Awakening feminine energy. How a woman can increase her energy - basic rules

All energy flows of the Universe are divided into two types: female and male. One of them predominates in each of us, and, depending on this, our attitude, character, and destiny are built. Both men and women can control and nourish themselves in different ways. Let's take a closer look at how to fill yourself with feminine energy in order to become a happy and successful wife and mother.

Types of energies

Men need a minimum of time to saturate their energy reserves. A woman easily loses energy and accumulates it for a very long time. And, according to the law of conservation of energy, male energy comes to the empty space, the excess of which negatively affects the female body.

It should be remembered that female energy is always directed towards a man. Her main task is to build and maintain a faithful and long-term relationship with her loved one. Therefore, everything that interferes makes you waste energy nowhere.

Let's name three main reasons why a woman can lose her strength:

Filling with feminine energy: 5 ways

The patroness of the feminine essence is the Moon. It is on the new moon that you need to start all the main things. The waning moon is a time of prayer for healing, protection from evil people, the health of children and spouse. It is also useful to choose clothes or at least underwear in red.

Feminine energy is very malleable and will give way to masculine energy if its bearer takes on a lot of responsibility, belittles her husband or assumes leadership in the family. Typically, such women have some problems with having children or their marriage is short-lived and shaky.

In today's fast-paced world, it is difficult to always remain full of strength, ideas, and inspire your man and loved ones. Therefore, every representative of the fair sex needs to know how to be filled with feminine energy. This will allow you to live and become an example for your children and grandchildren.

What is it and how to open it? Is it possible to develop it in yourself and if so, how to do it? Many videos, trainings and books offer “quick and effective” solutions, but the truth is that there is no truly quick fix.

To be filled with feminine power, you need to understand it, realize your unique nature and awaken as a Woman.

We have selected for you 15+ of the best ways to focus and accumulate truly feminine energy.

Stop list: what leads to energy exhaustion in women and how to avoid it

You can often hear that modern women have completely forgotten how to be women.

It would seem, what nonsense - is it possible to forget how to be who you physically have been since birth?

And yet, it's true. Striving to be on an equal footing with men or simply doing a lot on their own out of habit, women begin to lose their own unique energy inherent in them by nature.

And so it turns out: in appearance the person is female, but in terms of sensations you can’t tell.

Why is this happening?

This should be dealt with first, because if you don’t stop doing what deprives you of strength, you will never be able to accumulate new ones.

There are a number of main energy absorbers that hinder you on the path to achieving spiritual harmony:

  1. Grievances and unspoken experiences
  2. Inner monologue
  3. Reliving the Past
  4. Unresolved relationship problems
  5. Stress and illness
  6. Unfinished Business

Feminine energy is the Moon. Quiet,enigmatic, attractive and mysterious.

There is no activity in it, this is the prerogative of male solar energy, so stop doing hard work meant for men. Believe me, they can handle it!

To feel her nature, a woman must be joyful and fulfilled, which means she must be able to please herself and accept the joy that others give her.

And, of course, you need to be able to listen to yourself - after all, feminine energy lives in the very depths of the soul of every lady.

All it takes to awaken it is attention and just a little effort.

We are looking for sources of replenishing feminine energy

Physical ways to develop feminine energy

A woman can withstand very, very much - no one will ever argue with that.

Often gentle and fragile ladies show endurance that is difficult to suspect in them.

But there is the right remedy, which can instantly transform a stern tigress into an affectionate domestic cat.

And this is nothing more than physical affection, care and care.

Advice: the listed methods and means may seem insignificant and not too serious, but just try to give them (and yourself) all your attention and do it at least somewhat regularly - and you will very soon notice an incredible effect.

Sauna and massage

The best way is to get together and visit the steam room in the company of friends. There is relaxation, life-giving communication, and rest - there are countless benefits here.

And after a relaxing heat and toning pool, visit a massage therapist: he will provide final relaxation to every muscle in your body, disperse stagnant energy and relieve stress.

Manicure and pedicure

These elementary procedures are the most powerful batteries for feminine energy.

By keeping your arms and legs well-groomed and neat, you become a little more confident in yourself, in your own beauty and irresistibility.

And who wouldn’t be pleased with beautifully decorated nails, delicate palms and heels?

Advice: you shouldn’t get carried away with huge false nails - regular visits to the specialist will be enough to maintain a stylish French manicure.

Body, face and hair care

How often and how carefully do you take care of yourself? For many women, hygiene and caring procedures are limited to a quick shower, face cream and combing their hair a couple of times a day.

This is enough to maintain neatness, but to accumulate feminine energy, it is worth considering more pleasant and longer-lasting activities.

Among them:

  1. Bath with essential oils
  2. Fragrant body scrubs and gels
  3. Nourishing hair masks
  4. Facial cleansers and softeners

And, of course, don't forget to take care of your skin throughout the year.

Sunscreen is necessary both in summer and winter, and in cold weather the skin needs additional hydration and nutrition. Preserve your beauty - it’s feminine and correct!

Makeup and outfit selection play an important role

Makeup and outfits

Every woman wants to look impressive, but makeup and outfits are often reserved for special occasions, holidays and significant events.

This approach cannot be called correct.

Dress nicely always and everywhere, especially at home. Even if you live alone, and even more so if your loved one is next to you.

A man will feel very special if a woman dresses up for him (even if no one else sees), and you will get a powerful boost of the right energy when you look into his sparkling eyes.

Walking, yoga and dancing

Any one is very useful for body and soul.

If you don’t have time to play sports, choose options that do not require large investments on your part, but at the same time help concentrate and increase feminine energy.

These include:

  1. Walks
  2. Yoga
  3. Dancing

I would like to especially note the latter, because the feminine principle is revealed in dance and carries with it reality itself.

It doesn’t have to be ballroom or other “studio” dancing - you can just turn on your favorite music at home and move to it as your body tells you.

Tip: Try doing this when no one is around. This will help overcome constraint and more effectively stir up your feminine power.

Psychology and communication for accumulating the power of women

You've probably heard that women are naturally more talkative than men.

But do you know that the need to talk is one of the main ones for a lady, and unspoken words, when accumulated, can cause stress or even cause illness?

Don't let things get to that point. But you shouldn’t dump all your emotions, experiences and thoughts on a man - it will most likely simply “blow his mind.”.

Here are a few directions in which you can direct your desire to chat in a way that is safer for others and beneficial for yourself:

  1. Girlfriends. Women simply need long conversations with other ladies - it charges them with energy and allows them to relax mentally. And don’t listen to any complaints - fortunately, with mobile phones“always busy line” is no longer a problem!
  2. Psychologist. Solving problems at work or in relationships without “nagling” anyone is an art, and a specialist is ideal for this. In addition, he can really help you understand yourself and find balance in those moments when life seems shaky.
  3. Elder. Whether it’s parents or just personalities you respect, Teachers - communication with them is incredibly useful for women. The life task of ladies is to maintain a home and connection with their ancestors, and the best way to do this than to communicate with elders, they haven’t figured it out yet.

Not only the quantity, but also the quality of communication plays a huge role.

Try to make sure that in your environment there are only like-minded people who understand and share your life views and aspirations.

Connect with those who inspire you to strive for more and are on this path with you.

But it’s better not to waste time on those people who judge you, give unsolicited advice and generally “teach you life” from their point of view, if you want develop feminine strength and energy within yourself.

Advice: It is very useful for women to communicate with older, married and happily married friends and mothers - they will help direct your energy in the right direction.

Creativity and self-development as tools for energy accumulation

Feminine hobbies that are in harmony with your nature will help awaken your inner creativity and strengthen feminine power.

You shouldn’t take “feminine hobbies” as a sentence to engage in needlework, singing and growing flowers.

They are also included in the list of suitable activities, but in fact, you can apply yourself in almost any activity.

Here are a few examples to help you understand the variety of hobbies possible:

  1. Music and singing
  2. Shopping
  3. Travel (secular or spiritual)
  4. Reading or writing
  5. Photograph (on both sides of the lens)
  6. Cooking
  7. Taking care of home and loved ones
  8. Drawing and design
  9. Raising children

And these are just a few of the options.

Remember: doing something you like will help you open up and tune in to the same wavelength as the Universe, and she knows for sure that you are a Woman and can awaken this energy!

That is why a lady who is in harmony with the world around her looks feminine and attractive - exactly the way a bearer of the feminine principle should be.

We wish you good luck on your path to awakening your feminine energy!

How to become a magnet for men. Part one: the state of a mistress.

It’s no secret that there are women who enchant with their energy; you always want to be close to them and feel their warm aura. Such women are always surrounded by worthy men, they are lucky in love and are happy in marriage. Yes, yes, such women discovered the great woman's secret— they have learned to be a magnet for men! And it’s not just about learning something, for example, to shoot beautifully with your eyes or skillfully make erotic massage, this is much deeper - this is the art of being a woman, of arriving always and everywhere in a female state.

At first glance this may seem simple and banal, but I assure you this is far from the case. Learning to always and everywhere be a woman in our male and sometimes very aggressive world is quite difficult, because you have to solve a lot of male issues, work in male positions, enter into negotiations, and even disputes, in general, decide everything and everywhere yourself, and this does not benefit femininity and alluring attractiveness. Masculine energy will never attract masculine energy. Only feminine, truly feminine energy will attract admiring men's views. To become a magnet for worthy men, you need to be in the female state as often as possible and be able to properly manage your female incarnations. There are only four of them - the mistress, the queen, the girl and the mistress, so our female task is to learn to master them perfectly.

For men, the most alluring female state is that of a mistress. It is the state of a mistress that helps to attract a man into life. A woman attracts the attention of men only in the state of a lover, a state of slight excitement and a buzz from life. A man reads and is filled with feminine energy, so he reacts to a woman filled with sexual energy. The lover is sensual, but at the same time mysterious, she does not tell information about herself. But if he immediately receives this energy, and the woman remains in the state of a mistress and the relationship either does not develop further, or develops according to the lovers’ scenario. Therefore, it is at the beginning of acquaintance that it is important to be in the state of a mistress, then other incarnations come into play, but I will tell you about this another time. In order for you to learn how to properly be a Mistress, I offer you a small cheat sheet to help you.

So, it’s important for the lover’s condition!

Feminine external image:
- cloth
- underwear
- shoes
- decorations
- makeup
- hairstyle
- aroma
Movements and manners:
- light gait, small step
- concentration on your body, on sensations / awareness
- leisurely/relaxed
- smoothness of gestures
- graceful head turn
- velvet voice (from the stomach)
- a close, languid gaze
- posture
- smile
- silence, active listening
- desire to hum
- health care
- care for skin, hair, nails, heels
- exercises to maintain tone, flexibility, stretching
— all kinds of spa treatments, massages
Sexual energy:
- be always ready
- take initiative
- receive sensual pleasure
- know your body and be skillful
- know your husband's fantasies
— relaxedness/ frankness: share your fantasies, talk about your feelings and desires
- attractiveness: erotic undressing/dressing, dancing

Internal filling
- attention from the female chakras (heart or womb)
- head free from thoughts
- positive happy mood
- joy from feeling your body and movement
- the ability to receive pleasure: from food, conversation, touch, aromas, oneself
- sense of self-worth, self-love
- sensitivity: giving/receiving pleasure, energy and love - selflessly
- feeling and awareness of one’s own hidden power
- inspire to heroic deeds
- gives the husband the feeling that he is the best
- lack of interest in the assessments of strangers
Creative Energy:
- loyalty
- creativity
- artistry
- talent
- creativity, any
- activity
- enthusiasm
— brightness
- passion in hobbies
- ability to dive
- generates ideas
- opens up something new
- originality
- spontaneity
- ingenuity
- charm
Elegant surroundings:
- dishes
- bed sheets
- accessories
- home clothes
- music
- women's films, books, magazines
Mandala dance
cleansing fire meditation
practice on the element of Fire
walking around without underwear
intimate muscle training
breathing practices (to release body tension)

Believe me, such a woman will not only always be the center of everyone’s attention, but her image will also be imprinted in the memory of those around her for a long time.

A happy woman means happy people around her. The first signs of a decrease in internal resource in yourself and how to restore it - read in this article.

You were lucky enough to be born a Woman. Congratulations! And I'm with you! You are one of those women who like to collect herbs, stones, and choose the right words: to each their own and in a timely manner. You are one of those who rule: society, company, family, husband. You are one of those who support relatives and friends. You are one of those who take care of the most beloved - yourself. The great strength and at the same time weakness of a woman: to give (and to whom to give) and to serve (but not to serve). Where to find strength? I invite you to enter the flow of your resources.

Resource Woman, or Where are your resources hidden?

I learned to keep track the first signs of a decrease in internal resource in yourself and others:

  • pickiness,
  • increased emotionality and criticism,
  • irritability towards children, husband.

And you quickly run in a vicious circle and thereby only aggravate the situation.

A happy woman means those around her are happy... And vice versa.

What to do?

  • To begin, write on one sheet of paper everything that brings you to a resourceful state, and on the other everything that steals your energy. These can be people, things, events, psychological states.
  • And then learn to replenish it.

1. Harmony of masculine and feminine principles

Each of us, regardless of gender, combines yang, masculine, and yin, feminine energy.

Our society is dominated by masculine energy. The world requires you to be purposeful, productive, active. Most try to live up to the ideal of society: higher education, career, husband, children, home, sports, travel. You are expected to take action. And you run like a squirrel in a wheel, but you don’t see the meaning and purpose.

You are irritated, aggressive, or exhausted, exhausted in the eternal race to meet the demands of others. You are losing yourself.

Feminine energy balances masculine energy. This is energy directed into your very essence, where feelings, sensations, and intuition lie dormant. And femininity and love.

Male energy, unbalanced by female energy, loses its depth of quality, and female energy without male energy freezes somewhere in inertia.

The harmonious relationship between these two energies gives you good foundation for the resource state. You feel strength and inner harmony. You are able to look into your inner world and listen to your body and sensations. You feel inner peace, you are honest with yourself and holistic in all your manifestations.

2. Prayer

It has been scientifically proven that when praying, a switch occurs from the Alpha to the Beta level of perception and, by the way, the heart rhythm is restored.

Prayer is a tool for your conversation with higher powers. Introduce them into your daily rituals. The main value of this resource is to return to a state of calm mind, get out of the chaos of thoughts, return and feel yourself in all your integrity.

3. Practices: love, forgiveness, thanksgiving, grounding

There are many good practices. These are your assistants. Search. Intuition and the body will tell you. And most importantly, practice. When I counsel people who complain about communication problems, the first thing I offer them is practice of filling with love. It helps preserve feminine energy.

Great power lies in the understanding of love for yourself, for others, for everything around you and for the higher mind. Deep understanding. The practice of filling with love treats many anxiety conditions, panic attacks, problems with diction and low self-esteem. And it is especially useful for mothers with postpartum depression and problem children.

4. Attention management

We are all always running somewhere. Slow down, scan where you are directing your attention. This is where your energy goes. With daily training, after a while your consciousness will scan automatically.

In this way, you develop the skill of an Observer - the ability to look at a situation from the outside. And then YOU choose.

Be conscious in your choice of people and situations. Of course, your life often requires inclusion in someone else's game, but you can manage this process through your awareness and attention. Adjust the time, nature and intensity of your involvement. Or, if you really need to, play your role, but do not get involved emotionally, as if skimming your attention (as in automatic actions, for example, making tea). You always have the choice to leave the game.

5. Awareness and responsibility for actions, desires, words, thoughts

Infancy(inability/unwillingness to take responsibility for one’s actions, desires, words, thoughts) - this is a transitional quality in the process of growing up. For adults, this is a destructive behavior pattern. If you or your loved ones have this trait, then you can and should work with it.

Often, adults use infantilism as a means of manipulating others or “falling” into the state of a victim.

What about the power of words? In a word you can both kill and cure. Give a name and you will give a destiny. A word can spark war and give peace.

I remember with love the famous speeches of Nelson Mandela, who, having gone through all the horrors of persecution and prison, regained strength for himself and the people through words of forgiveness and recognition.

Conspiracies, affirmations, oaths, promises - do you realize their power? You are responsible for owning the gift of speech. Many articles have been written about the power of thought as an active resource. This is one of the main topics of research in science, literature, philosophy, and esotericism. Our capabilities in this area have expanded many times over the past decade.

Desires and dreams are one of the tools for “extracting” resources. And yeah! - Here your feminine skills will help you.

The basis is an understanding of the basis of desires:

  • desires imposed by external influences,
  • desires imposed by the ego,
  • desires born from the heart.

I encourage you to be aware and responsible. You can create, but you can also mess up. The basic rule of the universe: free will. It must not be violated.

6. The ability to accept, carry love and give it to yourself, others, the entire universe

For me, my attention is a part of me, my light of love. I appreciate him. I realized the power of this resource. My attention is significant both for me and for my world. It brings many miracles. And yours can do a lot.

What about you? Do you understand the full value of your attention and love? Who are you giving them to?

Take time to share your love and your attention to all that is dear to you around you. It makes you, and through you, others, stronger. And vice versa, diffuse your attention, don’t get stuck on what you don’t need at the moment. This makes you weaker, and at the same time steals your attention and love from what is most dear and necessary.

Learn to put a particle of love into your touch, gaze, thoughts directed at the object. Start with the people you love, pets, plants. Make it a habit.

Conduct an audit of daily activities and personalities that feed on your attention and love. Is this your conscious choice?

Please note - all stages of love are important and work in a system: accepting love, carrying it and giving it. The ability to love raises you to a divine level and gives you higher power.

7. Things in your life

Remember the expression: “my home is my fortress, this is the place where we replenish our energy”? What is it about?

Every thing carries energy and information. When you select a thing as the right note in your symphony at home, you get a beautiful melody that sounds to you, makes you happy and fills you with energy. In addition, things can be programmed to suit your needs. And vice versa: things that are not harmonious for you take away your energy.

The solution is simple, and yet so difficult for many, to carry out an audit, throw it away/give it away.

One of effective methods for systematic cleaning - Marie Kondo's method. By letting go of unnecessary energy, you are telling the Universe that you are ready to let something new into your life. You will learn why to get rid of the old and how to clear your thoughts of garbage.

What to do if you live with others(for example, with your mother-in-law), who also have their own “melody of things” in your common home? Or, for example, if your husband is collecting a collection of something disharmonious for you?

It is important to negotiate here. You can “agree” with the thing itself”: “I recognize you as valuable to my husband (mother-in-law). I welcome you to my home. Carry love and grace within yourself. This is my choice, here and now." Find your groove. The main thing is to neutralize your attitude towards the thing and fit it into the energy of your home.

That is why it is important that each family member has his own personal place of power(room, corner, desk, chair). Back it up with your intention. I especially advise this for anxious children.

Fill your home with the bright energy of joy and prosperity with the help of stones and crystals.

8. Life in your flow

The tragedy of a person who did not live his own life, lost his energy and sometimes gave up his health in this alien game - this is so relevant today. I urge myself and you: be vigilant and aware! A simple but important question helps here: “Who needs this? Does this meet my purpose?

When asking yourself this question, feel how your body reacts, ask your heart again. There are also long-term “stuckness” when the body and heart are not heard. Then they look for help to find the keys to these resources. And vice versa, probably the greatest source of energy comes from the work of life - that great service that corresponds to your uniqueness and the plan of the highest universe.

Not slavery, but higher service. This is the pulse of your life. It brings joy and gives energy, according to the “need” in the overall system and your role in it.

I personally am not a supporter of eternally searching for my business. It is in the most conscious living. The main thing is not WHAT to do, but HOW.

And here internal honesty is of great importance. We lie to ourselves, covering up the comfort of someone else's game. And freedom requires the voice of inner honesty. But only she gives a wonderful resource.

9. The ability to bring results through others

This wonderful skill greatly improves your skill level. This important condition effective resource coexistence in the family and in the team. Good leaders deliver results through motivation and the ability to discover the talents of others.

At the core is faith and love for others. As soon as I grasped this meaning for myself, I opened up new door in a large field of possibilities: “I believe in you, you can do it. Everyone has the right to make mistakes."

Awareness helps here when choosing the roles of rescuer and victim, for which everyone bears their own responsibility. And every time you put on your rescue hat, you simultaneously increase the number of victims around you. By taking responsibility for others, you ultimately lose your energy and make your partners weaker. The experience of overcoming through one’s own active position is important to a person. This also applies to children.

10. Time for yourself

Finally, give others the opportunity to take care of you and allow yourself proper rest. A woman is like Mother Earth: give her rest, and she will delight herself and others with her fertility, as the basis of creativity and the joy of being.

Personal relaxation is not only about reclining on the sofa, it is about being alone with yourself, doing creativity, music, poetry, sports.

Determine your to-do list and states that charge your batteries.

11. Communication with beauty: art, music, poetry, interesting people, creativity, nature

Add your list. Enter into your plans. Treat yourself beautifully! These are your “anchors” for the accumulation of positive energy: if possible, remember in detail your impression (colors, smells, details), save, “retrieve” the image when you need it, and enjoy it again and again.

Think about how it is more convenient for you to anchor images: through sketches, journaling, poetry...

This resource reserve gives you an excellent opportunity to develop imaginative thinking. And this is the basis of many practices and your mastery of sorceresses.

People also fall into this category. Let me remind you about the “presumption of beauty in a person”: Each person is unique and carries within himself a piece of the highest beautiful principle. Find it, notice it, admire it! So easy and so difficult in reality.

Make it a habit to observe the behavior, facial expressions, and appearance of those around you. Start with the closest ones: note the shade and shape of the eyes, the reflection of light, the manner of looking, in detail.

How long has it been since you looked into your husband’s eyes? And did you notice when this little wrinkle appeared on the bridge of your nose?

Another exercise. Allow yourself to fall in love (maybe not for long) with a stranger who you initially don’t like for some reason.

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So, there are basic levels of resource acquisition:

  • physical (food, sleep, sex, etc.),
  • psychological (through relationships with others),
  • personal (you find resources within yourself),
  • spiritual (access to the concepts of selfhood and Supreme unity).

What level are you at? Do you know how to use all the possibilities?

Unfortunately, it’s easy to get “stuck” on the first two levels, which are genetically embedded in us as a survival instinct. And then you depend on the approval of others, on the conditions of your living environment. They support you, but they can also break you.

But the mastery of one’s own creation of life begins at the transition to the sources of personal and spiritual resources. This opens up wonderful opportunities for you to be filled with love, a sense of belonging and unity with everything around you. And you embark on the path of self-sufficiency and gain freedom.

I wish you to find and grow your personal and spiritual resource. And then you will move into the state of the Creator and create your reality for the benefit of yourself and those around you. Feel: the universe lives through you. Life is a dancer, you are a dance. What is your dance routine these days? At every stage of life, your movements are unique and beautiful. And even in a fall there is a bottom from which you can push off into a new stream.

And there is power and beauty in the dance of the last breath. It's your choice. Good luck! published .

Julia Eymellen

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! © econet

These days everything is mixed up. Today, no one is surprised by feminine, delicious-smelling men in trousers that look more like tights. Their perfect manicure is not surprising. No one is shocked by courageous girls and women: short haircut, tattoo, jeans, cigarette, bottle of beer and obscenities to boot. Well, what's wrong? Everyone has long been accustomed to this. Everything is simple: such a lady has no complexes and no costs of any kind in her upbringing. She will not only stop the horse and go into the burning hut, but she will also resolve all other sorrows herself.

Western “morality” and Western “values” have been imposed on our youth for more than a year. It is gratifying that recently, the trends are such that we are beginning to wake up, we are beginning to learn to separate the wheat from the chaff, we are beginning to understand that not everything that Westerners call “food” can be put into our mouths. Not everything that is “good” for them is good for us.

The objective reality is that the woman of today, whether she wants it or not, is forced to solve a lot of all kinds of matters and problems that, even with a stretch, cannot be called “women’s”. Men blame the weaker half for forgetting how to be young ladies.

But how can you not forget how to do it if you have to do everything yourself: raise children, study and build a career, achieve the performance indicators set for you by your bosses, drive a car, do repairs, pay off your mortgage debt, and just fight for your place in the sun. Fight while living in a tough world of men.

Such a life, sooner or later, makes itself felt. Over time, nothing remains of the light, airy, cheerful young lady. Constant sparring with representatives of the stronger sex breaks and disfigures female nature.

It seems like you are looking at a woman in front of you, but in fact there is no smell of a woman here. Rigidity, rudeness, assertiveness - this is what always catches your eye and what will always repel strong man. But feminine mama's boy, on the contrary, can really stick to such a fighting lady.

In connection with all of the above, girls, and even quite mature ladies with children, ask sacramental questions:

— What is feminine energy?

— What practices can you use to fill yourself with feminine energy?

— Is feminine energy really that important for a man, or is it all fiction?

— How to develop feminine energy in yourself?

Yes, there really are a lot of questions. Besides, no one wants to have a rag next to them instead of a man. Today we will try to answer all your questions in as much detail as possible.

Feminine energy– this is, first of all, the energy of creation, the energy of transformation, the energy of attraction. This is the slow and seductive energy of the night luminary. This is the energy of the moon. There is a lot in it that is incomprehensible and unstable, a lot that is mysterious and unpredictable.

Feminine energy is really important for a man! A true woman knows that she is a vessel. A man draws energy from it, because he himself cannot reproduce it. And that woman who herself is devastated hard work, constant stress and other “charms” of our existence, unable to give anything to my man. The result is devastation in relationships, lack of a harmonious sexual life, and indeed harmony as such, no matter what area it concerns.

By nature, a woman should give joy, she should encourage a man to new exploits, she should be able to create comfort, be able to build a nest where a man will always strive. After all, it’s warm and good there, he’s always welcome, he’s always welcome. But due to the fact that many women spend all their strength on fighting windmills, there is no longer enough energy to create a family, to maintain the fire in the family hearth. And sometimes a woman who grew up in a single-parent family has no idea what feminine energy is. After all, her mother, who was pulling out all the stops, was both mother and father for her. In fact, she was the support of the family and its breadwinner. What kind of femininity can we talk about here? How many chances are there that such a woman paid attention to herself and her feminine side?

You can learn to develop feminine energy, no matter how strange it may sound. She “pumps up” in the same way as the abs in the gym. You just need to realize your own need for it, you need to constantly work on yourself and then everything will return to normal.

Remember Susanna, the heroine of the film “The Most Charming and Attractive”? she said very important words that she “created herself.” So today we will learn to create ourselves anew. A new self. Yourself desired.

Women's practices for filling feminine energy

In fact, there are very, very many such practices. It’s probably impossible to list them all. We will name only the main ones, so to speak, we will set a vector so that you understand which direction you should move.

Practice one. Self-care. It includes a lot of all sorts of amenities. This includes a bathhouse or sauna, a swimming pool or a trip to the hammam. This is a visit to a cosmetologist and beauty salons. This is a massage and manicure.

Practice two. This is buying new beautiful outfits and jewelry that will lift your spirits. Just remember that new trousers will definitely not add femininity to you, no matter how perfectly they fit you. Remember once and for all, trousers are an item of men's wardrobe, and also an item that negatively affects female reproductive function.

Practice three. Needlework. Anything! Sewing, pysanka, knitting, decoupage, sculpting flowers from cold porcelain, making dolls, embroidery and weaving. And the best thing is when it’s all together and something new every month. By engaging in creativity and handicrafts, a woman, like the Mother Goddess, creates new worlds, she becomes peaceful and fulfilled.

Practice four. Cooking. No, we’re not talking about when the kitchen is torture, when you can’t be driven there with a filthy shovel. We are talking about when a woman, realizing her strength and remembering that the way to the heart of the One is through the stomach, begins to cook with pleasure, enjoying it herself. Every time she tries something new, every time she is happy to see how her masterpieces are perceived by loved ones.

Practice five. Putting things in order. Do you know well what and where you have it? Are there things in your closet that you haven't worn for a long time? Weren't you planning to say goodbye to them last year? Or maybe you wanted to use them on rugs or tear them apart and sew something new out of them?

Practice seven. There are probably plenty of stray animals in your yard. There are a huge number of cats and dogs. Have you ever thought about what will happen if you start a new habit: at least a couple of times a week, take out the food you have left after lunch or dinner. Try to do as written above, and you yourself will notice that your heart melts and your rhythm of life slows down.

Practice eight. Healthy image life. It seems that everyone’s ears are already buzzing about how useful this is, but nevertheless, many ladies do not part with a cigarette, and then, when they get over it, they begin to save the situation with Botox-Shmotax. By the way, healthy communication is also a great habit. By “healthy communication” we mean communication that is enriching. It’s not at all the same when someone’s life is being wasted and negativity flows here and there.

Practice nine. This practice concerns everything beautiful: poetry, new experiences from travel, meditation and dance. Photography also allows you to see the world in a new color. Preferring reading rather than watching TV is also a great practice that will allow you to be fulfilled, interesting and in demand.

Practice ten. And, perhaps, the most important thing is selectivity. It is based on self-respect. No matter how beautiful a girl (woman) is, if she becomes available already on the third date, if she is ready to copulate in the alley, with almost the first person she meets, this does not give her femininity, oddly enough. At the same time, the abundance of sexual partners leads to devastation. From you, like from a well, everyone who is not too lazy draws.

So, as you can see, there is nothing complicated in the above practices. It takes time and desire. Some of them require funds, although not all of them. The most important thing for any woman, depending on her age, is love in the heart and, above all, self-love! If she is there, it means that sooner or later, the space will be harmonized and a truly loving and caring man will be nearby.