Octopus knitting pattern for premature babies. How knitted octopuses and socks help premature babies Octopuses for premature babies crochet pattern

12 years ago my triplets were born. Born premature. Even though they weighed 2500 each. But they were breathing with difficulty. Seryoga was placed under an artificial respiration apparatus, and Sanya and Mashutka were placed in special incubators. They didn’t let me breastfeed - they were weak. Therefore, they received nutrition through a tube. You understand, there are a lot of different wiring. In the arm, in the head (since the veins are stronger there). At the baby's grasp reflex, even in newborns. So the children actively grabbed the tubes, pulled them out... The nurses inserted them again. For the mother it was pure hell. Such a baby - and such games. But what to do?

The other day, my friend Anya Kapustina, the mother of newborn twins, found an article on the Internet and showed it to me. It turns out that in 2013, one mother from Denmark, quite by accident, by some inner inspiration, knitted a miracle toy for her premature baby girl - an octopus. The toy was placed in the incubator, and the girl began to fiddle with the toy’s paws, imagining that it was her mother’s umbilical cord. She calmed down and began to gain weight and develop better.

The results surprised all the doctors. Based on the sensors and examination, it could be stated that the baby’s breathing became calmer and returned to normal. In addition, the mother’s mental state itself has improved. When she saw the baby clamping a bright toy in the incubator, tears of joy appeared in my eyes. To my mother, it also reminded me of the baby’s connection with her umbilical cord.

Doctors from other hospitals became interested in this topic. And not only in Denmark, but also in Holland, Sweden, Belgium. And with this year in other countries on different continents, premature babies began to receive such toys. Volunteers took on the role of manufacturers. It is surprising that abroad the movement of volunteer assistants is very tied to hospitals. Old grandmothers and grandchildren gather in their apartments to knit hats, toys, socks and mittens as gifts for newborns. A friend of mine was in a German clinic: she was simply overwhelmed with socks and hats. There are very few of them in our hospitals.

In foreign maternity hospitals, in the delivery room, newborns are immediately put on self made cap. It's very touching that someone cared. And it’s very nice for the grandmothers who knitted. Their work is needed! A thing associated with love is much more expensive than a purchased one.

Octopuses came to Russia from Ukraine. A year ago, active calls began on social networks to knit such amulets for volunteers. The action was supported by the most popular doctor in Russia and Ukraine - Komarovsky. On his Facebook page, he published a link to the May conference of neonatologists. There the question was raised about the benefits of such a toy. In 45 out of 50 cases, toys helped and provided good dynamics.

Therefore, journalist Anastasia Lushnikova and I decided to hold an action in our city. They sent out a cry through social networks. And after 3 days our wonderful mothers made 10 octopuses.

The main thing is that the call was supported by the chief physician of the perinatal center, Andrei Pavlov. He also believes that such toys help in the rehabilitation of children. If it weren’t for Andrei Pavlov’s support, we would have received a huge volume of letters to the regional health care center about the need for the project. Things would stand still...

Many people worry about the sterility of toys. But we understand that in large centers where there is super equipment, disinfecting toys, like diapers and baby vests, is not a problem. So don't be afraid of anything with this question. To knit a toy, it is better to buy a hook 2.5 -3, cotton thread (the filler should be holofiber). It is better to use nylon threads for fastening and the inner bag. A diagram of how to knit an octopus can be seen here http://bit.ly/ranenko and here https://vk.com/public102498226

By the way, such a toy is also useful for full-term babies. After all, the child takes it in his hands and imitates the connection with his mother’s umbilical cord, plus he develops fine motor skills. This is what mommy from Denmark Oksana Bulavskaya wrote in response to my call to knit such a toy: “We live in Denmark. 1.5 months ago we had a baby. During childbirth he got an infection, and we were in the hospital together for a week. The child was given an antibiotic and milk, which I expressed, through a tube. But from time to time the baby broke the probe, and they gave him an octopus that felt like an umbilical cord.”

If you know how to knit, join us!

Dear friends, if you know how to knit, let's do a good deed. The perinatal center and newborn premature babies really need hats, mittens and socks. After all, almost all premature babies have jaundice and then have to lie under a blue lamp for a long time. Legs and arms freeze.

You can leave toys and socks at the guardhouse of the Regional Palace of Pioneers (1 Constitution Street). With the note: “for Daria Mosunova. Promotion "Octopuses". And we will donate everything to the city’s maternity hospitals. We will be glad if other Russian cities support the action. Heads of maternity hospitals and simply active people will read this text and conduct a master class in their city.

These knitted octopuses are considered useful for newborns and premature babies.

To knit an octopus we will need:

  • a little cotton yarn of one or two colors for the octopus itself, as well as white and black (or another dark) for the eyes,
  • suitable hook (I have No. 2),
  • hypoallergenic filler (I have synthetic fluff),
  • piece of cotton jersey

In this work we use the following notations:

VP - air loop

RLS - single crochet

СС - connecting post

2СБНв1 - 2 single crochets knitted in one column of the previous row (increase)

2СБНtogether - 2 single crochets knitted together (decrease)

First, let's knit the lower part of the octopus. We start knitting with a ring in which we make the first 6 sc. You can use an amigurumi ring to start knitting. I do this: we knit 3VP (the first of them will be the base loop, and the other two will be the lifting loops), we knit 5SC into the first of them, and connect it into a ring using a SS. We got the first row of six columns.

Knitting goes in circles. Each row starts with two air loops lifting (replacing the first single crochet) and ends by closing the row into a ring using a connecting post.

1st row - 6СБН

The lower part is ready, fasten the thread, cut it and proceed to the main part.

1st row - 6СБН

Row 2 - 2 sc in each column of the previous row (we get 12 sc)

3rd row -*1СБН, 2СБНв1* 6 times (we get 18СБН)

4th row -*2СБН, 2СБНв1* 6 times (we get 24СБН)

5th row -*3СБН, 2СБНв1* 6 times (we get 30СБН)

6th row -*4СБН, 2СБНв1* 6 times (we get 36СБН)

Row 7 -*5СБН, 2СБНв1* 6 times (we get 42СБН)

Having reached the desired diameter, we knit several rows without increments

8-12 row - 42СБН

Now we start narrowing

Row 13 - *5СБН, 2СБНtogether* 6 times (we get 36СБН)

14-16 - 36СБН

Row 17 - *4СБН, 2СБНtogether* 6 times (we get 30СБН)

18-19 row - 30СБН

Row 20 - *3СБН, 2СБНtogether* 6 times (we get 24СБН)

21-22 row - 24СБН

Let's stop here, don't break the thread. Now you need to stuff the part. If you do not knit very tightly and are afraid that the filling may come out to the surface when washing or using the toy, sew a bag from cotton jersey in the shape of an octopus. Fill this bag with stuffing and sew it up. And only then insert this bag into the knitted piece.

Now you need to connect the main and lower parts. To do this, we combine them and knit one row in a circle with single crochets, simultaneously picking up the loops of both parts.

This is the detail we got.

Now let's start knitting the tentacles. We attach yarn of a different color to the last row of the main part, making 50 air loops. Then in each of the loops of this chain (starting from the second in a row from the working loop) we make 2 sc. Our chain will begin to twist into a spiral.

Returning to the beginning of the chain, we make 3 sc in the last row of the main part and knit the next chain of VP... And so on in a circle, you will get 8 such spirals.

This is what the bottom of the octopus and tentacles look like.

Now let's close our eyes. Using black (or other dark) thread we will make 1 circular row - 6 sc in the ring. Second row - with white thread: 2 sc in each column of the previous row (we get 12 sc)

We leave the thread longer and use it to sew the eye to the octopus using small hidden stitches. We knit and sew the second eye in the same way.

And now our octopus is ready! Size of the resulting toy: 13 cm (body 6 cm)

  • use cotton yarn, it is hypoallergenic and can be washed in hot water. Wool can leave lint on the baby's arms, and it can also behave inappropriately when washing. For the same reason, do not use wool for stuffing, only hypoallergenic synthetic filler that is not afraid of water and high temperature.
  • Do not sew (and especially do not glue) small hard parts, beads, buttons to the toy... The toy must be safe.
  • If you do not use a knitted bag for filling, knit it as tightly and carefully as possible. The knitted fabric must have no gaps or holes.
  • The size of the toy will depend on the thickness of the yarn, the selected hook size and the density of your knitting. If you understand that the toy is too big, shorten the rows with increases - for example, stop at the diameter of the part not 42СБН, but 36СБН. Accordingly, the number of rows with decreases will decrease. Also, if the tentacles turn out to be too long, reduce the number of air loops in the chain.

Happy knitting! And let your octopus warm and calm your baby!

A little about the history of the project" Miracle Octopuses"

Miracle octopuses first appeared in Denmark, where one mother knitted such a mascot for her child, who was born ahead of schedule. The result surprised everyone: the child became calmer and his breathing returned to normal. Unusual “amulets” help babies during rehabilitation and nursing. Doctors see similarities between the shape of the octopus' tentacles and the umbilical cord. The child, holding the tentacles in his hand, feels the security that he experienced while in the womb.
Miracle octopuses are needed and help in the nursing process.
A very common problem among all prematurely born babies during nursing is the tearing out of the tube through which the baby is fed. Active children constantly try to pull it out and it happens that nurses are forced to insert the tube several times a day, thereby causing significant anxiety to the child. By holding onto the octopus' tentacles, the child is much less likely to pull out the probe.
For older children with neurological disorders, doctors offer octopuses for classes to develop fine motor skills, and, as practice shows, many of the children calm down and relax.

History of the creation of the toy

In 2013, a woman in Denmark gave birth to a premature baby girl, whom doctors were forced to nurse in special conditions in the hospital. The baby was placed in an incubator, where tubes and probes were connected to her, which the baby constantly fiddled with and even pulled out. Doctors had to constantly adjust them, which brought discomfort to the child and once again injured him.

The girl’s mother often visited her daughter and once brought her with her own hand knitted toy- a small colored octopus. The effect amazed everyone! To the surprise of the staff, the child became much calmer, breathing returned to the desired rhythm, the baby no longer tugged at the probes, his hands tightly squeezed the spiral-shaped tentacles of the octopus, which resemble the shape of an umbilical cord. The girl felt the security to which she had become accustomed in the womb, and recovered faster.

The practice of using such a toy was widely introduced in other countries - Holland, Belgium, Sweden, Ukraine and even Russia.
There are entire volunteer centers through which anyone who wants to help can donate handmade items to maternity hospitals: toys, hats, socks for children born prematurely. Watch a video about the history of the creation of the miracle octopus for premature babies:


The therapeutic toy has a range of beneficial properties:
* Octopuses are very practical. Newborns have a pronounced grasping reflex.
When a toy lies nearby in the incubator, small fingers tug at and hold not vital tubes and wires, but toy tentacles, reminiscent of an umbilical cord in tactile sensations.

* The product calms the child, he relaxes faster and feels protected.

* Constant contact with the toy develops fine motor skills, which means that the child develops and gets better faster.

* The positive effect also applies to the mother of the baby, because after birth premature baby Parents often feel guilty, anxious, uneasy and worried. A toy associated with love distracts the mother from painful thoughts, she sees how the child grows and develops.

Important! A knitted octopus for a newborn should be absolutely simple, as safe as possible and without unnecessary decorations and details.

To knit a safe product for children, you need to consider several important points:

Threads must be of high quality and 100% cotton. The head size should be 4.5-10 cm in circumference, and the tentacles should be 20 cm.

The knitting should be tight, and the filler should be in a special bag.

As a filler, it is better to use hypoallergenic holofiber that can withstand a washing temperature of 60 degrees.

All parts should be sewn tightly; buttons and small parts should not be used.

How to knit with your own hands? What will you need?

To make an octopus you will need:

Yarn for the main part, dark and white for the eyes.

Hook No. 2 or No. 2.5.

Cotton fabric from which the stuffing bag will be sewn.

Sequence of work and knitting pattern

To read the diagram clearly, you should understand the conditional abbreviations:
1- SC – single crochet.
2 - 2 SC in 1 – 2 single crochets knitted in one column of the previous row (increase).
3 - 2 SC together – 2 single crochets knitted together (decrease).

Bottom part

Attention! Knitting should begin with a ring into which the first 6 stbn are made.

Knitting goes in circles.
Each row begins with two chain stitches, which replace the first single crochet, and ends with the row being closed into a ring using a connecting stitch.

The rows are indicated by Roman numerals:
I – 6 StBN.
II – 2 Stbn in each column of the previous row = 12 Stbn.
III -1 sc, 2 sc together1 6 times = 18 sc.
IV -2 StBN, 2 StBN in 1 6 r. = 24 StBN. When the bottom part is ready, you need to secure and trim the end of the yarn.

Main part

I – 6 StBN.
II – 2 sc in each st. previous row = 12 Stbn.
III -1 StBN, 2 StBN in 1 6 r. = 18 StBN.
IV – 2 StBN, 2 StBN in 1 6 r. = 24 StBN.
V – 3 StBN, 2 StBN in 1 6 r. = 30 StBN.
VI – 4 StBN, 2 StBNv1 6 r. = 36 StBN.
VII -5 StBN, 2 StBNv1 6 r. = 42 StBN.

It can be noted that when the desired diameter is reached, you need to knit several rows without increments.

XIII – 5 StBN, 2 StBN together 6 r. = 36 StBN.
XIV-XVI – 36 StBN. XVII – 4 StBN, 2 StBN together 6 r. = 30 StBN.
XVIII-XIX – 30 StBN. XX – 3 StBN, 2 StBN together 6 r. = 24 StBN.

After completing the rows, there is no need to cut the thread; leave a long end.

Now we prepare everything for stuffing the octopus’s body. You need to sew a small bag from cotton fabric in the shape of the finished part, then fill it with prepared holofiber or synthetic down and sew it up, then insert it into the knitted part.

Connecting parts.

To do this, you need to combine them and knit 1 row of stbn in the round, while not forgetting to pick up the loops of both the first and second parts.


We take the main part and attach the yarn prepared for the tentacles to it, knitting 50 air loops.

Then in each loop, starting from the second, we knit 2 sc.

If everything is done correctly, the knitting will turn out to be spiral-shaped.

The total number of resulting spirals should be eight.


The first row is knitted from black yarn:
one circular row - 6 single crochets.
The second row should be made of white yarn: two single crochets in each column of the previous row, you get 12 sc.
When finished, do not cut the thread; using the long end, firmly sew the finished eye to the head with neat stitches.

To knit the second eye, repeat the same steps.

Watch a video with a master class on creating an octopus for premature babies:

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Making such a simple and sometimes life-saving miracle toy is not at all difficult, and it will bring a lot of benefits.
It will bring peace and joy to the premature baby, and the mother will be able to watch how quickly she is recovering. little baby.

Epidemiologists claim that such a product meets sanitary requirements and can be washed and sterilized.
An octopus can be useful not only for premature babies, but also for all other babies, because with its help they develop fine motor skills, and every child will be happy with such a bright and cute gift.

Premature babies require special care and attention. Their parents are very worried and worried about the development of their babies. Surprisingly, even the simple skill of crocheting can help such defenseless babies born prematurely.

Several years ago, the phenomenon of therapeutic octopus toys for babies born prematurely came into use.

History of the creation of the toy

In 2013, a woman in Denmark gave birth to a premature baby girl, whom doctors were forced to nurse in special conditions in the hospital. The baby was placed in an incubator, where tubes and probes were connected to her, which the baby constantly fiddled with and even pulled out. Doctors had to constantly correct them, which brought discomfort to the child and once again traumatized him.

The girl’s mother often visited her daughter and one day brought her a hand-knitted toy – a small colored octopus. The effect amazed everyone!

To the surprise of the staff, the child became much calmer, breathing returned to the desired rhythm, the baby no longer tugged at the probes, his hands tightly squeezed the spiral-shaped tentacles of the octopus, which resemble the shape of an umbilical cord.

The girl felt the security she was accustomed to in the womb, and was recovering faster.

The practice of using such a toy was widely introduced in other countries - Holland, Belgium, Sweden, Ukraine and even Russia.

There are entire volunteer centers through which Anyone who wants to help can donate handmade items to the maternity hospital: toys, hats, socks for babies born prematurely.

Watch a video about the history of the creation of the miracle octopus:


The therapeutic toy has a number of useful properties:

Important! A knitted octopus for a newborn should be absolutely simple, as safe as possible and without unnecessary decorations and details.

To knit a safe product for children, you need to consider several important points:

  1. Threads must be of high quality and 100% cotton.
  2. The head size should be 4.5-10 cm in circumference, and the tentacles should be 20 cm.
  3. The knitting should be tight, and the filler should be in a special bag.
  4. As a filler, it is better to use hypoallergenic holofiber that can withstand a washing temperature of 60 degrees.
  5. All parts should be sewn tightly; buttons and small parts should not be used.

How to knit with your own hands?

What will you need?

To make an octopus you will need:

  • Yarn for the main part, dark and white for the eyes. 100% cotton is recommended.
  • Filling (holofiber in balls, synthetic fluff).
  • Hook No. 2 or No. 2.5.
  • Cotton fabric from which the stuffing bag will be sewn.

Sequence of work and knitting pattern

To read the diagram clearly, you should understand the conditional abbreviations:

  1. Stbn - single crochet.
  2. 2 sc in 1 – 2 single crochet stitches knitted into one stitch of the previous row (increase).
  3. 2 SC together – 2 single crochets knitted together (decrease).

Bottom part

Attention! Knitting should begin with a ring into which the first 6 stbn are made.

Knitting goes in circles. Each row begins with two chain stitches, which replace the first single crochet, and ends with the row being closed into a ring using a connecting stitch.

The rows are indicated by Roman numerals:

  • I – 6 StBN.
  • II – 2 Stbn in each column of the previous row = 12 Stbn.
  • III -1 sc, 2 sc together1 6 times = 18 sc.
  • IV -2 StBN, 2 StBN in 1 6 r. = 24 StBN.

When the bottom part is ready, you need to secure and trim the end of the yarn.

Main part

It may be noted that when the desired diameter is reached, you need to knit several rows without increments.



  • XIII – 5 StBN, 2 StBN together 6 r. = 36 StBN.
  • XIV-XVI – 36 StBN.
  • XVII – 4 StBN, 2 StBN together 6 r. = 30 StBN.
  • XVIII-XIX – 30 StBN.
  • XX – 3 StBN, 2 StBN together 6 r. = 24 StBN.
  • XXI-XXII – 24 StBN.

There is no need to cut the thread after completing the rows, leave a long end. Now we prepare everything for stuffing the octopus’s body. You need to sew a small bag from cotton fabric in the shape of the finished part, then fill it with prepared holofiber or synthetic down and sew it up, then insert it into the knitted part.

Connecting parts

To do this, you need to combine them and knit 1 row of stbn in the round, while not forgetting to pick up the loops of both the first and second parts.


  1. We take the main part and attach the yarn prepared for the tentacles to it, knitting 50 air loops.
  2. Then in each loop, starting from the second, we knit 2 sc.
  3. If everything is done correctly, the knitting will turn out to be spiral-shaped.
  4. Next, you need to return to the beginning of the chain and knit 3 sc in the last row of the main part, then knit the next cycle of chain stitches.
  5. The total number of resulting spirals should be eight.


    The first row is knitted from black yarn: one circular row - 6 single crochets.
  1. The second row should be made of white yarn: two single crochets in each column of the previous row, you get 12 sc.
  2. When finished, do not cut the thread; using the long end, firmly sew the finished eye to the head with neat stitches.
  3. To knit the second eye, repeat the same steps.

Watch a video with a master class on creating an octopus:


Making such a simple and sometimes life-saving miracle toy is not at all difficult, and it will bring a lot of benefits. It will bring peace and joy to a premature baby, and the mother will be able to watch how quickly her little child is recovering. An octopus can be useful not only for premature babies, but also for all other babies, because with its help they develop fine motor skills, and every child will be happy with such a bright and cute gift.

DOMODEDOVO, April 12, 2017, DOMODEDOVO VESTI - “Moscow region is the territory of good” - this is the name of the unlimited action announced in April 2017 by the Ministry of Social Development of the Moscow Region. Action of Domodedovo volunteers - create and collect bright and colorful knitted toys in the form of octopuses. Toys will help premature babies undergo rehabilitation faster without severe consequences for health

Calm to the touch
For the first time, these wonderful toys were successfully used for the rehabilitation of children in Denmark in 2013. The project became popular in Holland, Sweden, and Belgium. In Russia, people are just beginning to learn about such therapy and how toys tied in a certain way are needed for prematurely born babies. Octopuses provide considerable assistance in the rehabilitation and nursing period of a child.

Doctors explain their therapeutic effect by the similarity of the shape of the octopus' tentacles with the mother's umbilical cord. The child, holding the tentacle in his hand, feels the security that he felt in the womb. The use of octopuses helps solve the common problem of prematurely born babies - the babies themselves tear out the tube through which they are fed. Doctors are forced to insert the probe again and again, which worries and traumatizes children. But if the baby holds on to the octopus's tentacle, then he shows noticeably less interest in the probe and pulls it less often.

Octopuses for Kirochka
Elena Mikhailik, one of the patients at the maternity hospital in the city of Vidnoye, shared her story about her pregnancy and nursing her daughter, who was born prematurely.

My pregnancy was very difficult. A month in the hospital, a week or two at home, and then back to the hospital ward. At 28-29 weeks my blood pressure rose - an ambulance arrived, and I spent the night in intensive care under IV drips. It was impossible to reduce the pressure and the doctors decided to save me. Gurney. Corridor. Operating room. Anesthesia. And here comes the cry. I was able to see my beloved daughter Kirochka, she weighed one kilogram 100 grams. From the very beginning, Kirushka was very mobile and therefore often pulled out the probe.

On one of our sick days, I lifted the diaper and noticed a toy in the incubator. It was an octopus. His tentacle was in his daughter's hand. When this little friend appeared nearby, she felt much better. She did not pull out the probe, she became calm and peaceful. Octopuses helped me morally and a lot... Now Kira is already a year old. What we have experienced, and what we still have to experience, only God knows. But she is a fighter, she can do anything. And we will never forget our first octopus.

Help for those in a hurry
What is care for a premature baby? This is feeding strictly according to the regime in small portions. Breathing problems, often the baby cannot suck. Every gram of weight gain is a big victory. These children are constantly fighting for their lives, and their parents hope and believe in a better outcome.

Doctors use the most advanced technologies for the rehabilitation of premature babies along with other types of therapy. Milana Aleksandrovna Basargina, head of the neonatal resuscitation and intensive care unit of the Vidnovsky Perinatal Center, told the “On the Road of Good” volunteers about them. For example, doctors use the “kangaroo” method: the mother presses the baby to herself so that the baby’s skin feels the mother’s skin.

In addition, dim lighting, aromatic oils and music are used to improve the well-being of children and mothers. Also, psychologists work with mothers - it is very important to get young women out of a depressed state. In addition to this help, our movement offered handmade knitted toys, clothes and blankets for babies, which mothers happily agreed to.

The organizer of the action, Natalia Sidorenko, says.

In December 2016, the volunteer movement “On the Road of Good”, together with the knitting club “Evenings”, launched the “Octopus for Premature Babies” campaign, and in April 2017 the second stage of this campaign started. Octopuses help babies in rehabilitation and nursing. We also collect knitted hats, socks and blankets for premature babies. Approximate sizes for hats: head circumference from 16 to 32 centimeters, height 7-12 centimeters. The legs must be insulated with socks or booties: the length of the foot is 5-8 centimeters.

Give an octopus
According to the Vidnovsky Perinatal Center, in 2016, 816 children passed through the neonatal pathology department, and last month- about 70. These children weigh 1.5-2.5 kilograms, it is difficult to find clothes of a suitable size for them. That is why we decided to knit not only octopuses, but also various things that would suit such little ones.

Feedback from action participant Elvira Kolykhanova.

I have two sons. The youngest will soon turn two years old. When Natalia Sidorenko posted an ad on Mamachat about octopuses for premature babies and explained how important it was for them, I immediately decided that this needed to be done. At a meeting of the “Evenings” club under the leadership of Galina Melnikova, we learned to crochet. Galina is a very positive, cheerful and energetic woman. Spending time in her company, I gained not only knowledge, but also great pleasure from communication.

Feedback from action participant Anna Terentyeva.

I know very well what a premature baby is, I know how difficult it is for such babies to adapt and warm up at first, especially if the baby is left without a mother for some reason. That's why I was attracted to this promotion. I'm a mother myself. Unfortunately, I can’t make octopuses, but I hope that the clothes I knitted will also come in handy.

How to participate in the promotion
1. Knit octopuses, socks and hats;
2. Pass on the yarn and filling if you don’t know how to knit. For octopuses you need the following materials: cotton yarn, holofiber filling. For children's clothes you need special children's yarn or merino wool. The main thing is that the yarn is not shaggy and children cannot inhale its particles. The yarn should not be dyed. All information on knitting, patterns, sizes and requirements are in the “Discussion” section in