The most terrible disappearances of people. Strange disappearances of people around the world

Thousands of volunteers, rescuers and police can search for one missing person. Some large-scale search operations last for years, but people are never found. Moreover, it is not possible to find any traces, not a single clue. In such cases, even experienced investigators throw up their hands and say: as if they were abducted by aliens. RIA Novosti talks about the loudest and most mysterious disappearances that have happened in Russia recently.

Chain of disappearances

In November 2013, two siblings disappeared in the village of Rechnaya, Kirov Region: eight-year-old Serezha and eleven-year-old Volodya Kulakov. The boys went for a walk and did not return. Local residents, volunteers, rescuers and police combed the entire area - to no avail. Investigators were considering several versions, including an accident and criminality. They interviewed thousands of people, conducted hundreds of examinations, but nothing was clarified. It is believed that the children could have become victims of an unknown maniac.

A few days earlier, local doctor Anatoly Galkin disappeared in the village. He went into the forest, where his friends were waiting for him, but never reached them. And two days after the start of the search for the Kulakovs, hunter Gennady Gromov, who took an active part in them, disappeared. His body was discovered eight months later - there were no wounds or signs of beatings. The search for the children and the doctor is still ongoing.

Didn't make it to the apartment

In September 2009, 28-year-old child psychologist Irina Safonova disappeared in Novosibirsk. On the evening of the eighth, she went to the cinema with her boyfriend Alexander Skurikhin. After the session, Skurikhin took her home by car and dropped her off at the entrance. However, Irina did not appear at home, where her ten-year-old son was waiting. That same night, a neighbor found a bunch of keys to her apartment in the elevator.

The next day, relatives, volunteers and police organized a search. Soon almost the entire city was looking for her, but everything was in vain. Investigators opened a criminal case under the article "Murder". Skurikhin was one of the main suspects, but hours of interrogation and polygraph tests yielded nothing. Also, there was not a single witness who saw Safonova entering or exiting the elevator. The search continues.

Didn't get back from vacation

In September 2009, 29-year-old dentist from Novosibirsk Yana Fedorova disappeared without a trace in Altai. She decided to spend her vacation outdoors and came to the small resort town of Belokurikha. I spent the night in a hotel, and the next day I took my backpack and went for a walk, from which I did not return. The mobile phone was left on the bed in the hotel room.

Rescuers, dog handlers and dogs were looking for her, and a helicopter from the Ministry of Emergency Situations was lifted into the air. Combing the area did not bring any results. Investigators were considering several versions, including murder. They even involved a team of local psychics. The criminal investigation has now been suspended, but operational search activities continue.

Murder or kidnapping

At the beginning of March 2014, in Novoaltaisk, ten-year-old Ksenia Bokova was returning from school and around noon she stopped answering calls. The mobile phone was found that evening near the bridge. Investigators suggested that the girl could have drowned. Divers carefully examined the waters of the Malaya Cheremshanka River - nothing. Investigators considered murder and kidnapping as one of the main versions, but found no traces or witnesses.

Desperate, the relatives of the missing girl turned to psychics, whose opinions were divided: some said that Ksyusha was alive, others said that she had been kidnapped and, most likely, she was dead. They are still looking for the schoolgirl: volunteers in different cities of Russia are posting leaflets, and police are conducting search operations.

They disappear in the fog of time, without leaving even the slightest trace. Their disappearance is often attributed to the most unimaginable reasons. And versions are put forward, each of which is more absurd than the other.

Some people believe that the missing people are prisoners of space aliens who are being held on one of the planets. However, such an opinion is unlikely to console relatives and will not alleviate suffering. Sometimes they will wait their whole lives for the return of loved ones who disappeared under mysterious circumstances and hope for a miracle...

Beaumont kids: went to the beach and never came back

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Australia Day became a curse for Jim and Nancy Beaumont: the national holiday turned into a terrible tragedy for them. On January 26, 1966, they sent the children to the beach of the Glenelge resort, hoping that nine-year-old Jane would take care of the younger Arn and Grant, according to family tradition. The children left by bus at ten in the morning to return home by noon. They did not show up at the appointed time, and Nancy thought that the children were returning from the beach on foot and were a little late. However, she felt uneasy and panicked when more than three hours had passed.

Evening came, and the children still did not return. Jim rushed home from work and rushed to search with Nancy. Desperate, the poor parents filed a police report. The search for the children was carried out throughout South Australia, but all attempts to find even the slightest traces were unsuccessful. The version that the children could have drowned has not received evidence. In this strange and mysterious case, there was a certain blond, young man who was allegedly seen next to Jane, Arna and Grant.

The behavior of the children seen in Wenzel’s confectionery also remained completely incomprehensible. Here they bought some pies and a cake, paying with a one pound note, although, as Nancy claimed, she gave eight shillings and six pence as pocket money.

Norfok regiment: 267 people disappeared without a trace

The story of his disappearance on the battlefield during the First World War is one of the most mysterious and mysterious. On August 25, 1915, an entire British regiment along with its officers, storming the positions of the Turkish army near Gallipoli, entered the forest and disappeared from sight. Neither shots nor the slightest rustle were heard: 267 people disappeared without a trace. British company reports stated that the regiment was engulfed in a fog of unknown origin. But this hasty conclusion only confused the situation. Of course, it would have been easier to blame the Turkish military for this dark matter: they say that in an unknown way they killed a bunch of people. However, none of them even knew about the existence of such a unit. The British, being the winners, began searching for the Norfok regiment.

At first they were very lucky: on the battlefield they found badges, boots, and shoulder straps of military personnel that confirmed their membership in the missing unit. And having found hundreds of corpses in one village, they hastened to say that the regiment died heroically in battle. Although even with the naked eye some inconsistencies could be noticed. For example, it seemed that the dead were dropped from a great height. This was evidenced by numerous fractures on the corpses and their scattering throughout the territory.

In the early 70s of the last century, when the archives on the mysterious disappearance of the Norfok regiment became public, a real boom began in the scientific world. Each of the scientists put forward his own hypothesis of a historical event. But, figuratively speaking, British ufologists surpassed everyone. They claimed that the cloud of unknown origin was a UFO. They say that the aliens killed part of the regiment and took the other with them.

April Fabb: went to visit her sister on a bicycle and disappeared

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All of Britain was agitated by this tragic event. A thirteen-year-old girl from Norfolk disappeared in broad daylight. On April 8, 1969, April rode her bicycle to visit her sister in a neighboring village. The truck driver was the only witness who saw the girl for the last time. It was as if she sank into the water, disappearing without a trace. April Fabb's bicycle was found near the field. The police combed the entire area, but the search was unsuccessful.

Investigators would later try to link the case to the 1978 disappearance of a young girl, Janet Tate, in which police believed notorious child killer Robert Black was involved. However, this version had to be abandoned: there was no direct evidence of his involvement in April’s disappearance. The case of the missing girl remains the most mysterious in British history.

Sodder children from Fayetteville: disappeared from their room when fire started

This happened on Christmas Eve 1945. Maurice, Martha, Louis, Jenny and Betty Sodder walked blithely along the night streets, not at all worried that they were very late. Meanwhile, their other brothers and sisters and their parents were sleeping peacefully in their beds. But in the middle of the night, the mother suddenly heard loud sounds coming from the roof. A moment later, she suddenly realized that the house had been set on fire. The smell of smoke and the fiery glow forced the woman to raise her family to their feet. They got out to escape the fire.

Then the parents began to look for a ladder to get to the top floor and rescue Betty, Jenny, Maurice, Martha and Louis from the fiery captivity. However, the search ended in failure. When firefighters arrived, only the remains of the house were smoldering. But it was not possible to find the bodies among the ashes. The grief-stricken parents explained to the police that apparently someone had kidnapped the children and set the house on fire to cover up the crime.

Investigators were never able to give a clear answer to many of the questions they were asked. And, in all likelihood, they put the mysterious case on the shelf. In 1968, parents received a strange photograph in the mail. It showed a young man, and on the back of the photograph was the caption: "Louis Sodder." The poor parents believed until their death that it was their missing son, even though the police were never able to identify the man.

Nicole Morin: disappeared into her own home without leaving it

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It’s incredible, but an eight-year-old girl disappeared without leaving a huge building with 20 floors. True, one of the residents claimed that he saw Nicole approaching the elevator. On July 30, 1985, the girl, having received instructions from her mother, left the apartment. She hurried to the pool, and her friend was already waiting for her. But after a while they called the apartment - Nicole’s friend was standing on the threshold and asking why she was late and did not leave the house.

The best Toronto police forces were involved in the search for the girl. They examined literally every floor of the house, trying to find traces of Nicole Morin's presence. Even today, the authorities have been forced to admit that the case of the girl’s disappearance has not advanced one step. This confession, of course, did little to console the parents, who also spent a lot of effort searching for their daughter.

Barbara Bolick: Disappeared when her friend's back was turned

This case defies any explanation at all. An elderly woman from Corvallis, Montana, was known to be a big fan of hiking in the mountains. And one day, together with her friend Jim Ramaker, who came from California, she went on another trip. The picturesque places spread out under our feet seduced Barbara Bolick's companion with their beauty. For the sake of this spectacle, he paused for a moment, and when he turned around, he did not see Barbara. Jim searched every corner of the path he passed, but never found her. He raised the alarm and called the police, who also could find no trace of Barbara Bolick.

It seemed as if the woman had fallen through the ground. Naturally, suspicion initially fell on Jim Ramaker. But the investigation proved that he had nothing to do with Barbara’s disappearance. And to this day this story is full of secrets and mysteries: it’s hard to imagine that a person you saw a minute ago suddenly dissolves in space and disappears from your field of vision forever.

Dorothy Arnold: went shopping and never came back

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With a book in hand and a bag containing half a pound of chocolate, she went for an easy walk in New York's Central Park to disappear from this city forever. This happened on December 12, 1910. The bright beauty Dorothy Arnold left the house to choose a new dress for the next ball. The young socialite and wealthy heiress was the pride of local society. In addition, she was considered an aspiring writer. True, someone doubted her talent, but everything was written off by Dorothy’s beauty, which attracted almost all the eligible bachelors of New York. Strangely, the parents reported their daughter missing only six weeks later. Perhaps in this way they wanted to avoid unnecessary noise, but the opposite happened. The whole city was shocked by this news.

Active searches for the girl only generated theories, but did not bring positive results. It was rumored that Dorothy could have fled to Europe, trying to get rid of excessive parental care. But this assumption was immediately dismissed: the appearance of a young beauty here would not go unnoticed.

Maura Murray: disappeared at the scene of the accident

A few days before the incident, the parents noticed their daughter’s strange behavior. The girl seemed to be afraid of someone, but she did not dare to tell about her fears. On February 9, 2004, UMass student Maura Murray sent an email to her professors and employers saying that she was forced to leave due to the death of a family member. Although in reality this did not happen. Why Maura did this remains a mystery. And on the evening of February 9, the girl had an accident, crashing into a tree. Moreover, two days earlier she crashed another car. A bus driver who witnessed the accident offered to help Maura. However, she refused. Worried about the girl’s fate, the driver nevertheless called the police.

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He was one of the most famous travelers of his time. The intrepid explorer Colonel Percy Fawcett visited almost every corner of Brazil and Bolivia where no man had gone before. And he was obsessed with the idea of ​​finding the lost city of Zet in the Amazon jungle. Percy even developed a theory according to which his traces must be looked for in the Mato Grosso region in Brazil. Fawcett captivated his eldest son Jack and his friend Reilly Rimmel with his dream of the possibility of a sensational discovery.

In 1925, they set off on a journey to disappear forever into the wilds of the Amazon jungle. Several expeditions were sent to find traces of the brave explorers. Of course, each of the participants was well aware that they were risking their lives, finding themselves face to face with wild nature, which was fraught with many dangers, with tribes of local aborigines who did not always greet strangers friendly. And hundreds of people died, unraveling the mystery of the disappearance of Colonel Percy Fawcett. One can only assume that they became victims of a tropical disease, an attack by predatory animals, or were killed by the aborigines.

Annette Sagers: Disappeared a year after her mother went missing

This story with a certain mystical touch is still considered one of the most mysterious in America. Judge for yourself: first, Corrina Sagers Malinoski, a 26-year-old resident of Berkeley County (South Carolina), disappears. She was reported missing to the police on November 21, 1987. The woman's car was found near Mount Holly Plantation. But this fact did not give the police a single chance to find even the slightest trace of Corrina. And almost a year later, in early October, her eight-year-old daughter Annette Sagers disappears.

By a strange coincidence, the school bus stop was located opposite the ill-fated Mount Holly plantation. Annette disappeared before the bus arrived, leaving a note with the following words: “Dad, Mom is back. Hug your brothers for me." Experts have determined that the handwriting belongs to her. However, this circumstance did not affect the results of the search for mother and daughter Sagers. They are still listed as missing, and the hope of finding them is fading every day. It is worth noting that in 2000, a call from an unknown person to the police alarmed investigators. After all, a stranger reported that Annette was buried in Sumter County. But her grave could not be found, and the case of the girl’s disappearance is still considered unsolved.

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Most people have probably heard about the mysterious disappearance of pilot Amelia Earhart, the daring criminal DB Cooper, who hijacked a Boeing 727 plane and disappeared in an unknown direction with a huge amount of money in his hands, or Congressman Hale Boggs, who disappeared during a flight over Alaska. Mysterious disappearances are nothing new.

For some reason, people disappear without a trace and never appear again. There are many circumstances that force people to disappear, run away, or hide from society. Perhaps they want to get rid of problems in the family or at work, escape prosecution from the law, or start over again in another place. There are also those who decide to commit suicide in solitude, but they are few. Very often, people are kidnapped, and such crimes usually remain unsolved due to insufficient leads or evidence.

Disappearances without a trace are always alarming. But there are even stranger and inexplicable cases when people mysteriously disappeared in a matter of seconds before the eyes of others: there was a person, and a moment later he was no longer there, as if he had disappeared into thin air. It would take a few seconds to simply get up from a chair, but in some cases people would suddenly disappear in such a short period of time, leaving no clue as to what might have happened to them.

In the world where we live, there are many strange things and phenomena that we cannot understand. As you probably already guessed, what follows will be about the strangest cases of disappearances of people in the entire history of mankind.

1. Annette Sagers

On November 21, 1987, police received a missing person report from Corrina Sagers Malinoski, a twenty-six-year-old resident of Berkeley County, South Carolina. The girl did not show up for work that day; her car was found parked in front of Mount Holly Plantation. But that's not the strangest part of the story.

Almost a year later, on the morning of October 4, 1988, Corrina's eight-year-old daughter, Annette Sagers, left the house and headed to the stop where the school bus would arrive in a few minutes. The stop was located just across from Mount Holly Plantation, where her missing mother's car was discovered. Very strangely, when the school bus arrived, Annette disappeared. A note was found near the bus stop with the words “Dad, Mom is back. Hug your brothers for me."

Experts determined that the handwriting belonged to little Annette. They found no evidence that the girl wrote the note under duress. According to some people, Corrina decided to return and take Annette with her. However, she left two sons at home, and since then there has been no news of her.

In 2000, an unknown person called the police and reported that Annette's body was buried in Sumter County, but the mysterious grave was never found. The Berkeley County Sheriff's Office was investigating the disappearance of Annette Sagers. It remains unsolved to this day.

2. Benjamin Bathurst

On the night of November 25, 1809, British diplomatic representative Benjamin Bathurst was returning from Vienna to London. Along the way he stopped at the village of Perleberg, near Berlin, to eat and rest his horses. After he had eaten a hearty lunch, he was informed that the horses were ready to set off again. Bathurst apologized and told his assistant that he would be waiting for him in the carriage. A few minutes later the assistant was very surprised when, opening the carriage door, he did not find Bathurst in it. No one had any idea where he went. Bathurst was last seen walking near the front door of the hotel. No traces of his presence in the yard were found. He just disappeared.

Since Bathurst had diplomatic status, a search was organized for him. Police with sniffer dogs searched the forest, checked every house in the area and even examined the bottom of the Stepenitz River, but found nothing. A coat believed to belong to Benjamin Bathurst was later found in the privy. During a second search, the diplomatic representative's pants were found in the forest.

This incident occurred during the Napoleonic Wars. People began to say that Mr. Bathurst had been kidnapped by the French. Napoleon Bonaparte himself reportedly denied involvement in the disappearance of the British diplomatic representative and claimed that he had no idea where he was. The emperor even offered his help in searching for the missing man.

Despite all the efforts of the police, no further belongings or traces of Bathurst were found. He just disappeared.

3. Disappearance of the Sodder Children from Fayetteville, West Virginia

It was Christmas Eve 1945. Five children, Maurice, Martha, Louis, Jenny and Betty Sodder, were partying until late. Their parents and other brothers and sisters had long since gone to bed. Around 1 a.m., their mother was awakened by loud noises coming from the roof. She realized that the house was on fire. Then she woke up her husband and children, and they climbed out together.

The parents then began looking for a ladder to help Maurice, Martha, Louis, Jenny and Betty, who were trapped on the top floor, but it was nowhere to be found.

When the firefighters arrived, it was already too late. The children were presumed dead, but their bodies were not found in the charred remains of the house. The parents believed that Maurice, Martha, Louis, Jenny and Betty had been kidnapped and the house set on fire to cover up the crime.

Four years later, investigators at the site of the burned house found six small bones that were not damaged by fire and were believed to belong to a young adult. No other evidence was found.

In 1968, the Sodder couple received a photograph in the mail of a young man. On the back it was signed "Louis Sodder". Police were unable to identify the man in the photo. The Sodders died believing it was their lost son.

4. Margaret Kilcoyne

Fifty-year-old Margaret Kilcoyne worked as a cardiologist at Columbia University. She conducted pioneering research related to hypertension and made a major breakthrough. After a busy week at work, Margaret decided to spend the weekend at her country house in Nantucket, Massachusetts. She bought more than $900 worth of food and alcoholic drinks at a local grocery store, saying she was going to have a party and press conference to present the results of her scientific research.

Arriving home, Margaret called her brother and told him to come and wake her up in the morning: she wanted to go to church service. The next morning, January 26, 1980, Margaret's brother came to see her, but did not find her in the house. Margaret's jacket was hanging in the closet, her shoes were near the threshold, and the car was still there - in the garage. It was cold outside, so she couldn't go anywhere without her jacket.

The police thoroughly searched the house, but did not find any evidence. The strangest thing was that a few days later, Margaret’s sandals, her passport, checkbook, wallet and $100 appeared in a prominent place in the house. It was very difficult not to notice them.

Margaret's brother claimed that she was mentally unstable. The police put forward a theory that the woman committed suicide by drowning in the icy ocean, but no evidence was found to support this theory.

5. The Disappearance of Famous Socialite Dorothy Arnold

In 1910, New York City was shocked by the news of the disappearance of twenty-four-year-old socialite and wealthy heiress Dorothy Arnold. The girl was an aspiring writer whose first two stories were not approved by publishers. The public admired Dorothy's beauty and mocked her ambitions.

On the morning of December 12, 1910, the young beauty left home, telling her mother that she wanted to look for a new dress for the upcoming ball. According to witnesses, she bought one book and half a pound of chocolate, after which she went for a walk in Central Park. No one saw her again.

Dorothy Arnold was a New York celebrity. How could it happen that she simply disappeared without a trace? What seems even stranger is that her parents initially hid the fact that their daughter was missing, coming up with various excuses for curious friends. Apparently they wanted to avoid a scandal.

Dorothy Annold's disappearance became known only six weeks later. People said that the girl led a double life and planned to escape to Europe. However, no evidence was found to support this version.

6. The Vanished Tribe of Lake Angikuni

Lake Angikuni is located in rural Canada, near the Kazan River. In the early 1900s, the area was home to an Inuit tribe that disappeared without a trace on a November evening in 1930. These were hospitable people who were friendly to travelers, offering them hot food and overnight accommodation. Canadian hunter Joe Labelle often visited them.

That night, when Labelle again came to Lake Angikuni, the full moon was shining, which illuminated the entire village with its bright light. There was extraordinary silence all around; Even the huskies, who usually reacted noisily to the guests, were silent. There was not a soul in the village. In the center the fire gradually burned out. Next to him lay a bowler hat; Apparently, someone was going to prepare a hearty dinner.

The Labelles examined several houses in the hope of finding someone who could explain what happened here. But he did not find anything except supplies of food, clothing and weapons. The tribe, consisting of thirty men, women and children, disappeared without a trace. If they decided to leave, they would probably take food and equipment with them. Labelle also discovered that all the huskies had died, apparently from starvation.

Labelle reported the mysterious disappearance to Canadian authorities, who sent investigators to Angikuni Lake. They found witnesses who claimed to have seen a large unidentified object in the sky above the lake. Investigators also determined that the settlement had been abandoned about eight weeks ago. If this is true, then why did the huskies starve to death so quickly, and who left the fire that Labelle discovered? The mystery of the disappearance of an entire Inuit tribe remains unsolved to this day.

7. Disappearance of Dideritsi

It’s one thing when someone disappears without leaving any traces, it’s another when a person simply disappears into thin air in front of amazed witnesses. This is exactly what happened in 1815. It all started when a man named Diderici dressed up as his boss, who had died of a stroke, put on a wig and went to the bank to try to withdraw money from the deceased's account.

Of course, the plan failed. Diderici was caught and sentenced to ten years in prison. He had to serve his sentence in the Prussian prison, Weichselmünde. According to prison records, when Diderici and other prisoners were taken out into the yard for a walk, something strange began to happen: his body gradually became transparent. Ultimately, he literally disappeared into thin air, leaving behind empty iron shackles. This happened in front of the amazed prisoners and guards. During the interrogation, all the witnesses said the same thing: Diderici gradually became invisible until he simply disappeared. Unable to rationally explain what happened, prison authorities closed the case and considered it "God's will." No one saw Dideritsi again.

8. Louis Leprince

On September 16, 1890, French inventor Louis Le Prince boarded a train from Dijon to Paris. Witnesses saw Leprince check his luggage and take his seat in the compartment. When the train arrived in the capital, Leprince did not get off at the final station. The conductor, thinking that Leprince had simply fallen asleep, decided to check his compartment, which, to everyone’s surprise, turned out to be empty: neither the inventor nor his luggage was in it. A search of the entire train did not yield any results. Leprince disappeared without a trace.

Passengers claimed that the inventor did not leave his compartment during the journey. Since the train traveled from Dijon to Paris without stopping, Le Prince could not get off earlier. Moreover, the windows in his compartment were closed and locked from the inside. On the way, according to passengers and conductors, no incidents occurred. Leprince seemed to have disappeared into thin air.

Interestingly, Louis Le Prince was able to capture moving images on film using a single lens camera that he himself invented. Simply put, Le Prince invented cinema. He was going to go to America to patent his invention. This was long before Thomas Edison gained widespread recognition. Le Prince's disappearance cleared the way for Edison.

9. Charles Ashmore

In November 1878, sixteen-year-old Charles Ashmore left his home in Quincy, Illinois, to get water from a nearby well. He did not return for a long time, so his father and sister began to seriously worry about him. It was cold and slippery outside, and something bad could happen to Charles. They followed his tracks, which suddenly stopped about 75 meters from the well. They shouted his name, but there was no answer. There was no sign of a fall in the snow. It was as if Charles Ashmore had simply disappeared into thin air.

Four days later, Charles' mother went to the same well to fetch water. Returning home, she claimed that she heard her son's voice. She walked around the entire area, but did not find Charles.

Other family members also claimed that they periodically heard Charles' voice, but they could not understand the words he spoke to them. The last time this happened was in the middle of the summer of 1879, and this did not happen again.

In 1975, Jackson Wright and his wife Martha were driving through the Lincoln Tunnel in New York. The couple decided to slow down and wipe the condensation from the windows. While Jackson was working on the windshield, Martha got out of the car to wipe the back window. Literally a couple of seconds after that, she disappeared. Jackson did not hear or see anything suspicious. There were no more cars in the tunnel. If Martha decided to run away, he would still notice her.

Initially, the police were skeptical of his testimony, however, after carefully examining the scene and not finding any evidence, they ruled out the possibility that he could have killed his wife.

11. Gene Spangler

Jean Spangler was one of the little-known actresses who dreamed of a career in Los Angeles. She was beautiful, but did not have the success she so dreamed of. Jean starred mainly in episodic roles. The most famous film in which she took part was the film “The Trumpeter” (1950) directed by Michael Curtiz.

In October 1949, Jean went to meet her ex-husband and was never seen again. Two days later, police found her purse, inside of which was a note that said, “Kirk, I can’t wait any longer. I'm going to see Dr. Scott. Everything will work out. We have to make it while mother is not at home.” Nobody knew which Kirk they were talking about. The story received wide publicity. A lot of versions were put forward, but all of them turned out to be unfounded. The matter has reached a dead end. The only “Kirk” that could be found in Jean’s circle was the famous actor Kirk Douglas. He starred in the film "Trumpeter" with Spangler. However, Douglas categorically denied any involvement in Jean's disappearance.

Investigators also led to Dr. Kirk, a gynecologist who, in a strange turn of events, had mysteriously disappeared a few weeks before Spangler went missing. However, no evidence linking him to the actress was found.

Another version revolved around two bandits who disappeared around the same time as Jean. A few weeks before the incident, they were seen at a party with Spangler. However, no specific connection between the disappearances has been identified. One can only guess what really happened to Jean.

12. James Warson

The year was 1873. James Warson, a shoemaker from Leamington Spa (England), was having fun with his friends at a local tavern. During the conversation, he said that he could run non-stop all the way to Coventry - as much as 25 kilometers. His friends decided to argue with him because they had little faith that he was capable of achieving such a feat. To eliminate the possibility of deception, they followed Warson in a horse-drawn cart. Warson ran for several kilometers without any problems.

As his friends began to doubt whether they would be allowed to win the bet, Worson suddenly tripped over something on the road. Witnesses claim that they saw Worson lean forward, but he never fell to the ground, because the next moment he mysteriously disappeared before everyone's eyes.

Worson's friends contacted the local police and explained the whole situation. A search was carried out at the scene, but the police did not find anything suspicious. Shoemaker James Worson seemed to disappear into thin air.

13. The mystery of the airship L-8

During World War II, airships were used to patrol coastal areas and identify enemy submarines. On August 16, 1942, the crew of the airship L-8, Ernest Cody and Charles Adams, were assigned to carry out one such mission. They were supposed to fly over the Farallon Islands, 50 kilometers off the coast of San Francisco, and then return to base.

Once above the water, the L-8 crew reported that they believed they had located an oil spill and were heading there to investigate. Along the way, the airship was spotted by two ships and a Pan Am airliner. Another witness claimed to have seen the L-8 rapidly gaining altitude.

About an hour later, the airship landed on the rocky shore of Daly City before flying back into the sky. Then the L-8 fell onto one of the city's busy streets. Rescuers rushed to the crash site, but were shocked when they saw that the cabin was empty. The equipment was in good working order. Parachutes and life rafts were in place. Only life jackets were missing, but crew members often wore them when flying over the water. There were no calls for help over the radio. Ernest Cody and Charles Adams disappeared without a trace.

14. Disappearance of the F-89

In November 1953, US Air Force radar detected an unknown object invading US airspace over Lake Superior. A Northrop F-89 Scorpion fighter with Lieutenants Felix Moncla and Robert Wilson on board was sent to intercept it.

Ground radar operators reported that Moncla first flew high above the target at a speed of 800 kilometers per hour, and then descended and came close to the object. Then something unusual happened: two dots on the radar screen became one. The F-89C fighter merged with an unknown object, which then left the area and disappeared.

A thorough search was carried out, but no traces of the F-89C aircraft were found.

15. The disappearance of Frederick Valentich

In October 1978, a young pilot named Frederick Valentich carried out a training flight in a Cessna 182L along the coast of Bass Strait (Australia). Suddenly he noticed that he was being pursued by an unknown object. He reported this to Air Traffic Control in Melbourne, who insisted that there were no more aircraft in the area.

When the object came close to Valentich, he examined it and said: “This strange plane hovered above me again. It’s hanging... and it’s not a plane.” A few seconds of white noise followed and the connection was lost. After this, Valentich’s plane disappeared from radar.

Search and rescue efforts did not yield any results. There were about a dozen reports of unidentified flying objects that weekend, according to the Australian Air Force.

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MOSCOW, May 20— RIA Novosti, Viktor Zvantsev. Thousands of volunteers, rescuers and police can search for one missing person. Some large-scale search operations last for years, but people are never found. Moreover, it is not possible to find any traces, not a single clue. In such cases, even experienced investigators throw up their hands and say: as if they were abducted by aliens. RIA Novosti talks about the loudest and most mysterious disappearances that have happened in Russia recently.

Chain of disappearances

In November 2013, two siblings disappeared in the village of Rechnaya, Kirov Region: eight-year-old Serezha and eleven-year-old Volodya Kulakov. The boys went for a walk and did not return. Local residents, volunteers, rescuers and police combed the entire area - to no avail. Investigators were considering several versions, including an accident and criminality. They interviewed thousands of people, conducted hundreds of examinations, but nothing was clarified. It is believed that the children could have become victims of an unknown maniac.

A few days earlier, local doctor Anatoly Galkin disappeared in the village. He went into the forest, where his friends were waiting for him, but never reached them. And two days after the start of the search for the Kulakovs, hunter Gennady Gromov, who took an active part in them, disappeared. His body was discovered eight months later - there were no wounds or signs of beatings. The search for the children and the doctor is still ongoing.

Didn't make it to the apartment

In September 2009, 28-year-old child psychologist Irina Safonova disappeared in Novosibirsk. On the evening of the eighth, she went to the cinema with her boyfriend Alexander Skurikhin. After the session, Skurikhin took her home by car and dropped her off at the entrance. However, Irina did not appear at home, where her ten-year-old son was waiting. That same night, a neighbor found a bunch of keys to her apartment in the elevator.

© Photo: Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee for the Novosibirsk region

© Photo: Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee for the Novosibirsk region

The next day, relatives, volunteers and police organized a search. Soon almost the entire city was looking for her, but everything was in vain. Investigators opened a criminal case under the article "Murder". Skurikhin was one of the main suspects, but hours of interrogation and polygraph tests yielded nothing. Also, there was not a single witness who saw Safonova entering or exiting the elevator. The search continues.

Didn't get back from vacation

In September 2009, Yana Fedorova, a 29-year-old dentist from Novosibirsk, disappeared without a trace in Altai. She decided to spend her vacation outdoors and came to the small resort town of Belokurikha. I spent the night in a hotel, and the next day I took my backpack and went for a walk, from which I did not return. The mobile phone was left on the bed in the hotel room.

Rescuers, dog handlers and dogs searched for her, and a helicopter from the Ministry of Emergency Situations was lifted into the air. Combing the area did not bring any results. Investigators were considering several versions, including murder. They even involved a team of local psychics. The criminal investigation has now been suspended, but operational search activities continue.

Murder or kidnapping

At the beginning of March 2014, in Novoaltaisk, ten-year-old Ksenia Bokova was returning from school and around noon she stopped answering calls. The mobile phone was found that evening near the bridge. Investigators suggested that the girl could have drowned. Divers carefully examined the waters of the Malaya Cheremshanka River - nothing. Investigators considered murder and kidnapping as one of the main versions, but found no traces or witnesses.

Desperate, the relatives of the missing girl turned to psychics, whose opinions were divided: some said that Ksyusha was alive, others said that she had been kidnapped and, most likely, she was dead. They are still looking for the schoolgirl: volunteers in different cities of Russia are posting leaflets, and police are conducting search operations.

Lost with the truck

In the spring of 2016, 55-year-old truck driver Yuri Ozherelyev disappeared on the Ural highway, transporting 20 tons of alcoholic beverages from Kabardino-Balkaria to Yekaterinburg. Along with him, the Volvo truck disappeared without a trace. Investigators found out that the driver left Ufa early in the morning and was supposed to arrive at the final destination of the route in the evening. However, in the Chelyabinsk region, communication with him was severed. A few months later, his broken phone was found 20 kilometers from Yekaterinburg.