Quick learning of Polish video. Consonants “ć”, “dź”. Animate and inanimate nouns

If you have recently wondered how to quickly learn Polish for beginners or tried to learn Polish on your own from scratch, then you have undoubtedly already asked yourself many questions that anyone starting to learn it faces.

  • Is Polish a difficult language?
  • How to quickly learn conversational Polish for dummies,
  • What is the most effective and efficient way to study?
  • Is it effective to learn Polish for beginners online?
  • How long does it take to learn Polish, etc.

There are many more questions that any student has at the very beginning of their journey than answers. There are also plenty of doubts.

Learn Polish with the Android and iPhone app "50 languages"

If you have a small penny, you can try studying at a language school. I advise you to go to King Sejong Institute, you will not regret it. Science is not just theory, it is practice. It's worth talking, you need to talk. You can't be ashamed, afraid to speak Korean- this, unfortunately, exists and can really ruin your Korean knowledge in the future.

Here you can create a tiny blog where you can post Korean entries and Koreans themselves will correct your mistakes and help them understand the meaning. This can also help you make some cool friendships that may benefit you in the future. Two Vietnamese people who met this portal are helping me with my recruiting in Vietnam.

In this article we have collected answers to the most common questions from beginning students, and also provided some useful tips and recommendations that can help you learn Polish for beginners.

How to learn Polish from scratch - answers to the most frequently asked questions

Many students who decide to learn Polish at home often ask the same questions. We've collected them all and will try to answer them below.

What a satisfaction when we can finally say in one breath, tongue breaks

This is all about me, since someone has something to add to this topic, then you can safely write in the comments. He went to Sasha with a dry road, because when the dry drought ended, King Charles bought Coraline Queen Coraline, Cecilia reads quotes from Tacitus, loyal Jola, loyal Jola. Poland is not an easy language, but it can be taught. We checked how much it costs, which methods are effective and which is, in theory, easier.

Where can you learn Polish in Lublin?

Languages ​​can be learned on your own, but it is also worth getting professional help.

Is Polish itself a difficult language?

Opinions about whether the Polish language is difficult are divided into opposites and often contradict themselves.

Someone says that Polish is a difficult language - the more you study it, the more you become convinced of this.

The institution has been operating for forty-three years. Each year between 200 and 300 people attend classes

This course usually runs from October 1 to June 24. So far, more than 10,000 people from 75 countries have passed through the walls of the Center, mostly from the East.

How long does it take to master the Polish language?

Of course, you can't learn a language in a week. School Polish language and Culture offers two-week courses, but with the assumption that the student has already studied Polish. Definitely, a semester is enough to master the language at a communicative level - both in speech and in writing. Knowledge of other languages, personal predispositions, motivation, learning ability, good memory, systematic work and simple curiosity. Nadia, an international relations and European studies student, has mastered the Polish language from childhood to play.

  • It's hard to learn to write without mistakes,
  • It's hard to learn to pronounce words correctly
  • And the grammar is very complicated - 7 cases, verb conjugations, illogical formation of verb tenses...

Others argue that learning spoken Polish is very easy for dummies, since it belongs to the Slavic group of languages.

When she was 4 years old, her father taught her a poem. The frog was weak. Since childhood, I have been fascinated by the saying “A table with broken legs.” Before the start of school, Nadya spent preparatory year at the Polish Language Center for Poles and Foreigners in Lublin. People know the basics of the grammar of Slavic languages ​​more easily. “Slavs are the fastest learners, but Germans and Scandinavians are also good performers,” says Anna Dunin-Dudkowska, director of the Center for Polish Language and Culture of Poles and Foreigners. Similar observations are made by the director of the School of Polish Language and Culture at the Catholic University of Lublin, Cezary Ruta. - Ukrainians learn faster, but so do students from Germany who already know several languages.

The main argument in favor of simplicity is that Polish is similar to Belarusian and Ukrainian. Therefore, many word roots are similar to Russian ones.

Some argue that the spoken Polish language is perceived quite simply and easily by ear, and sometimes this is true -

However, this is only at first glance. Beginners may encounter the tricky similarity of Polish words with Russian ones:

We are impressed by the people at good American universities who devote their entire vacation to studying Polish,” she says. Maria from Western Ukraine. In Lublin he studies journalism. The saying didn't bother me because we have a lot of similar words.

The real problem was learning to write in Polish. Modern methods language learning use different ways, with the help of which students can quickly acquire knowledge. The Center for Polish Language and Culture of Poles and Foreigners, in addition to the courses mentioned above, also runs courses related to the subject of students' future studies. In addition, it hosts screenings of Polish films, sporting events, and a cultural and tourism program on weekends.

  • ovocy - fruit.
  • zapomnić - to forget,
  • jutro - tomorrow,
  • granatowy - blue color,
  • uroda - beauty...

In fact, the Polish language is quite difficult, it is not for nothing that it is one of the ten most difficult languages ​​in the world. The illogicality of grammar alone is worth it.

A huge number of rules that are very difficult to explain from a logical point of view even to the Poles themselves. You'll just have to memorize the rules.

Learn Polish on vacation!

At the School of Polish Language and Culture at the Catholic University of Lublin, he devotes considerable time to the study of Polish culture, history and literature. Classes are held 2 times a week after 3 hours. Such offers can be found at the Center of Polish Language and Culture for Poles and Foreigners. The School of Polish Language and Culture offers traditional and intensive courses. The program is specially designed for groups that have special requirements, such as tourists. We will pay up to 3 thousand euros per semester. There are currently approximately 25 participants from around the world participating in the semester-long classes. The course covers an average of 22 hours per week. Holidays are a good time to learn Polish. The Center for Polish Language and Culture for Poles and Foreigners offers a Summer School of Language and Culture. For classes from 11 to 31 July we will pay 800 euros. In addition to the typical language learning, the organizers provide lectures on cultural history, tourism and cultural programs, accommodation and food. At the School of Polish Language and Culture you can study for 2 to 8 weeks on vacation. Fees for holiday courses start from 600 euros. Prices include room and board, but you can also purchase just the grammar program. The Polish-Ukrainian online portal “Port-Europe” has created free courses Polish for Ukrainians and Ukrainians for Poles.

Moreover, there are a very large number of exceptions to the rules, which also complicate the process of learning the language.

Is Polish easy to learn on your own?

If you have a burning desire - I want to learn Polish - and you are ready to work and put all your strength into the process - then everything will work out.

Although you will have to spend much more effort than if you resort to the help of a teacher.

Learn quickly and easily with the Polish language course from "50 languages"

As they say, they want to promote further rapprochement between Poles and Ukrainians, which is the key to breaking the language and cultural barrier. Our languages ​​are quite close and we do not need linguistic brochures in English or Russian. We would like Poles to teach Ukrainians, and Ukrainians to teach Polish, through our free electronic courses, we want to popularize both languages, and so far there have been quite a lot of answers,” says the author of the course, editor of the portal Yakub Loginov. The courses consist of a dozen lessons sent automatically via email.

Some hard workers, they claim, managed to learn spoken Polish on their own using textbooks, phrase books and tutorials, using useful online resources for learning the Polish language.

True, it later turned out that the Poles themselves had difficulty understanding them, but at least they could express their desires and intentions in Polish, albeit clumsily and with errors.

Gender of nouns

The author used an innovative method in his courses, which he himself mastered more than a decade ago. Ukrainian language in just 4 months. As was said, the recipe is simple - because about 60% of Ukrainian words are similar to Polish, it is enough to learn only those that are different from each other and it is difficult to think even from the context. In addition, both courses provide examples of language structures and their second language counterparts. For example, the Ukrainian prefix replaces Ukrainian, Polish and is often “exchanged” to Ukrainian.

In turn, the “equivalent” of the Polish language is Ukrainian. Such unofficial rules more, but classical courses They do not teach, but in the meantime they are most useful in Ukrainian or Polish science. Another feature is that in both courses the words are written phonetically - for example, Ukrainian words are written in the Polish alphabet. It's more like this - here's an example of such a written Ukrainian text: " Good afternoon" Such an entry allows you to become familiar with the language and eliminate the main barrier that many Poles discourage from using the Ukrainian language - that is, the Cyrillic alphabet. In fact, Cyrillic can be learned quietly while studying, it only takes a few days, and it's much faster to "get into" once you know the basics of the language.

It is, of course, better to learn Polish for beginners with a specialist teacher who will professionally and quickly teach you correct Polish.

Your desire and the help of a specialist will help speed up and facilitate the process, make the classes clear and structured.

How long does it take to learn Polish quickly?

This is the most current and frequently asked question, which worries many students at the initial stage.

And that’s how it works, students praise him,” says Loginov. In the same way, in Polish lessons, the Ukrainian text in Polish transcription helps Ukrainian students become familiar with our alphabet before they even know Polish words and grammar. The authors encourage the study of Ukrainian roots and those Poles who until now have had no connection with Ukraine. As they say, Ukraine is our neighbor, which still talks so much in the media, and the Poles really know little about it.

Meanwhile, Ukrainians are easy, curious and pleasant; it is much easier to learn than Russians. It's worth using even with curiosity. I have a surprise for you today! What is wealth, how to learn from it, and much more in this article below. We've also put together a competition at the end of the post where you can win a set of Swedish booklets - we have five to give away, so read on to find out how to win. In this case, you don't have to worry about communicating with the Swedes - they are famous for speaking the language.

However, this question is not entirely correct in its essence. And no one can give an exact answer because everything depends on many factors:

You also need to understand that everyone puts different concepts into the phrase - learn Polish quickly.

For one, it is simply to be able to understand what the Poles want from him and communicate with them on his fingers - for this level, even three months of training is enough.

Swedish in two weeks?

And we're not just talking about young people. The older generation also speaks English well. And if their language is as extraordinarily melodic as Swedish, then it is really worth trying to master its basics - just as much for the sheer pleasure of it. 🙂. Of course, there is no doubt that we will learn this language in two weeks, shortly before our planned trip to Sweden. Although Swedish is not considered a difficult language, 14 days of study is definitely not enough to become fluent in any foreign language.

For others, it is to be able to communicate fluently in Polish, without thinking about mistakes, to express your thoughts beautifully and logically - and this is a rather labor-intensive and long process.

On average, in our experience, in order to learn spoken Polish at home, if you have the help of one of our specialists, it will take 50-60 hours of training with him.

It is important for you to separate the memorable pads that you have already memorized during training and those that are still difficult to repeat as often. Of course, you can't forget about being systematic - it's best to study every day. All you have to do is spend 15 minutes! Read more about why a quarter of an hour is the most appropriate daily absorption dose here.

Below you will find 20 words from the Swedish learning set from scratch. This is a step-by-step guide that will introduce you to the secrets of the Swedish language and gradually introduce you to more complex vocabulary and grammar problems. "Starter" consists of 300 folders. Thank you for your wonderful stories and words! Marlena with the word: Tvetmaskin.

Well, independent homework -

  • learn new words and phrases,
  • translate and retell texts,
  • do written exercises,
  • complete all assignments received in class.

Is it worth learning Polish and why do it?

Many people do not fully understand why someone needed to learn Polish. Here are some common reasons why you should do this:

Thank you very much to all participants! Check us out often because more competitions are coming! Comment on this post with your favorite Swedish words and why you think it's so special. The most interesting offers will be rewarded with Swedish starters! The competition runs until Monday, February 15th.

We are preparing a lot of competitions for you this year, so stay tuned! You are the only parent and you are responsible for teaching your child to speak Polish. You are the first and most important connection in a long language way, one day your child will move quickly and without inhibitions, but today everything is in your hands. You have several training options to choose from. But before you decide what's best for your child, remember that learning style matches your family's lifestyle.

Learning Polish on your own - the main difficulties

Learning Polish for beginners on your own is not an easy task. Not only that, in addition to good tutorials and resources, you will need -

Often during the process itself, the student is faced with insurmountable difficulties, which can be very difficult to cope with on their own. But you need to be prepared for them in advance in order to reach the end.

Below we present the most common difficulties that anyone who decides to learn the Polish language from scratch will face.


Every beginner understands that at first it is necessary to study a foreign language every day, at least a little.

You need to devote at least 15-30 minutes a day to the Polish language - learn new words and phrases, do exercises, translate and retell texts - constantly try to speak Polish. This is not always possible and not everyone succeeds.

Firstly, for many working people it is impossible to find time every day to regularly study at least a little and slowly learn Polish for beginners on their own at home. Work, study, family, relatives, household chores - there will always be a bunch of things that require your participation.

Secondly, not everyone can find a few hours of free time after a day of work or study to get ready, travel and study at a language center where Polish classes are held.

  • Fatigue,
  • Lack of time
  • Household chores and responsibilities
  • The road to the language center is too long,
  • Inconvenient class times - all this stops many who want to learn Polish at the very beginning.

Subtleties of language

Desire to learn Polish on your own from scratch, without help language schools, teachers and educators - worthy of praise and pride.

But it is necessary to clearly understand that, even having the most modern and proven training manual, without a competent teacher, you won’t be able to quickly learn Polish for beginners on your own.

After all, there is a high probability that you -

  • Make mistakes in learning
  • If you learn or understand a rule incorrectly,
  • Poor understanding of the material

Due to the difficulties that arise, many beginners completely lose enthusiasm and give up what they started.

Only the most meticulous students succeed, those who are willing over time -

But it is precisely such zealous self-taught people who are then forced to get rid of incorrect pronunciation acquired during diligent “self-study”, get rid of grammatical errors in the use of verb tenses, etc.

Because it is quite a delicate job to learn Polish for beginners on your own, without the help of a teacher or a knowledgeable specialist.

Learn Polish online from scratch with a teacher - advantages of the method

Of course, it is best to learn Polish for beginners with a teacher-educator.

You can hire a tutor in your city and work with him individually - then the process will proceed faster, and everything will become clear and simple.

  • What if the time is inconvenient?
  • What if there is no normal specialist in the city?
  • What if he lives on the other side of town?
  • What to do in this case?

Then you can learn Polish online - an online Polish tutor will teach you via Skype.

  • You don’t have to go anywhere and waste time and money on travel - classes are held via the Internet.
  • You don't have to buy textbooks - all materials are sent free of charge,
  • You don’t have to search for a long time for the right specialist teacher - the Internet is limitless and is not tied to a city or country. That is, you can choose a teacher anywhere in the world.
  • Everything will already be prepared for you personally by the best teacher.

Our school foreign languages offers to learn Polish online for beginners with the most experienced and professional teacher-tutor who will work with you one-on-one.

With us, learning Polish for beginners online is much more effective than doing it yourself or in language courses.

After all, only a professional will be able to develop your classes in such a way that from the very first lessons you -

  • Start speaking Polish
  • You will constantly hear correct Polish speech,
  • Get used to the pronunciation and pace of conversation,
  • Learn to write and read correctly,
  • You will understand how to correctly conjugate verbs and inflect words without errors,
  • You will be able to express yourself beautifully in clear, spoken Polish.

It is quite difficult to study the Polish language on your own - there is no one to clarify some difficult points of grammar, no one to check the correctness of pronunciation or reading, no one controls the assimilation of grammatical material, no one corrects mistakes.

Learning Polish online with a teacher is always easier and more understandable, because it is

  • will select textbooks that suit you,
  • diversifies classes with video or audio materials,
  • will find exciting learning exercises and assignments,
  • will provoke you to use spoken language,
  • so that you can learn Polish via Skype as soon as possible - learn to read, speak and understand Polish.

You can find out in more detail how online Polish language lessons are conducted at our school, but for now we will inform you that you will receive all textbooks, materials, files, dictionaries and grammar exercises completely free of charge, you will not have to spend a penny on them.

An individual approach and quality classes are what distinguishes our specialists.

What is needed to learn Polish online at our school?

In order to quickly learn Polish with us via Skype at home online, you only need a few simple steps:

STEP 1: Decide to learn basic Polish online.

STEP 2: Sign up for a trial free lesson on our website.

To do this, you need to wait for our administrators to contact you via Skype.

They will clarify your request, determine your level of knowledge of the Polish language and advise directions:

  • Learn Polish online from scratch, from the very basics - the alphabet,
  • Or spoken Polish for beginners online,
  • Or maybe you need to learn Polish online for children, -

These and other details of your goals are clarified by our administrators. They can also answer any questions you may have regarding our school and your classes.

STEP 3: Take a trial demo lesson in which you -

  • Get to know your teacher and his methods,
  • Find out exactly how you will learn Polish online for beginners, taking into account your characteristics of mastering the material, the speed and pace of work.

STEP 4: After the trial lesson, you will need to pay for the lessons in any way convenient for you and continue your lessons with the same teacher.

With the professionals who work with us, learning Polish online is as easy as shelling pears.

After all, in their classes, our online tutors use the most advanced and proven techniques.

You will start talking right away - from the first lessons you -

  • learn common conversational phrases,
  • you will practice pronunciation in tongue twisters,
  • study grammatical forms in exercises,
  • watch a lot of videos,
  • listen to audio recordings,
  • do a lot of interesting things that will allow you to quickly learn spoken Polish from scratch online.

Learn Polish for children online

If parents intend to send their child to receive higher education in Poland in the future, then the child needs to learn Polish now.

Children are overloaded with school activities, extra clubs and sports sections- therefore, saving time is very important for parents.

We learn Polish from scratch online, via the Internet via Skype, so the child does not have to leave home.

Children in our school learn the Polish language from the very beginning with a competent online teacher who will thoroughly teach them all the intricacies of the language, so that in the future it will be very easy for the child to communicate and learn.

Polish online for children captivates any child, because our specialists develop classes taking into account the age and abilities of each individual student.

Each lesson includes -

  • materials with vivid associations, for better memorization new words and expressions,
  • many game components to keep the child interested,
  • watching films, cartoons, children's programs,
  • listening to dialogues, songs, rhymes so that the child gets used to Polish speech,
  • execution various types exercises, both written and oral.
  • Rating: 4.64 5 1 - 11 reviews

This article is intended both for those who are embarking on a serious and thorough study of the language, and for those who want to master the basic skills of reading, writing, translating and conducting a simple conversation in a short time.

Self-study is facilitated due to numerous comparisons with the Russian language, linguistic terminology reduced to a minimum.

The article contains the necessary minimum of linguistic information, which, hopefully, will serve as an incentive for further study of the language and culture of such an interesting country as Poland.

Polish alphabet

Modern Polish alphabet consists of 32 letters (9 vowels and 23 consonants). Letters are also used in borrowed words Latin alphabet Q, V, X.

Polish alphabet
Letter Name Example
A a a a niol (angel)
ą ą mą dry (smart)
Bb be b eczka (barrel)
C C ce c órka (daughter)
Ć ć cie ć ma (mol)
D d de d om (house)
E e e e dukacja (education)
ę ę dzię kuję (thank you)
F f ef f arba (paint)
G g gie g ość (guest)
H h ha hak (hook)
I i i i stnienie (existence)
Jj jot raj (paradise)
K k ka kwiat (flower)
Ll el l as (forest)
Ł ł łoś (moose)
Mm em m iłość (love)
Nn en n oga (leg)
ń koń (horse)
O o o o kno (window)
Ó ó o kreskowane bó l (pain)
P p pe p iłka (ball)
(Q q) ku
R r er r óża (rose)
Ss es s ól (salt)
Ś ś środa (Wednesday)
T t te t alerz (plate)
U u u u niwersytet (university)
(Vv) fał
W w wu w oda (water)
(X x) ix
Y y igrek sy n (son)
Z z zet z ywód (profession)
Ż ż ziet ż elazo (iron)
Ź ź żet ź le (bad)

About Polish accent

Accent in Polish fixed, constant. It usually falls on the penultimate syllable. The stressed syllable is emphasized with less force than in Russian. It should be remembered that vowels in unstressed syllables do not change either qualitatively or quantitatively, i.e. there is no reduction of vowels (“akanie”). In any position, regardless of the stressed or unstressed syllable, all vowels are pronounced equally clearly.

But not all words have stress on the penultimate syllable. The exception is some grammatical forms and words, usually borrowed.

Borrowed words with the suffix have stress on the third syllable from the end -ik (a), -yk (a): "technika, "fabryka, "fizykiem and some others ( "opera, re"pertuar, uni"wersytet).

The same stress (on the third syllable from the end) is characteristic of individual verb forms (for example, forms of the 1st and 2nd person plural of the past tense: "byliśmy, czy"taliście) and some numerals ( "czterysta, "siedemset, "osiemset, "dziewięćset).

In modern spoken language, however, there is trend towards unification stress points ( czyta"liście, o"siemset, which, however, is not yet included in the norm).

Vowels “a”, “o”, “u (ó)”

The Polish language has 8 vowels, of which 2 are nasal and 6 are so-called pure. The “pure” ones include, in particular, vowels “a”, “o”, “u (ó)”.

Vowel " a" - pronounced like Russian [a] in a stressed syllable.

Vowel " o" - is pronounced almost like Russian [o] in a stressed syllable, but with less labialization.

Vowel " u" - pronounced like Russian [у], but the lips are more forward. The sound has a double graphic image: “ u» - « ó " “ó” in a closed syllable alternates with “o” in an open syllable: bob - bobu. « ó "most often corresponds to the Russian [o], and the Polish "u" corresponds to the Russian [у].

Vowel "e"

Vowel " e" - pronounced like a Russian substressed [e] (for example, in the word This). Before “e” the consonants are not softened:

Ewa meta te potem method
Edek mewa ten poeta moment
epoka topic tent nowe decade
effect apteka magnetofon cometa coin

Vowels “y”, “i”. Soft and hard consonants

Vowels " y», « i» - variants of one sound. The consonants before “u” are hard, the consonants before “i” are soft.

Vowel " y» - front row, middle rise. When pronouncing “u” the tongue is less raised than when pronouncing Russian [ы]:

ty hymn system nowy mamy
wy wyraz dywan stary znamy
my cyrk good trudny kochamy
syn Krym kuzyn Tygrus pyramid
dym ryby Edyta wystawa wystawy

Vowel " i» - front row, high lift. Depending on its position in the word, the letter “i” is pronounced differently or not pronounced at all.

At the beginning of a word or syllable(in position after a vowel) " i" is pronounced iotically, which is not spelled (letter combination ji possible only after z, s, With):

ich moi-moimi boisko Ukraine
im twoi - twoimi naiwny stoisko
inny swoi-swoimi uspokoi zaimek
import stoi-stoimy kraina Aida

Between two consonants or at the end of a word the letter “i” denotes a sound similar to Russian [i]. At the same time, it is an indicator of the softness of the preceding consonant, and labial consonants b-p; w-f; m before [i] they are softened more “intensely” than in Russian:

cinema egzamin jaki Victor piwo
pani niski taki pismo wino
minute wysoki Chiny nazwisko robi
nic drugi kwit firma mowi

In combination [ consonant + “i” + vowel] « i" does not indicate a sound: it is only a graphic indicator of the softness of the preceding consonant, a kind of “Polish soft sign”. Before vowels a, o, u(ó), e consonants can soften b, p, w, f, m, n; before e Also g, k. Of the listed consonants at the end of a word or syllable, only “ n» ( blood, steppe - crew, step). Before “e” the consonants “k” and “g” are most often soft ( -kie-, -gie-). For example, pronunciation of words Kopernik - piernik; bada - biada; pasek - piasek; zdrowe - zdrowie. More examples:

In combination [ consonant + “i” + vowel] the letter "i" can stand for [j]. (As already noted, “j” is written only after prefixes and consonants z, s, c). This pronunciation is typical mainly for words of foreign origin (“j” is written only after prefixes and consonants z, s, c).

Consonants " d», « t», « r" - only hard ones, therefore “i” between them and vowels (in borrowed words) is also pronounced as [j] (a hard separating sign).

Nasal vowel “ą” (at the end of words and before fricative consonants)

Nasal vowel " ą » - labialized, posterior, has nasal resonance in the position before the consonants “w”, “f”, “z”, “s”, “ż (rz)”, “sz”, “ź”, “ś”, “ch” " and at the end of a word. The word does not appear at the beginning. When articulating “ą”, when pronouncing [o], you need to prepare to pronounce [n] and make sure that the articulation of [n] is not completed:

Nasal vowel “ę” (before fricatives and at the end of words)

Nasal vowel " ę » - nonlabialized, posterior row. Has nasal resonance before fricative consonants. Articulationally similar to “ą”. At the end of a word, the nasal resonance is lost. It is useful to keep in mind that the nasal “ę”, “ą” often correspond to Russian [у], [у], [я]:

(Return component " się"is written in Polish separately from the verb, it can precede it and be separated from it by other words. If there are several reflexive verbs " się", as a rule, is used once. Does not affect the place of stress.)

Consonants “m”, “n”, “b”, “p”, “d”, “t”, “w”, “f”, “g”, “k”

Polish consonants, like Russian ones, can be hard and soft, voiced and voiceless. Voiced consonants, as in the Russian language, are deafened at the end of a word and before voiceless consonants.

Consonants " m», « n» - sonorous, nasal, hard. Pronounced like Russian [m], [n]:

Consonants " d», « t» - anterior lingual teeth, hard. They form a pair based on voicedness/voicelessness. Pronounced like Russian [d], [t] respectively:

Consonants " g», « k» - posterior lingual, hard. They form a pair based on voicedness/voicelessness. Pronounced like Russian [g], [k]:

Consonants “r”, “z”, “s”, “c”, semi-vowel “j”

Consonant " r» - anterior lingual, hard. Pronounced like Russian [r]:

Consonant " c» - anterior lingual, hard. Pronounced like Russian [ts]:

co radca cena concert scene
cud praca ocena processes ocean
noc wraca Jacek percentage Francuz
koc owca corka cenrum censorship

Semivowel " j» - middle lingual, fricative. In Russian, it corresponds to the sound [y] (the letter “y” at the end of a word and before consonants) or - in combination with vowels - iotated vowels “e”, “ya”, “e”, “yu”: daj - give me, woj na - war; moja - my:

Sound " j» meets and after consonants, however, it is depicted with the letter “j” only after prefixes ( obj azd) and consonants " z», « s», « c"(mostly in borrowed words). Pronounced like Russian [ ъ] (separating solid character):

Consonant "ch" ("h")

Consonant " ch» - posterior lingual, hard, deaf. Pronounced like Russian [x].

The sound has a double graphic image: “ ch», « h»:

hack humor fach herbata chmura
huk herb dach ucho chustka
Huta chata gmach kocha rachunek
chór huragan mucha Choroba horoscop

The correct spelling will help you check the Russian language: Russian “x” corresponds to “ch” in Polish ( chata, mucha), in place of the Polish “h” there is “g” ( hymn - hymn) or "zero sound" ( harfa - harp). There are exceptions: hockeyj.

Consonants “ż (rz)” - “sz”, “dż” - “cz”, “dz”. Letter combinations “szcz”; "żdż"; "dżdż"

Consonants " ż », « sz» - front lingual hard. They form a pair based on voicedness/voicelessness. Pronounced accordingly as Russian [zh], [sh]. At the end of a word and before voiceless consonants, “ż” is deafened to “sz”:

żona duży ważny noż podroż
żakiet pożar każdy ryż passer
szeroki Warsaw sztuka nasz kochasz
szósty zeszyt mieszkam wasz proszek

Consonant " rz» - in pronunciation it does not differ from “ż” (with the deafening “sz”). In Russian words with the same root as Polish “ rz» corresponds soft sound[р’] (as already indicated, the sound “r” in Polish words is only hard), consonant with “ ż " - Russian [zh], less often [z] or [s]: morz e - sea ​​e; może - Maybe. After “ż” (“rz”) and “sz” no “i” is written:

It is useful to take into account some other patterns. So, for example, Russian letter combinations [ -ere-], [-oro-], [-olo-] often correspond to Polish without the first vowel: shore - brzeg, freezing - mroz, road - droga etc. Russian prefixes re- , pre- , pro- corresponds to the prefix in Polish prze- ; console at- - Polish przy- :

drzewo przyroda przewóz przepiszesz
brzeg przerwa przyprawa przeczytasz
brzoza przód przecena przechytrzysz

Consonants " », « cz» - hard, anterior lingual. They form a pair based on voicedness/voicelessness. Consonant " "occurs mainly in borrowed words: dżem, dżentelmen, dudo, dżokej. Consonant " cz" is much harder than the Russian "ch". Pronounced approximately like [chsh] in the word " better" After “dż”, “cz” in Polish words “i” is not written:

Consonant " dz» - voiced pair of consonant “c”. Pronounced together, approximately as in the word “ bridgehead" At the end of a word and before voiceless consonants it is pronounced as “c”:

Consonants “ń”, “l”, “ł”

Consonant " ń » - unlike “m”, “b”, “p”, “w”, “f”, “g”, “k”, it can be soft not only before a vowel, but also at the end of a word or before a consonant. In this case, softness is indicated by a special superscript (“ kreska"). The softness of the consonant “ń” is somewhat “more intense” than the Russian [n’]:

Consonant " l» - pronounced like Russian soft [l’] only before “i”: lipa - linden. In other cases, “l” has no correspondence in Russian (this is the so-called “European sound l”). There is no “y” after “l”:

list byli stolica królik liceum
plik bliski tablica climate police
liter line ulica polityk szalik

Other examples:

Ensure correct articulation of “l”
la- las lampa class chwila Polak
lo- lot lotnik diploma samolot lody
le- lek bread ticket problem ale
lu- lód lubi bluzka ludowy club
l- wilk kilka Polska tylko wolny
-l style handel rubel szpital sol

(The names of nationalities are written with a capital letter: Polak, Rosjanin)

Consonant " ł » - hard, pronounced as a non-syllabic (very short) [у] (very close to the Belarusian “ў”). Cannot be combined with "i":

Watch the pronunciation of “ł”
ła- ładny łatwy byłam była Wisła
ło- czoło słownik gold młody krzesło
łe- łeb little byłem złe stołek
łu- łuk główny długo głupi slucham
ły- łyk łysy mały zły please
ł- żółty żółw łza północ małpa
był title stół artykuł doł

Consonants “ź”, “ś”

Consonants " ź », « ś » - middle language, soft. They form a pair based on voicedness/voicelessness. Historically correspond to Russian [з’], [с’]. There are no similar sounds in the Russian language. The softness of “ź”, “ś” before vowels is indicated by the letter “i”, before consonants and at the end of a word by a superscript: Kasia - Kaśka. Examples:

zia- ziarno buzia Zuzia Kazia
zio- zioła kozioł jezioro Józio
zie- ziemia ziewa zielony przywiezie
ziu- Ziuta ziółko bliziutko Kaziu!
zi- winter winter grozi Kazimierz
-ź- źle poźno grźba przyjaźń
sia- siano siatka Zosia prosiak
sio- siostra siodło osioł jesiotr
sie- siedem osiem jesień Sienkiewicz
siu- siódmy Jasiu! Kasiu! Marysiu!
si- strong prosi positive sito
-ś- Jaś środa głośno śniadanie

Consonants “ć”, “dź”

Consonants " ć », « » - affricatives, soft. They form a deaf/voiced pair. Historically correspond to Russian [t’], [d’] ( być - be, gdz ie - Where).

Consonant " ć » - softer than Russian [h]. This sound is represented in writing by the letter “ć” only at the end of a word and before consonants. Before vowels it is represented by a combination of letters [ ci-]:

cia- ciasno ciastko ściana babcia
cio- ciocia cios ciosak sześcioro
cie- ciepło życie ojciec ciekawy
ciu- ciuchy ciuchcia kciuk kościół
ci- cisza cicho trzeci przecinek
-ć- ćma gość być ćwierć

More examples:

Pay attention to the pronunciation and spelling of the hard “cz” and soft “ć”
nauczyciel wycieczka Cwiczenie
uczciwy czcionka uroczyście
czyścić uczycie czuć
uczucie oczywiście czcić
płaczecie cześć na poczcie
czy-ci zasilacz - yasilać gracz-grać
bicz - bić odtwarzacz - odtwarzać miecz - miec
leczy-leci słuchacz - słuchać badacz - badacz

Consonant " » - very soft, seamless sound. It is represented by the letter “dź” at the end of a word and before consonants; before vowels the letter combination [ dzi-]:

dzia- dziadek Jadzia wydzial poniedzialek
dzio- dziadzio Włodzio zadziorny rozwiedziona
dzie- dzień dziecko gdzie niedziela
dziu- dziura dziób dziupla Jadziu!
dzi- dziś godzina Chodzi goździk
-dź- dźwig Łódź gwoźdź niedźwiedź

Nasal vowel decay

Vowels " ą », « ę ", as already noted, retain nasal resonance only before fricative consonants and at the end of the word ("ą"). In other cases we can talk about nasal decay.

Before consonants " g», « k» - nasal “ą”, “ę” break down into “pure” [o], [e] and a nasal consonant similar to [ŋ] in an English combination or in Russian words gong, paragraph:

Before labial consonants " b», « p» - nasal “ą”, “ę” break down into “pure” [o], [e] and nasal consonant [m]:

Before the front-lingual " d», « t», « dz», « With» - nasal “ą”, “ę” break down into “pure” [o], [e] and consonant [n]:

Pronounce “ą”, “ę” as [оn], respectively
prąd prędko początek chętnie
bład błędy piątek piętro
rząd wędka dziesiąty zajęty
porządek kolęda wątpić pamiętać
skąd tędy wyjątek święto
pieniądze pieniędzy miesiąc więcej
Grudziądz spędzać tysiąc skręcać
ksiądz księdza zając ręce
mosiądz między brzdąc więc

Before soft anterior lingual " », « ć » - nasal “ą”, “ę” break down into “pure” [o], [e] and soft nasal [ń]:

Before consonants " l», « ł » - nasal “ą”, “ę” are pronounced like “pure” vowels [o], [e]:

Consonant assimilation

The pronunciation of consonants can be influenced by both preceding and following sounds. When reading groups of consonants, one must keep in mind the results of the so-called consonant assimilation.

As in the Russian language, in the group of consonants [voiced + voiceless] both sounds are pronounced as voiceless: podp is[-tp-], czekoladk a[-tk-], wt orek .

In the group [voiceless + voiced], both sounds are pronounced voiced: prośb a[-zb-], liczb a[-dzb-], takż e[-gż-].

The consonants “w”, “rz” after voiceless ones are pronounced as [f], respectively: kw iat , lekarstw o[-tf-], krz eslo .

When reading the letter combinations [-nk-], [-ng-], nasal resonance appears: bank[-ŋk], Anglia[-ŋg-].

odp owiada św iat chw ila Mong olia
książk a kw iat czw artek kong res
województ wo sw ój kw adrat okienk o
powt arza utw or św iadek Rosjank a

Softness of “d”, “t”, “z”, “s”, “r” in borrowed words

Consonants " d», « t», « z», « s», « r", as already indicated, do not have soft pairs. However, in words of foreign origin, and, above all, proper names , , , , there are, for example, the pronunciation of words (geographical names) Sie radz[še-] and Sie rra Leone .

It should also be borne in mind that in Polish foreign proper names, written in Latin letters, most often retain the original spelling: Miterrand (Mitterrand), Chopin, Churchill (Churchill), Freetown, Cannes, line Maginota (Maginot Line) etc.

Tirana dinar Zimbabwe riksza
tik diuna Zanzibar riposta
tiul diwa Singapore Riepin
festival dinozaur Sierow ring

However, in the word nazizm, for example, pronounced [źi].

Gender of nouns

In Polish, nouns are differentiated by gender. As in the Russian language, there are masculine, feminine and neuter genders. It should be borne in mind that Russian and Polish words that are similar in sound and meaning do not always belong to the same grammatical gender (Russian " panel" - feminine, Polish. " panel" - masculine):

Masculine Feminine Neuter
dom on water ona window ono
kot mapa oko
tata Anna dno

Nouns on -um belong to the neuter gender (except album, kostium) and in the singular are not declined: forum.

Gender of adjectives

Adjectives and other agreed adjectives have endings depending on gender -y , -i ; -A ; -e (-ie ).

Masculine Feminine Neuter
jaki? nowy jaka? nowa jakie? nowe
stary stara stare
niski niska niskie
wysoki wysoka wysokie

Animate and inanimate nouns

In Polish, as in Russian, there are differences animate and inanimate nouns. The first ones answer the question “ Who's to best? ", the second - " What's next? " Unlike the Russian language, the linking verb in such constructions is rarely omitted:

  • Who is this? - Who to best?
  • This is a student. -To best student.

In the design " So to za...? "The linking verb is usually absent.

Interrogative pronoun "czyj". Possessive pronouns

In response to an affiliation question that includes pronouns czyj, czyja, czyje, can be used similar to Russian possessive pronouns:

  • moj, moja, moje / nasz, nasza, nasze;
  • two, two, two / wasz, wasza, wasze;
  • jego, jej / ich;
  • swoj, swoja, swoje.

The functions of possessive pronouns when addressing an interlocutor “to you” in Polish use the words pan, pani in the genitive case:

  • Czyj to syn, pani? (address to the interlocutor) - Yes, moi;
  • Czyj to syn, pani Anny? (question about the “third” person) - Yes, jej.

The same words replace the polite “You” in different cases and in other cases:

  • Co pan czyta?(address to the interlocutor) - Czytam czasopismo.
  • Co czyta ten pan? (question about the “third” person) - On czyta czasopismo.

More examples (note the use of possessive pronouns and words pan, pani):

  • Czyj to zeszyt? - To best mój zeszyt.
  • Czyja to rzecz? - To best twoja rzecz.
  • Czyja to teczka? - To best jego teczka.
  • Czyj to wiersz? - To best jej Wiersz.
  • What about gazeta? - To best pana gazeta
  • Why not? - To best pani pióro.
  • What about bagaz? - To best nasz bagaż.
  • Czyje to miejsce? - To best wasze miejsce.
  • Czyja to corka? - To best ich corka.

Interrogative sentences with the particle “czy”. Negation of "nie"

In Polish, a question is usually constructed using a question word ( who, co, czyj, jaki etc.) or interrogative particle czy, which is placed at the beginning of the sentence: “ Czy masz brata?» Into Russian czy not translated or translated by the particle “ whether» ( Do you have a brother? - Do you have a brother?). In a different position the particle czy can be translated as " or»: « (Czy) masz psa czy kota?»

The negations “no” and “not” are translated into Polish the same way: “ nie»: Czy znasz tego pana? - Nie, nie znam(if a monosyllable word follows the negation, the emphasis “shifts” to “ nie"). Examples:

  • Czy pan Czechowicz mieszka w Warszawie?
    • So, on mieszka w Warszawie.
    • Nie, on mieszka w Krakowie.
  • Czy pani dawno mieszka w Moskwie?
    • Tak, mieszkam tu dawno.
    • Nie, niedawn.
  • Przepraszam, why not?
    • So, to best Szczytno.
    • Nie, to best Bydgoszcz.

Constructions mieć na imię, nazywać się

Read and memorize the constructions.

“Thank you”, “please”, “sorry”

Russian polite " Please», « Thank you», « Sorry» correspond to the personal forms of verbs in Polish prosić, dziękować, przepraszać: “dziękuję” - “I thank”, “dziękujemy” - “we thank”, etc.:

  • Dziękuję (bardzo)! (dziękujemy)
    • Proszę (bardzo)!
    • Nie ma za co!
    • Nie ma sprawy!
  • Przepraszam (bardzo)! (przepraszamy)
    • Nie szkodzi!
    • Nie ma sprawy!

Present tense of the verb "to be"

As already indicated, the linking verb is rarely omitted in Polish: He (she) is already healthy (healthy) - On (ona) już best zdrowy (zdrowa).

This also applies to the 1st person singular form of the present tense " jestem»: I'm already healthy (healthy) - Już jestem zdrowy (zdrowa).

Verb "być" in the present tense has the forms of all persons (complete paradigm). Remember the well-known ones and get acquainted with some new forms:

  1. jestem / jesteśmy;
  2. jesteś / jesteście(remember that to address “on your terms” a verb in the 3rd person singular is used. The 2nd person plural is addressed to a group of people with whom we are on friendly terms, for example, children);
  3. best.

Past tense of the verb "to be"

Unlike the Russian language, Polish past tense form of the verb "to be" have not only generic endings, but also personal ones. Here are some of these forms (1st and 3rd person singular):

  • byłem- I was;
  • byłam- I was;
  • był- he was;
  • była- she was;
  • było- (it) was.

Past tense of the verb " be" (singular):

Masculine Feminine Neuter
(ja) byłem (ja) byłam byłom
(ty) byłeś (ty) byłaś byłoś
on (pan) był ona (pani) była ono było

Personal pronouns of the 1st and 2nd persons are used much less frequently in Polish than in Russian. They are required only in opposition and in a position under logical stress ( Ja there byłem, a ty nie byłeś.).

Neuter forms byłom, byłoś are used extremely rarely.

Future tense of the verb "być"

Future tense of the verb " być»:

  1. będę / będziemy;
  2. będziesz / będziecie;
  3. bębzie/będą.

The future tense forms of the verb "być" can be used independently ( I'll be home - będę w domu), and - with the infinitive - to form the complex future tense of imperfective verbs ( I will read - będę czytać).

Past tense of the verb "być" (plural forms)

As already mentioned, in the Polish language there is a so-called personal-masculine form in the plural:

  • wszyscy oni- people with the mandatory presence of men;
  • wszystkie one- women, children, animals, objects.

Verbs in the past tense and, in particular, the verb “być” also have a personal-masculine form in the plural, opposed to the “impersonal”:

  • Jacek i Agata byli w kinie.
  • Magda i Anna były w kinie.

Past tense of the verb " być"(plural):

Pay attention to the use of polite words panie, panowie, państwo with the 3rd person plural of the verb być:

  • Why panie były w kinie?- You ( to women) were you at the cinema?
  • Why panowie byli w kinie?- You ( to men) were you at the cinema?
  • Czy państwo byli w kinie?- You ( to men and women) were you at the cinema?
  • In spoken language, the 2nd person plural form is also possible: czy byliście państwo...

Nominal compound predicate

Nominal compound predicate represented in Polish in different models:

  • bunch to and a noun with or without a definition in nominative case: Kraków - to stare miasto.
  • linking verb in the form of present, past or future tense and a noun with or without a modifier instrumental case: Krakow best starym miastem.
  • linking verb in the present, past or future tense and an adjective or other agreed modifier in nominative case: Krakow best story.

Conjugation of verbs “być”, “mieć” (present tense). Verbs of III conjugation

Present tense of the verb " być» :

  1. jestem/jesteśmy;
  2. jesteś / jesteście;
  3. jest/są.

As already indicated, personal pronouns ja, ty, my, wy are used in Polish less frequently than similar ones in Russian.

In the third person plural, the so-called personal-masculine (pronoun) are distinguished oni) and “impersonal” (pronoun one) shapes. Depending on the belonging to these forms, the word “all” is translated as “ wszyscy" And " wszystkie" respectively:

  • Oni wszyscy są naszymi kolegami.
  • One wszystkie są naszymi koleżankami.

Present tense of the verb " miec» :

  1. mam/mamy;
  2. masz/macie;
  3. ma/mają.

Verbs are conjugated in the same way czytać, mieszkać, znać, opowiadać, odpowiadać, pomagać, ogladać, powtarzać, wyjeżdżać etc. A group of such verbs is combined into general type conjugations (III).

Instrumental case

Forms instrumental case neuter and masculine nouns with a consonant have a singular ending -em/ '-em (consonants are softened before “-e” k, g: chemik - chemikiem; Bóg - Bogiem). Agreed definitions take endings -ym , -im (Jan był dobrym pracownikiem). In the plural, nouns of all genders have the same ending -ami , for definitions - -ymi , -imi (Jan i Maria byli dobrymi pracownikami).

As in Russian, the forms instrumental case can make prepositions. Preposition " z» (« ze") is used, in particular, to denote the “jointness” of an action: with my son - z synem.

IN instrumental case singular nouns feminine, masculine -a and male surnames -o accept the ending . The agreed upon definitions of the feminine gender have the same ending, for example:

  • Ona jest moją koleżanką.
  • On the best day of my life.

Forms instrumental case with prepositions z, nad, pod, za, przed and others are used in different meanings, for example: z kolegą(togetherness), nad ziemią, pod dome, za miastem(place), przed wojną(time), etc.

Alternation of consonants in the prepositional case

In Polish there are no soft consonants , , , , . Instead, they are replaced by “ź”, “ś”, “dź”, “ć”, “rz”. The grammatical position where alternations occur z - ź, s - ś, d-dź, t - ć, r - rz, and also l - ł, is, first of all, prepositional singular case of nouns with a base on a solid consonant (except for “k”, “g”, “ch”), which has an ending '-e : class - w classie, teatr - w teatrze, zeszyt - w zeszycie etc. The remaining hard consonants before this ending are successively replaced by their soft “pairs”: [b] - , [p] - , [w] - , [f] - [f], [m] - , [n] - [n]: mapa - na mapie, film - about filmie, cinema - w kinie(exceptions - dom, syn, pan with the ending - " - u» : w domu).

Groups of consonants can alternate: masło - maśl e(sł - śl), pism o - piśm ie(sm - śm’), etc., as well as vowels [ -a] - [-e]: mia sto - w mie ście, la s - w le sie, cia Lo - na cie le.

Agreed Definitions masculine and neuter gender have endings in the prepositional case -ym , -im , female -ej .

In plural noun endings - -ach , agreed upon definitions - -ych , -ich .

Accusative case of nouns ending in -a, -i and agreed feminine adjectives

IN accusative singular feminine nouns with a vowel, masculine with a vowel -A and male surnames -O have an ending . Exception: pani - pania.

Agreed definitions of the feminine gender end in . Exception: ta - .

Accusative case forms answer questions who? co?, i.e. in the masculine gender, as in the Russian language, it is important that the word belongs to animate or inanimate nouns:

  • mam nową książkę;
  • mam nowe czasopismo;
  • mam nowy text;
  • mam nowego lektora (kolegę).

Unstressed elements

Some monosyllabic words and word elements do not carry stress and do not affect its place in the preceding or subsequent word, although they are pronounced together with it. Unstressed are:

  • reflexive and monosyllabic personal pronouns: "zwali go, "daj mi to, "know why:
  • particles no, że(no is written separately, że- together): "daj no to, prze"czytajże.
  • negation nie And monosyllabic prepositions (do, u, z, nad, w etc.), except when they are followed by a monosyllabic word: nie "mom - "nie mam; nie "znamy - "nie znam; do "niego - "do niej etc.

Cardinal and ordinal numbers, date designation

Cardinal numbers 1-20:

1 - jeden 6 - sześć 11 - jedenaście 16 - szesnaście
2 - dwa 7 - siedem 12 - dwanaście 17 - siedemnaście
3 - trzy 8 - osiem 13 - trzynaście 18 - osiemnaście
4 - cztery 9 - dziwięć 14 - czternaście 19 - dziewiętnaście
5 - pięć 10 - dziesięć 15 - piętnaście 20 - dwadzieścia

In Polish, as in Russian, there are generic forms of numerals jeden - jedna - jedno, inflected as adjectives, and forms dwa(masculine and neuter), dwie(feminine).

In numerals 15, 19 “ę” is pronounced as [e].

Cardinal numbers answer the question ile? , For example:

  • Ile pan (-i) ma lat? (Ile masz lat?) - How old are you (you)?
  • Mam 20 (dwadzieścia) lat. - I am 20 (twenty) years old.

Ordinal numbers 1-20:

1st - pierwszy 6th - szósty 11th - jedenasty 16th - szesnasty
2nd - drugi 7th - siódmy 12th - dwunasty 17th - siedemnasty
3rd - trzeci 8th - Osmy 13th - trzynasty 18th - osiemnasty
4th - czwarty 9th - dziewiąty 14th - czternasty 19th - dziewiętnasty
5th - piąty 10th - dziesiąty 15th - piętnasty 20th - dwudziesty

Ordinal numbers answer the question sequentially ktory?(unlike the Russian language, where the question “ Which?»).:

  • jaki? - duży, mały, dobry, zly, wysoki, niski, ładny ...
  • ktory? - pierwszy, ósmy, dwudziesty, ostatni, ten ...

Ordinal numbers vary in the same way as adjectives: by gender, case and number: trzeci rząd, w siódmej klasie, w pierwszych dniach, do dwudziestego wieku etc.

Using ordinal numbers we construct constructions indicating date(day of month, year):

  • Który to był rok?- 2005. (Dwa tysiące piąty).
  • W którym to było roku?- W 2005. (W dwa tysiące piątym).
  • Który (dzień) jest dziś?- Dziś jest 12.10. (dwunasty paż-dziemika).
  • Którego będzie dyktando?- 12.10. (dwunastego paz-dziemika).

Constructions containing names are also similar to the Russian language days of the week and seasons:

  • Dziś jest środa (czwartek). Jest winter, jesień- nominative case;
  • W środę (w czwartek) będzie deszcz- accusative case,
  • winter; jesienią- instrumental case.

To the question “ When?“In both Russian and Polish, you can answer by correlating one event in time with another:

  • before the war - przed wojną;
  • during the war- podczas (w czasie) wojny;
  • after the war - ro wojnie.

Please note that the preposition po used with the prepositional case ( upon arrival).

Names of tens and hundreds (30-1000):

  • 30 - trzydzieści / trzydziesty;
  • 40 - czterdzieści / czterdziesty;
  • 50 - pięćdziesiąt / pięćdziesiąty;
  • 60 - sześćdziesiąt / sześćdziesiąty;
  • 70 - siedemdziesiąt / siedemdziesiąty;
  • 80 - osiemdziesiąt / osiemdziesiąty;
  • 90 - dziewięćdziesiąt / dziewięćdziesiąty;
  • 100 - sto/setny;
  • 200 - dwieście;
  • 300 - trzysta;
  • 400 - czterysta;
  • 500 - pięćset;
  • 600 - sześćset;
  • 700 - siedemset;
  • 800 - osiemset;
  • 900 - dziewięćset:
  • 1000 - tysiąc.

As already noted, ordinal numbers have gender, number and case forms. Unlike the Russian language, the inflected element in compound numerals is not only units, but also tens:

  • on the 21st (twenty-first) floor - na 21 (dwudziestym pierwszym) piętrze;
  • May 28 (twenty-eighth) - 28 (dwudziestego ósmego)maja;
  • 1945 (one thousand nine hundred and forty-five) - 1945.