Silhouette applique “Animals. Abstract of GCD on application for children of the senior group

All children like this type of needlework, such as applique. Animals are in great demand in any technology. Three-dimensional paper models are used in games, flat images increase a child’s self-confidence, and fabric models not only decorate clothes, but are also used as teaching material.

Classic type of application

First, children get acquainted with paper appliqué. It can be flat or voluminous. Small children glue animal details to cardboard. For example, you print out a template for coloring books, cut out the parts, and transfer them to colored paper. Animals can be designed using geometric shapes, which develops children's imagination.

It looks unusual. Animals made from paper balls and strips arouse great interest among children. For example, to make an elephant, outline an oval body on cardboard. Glue the leg strips. Take paper two centimeters larger than the body and cut it with a wide tail.

Knead, twist the tail, straighten the body, glue it. Also crumple and glue round ears, a head with a trunk. Decorate the top with grass (a piece of green paper cut into thin strips). If you are making an image with balls or stripes, then simply cover the template with multi-colored elements.

Leaf applique: animals

Leaves are a fertile material for crafts. In the summer and autumn, you collect various natural materials (seeds, leaves, ears of corn, acorns, sunflower seeds, flowers), dry them (like a herbarium or in sand), and soak them in glycerin. The leaves turn out to be very brittle using the first method, and glycerin gives softness and flexibility, but changes color.

Any (animals, landscape, people, fish, birds) develops imagination, thinking, logic. The child learns more about flora, properties of natural material, methods of interaction with it.

Here are some options for making rodents. For the mouse you will need birch, clover, elm leaves, dill or flax seeds, and blades of grass. Glue the birch leaf with the tail down (this will be the body). Place a small elm leaf without a tail on the body. Glue on the clover ears, and then the elm head. You use the seeds to form the eyes and nose, and the grass is useful for the mustache. It turns out to be a full-face view of the mouse.

If the head sheet is positioned perpendicular to the body, then the mouse will be in profile. Glue on the paws, tail, ears, eyes, and nose accordingly. If necessary, adjust the shape of the sheet with scissors.

Fabric applique: animals

Fabric appliqués are more often used as decoration for clothes, bedspreads, bags, and elastic bands. The principle of working as with paper crafts:

  • print out a coloring template (for example, a dog);
  • cut the parts;
  • transfer all details to fabric;
  • overcast the edges of the body;
  • Use soap to outline the location of the head and bones;
  • sew the bone to the body with an overcast stitch;
  • then sew on the eyes, eyebrows, nose;
  • then overcast the edges of the head, bones;
  • connect all the parts.

The result is a three-dimensional application. Pets collected on a bedspread, blanket, or carpet not only decorate a child’s room, but also allow them to expand knowledge about the animal world. In this case, the process can be simplified.

Choose the most basic templates and transfer them to one fabric entirely. Then you sew the animal to the flap, and then use the same overcast stitch to highlight the lines and parts of the muzzle, changing the colors of the threads. Next, these squares with appliqué are sewn to the main fabric. Please note that the color of the material may not match the color of the actual animal.

Custom applique

Try it with your child different techniques. For example, a felt elephant in a geometric style (round head, oval eyes, rectangular tail and trunk, square two-color ears, diamond-shaped legs, trapezoidal two-color body).

Or draw the image of a duckling on cardboard. Glue the eye, beak, and paws from seeds, and cover the head and body with millet. You can also make polar bears from dough, hares from semolina, hedgehogs from buckwheat or sunflower seeds. Even kids are attracted to the “cereal” applique “Animals”.

Like from scraps?

Lay out all the scraps and decide on the image of the animal based on the color scheme. Make a pattern from paper and fabric, connect the parts on cardboard, glue the bottom layers, then the top parts. Design a background, frame.

For this technique, you can use a special imported fabric that does not crumble and is glued to the material with a hot iron. It is expensive, so you can train on simple cotton.

Knitted applique

Knitted applique is attractive for needlewomen. The animals turn out to be bright, unusual, and colorful. The image can be crocheted and knitted. The fastest option is to transfer the whole template onto a knitted fabric, cover it with an overcast stitch, and cut off the excess.

A high-quality option is to find a pattern of the animal and knit it. But you can crochet it according to the pattern. For example, you knit the dog’s body, collar, ear, tail, spot, nose. Sew the details, embroider the eye, mouth, tie the edges.

Or here’s a step-by-step option for knitting a mouse. Knit a circle for the body. Pin the junction of the head and tail with pins. Tie the last edge with a single crochet, tying the tail in parallel, reaching the head. Now on the marked loops you knit a circle, reducing the number of loops towards the muzzle. Knit a round ear from two colors and sew it to the head. Embroider an eye, a nose. Thus, by tying a circle in certain places, you can get an owl, a chicken, a sparrow, a snail, a turtle, animal faces, etc.


Any application on the theme “Animals” will decorate the interior of the house, clothes, pillows, bedspreads, educational books and manuals. Just take into account the age, interest and abilities of the child, and also prepare the necessary material in advance.

Application for children 3-4 years old. Class notes Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Theme of the week: “Wild Animals”

Theme of the week: “Wild Animals”

Lesson 18. Hare (Colored paper. Collective application from prepared parts of the object)

Program content. Teach children to assemble a whole object from parts and carefully stick them on; Bring the product to the desired image using felt-tip pens. Learn to accompany the words of the song with movements corresponding to the text. Continue to teach children to do teamwork.

Demonstration material. Toy bunnies or any other animals (according to the number of children).

Handout material. For 5 children: blue cardboard, a circle cut out of white paper (head), an oval (torso), 6 elongated ovals (legs and ears), a small circle (tail); glue, glue brush, cloth, oilcloth lining, felt-tip pens.

Progress of the lesson

Give the children toy hares or other animals and ask them to use them to depict the actions of the poem:

One, two, three, four, five

The bunny came out to jump. (Shake the toy up and down.)

Looked around (Turn the toy left, right.)

Turned around (Rotate the toy.)

Looked up and down (Tilt the toy back and forth.)

I went for a run (Go for a run with a toy in your hands.)

I was afraid... (Hide the toy behind your back.)

Where are you, bunny? Answer me!

Invite the children to help the bunnies: make bunny friends for them so that together they will not be afraid.

Divide the children into teams of 5. Give them album sheets and details cut out of white paper: a circle (head), an oval (torso), 6 elongated ovals (legs and ears), a small circle (tail).

Help the children distribute the parts among themselves (one child gets the head, another two paws, the third gets the ears, etc.).

Then the children must make up the intended animal from the parts (the hare can stand on two legs or on four, it can lie down).

After this, the guys must stick all the details onto the album sheet; Use felt-tip pens to draw the eyes, nose, mouth, and mustache of the bunny.

This text is an introductory fragment. From the book Modeling and application with children 6-7 years old. Class notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Topic of the week: “Wild Animals” Lesson 17. Uncle Misha (Modeling from plasticine in combination with natural materials) Program content. Teach children to depict a scene from a fairy tale using natural materials and plasticine. Continue to learn how to transmit proportional relationships

From the book Drawing with children 6-7 years old. Class notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Topic of the week: “Pets” Lesson 18. Dymkovo horse (Clay modeling) Program content. Continue to introduce children to the art of Dymkovo masters, consolidate and deepen knowledge about Dymkovo toys. Learn to sculpt from life, conveying the shape, structure, size and

From the book Drawing with children 4-5 years old. Class notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Topic of the week: “Wild Animals” Lesson 33. Unseen animal (Drawing with colored pencils) Program content. Develop your imagination. Teach children to draw non-existent animals on their own. Strengthen the ability to draw with colored pencils in accordance with their

From the book Lepka with children 4-5 years old. Class notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Topic of the week: “Pets” Lesson 35. Chickens (Hatching with felt-tip pens) Program content. Continue learning how to create a story composition. Strengthen the ability to draw a silhouette of a chicken with a simple pencil without pressure. Strengthen the ability to fit a composition into

From the book Lepka with children 3-4 years old. Class notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Topic of the week: “Wild Animals” Lesson 20. Meeting of the fox and Kolobok (Poke with a hard semi-dry brush. Gouache) Program content. Teach children to create a story composition. Continue to teach how to convey the features of the depicted objects using a hard, semi-dry poke

From the book Drawing with children 5-6 years old. Class notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Topic of the week: “Wild Animals” Lesson 20. Bunny (Modeling from plasticine using natural materials) Program content. Learn to combine natural materials and modeling from plasticine. Practice the ability to connect parts by pressing them together. Encourage children

From the book Application with children 3-4 years old. Class notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Topic of the week: “Pets” Lesson 17. Turtle (Modeling from plasticine) Program content. Learn to combine plasticine and natural materials in crafts. Develop speech, thinking, fine motor skills fingers.Handouts. Half a shell walnut,

From the book Drawing with children 3-4 years old. Class notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Topic of the week: “Wild Animals” Lesson 18. Ladder for a baby squirrel (Plasticine modeling) Program content. Strengthen children's ability to roll out columns and attach their ends to vertical columns. Create a desire to help those in need

From the author's book

Topic of the week: “Wild Birds” Lesson 30. Owl (Plasticine modeling) Program content. Teach children to combine natural materials and plasticine in crafts. Develop perception, attention. Demonstration material. Pictures with half-drawn images of birds (without a wing,

From the author's book

Topic of the week: “Wild Animals” Lesson 35. Who lives in the winter forest? (Drawing with gouache) Program content. Learn to complement the winter landscape with forest inhabitants. Strengthen the ability to draw animals by passing them on characteristic features. Practice observing relative

From the author's book

Topic of the week: “Pets” Lesson 37. Baby goat (Hatching “loop” with felt-tip pens) Program content. Continue to learn to outline the silhouette of an animal on four legs, conveying its pose and structure. Introduce a new method of image transmission -

From the author's book

Topic of the week: “Pets” Lesson 17. Pig and kitten (Colored paper. Collective application from prepared parts of the object) Program content. Teach children to compose a whole object from parts, carefully stick on appliqué parts; bring the product to

From the author's book

Theme of the week “Wild birds” Lesson 30. Swan (Appliqué from dried leaves) Program content. Continue to teach children to create their intended object from dried leaves; bring the product to the desired image. Learn to describe a bird based on a picture. Develop

From the author's book

Topic of the week: “Pets” Lesson 17. Baby goat (Finger painting. Gouache) Goal. Continue teaching children to draw dots with their fingers, placing them close to each other. Learn to analyze and understand the content of a poem. Develop fine motor skills of the hands. Learn

From the author's book

Topic of the week: “Wild Animals” Lesson 18. Hare in the snow (Pokes with a hard, semi-dry brush. Gouache) Goal. Teach children to poke with a hard, semi-dry brush inside the outline. Develop the ability to listen to a nursery rhyme and imitate the movements of a hare along the text. Give an idea of ​​life

From the author's book

Topic of the week: “Wild Birds” Lesson 30. Swan (Palm drawing. Gouache) Goal. Continue introducing children to palm typing techniques. Learn to add details to an image using a brush. Develop imagination. Demonstration material. Subject picture with

Applications for children are one of the most favorite games and fun. But it’s by playing that the little ones learn! They gradually become accustomed to the world of colors and shapes. And they also get satisfaction from the fact that they themselves, with their own hands, can create beauty. And if parents want to help their child, we will give you ideas for appliqué made from colored paper.

What we can offer:

  • Schemes and stencils for applications of different figures: flowers, animals, insects and fairy-tale characters.
  • Let's show you how entertaining they can be unconventional techniques applications.
  • And, of course, we will give you a lot of positive emotions! We are sure you will have fun with us!

And most importantly, all these children's applications for toddlers different ages. And in one year the child will be interested in playing, and the older one will enjoy this activity. Why? Because we have prepared a collection that includes applications for children with different abilities.

Who said that plot application is difficult? Even the younger group can cope with some types of applications. Now we will create a beautiful basket with flowers in it.

What we may need for the application:

  • Colored thin paper;
  • Cardboard;
  • Pencil;
  • Stencils;
  • Glue.
  1. If possible, draw a basket, there is no way to draw it, then you can print it from our website. Choose the color yourself, just remember that there will be flowers on her, and she is the background for them.

    Glue the basket to a thicker paper base or cardboard. Then our difficult volumetric paper applique will hold firmly. Starts to create.

  2. Using a stencil, cut out circles from a sheet of paper. A stencil can be different objects: small cups, coins, round bottles, cups. We take paper of bright colors, since the pictures should be colorful and joyful. Just the right entertainment for children 2-3 years old, exactly what they love.

  3. Place a pencil on the colored part, in the middle of the circle, and wrap paper around it. In order for us to get out voluminous applications, it is enough to even slightly press the circles against the rod.

  4. Without removing the pencil, dip the center of the future bell or orchid into glue and press it with a pencil. You can continue and stick a second circle of smaller diameter into the very center in the same way to create voluminous poppies and daisies.


Applications for the little ones are creativity, where the abilities of even the tiniest fidget are taken into account. And this example with the “hedgehog” is just right for toddlers who, by the age of three, still cannot cut and glue, but they will be great at participating in the work. How?

  1. There are two options for preparing to make this applique for kids.

    First. We trace the baby's palm on a sheet of black or brown paper. Cut it out. Glue it. Four palms will be enough.

    Second option. Or we use finger paints. The child dips his palm, and we help him put his palm in this way several times, at different angles in the upward direction, to make a fan.

  2. Cut out something like a boat from paper of the same color. This is the body and nose of the hedgehog (cut out a small circle and glue the “nose” to the edge of the muzzle).

  3. We place the body under the “needles”.

  4. You can draw a mouth and an eye, or make semicircles from red and white paper. Don't forget about the pupils.

  5. Paper applications would be incomplete without a plot. We come up with a story with the baby. Our hedgehog is coming from the forest, so we’ll cut out and glue his “prey”: an apple and a mushroom.

  6. We complement the paper appliqué with small black paws.

Volumetric ladybug

This application is perfect for children 3-4 years old. It is very easy to make.

Application execution sequence:

Flower meadow

This clearing is an application for the younger group for children 4 years old. It can be any size and color. And several kids can work on it together at the same time. It is only important for each of them to indicate his area of ​​​​work.

Lesson in 3 stages:

Little funny chicken

You can prepare holiday cards in a very original way. The application will help with this preparatory group.

You need to cut out the following parts:


Kids think abstractly; for them, such a trifle as the color or shape of a character does not matter if his image conveys child-like emotions. But how can you make an applique just like this so that your baby feels a kindred spirit? Here's a great example of this!

Meet Tsypa! He has:

  • Body - square;
  • Eye – 2 circles (black and white, and a little more white);
  • Beak - triangle;
  • The paws are also triangular;
  • The wing is a semicircle;
  • Tuft - crescent.

Now, trust the little one, let him choose what color will be! Explain what each figure means and why the bird needs it. Isn't that interesting? So, finding the right stencils for applications is already a game. All that remains is to glue everything together!


Let's complicate the task. We have to help the children learn how to make an applique panel. There are many details that are both a background and an independent part of the picture. The central part is the mischievous face of the smiling Sun.

Leave the work on your kitten's smile. Or you can print ready-made faces:

And start preparing yellow, golden and orange circles of different sizes.

We assemble a picture on a blue background.

You can stick circles in the form of rays, or in a circle, the main thing is to alternate their colors. The Sun itself will be placed in the middle of the panel.


Probably, a broken applique is the sweetest and most tender thing you can imagine. She just looks so fluffy that I can’t believe it was all created. The torn applique achieves this effect due to small uneven parts assembled into one composition.

  • Background. There are 2 simple ways create it.
    1) decorate the cardboard with paints;
    2) or, take colored paper and glue it to a more durable base.
    And you can decorate and glue from one, two or more colors.
  • Vase. Any shape and color is cut out and glued to the background sheet.
  • Stems and leaves. A broken applique will look even more delicate if you use corrugated paper for minor parts of the picture, such as leaves and stems. Cut out thin strips and small leaves. We glue the stems immediately.

  • Lilac. It is very true when the inflorescences, consisting of many small flowers, are made in the style of broken appliqué. This will allow you to depict flowers more realistically.

    First we determine the shape and size of the inflorescences. Cut out the silhouette of each of them from a colored napkin. Attach above the stem.

    Cut the napkins into small squares. We crumple some of them. Others - we tear into several parts before crumpling them up. This is a material for crafts in the cut-out applique format.

    Lubricate the silhouette of the inflorescences with glue. We press each lump against the silhouette, tightly collecting one against the other, so that there is no gap between them.

  • The finishing touches. Leaves and volume. Add leaves to the composition.

    And now, so that the broken applique acquires volume, in watercolor, in the color of the inflorescences, only a little darker or lighter in tone, we make a few strokes directly on top of the flowers.

    The work is done, all that remains is to admire the result and praise the kid for his ideas and work!


These are not just flowers, but a structure that will stand. In this case, we will make all parts of the plant. The flowers themselves, leaves and stems. This simple application middle group The kids will get the hang of it very quickly.

  1. We fold the green leaf in half so that the colored part is on the outside. Edge to edge. We secure them. It is very important not to bend it too much, just run your hand lightly in the middle.

  2. Now you can make cuts from the middle to the edges of the sheet, not reaching the edge by approximately 1.5-2 cm.

  3. We roll the sheet into a tube and fasten its corners at the bottom one to the other. This results in a stable structure. We slightly spread the “petals” of the bouquet at the top.

  4. It will not be difficult to cut out flowers of different colors. They will be nicely decorated with centers that can be made round, heart-shaped, and even triangular or square.

  5. We attach the flowers to the edges of the stems at the top. The bouquet is ready, you can give it as a gift!


We did with you greeting cards, an invitation to a celebration, paintings and even memories of your little one’s childhood. But now we'll try to do Christmas tree toy.

And since it consists of two bases and 16 circles, we print out templates for applications, this will allow you to quickly, and without delaying preparatory work, move on to designing a toy.

Read more about blanks. The basis is 2 circles of the same size, drawn as a figure eight. The additional circles are equal in diameter to those in the base.
We also need a rope 4 times the length of the base. And decorative beads.


Polyana is a multi-composition appliqué in kindergarten for children 5-6 years old. Here we will get acquainted with models that need to be made first, and only then fixed to the base. Volumetric types of applications are made with such an original sample.

Our base is blue cardboard. This is heaven. The sun is shining. The grass grows and flowers bloom in it. And butterflies and dragonflies flutter above them. All parts are made of accordion-folded paper.

  • Grass. We fold a strip 5 cm wide and 2 times longer than the bottom of the base like an accordion. Cut off the top (approx. 1 cm) at an acute angle. Glue the strip.

  • Flower. We fold a long strip 3-5 cm wide and turn it in a circle so as to connect the edges. We secure them. The flower is ready. We make several of these products in different colors.

    Don't forget about the stems (glued strips) and leaves (accordions in half).

  • Butterfly. Cut off and round the edges of a sheet of paper. Fold crosswise like an accordion. We do the same with a sheet of smaller size and a different color.

    We connect 2 sheets in the middle with a strip. We secure them. Spread the wings.

  • Sun. Cover the top corner with a yellow triangle. We attach a corrugated strip along its edge, creating rays.
  • Dragonfly. Cut out 2 blanks from a plain sheet. One is in the form of a figure eight, the second is a droplet. Glue a droplet to the base and next to it a figure eight so that between its circles we place corrugated wings fastened in the middle.
  • The clearing came to life and bloomed to the delight of the children.

A collection of applique master classes + interesting ideas

It's nice to know that things made by children different types appliques, such as appliqué made from torn paper or corrugated material, are a good memory. And irrefutable evidence that our little ones have talent. The child is developing. And we help him with this.

For the successful all-round development of a child, activities to develop fine motor skills are of great importance. One of the types of such activities is applications made from colored paper, templates for which were developed by methodologists taking into account the characteristics of the age groups of preschoolers.

It is important that the complexity of the task corresponds to the age of the child, that classes are carried out systematically, gradually becoming more difficult, and are carried out under the supervision and assistance of adults.

Paper applications- a creative process through which children learn the world around us and acquire many skills. In addition to the development of fine motor skills of the hands, this includes coordination of movements, the study of colors and their combinations, the concept of composition, familiarity with various materials and textures, the development of observation, imagination and fantasy.

Working on an application in a team promotes organization, restraint, and accuracy. It is also necessary to note the development of spatial imagination: when doing appliqué, children create a whole from several components and, conversely, learn to divide the whole into parts.

Scientists have proven that in the cerebral cortex, the center responsible for fine motor skills is located next to the speech center and contributes to the development of speech skills.

Types of applications according to the template

There are three main types of application:

  • subject - the cut out parts have a simple, clear shape and proportions, an image is created that is not associated with any plot;
  • plot-thematic - correspondence to a certain plot (taken from a fairy tale or invented independently);
  • decorative – decorating postcards and photo frames with patterns of geometric shapes.

Simple applications for children 2-3 years old

Simple applications made from colored paper using templates can be practiced from 2 years old. However, some experts believe that children as young as 1 year can perform feasible tasks.

Initial lessons represent gluing pieces of paper onto a sheet in any form. At this stage, the child must understand and remember the basic actions: spread, turn over, apply, smooth. Kids are still attracted to the process itself; they will strive for the result later.

At the second level of complexity, templates are used. The child must place the elements also chaotically, but within the contour, and a certain image appears.

Application template from colored paper “Hedgehog”

A template is a schematic image of a future picture, drawn or printed on a printer. Simple templates for applications made from colored paper can include, for example, a Christmas tree with balls, a tree with apples, and others.

For such work, you need to prepare elements: balls, apples, etc. The child must determine for himself how to arrange them on the templates.

Palm tree applique template
Flower applique template

For small children, it will be interesting to perform a simple cut-out appliqué. The child watches the adult tear the paper into long strips, then tears them into shreds himself. These pieces need to fill the outline.

If the child wants to tear the paper himself, then these uneven, awkward strips can also be used to create an applique, for example, grass. Ants are drawn using finger paints.

Further, the task becomes more complicated: you need to hit the element on a specific place in the template or drawn outline. So, using cut out circles, an image of a caterpillar is created. At this stage, children are no longer interested only in the process, but also in the result.

When making appliqués from colored paper using templates and contours with children under 3 years of age, prepared cut out elements are used.

A three-year-old child can already be taught the skills of working with scissors with rounded ends.

At the same time, it is necessary to explain how to properly hold scissors and paper so as not to get hurt. You need to start with straight cuts, then work on bends and roundings.

At this age, children are already able to create simple plot pictures. Elements pasted onto the template allow you to create a specific image.

The background for the application can be a drawn outline with partially drawn elements. For example, children can populate a template aquarium with algae and stones at the bottom with inhabitants: fish, jellyfish, etc.

Interesting activity there may be connection and gluing of the cut picture. If a child copes with such a task easily, it is recommended to complicate it: add raindrops to the umbrella, glue windows to the house with an attached roof. Such activities develop imagination, observation, and a sense of proportion.

Applications for children 4-5 years old

At this age, colored paper applications and templates for them become more complex. By preparing, together with an adult, elements for a future picture, the child shows more independence: cuts, selects colors and, thus, gains an understanding of composition.

Such activities develop logical thinking, allows you to show creative inclinations.

For children 4-5 years old, a fun activity is making cards, which they then give to their parents and friends.

The base is folded in half and elements are glued inside the postcard to form a plot picture.

The templates developed by specialists are only examples indicating the direction of work.

Parents and educators can contribute their ideas. For example, using a cut out outline of a baby’s palm in an applique – such pictures evoke amazement and delight in children.

Applications with palm

The technique of appliqué using only circles reveals for the child the relationship between the parts and the whole.

When developing a child’s creative imagination, you should show him various techniques for working with paper: for example, folding it in the shape of an accordion. For such a picture you need to prepare a base and draw contours. The gluing process also becomes more complicated.

Complex applications for children 6-7 years old

Children of senior preschool and primary school age already have certain skills.

Practicing appliqué work from colored paper using templates during this period helps further develop fine motor skills, thinking, memory and concentration, and develops the ability to plan one’s activities.

An important circumstance is that the child foresees the final result of his work.

At this age, children develop the skill of cutting out individual parts and solid silhouettes, symmetrical elements from paper folded in half, as well as the ability to create compositions and correctly arrange their individual parts on a base.

At this stage, children study color combinations, analyze and compare details. The texture of the material also becomes varied: in addition to ordinary colored paper, creped (“crumpled”), streaked (glossy), textured (embossed or imitating velvet), and foil are used.

During this period, you can move on to volumetric symmetrical compositions.

To complete this task, templates (clouds, balloons) are cut in the usual way. Next, two identical templates are folded in the center and fastened together (can be sewn). The prepared elements are glued to the base.

To make a three-dimensional bird, the template is folded in half and glued together, except for the wings, which are folded along the dotted line.

The resulting result can be pasted with one side and a wing onto the base (in the form of an applique) or turned into a craft by tying it to a thread and hanging it on a branch.

Having mastered the basics of composition at the previous stages, children 6-7 years old are able to create entire paintings - landscapes, still lifes, using ready-made templates for appliqués from colored paper or making them with the help of a teacher or parents.

Applications using a disposable plate

Disposable plates are a convenient material with which you can create original and beautiful compositions. Made of polystyrene or cardboard, of different colors, with different embossed patterns, they can be both the basis for an applique and elements for it.

You can involve children with disabilities in making applications from colored paper on a disposable plate using templates. younger age. On a prepared colored background, children arrange simple elements in the form of a pattern.

A more complicated option is to use two or more colors for the background and more complex elements. Children 6-7 years old create thematic compositions on plates or use them as material for individual elements.

Examples of gradually more complex appliqués on plates:

Combined applications

When making appliqués from colored paper, the patterns can be diversified by combining different materials.

Cereal applications

This type of application can be done even with small children. The algorithm of work is as follows: an adult applies glue to the prepared drawing, the child sprinkles cereal on it and lightly presses it with his finger.

The remaining grains that are not glued need to be shaken off. This activity instills attentiveness and accuracy in the child.

Older children can use different types of cereals. In this case, the glue is applied one by one to individual areas. To make the picture more colorful, it is recommended to pre-tint the cereal with gouache. different colors. You can use your child’s own drawing as a template; this will stimulate him and inspire him.

Button applications

To perform such an application you need preliminary preparation. After studying the drawing and choosing colors, the child, with the help of adults, selects buttons that match the color and size. Then you should lay them out in a picture to visualize the desired result, and begin gluing.

For younger children who do not yet have the necessary skills, you can apply a drawing according to a template on a layer of plasticine - the child will attach the buttons by pressing. This technique is also applicable when working with cereals.

For combined applications, cotton wool, napkins, eggshells, natural materials– leaves, petals, seeds and much more.

Multilayer applications

Multilayer (overlay) applications made of colored paper or other materials are made using templates designed or made independently.

This kind of work develops spatial imagination and cultivates aesthetic taste. They are made from paper, fabric, leather, felt - the main thing is that the edges of the material do not fray.

Multilayer applications, like other varieties, come in varying degrees of complexity. For little ones, this is a simple matter of gluing parts on top of each other. By fastening elements only on one edge, you can create a three-dimensional effect.

More complex appliqués have more details and require good scissor skills and a sense of proportion and color.

Older children, with developed fine motor skills and the skills to make complex parts, create real works of art - unusual compositions and even portraits. Light and shadow effects give them special color.

Multilayer appliqué is a truly creative process in which the child’s imagination and artistic abilities are revealed. It is necessary to think through the image, color scheme, and sequence of action, so this type of work requires a certain level of intelligence.

Piece applications

Appliqués made from cut or torn pieces of colored paper using templates are quite simple and can be done even by small children. You need to apply a drawing to the base sheet. In addition to ready-made templates, you can use children's coloring books or come up with a sketch yourself.

The production of appliqué elements is carried out together with the child - small children happily tear the paper into pieces. If you already have skills in working with scissors, you can allow these elements to be cut out.

Important detail: than younger child, the larger the fragments should be.

Having picked up required colors, you can start gluing. The glue is applied not to small parts, but to the template, in sections.

When working with children, this process is carried out by an adult; older children themselves apply the glue with a brush. When gluing pieces of paper, the child must accurately fall into the outline.

A type of applique made from pieces is trimming. This technique is quite complicated, but children 6-7 years old are quite capable of it, especially with teamwork.

To master the cutting technique, teachers and parents are offered master classes on this topic.

Autumn themed applications

The bright colors of autumn make it possible to create colorful pictures of autumn nature. For applications on this topic it is used as colored paper, and natural materials: colorful leaves, petals of late flowers, seeds, spikelets, twigs and other objects.

When making autumn-themed applications from colored paper using templates and in a free composition, the main attributes are preserved - flowers, mushrooms, fruits, acorns, and tree silhouettes are cut out and painted. An obligatory component is autumn leaves.

When working with natural material, you need to prepare it. The collected leaves must first be leveled and dried under pressure. If the leaf needs to be given any shape, then a fresh leaf is used for this, which is then dried.

For collages and mosaic paintings, you can prepare cardboard templates onto which the elements are glued.

Autumn nature is fertile ground for the flight of children's imagination. Leaf applications placed in a photo frame will decorate any interior.

Spectacular decoration There will also be autumn lanterns. To do this, the outside of the glass vessel is covered with multi-colored leaves (paper or natural), and a small candle is placed inside.

Winter themed applications

To create winter and, in particular, New Year's applications Any of the described techniques is used, depending on the age of the children.

The most common type of winter applique is snowflakes - this is a subtype of silhouette type applique. It is recommended to fold the sheet correctly, trim the edge and sharp corner, and make cuts on plain paper first - this is how the skill is developed.

In addition, pendants made of such snowflakes decorate the room. Thin, airy snowflakes can be glued to windows and other surfaces.

For small children, it is better to prepare templates (circles with an outline) and make a broken snowflake from pieces. For flat, voluminous, multi-layer snowflakes, you need to prepare patterns for cutting.

To make a traditional Christmas tree, kids use triangles from green paper, a snowman is made from white circles, and a teacher or parent helps add details to the applique.

Older children can be asked to make a Christmas tree from strips of paper or create a picture of a winter forest using templates using small pieces of paper or cotton wool.

A Christmas tree made of paper balls looks bright and voluminous. For this purpose, a template and elements are made from crepe paper. The main color is dark green; multi-colored balls are made for the garland.

Interesting application depicting winter accessories allows children to show their creative imagination.

The hat and mittens can be decorated with any ornament, animal figures, winter pictures, beads or rhinestones.

Cotton wool is used to imitate fur.

Using a disposable plate, you can make a polar bear mask craft. Holes are cut out in the plate for eyes, the surface is covered with pieces of paper, and a disposable cup is used for the nose.

Senior preschoolers and students junior classes are able, under the guidance of adults, to create complex winter landscapes using mixed techniques.

Spring themed applications

Snowdrops and lilies of the valley, starlings and flowering trees– these signs of spring are traditionally used in children's applications made from colored paper using templates. The little ones perform simple tasks, placing prepared elements on the contours. These same images can be complicated by adding pictures spring nature.

More complex compositions - voluminous, multi-layered, with a large number of elements - are created by children who have the skills to work with glue, scissors, a brush and use different techniques.

Lilacs in a vase made of cereals, a spring picture using drawing and appliqué techniques - these and many other ideas are offered by experts to parents and educators for educational activities with children.

Application is visual activity. Having achieved the desired result, the child experiences aesthetic pleasure, thereby joining the world of beauty, the world of art. A simple and child-friendly way to create artwork makes applique one of the favorite types of educational activities with children.

Good health and all the best to everyone! With you Tatyana Sukhikh and the continuation of what I hope is an interesting topic for you: animal appliqué. Perhaps some of my readers are bored with the topic fine arts in kindergarten, but I am a teacher and write about what is close and familiar to me.

It is impossible to imagine a kindergarten where applique classes would not be held. Skills in using scissors and glue are extremely necessary for a child to fully develop. I hope my words don’t seem meaningless to anyone anymore?

It happens that some parents express thoughts about the uselessness of creative activities. Can you imagine? They think that in kindergarten we teach kids to draw, sculpt, and carve just so that they have something to do. No, no and again – no! Creativity is extremely important for children; it gives a feeling of freedom, fullness, courage, and great opportunities.

In addition, by doing art, the child improves brain function; we remember this if we want the child to be successful in life.

I like to find useful materials in your favorite stores and share with you, friends.

So, on our topic, “OZON.RU” offers many “useful things” for teachers and parents who want to teach children the art of appliqué.

There is a large selection of thematic literature and creativity kits: teaching aids, convenient kits with detailed instructions.

You can buy ready-made stickers and create your own application - both the youngest and older children will like it. They sell colorful books with entertaining stories, in the illustrations of which you can paste some element. By reading a book to your child, you simultaneously train his fine motor skills. Convenient and useful, isn't it?

To help educators and advanced parents, I offer training manuals from UchMag:

“Funny applique” by Y. Kozlova - here are 17 themes for applique classes in kindergarten and at home. The material is informative and interesting, the author wonderfully substantiates the need to engage in creativity with children.

The didactic set of the “Master Samodelkin” series consists of 8 cards and 8 templates, supplemented methodological recommendations about conducting classes with preschoolers. This can be a great help for parents - it clearly and simply describes how and what to cut out to get the intended applique.

Lords of scissors and paper...

When inviting children to cut out figures from paper, fabric, dry leaves, etc., it is important to interest them in an interesting plot.

In kindergarten, we always prepare a whole backstory, for example, we read a fairy tale or listen to a recording, look at pictures, sing songs, read poems on a topic that is in tune with the theme of the application.

Children today cannot imagine life without a TV, so take advantage of it. Let’s say you watched a cartoon about Luntik, and here’s a theme for creativity – animal appliqué. For children, depicting the animal world is their favorite activity.

If your child already knows basic geometric shapes, it will be easier for you to teach him how to cut out blanks. So, when you decide to make a figurine, show it in the picture and discuss with your child what elements it consists of. Look for schematic images that are more easily divided into ovals, triangles, circles, etc.

In general, in the younger group we only give children the opportunity to paste ready-made elements onto the background. It can be as simple as sticking a face on a matryoshka blank, gluing a bird or birdhouse on a tree, etc.

The middle group is already picking up scissors. Children learn to cut paper into strips, and then we begin to cut out simple elements. Application of geometric shapes is the next step in teaching preschoolers.

It is difficult for children to cut out smooth lines, so first we make compositions from squares, triangles and rectangles. In order to get round parts, you can use available items as templates - caps from bottles, doll dishes, etc.

Application methods

Often, as I have already said, the theme of creative activities is the depiction of animals from hot countries. It is easier to “disassemble” them into components from geometric shapes. Take, for example, a giraffe - you can imagine it as a large oval, rectangles instead of legs and neck, triangular ears on an oval head. The spots on the skin can be made into any shape that children can cut out.

There are good tutorials on how to make paper appliqué using geometric shapes. Any animal can be made from circles, triangles, squares! So, an elephant is a large oval with a round head and ears, rectangles instead of legs. Remember that children perceive purely schematic images, so you should not try too hard to achieve realism.

If you are planning an application “Wild Animals” for children junior group, then they can only add some detail to the workpiece. To diversify your technique, use different materials: threads as an animal’s whiskers, tail, cotton wool as fur, peas as eyes, etc.

The topic “Animals of Hot Countries” (senior group) may be more complex. I really like natural materials for applique. They can be used in different ways. Whole leaves are pasted onto a graphic image of the animal as separate element– horns, head, other details are completed.

By the way, if the applique is dedicated to the theme of pets, you can take maple leaves and adjust them to the shape of the cat’s head - the sharp tips of the leaves are very reminiscent of cat ears. You can paint a cat's face right on the leaf!

In spring, many flowers bloom, which are also quite suitable for creating appliqués of animals and other figures. Nature gives us interesting material that can awaken imagination and creativity!