Ready puzzles. How to solve and solve puzzles. Mathematical games puzzles

When parents hear the words “educational games,” they most often think that this refers to preschoolers. It is for children from one to 7 years old that mothers carefully select educational games, coloring books and tasks. When children get older, and especially when they leave the walls primary school, then parents are already concerned about more serious things than playing.

Children cannot reach them. I love that they challenge kids to think differently, which is always a great learning skill. Here are 45 of our favorite riddles to share with your family. In addition to the 45 brain teasers and riddles we've compiled below, our readers have tried to kick us. We've shared 6 resources for readers to try out the following video.

Riddles and brain teasers for kids

Question: In a one-story pink house, a pink man, a pink cat, a pink fish, a pink computer, a pink chair, a pink table, a pink telephone, a pink shower - everything was pink! What color were the stairs? All the walls face south, and the bear circled above the house. What color is the bear?

They are more concerned about their children’s performance in mathematics, the Russian language and other serious subjects. Meanwhile, children aged 11 and 12 continue to love games, and an educational game for this age could well help schoolchildren chew more successfully on the granite of science. Interesting puzzles for children aged 11–12 years with answers are one of these methods, but far from the only one.

Q: A girl sits in a house at night that has no light at all. No lamp, no candle, nothing. Q: You go into a room with a match, a carosene lamp, a candle and a fireplace. What do you light first? Q: What gets wet and damp the more it dries? Without touching it, how do you make the line longer?

Puzzles with letters

Q: How many months have 28 days passed? When they meet, which train is closest to Halifax? Q: What goes around and around the tree but never goes into the forest? Question: Two mothers and two daughters went out to eat, they all ate one hamburger, but only three hamburgers were eaten. How is this possible?

Of course, if you offer a younger teenager simple coloring books or riddles, he will proudly refuse, considering himself too old for them. But you can choose something more complex for them. The repertoire of educational games for this age is much wider than for preschoolers.

School-age students help consolidate knowledge and encourage them to search for missing knowledge in almost any subject - from geography to literature and history. Riddles and coloring books familiar from preschool years are modified, become more complex and more fun, but can still captivate a child of 11 or 12 years old, helping to develop logical thinking, attention and ability to concentrate.

Question: A man was out for a walk when it started to rain. The man did not have an umbrella and was not wearing a hat. His clothes were wet, but not a single hair on his head became wet. How could this happen? Question: A cowboy goes into town on Friday, stays three days, and then leaves on Friday. How did he do it?

How to solve them

Q: You are passing through a bridge and you see a boat, full of people, but there is not a single person on board. Question: The boy was rushed to the emergency room. He is my son. But the doctor was not the boy's father. How could this be? Q: What can you run but can't walk?

Charades, scanwords, puzzles, and various puzzles for children 11–12 years old can be an excellent training for intelligence and the ability to think logically. The main thing is that the game should not be too simple to be interesting, but overly difficult tasks can also turn kids away from them.

Question: How far can a dog get into the forest? Q: If there are 3 apples and you remove 2, how many do you have? Question: Beth's mother has three daughters. One is called Lara, the other is Sarah. What is the name of the third daughter? Q: You have a 5 gallon bucket and a 3 gallon bucket with as much water as you need, but no other measuring instruments. Fill a 5 gallon bucket with exactly 4 gallons of water. Pour it into a 3 gallon bucket until it is full. Pour the remaining 2 gallons into a 3 gallon bucket.

Fill a 5 gallon bucket completely. Finish filling the 3-gallon bucket. Q: What is full of holes but still holds water? Q: If an electric train is traveling east at 60 mph and there is a strong west wind, how does the smoke from the train drift?

A crossword puzzle or cross word is an intellectual game where you need to enter answers to questions and riddles on some topic into rows of cells intersecting vertically and horizontally. The rows and the questions corresponding to them are indicated by the same numbers. The beauty of a crossword puzzle is that you can adjust the level of difficulty not only by the questions asked, but also by the complexity of constructing the crossword puzzle itself. Simple, with a small number of intersections for beginners, more complex and voluminous for advanced ones.

Q: How can you throw a ball as hard as you can only to have it come back to you even though it doesn't bounce anything? With the farm there are four other dogs on the farm. What do you think the fifth dog is? What number am I? Question: A boy fell from a 30-meter ladder, but was not injured. Why not?

Mathematical games puzzles

Q: How do dog traps pay? Q: What is yours that other people use more than you? B: I have big box money, area 48 cents and 42 centimeters. How many coins can you put in an empty box? Q: What 5-letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it? Briefly speaking.

Scanwords are a Scandinavian crossword with a large number of intersections, where the task may not be riddle questions, but definitions or even pictures. Another difference from the classic crossword puzzle is that the task can be located directly on the playing field, and the direction where you need to enter the answer is indicated by arrows. For children aged 11 and 12 years old, this form of crossword puzzle is available if they have already mastered the classic crossword puzzle well.

No windows or doors. How do you get out? Question: The more you take in, the more you leave behind. Q: What invention allows you to look straight through a wall? If you liked these riddles, you can enjoy our list. These are just a handful of the puzzles and brain teasers we enjoyed. Do your kids enjoy a good mystery?

How to solve and solve puzzles

The difficulty level is set for each puzzle in the right column as follows. Solved solutions to puzzles can be displayed using the button below the corresponding problem. There are often also tips as well as examples to check your own result or to better understand the solution. Some puzzles require some thinking around the corner, but there is always a “smart” solution!

Many collections are now being published for schoolchildren, including crossword puzzles, scanword puzzles, coloring books and other educational entertainment in accordance with their age.

Charades and puzzles

Charades and puzzles are another educational entertainment that can be interesting for children aged 11-12 years. Both charade and rebus are a game that is based on the fact that words - riddles are divided into syllables. But if in a rebus the syllables of the hidden word are presented in the form of a picture or coloring page, then in a charade each syllable is hidden in word riddles. For example:

Charades and puzzles

If you know good riddle or difficult task, which is not yet listed, send me a short message or write a comment. In fact, these questions have an idiotic test. But they have something to do with mathematics. Meanwhile, the person who wants to become a crossword puzzle master practices. Once they learn to write, little ones love to play with letters. These crossword puzzles for kids are fun and train their memory. At the same time they are good practice for children kindergarten and elementary school students who use these puzzles to learn and consolidate letters.

My first syllable calls to itself,

Second syllable – house backwards

The first syllable is note - (note fa)

And the second syllable too, - (note G)

And the whole word looks like a pea. (beans)

At 11 and 12 years old, children are already good at solving verbal riddles. The rebus requires solving the riddle presented in the picture.

Puzzles for children with answers

Crosswords created especially for children

So, from the fun - a real brain run with practical side effect. Younger ones are guided by small photographs on the right word. For the elderly, the puzzle game continues with short descriptions. And in the end, this is the final word of decision. As the difficulty increases from easy to challenging, kids get closer to the memory adventure puzzle. And already tomorrow's crossword revealed their new passion.

Just download the templates, print and little ones can rock on it. This moment before bed that we share with them and a good book is priceless. And the truth is that this is a book that will leave everyone spellbound. These years there are many children who are attached to books of knowledge and do not detract from this, because there are real miracles in this genre, as evidenced by “Illuminature”.

How to solve them

Rebus is a game that develops logic, associative thinking, and consolidates knowledge of the Russian language. He can hide one or more words inside himself. You can create such riddles in pictures yourself, using, for example, coloring books for this. But to do this you need to know certain rules for designing a visual riddle.

Ten of the world's most spectacular ecosystems are viewed through three color filters to reveal their vegetation, the animals that move during the day, or the creatures that inhabit at night. We went to visit him with Leo and his friend Lola to find out the secret of the success of these fluent games, which are triumphant throughout Europe and stand out for their quality in Barcelona. For starters, we liked the central location and pedestrian street. Just take a walk through the center of Barcelona and forget about the noise of cars for a moment.

We told the children a little about what we would do. When we told them that we needed to find a way out of the room solving the puzzle, the first question was: is it dark? Be prepared to give them security because for children many times mystery and darkness can quickly lead to fear.

  • The word shown in the picture must completely or partially coincide with part of the hidden word.
  • If the picture is upside down, this means that the word is read backwards.
  • Commas before or after the picture mean that you need to remove the letter at the beginning or end of the drawn word, respectively. The number of commas standing indicates the number of letters to be discarded.
  • Crossed out letters mean that they are excluded from the picture word when solving the puzzle. If there is another letter under the crossed out letter, then replace the crossed out letter with it.
  • The completed letters are added to the syllables from the picture word. If the letter is written in front of the picture, then the guessed word begins with it. If after the picture, then we deliver the letter to the end of the rebus picture.
  • In the rebus we can also encounter numbers. Firstly, the numbers can be part of the hidden word (7ya or o5). Secondly, numbers can indicate the serial number of letters that are taken from the rebus picture to solve the puzzle. Or if a number is crossed out, then, on the contrary, it is removed.
  • If there is a plus sign between the parts of the rebus, this means that both of these parts together make up one word.
  • The = sign between letters means that we replace one letter everywhere with this other.
  • If the picture and letters stand above each other, separated by a line, this means that when solving the riddle you need to use the prepositions “on”, “above”, “under”.

How to solve and solve puzzles

Finding a place through the streets of Barcelona was already a small training session for the team. We had to find the yellow key hidden in the Passage of the Patriarch, which joins Carrer Comtal and Monzio. At the age of 7, having learned to read, the city with its posters, streets and structures is itself a mystery to decipher.

And you will wonder what kind of art this is? it's about knowing how to explain, lead and play the game, share your passion with others so that the experience is safe and, above all, very satisfying. Debi has a blog where she visits all the Escape Rooms that stand in their way and trust me, they feel like they are following her on their adventures around the world. We had an informal chat in the big room where Debi explained the rules of the game. I liked his approach to children, close and respectful, without patronizing.

Mathematical games puzzles

Charades and puzzles primarily help children better remember the spelling of words. But they also use puzzles in mathematics lessons. They develop well the logical thinking necessary for this science. In addition, mathematical games include puzzles that contain numbers, + and = signs.

They went in rags and followed the explanation, asking the appropriate questions: Will it be very dark? And what happens if we don't get out? Is the skeleton really a captain? The room we went to escape from is what they call the "Aztec Treasure", whose history of pirates, treasures and ancient civilizations appeals to everyone without entailing excessive complexity or evoking universes that can breed refusal or fear in the small.

Everything you need to know to solve the puzzle is in the room. Once inside the room, the team will have up to 60 minutes to discover clues and solve the puzzle raised. Spacious room and very well maintained. It's really exciting to see how quickly each team member accepts a task commensurate with their abilities and we all get to work, time is pressing! an hourglass marks the remaining minutes. There are challenges for everyone, from scanners who find coins hidden in the most hidden corners, builder puzzles, to those who love to decipher and use logic to unlock locks.

For example, in this rebus from a word represented by a picture, the child needs to take the letters under the serial number indicated by the number. Then put them as written under the picture.

Mathematical games also include puzzles that contain terms and concepts from mathematics.

Puzzles with letters

Time flew by and we had minutes before the last sand fell to find 20 gold coins and open the room. You cannot imagine the joy and satisfaction of everyone. We achieved this together! His research describes an operative mental state in which a person is completely immersed in the activity he is performing, generating a feeling of focused energy, complete involvement in a task, and success in carrying out that activity. We can say that it is in this state, when adults and children enter the story, that the door closes and the game begins.

Sometimes a rebus does not contain pictures, but only letters. Here, in order to solve it, you need to take into account the arrangement of letters or syllables. When searching for an answer to a riddle, you will have to again use the prepositions “in”, “on”, “for”, etc. If the rebus is represented by a large number identical letters, then they need to be counted. Such puzzles are not used for children, only for schoolchildren.

Don't you think it's a great learning tool? For me this is the best, without a doubt! She told us that she also learns a lot by watching and that the children never cease to amaze her every day. They are capable of much more than we imagine, especially when they have a good time and work as a team.

In his experience since the age of 12, the room is ideal for solving this problem. You can book them directly through their website. We've also enjoyed sharing with family and we're even thinking of inviting the French grandparents when they come on holiday and solving "Gaudi's Workshop" together. Confident grandparents and grandchildren make good equipment. Don't you think it's great that going out with colleagues works?

If you decide to create puzzles yourself with your child, take coloring books as pictures, cut out what you need and use these rules to compose your own riddle. If there are a lot of pictures on the printed coloring book, then you can use arrows to indicate the one you need for the rebus.

Puzzles with answers in pictures

We will continue to report! From village to village with its puppet show: Mananthroppo, Dragunales and Marionetta delight young and old. A collection of poems reminiscent of the adventures of the Juglaresque period, with the color and aesthetics of today. With this bookish game for the whole family, you'll discover new ways to have fun. Fed and Betty are two special fairies tasked by the great Magnus Mist with a mission to find the most powerful magical object: the Elemental. But you can only get it with your help, dear reader.

Music teacher Gustavo Valbuena has been kidnapped by a sinister enemy. Irene, Berto and Antonio are the students assigned by the criminal to solve the clues of the creepy game and save the life of the teacher. First there was a riddle, and when it was wrapped in verse, the riddle was born.

Math games puzzles in pictures for schoolchildren in grades 5-7

Klochkova Natalya Konstantinovna, mathematics teacher, Bukharay Secondary School, Bukharay village, Zainsky district
Description: This work can be used in mathematics lessons in grades 5–7. Solving puzzles can be offered to students when performing mental calculations, and can be offered as didactic material for homework. This work can serve as a guide for extracurricular activities and electives. Solving puzzles develops a child’s intelligence and teaches him to find a way out of difficult situations, which, of course, will be useful in life. By solving puzzles, children replenish their vocabulary, develop attention and imaginative thinking, train visual memory, learn to write correctly and remember new words.
Target: development intellectual abilities, formation of logical thinking.
Educational: teach students to solve puzzles with a mathematical theme.
Developmental: broaden students' horizons in the field of mathematics.
Educational: to cultivate a conscious attitude towards mathematics as an important subject.
A rebus is a puzzle in which a word is encrypted. This word is given in the form of pictures using letters and numbers, as well as certain shapes or objects. Rebus is one of the most interesting puzzles.
The word COMPUTER is encrypted in this picture.

There are certain rules for solving puzzles.
1. A comma at the very beginning of a word indicates that you need to remove the first letter in this word, and a comma at the end means that you need to remove the last letter in the word. Two commas - remove two letters. In the word mosquito we remove the last two letters AP, in the word iron we remove the first letter U and the last letter G.
2. Crossed out numbers indicate that the letters standing in this place are removed. In the word five we remove the second and third letters, that is, YAT. If letters are crossed out, they are also removed from the word.
3. Numbers that are not crossed out indicate that the letters in places 2 and 3 must be swapped. In the word iron, the letters T and Yu are swapped YUT. Now we read the word in full.
This picture encrypts the word PERPENDICULAR.

4. If the picture is upside down, then the word guessed using the picture is read from right to left. The word read is not turnip, but aper. The first letter A is removed. In the word stump, the last letter b is removed. The word whale is read backwards. In the word chair, the first two letters ST are removed. The names of all objects depicted in the rebus are read only in the nominative case.
5.An “arrow” or an “equals” sign indicates that one letter must be replaced by another. In our case, in the word tick, the letter T must be replaced with the letter D. Now the word can be read in full.
The word EAST is encrypted in this picture.

6.Letters, words or pictures can be depicted inside other letters, above other letters, under and behind them. Then prepositions are added: IN, ON, ABOVE, UNDER, FOR. Our letter O contains the number STO, so it turns out B-O-STO-K.
The word MAP is encrypted in this picture.

7.The numbers under the picture indicate that from this word you need to take the letters located in places numbered 7,2,4,3,8 and compose them in the order in which the numbers are located. In the word cheesecake you need to take the letters 7-K, 2-A, 4-P, 3-T, 8-A. You can read the word.
Let's try to solve a few puzzles in the field of mathematics.