Using argan oil for hair. Beauty lessons

Liquid Moroccan gold is what argan oil is called all over the world, and therefore in Russia. This is the most expensive of all cosmetic oils and the most useful - it is indispensable in cosmetology, used for therapeutic purposes, and argan oil is an excellent culinary product. Salads, light snacks, vegetable and fish dishes - argan oil will add a spicy nutty flavor to any meal and add benefits. But it is in the care of hair, skin of the face and body that argan oil has become truly invaluable - reviews of it and products based on this oil are always only admiring and grateful.

How is argan oil obtained?

Argan oil is obtained from the seeds of the argan tree: the miracle tree grows in the south of Morocco and, less commonly, in Algeria. Argan oil is very rare: to obtain a liter of this elixir of youth and health, you need 30 kilograms of fruit. Well, every time we hear the word “rare,” its synonym immediately comes to mind: “expensive” (it’s actually quite expensive, you can order it in online stores).

Meanwhile, the demand for argan oil around the world is steadily growing - in addition to the fact that the Moroccan residents themselves have long used pure oil for beauty preservation and cooking, a real “argan boom” began in Europe several decades ago. Cosmetic companies, having appreciated the benefits and advantages of Moroccan oil over others, began to increasingly purchase the product. Today, argan oil is a component of the highest quality and effective creams, lotions and shampoos, and finding natural argan oil on the market or a good oil mixture based on it is a truly difficult task.

Today, argan oil is produced in 3 main ways:

  1. Manual method- a long-standing tradition that continues to this day. Local residents collect ripe fruits and extract the kernels by hand.
  2. Mechanical– the fastest and most convenient, the resulting argan oil retains its unique properties from a year to a year and a half.
  3. Chemical– the purest method of extraction, however, it is used to extract argan oil for industrial purposes or for various laboratory studies.

Beneficial properties of argan oil

Argan oil is an amazing complex of chemicals: various acids, vitamin E (there is more of it than in the legendary one) and sterols - special substances vital for human skin.

Argan oil is a real find for those who want to maintain their health: oleic acid and sterols not only prevent harmful cholesterol from being absorbed into the blood from the intestines. Vitamin E helps the cardiovascular system function properly, and a special complex of acids in the oil activates the anti-inflammatory and protective functions of the body.

Argan oil is useful for difficulties with digestion, arthritis and rheumatism: the oil instantly penetrates the blood and bones, inhibiting destructive processes in tissues. Argan oil has the magical property of slowing down aging: massage with its use allows you to keep your muscles healthy and strong, and stop age-related changes.

But what the whole world really loves about argan oil is its use in the field of cosmetology. Argan works wonders and helps all family members:

  • saves from allergic rashes in infants and older children: diathesis, food allergies, irritation from diapers - all these manifestations will be perfectly relieved by the Moroccan elixir;
  • the anti-inflammatory properties of argan are indispensable for teenagers and young men: the oil removes pimples and blackheads, heals scars;
  • the oil nourishes dry skin, successfully smoothes out fine wrinkles, including around the eyes, makes mature skin more elastic, restoring its freshness and healthy color - this makes argan oil a godsend for any woman;
  • Argan oil returns color and healthy shine to hair, both in its pure form and as part of special products;
  • restores firmness and elasticity to the body, prevents the appearance of stretch marks: during pregnancy, it is recommended to start using argan oil as early as possible, and postpartum stretch marks will bypass you.

What are the advantages of argan oil over other vegetable and cosmetic oils? In addition to its excellent healing properties, this oil is surprisingly non-greasy: it is perfectly absorbed, without leaving oil stains on the skin, clothes and bed linen (if you use it at night). Its consumption is also minimal - if you apply the Moroccan elixir to your face in its pure form, 2-3 drops are enough: both as a day and night cream, as a mask, and as a makeup base. For very dry skin, you can mix argan oil with aloe gel in equal proportions.

Since argan oil is a valuable and expensive product, finding it in its pure form is quite problematic. Usually there are various creams, masks, oil mixtures based on argan oil - reviews of such products can be easily found on the Internet.

Argan oil for the face is such a powerful remedy that even a small concentration gives a noticeable effect. Here's what forum users write about argan oil, products and mixtures based on it:

“I bought argan oil, the results appeared in a couple of days! My skin looks much better"

“I apply cream with argan oil: the effect is immediate. My skin is very capricious, but now there is no itching or irritation, my face has become very tender and soft.”

“I constantly make masks with argan oil, it nourishes the skin amazingly!”

Argan oil for hair

Argan oil simply works wonders for hair - reviews of argan-based shampoos, serums and oils boil down to one thing: these products literally transform hair:

“The oil is very light, non-greasy, amazingly restores damaged hair - I always use shampoos based on it”

“Argan oil simply saved my long hair. My hair was very weak, the ends were very split, but after just a few uses the results appeared.”

“I used argan-based oil, leave-in. The ends immediately became smooth and manageable, the hair looks very well-groomed.”

It is very easy to use pure argan oil for hair - it can be used both in masks and in regular form on the hair. Here are the basic recipes for argan oil for hair:

  1. Half an hour before washing, apply 3-4 drops of oil: first rub into the hair roots and massage, then distribute along the length. Classic aroma combing will also help: just apply a few drops of argan oil to the comb. This method can easily replace hair conditioner after washing.
  2. To strengthen hair: mix argan oil in approximately equal proportions (if the concentration of argan oil in the product is high, you can take less), apply to hair and leave for 30 minutes before washing.
  3. Dry and damaged hair will be saved by this oil mask: a teaspoon of argan oil + 2 teaspoons + egg white + 5 drops + 10 drops. Mix and apply over the entire length of the hair for just 15 minutes.

Where to buy?

As we have already written, you can purchase this wonderful oil in online stores. If you are just getting acquainted with the product, we recommend: a small volume of oil at a low price and very good reviews is a great way to understand whether argan is right for you. And only then, having experienced all the charm of this Moroccan miracle, you can order large quantities.

A beautiful woman is like the sun - she wants to shine for everyone

Argan oil for face: home treatment for problem skin

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If you are the owner of problematic and sensitive skin that reacts to many factors with redness and rashes, purchase cosmetic argan oil for the face - an exotic product that has pronounced anti-inflammatory and anti-aging properties.

Argan oil is a unique product produced from the seeds of the argan tree, a tree native to Morocco. With its help, you can make various homemade cosmetic masks for any skin type. It’s not for nothing that this oil is called “liquid Moroccan gold” and has long been used in expensive creams from the most branded manufacturers. Use argan oil for your face as part of all kinds of masks and compresses. , designed to eliminate acne and rashes of any kind, as well as to even out and smooth out wrinkles. Pronounced anti-aging and anti-inflammatory properties make this product indispensable for problematic, dry and aging skin.

Beneficial properties of argan oil

Argan oil is considered one of the rarest, and therefore expensive, cosmetic oils, since the halo of growth of the “iron tree”, from the seeds of which it is produced, is limited and is protected by law from cutting down. The high price is also due to the extraordinary beneficial properties of this miracle product. It contains substances that have a therapeutic and cosmetic effect on the skin at the same time:

  • tocopherol (this is Vit. E) prevents early aging of cells, prolonging youth and preserving beauty for many years: it activates the production of collagen and elastin in cells, the presence of which guarantees the skin elasticity, firmness, smoothness;
  • polyphenols (plant pigments) are powerful antioxidants of natural origin, flavonoids, which also effectively force skin cells to function fully without fading prematurely: they smooth out wrinkles, tighten the facial contour, and protect against cancer;
  • organic acids : lilac, vanillin, ferulic - make argan oil masks ideal for acne, since they have an anti-inflammatory effect, block inflammation, soothe irritated skin, promote rapid healing of tissues and microdamages on the skin;
  • fatty acids : stearic, linoleic, oleic, palmitic - have a protective effect that repels, like a shield, attacks from ultraviolet radiation and low temperatures, toxin contamination and addiction to decorative cosmetics based on synthetic derivatives: thanks to these substances, argan oil is recommended for use as a protective cosmetic when tanning in summer, when going outside in winter, when working in hazardous chemical production and when using a large amount of decorative cosmetics.

If you use argan oil on your face regularly (no more than 2 times a week, but no less than 1 time in 10 days), after 5-6 procedures you will notice the first lasting results.

After the first use, the rashes will begin to dry out, the complexion will improve, and the skin texture will become slightly smoother. But after a whole series of masks, you will see in the mirror that the contour of your face has become beautifully defined, smooth, without a double chin or jowls. Wrinkles will begin to smooth out, new ones will stop appearing. There will be fewer pimples, they will no longer form again and again. Complex, magical skin care, which is provided by the use of argan oil for the face, will give excellent results with the proper use of such a useful and expensive product.

Using argan oil on the face

Home use of argan oil should not encounter any obstacles on its way. It is quite light in consistency, has a pleasant smell, successfully contacts with various ingredients, and rarely causes allergic skin reactions. However, this oil (its fatty composition) scares away many beauties who are afraid that after such procedures a greasy film will remain on their face. Compliance with certain Instructions for using argan oil for the face will help you avoid various troubles.

    1. Indications : fading, mature, wrinkled skin with premature signs of aging; problematic, inflamed, irritated skin with abundant acne and pimples; dry skin with flaky patches.
    2. Contraindications :, open wounds, fresh injuries on the face, individual intolerance.
    3. When purchasing for such a considerable amount, beware of purchasing a fake: immediately discard any cheap options and dubious places of sale. Also check the manufacturers whose oil you plan to use for cosmetic purposes: negative reviews about them will help protect you from purchasing a low-quality product.
    4. Store the purchased oil in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf, but before preparing the masks, take it out 2 hours before so that it comes to room temperature.
    5. If this is your first experience using argan oil as a cosmetic product, be sure to check whether your skin will react with an allergy to it. To do this, just lubricate your wrist with a small amount of oil, rinse after 10–15 minutes and listen to your own sensations. If the treated area does not itch or turn red within the next 3-4 hours, argan oil can be safely used to prepare miraculous homemade face masks.
    6. Before use, argan oil can be slightly heated in a water bath, like other cosmetic oils in the mask. But their temperature should not exceed 35–40°C if eggs or ethers are also used in the process.
    7. Prepare masks in ceramic or glass containers so that the metal does not oxidize and spoil the product. Accordingly, it is better to mix the ingredients together with a wooden or plastic spoon (fork, whisk).
    8. The mask should be thick enough not to run off your face, so make sure it contains solid products.
    9. Before the procedure, prepare a herbal decoction. For aging skin, linden will be especially useful; for problematic skin, chamomile or calendula. Dissolve a glass of this decoction in a liter of hot (almost boiling) water and... It will allow the pores to open, which can absorb more vitamins and other nutrients from the mask.
  1. The mask can be applied to the face with your fingertips or a special cosmetic brush. It is better to do this along massage lines.
  2. While the mask is in effect, you need to relax and lie down quietly. Typically, such remedies act within 15–20 minutes.
  3. It is recommended to wash them off with warm water (milk, any herbal decoction).
  4. After this, a daily cream is applied to the skin.
  5. If there are a lot of acne and rashes, masks from argan oil can be made 2 r. per week. If the skin is moderately problematic, 1 r. will be enough. To smooth out wrinkles and moisturize dry skin, also stick to once a week. To nourish normal skin and prevent premature skin aging, such masks can be made 1 r. in 10 days.

Strict adherence to such rules and recommendations will allow you not to use argan in vain, but to extract maximum benefits from it for the health of your skin. To have Moroccan yellow gold transform your face, be sure to purchase this unique product. Do not spare money, because all expenses will pay off very soon with the shiny and radiant appearance of your skin. Various recipes for products based on argan oil will allow you to choose the best option and enjoy its effectiveness.

Argan oil recipes

Argan oil for the face can be used both in its pure form and as part of masks and compresses. The main thing is to choose a recipe and use it as a whole course. After 10–15 masks, it is better to change the composition so that the skin does not become accustomed to the same components. After a while, you can return to argan oil again (literally in 3-4 weeks). Choose, try, enjoy.

  • Rubbing

Heat argan oil, soak a cotton pad in it, apply a thin layer to your face, and after half an hour, remove any remaining product from the skin.

  • Addition to other cosmetics

Dissolve argan oil (3 drops) in 1 tablespoon. spoon of any cream, tonic, lotion, mask.

  • Applications

Heat argan oil, soak a piece of gauze in it, fix it with a band-aid on the problem area (a ripening pimple, for example), and leave it on all night.

  • Compress

Heat argan oil, moisten gauze in it, folded in 2-3 layers, apply it to the face. The top of the gauze is covered with a cellophane (plastic) bag and covered with a thick layer of cotton wool for insulation. This compress does not stay on the face for more than 10 minutes.

  • Massage product

Heat argan oil, moisten your fingertips in it and perform a self-massage on your face.

  • Rejuvenating mask

In one container, heat argan oil and honey (1 teaspoon each) in a water bath, then add oatmeal (1 teaspoon) and peach puree (2 tablespoons). Lastly, rose and incense esters (2 drops each) are added to the mask.

In one container, heat argan oil and honey (1 tablespoon each) in a water bath, then add natural yogurt (3 tablespoons) without dyes or additives.

  • Moisturizing mask for dry skin

In one container, heat argan oil and honey (1 tablespoon each) in a water bath, then add natural yogurt without dyes or additives and fresh avocado puree (1 tablespoon each).

  • Anti-inflammatory mask against acne

In one container, heat argan and almond oils (1 tablespoon each) in a water bath, then add to them cosmetic blue clay, diluted with water until creamy (1 tablespoon).

  • Nourishing mask for normal (combination) skin

Heat argan oil (2 tablespoons), add a pre-beaten egg to it. Sometimes honey (1 tablespoon) melted over the fire is also added to this mask.

  • Makeup remover

Heat argan oil, soak a cotton pad in it, wipe your eyelids and facial skin - not a trace will remain of decorative cosmetics.

  • Lip compress

If you lubricate your lips with warm argan oil daily, they will become softer and more tender. If you do this mask half an hour before going outside, your lips won’t get chapped at all.

  • Anti-acne mask

Heat argan oil (1 tablespoon) in a water bath, add tea tree ether (4 drops). Both components of the mask have excellent anti-inflammatory properties.

  • Mask for problem skin

Heat argan oil (1 tablespoon) in a water bath, add 2 egg whites. The product has an excellent drying effect.

  • Eye mask

Mix and heat three oils in equal proportions in one container - argan, olive and almond. This mask can be made for the skin around the eyes daily. After a week, crow's feet will become less noticeable, dark circles and swelling will disappear, and the skin will smooth out.

The abundance of recipes allows you to choose the most effective remedy in the fight against acne and wrinkles.

Argan oil will be equally useful for both young teenage beauties and mature ladies of Balzac age.

Be sure to use it as a cosmetic for aging or problematic skin to restore its health and blooming appearance

The “iron tree” shown in the photo grows in African semi-deserts. Moroccan oil extract is obtained by pressing. This expensive golden-yellow product, which tastes like pumpkin seeds, is a valuable cosmetic product and an unrivaled culinary additive.

What is argan oil

From the fruits of argan (lat. argania), specialists produce a special vegetable oil, which has many uses. In the cuisine of southwestern Morocco, gourmets use argan oil in cooking. It is used for cosmetic purposes due to its medicinal properties. This product is one of the rarest oils, since the distribution area of ​​the argana plant is extremely limited and is protected by UNESCO. The Moroccan authorities prohibit the export of the fruits of the tree, but in processed form they can be exported to other countries.


Unlike olive oil, the composition of argan oil is famous for its high content of “vitamins of youth” E, A, F. The product is rich in tocopherols and polyphenols - natural antioxidants with an anti-inflammatory effect. What sets argan oil apart from others is the presence of very rare substances, for example, sterols. They relieve inflammation and have desensitizing properties. Other, no less useful substances:

  • polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-6, omega-9, palmitic, stearic, ferulic acid;
  • carotenoids;
  • triterpene alcohols;
  • natural antioxidant squalene.


For medical purposes, argan oil is used for diseases of the heart and blood vessels, the musculoskeletal system, to eliminate pain in muscles and joints, infectious diseases, chicken pox, diabetes, and Alzheimer's disease. The beneficial properties of argan oil help treat dermatological diseases such as eczema, psoriasis, acne, and acne. The oil extract is used for rapid tissue restoration for scars, burns, cicatrices, abrasions and wounds.

In cosmetology it is used for comprehensive skin care, affecting not only the epidermis, but also the dermis. Moisturizes the skin, nourishes, protects from negative environmental influences, removes wrinkles and reduces their depth, stops aging. Argan oil moisturizes the cuticle, strengthens the nail plate, improves the growth of eyebrows and eyelashes. Hair becomes soft, elastic, strong, without split ends.

If we combine everything, we can highlight the following effects that the product has on the body:

  • regenerating;
  • moisturizing;
  • painkiller;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • tonic;
  • antioxidant.

What are the benefits of argan oil?

Argan oil is famous for its unique chemical composition. Substances called sterols are essential for the skin, and when combined with oleic acid (omega-9), they prevent the absorption of harmful cholesterol from the intestines into the blood. The remaining acids are needed to activate the body's protective functions, maintain immunity and improve the wound healing process. The benefit of argan oil is to ensure the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system with the help of vitamin E.

Moroccan oil is valued for its ability to quickly penetrate the blood and bones, slow down the processes of destruction in tissues due to rheumatism and arthritis, and help with problems with the digestive tract. The magical quality of “liquid Moroccan gold” lies in the inhibition of the aging process: a massage using the product will strengthen muscle tissue.


Depending on the scope of use, degree of purification and production method, argan oil is divided into 3 types: cold-pressed from roasted seeds, cosmetic from unroasted seeds, cold-pressed from unroasted argan seeds. Roasted seeds are used only in the food industry, and cold-pressed, unroasted seeds are used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes due to the high concentration of beneficial substances for the human body, although they can also be used in cooking.

Argan oil - application

Edible oil is subjected to heat treatment and is characterized by a dark color and distinct taste. A light shade indicates frequent filtration processes. The product should not be overheated, otherwise it may lose all its beneficial properties. Traditional Moroccan amla paste is made from almonds, argan oil, honey, and served with bread for breakfast.

The use of argan oil in cooking is popular due to its organoleptic properties. Lightly roasting the fruits of the argan tree produces an amazing hazelnut and almond flavor. Cooks love to add argan oil to various sauces, fish and couscous. The cosmetic scope of argan oil is not only beneficial for facial skin, improving the condition of nails and hair, but also in getting rid of stretch marks during pregnancy.

For hair

As described above, Moroccan argan oil for hair is the best solution for getting rid of dullness. Can be used alone or in complex mixtures with additional ingredients, for example, almond oil and hazelnuts. There is a great recipe for brittle hair and split ends: 1 tsp. argan oil is applied instead of balm after washing along the entire length. To get rid of dandruff, you need to wash your hair and rub the oil into the roots. After 20 minutes, rinse your hair and use shampoo and conditioner.

If your hair falls out, you must undergo a course of treatment with argan cosmetic oil (2 months). To do this, apply the product 1-2 times a week at night or 40 minutes before shampooing. Place the bulk of the product on the roots and scalp. To provide protection from ultraviolet radiation and air humidity, 2 tbsp. l. oil elixir should be applied before washing your hair and left for half an hour. You can put on a plastic bag and insulate it with a towel. Wash your hair thoroughly with shampoo.

For face

The advantage of argan oil is that it is suitable for any skin type, you just have to find your recipe. Judging by reviews on the Internet, a mask is prepared for problem skin from oil extracts of argan and almond (1 tsp each), and blue clay (1 tbsp). The mixture should be diluted with water until it becomes sour cream and applied to the skin. When dry, wash off. The procedure should be carried out 2 times every 7 days, for a whole month. Argan oil for the face will help get rid of flaking, but to do this you need to beat 1 egg white with a mixer and mix with 1 tbsp. l. oil elixir. Apply in layers and rinse after 20 minutes.

For skin

For skin damage, the oil elixir is applied pointwise to burns, wounds and abrasions. It must be rubbed in until the tissue is restored and healed. Argan oil for skin provides impeccable body care by adding a few drops to your lotion or other products. A mixture of argan (1 tbsp) and tangerine (10 drops) oil extracts will help against stretch marks. To smooth the skin of your hands, add 5 drops to your regular cream. To strengthen nails, the oil elixir is applied along with lemon juice.

Cosmetics based on argan oil

The source of skin health is argan oil in cosmetology. Eco-testing of cosmetics does not harm the environment. Plant materials are 100% natural, which reduces the risk of allergic reactions. Organic products created according to Moroccan recipes are delicate, do not cause irritation, and do not contain parabens, dyes, or chemicals. Numerous positive reviews about the use of argan oil indicate its demand and use in beauty salons and manufacturers of natural cosmetics.

Hair mask

A strengthening mask with argan oil for hair is made with the addition of one more ingredient, burdock or castor oil extract (2 tablespoons each). The product, as a fast-acting balm, does not require rinsing: you need to moisten your hands with the oil elixir and apply to your hair. A moisturizing mask is made from lavender (10 drops), argan (1 tsp), olive (2 tsp), sage (5 drops) oil extracts, and egg yolk.


A face cream with argan oil will help take care of your skin. It is best to use the product separately, apply to specific areas. Argan eye cream eliminates wrinkles and gently cares for the skin around the eyes. You can mix the product with regular cream, which will enhance the properties of both products. To do this you need to take 1 tsp. argan oil extract and mix with 1 tbsp. l. usual cosmetics.

How to use argan oil

A slightly warmed product is better absorbed, so before use the jar should be placed in warm water. Using argan oil on clean skin promotes the absorption of microelements. It is necessary to remove all remnants of cosmetics from the face and use a scrub. Apply warm oil extract to the skin using massage movements. Thanks to its light texture, the product is quickly absorbed, but after 1 hour you need to remove the residue with a paper napkin. Excess oil elixir indicates that the skin has already absorbed the amount of vitamins it needs.

How to store

The product should be kept in a container protected from sunlight. In most cases, when you purchase an oil extract, it already comes in a dark-colored bottle. The neck of the container should be narrow or you need to purchase a drip bottle - this way the storage of argan oil will be long. The shelf life of the product is no more than 2 years, so if the expiration date is greater, it means the product contains chemical additives. In this way you can distinguish a fake.


The original “ironwood” product is not cheap, but lovers of cosmetic oil extracts know that this purchase is worth the cost. The price of a true argan oil elixir exceeds 1 thousand rubles per 100 ml, since it is delivered from Morocco and other producing countries to Moscow. You can order goods inexpensively in an online store, but keep in mind that the price depends on the volume, additional substances, and product quality.


Argan oil is called liquid Moroccan gold due to its healing properties and unique production technology. The product is widely used in cosmetology; among its counterparts it is considered the most expensive. Most often, argan oil is used to treat dull, weakened, split hair. The product often eliminates mass hair loss after childbirth; it is applied to the skin of the face. To reap the full benefits, you must have knowledge regarding the proper use of argan oil.

The benefits of argan oil for hair

  • softening hard strands;
  • regeneration of scalp cells;
  • elimination of the scaly structure of the hair;
  • fight against split ends;
  • increasing the density of the mop;
  • strengthening follicles;
  • increased shine and elasticity of hair;
  • growth stimulation;
  • protection from direct ultraviolet radiation and other external factors;
  • hydration and nutrition along the entire length;
  • elimination of dandruff, itching, seborrhea;
  • preventing fragility;
  • general hair restoration (prevention).

Indications for using argan oil for hair

  • slow growth;
  • hair damage along the entire length;
  • split ends;
  • dryness, dullness, fragility;
  • massive hair loss;
  • naturally coarse strands;
  • dandruff and other scalp problems;
  • “liquid” hair (lack of thickness);
  • frequent exposure of hair to sunlight, wind, and frost.

Argan oil for hair has virtually no contraindications. The exception is individual intolerance to the main product and allergies to other ingredients (lemon juice, egg, etc.).

Features of using argan oil for hair

  1. Argan oil is a strong allergen, which is why before the first use it is necessary to test for the absence of side effects (tearing, sneezing, the appearance of red spots and itching, peeling, etc.). Apply the prepared composition to the bend of your elbow in advance, wait a third of an hour. After rinsing, evaluate the result. If there are no signs of allergy, begin the procedure.
  2. To increase the effectiveness of argan oil, preheat it to 40 degrees. Manipulations are carried out using a water or steam bath. In a warm state, the oil will penetrate the hair structure faster and release all the beneficial enzymes.
  3. Argan oil is applied to clean or dirty hair, but the first option is preferable. Before distribution, it is not necessary to spray the strands with water from a spray bottle.
  4. Regardless of the initial problem, argan oil must be applied to the root part. Then the treated area is thoroughly massaged with your fingertips, this move ensures complete supply of nutrients to the follicles. Next, the composition is stretched along the entire length up to the ends with a wooden comb.
  5. After you apply the composition, insulate your head with a water treatment cap with a tight elastic band. You can use a plastic bag. Finally, build a turban from a terry towel, heating it with an iron or hairdryer.
  6. Argan oil can be used both in pure form and as part of masks. The duration of exposure is set individually for each recipe; do not exceed the expiration date.
  7. After using all the cosmetic oils, the hair looks greasy and heavy. To remove the product, lather the shampoo and distribute over your head. Rinse, repeat steps 2-3 times. Finally, rinse with water and lemon juice or vinegar.
  8. The duration of therapy using organ oil depends on the condition of the hair. If you need to thoroughly treat your hair, the course lasts for 2 months, twice a week. In all other cases, limit application to once every 10 days.

  1. Wash your hair with shampoo several times and use conditioner. After water treatments, dry the head with towels 80-90%, since the oil is applied to dry strands.
  2. Measure out the required amount of composition, which is enough to treat the root zone, length and ends. Pour into a bowl, set over steam or build a water bath. Warm up the product to 40-45 degrees.
  3. Comb your hair and part it to ensure even distribution. Scoop the contents with a brush or fingertips, rub into the root area for 5 minutes.
  4. After the massage, apply the composition to the entire length and dip the ends of your hair into a bowl separately. Use a wooden comb to thoroughly distribute the oil. Wrap your head in a hat or cellophane, twist the towel into a turban.
  5. You can additionally turn on the hairdryer and point it at your head, then warm it up for 5 minutes. The aging period for argan oil in its pure form is 1 hour. After all the manipulations, start rinsing off the product and finish by rinsing your hair with lemon.

Argan oil to add shine to hair

Most often, Moroccan gold is used to get rid of dullness and fragility, so it makes sense to consider the recipe in more detail.

  1. Mix almond oil and organs in the same ratio, heat as usual in a steam or water bath. When the mixture reaches 40 degrees, apply it to the roots and entire length.
  2. Massage your scalp for 3-5 minutes, then comb your hair with a comb. Leave under the hood for half an hour and start rinsing. Repeat the steps twice a week.

Argan oil for hair against hair loss

The recipe is designed for girls who experience massive hair loss after childbirth. The composition also helps men stop hair loss.

  1. To eliminate the existing problem, combine argan and castor oils in a 5:1 ratio. Steam, rub into roots, massage.
  2. When you feel a slight burning sensation, insulate yourself with a plastic bag and a towel turban. Warm up the mop with a hairdryer from a distance of 30 cm. Leave the product on for 40 minutes to 7 hours (overnight). Carry out therapy 3 times a week.

Argan oil for damaged hair

Hair damage can easily include dryness, split ends along the entire length, stiffness, and lifelessness. To get rid of these problems, prepare a mask.

  1. Pour 40 ml into a ceramic bowl. argan oil, 2 raw yolks, 1 ml. sage essential oil, 50 ml. olive or burdock oils. Place the container with the contents over the steam, bring to 40 degrees.
  2. Comb your hair and make sure it is completely dry. Apply the mask over the entire length and thoroughly rub into the roots. Make a turban from polyethylene and fabric, soak the mixture for 45 minutes.

Growth boosters should not be used too often. Carry out therapy 2 times every 10 days until the desired result is achieved. After 1.5 months, take a week break.

  1. Heat 40 degrees over steam. honey (not candied), bring the product to 40 degrees. Pour in 3 ampoules of an oily solution of vitamin E (tocopherol), 50 ml. argan oil, 45 ml. lemon juice.
  2. Make a homogeneous mass from the composition, distribute it over clean hair and twist a turban made of film and scarf on your head. After 1.5-2 hours, get rid of the product.

Argan oil for split hair

If your hair has split ends along its entire length or the problem only affects the roots, use this mask recipe. You can apply the composition to the damaged area or the entire length of the mop down to the roots.

  1. Mix 45 ml. almond oil, 30 ml. organ oils and 40 ml. olive oil in ceramic dishes. Place over a steaming pan and heat for 10 minutes. The mixture should reach a temperature of 40 degrees.
  2. Comb your hair and separate it into sections for even treatment. Apply the oil mixture to each curl and rub in for a few minutes. Wrap with film, wait 2 hours. Wash your hair as usual. Repeat therapy 2 times a week.

Argan oil for dry hair

Store-bought products do not help girls with naturally dry hair. This creates the need for intensive hydration and nutrition, and argan oil will help with this.

  1. Mix 40 ml. product with 30 ml. filtered water and warm the product slightly. When the product becomes warm and liquid, apply it to the entire length.
  2. Be sure to work on the ends and roots. Stimulate the hair follicles, they are the ones who carry beneficial elements throughout your hair. Keep the mask under a cellophane cap for 1 hour, then wash off.

Argan oil for oily hair

If you have oily hair, argan oil should not be used in its pure form. Use auxiliary components that normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands.

  1. Squeeze the juice from one lemon, pass it through 2 layers of gauze to filter. Mix with 30 ml. oil organs, heat to 40 degrees. Apply the composition to the skin using rubbing movements.
  2. You should not insulate your head with film and a towel, so as not to provoke even more greasiness. Leave the argan mask on for at least 25 minutes, then remove with diluted shampoo. Repeat the manipulations once a week.

It was mentioned earlier that all cosmetic oils leave the hair greasy and make the hair look heavy and dirty. To avoid this, follow the sequence of actions.

  1. After applying and letting it sit, drop a little shampoo on your palms and rub the cleanser in. Then apply foam to your scalp and rinse your hair. Repeat steps 3-4 times, apply balm.
  2. The conditioner exposure period should not be less than 10 minutes. The rinse aid is removed in the usual way (with clean water).
  3. Next, the hair is treated with a herbal decoction. Brew nettle, yarrow or chamomile, filter and rinse your hair with the infusion. You can replace the product with water mixed with lemon juice or apple cider vinegar.

How to store argan oil for hair

Argan oil is not cheap. Therefore, you need to know how and where to store it correctly to avoid damage.

After purchasing, pour the composition into a dark glass or plastic bottle. Make sure you have an airtight lid. The shelf life of argan oil after production is 2 years.

Keep products away from heating radiators, household appliances, and open sunlight. The oil is stored at a temperature of 15-20 degrees or in the refrigerator.

Apply argan oil in its pure form or use it in masks. Do not exceed the exposure period, study the rinsing technology. Carry out therapy for 2 months, then take a break for 1 week.

Video: hair care using natural argan oil

Argan oil, whose properties are unique, is the main component in the manufacture of cosmetics aimed at rejuvenating the skin and preserving its youth. Due to its component composition and ease of use, argan oil can be used to make homemade cosmetics. Before you start using it, you need to study its composition and properties in detail to be sure that the cosmetics will be useful and will not cause allergic reactions.

Features of the composition

Argan oil has a unique composition, thanks to which it has become the main component of many anti-aging and antiseptic creams. The oil contains important vitamins and acids:

  • Oligo-linoleic acid – has protective properties, prevents premature aging of the skin;
  • Tocopherol. Vitamin E has unique properties; it helps remove toxins from the skin, normalizes metabolic processes at the cellular level, lightens age spots, and reduces age-related signs of hydrophilicity. Tocopherol stabilizes the half-life of vitamins A and C, which allows you to use the beneficial properties of these vitamins as efficiently as possible;
  • Polyphenol – has anti-cancer properties. Creams with polyphenol reduce the risk of skin malignancies. In addition, it increases the protective properties of the skin, accelerates cell renewal and helps maintain water balance;
  • Sterol is one of the most powerful natural antiseptics, which has desensitizing properties, that is, it reduces the sensitivity of the skin to external harmful factors;
  • Vitamin A - used in cosmetology for rejuvenation, restoration of elasticity, for moisturizing, as well as in the fight against problem areas of the skin;
  • Vitamin C - activates collagen synthesis, which leads to rejuvenation and restoration of the natural radiance of the skin.

Advice! Before you start using cosmetics with argan oil, you must check for allergies to its main components.

Useful cosmetic properties

Cosmetics must be chosen not only based on their properties, but also taking into account your age group.

Argan oil has unique anti-aging properties, which make it the main component of many cosmetic products aimed at maintaining youthful skin.

Beneficial properties for the skin

The main useful properties include:

  • restoration of the natural protection of the upper layer of the epidermis;
  • deep nutrition of cells at the dermis level;
  • visual reduction of facial wrinkles;
  • restoration of skin elasticity;
  • smoothing out deep wrinkles;
  • normalization of lipid metabolism;
  • normalization of water metabolism;
  • reduction of pigmentation;
  • even out skin color;
  • stabilization of vitamins A and C.
Advice! During winter, you can use argan oil to prevent frost damage to your skin. To do this, just before going outside, apply a thin layer of oil to your face and hands.

Useful properties for hair

The beauty of a Russian woman is in her luxurious braid!

Argan oil is an indispensable assistant in restoring hair structure. In cosmetology, it is used as the main component in medicinal shampoos and masks.

For oily hair, the use of oil eliminates shine and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, which leads to the restoration of the structure of the hair follicles.

In cases where the hair has been damaged by poor-quality dye or drug treatment, argan oil will help restore its structure and restore a healthy glow.

To treat dry hair, you can use a very simple nourishing mask:

  • Heat 50 ml of cold-pressed argan oil in a water bath, add 50 ml of mineral water, mix thoroughly and remove from the bath.
  • Let the mixture cool slightly. Apply an even layer to hair and scalp.
  • Then wrap your head in film. Keep for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm running water.

Advice! After applying the mask, it is not recommended to use cosmetic shampoos for 3 hours, as they will wash away the beneficial substances obtained during the procedure.

To achieve lasting results, you need to make a mask 2 times a week for 1–1.5 months.


Argan oil is considered hypoallergenic, so there are no obvious contraindications for its use. However, despite the absence of restrictions for use, it should be used carefully.

Due to the high content of vitamin C, with frequent use, the oil can provoke the development of allergic reactions and the appearance of hives.

Advice! Before you start using argan oil or cosmetics that contain it, do a test: apply a small amount of oil or preparation to your wrist and wait 20 minutes. If the application site turns red, then you need to choose another cosmetic product.

Many women believe that allergies can only occur through contact with strong household chemicals or when eating allergens. However, this is not so, human skin has conductive properties, all nutrients that are applied to it, through cells and pores, enter the body. Therefore, if you are intolerant to one of the components of cosmetics, its use can cause anaphylactic shock.

Homemade cosmetics with organ oil

The best cosmetics are those that are made with your own hands!

Argan oil is available to everyone and can be purchased at a pharmacy or specialty store. Thanks to this availability and ease of use, it can be used as the main component for preparing homemade cosmetics.

Homemade soap

When you do it yourself, you always know what's inside.

Depending on the skin type and the desired result, you can prepare various variations of soap that will provide the necessary healing effect.

Anti-Greaser Soap Recipe

Anti-greasy soap is suitable for young problem skin. Its use normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, shrinks pores and reduces redness.

For production you will need:

  • 150 grams of transparent soap base (if there is no special base, you can use laundry soap shavings)

Advice! For soap shavings, you need to use the most ordinary soap, without additives. Children's or household items are best.

  • 1 teaspoon argan oil;
  • 4 drops of tea tree essential oil;
  • 2 drops of lemon essential oil;
  • 2 drops of chamomile essential oil.

Melt the soap base or shavings in a water bath or in the microwave, add oil in the order indicated in the recipe, and mix. If using a microwave, after mixing, place the mixture in the microwave for 20 seconds at minimum temperature. If the soap was heated in a water bath, the mixture, after stirring, must be put back for 2 minutes. Do not bring the resulting mixture to a boil; this will deprive the soap of many beneficial properties.

After the mixture has warmed up, it must be poured into molds and allowed to harden.

Advice! You should not put the resulting soap in the refrigerator; it should harden gradually at room temperature.

This soap should be used daily, morning and evening. With constant use, a lasting improvement in skin structure is achieved within 2 months.

Face masks

A mask is the best way to restore the structure of the skin.

Many women are very bothered by black circles under their eyes, which take a lot of time and effort to disguise. Dealing with the reasons why they arise is quite difficult, expensive and time consuming. However, you always want to look good.

To prevent dark circles and puffiness from ruining your morning life, you can use a simple mask with argan oil that can be easily prepared at home.

To do this you will need:

  • 10 drops of argan oil;
  • 5 drops of almond oil;
  • 4 drops of olive oil;
  • 1 drop rosemary essential oil.

Preparing the mask is very simple: mix all the ingredients and slightly heat the resulting mixture.

It is best to heat the mixture in a fireproof container on a burner or the flame of a large candle. It is difficult to heat small volumes of mixtures in a water bath.
Apply the warm mixture to the area around the eyes with a cotton swab for 25 minutes. After the time has passed, wipe off any remaining unabsorbed mask with a napkin.

Advice! After using the mask, it is not recommended to use cleansers on the same day, as they will wash out the nutrients.

Body scrub

When using a scrub, microcracks remain on the skin, into which the nutrients contained in the oil can easily penetrate.

To make the scrub you will need:

  • 1 teaspoon argan oil;
  • 4 teaspoons finely ground coffee;
  • 1 teaspoon olive oil or wheat germ oil;
  • 200 ml, liquid soap base. If there is no base, it can be replaced with baby shower gel, which does not contain perfume additives.

Method of preparation: heat the liquid base or shower gel in a water bath, add oil and mix thoroughly. Remove the mixture from the water bath, add coffee to it, mix thoroughly and let cool. Transfer the cooled mixture into a jar with a tight lid.

The scrub should be used 3-4 times a week on problem areas.

Using a scrub with argan oil will reduce the visual manifestations of cellulite, restore skin elasticity and improve lipid metabolism.

Its use in various home cosmetics will help restore the natural shine of skin and hair, restore elasticity to the upper layer of the epithelium and nourish the dermis with vitamins.

However, it is worth remembering that even the most beneficial substances in the body should be in moderation. You should not overuse argan oil by using it in all cosmetic products. Excess components can lead to a serious allergic reaction and increased oily skin.