Scary makeup at home. Video instructions for applying light “vampire” makeup at home for a girl on Halloween

America and Europe are now preparing for Halloween with all their might: they are buying symbols, cutting out “pumpkin lanterns”, and inventing branded decor. And this is all just for the sake of protecting your souls and homes from the invasion of evil, frantic forces!

Although, personally, I believe that evil forces are already so accustomed to the paraphernalia accompanying the holiday that they are practically not attracted to it. Malicious forces are becoming more and more boring every year, and this (everyone knows!) is fraught with truly unpredictable terrible consequences! Therefore, in order to convince ghosts, vampires and monsters that you are also one of their kind, you need to not just put on an outfit similar to them with foam green ears, but actually transform into a scary image! And in this case you can’t do without good, high-quality makeup! We at Dikmi have developed a special Halloween seven exclusive make-up options for your whole family! Try it, because this is exactly the case when even if you don’t manage to do everything exactly according to the hint picture, it will be cool, fun and shocking!


Image 1. Queen of Evil

An ephemeral image, the queen of witchcraft and the goddess of evil... A vamp woman capable of much. She can kill with a light heart, and then - with absolutely no wavering hand - eat the heart of her enemy! If you - always peaceful, kind and radiant - have just such a mood before the Feast of All Saints - emphasize it with the help of such unusual, bright and expressive makeup!

And from me - catch detailed step-by-step instructions!

Step 1. Shaping the eyebrows and eyes

You will need: black liner, gel and a small blending brush.

Advice: It is best (for the symmetry of cat eyes) to use a stencil template.

Subsequence: Using a black liner, carefully draw a curved line from the temple to the middle of the nose, focusing on the natural eyebrow. At the same time, outline the upper eyelid and shade the exact line of the liner with a brush. Then we connect the upper and lower points “ cat eye" We also “conjure” over the second eye. From the middle of the forehead draw curved eyebrows.

Step 2. Apply red shadow

You will need: red lipstick, lip brush, foam sponge, pearl powder.

Subsequence: Using a lip brush, apply lipstick above the eyebrow line and onto the cheeks, under the bottom line of the cat's eye. Blend using a foundation sponge. Under the drawn eyebrow, in order to shade it and add mystery to the image of the queen of evil, we apply pearlescent shimmering powder.

Step 3. Making black and pink cheeks

You will need: black eye shadow, pink blush, blush brush.

Subsequence: Using a blush brush, apply black shadow under the cheekbones and pink blush on the cheekbones. Blend to give a soft shadow of femininity and hidden evil to the Queen’s face.

Step 4. Add eyelashes and shadows

You will need: gel black liner, red lipstick, lipstick brush, white eye shadow.

Subsequence: Apply white shadow to the inner corners of the eyes, then shade the area between the bottom line of the cat's eye and the white shadow with red lipstick. We also apply white shadows between the upper line of the eye and the Queen’s natural eyebrow. Using a helium liner, we draw “eyelashes” on the cheeks and above the corners of natural eyebrows.

Step 5. Form an evil-charming smile

You will need: lip contour with black liner, red lipstick, lip brush.

Subsequence: Using a black outline we draw the outline of the lips, shade the lower part of the lower lip and the nasal part of the upper lip. Apply red lipstick using a brush.

The mysterious Queen of Evil is ready to greet her guests on the threshold of an intriguing house with pumpkin lights!

Image 2. Skull

Well, if you are an extraordinary girl, extraordinary and similar even in real life for a natural disaster - you will surely love this Halloween makeup that will shock even your wildest imagination!

1. Black latex swim cap

2. Gypsum powder

4. Matte foundation

5. Black eyeshadow and mascara, black gel liner

6. Sponges and makeup brushes


Step 1. Hide your hair under a latex hat.

Step 2. Dilute the plaster to the consistency of a liquid slurry (remember, we are not going to make a cast of the face of Pharaoh Tutankhamun, we are doing makeup, which means that the structure should be light and prepared for a very active evening with dancing!). Apply plaster to the forehead of the latex cap and sculpt the eyebrows. Wait until it hardens.

Step 3. Using a light foundation, adjust the “living” part of the face (including the lips) to match the plaster forehead.

Step 4. Using a black liner, draw the lines of the skull on the plaster part of the forehead, nose, outline the eyes and retouch the eyelids.

Step 5. Use the same black liner to draw the teeth of the skull.

Step 6. Apply black powder along the cheekbones and blend it over the cheeks with a blush brush.

That's it, the skull makeup is ready! Of course, this make-up is best paired with a black diving suit, “decorated” with snow-white bones, or alien greenish skin, which will also ideally highlight an equally ideal figure!

And one moment. If you don’t really want to hide your gorgeous hair under a rubber cap, you can (using the same matte foundation and black liner) draw a skull like this, probably more feminine.

And for adherents of a kind of ethno-glamour, there are also several shocking new products using the skull theme!

This kind of makeup can be done under a chic medieval dress, or under an almost naked nude.

And another interesting trend that girls abroad really like is the game of contrasts. The soft, peachy, warm, well-groomed skin of one half of the face looks simply amazing against the backdrop of the bloodless skull of the other.

Image 3. Black Widow

This is pure Halloween glamor! A mysterious woman who can make any man fall in love with her and eat him to the last furry paw if he allows himself to violate her personal comfort zone! The true embodiment of frantic female cunning, ferocious female revenge for male insults - Black Widow!

Materials to create the image:

1. Set of shadows for lilac make-up

2. Black liner and black mascara

3. False eyelashes and glue

4. Rhinestones for the face

5. Purple lip liner and purple lipstick

6. Powder mauve blush

7. Matte tone with a reflective effect for the face


Step 1. We tone the skin of the face, giving it uniformity and a pearlescent phosphorescent glow using an appropriate makeup base (preferably several shades lighter than your natural skin).

Step 2. We glue false eyelashes.

Step 3. We outline the eyes with a black liner and shade the upper eyelid in an intense black color.

Step 4. Apply lilac shadows, shading the corners of the eyes with a shimmering soft lilac tone.

Step 5. Above the eyebrows and below, on the cheeks, draw a web mesh with a black liner. We decorate the web with shining rhinestones.

Step 6. We outline the lips with an intense dark purple pencil, then apply purple lipstick with a brush.

Step 7 Apply purple blush (two tones - light and dark) using a blush brush under and on the cheekbones. We shade it, emphasizing the flickering cold light of the lunar halo of the incredible erotic mystery of the Black Widow.

Depending on the general focus of your upcoming party, as well as the type of your face, a similar Black Widow makeup can be done in other colors and shades.

For example, ocher looks amazing as an eye shadow on the face of a Widow with a fiery (warm, summer) type.

For this makeup you need 3-4 shades of orange eye shadow and bright red lipstick. The technique of applying make-up remains unchanged, similar in principle to the previous, purple version.

For “Widows” of the earth type, shimmering emerald shadows are suitable.

Another interesting point- accessories to complement makeup. For example, with the help of several felt furry legs, you can create a 3D spider effect in the corners of the lips. And with the help of a large mesh mask and several “diamond” spiders, you can fill the image with the missing visualization.

And, of course, a very sexy black dress will be a must-have for Black Widow with such outrageous makeup.

Image 4. The Snow Queen and other fairy-tale characters

The famous, imperious and all-powerful Snow Queen is also a representative of the dark world. Has it ever occurred to you, at least once in your life, to re-read a fairy tale by H. - C. Andersen from a different angle? What if the evil icy woman had a vulnerable soul similar to yours? What if she, at her North Pole, is just waiting for someone to come and melt her outer snow shell with love and free her tremulous butterfly-soul? Try all the torments of the Snow Goddess for yourself!

The principle of creating such makeup is similar to others that we have already described in detail. Therefore, we will not repeat ourselves, but will draw your attention only to the special nuances of the image.

Make-up nuances: The main feature Snow Queen- a game of contrasting classic and stylish colors - black, red and white. White powder, black eye liner, bright red lipstick are must-haves to create this look. Plus, there are smoky solid lenses for the eyes. You can buy them both in optics (stylish contact lenses have recently become a hit in fashion circles in our country), and in stores that deal with holiday paraphernalia and costumes.

If the image of the Snow Queen seems a little unfinished to you (like me), add a fancy openwork mask with glasses to it.

In addition to the Snow Queen, fairy-tale images are popular among the fair half of the Western (and, to tell the truth, parts of the Eastern) world. aliens. This multi-eyed monster is also created with the help of available cosmetics. The special feature is a mixture of matte powder and green oily shadows for the basic tone of the face.

Also, for quite a long time, the images of the noble woman, beloved by many ladies, have not descended from the podium Catwomen, Robin Hood And Pirate(in skirts, of course!) and rainbow intergalactic princess. The peculiarity of her make-up is a snake (thrown over her face and secured with pins in her hair) and the use of mirror chips to give a shimmering shade to the inner multi-colored essence of the mysterious lady hidden under human skin.

And the last moment, capable (I am 1000% sure of this!) to surprise and inspire many representatives of the fairer sex who are going to a terrible party -.

Black cats, ghosts, headless horsemen and the Sun and Moon, hidden in the gaze of the most mysterious earthly creature - Women - perfectly convey the essence of Halloween.


It would seem that the many-sided variety for crafty ladies can outshine any other offers! And indeed it is! However, for the stronger sex I also have several unusual options that are worthy of their rightful share of your admiration!

Image 5. Mummy

Elementary in execution, the makeup (and at the same time the mask) of the revived monster who left one of the Egyptian pyramids is perfect for Halloween!

“Ancient skin” for a mummy can be made from improvised materials that can be found in any kitchen:

1. Medical gauze (it must first be dipped in cold brewed coffee and allowed to dry naturally, without squeezing).

2. Miracle paste (for it you need to mix 2 tablespoons of flour with 1 tablespoon of corn oil and a few grams of brown tanning cream).

3. Brown powder, graphite shadows, brushes and spatulas for makeup.


Step 1. Carefully cut the prepared gauze into pieces. Then, carefully wrap the pieces around the head, lubricating each layer with the previously prepared paste so that the structure holds well.

Step 2. Make slits in the eye and mouth areas, leaving the gauze strings hanging freely.

Step 3. Tone the area around the eyes with brown and black shadows, creating an earthy and muddy effect.

Step 4. Let your homemade makeup mask dry (you can even use a hairdryer for this) and, enjoying the effect it has on others, go to the party! They're probably already waiting for you there!

Image 6. Count Dracula

Many mysterious legends have been compiled about this follower of the Prince of Darkness! And only the bravest and most fearless men will be able to actually try on his image and truly feel what he felt! Are you ready to put on the “skin” of a bloodsucker?


1. Latex ears (can be bought at any costume store)

2. Green, black and white cream makeup

3. Castor oil

4. Makeup sponges, cotton swabs

5. Black eyebrow pencil

6. False mustache and beard, wig

7. Red hairspray

8. Plastic fangs


Step 1. Secure the latex vampire ears to your ears using special glue and tint them with matte powder and emerald shadows.

Step 2. Mix powder, green shadows and a couple of drops castor oil. Apply the mixture onto your face with a sponge, creating a base for your makeup.

Step 3. Line your eyes with a black pencil and create a gray-black shadow under your eyes using a cotton swab.

Step 4. Fasten your mustache and beard, put on a wig and cover a few strands of hair on your forehead with red hairspray.

Step 5. Insert fangs.

The vampire is ready to drink the blood of all the party guests (especially the woman who today dared to over-salt the soup with skulls and has been his wife for many years)... Well, that’s it, a drop of my personal conclusions, so to speak, from within the image!

Image 7. Hades

If you imagine a little, the ruler of the kingdom of the dead could look exactly like this! Half-god and half-man, half-dead and half-dead - why not use it as an option for theme party in honor of Halloween?


1. Paints for body art - red, white and black, theater white, foundation.

2. Contour cosmetic pencil.

3. Blue contact lenses.


Step 1. Visually divide your face into two parts. Cover one with theatrical white, the other with foundation of a warm, natural color for human skin.

Step 2. Paint the eye socket of the skull on the white side with black paint, draw the teeth and shade the nose. On the natural side, spread red paint on your cheekbones, nose and forehead.

Step 3. Highlight your cheekbones with black paint.

Step 4. Put on your lenses.

You can continue this makeup on the neck and shoulders. The main thing is to have enough desire, artistic imagination and soap in the shower (after all, sooner or later all this will have to be washed off)!

By the way, in addition to the fantasy and at the same time difficult to execute options for men’s makeup for Halloween, there can also be some pretty shocking images Tiger men, Half-robot, half-human, Gingerbread doll from a horror movie and the walker Nightmare with a foam head!

My dears! Hurry up to fantasize, because there is very little time left until All Saints' Day! Try on my ideas and let your family be the most charming (in the scariest sense of the word) at your Halloween party!

The celebration of Halloween in our country is becoming larger every year. Everyone wants to look spectacular at an All Saints' Day party. Therefore, it is important to choose an image, an appropriate outfit and make a scary Halloween makeup.

DIY scary Halloween makeup

You can do original makeup for the scariest day of the year yourself, using cosmetics or aqua makeup. Below are options that will make a girl the star of any party.

Makeup “Corpse Bride”

The image of this bright character implies the presence of an old wedding dress(preferably torn, dirty), blue wig, flower wreath and veil. In addition, you need to do the appropriate Halloween makeup at home.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. A pale face can be achieved using various means. The first is a mixture of blue shadows with white powder, and the second is a pale blue makeup. Also, do not forget about the whole body so that the image is complete.
  2. Next, outline the eyes (the area around the eyebrows and under the lower eyelid) with purple and blue. Use the same shade to highlight the line of the nose, temples, and cheekbones. This is done in order to emphasize thinness. Fill in the eyelids with white pencil to create huge eyes.
  3. Outline the white area with black. Draw eyelashes along the outer side, highlighting the nostrils. Special attention- eyebrows. They should be thin and quite original in shape. For their clarity, eyeliner is used. Plus, you need to draw the pupils in such a way that the bride’s gaze is directed upward.
  4. Apply bright pink lipstick to your lips and attach a deep blue wig.
  5. The final touch is a wreath golden color. The bright image of the cartoon heroine is ready.

Harley Quinn from Suicide Squad

Following the success of the movie Suicide Squad, this character is one of the most sought after characters at Halloween parties. Harley is the crazy, merciless and charismatic girlfriend of the Joker.

Makeup can be done step by step as follows:

  1. Apply a light foundation to your face. Using shadows or paints, accent the eyes with pink and blue, like the character’s. Blend thoroughly, as if the paint had spread across the cheeks.
  2. Apply bright red lipstick to your lips. You can add glitter on top.
  3. Highlight the line of the nose, cheekbones and temples in a darker tone. Use black paint to outline your face from the forehead to the neck under the chin. At the cheeks, the line should become oblique, passing through the lower part of the cheekbones.
  4. Highlight your eyebrows. Outline the lips with black, making small strokes with a brush. The same careless stripes should run along the nose, on the black line of the cheekbones, next to the eyebrows. On lower lip and add white to the top.
  5. All that remains is to put on a spectacular, memorable wig and choose a suitable costume.

The autumn holiday Halloween is another great occasion for fun. Every year, October 31st becomes the day when ghosts, zombies and other evil spirits visit the earth. All Hallows' Eve is a massive costume party. You can dress up as a scary mythical character and compete with your friends to see who can scare who the most. In addition to the costume, it is important to think about the makeup. Let's look at unusual and bright Halloween makeup ideas.

A girl in the guise of a vampire can look not only terrifying, but also seductively beautiful. This is a very popular idea for Halloween, but don't shy away from it because of this. Everyone does makeup differently, so you won't end up in a crowd of clones. There are several options for applying makeup to embody the image of a vampire.

Option 1:

  • the whole face is covered with a light tone;
  • beautiful, spectacular makeup is applied to the eyes with arrows, shadows and false eyelashes;
  • We paint our lips with burgundy lipstick, and apply bloody stains on top of it using red gloss;
  • false fangs will be the final touch.

Option 2:

Option 3:

  • cover the face with white makeup;
  • Apply random make-up to the eyes and lips;
  • With a black or red pencil we draw cracks all over the face: under the eyes, around the lips and on the forehead.

As you can see, vampire makeup is very simple and easy to do with your own hands. Choosing clothes doesn’t require much effort either. Any black clothing will fit perfectly into the look.

Vampire makeup - video

Witch makeup

The mystical image of a witch comes in handy during Halloween. Makeup can be the most fantastic. Clothing - black, burgundy, purple and other vestments of dark rich colors.

Step-by-step makeup “Black Witch”:

Make-up “Old Witch”:

Halloween makeup in the style of the lady from “Viy”:

Zombie makeup for Halloween

Zombies are a frequent visitor to parties on the night of October 31st. Many of us have watched a lot of films with zombie apocalypse themes. You can try to paint the makeup of the scariest character from these films on your face.

Everyone knows how terrible zombies are: a torn face, lifeless eyes, “dead” skin. Try one of the following zombie makeup options.

Method 1:

Zombie makeup - video

Method 2:

  1. Wear white or light blue lenses.
  2. Apply a porcelain tone to the face.
  3. Create the effect of circles under the eyes using burgundy and black shadows. Shade them under the lower eyelid and on top.
  4. We paint the arrows, emphasize the eyebrows with eyeliner.
  5. The corner of your mouth can be smeared with red lipstick. Gently blend the stain.
  6. You can add artificial wounds and dried blood on the hairline.

To complete the look, military-style clothing or any other clothing that is deliberately torn, frayed and soiled is suitable.

Makeup like a ghost

One of the oldest images for Halloween is the ghost. Dressing up in it is as easy as shelling pears: you need white clothes, cape or regular sheet. You will have to try a little more with the makeup for the ghost.

Other original Halloween looks

Let's consider alternative interesting ideas for a festive masquerade.

Makeup "Cheshire Cat"

  1. You will need “cat” lenses with an elongated pupil. Color - turquoise, shade of sea wave.
  2. We outline the eyes with a white pencil - at the inner edge, black - at the outer edge. We paint lush eyelashes.
  3. We will tint the eyebrows with blue shadows.
  4. Mouth: draw white teeth and black space between them. Take a look at what the cat looks like in the cartoon and imitate his famous smile.
  5. A blue wig will be the finishing touch.

Halloween Makeup “Skeleton”

You can copy the features of the skull on the entire face or on half of it. All you need is white and black makeup paint and a lot of diligence. A printed image of the skull or a visual exhibit will be invaluable.

It would be great to add bone designs on the brush. There are even clothes with the image of a skeleton - T-shirts and leggings.

Doll make-up in honor of All Saints' Day

This is another unusual version of makeup.

The images of animals are also very interesting

Putting on kitten makeup is fun and easy. You can buy cat ears or sew them yourself by attaching them to a headband.

Holidays add variety to our lives. If earlier carnival costumes used only on New Year holidays, then today another costume holiday has become very popular - Halloween.

Children also enjoy participating in Halloween festivities. After all, they love to dress up in unusual costumes, portraying zombies, ghouls and other evil spirits.

To make the image complete, you need not only to choose a costume, but also to come up with makeup that matches the character. For example, a vampire costume will not produce the desired effect if the child does not have sharp fangs and deathly pale facial skin.

How does children's Halloween vampire makeup differ from adult makeup? Firstly, it is worth taking into account the age of the child. If this is a baby, then makeup should not scare him. Therefore, for a child, we try to make makeup that is not scary, but rather funny. Secondly, it should be taken into account that children’s skin is thinner and more sensitive, therefore cosmetical tools that are planned to be used must be hypoallergenic and harmless.

Important point! Before applying makeup, you need to conduct allergy tests. You need to take a little of the cosmetics that you plan to use and apply it to the skin of your baby’s hands in the area of ​​the wrist or elbow. If after a couple of hours there is no negative reaction (rash, redness, itching), you can start working with makeup.

To give your child Halloween vampire makeup, you can use several types of makeup.

Read also: Nude makeup

The best option is face painting. These are hypoallergenic water-based paints. After application, they do not cause discomfort, do not tighten the skin, and adhere well. This product is sold in dry (in tablets) or already diluted form. The first option is more practical for use at home, since undiluted makeup has a long shelf life and can be used for several years. And this is an important factor, since face painting is not cheap.

This product is applied with sponges and brushes. To remove makeup, just wash your face.

You can also use theatrical makeup; as a rule, it does not cause allergic reactions. However, this product is made on a fat basis; the skin under a layer of makeup does not breathe. Therefore, it is better not to use this option for small children or apply it only to small areas skin, rather than covering your entire face with makeup. To remove such makeup you will need cosmetic milk or oil.

Another tool that can be used to make a vampire makeup for Halloween for children is special face crayons. This product is harmless to the skin and easy to apply. However, crayons have a significant drawback - they wear off quickly, so makeup made with their help will not last long.

In addition to the tools listed above, to create the image of a vampire you will need:

  • cosmetic pencils different color(at a minimum you need to have black and red on hand);
  • eyeliner and mascara;
  • dark blush;
  • an eyeshadow palette with several shades, it is important that the palette contains dark tones, preference for burgundy, purple, dark brown, gray, black;
  • concealer.

Read also: Arabic makeup

The tools you will need are sponges, brushes of different sizes and shapes, as well as cotton swabs and correction discs.

How to apply makeup?

First of all, you need to come up with an image that will be supported by a suit, makeup and accessories. To do this, you should look at photos of children in the role of the selected character. Of course, you don’t have to copy an image created by someone else; you can simply get the basic ideas and then create an exclusive makeup with your own hands.

Let's see how to do it light makeup vampire, describing the work in stages.

First you need to prepare and protect your baby's skin. To do this, apply to the face baby cream. After about fifteen minutes, when the cream is absorbed, you can start working. Our task at this stage is to give the skin a deathly pallor. To do this, you can use white makeup, to which you can add a little blue paint. If you have freckles or pimples on your face, you need to apply concealer to them.

If you don’t have makeup on hand, you can whiten your face with a home remedy that can be prepared from flour, starch and a few drops of glycerin. This composition is applied with a sponge. If you apply it too thickly, it may crack and crumble slightly over time. However, this will make the image of a vampire even more terrible.

Then you should powder your face with baby powder, brush off excess powder with a puff.

Now it's time to use blush. You can use bronze or another dark shade, blush can be replaced with dark brown or gray shadows. Apply the product with a wide brush to the cheekbones and sides of the forehead and temples.

All Saints' Day is not just a fun holiday when any child or adult can go out dressed as a Witch or a Vampire, a Zombie or a Skeleton, a mystical black Cat or Jason Voorhees from the scary TV series "Friday the 13th". This is the time to show your imagination: sew a costume of the chosen character, apply realistic, creepy Halloween makeup to your face and hands, have fun and fool around with your friends. On October 31, boys, girls and even adult men and women dress up in eccentric outfits, put on false beards, and apply artificial “wounds” and “scars” to their bodies. Together with their children, who also pretend to be witches and monsters, they go from house to house, knock on people’s windows and ask them to treat them to something sweet. Yes, most Russians liked these unusual traditions that came to us from the West - we don’t have enough carnivals! If you are also planning to celebrate Halloween this year, our Halloween makeup ideas will definitely come to your rescue. You will learn how to do excellent makeup with your own hands, in the comfort of your own home. Study photos, videos, pictures, master class instructions, and you will succeed!

Makeup for girls for Halloween - Makeup for All Saints' Day at home

When going to celebrate Halloween, girls can choose any character from horror films, science fiction series, or popular comics. However, even a well-made hero costume will not be enough - without the appropriate makeup for a realistic image. You are unlikely to find salons here where professional makeup artists offer clients makeup for All Saints Day, so you will have to do everything at home. Believe me, when correct execution makeup techniques, you will achieve an amazing effect. See how you can apply your own Sugar Skull makeup.

How to make Halloween makeup at home - “Scary Clown” makeup master class for girls

No matter how funny clowns are, some children are afraid of them for some reason. If a similar fear lives in your soul, try painting an ever-smiling mask on your face, go out in this makeup on Halloween, and all your worries will be dispelled!

To create makeup "Scary Clown" take:

  • White, black, red paints or face painting;
  • Several brushes of different sizes;
  • A sponge.

Pull your hair away from your face, pulling it into a ponytail, and start working on your makeup.

Easy makeup for Halloween at home - Photos of makeup for October 31st for girls

People love Halloween because on this day it is not forbidden to dress up as any character and apply the most extreme makeup. However, some girls experience irritation on the skin from paint and even face painting - allergic reactions. What should they do when they so want to look as unusual and original as other young people? Light makeup made at home - literally a few strokes on the face - will help create a cute image of a Cat, a good Witch, a Bride, a Sorceress, or a Princess.

How to apply light makeup at home - Simple Halloween makeup for girls

Choosing the character you should transform into on the last October night is the main thing for the subsequent creation of successful makeup for your unique hero. Working on some images requires the use of special materials (liquid silicone, artificial blood, skin glue) and tools (brushes, cosmetic sponges, scissors, tape). You won’t have enough time to buy them an hour or two before the holiday itself: prepare everything you need for makeup a week before Halloween.

If your skin is too sensitive, for Halloween, dress up as a character that doesn't involve the use of heavy makeup. Transform into a Sorceress, Queen, Vampire, Cat. To create their looks at home, costumes are more important than makeup. You can also simply apply one realistic-looking scar to your face.

Make-up for Halloween at home - Master class with photos for men

IN ordinary life It is extremely difficult to find a man who uses cosmetics at home. That is why young people who are going to make up their character for Halloween often face the problem of how to do such a special make-up? Our master class with photos will help them cope with such a difficult task.

How to do makeup for a man for Halloween at home - Master class on creating the image of a Goblin with a photo

Men who decide to do their own Halloween makeup at home can use our ideas and tips. Follow the instructions in the master class to create the Goblin image.

To transform into a Goblin, take:

  • Green face painting;
  • White face paint (or light powder);
  • Green and brown eye shadow and eyeliner;
  • Red nail polish.

Start applying makeup:

DIY scary Halloween makeup

How to do makeup for Halloween - Master class on video

To create the “correct” makeup for Halloween, you need to follow several rules:

  • Apply makeup only to a clean, soapy face;
  • Apply makeup to your face only after using a protective cream;
  • If possible, avoid watercolor paints: use face painting.

Master class on applying makeup for Halloween – Video on creating bright makeup

Using the previous rules and try to repeat all the steps shown by the wizard in the video. Please note: it is better to apply lipstick with a brush. Never replace face painting or face paint with marker or ink.

Cat makeup for children for Halloween

The cat is a favorite Halloween character among children. Making a costume for a mysterious mustachioed beast is not difficult: just find a black turtleneck and leggings. Makeup is also applied in 10-15 minutes.

How to apply children's makeup Cats - Video on applying makeup for Halloween

The Cat costume and matching makeup are easier to create than other Halloween looks. The only thing you will need to prepare in advance is black fabric for the outfit, cosmetics (eye shadow, pencil and lipstick) and a ready-made headband with ears (however, you can make it yourself). The main thing in Cat makeup is to draw a mustache, nose and sly eyes of the cat.

Simple children's Witch makeup for Halloween

The witch is one of the most commonly chosen images for Halloween. Here you can use your imagination to the fullest and create scary witches, kind fairy-tale sorceresses or a cheerful little Baba Yaga: it all depends on the child’s wishes and the available makeup materials. For example, the easiest way for children to transform into sorceresses is to simply draw a couple of butterflies and flowers on their faces. The makeup of a scary witch will already require working with silicone - it will be needed to “age” the face and create wrinkles. Look what ideas came to the minds of make-up artists working on different images of Witches.

How to apply children's Witch makeup for Halloween - Video with examples

Children's skin is extremely sensitive, so when applying makeup for Halloween you should use only hypoallergenic face painting. In addition, to create images good witches, makeup is practically not needed - only pretty butterflies are depicted on the face and beautiful patterns.

Video master class on creating Witch makeup for Halloween for a girl or girl

For some reason, many often think that a witch must be not only wrinkled, but also green! Following this generally accepted opinion, make-up artists offered several options for creating an ominous make-up for the most terrifying, but very mysterious witch.

To create such a cool makeup, you will need to purchase face painting in green, yellow, gray, white, red and black colors, brushes and cosmetic sponges. However, you can also buy full set leather paints - you will need them for the next All Saints' Day or other carnival.

If you already have experience with professional makeup, try creating both the hooked nose of an evil sorceress (don't forget about the wart!) and the protruding long chin of Baba Yaga.

Halloween makeup for boys - Scary Jason mask

Jason Voorhees, the homicidal maniac from Friday the 13th, is easily recognizable by the hockey mask covering his disfigured face. Teenage boys They often ask their parents to buy them a similar mask for Halloween, but, unfortunately, packages with orders do not always arrive on time. Instead of a ready-made character costume, we propose to temporarily transform into a serial killer from a popular horror movie and make up your face “like Jason.”

Boys who decide to “become” Jason Voorhees for Halloween have two options for creating this creepy look. The first one is to make a papier-mâché mask and paint it with watercolors. The second option is to make up as an anti-hero using face painting.

Skeleton makeup for guys for Halloween - How to draw a Skull on your face

On Halloween, the city streets are filled with all kinds of evil spirits, vampires, zombies, and the walking dead. Sometimes you have to work for several hours to create the outfits and makeup for such characters. Skull makeup is one of the simplest makeup for All Saints' Day. Nothing other than black, white and red paints or face painting is required for this.

How to make Skull makeup for the Skeleton look for Halloween - Master class for guys

The Skeleton Halloween look will remain incomplete without the appropriate makeup. Drawing a skull on your face will not be difficult if you consistently follow the steps of this master class.

So, prepare:

  • White and black face paint;
  • A sponge.

To create such makeup, you can use the tips given in this video.

Zombie Halloween makeup for guys

If working on a Zombie costume for a guy does not require much effort - just put on old clothes stained with dirt, soil and red paint (“blood”), then you will have to work very thoroughly on the makeup of the Walking Dead. The main thing in creating creepy makeup is not to apply gray and black circles under the eyes and to create a special hairstyle with the effect of tousled hair. Skillful application of realistic-looking scary “bleeding” and “rotting” wounds to the body is the pinnacle of skill of a skilled make-up artist.

How to work on Zombie makeup for guys - Master class on creating fake wounds for Halloween

It takes a lot of work to create very realistic-looking bloody zombie wounds for Halloween. However, you won't regret your time for a minute: as soon as the other guys see your amazing creepy makeup, they won't be able to contain their delight!

So, first prepare all the materials necessary for work:

  • Liquid latex or special glue for leather;
  • Fake blood or red-brown paint;
  • Concealer;
  • Cotton buds;
  • sponge;
  • Shadows from a cosmetic set;
  • Sharp knife.

Follow all the steps of the master class sequentially.

Beard makeup for guys - How to choose a look for Halloween

As October 31st approaches, most guys are starting to rack their brains about which character they'd like to play as for Halloween. There are thousands of options for looks and makeup - many of them are available in YouTube videos and in master classes published on the pages of websites. However, how to choose the most interesting one? Should you wear popular costumes on All Saints Day and turn into a vampire or zombie? How to come up with an original make-up, unlike other ones? Perhaps the idea of ​​​​creating the image of the Evil Robber, Jack Sparrow, Barmaley, Chernomor from “Ruslan and Lyudmila”, the Lumberjack from the 19980s horror film of the same name will appeal to you.

How a guy can choose a character with a beard for October 31st - Master class on creating men's makeup for Halloween

Today on the Internet you can buy so-called “creped” natural hair. They can be used when creating beard makeup. Of course, you need to take care of your purchase at least a month before October 31, or even earlier, taking into account the time it takes to deliver the parcel to your Postal office. These beards made from real hair look like real beards. They can be used to create images of the Wizard, Astrologer, Mage, Robber, Old Man Hottabych, General, etc.

So, having chosen your character for All Saints’ Day, prepare the following materials and tools:

  • Crepe hair;
  • Special glue Spirit Gum for gluing artificial beards and mustaches;
  • Hair spray;
  • Baby oil for subsequent beard removal.

It will be better if an assistant, a friend or girlfriend, helps you glue on the beard.

Halloween makeup that is precisely matched to the costume and correctly applied to the face and hands will help create a believable image of characters from science fiction films and horror films, cartoons or books. You can do this kind of makeup yourself - it’s much calmer to work at home. Girls and girls on All Saints' Day can choose the makeup of a scary Witch or a mysterious black Cat; older guys and men will want to easily transform into the maniac Jason from “Friday the 13th”, Skeleton or Skull, Zombie or Villain with a beard. We hope that the selection of videos and photos, master classes on creating makeup for October 31 will definitely help you!