Cool Happy New Year greetings in verse. Happy New Year greetings to friends: beautiful, funny and short congratulations in verse and prose for friends for the New Year Cool wishes for the upcoming new year

Man Woman Friend Girlfriend Beloved Beloved Parents Dad Mom Colleagues Happy New Year

Winter has put on icy diamonds,
And we lit garlands of lights everywhere.
The Kremlin chimes are about to strike -
And let's open our hearts towards a miracle...

So let everything happen on a magical night:
Glasses clinking, crazy fun,
Faces stained with salads,
Funny photo shoot under a spruce tree,

The whistle of Cupid's arrows, an explosion of bright emotions,
Embraces in silent bliss,
Surprises and welcome gifts!
May the year rushing towards us be happy!

Coming best holiday - New Year,
The offensive is on all fronts,
So let him bring you victory,
A fighting, perky spirit will give you,

So that the energy boils every day,
So that the sparkling fountain of ideas flows powerfully,
So that I’m always afraid of you like fire, I’m always lazy,
Enough strength to turn the whole world upside down!

Congratulations on the upcoming year! I wish you to celebrate the holiday with dignity, because how you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it. Therefore, eat heartily to live in abundance, drink well to get drunk with love, laugh loudly to enjoy happiness and joy all year long!

A special operation is announced:
Preparing for the New Year.
Olivier, jellied meat and champagne
Don't put it on the balcony in bad weather.

In the morning crowd of shops
Don't lose your mood
But with bliss and inner peace
Decorate the Christmas tree for the holiday.

And when you get tired of cleaning,
You prepare a kilo of salads,
Don’t lie down to rest under the tree,
No matter how hard it is.

Well, the main thing is that I wish,
After a long, sound sleep,
Let it not be discovered by chance:
New Year's Eve has passed.

Let it be with the smell of spruce
Good luck will come in the New Year!
All year long so that you can hear the crunch of new ones,
rustling, fresh banknotes!

Let him wake up overnight
You have some kind of talent.
So that you are happy at the Christmas tree
Shined like a pure diamond!

The New Year is rushing towards us, delighting us with hopes, surprises, fun, may it meet all expectations, not disappoint, not let us down. I wish that the coming year will rush in like a whirlwind of joy, swirl you in a blizzard of happiness and sweep you under the dust of money and gifts. Let your smiles shine like lights on a Christmas tree, let the fireworks of emotions be stronger and brighter than holiday fireworks!

New Year is already knocking
A child's hand to your window.
He wants to have fun
Together with you.

Let him in quickly -
Let the little ones frolic!
Accept from him in return
A bag of happiness, joy,

And health and good luck,
And prosperity and success,
And a funny laugh to boot!
Happy New Year to you all!

The New Year is rushing to visit us at full speed,
Get ready to unleash all your dreams
The coming year will realize all of them without problems,
Let happiness fly to your home like a snowy blizzard.

May the whole snowfall shower you with luck,
Your laughter will be joyful and your gaze will be joyful,
Let the generous Santa Claus surprise you with a gift,
A hundred wishes will come true, millions of dreams!

With coming! Let crafty happiness silently creep up on you on the softest paws, insidiously attack you, knock you off your feet with enormous inhuman luck, and, giggling, villainously drag you into a new, bright, inspiring, carefree and prosperous life!

New Year is coming very soon
It will come right through the window!
Happy New Year, guys!
I wish everyone to live richly!

May the year be successful
And free from adversity,
Full of spiritual joy,
Constant, everyday!

Let it be golden
Kind, sweet and simple,
Unusual and happy
Bright, creative, beautiful!

Alina Ogonyok

Outside the window the snow sparkles,
And the yard is covered in snowdrifts.
Happy New Year
And we wish you many years to come.

Always be at the peak of glory
Never hang your nose
So that money goes into your pockets
And the boss raised the salary.

To go to the sea more often,
Even in cold and cold,
We wish you a lot of happiness
And a whole cartload of gifts!!!

Happy New Year! Happy New Year!
This is a childhood holiday
Which everyone finds

Do you remember what
There were matinees
Like snowflakes and foxes
Did you come to school?

Santa Claus gave gifts
For a simple poem,
He had a lot of them -
Not just one bag!

Happy New Year!
This is a holiday of childhood,
And then comes Christmas
Right next door!

On behalf of and on behalf of Santa Claus, accept the warmest congratulations on the New Year and may you always have cold beer in the refrigerator, a nice housekeeper in the house, and always payday at work. And if you don’t yet have a refrigerator or a home, then dream about it and your dream will definitely come true - Santa Claus promised.

On this bright new year
May you, oh, be lucky!
Money in packs, bags
And men under heels.

Difficult, respectable, prominent
In general, enviable grooms.
So that she eats and loses weight,
Only in my dreams did I get fat.

And let your career take an arrow
It will shoot into the sky. Wait,
The main thing is that I forgot!
To love and to be loved!

Are you in New Year's Eve do not be shy -
At least make a couple of wishes,
After all, Santa Claus is in his holiday price list
I left you a lot. Choose

Best friends and a job like in a fairy tale,
The brightness of love and prosperity in everything,
Life without insults, bad weather, fears...
In general, let heaven be yours entirely!

Don’t wait for the New Year - he will drop by to see you and take care of things a little: he will help you in your personal life, ask your boss to raise your salary and allow you to spend your vacation in hot countries... And he will also protect you from unnecessary meetings and unnecessary worries. I wish you immeasurable love and stable success!

Who said that April Fool's Day is not December 31st, but April 1st? Cheerful, funny, funny congratulations Happy New Year are more in demand than ever: they do not leave anyone indifferent. Do you want to New Year's photos everyone smiled without exception: colleagues, friends, parents, grandparents and even mother-in-law? Make them feel "cool" New Year wishes in verse and prose from our section!

They say laughter lengthens life. I'm all for longevity! Even when you have to smile through tears.

Arthur Pozhelaikin

About life

(dark humor?)

Hello Dedushka Moroz,

A beard made of cotton wool!

I'm not asking you

Fur coat and diamonds!

I don't want a cool i-phone

A dacha in the Caribbean

Card to the V.I.P. salon,

Dress from Versace…

Promise that in a year

Gifts for Donbass

Your three will bring -

Not a humanitarian;

They will celebrate the holiday in the region

Peaceful and carefree

And at the festive table -

Not stew with buckwheat.

Make all your wishes come true

You are helping us!

And the i-phone.. Well, so be it,

I do not mind!

They say on New Year's Eve

The dollar will fall sharply!

I wish I knew where he would fall,

Celebrate the New Year there!

“Oh, it won’t be an easy year!” –

Foreigners write.

Our people do not give up.

We are not afraid of sanctions!

Let the foreigner understand:

We are not born with bastards!

Let's save, let's push -

We will pay off loans.

Happy New Year, fellow countrymen!

Happy new life!

Despite all adversity

Let's be healthy!

About the Christmas tree

(as expected - fun :-)

New Year, New Year!

Photo sessions are coming,

It's time for bright shots:

I'm at the Christmas tree - hurray!

I'm behind the Christmas tree - hurrah!

I'm at the Christmas tree - hey!!!

Now I'm under it...

Instead of a Christmas tree, here I am.

Happy new year friends!

We wish you such New Year's holidays, with whom it will be truly a pity to say goodbye; so that later in March, when looking at a fairly yellowed tree and a pile of fallen needles, one could philosophically ask the question, “Or maybe the tree will go away on its own?” – and wait for the New Year again!

About the New Year

What does stability mean in Russian? Watch “Yolki” on New Year’s Eve, recite “The Irony of Fate” by heart, sing “Hurdy Organ” with Baskov, fall asleep in a “fur coat”, wake up on January 3 with an irresistible desire to eat last year’s borscht and feel: this is happiness!.. That’s it. We're standing. Happy New Year!

Once upon a time there lived someone: two years ago he was greeted in a hostel... A year ago he was greeted in a one-room, but his apartment... Now he is greeted in a country villa... So let's drink to HIM - to the one who is met in hostel, and in an apartment, and in a villa, hoping that it will be successful! Here's to the New Year!

About family, friends, work.

And my mother-in-law.


We start working together right in the morning - and so on, without slowing down, until the end of the working day. We all bring the work we purchased in advance and start working. We will courageously not put off until tomorrow work that we can drink today. We will look into neighboring departments, exchange work, treat each other to work, and work for the brotherhood. It’s important to do your work properly, otherwise you might end up working in the trash, but you still have to work at home with your family.

We will try, we will try. With coming! Work mood!

Colleague, remember! New Year's corporate party is not a reason:

– turn Olivier into an office aquarium,

– fight with that guy (why is he so funny?!!!),

– fall asleep in the cleavage of an employee from the HR department,

- give the guard some vodka,

- make a sour face when toasted by the deputy director,

– with a bare torso, speed off in someone else’s car... and

So let's raise a glass to our team, where you want to relax and work with dignity! Happy New Year!

Dear Colleagues! I'll tell you little secret: in the New Year it will be quite easy for me to love Mondays!.. After all, I work with people like you! Happy and prosperous New Year to you!

To a friend

There is an opinion that Christmas tree better than a girl.

Firstly, it will never prohibit watching football.

Secondly, he won’t ask: “Where did you go?”

Thirdly, he won’t be jealous of his neighbors’ Christmas trees.

And he won’t be drawn to the store to buy a fur coat.

And yet I will risk wishing you to celebrate the New Year at the New Year tree in a wonderful female company! With coming!!!

To a friend

Today you forget about everything in the world,

After all, there is nothing sadder in the world,

Than New Year and thoughts about diet.

Imagine that Olivier has no calories!

Then we will start life again from the beginning,

Let's make our dreams come true in the gym.

In the meantime, let's raise our glasses

For willpower, charm and beauty!

I want to meet the right guy

So that he doesn’t spoil your mascara, but only your lipstick!


Dear Parents!

Only as I grew up did I realize how lucky I am to have you! You always gave me your best and didn't take me out of New Year's gifts the most delicious sweets.


Live a new life!

Everyone's calendars lie:

Be young, healthy,

Make it a rule

Have fun more often

And dance in the club,

After all, in dancing and girls

You can give a head start!


According to this grandfather

The girls are still drying!

I need to quench my thirst

And pour some champagne!

On the New Year, as on Victory Day,

We drink to the best grandfather!


Darling, you are simply a magician! And how do you do it? Clean and cook all day on December 31st, and new Year's Eve look like you just came from the salon! It’s impossible not to believe in a miracle next to you!

The sage was right when he opened the way to her husband through the stomach.

My soul! I'm losing my mind over your dishes!

Darling! Your kitchen makes me smile!

You are not my mistress - you are a Fairy!!!

Of good! Charming! Beautiful!

In the new year, go out with friends to drink beer more often!

To my husband

Honey, thank you for not having to write letters to Santa Claus. After all, I can ask for any gift directly from my husband!

To kid

Sunny, no need to shout so loudly! Although Grandfather Frost is old, he has good hearing! He will already hear about all your gifts!

And mother-in-law!

Dear mother-in-law, I want to tell you so much kind words, that if I entrusted them to a snowman, he would definitely melt. And I'm holding on! If suddenly after a feast I accidentally burst, know: it’s from an excess of feelings! If everyone had such a wonderful mother-in-law like me, there would be no one to tell jokes about. Thank you for everything! Happy New Year!

On the road

I'll give you advice almost like a doctor,

Looking at things correctly and soberly.

In the Year of New Gin, Champagne and Vodka

There is no need to interfere, it is not useful!

The New Year hints to us playfully,
That it will be possible to mix vodka with beer,
After all, you don’t have to get up for work in the morning,
This means you can sleep until lunchtime!
And during this time, the headache will go away,
And the continuation happy holiday time will come,
New Year's events are in such a cycle,
Gives us our favorite holiday - New Year!

Happy New Year! Let's start celebrating!
I wish you no hangover in the morning,
Let there be cold beer in your refrigerator,
And the headache will go away quickly and easily!
Let there be black caviar with beer,
Which remained from New Year's “yesterday”,
We wish you have enough for the morning,
After all, the New Year doesn’t like it when there’s not enough of something!

Here's another year we've survived,
They seemed to cope and didn’t complain much, didn’t bother,
Now we have to celebrate another year,
And forget about the vulgar and often don’t remember!
The New Year is coming to us, this is who we are meeting,
It will be better than the previous one, we know very well,
Let's start celebrating it right now,
So that there are no problems in the New Year!

Happy New Year and wish you guests!
So that they can eat, drink and go home quickly,
Did you enjoy the silence on New Year's Eve,
And they got lost in thoughts of a new life!
After all, there is a lot to do in the New Year,
As long as the road is open for success,
While there is strength to create and create,
Otherwise you can get lazy and tired later!

The New Year brings us benefit and success,
Charges absolutely everyone with positivity,
There is no such person who will not be satisfied,
After all, with the arrival of the New Year - new life begins!
Everything makes me happy - both snow and severe frost,
What old year I took my problems far away with me,
That everyone has a green light on their way,
There is no reason to be sad in the New Year!

We wish you good company in the New Year,
So that you have enough love and attention,
So that the soul is satisfied and warm,
So that the Christmas tree is dressed in a beautiful outfit!
So that the champagne flows like a river at the holiday,
So that you don’t wake up in the morning with a sore head,
So that there is harmony and grace in the soul,
So you don't have to get up for work!

A great opportunity to understand
That the New Year should be celebrated with love,
In the family circle of relatives,
In order to find happiness quickly!
After all, time passes, and sometimes we forget,
About loved ones. We often exchange for friends,
But family is the most important thing in the world,
And we are responsible for our loved ones!

We would like a pickled cucumber for a snack,
We wish you green light on the path to success,
We wish you not to fall under the tree,
We wish you great fun for the New Year!
We wish you not to wake up in the toilet in the morning,
We wish you not to get lost in your apartment,
We wish you to receive a lot of money as a gift,
We wish that tomorrow is not Monday!

May the New Year shine with fireworks,
And he will open the door to luck for us,
And his faithful servant, Father Frost,
Let us a pleasant surprise presented!
Just don’t go into the house and drag some rubbish,
Give us expensive and rich gifts,
Everything in the New Year should be of the highest standard,
Give us diamonds, no need for junk!

When you celebrate the New Year, decorate the tree,
He is punctual, don’t expect him to be late,
As soon as the arrows touch twelve,
You can smile welcomingly at his arrival!
He will give you mood, vigor and positivity,
And he will not come to you alone,
And he will bring your friends with him,
To celebrate it, you had more fun!

Leave your problems and mistakes in the past,
And start the New Year with a positive smile,
Soon the New Year will come to visit you,
Your life will soon become happy!
You will understand this in the first minutes of New Year's,
From the first bright flashes of New Year's fireworks,
You will stay in the New Year, you are happy, believe me,
Your year will pass without disappointments and losses!

Congratulations! Finally, the New Year is coming!
We wish it to pass without worries,
Let happiness knock on your house every hour,
Start being happy right now!
Let the direction of life turn in the right direction,
Let the heart not know worries and worries,
Let everything you dream about
This night the bird will perform a magical fire!

New Year's greetings: According to the Eastern calendar |

Happy New Year!
Let him bring happiness.
Lots of joy and fun
Let it be with us in everything.

May your wishes come true,
Let the fairy tale come home
And health and luck
They don't let us down in everything.

A little more - and that's it -
He is the long-awaited New Year
He will quietly enter your house,
Health and joy will bring!

May this bright New Year
Happiness dances around you,
There will be less burdensome troubles,
There will be more joyful worries!

I wish you a happy New Year,
Joyful smiles and meetings.
Ride along like a ringing carousel,
Bring good luck into your life.

Let there be more money
Good luck and sleep.
Quickly swim to the other shore,
Where are the mountains of happiness and warmth.

Happy New Year, strength will arrive,
Patience, wisdom and love.
Let the souls of the ethers grow stronger,
Dreams come true from dreams!

Snow, garlands, tart smell of pine needles,
There are many balls on the spruce paws.
Fireworks explode here and there
Faith in miracles and hope for love.

New Year is quietly entering the doors,
He looks at how people live here.
The time for fabulous extravaganzas is coming,
Every home looks forward to it.

Be happy, healthy and loved,
Happy New Year, with new joy, friends!
Let sadness pass by all year long,
And let your cherished dream come true!

The old year is passing, taking away all sorrows,
And the new one is already knocking on the door!
And let everything that was started in the past
Will be finished in the new year.

May happiness fill your soul,
And there will be countless joys all around.
The chimes are already reaching the ears -
Let them bring good news.

Here comes the magic of the new year
Brings sparks of strength and goodness!
And faith in the best from the very threshold
It penetrates into the very hearts!

Happy New Year!
Greet him with a smile!
I want to catch you

Spend your desires skillfully
Outwit the fish.
Ten million in business
There are three villas in the Maldives.

Here pour some glass for the fish,
And also, for the magic.
Let him do it by mistake
Instead of three wishes - a hundred.

On this snowy, frosty day,
Happy New Year!
Lots of joy and miracles
I wish you on New Year's Eve.

So that happiness finds you,
Decorating your home with serpentine.
So that the bad weather goes away quickly,
Turning into a magical dream.

May prosperity and peace live in your home,
Let luck look through the window.
You have to believe in your dream! On this fabulous day
Everything will be fine, and it won’t be any different!

Happy New Year, happy winter fairy tale,
Let her come to your house,
And will give light and affection,
Give it your warmth!

May all souls dream
Will be instantly realized
And all the sorrows will go away,
It was as if they were not known at all.

Suddenly hope will come true
Your bright soul,
And a holiday will fall on the heart,
He will illuminate you with happiness!

A fairy tale to visit, ancient, forest let
Comes to you on New Year's Eve, let him
Great love will come to your home,
Together with the Christmas tree, happiness will enter the house!

Let the snowstorm swirl over the rooftops,
The world is shrouded in winter silence,
I wish: may a new one be born to you
The light in the soul is like the sun, golden!

I wish that the children laugh,
There will be summer in the heart in January,
Let the stars be for you even at night
They are shining, happiness awaits at the door!

May there always be health and prosperity
There will be enough so as not to borrow,
And live generously, without looking back,
To get joy from life!

Let the New Year turn into a fairy tale,
Let her break into the house
May your world be beautiful
And faith in miracles will be ignited!

And the chimes will be the start
For your life and dreams,
And may goodness, love and happiness
They don’t know parting with you.

Not only will it flash brightly in the sky
Flower of holiday lights,
But it will also become in your heart
Suddenly warmer and kinder!