships;
  • aircraft carriers.

Cruiser They have average armor, weapons and speed. This set of characteristics allows them to hunt for destroyers. Using their powerful air defense, they can also protect allied battleships from attacking aircraft.

Destroyers– small (compared to others) vessels with a high level of maneuverability. They cannot boast of the destructive power of the Main Caliber. They compensate for this with auxiliary systems (afterburner, smoke generator) and the presence of torpedo tubes. A good salvo of torpedoes will not leave even the most powerful dreadnought indifferent.

Battleships- they are dreadnoughts. Slow, armored ships with the best artillery weapons. Vulnerable to air attacks.

Aircraft carriers– a special class of vehicles in WoWs. They have a unique gameplay that is somewhat reminiscent of conventional RTS (real-time strategy) games. You watch the battlefield from above and control your flights of aircraft. At the initial levels there will be 2-3, at higher levels – 7 or more. Aircraft belong to three classes: torpedo bombers, bombers, and fighters. The first two are needed to destroy ships, the last two are needed to fight enemy aircraft.

Experience, modules, 2 development branches

The leveling system in World of Warship is completely similar to what many saw in WoT. For each battle the player receives credits and experience. For experience, you can unlock both more advanced modules on existing ships and new pieces of equipment.

With the start of OBT, two development branches were available to players: Japanese and American. In the future, it is planned to introduce ships from Great Britain, Germany, the USSR and others.

The ship's commander is responsible for the work of the crew in WoWs. As he gains experience, he can take perks - special skills that improve one or another characteristic of the entrusted ship. With the help of the commander you can either strengthen strengths military equipment or partially neutralize weak ones.

Direct road into the unknown

Based on the beta version of World of Warships, the game promises to be interesting. Large-scale battles involving giant combat vehicles, tactical diversity, a large number of pieces of equipment - all this can captivate tens of thousands of players for a long time. Will the project repeat the success of WoT? It's hard to say. It all depends on the popularity of the topic. We can only say one thing: WoWs will definitely not pass unnoticed by the gaming audience. And even if he doesn’t set world records online, the game is guaranteed to have a loyal army of fans.