Rebus riddles crosswords. Open lesson “Mysteries. Rebuses. Crosswords and puzzles. General rules for solving puzzles

« Puzzles. Rebuses. Crosswords and puzzles.

General rules unraveling puzzles . »

Topic: unraveling puzzles .

Target: To introduce the rules of solving puzzles, puzzles and crosswords.


    Tutorial: learn to solve puzzles and crosswords.

    Developing: develop logical thinking, ingenuity, fantasy and imagination.

    Educational: education of perseverance, patience, ability to overcome difficulties.

Equipment: notebooks, pens, colored pencils, board, printed materials.

During the classes.

Hello children! Sit down.

Organizing time.

Check readiness for the lesson.

Check if everything is ready for your lesson. Remove, please, everything superfluous so that nothing distracts you.

- Let's remember what we talked about in the last lesson? (Answers of children ...).

Introduction to the topic:

- The topic of our lesson today: Puzzles. Rebuses. Crosswords and puzzles. General rules unraveling puzzles .

Do you like riddles and crossword puzzles? (Answers...)

Let's figure out what a riddle, rebus, puzzle and crossword puzzle are.

Mystery- a metaphorical expression in which one object is depicted through another, which has some, at least a distant resemblance to it; on the basis of the above, a person must guess the intended object. V. I. Dal wrote: “A riddle is a brief allegorical description of an object, proposed for a solution.”

Riddles appeared a very long time ago and have always been a test of not only human knowledge, but also required observation, the ability to see their similarities and differences in the most ordinary objects, required the ability to perceive the world around us figuratively, poetically.Riddles come up with people and now. This is very interesting activity- be sure to try it!Any riddle is an intricate question or allegory that requires an answer. They are compiled in a short and entertaining form, most often in verse. They are characterized by clarity, expressiveness and accuracy of definitions. More oftenin total, the riddles contain an enumeration of signs by which one must guess what objects or phenomena are being discussed. The simplicity or complexity of the riddle depends on how many of these signs, how detailed they characterize what is hidden. For example, in the riddle “Not fire, but it burns” (nettle), one sign is indicated, but it is so characteristic that it is enough for guessing. Sometimes the riddles contain 3-4 signs each: “Round, humpbacked, near hairy, trouble will come - water will flow” (eye). Each of these signs is needed to determine the hidden word. But, of course, the most interesting thing in any riddle is the figurative, poetic perception of the surrounding world.

Russian beauty

Standing in the meadow

In a green blouse

In a white dress.


Wonderful friend -

Wooden hand.

He is held in high esteem by carpenters:

Pricks, cuts - all in work.


On the paths, on the lowlands

The invisible walks through the forest,

repeating after me

All words in the silence of the forest.


Where is the water from year to year

Doesn't run or run

Doesn't sing or murmur

And always a pillar stands.

(In the well)

He goes out in the hot summer

Dressed in a white down jacket.

But the wind will blow - instantly

The down jacket flies.


There is a back, four legs,

Not a dog or a cat.


Puzzle - a difficult task, the solution of which, as a rule, requires ingenuity, and not high-level special knowledge.

Main principle puzzles is to immediately send a person down the wrong path, which at first glance seems to be 100% correct. The puzzle is to “break” the head, which means to break the “stereotype of thinking”. A person is trying to find a solution to a seemingly complex problem.

To solve the puzzle you need to apply all your skills and abilities. You need to discard unnecessary data that can only confuse, and look for the very necessary information that will lead to victory. Puzzles cause only pleasant, positive feelings and emotions. Puzzles are very useful for kids!

Ball game.
Circle pairs of balloons that add up to 10.

Fill in the empty circles of this numerical "porcupine".

There are no "correct answers" in these puzzles, so there are just some suggestions. The ingenuity, originality and wit of the children are encouraged.

The woman did not have her driver's license with her. She did not stop at the railway crossing, although the barrier was lowered. Then, ignoring the sign forbidding entry, with a “brick”, she calmly moved along a one-way street against the movement of cars. All this happened in front of the traffic police officer, who for some reason did not stop her. What happened anyway?

Answer:The woman was walking.

We all know that Russian female names end either in “a” or in “ya”: Tatyana, Maria, Olga, etc. However, there are woman's name, which does not end with either "a" or "i". Name it.

Answer: Love.

When is the best time for a black cat to sneak into a house?

Answer:When the door is open.

Is this possible: two heads, two arms and six legs, and walking only four?

Answer: Yes, it is a rider on a horse.

Which car wheel does not spin when making a right turn?

Answer: spare.

Which word always sounds wrong?

Answer: The word is "wrong".

On one leg, a chicken weighs 3 kilograms. How many kilograms does a chicken weigh on 2 legs?

Answer: also 3.

Rebus - a riddle in which the words to be solved are given in the form of drawings in combination with letters and other signs.

Rebus - this is special kind riddles in which the hidden words are encrypted using a sequence of pictures, letters, numbers and other symbols.

In order to solve and compose puzzles, you need to know the rules and techniques that are used in their compilation. Remember these rules.

1. The names of all objects depicted in the rebus are read only in the nominative case and in the singular. Sometimes the desired object in the picture is indicated by an arrow.

2. Very often, the object depicted in the rebus may have not one, but two or more names, for example, “eye” and “eye”, “leg” and “paw”, etc. Or it may have one common and one specific name, for example, "tree" and "oak", "note" and "re", etc. You need to select the appropriate one in meaning.

The ability to identify and correctly name the object depicted in the figure is one of the main difficulties in deciphering puzzles. In addition to knowing the rules, you will need ingenuity and logic.

3. Sometimes the name of any subject is not used entirely, then it is necessary to discard one or two letters at the beginning or at the end of the word. In such cases, the symbol is used -comma. If the comma is to the left of the figure, then this means that the first letter must be discarded from its name, if to the right of the figure, then the last. If there are two commas, then two letters are discarded accordingly, etc.

For example, a “collar” is drawn, only “whirlpool” needs to be read, “sail” is drawn, only “steam” needs to be read.

4. If any two objects or two letters are drawn one into the other, then their names are read with the addition of a preposition"in" . For example: “v-o-yes”, or “not-in-a”, or “v-o-seven”:

In this and the next five examples, different readings are possible, for example, instead of "eight" you can read "SEVEN", and instead of "water" - "DAVO". But there are no such words! Here you should come to the aid of ingenuity and logic.

5. If any letter consists of another letter, then they read with the addition"from" . For example: “from-b-a” or “vn-from-y” or “f-from-ik”:

6. If behind any letter or object there is another letter or object, then you need to read with the addition"per" .
For example: “Ka-za-n”, “za-ya-ts”.

8. If another letter is written for any letter, then they read with the addition of “by”. For example: “po-r-t”, “po-l-e”, “po-i-s”:

Try to come up with a puzzle yourself.

Well done!

Crossword ( cross word - intersection of words) - "crossword”, “braids”, “pyramids”, “paths”, “magic squares”; a puzzle, which is an interweaving of rows of cells that are filled with words according to given values.

Let's try to make a small crossword together. The theme of our crossword puzzle is "Garden and vegetable garden".

(On the board we draw a crossword puzzle and come up with questions and words)

Our lesson has come to an end, well done everyone!

At home, practice guessing crosswords and puzzles.

Thank you for your attention and activity!

The lesson is over.

Library lesson-game.

Topic: "Quiz, puzzles, puzzles, riddles, crosswords"

Purpose: development of abilities independent activity, development of a creative character, activation of brain activity, formation of interest in books and reading.

Equipment: printed crossword puzzles, puzzles, quizzes,

album "RIDDLES", multimedia screen, projector.

Members. Students in grades 5-6. 2 teams

During the classes.


Today, guys, we will have an interesting lesson-game with you, we will

guess riddles, puzzles, quizzes.

According to scientists, riddles, puzzles, crossword puzzles develop in people

intelligence, improve memory, expand vocabulary.

The French philosopher and writer Claude Andrian Helvetius said: “People are not born, but become who they are”

Therefore, each person should study, improve their knowledge

learn everything new and new, i.e. improve yourself.

This is what you do in school. Do you aspire to be human?

with a capital letter, knowledgeable, able, honest and kind

What do you think about these names and surnames?

Alexander Suvorov, Peter the Great, Alexander Pushkin, Samuil Marshak,

Amethan Sultan. These are great people who became famous for their deeds among the people. They achieved victories and glory by working on themselves, overcoming their shortcomings and developing their best qualities - having will and patience. Therefore, guys, you need to achieve your goal, no matter what difficulties you face. Get over them!

First task

Warm up. "Riddles about animals for little kids"

1. How to wear the longest scarf in the world around this neck?

You just have to climb into the closet

And say: "Bend over ... .. (giraffe)"

There are fish in the ocean

The angler can eat!

And in the river she waved her tail -

Do not be afraid, do not .... (shark)!

Fall into his arms

Bad business:

Lying down, he accumulates strength,

Folded into rings .... (python).

And in the desert you can now

Ride in a car.

And they won't send gasoline

Help me out, my friend ... (camel)!

Takes water in through the nose

Like a hose and a pump.

Put an umbrella barrier:

Everyone will be doused now .... (elephant).

We don't believe his tears

We call it a predatory animal.

I ate a fish in an instant

And he cried ... .. (crocodile).

2. Why carry a heavy shield on your back all your life?

"There is no stronger shirt in the world",

Answer ... (turtles).

Second task

Puzzles . (Teams make up 5 riddles and ask each other)

Third task

Quiz. "Clever and Wise" .

3. The writer who gave the world " snow queen"(G.H. Andersen)

4. His fairy tale "Mouse Peak" is read in one breath (V. Bianchi)

5This writer came up with a story about Cipollino (Johnny Rodari)

6. The main character of the poetic work "Uncle Styopa"

7. The last tale of this writer is “The Golden Cockerel” (A.S. Pushkin)

8. His "Flower - seven-flower" teaches good (V. Kataev)

Fourth task

Competition "Find a couple".

-Who is friends with whom?

1 team 2 team

1. Totoshka . 1.Niels. 1. Ricky-Tiki-Tavi. 1. Crocodile.

2. Ball. 2. Alyosha. 2. Kaa. 2. Cat.

4. Piglet. 4. Mowgli. 4. Gene. 4. Boa constrictor.

5. Baloo. 5. Winnie the Pooh ... 5. Alice. 5. Fox.

Fifth task

Working with puzzles (8 slides are attached).

Summing up results. - What did we do in class?

What did you take away from this lesson?

What conclusion can we draw each for ourselves?

What did you find interesting in this lesson?

"In knowledge - greatness and beauty,

Knowledge is more precious than a treasure trove of pearls:

Any time will destroy the treasure,

The wise and knowing are eternally needed.


By date ▼ ▲

By name ▼ ▲

By popularity ▼ ▲

By difficulty level ▼

Are you looking for interesting and developing tasks for your baby? The Klepa website will be a good find for you. Together with your child, help the Letter Hedgehog, who loves to read very much, go through the maze and take the books to the library. When walking along the road, do not forget to collect letters, from which you will need to add the famous phrase of Maxim Gorky. Are you into astronomy? Then in the "Northern" puzzle, find the stars and determine where they fall. Guess puzzles and learn new words like the scrabble game.

Children's online magazine "Filippok" will be of interest to children of any age. In the "Crosswords" section, children can answer questions on a specific topic, as well as insure themselves by looking at the correct answers. If you don't feel like writing, then draw. Pick colors by numbers and in the end you will see what is shown in the picture. In the heading "Puzzles" Dunno needs the help of young erudite people. Gather the pieces of words into sentences for him to read the proverbs.

Guests of the site will have to solve puzzles of varying complexity. Here you will find puzzles graphic, historical, mathematical, as well as bizarre. Even a novice erudite can find a suitable task for himself. In the "Funny puzzles" section, you can not only train your thinking, but also laugh heartily, as the answers will be non-standard and unexpected. Having looked into the "Complex", you will have to "turn on" your brains, because it will be very difficult to find the right solution without special skills.

Those who like to break their heads will find on the portal difficult, but interesting tasks. You are waiting for puzzles for all ages and tastes. Almost all tasks with tricks. Making them is not as easy as it might seem. In the section "Logic tricks, paradoxes" you must answer the questions of the sages. In Sequence, be prepared for questions from psychologists and complete unfinished phrases, sometimes you will have to rearrange letters and syllables to find the right solution.

Children love to play more than learn. But if you combine the first with the second, you get a very exciting experience. With the help of these tasks, you will be able to learn about the abilities of your child. In each line of charades, you must guess the word. It is not at all difficult to do this, read short poems to your child, and he will select the correct answers according to rhyme. And in order to develop thinking, stock up on a box of matches, lay out figures of animals, buildings, and let the kid solve puzzles.

Are you learning to solve riddles and puzzles with your baby? Visit the site, which has a lot of developmental tasks for you. Together with your child in the game "Flowers" learn the names of plants that grow in fields, meadows and even window sills. In the "Professions" section, your kid will guess the suits and objects of a locksmith, painter, doctor, baker and learn about other interesting specialties. Children will also be able to show their ingenuity in the “Puzzles” section, where words are encrypted in pictures and symbols.

Riddles and puzzles are very important for the development of the child. They train thinking and memory well. On the portal, the baby will find many exciting activities. If you decide to train him natural phenomena then you are here. There are already prepared tasks about the sun, winds, clouds, snow and the moon. Thus the child with early age will begin to understand what is happening outside the window. Learn with him and solve the encrypted pictures. Puzzles will help him remember correct writing words.

Crossword puzzles with your favorite cartoon characters are waiting for young scholars on this site. Here, together with your child, you can plunge into wonderful world riddles, puzzles and puzzles. In publications, there are often tasks for the development of logical thinking, attentiveness and memory. On the pages of publications, you can wander through the expanses of labyrinths, guess encrypted words and answer questions about the animal and flora. Choose the right book and order it online.


The site contains a large assortment of books with children's puzzles, rebuses, riddles and crosswords. They contain tasks that are aimed at developing associative thinking, logic and memory. All of them are illustrated bright pictures and are suitable for all ages. Most activities will allow toddlers to become more focused. Thanks to the publications, you can always captivate your child at home or on vacation. You can place an order with managers online.

With the help of the entertainment posted on the portal, your child will be able to train memory, logical thinking and attentiveness. The children are offered puzzles with tasks from the field of geography, history and natural history. For the smallest Internet users, the portal has prepared simple puzzles with encrypted letters in the pictures. In the "Crosswords" section, kids are waiting for questions about fairy tale characters, countries of the world and traditions of different peoples. Also for young scholars, the site has metagrams in store.

Children's crosswords and puzzles can be bought on this site. There is a wide range of tasks for training logic, attention and memory. Develop associative thinking in children by connecting pictures and guessing the words encrypted on them. By choosing collections with mazes and tests, you can easily learn about the abilities of your child and, perhaps, discover new talents in him. Place an order with the operators of the online store and wait for the parcel to your home.

On the site you have the opportunity to purchase collections with puzzles, rebuses, crosswords and riddles for your child. In them, the baby can find suitable entertainment without the help of the Internet and a computer. In each book, the child will be told about the rules of solving and about the necessary equipment for the game. The publications contain crossword puzzles based on fairy tales and cartoons. All books are hardcover and damage resistant. You can place an order on the portal or with the store managers by phone.

Your attention is an online store where you will find a lot of interesting and informative books with children's puzzles, puzzles and crosswords. In each proposed collection of entertainment, tasks are described for the age of the baby, which are illustrated with pictures. The site has separate publications for boys and girls, which tells about the rules of the game. You can order literature directly on the portal by adding the manual you like to the basket, or by calling the indicated phone numbers.

Are you looking for intellectual entertainment for your baby? On this site you will find them without special work. All kinds of riddles, puzzles and puzzles are laid out here, which train memory, attentiveness and thinking well. All tasks have their own level of difficulty, so the portal advises beginners to start by mastering the basics. Pay attention to the mini-games - they are perfect for restless kids. If you want to have some fun, go straight to comic riddles, where the answers will be with a catch.

The site offers kids to go to the fascinating world of puzzles and riddles. In the "Puzzles" section, the kids will be offered tasks of varying complexity. The portal advises to start solving easy ones and gradually move on to more complicated options, where you need to guess not one word, but whole phrases from fairy tales and cartoons. The section "Crosswords" contains a whole collection of questions on any topic. Here you can also introduce the crumbs to the rules of the game and teach him to select words in empty cells.

The portal has tasks for the development of attention and logic. Here, kids will not only have to guess the encrypted words in the pictures, but also build whole sentences with them, as well as look for hidden images in the images. Play mazes and help cartoon characters find their way to their home. In games called "Connecting", draw animals and plants by dots. All proposed tasks can be performed online, they are not limited in time and are designed for any age.

Crosswords and puzzles about the monkey Anfisa

Crosswords and puzzles with answers based on the story for kids by Eduard Uspensky "About Faith and Anfisa"

Tolstikova Tatyana Aleksandrovna, educator, NAO "NSSI", Naryan-Mar
Description: In the coming year of the Monkey, it's time to recall the works of children's writers about this funny animal. I bring to your attention crosswords and puzzles about the heroine of Uspensky's story, the monkey Anfisa. The crossword is for junior schoolchildren and may be of interest to teachers elementary school and parents to organize extracurricular activities.
Target: Acquaintance with the work of Eduard Uspensky "About Faith and Anfisa"
Build an interest in reading
Develop attention, logical thinking,
Create a positive mood.

Dear friends, before guessing puzzles and crossword puzzles, pick up Eduard Uspensky's book "About Vera and Anfisa." For your convenience, the number of the story where the answer to the question is located is indicated in brackets. I wish you not only to cope with all the tasks, but also to get a lot of pleasure from meeting with the heroes of Eduard Uspensky Vera and Anfisa.
Good luck!


B - the position of one aunt from Yegorievsk, in honor of which Anfisa got her name (story 1)
E - an object that Anfisa was afraid of more than fire (7)
R - what Anfisa bought along with shoes for going to Kindergarten (4)
A - that Anfisa fell sharply after an iron was tied to her leg (2)

And - one of the items that Anfisa hid in her cheek pouches (3)

And - what could Anfisa wear on her bare feet, having been the boss in the closet (6)
N - one of the gifts that Anfisa and Vera were showered with after a lecture on the origin of man (6)
F - the name of the palm tree, which had to be brought home from the hospital with Anfisa (3)
And - what was brought on a tray to Anfisa to lure pendants from her (10)
C - the name of the city in which the American sailor Bob Smith gave Anfisa to the teacher Matveev Vladimir Fedorovich (1)
A - what did Anfisa get when drawing on the ceiling (5)

Hungarian crossword

In the sixth story, which tells how Vera and Anfisa served study guide, they were overwhelmed various gifts. In the crossword puzzle grid, you need to find the names of these gifts and determine which one is superfluous.

Answer: extra object - triangle

The children loved Anfisa very much and always tried to play with her. She, too, did not waste time in vain, putting her paws in their pockets and pulling everything out of there. She hid all the purchased things in her cheek pouches. The puzzles encoded the names of objects that were taken out of her mouth at home. You need to guess them and find an extra word (story 3).

Answer: eraser, chewing gum, lighter, pencil, cartridge, constructor, keychain, nipple, coins. Another word is constructor.