Congratulations to the newlyweds from friends in prose. Wishes in prose for a wedding

Your friends or relatives who have decided to get married have invited you to the wedding. What should I wish them on this happy day? Each union is unique, and standard wishes will not work for this.

The newlyweds will be pleased to hear from you not common phrases, but beautiful and warm congratulations for the wedding in their own words, intended only for them. Composing such a text is not as simple as it might seem at first glance.

On this page of our website you will find wedding congratulations in your own words, which are perfectly suitable for this occasion.

Congratulations to the newlyweds in your own words

Dear newlyweds! I would like to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart on this significant event - the creation of your family. Be happy, love each other, appreciate and take care of your feelings. May your family happiness be filled with love, tenderness and passion. Be patient with your other half, understand and forgive each other. And let your home be filled with children's joyful laughter in the near future!

Dear bride and groom! It is very important that people find each other, find their love! You were lucky - and you met each other! I congratulate you on your wedding, on love, on your new life! I wish you strong, faithful, all-conquering love, and also patience and humility that will help save your marriage. Understand each other, forgive each other, learn to get along with each other. Enjoy your long days and hot nights! Not gray, but colorful everyday life, bright weekends and holidays! And also - you have a house full of kids!

Our beloved, dear newlyweds, please accept congratulations on this wonderful wedding day! Love each other, understand the difficulties of family life. Let comfort, tranquility and understanding reign in your home. May your relationship become stronger over the years, may the flame of love never fade, and may you be happy every day you live together.

Wedding congratulations in your own words

Choose suitable wedding day greetings in your own words to wish the young family all the best on this special day. Congratulations to the newlyweds in your own words can be heard both during the wedding and after festive table.

Dear newlyweds! We sincerely congratulate you on this joyful event. They say: living life is not a field to cross. We wish your field to be wide, endless and full of miracles. May your love be strong like granite and withstand all tests. Let only sunny weather be in your family life. Let your home be a full cup, let the joyful laughter of children be heard in it!

My dears, from the bottom of my heart I want to congratulate you on this significant event in your life. I would like to wish you a lot. Carefully preserve the feelings that you have for each other now. Take care of each other, surround each other with care. Let no difficulties darken your life. I wish you more romance and bright impressions in your life, and also to be a reliable support and support for each other in any situation. Happiness and prosperity to you!

Our dear newlyweds! Today you started a family. A strong and durable family is a reliable ship in the stormy waters of a stormy ocean, where the husband is the captain of the ship and the wife is his navigator. I want to wish that your family ship does not run aground in the ocean of everyday problems, so that it can get out of the most difficult and dangerous sea storm and moor to a quiet peaceful harbor where cloudless happiness awaits you.

Congratulations on your wedding day in your own words

Congratulations on the wedding in your own words do not have to be learned by heart, because the main thing in your speech is sincerity. For wedding congratulations expressed in their own words to touch the newlyweds, they must come from the heart.

All kind words and compliments today for you, our dear young people! Accept the most sincere congratulations happy wedding day. May your life together be long, long and happy. Let only pleasant moments fill every day. Let the union born now warm your souls and hearts, let the flame great love will never cool down. May fate always smile on you!

Dear newlyweds, we sincerely congratulate you on your wedding. Live together, love each other and appreciate every moment spent together. Now you are one, husband and wife. We wish you great happiness and success in all your endeavors. Carry your love through your entire long life. Divide everything in half - both anxiety and joy. Let your life flow like a full-flowing river, knowing no obstacles in its path. May your path be illuminated by the constellation of love. Be happy, advice and love to you!

The family is like a fragile musical instrument. Disharmony in the family is not uncommon, and to achieve harmony, you have to try very hard. We wish you that in music based on the harmony of loving hearts, notes of disappointment and falsehood will never sound. Let the cacophony of scandals and strife never break into your home. Let your hearts always beat in unison!

Wedding congratulations in your own words

If the heroes of the occasion live far from you, you can send congratulations on your wedding day written in your own words by email or SMS. Or you can post congratulations in your own words addressed to the newlyweds on their page on a social network, accompanying this text with a suitable photo.

Congratulations on a wonderful, unforgettable family birthday! It’s not easy work to create, store and cherish love. I wish to turn it into a game and easily cope with this and other tasks: please your soul mate under any circumstances, treat with humor life situations. Show each other understanding and patience, walk through life hand in hand. Be the most unique couple on Earth and a role model!

Dear newlyweds, we are happy to congratulate you on the birth of your family! Live in peace and harmony, remain faithful to each other like the apple of your eye. Take care of your love, and only let it be “bitter” for you at the wedding. Let love and peace reign in your family nest. You have put on not for months, but for the rest of your life wedding rings, and may the road of your life together be long. May good luck visit your home, may it soon be filled with cheerful children's laughter. Advice and love to you!

Congratulations to the newlyweds on their Wedding Day in prose

N and before our eyes a new family is being born! We are pleased to congratulate you on your wedding day, dear newlyweds! You have entered the happy ranks of ringed couples living inseparably for many years! We wish you that, in addition to communicating with your parents, wet diapers and work, you spend the long and happiest moments of your life just the two of you! Hooray!

IN On the wedding day, we wish the husband to give his wife joyful, bright moments and little trinkets more often. And what trinkets are especially bright? That's right, those with large diamonds inserted into them. We wish the wife to be upset more often. But only because my husband forgot to watch his favorite football game. We wish that screams were heard more often in your home. But only in bed and only for pleasure. And we wish you to turn a blind eye to all sorts of everyday problems more often. And when do lovers close their eyes? That's right when they kiss. Bitterly!

D Dear newlyweds!
I wish that you can handle all the difficulties, that only pleasant worries fall on your shoulders, that smart heads carry your shoulders, and that you always walk shoulder to shoulder!

D Dear newlyweds!
On this joyful day, I want you to remember simple arithmetic operations.
1. The addition that made one girl and one boy a wonderful married couple.
2. Subtracting both of you from your single life.
3. Division, when all sorrows are divided in half and therefore decrease.
4. And finally, multiplication, when all joys become common and multiply a hundredfold!
Be happy!

IN There are several events in every person’s life, the importance of which is difficult to overestimate! Your wedding day is one of those! I sincerely wish that you remember him as joyful and cheerful. And may your life together be as easy and bright as this holiday! Carry your love and respect through the years! And may life reward you with healthy children and happy grandchildren!

IN your wedding day, dear bride and groom, I want to wish you to live a friendly, fun and happy life! Have children, don't forget your parents! May it always be sweet for you when you are together, but only today may it be BITTER!

R Real life consists of many little things, empty words, disputes, life situations. Life is a garland of colorful days - bright and cloudy. And the peace and well-being of your life, dear newlyweds, depends on your prudence and consent! So let everyday trifles not spoil the main thing in your life - happiness and joy.
For your happiness, newlyweds!

ABOUT With all my heart I congratulate the bride and groom on their wedding day! Today, for the two of you, the heavenly office opened the first page of a new wonderful book in which the history of your family will be recorded! Let this story be written with golden pens and bright multi-colored ink, let it not contain dark spots, but there are only bright moments! Young people, I wish you to live together for a hundred years and always, every hour, to give each other sweet kisses, exactly the same as today you give each other to the cry of “Bitter”!

N and nothing in the world happens by chance, and we are glad that today we will be brought home drunk and happy from your wedding, where we are sincerely going to congratulate you on the birth of a new family and, under your bitter kisses, drink the greatest work of cooking, so that your life will be long and happy.

D Dear newlyweds! Today is both a solemn and responsible day. Today you accepted final decision sail the waves of life on one ship, whose name is family. Let storms and adversity pass you by, and let there be no right or wrong on your ship, but only one friendly team, forever bonded with love!

M This is the ship, and the wife is the helm. We wish your family ship not to drown in the problems of the sea, to sail out of any whirlpool and reach a quiet harbor, where your crew will be replenished with a new addition. Happiness to you, young people!

WITH Today is a special day, a holiday for two loving people! Today is your wedding. And let these two gold rings bring you to your new life together only good things. Let unnecessary quarrels not disturb your home, and let the family hearth never go out from evil snowstorms! Be happy and give each other only warmth and care! Happy wedding day!

G They say that years of living together eventually turn love into friendship, habit and respect. And I wish you that the love that united you today will grow stronger over the years, that you will not lose tenderness and warmth, that you will be attentive to your soulmate, that you will be able to endure, forgive, and turn minor troubles and quarrels into a joke. Bitterly!

D Dear newlyweds! I will not discover America if I say that family happiness depends on the ability of spouses to get around the so-called sharp corners - minor conflicts, quarrels, problems. I suggest you good method solutions controversial issues- UFO method. But it has nothing to do with “flying saucers”. And in general, you should forget about “flying saucers” forever - they should not be in your house! In our version, UFO stands for: “Gentle, kind answer.” That's the whole secret!

D Dear newlyweds!
I wish there was more... black in your life! So that the young husband always wears a black suit, with a black diplomat, and receives his salary in “black cash” from the “back door”. And the young wife should drive a black Mercedes, relax by the Black Sea, eat black caviar and drink black coffee.

P Congratulations on your wedding day! On this day your family is born and I wish you both great happiness. Let the relationship grow stronger and grow with you. Be a reliable support for each other and do not quarrel over trifles. Enjoy life, love, raise your children!

D Dear newlyweds! Know that family is like a musical instrument. Disharmony in the family is not a rare thing, therefore, in order to achieve harmony, you have to turn around in every possible way, otherwise you will not achieve harmony. We wish the newlyweds that the music, based on the harmony of loving hearts, will never sound notes of disappointment and falsehood. Let no wild, crazy cacophony ever break into this music. Let your hearts always beat in unison!

TO Why do you think people get married? The answer is banal and simple: because they cannot live without each other! And when they are together, there is no one happier on the planet than them! I see that the same banal reason forced our young people to go to the registry office, and therefore I am very happy for them. I believe that a bright, rosy future awaits this beautiful couple in love! Let me wish you, dear newlyweds, a long and comfortable family life, ardent and reverent love and the speedy birth of precious babies!

D Dear newlyweds! Today your eyes radiate tenderness and love, your hearts are filled with joy and mutual respect! The hardest thing is not to lose these feelings years later! We wish you that at the golden wedding you will also be proud and admire each other, also appreciate and kiss each other passionately!

P Congratulations on your triumph! A wedding is so wonderful and romantic! I wish you both a happy marriage, tender love for many years and beautiful children. May your relationship be free from boredom and misunderstandings. Wishing you a bright and joyful family life, newlyweds!

D Dear bride and groom! It is with great pleasure and with all our hearts that we congratulate you on your legal marriage! We wish you to look at each other as tenderly as you do today for many years to come! Keep love, stay faithful, protect each other and take care of each other! May your family be strong, and may children be born quickly to your joy! Advice and love to you!

N Our heartfelt congratulations today sound to you in a new capacity, as a whole, as loving hearts, as spouses. Let no adversity lead to a break in your unity, and let your children strengthen your union more and more every year.

D Dear newlyweds! Today, on the day of creating a new family, you took responsibility for each other: responsibility for smiles, good mood, for happiness and tears, for health! Always remember this, be careful in your words and actions, so as not to inadvertently hurt your dearest and most fragile loving heart! Appreciate each other, because love blossoms only in respect!

D Dear newlyweds!
Married life, like a book, can be divided into two parts: the first part is the poetry of the honeymoon, the second part is the prose of the rest of your life. The first part has very few pages, the second part, on the contrary, is very thick. I would like to wish you to divide the prose of life into several honeymoons. May all the years of your married life be sweet and enjoyable.

My dears, with all my heart I want to congratulate you on this
significant event in your life. I would like to wish you a lot.
The most important thing is to carefully preserve and appreciate the feelings that you
feel for each other now. Take care of each other, respect, pamper
care and affection. Let no difficulties darken your life.
I wish you more romance and bright impressions in your life. Be a friend
for a friend, reliable support and support in any situation. Love friend

Congratulations on your wedding day! I wish you mutual understanding, love, fidelity,
tenderness and great joy. Let the house be filled with sonorous children's
laughter, and the soul sings with happiness!

I sincerely congratulate you on this significant event, in all
meaning, an event! I wish you good health, great happiness, rainbow
smiles and fun. Let kindness, warmth, and comfort always live in your home.
and warm hugs.

How important it is for people to find each other, find their love and
half! You found it! I congratulate you on your wedding, with love, with
new life! I wish you very strong, faithful, all-conquering love, but also
no less patience and humility! Understand each other, forgive each other
friend, learn to be together with joy in your heart! Have a nice long day and
hot nights! Not gray, but colorful everyday life and bright weekends and
holidays! Your home is full of children and prosperity!

Congratulations on the happiest day of your life. Today is the day
the birth of a new family. We wish her to become every day
only stronger and growing over the years. Let your family be based on
mutual understanding, support, tenderness and boundless love. That's all
obstacles that are inevitable on the path of life will only make you
wiser and more united.

Congratulations, my dears! Now you are not just a beautiful couple,
now you are a young family. I wish you harmony and understanding,
endless love and prosperity. Pamper, care, respect, appreciate
and never cease to surprise each other. Happy wedding day!

Today is a significant day - your wedding day! Bring it in
memories of this bright event throughout your life, rejoice together,
worry together, be a reliable support for each other, walk along
life path hand in hand, take care and respect each other! Wish
family comfort, prosperity, eternal love and a long, happy life to you
life together!

With all my heart I want to congratulate you on the most unique and
have a wonderful day in your life - happy wedding day. Today is the day when you
unite your two destinies into one. I wish you to carry it through all
life of sincere feelings and respect for each other. I want from the bottom of my heart
wish that your family always remains warm, trustful and
support. So that on the day of your golden wedding you and the same
They looked at each other tenderly.

Congratulations on a wonderful, unforgettable family birthday!
It’s not easy work to create, store and cherish love. I wish this work
turn it into a game and easily cope with this and other
tasks: to please your half under any circumstances, to pamper,
treat life situations with humor. I want to give it to someone
life or several, appreciate each other’s moments, actions, smiles.
Let this unique moment of magic last forever. May the days
will be bright and full of meaning. Take care of understanding and patience,
walk hand in hand, because all the power lies in family happiness.
Be the most unique couple on Earth and a role model!

Let yours family life will be paper, tin, wood,
crystal, chintz, silver, bronze... In general, everything,
up to gold. Let it be filled with tenderness, happiness and
love. Let there be nothing more expensive and valuable for you in the world
your union. Take care and respect each other. Happy wedding day!

Cool wedding congratulations in prose

Today is such a wonderful sunny day, and all because my
beloved friends got married today. This day is special
not only for you, but for us too. We've been waiting for this for a long time
events, and you kept dragging on and on. I want to wish you happiness
love and good luck in everything. You are such a harmonious couple that we even
noticed that you are very similar in appearance to each other, and this is great
sign. I wish you that comfort and peace always reign in your home.
harmony. Try to swear less, because everything can be solved with
through conversation. I wish you well-being and mutual understanding.
Trust each other, love each other, constantly show your
care. And we will always be there to help you overcome this or that
a different situation to suggest what to do. Don't be shy
ask for help. Happy holiday to you, my dears!

Congratulations on your wedding in prose

Congratulations on your wedding!
We wish you to always understand each other perfectly, take care of your
happiness throughout life. Appreciate every moment spent

On your wedding day I would like to wish that you love each other
friend, just like when we first met. Appreciate, respect your created
family. May life give you a lot of joy, children's laughter and
financial well-being! Dear newlyweds! On your wedding day
We wish you to have children like seeds in a sunflower,
five thousand bills are like stars in the sky, and problems are like hair on
Prigogine's head! Bitterly! Today is an unforgettable day for your
family. Let it be remembered for you as the beginning of a lifelong journey.
Walk in step through life, provide each other with a reliable shoulder and
share the common joy. Advice and love to you! Accept
truly sincere congratulations on this special day! Remember that
today you have become one. Save yours for many years
tenderness towards each other, love and mutual understanding. Appreciate and protect
your family. Dear newlyweds! Today the bonds of marriage are strong
connected you, making you the closest people to each other. Let the thread
connecting you will be strong and will never break. Let your home
will be filled with sunshine and warmth, may it never leave
his love and happiness, let the cheerful children's laughter ring in him.
Take care of each other, understand each other, love each other. Be
always healthy and happy! Everyone present undoubtedly knows
nine commandments of God: do not kill, do not steal, do not commit adultery,
honor your parents, etc. Do you know the commandments of the feast?
Let's remember them! First: sober at a wedding is a spy, to be at
wedding, but not being drunk is a sin. Second: drink a little and drink
All. Third: whoever drinks well will remember well.
Let us raise our glasses to these blessed commandments, verified
time, and we swear never to violate them in the name of our happiness
newlyweds! Our dear newlyweds! Congratulations on this

Yes Love! Dear newlyweds! We sincerely congratulate you on
on this wonderful, wonderful day in your life - the day
marriages. This day has brought great responsibility into your life,
now you must always support each other both in joy and in
sadness, take care of each other, raise your future children
healthy and happy, to be a support and support for your parents.
Advice and love to you! If a man is persistent, he will definitely
will achieve what a woman wants. So let's drink to
the desire of men and the desire of women coincided! For durable and
harmonious union of two hearts! Bitterly! Dear newlyweds! We wish
I wish you happiness, health, love each other, take care, appreciate. Let
life will be like a striped zebra, whose every next
the stripe will be lighter and brighter than the previous one! Let there be no troubles
darken your family happiness! Let your feelings be
sweet, and only at the wedding let the cries of “Bitter!” be heard. Dear newlyweds! Today you are united with each other by bonds
marriage. You will live together. So may your life be filled
sun, joy, love and loyalty to each other. Take care friend
each other, try to understand each other, experience all the joys and
sorrows. May your union be strong and long, may your home be
filled with children's laughter, warmth and friendship. Be happy and
healthy! Dear young people! With all my heart I congratulate you on
entering into legal marriage and starting a family! Friendship and love -
the most wonderful feelings in human life. May your love
will be as long as your life! Live in love, happiness and
joy, may you have healthy and cheerful children, and be
faithful support to your fathers and mothers. Good morning, dears! Bitterly! Friends, let's congratulate the young people together! May the eyes of the bride always

nothing overshadows your family happiness. For you! In the old days
it was customary for the bride to shed tears, saying goodbye to girlish freedom, but
today I want to say that our bride is holding up well and only
glows with happiness, and the groom is a real beauty and it is not surprising that
he captured such a wife! Today these yours unite theirs
fate, so let's wish them boundless and cloudless happiness! I want to wish the young couple on their wedding day
happiness in family life! Let the years not extinguish your mutual
interest, but only help you get to know your spouse better, discover in him
new, best sides! Let your union be, first of all, a union
love, fidelity and love again! Today we are walking on the first
celebration of a young family - at her wedding! I want to wish them both
a prosperous life and full of all the best, kindest and brightest!
Let there be quiet everyday life, and cheerful holidays, exciting
travel and dreams come true, in a word, let there be everything that
can make them truly happy!

Congratulations to the newlyweds on their wedding day in your own words

bride and groom! Today you have become husband and wife and have firmly united
their destinies into one. You have become the closest people, and all the joys and
You will now overcome adversity shoulder to shoulder. I wish that
no difficulties in life, no everyday trifles brought discord into your
relationships so that the joys of one become a common joy for you! Let
the thread with which you connected your paths in life today is not
it just never breaks, but gets stronger year after year, turning into
a strong rope, and the rope becomes a family rope! I wish you happiness
home and a new family born in these minutes! Take care of each other, don't
hurry up with reproaches and accusations, try to understand and respect each other
friend! Let children's laughter ring in your home soon! Be
healthy, be happy!

We wish you happiness in your family life,
love and harmony! Keep this date sacred, on weekdays and holidays
be close, live together, support each other in everything, and
Let it be bitter for you only at the wedding! We wish you to live in
prosperity, may your home be strong and bright! You will raise the children
healthy, smart, cheerful. Be a worthy example to them!
Keep your love, because only then will the family be strong and reliable! Newlyweds, love each other, respect each other, keep your feelings as
shrine! May your eyes shine as brightly in fifty years as
Today. Let your home be full of children's laughter, joy, kindness and
well-being. Live soul to soul, appreciate every minute spent
together. I wish you happiness for many years to come! Dear newlyweds, I want
wish you patience and love to preserve everything wonderful in
your relationship. And also inspiration and strength to make them brighter with
every new day and, waking up in the morning, knowing exactly that we are grateful
fate for having each other. On this special day, and
the most important thing is that he is yours, I would like to wish you eternal and
strong love, a warm family hearth, a friendly and strong family,
keep the thrill of the first meetings in your hearts and go through this long
and the difficult path of life holding hands with each other. Advice to you yes
Love! Our dear newlyweds!
Congratulations on this
an important life step that you consciously decided to take! Know
that life is a series of happy and unlucky days. And only from you,
from your patience, participation, mutual assistance and mutual support
The happiness, well-being and longevity of your family depends! Take care of her
take care of your feelings and let there be as few cloudy days as possible.
Let the little things of family life not overshadow passion and love! Advice to you
Yes Love! Dear newlyweds! We wish you happiness, health,
love each other, take care, appreciate. Let life be like
striped zebra, in which each subsequent stripe will be lighter and
brighter than the previous one! Let no troubles overshadow your
family happiness! Let your feelings be sweet, and only for
at the wedding let the cries of “Bitter!” Friends! Do you know what about
Every family is told: “The husband is the ship, and the wife is the helm of the ship!”
And today we want to wish you easy sailing on the sea of ​​life,
without storms and with a fair wind! So that your ship docks at
shores of Love, washed by the waves of the ocean of Tranquility, driven
with the winds of Prosperity, sailed through life under the flag of Family Happiness! Friends, let's congratulate the young people together! May the eyes of the bride always
shine with happiness, let there be only love, tenderness and
heat. Let the groom be a reliable protector for the family, let
no bad news, bad weather, troubles will touch your family, let
nothing overshadows your family happiness. For you! Newlyweds!
I sincerely congratulate you on this wonderful event! Strong bonds, strong
feelings, more exciting family events! An ancient saying says that
temporary failure is better than temporary success. Therefore, I wish your family
endless luck, and only temporary failures! Happiness to your new
young family! Congratulations on the wedding to the bride in prose
say a few words about our bride. Look at our beauty in
wonderful snow-white outfit - it amazingly combines
“bride”, “wife” and future “mother”, which means femininity, love
and self-sacrifice. Today she glows with happiness, and in her eyes
the fire of love burns. So let this luminous light burn in her
eyes all my life, let the hardships of family life and tears of sorrow not
extinguish it, let the heart be filled with goodness and passion, and the hand
rests firmly on her husband's hand all her life! For your young wife! Congratulations on your wedding day! This is truly a wonderful event - the day
birth of your family! Family is today a small
a newborn who has to go through life's journey. And today you
the two of you, holding hands, enter into a new life together, you
the first timid steps have to be taken, which will become more and more every day
stronger and more confident if respect, wisdom,
patience and love. We wish your family long and happy years! We wish
meet family anniversaries among children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren and
Lose track of the years! Advice and Love! Congratulations on your wedding day!
I wish you mutual understanding, trust, reliability, fun and luck. Let
every day will be filled with serene happiness, carefree love,
boundless affection. Let children's laughter fill the house and happiness
will be eternal. Our dear newlyweds. Let me
Congratulations on your legal marriage! And wish you to sincerely love,
respect, appreciate and take care of each other. Let your family grow and
multiplies: sons and daughters. Be faithful, stay strong
feelings, save money. I wish you a prosperous life, great happiness and
many years together. Bitterly! I want to congratulate this lovely couple on
the main event in their life together. I would like to wish sincerity in
communicating with each other so that understanding and respect become the main thing
law in the family. So that the wife sheds crocodile tears only from
happiness, and the husband found out who was more important only behind the canopy.
Financial prosperity, a long and happy journey together, and children
so much so that the neighbors take out a calculator when counting. Our dear young people, today is your day! How beautiful you are now and
happy! Remember this sweet moment of love. Let this state
love and tenderness will always be with you. Let it in your home
prosperity and abundance reign, and soon the
children's laughter. Live together, appreciate and understand each other. Life
alone, live it with dignity, hand in hand, in an atmosphere of love and
fidelity. You managed to become not just two halves, you and
there is that very whole that is indestructible and indivisible. You are beautiful
couple, and it is a great honor for me to be present at such a touching,
a romantic and emotional celebration of your love. You
Today you are starting your family, and I want to wish you harmony,
understanding, mutual support and undying love. Become a friend for
friend with support, protection and happiness. May you have one soul per
two. Congratulations to the newlyweds on a wonderful and bright day
weddings! We wish you to walk through life shoulder to shoulder, so that in life you
there have never been any troubles that fell solely on your shoulders
easy and pleasant worries and responsibilities so that you get everything done
together, encouraging and supporting each other, so that in your hearts there is no
The fire of love is extinguished! Good luck to you! I congratulate the young people and wish them
endless family happiness near a warm hearth, passionate
nights, a pleasant awakening in each other’s arms, fullness of feelings,
tenderness and mutual understanding! Let there be no marriage in your marriage, but
feelings will be long and strong. Bitterly! You are glowing today
happiness, it’s so nice to look at you that everyone present
Obviously, you are the happiest couple! And we are all very happy for you!
May the sparkle in the eyes and in the
heart tenderness, let the family hearth burn and give warmth to loved ones and
relatives. May luck accompany you throughout your life! They say that the years
living together over time turns love into friendship, habit and
respect. And I wish you that the love that unites you today
has grown stronger over the years, so that you do not lose tenderness and warmth, so that
were attentive to their soulmate, knew how to endure, forgive,
turn minor troubles and quarrels into a joke. Bitterly! They say,
that family life is divided into two stages. The first stage is honey
a month filled with fresh feelings, romance, passion. And this one
a rather short period is compared to poetry. Second period - all
the rest of his life, which is often written in prose. And today I want
wish that your whole life was written in poetry, so that your
grandchildren, listening to your love story, admired the romance and warmth
feelings that you will undoubtedly carry through for many, many years. Our dear bride and groom! Construction started today
your joint ship - your family. We wish you that your
the family ship turned out to be strong, reliable, so that it would not crash on
everyday life and troubles, so that he would not be afraid of storms! Let it be on its way
The sun shines brighter for you, may the voyage last for many years and
will certainly be happy! Dear ___ (name of the groom) and ___ (name of the bride)!
Congratulations on the birth of your family! Let it be the basis of your
family relationships will be formed by Faith, Hope and Love. May these saints
keep your family hearth and feelings! Walk through life hand in hand
dear love, trust, passion! Congratulations to you, newlyweds! Friends!
I won’t say much, because there’s already a lot good words said before
me. I just want to congratulate you once again on this important step and
wish that all your further steps in life, and responsible
you made decisions together, consulting and listening to each other.
And if one suddenly stumbles, then the second is obliged to support him. Good luck
and happiness to you on the difficult path of life. Life is
endless rush and bustle, sometimes diluted with stupid grievances and
disputes, this is an alternation of clear and gloomy days, black and white stripes. AND
what exactly will prevail in your family depends solely on
you, from your ability to love and forgive, endure and encourage,
seek compromises and make concessions. May love, health,
joy, kindness will be the basis of your young family. Happy wedding day! Newlyweds, I know that you are a musical family, both the groom and
the bride plays different musical instruments! So I prepared
(a) special for you wedding congratulations. Today you got it
a very unusual musical instrument that you also created
with your own hands, signed - this is your family! That's why I want
wish you on your wedding day that there will be a family symphony
long and beautiful, so that there are no false notes, notes of abuse and
discord So that your hearts sing along to each other and beat in unison! Young! Today you took a step into your life together! I wish
so that you remember this moment for a long time, so that joy and delight
Today you were remembering the long, long summer. I wish you to find
the right path is love and prosperity. Find your way to
fortunately, and having found it, be sure not to turn it off! Today is education day
units of society - your family! Remember that a family is one unit
for two, so the happiness of one is multiplied by two, and the misfortune is
is divided in half. Listen to each other, try to guess
the feelings and mood of your spouse are very important in family life!
Happiness to you, happy family life! CONGRATULATIONS BASED ON COMPARISONS
Your living wage is now
The irreplaceable coin is love! Take care of her! It should be in abundance
in your new family and every day should only grow stronger and
unite your union more firmly. Don't lose the touchingness of your
feelings, forgive, endure, turn minor troubles and quarrels into
Construction of your joint ship, under
called "family", started today. Build your ship strong and
reliable, so that no storm would be afraid of him. Take care of yours
the ship so that it does not break on the waves of troubles and everyday
problems. May only light shine on you every day on your journey of life
bright sun under a gorgeous blue sky. Let it be joint
swimming will be a happy lifelong adventure!
Love is walking together. Every step is important.
From now on you must walk firmly in step and if it suddenly happens that
If one foot stumbles, the other must support it!
A new one has just lit up on the horizon of love.
star - a family was formed. May your horizon always be
peaceful, and your star shines brightly and long. We wish that every moment
your family life gave you happiness and joy! Such congratulations
at the wedding in their own words will leave a pleasant mark on the souls of the young and
will surprise guests.
Life is an ocean, and family is a ship sailing
in it. The husband will be the sail of the ship, the wife will be the helm. So with this
on a wonderful special day we wish the groom that he will be
the hardy and durable sail of this ship. And we wish the bride
learn to choose the right course and find the right path.
your big and beautiful ship plies the ocean waters every day
life. Don't look at the weather outside the ship, inside it is always
a warm and cozy atmosphere should reign, even if things are raging outside
On this wonderful day you received many
gifts. But your greatest gift is that you have made a friend.
friend and created new family! Take care of the cozy family hearth and warmth
your love! Become worthy guardians of the hearth and complete this
a lifelong journey together until the end. FUNNY WEDDING TIPS FOR NEWLYWEDS
Tips for the groom:
-When you return home late, not completely sober, immediately hug your wife so that she doesn’t swing her arms.
-If something doesn’t go well, then you need to listen to your wife’s advice.
-Even if your wife is wrong about something, you need to ask her for forgiveness.
-Advice for the bride: in order for peace to remain in the family forever, the husband should not know who is the boss in the house.
-Never complain about your husband, because he is not perfect. The ideal man Only a woman can do it.
-Advice to young people: if you were born yourself, help someone else be born. Dear newlyweds! Congratulations on a great day in your life -
wedding day. With all our hearts we wish you to embark on the path of family
live with joy and love, and preserve these amazing feelings
forever. Be happy, kind and bright, realize joint
ideas successfully. We wish you to become the luckiest and most understanding family
couple on this planet! Dear newlyweds, we wish you happiness!
And let it be as much as you can stand. Before the wedding
you had a time of falling in love, which begins today
smoothly develop into a time of love. May your youth, beauty,
energy helps you move through life easily, go hand in hand,
always together, always supporting each other. And let your love
It will be like the sun, bright like a diamond, strong like sakura, beautiful.
After all, you are so wonderful, in love and happy today! AND
We wish you that at your golden wedding both your grandchildren and great-grandchildren
hugged. Good luck to you! Dear newlyweds! Wedding day -
a magical holiday that helps you feel free and easy
enter into family life, taking the first confident steps in it. We wish
you go together hand in hand, building joint happiness, dividing in half
all the joys and troubles. May your life be complete for you
pleasant, amazing events that will only give you
positive emotions, and your home will be filled with cheerful children's voices.
Congratulations! It was not in vain that you met on earth, it was like that from above
decided. Fate brought you together so that you could start a family and take care of
about each other, gave joy to life to your children, because children are in the house
great happiness. Respect each other, love, trust each other.
Let your home be cozy and warm. May there always be laughter and
The pies smell delicious. May family happiness be endless, like
gold ring- without beginning and end! Let the path of life
which you chose for yourself by putting a wedding ring on each other’s finger
the ring will be light and joyful. Let him not be darkened by bitterness
betrayals or disappointments. May your home always be cozy and
warmth from heartfelt kindness. There is nothing more important in life for two
events than the day of the reunion of their loving hearts. So let today
that magic thread, which binds them, will become even stronger, and
the flame of love is even warmer and more tender at the same time. Save and
cherish the feeling of this holiday throughout the long journey,
which you will walk hand in hand, caring and supporting each other
friend. Dear newlyweds! We wish you a cloudless family life,
Handle your feelings tenderly and guard your hearth with care. Always
look with the same affection and love in your eyes as today. And if
obstacles will arise on the path to family happiness, just stronger
join hands! On this beautiful day your dream came true: you
connected their lives and created a new strong family. Let it done
Your step will bring you closer to understanding each other. May you years later
you will never regret what you have done, and your love will withstand everything
tests and will become even stronger over time. Let inside your
in a small world, trust and respect flourish. How wonderful
it sounds like “bride and groom”, “husband and wife”. Like two halves
one whole and today's solemn event will be able to
connect. I would like to wish you to carry your warm feelings throughout
life, trust and, of course, respect each other. Keep yours
love and be happy. Dear newlyweds, congratulations on your
on this happy day - your wedding day! Love, take care, respect
each other. Let your home be a full cup, let it sound
children's laughter and faith, hope and love always live. We wish you
great happiness, joy and good luck. A responsible step awaits
you to do today. And I congratulate you on this event! I wish that
from now on you walked only in step, the gait was confident, and the road -
flat. Know that if one of you accidentally trips, the other
I must immediately lend him my shoulder. Be happy with this
way! Today, on this greatest day, I want to congratulate
newlyweds happy wedding day. Let only people live in your house
Faith, Hope and Love. More kids for you, less sorrows,
a lot of money, hot nights and happiness without limits. Live together
take care of each other. Congratulations to the young people! In this joyful and
touching day, I want to congratulate you, dear newlyweds, on
connection of destinies. Just as two streams converge into one river, so do you, two
beautiful and glorious people, today we have chosen for ourselves one thing
flow. So let the river of your life be clean, there will be water in it
transparent, the bed is deep, and the filling is rich. Let it be in yours
life will never have pitfalls, but only hot seething
geysers of your feelings. Be inseparable, live in love and prosperity,
take care of each other and give birth to beautiful children. Let every moment
your life will be sweet, and only today we will shout to you:
"Bitterly!". Two beautiful people - a guy and a girl walked along
life and did not know each other. Then heaven tripled their meeting and
It turned out to be a family - YOU and ME! But this is also temporary, because
soon he, she, and again he will be added to you and I, and then we’ll see!
I wish you, my dear newlyweds, that in your life there will always be
there was love, respect, tenderness, patience! Let no one
will never separate you, may you have everything you want and
even more! I wish you happiness, joy, love and mutual understanding on
long, long life! Dear newlyweds! In this beautiful
day, I want to congratulate you on starting a family. Live, dear ones, without quarrels
and resentment. Let your lips hurt from kissing, and your hands from hugging, and in the house
Children's laughter will be heard. May there always be light above your home
gentle sun! And if clouds suddenly appear, he will part them with his hands
your big and strong love! May you have no equal in patience and
understanding each other. I wish you never get tired of cultivating
family field of love, carefully kept their feelings from envious and
bad looks! Let there be prosperity in the house, and in the hearts -
inexhaustible tenderness for each other and your children! Young! IN
On this wonderful day, thanks to you, a new family was born. Grasp
hold hands tightly, and boldly jump towards happiness, love and
mutual understanding! We congratulate you on your wedding day! Health,
We wish you joy and love. May the angels keep your family in peace.
Let the children be healthy, and let happiness and prosperity reign at home! My dear, dear and beloved newlyweds! I sincerely congratulate you
Happy wedding day! I wish your eyes look at each other
with the same love fifty years later! That feeling that took
all the place in your hearts, let it not fade, not go away, but over the years
only grows stronger, becomes wise, sincere and very warm! Be
support each other in all the vicissitudes of everyday life, goodbye
love each other passionately and devotedly! God bless your marriage
for many, many years! Dear newlyweds! Today is for you two
especially solemn day, because it is on this day that you will become
spouses. You will confidently step into new life, saturated
bright events. Please accept our sincere congratulations and wishes:
good to you, warmth and happy days. Keep your hearth so that
you lived a comfortable and happy life. Plant many beautiful trees
and raise children you can be proud of. Let your
the union will be strong and will be the key to your success in life. Remember
You are the hope and support for each other. Respect and appreciate everyone
your “other half”! Dear children! Our loved ones, grown up, already
almost independent, but still so dear and the best in the world!
Congratulations on your wedding day! We wish to live as a couple
long, good, rich life! We wish love to be tender,
dedicated and very patient! Let it become the core on which
the world will be yours friendly family! Let there be no disagreements and
omissions, live openly, joyfully and be a support for each other
until very old age! On this wonderful day I
I congratulate you, kids, with all my heart! I wish you happiness, prosperity,
maintain the fire of love all your life, take care of each other, protect and
overcome all problems and adversity together. May your family
will be stronger than stone, and life will be filled only with the most beautiful
impressions and emotions. Our dears! Now you are husband and wife. WITH
from this moment you became the closest and dearest people in the whole
planet! Please love each other and support each other in any way
situations. May your family life be full of romance,
regardless of the number of years lived in marriage. With all my heart
Congratulations on the most important event in your life! Next to
you will now always be a charming, gentle and fragile woman,
who needs your support so much. Be a worthy husband so that
your young wife was the envy of all her friends! Yours was made
the first and most important step on the path of family happiness. Let everything
awaits you ahead, will be happy and brings only joy.
Congratulations on your engagement and wishing you love, may luck always be with you
smiles and never frowns, and everything in life works out
"hooray". Our dear children! Today we, the happiest parents,
We bless your marriage for a family life that is long, strong and
happy! Good luck to you, love, peace, joy, mutual understanding. Be
happy, dear newlyweds! Dear young spouses!
Congratulations on your wedding day and wish you great friendship in your relationship,
After all, only friendship and understanding make love stronger and
hot. Let your wedding be the first step into a bright, big
a future where your family becomes true role models. Congratulations on your engagement. Today you have taken a very important step towards
your future life together, which will be filled with joy,
light, understanding and love. May God protect you and yours
relationship. Happy holiday, my dear people, happiness and success to you! Dear groom, congratulations on such a huge, significant event in
your life - a wedding. This is a big step for a man. Which
The responsibility now lies with you! We wish you to be a worthy spouse,
health, strength to keep your family together, money, mutual understanding and
love. Be happy! The hour is not far off when
We'll call you newlyweds. Congratulations on your engagement, so
important decision in your life. Let the previously woven roads not
never unravel. We wish that the braid of your life together will not
under what pretext were threads of doubt, disappointment, resentment and
breakups. Friends, I honor you with this like-minded and
a pleasant decision - an engagement. I wish you to continue to maintain your union
thoughts and decisions, love, endurance, help each other, have faith
and support for your other halves! Happy wonderful event to you! Groom, we congratulate you on having her next to you, the one who is more beautiful
No need! We wish your love to burn forever, and you are warm like a fireplace.
warm up We wish you good, healthy children! We wish you a home by type
mansions! Girlfriend, our daughter-in-law, you are unexpected for us
you become a wife. Congratulations! We wish you eternal unquenchable love,
husband, affectionate and responsive, able to please a lady: so that flowers
every day, branded clothes, diamonds, perfume... In short, friend,
be happy! My dear dad and mom, congratulations to you! Don't be
your marriage - there would be no me. So that makes it
necessary for my very existence. May it continue to be yours
Life together always turns out well and happily. Let her
brings you nothing but joy. Thank you, my parents, for
that today our happy family has gathered like this
significant event. Mom and dad are the dearest people who
gave me life. I want to wish you long years, happiness, love and
mutual understanding. May we gather again on this occasion after many years.
day at the festive table and shout together: “Bitter!” Look, guests, our bride is the most beautiful of all, her figure impresses and
brightness of the eyes. We wish, in the status of a proud wife, not to spend a bit
of its beauty. Let her be the brightest star, let her husband always
drives you crazy!

Wedding congratulations in prose

Dear newlyweds, we sincerely congratulate you on the beginning of a new
life! We wish you bright love, full understanding, strong support,
sparkling smiles! Enjoy every minute of shared happiness, and
your life will be bright and rich together.

Congratulations on the most important holiday in the life of every person
- happy wedding day! I wish you to observe throughout your life
basic rules of marital longevity: fidelity, tolerance,
mutual respect. A woman needs to be wise, and a man needs to feel
responsibility for the family, and then your happiness will be endless!

I sincerely congratulate you on this wonderful day! I wish you
love, understanding, happiness. So that harmony reigns in your home, and
the path of life was strewn with rose petals! And most of all I wish you
patience towards each other, as it is very important to you
will need it!

On the day of the combination of hearts, I want to wish you with all my heart
continuous happiness, warmth and comfort in the family, reverent and
caring attitude towards each other, peace in the house, loud laughter and
the patter of little feet. Protect your happiness and cherish it!

In your family life we ​​wish you happiness, love and harmony! Holy
keep this date, be close on weekdays and holidays, live together,
support each other in everything, and let it be bitter only for you
wedding! We wish you to live in abundance, may your home be strong and
bright! You must raise healthy, smart, and cheerful children. Be
a worthy example for them! Keep your love, because only then will there be a family
strong and reliable!

My friends, we congratulate you on this great event, your day
marriages. We wish you to always respect each other, appreciate and
support. And may your love be the same for the rest of your life
sincere, pure and bright, like on this beautiful day.

Dear newlyweds, I sincerely congratulate you on your wedding day. Let
there will not be a moment of sadness and disappointment in your life, may you
We always manage to see love, support and hope in each other. I wish you
nice and healthy children, financial and spiritual wealth, warmth
hearts and homes.

Congratulations to you, beautiful young people, on the birth of a new, happy and
successful family! You were very lucky to meet each other, and couples
I can't imagine anything better! Live together, cheerfully, playfully, keep
a feeling of beauty and harmony in your wonderful family! I wish you
health, luck, wisdom and patience. And let your love boat
sheds a long, exciting and interesting path. Appreciate each other and
what you have, and let your family grow and develop! Be

Newlyweds, on this bright, joyful day you have become one,
sealed their union with signatures, kisses and vows! So let it
the beginning, the starting point of your family life - love - burns and
warms you for many, many years, helps you change for the better and
find something new and beautiful in the person next to you every day!
Let your family nest be filled with chicks who will
to delight and inspire you on this difficult path of life together;
We wish your home to become a fortress for yourself and your children, and
so that all troubles pass by your gates!

I wish that your future family life will be like your first marriage
a night full of passion, love, pleasant surprises... With a sparkle,
peppery, funny, but the main thing is that without boredom and without long

Congratulations on the wedding. Original wedding congratulations

Impossible to count
Joy and fun.
We solemnly present
Our congratulations to you.
Oh newlyweds...
Strength and patience to you!
Live in love, in abundance.
Lots of luck.
You promise each other
You love endlessly.
And we ask gentlemen
Bless you.
You are family now
We must cherish love.
So that with a golden wedding,
We could congratulate you again.

Love will fill your wedding day,
Your hearts to the brim.
I wish you health
Success, understanding, kindness.
May this day be magical
Will always be memorable.
Go through your life together
From these days until the end.
May every day bring smiles,
Let your friends not forget you.
It remains for you to wish,
So that your family grows!

Everyone will agree that the Wedding Day is
One of the most wonderful days.
Today we would like to wish you
Experience the golden anniversary
Walk through life hand in hand with each other,
We wish your couple a good journey,
And also - swan fidelity,
Happiness, love and tenderness,
Looking at each other with love,
The fire of love is burning brighter,
Let two wedding rings
Hearts will unite forever!

Let the white dove of sorrow, sorrow
He will sweep away your soul with his wing;
Let the grain that was sprinkled
Will fill the house with children's laughter.
Burned brightly like the sun
Your family hearth is in comfort;
So that no difficulties, adversity,
Insults and words did not separate you.
Hand in hand, eyes in eyes forever,
Save love and earn respect.
Well then golden wedding
We invite everyone to today's guests.

Rings on the car
The house is bustling.
Born from now on
New family.
We hasten to congratulate
A couple of young ones.
Let them leave the sadness,
Happiness will be theirs!
Let him have fun
Their child is in the house.
And everyone is dizzy
Head full of happiness!

Congratulations to the young people!
Look what happiness -
Like the bride, like the groom,
They beam with joy.
Don't let a pound of salt spoil it
Your faces are satisfied.
May you live in love
Long and easy.
Let home and life happen,
Let children be born.
The main thing is that you are together
I am responsible for my family.
Many years of happiness to you
And love and advice to you!

The result of a love story -
Let Mendelssohn's waltz sound.
Two hearts will beat side by side
And walk together hand in hand!
After all, there are worries ahead, children,
But this is really nonsense
When you feel your breath
In the same rhythm forever.
May every day illuminate you
Hope, tenderness, dreams!
And only at night let him not sleep
From the affection and hand of my dear!
Live in peace and harmony
And always remember one thing:
Take care of your happiness
And don’t exchange it for anything!

Love united you
And tied strong bonds.
There is no more beautiful couple than you,
Forever bound in union.
I would like to wish you on a bright day:
Let no shadow fall on your house,
And adversity will not envelop you,
Love lives all your years.
Let the house prosper with wealth,
And the passion will burn brighter.
And so that the belly will soon grow,
And the glorious family continued!

Today two souls merged into one,
And we will all remember this day forever.
I wish you to preserve spring in your life,
And may your happiness be great.
Harmony, love and kindness,
I wish you trust and honesty,
May there be more beauty in life,
And let there be mutual understanding.
But if you cannot avoid quarrels,
I wish you to remain patient,
After all, the best minds have spoken,
That this is a very important skill.

Today is your special holiday,
You have bound your two souls forever!
So be happy all your life as you are now -
From pure heart I wish you.
You always understand each other
Give tenderness, care, warmth -
Remove everything bad on the threshold -
So that it does not enter your family.
Love each other very sincerely,
Appreciate every moment with each other,
And then you will understand, among other things,
What happier family not all over the world.

Previously, at a celebration in a restaurant, there was a tradition for absolutely every guest present to take a microphone and make a speech. Nowadays they move away from this and say the words only to the closest family members or at will.

How do guests congratulate newlyweds on their wedding day?

There are several possible options congratulations at the celebration itself:

  1. The word is obligatory given to the mother and father of the bride and groom, and grandparents are not bypassed.
    Alternatively, the rest of those present say sincere words as desired, approaching the leader.
  2. Guests are divided into blocks, from each of which one person comes out and speaks a sincere text.
    For example, all the bride’s friends come out, of which there may be 10 people. Only one is given a microphone, and she congratulates the couple in plural.
  3. The closest relatives of the bride and groom congratulate.
    For example, siblings, best friends.

The bride and groom will have to decide for themselves which one to choose for their wedding celebration. based on your own preferences. Guests will only find out about this at the wedding, so everyone will have to write and compile beautiful words, addressed to a married couple.

Original short wishes

The most in a simple way congratulating the young is prose. As a rule, these are words that come from the heart. Anyone can write a couple of lines and there is no need to come up with a complex rhyme.

Before writing your wedding wishes, you should decide what you want for the young family.

Among the large number of congratulations, you can find monotonous things. For example, they increasingly wish for happiness, love and a long family life. These are words that no congratulation can refuse.

But in order for the speech to be more harmonious and original, non-trivial phrases should be included in it.

  1. Real estate is perhaps the very first thing that a young family will need.
    Therefore, you can wish for an apartment, but not a simple one, but somewhere by the sea or in an elite area. You have to want the best.
  2. Travel - the world is so diverse and wide that it seems impossible to consider it all.
    Let the spouses travel while they are young and discover new boundaries of what is permitted.
  3. Feelings of love and immense happiness - without love, no union will last.
    All people need it.

Wise and beautiful wishes

Congratulations should be not only touching, but also philosophical. This idea is reflected in the best possible way by Eastern wisdom.

Choose the option that suits you best.

  1. A dove walked along the path, and a dove walked along the other.
    It was raining and they could not hide from it. God saw this and brought it down one road. Then they spread their wings over each other and came dry. So now you walk along the path side by side, protecting you from life’s problems and troubles.
  2. There lived a traveler frog and she jumped along the path.
    Suddenly she saw the rails and decided to jump over them, a train appeared out of nowhere and cut her butt. She rode on, but decided to return for the sake of her butt. The frog picked up the butt, and the train ran over it again and cut off its head. We wish the groom to never lose his head for the sake of the pope.
  3. In order to preserve the family and immeasurable love, spouses should erect each other in their thoughts on a marble pedestal and bow before their spouse.
  4. The family is a real musical instrument.
    Sometimes he experiences disharmony. In order to adjust the gun, you need to twist and turn. Let there be less minor and more major notes in your life.

Good parting words in prose

At the celebration you want to hear not only positive reviews about one of the spouses, but also. After all, family life is complex and thorny. Who better to tell than experienced relatives what mistakes should be avoided and how best to build relationships within the family.

Please note that parting words must be spoken by those people who have been married for at least 3 years. They must not be offensive or degrade the honor of one of the spouses.

The ideal option is to say congratulations in a comic form. Then it will be possible to avoid a didactic nature. In addition, the playful option reaches absolutely every guest much faster and more effectively.

If you fail, you can always use the site. To do this, remake the finished parting words in prose, adding the proper names of the young spouses.

Touching wishes to tears

Touching words for the newlyweds couldn't be better. They differ:

  • warmth;
  • sincerity;
  • tenderness;
  • love.

In order to congratulatory words turned out to be more touching you should pronounce them more emotionally.

Useful video

Words from parents at the wedding.

The best toast at a wedding.

Super congratulations from the witness.


Congratulations on your wedding in prose at a wedding celebration are always received with great pleasure by the newlyweds and guests.

At a wedding, the bride and groom hear many pleasant, good wishes. If you are invited to a holiday, prepare a congratulations on your wedding day in prose: beautiful words will come in handy when it comes to your turn to give a toast or give parting words to the newlyweds. In order not to lose face at this moment, it is worth preparing for the wedding in advance. It is important to choose the right words that will touch not only the newlyweds, but also the guests.

For a friends wedding

If the bride and groom are your close friends, then during the celebration they will be glad to hear your wedding congratulations in prose. Remember when and where you met. Did you study together, live next door, or travel together? This can be mentioned. Were you present when the bride and groom met, or even introduced them yourself? Tell us about it. Such wedding congratulations in prose will show the bride and groom how much they mean to you. But these congratulations will not be complete without good wishes.

If you know the newlyweds well, then you know their dreams. If the bride and groom are not keeping their plans secret, wish them that these plans will come true.

Examples of congratulations on your wedding day to a girlfriend or friend:

  1. My dear, it seems that only recently you and I were sitting at the same desk. But today you are getting married, and we are all immensely happy for you. Let harmony always reign in your family. Love and support each other, strive for your dreams together.
  2. Dear friend, on your wedding day I would like to wish you unlimited happiness. You marry a beautiful girl, you have found your soulmate. We are all glad that today we can share this holiday with you and congratulate you. Take care of each other.
  3. Happy newlyweds, from the bottom of our hearts we congratulate you on your wedding day! In this huge world you were able to find each other. Then you will walk together, holding hands tightly. Peace, harmony, prosperity and prosperity to your beautiful friendly family.
  4. It was very joyful to watch how your friendship grew into tender, sincere love. And it’s doubly joyful to see that now you have become a real family, having tied the knot. Let a joyful, sunny mood reign in your home even on cloudy and cold days.

Wedding congratulations in prose will move the newlyweds and guests to tears.

These kind words You can not only say it out loud during the celebration, but also write it on a postcard, which will remain as a keepsake for the bride and groom. They will appreciate such congratulations on your wedding day: prose can perfectly express your feelings. It will be a pleasure to re-read heartfelt cards on anniversaries or show them to children and grandchildren.

For the wedding of a daughter or son

It is very important for newlyweds to hear sincere wishes for their wedding not only from friends, but also from the closest people - mother and father. The wedding of a son or daughter is an important event for parents. It seems that only recently the child learned to walk and talk, but now in front of you stands a completely adult person who now has his own family, and will soon have his own children. Yesterday's children are today's brides and grooms. At the wedding, you will have to give parting words to the young family. You don’t need to memorize poetry, prose will help you: anyone can come up with congratulations on your wedding in prose, because for this you don’t need to select rhymes, it’s enough to speak sincerely and with love.

Wedding congratulations for a daughter or son:

  1. It is important for any parent to know that their child is happy. It is joyful to see that today you are tying the knot with the person you truly love and who truly loves you. Live in peace and harmony, cope with difficulties together and share joys.
  2. It is impossible not to notice with what tenderness you look at each other. May this tenderness never disappear from your life. Give it to each other and your future children.
  3. Our beloved and dear newlyweds, with a calm heart we let you go into life together, because we know for sure: you were made for each other and will always cherish your love. May your family be large, friendly and happy, and may your home always be filled with joy and children's laughter.

For the wedding of a niece, nephew, goddaughter or godson, such wishes are also suitable.

For the wedding

A wedding is a bright and wonderful event. Prepare congratulations in prose for the bride and groom, because on this day they will exchange the most important vows and become a real family.

Christian congratulations to the newlyweds on their wedding:

  1. Our beautiful newlyweds, may God bless your marriage and give you healthy, smart and beautiful children whom you will raise in love and harmony. Peace to your home and your wonderful family!
  2. With all my heart I congratulate you on a wonderful event, happy birthday to your family! Be faithful to each other, dear newlyweds, and may the angels protect you and your beautiful future children.
  3. The Lord brought you together in this life, and today He blessed your marriage. Before His face you swore fidelity and love, so from now on let your feelings only become stronger every day.

Touching wedding congratulations in prose and good wishes- This is a wonderful gift for a young family.

Unusual congratulations

A beautiful wish is a classic version of a toast or congratulations on a wedding. But you can try to stand out and make everyone laugh. The bride and groom will appreciate the original wedding greetings in prose.

Examples of original congratulations:

  1. Dear newlyweds, I express my condolences to you. After all, now you will burn with passion all your life and suffocate with crazy love. I wish you courage to overcome these difficult trials.
  2. Our happy and beautiful newlyweds, let there be a lot of black things in your life: black caviar, the Black Sea, a black Bentley. Let all your black stripes be just like that.
  3. Beautiful doves, may your nest always be cozy, and may your cute chicks delight you with their singing!

There are many ways to make greetings interesting. For example, if your friend is getting married, then when coming up with congratulations to the bride in prose, you can quote her favorite love song, romantic movie, or read a line from a novel. She will be pleased.

Speak from your heart and with a smile on your face.

Then your original wedding congratulations to the newlyweds in prose will definitely be remembered by the bride and groom.