Proverbs and sayings about milk. Folk proverbs about milk Proverbs about milk and dairy products

Anna Belova
Project “Milk. Drink cow's milk for your health!”

Educational institution: MDOU " Kindergarten No. 100", Yaroslavl

Composition of the project group: students senior group"Kapitoshka", parents

Initiative group: students and parents, group teachers

Project leaders: teacher Anna Evgenievna Belova, speech therapist Lidiya Aleksandrovna Kruchinina

Educational field: Cognitive development

Design: drawings, posters, exhibition of milk products

Music: “In the meadow.”, “33 cows” and others

Relevance of the project:

A must-have and indispensable product baby food is milk. Due to its chemical composition and biological properties, it occupies an exceptional place among products of animal origin used in the nutrition of children of all age groups. But not all children are happy to drink milk and eat dishes prepared with milk and dairy products (porridge, milk soups, cottage cheese casseroles, cheese, sandwiches with butter). Problem proper nutrition is very relevant for our students, it is necessary to talk about the benefits and importance of milk and dairy products. We decided to collect as much information as possible about the benefits of milk and dairy products and find out the composition of milk. We collected material about animals whose milk is consumed by humans.

Purpose of the work:

To enrich children's knowledge about milk and dairy products as valuable and beneficial for the growth of the child's body, to arouse the desire and interest in drinking milk with pleasure.

1. expand knowledge about milk and dairy products.

2. give an idea of ​​the importance of milk and dairy products for the child’s body, identify the role of milk in human life.

3. to form a conscious attitude towards healthy eating in preschoolers.

develop cognitive interest in research activities, desire to learn new things.

4. develop research skills (searching for information from communication with adults, television programs, etc.).

5. Develop the ability to work in a team, the desire to share information, and participate in joint activities.

6. Activate and enrich the vocabulary of preschoolers

Type of project: educational and research.

Period: Short term (3 weeks)

Research topics for pupils and parents:

Milk and dairy products

Milk from different animals.

Research methods:




Project plan

Preparatory stage:

1. Identifying children’s interests in the project.

2. Selecting a project topic and formulating the problem, goals and objectives of the project

3. Formation of groups of students and their parents to develop individual questions, distribution of tasks for each group

4. Creation of a developmental environment.

5. Selection of methodological and fiction on the topic.

6. Identification of main sources of information

Project implementation stage:

1. Collection of information on the topic to solve the assigned problems;

2. Systematization of the collected material;

3. Analysis and distribution of material according to thematic groups: for creating presentations, for making posters, preparing an entertainment script “Milk Festival”

4. Preparation and presentation of results in the form of posters, presentations;

Final stage:

Report from creative groups on the work done

Making a lapbook “Milk”

Preparation of a project portfolio (recording all project documents on an electronic medium).

Pedagogical work within the framework of the project "Milk"

* Conversation “Where did the milk come from”, “What products do our family love”;

* Collection of Riddles, proverbs and sayings about milk

* Modeling “Milk Bowl”;

* Application “Burenushka” using a stencil (paper plastic – rolling napkins into lumps);

* D/i “Find out the taste”; “Harmful - useful”; "Not really";

* D/i “Say the word” Dairy products

* Construction of “Sheds for cows”;

* Exhibition of children's drawings “Milk Rivers”;

* Animated films “Fixies, about dairy products”, “Three from Prostokvashino”; "Little Khavroshechka"

* watching the educational film “Where Milk Comes From”

* viewing a presentation prepared by “Cow” parents

* Stories and fairy tales: L. Tolstoy “About the frog that fell into the milk”; “How an old man sold a cow”, Russian folk tale“Winged, furry, and oily”, “Kroshechka - Khavroshechka”

* Didactic game"The fourth wheel";

* role-playing games “Dairy Products Store”; “Mothers and Daughters”, “Family”;

* Game exercises“Let’s cook porridge for the dolls”; “We’re preparing lunch,” “We’re going to the store.”

* Conducting experiments with dairy products:

1. “Milk has color”

Pour water into one glass and milk into another.

Place spoons into glasses.

Conclusion: milk is not clear, water is clear.

2. “Milk has taste.”

Invite children to try the water. Does she have taste? No. Now try the milk. Does milk have a taste? What does it taste like?

Conclusion: milk has taste, but water has no taste.

3. “Milk has no smell”

Pour water into one cup and milk into another.

Invite children to smell milk and water.

Conclusion: milk has its own characteristic smell, but water has no smell.

5. “Delicious transformation”

We poured 4 tablespoons of milk into a bowl,

After 1 hour the milk froze and became ice cream.

Conclusion: milk tends to freeze.

Entertainment for children “Milk Festival”

The purpose of our meeting is to talk about the importance of milk for proper nutrition of preschoolers

We conducted a survey among pupils of the gr. No. 10 “Kapitoshka”, the survey covered 23 people

The questionnaire included the following questions:

1. What drinks do you like?

2. Do you like milk?

3. What are the benefits of milk?

4. What dairy products do you know?

We found out that out of 23 children in our group, only 6 people named milk among their favorite drinks, the rest of the children preferred carbonated drinks, tea, and compotes.

It is alarming that children do not understand the importance of milk and lactic acid products for their growing bodies. Many guys don’t have milk on their list of favorite foods.

We decided to collect as much information as possible about the benefits of milk and dairy products and find out the composition of milk. We collected material about animals whose milk is consumed by humans.

Progress of the event

Children guess riddles:

White and not snow,

Delicious, but not honey.

They take it from the horned one

And they give the kids something to drink (milk)

From him - health, strength

And the cheeks are always flushed.

White, not whitewash

Liquid, not water. (milk)

Not snow, but always white.

Although it flows, it is not water. (milk)

Pupils of the 1st subgroup:

I've been drinking milk since childhood

It has both strength and warmth!

After all, it's magical

Good, useful!

I'm growing with him hour by hour

And I’ll give you good advice -

Instead of Pepsi, lemonade

You need to drink milk more often!

Milk helps everyone:

Strengthens teeth and gums!

You feel at ease

If you drink milk!

Presenter: - today we have a very tasty holiday - “Milk Festival”. Milk is not only tasty, but also very healthy. You learned this when you were preparing for the holiday.

Composition of milk,

vitamins (pupils of 2 subgroups)

Milk contains vitamins

It is useful and loved.

Improves mood

And improves health!

Gives a beard, mustache,

Fulfills all dreams!

This is how you drink milk

Life will be fun and easy!

Vitamins, vitamins A and B and C and D

In life we ​​need and are stored in milk!

Vitamins are coming out

Vitamin A (first child): So that you are beautiful, so that you are not whiny!

Vitamin B (second child): So that in your hands any matter can be argued and in full swing!

Vitamin C (third child): To make songs sung louder, to make life more interesting!

Vitamin D (fourth child): Drink, drink milk, your soul will be easy!

Reading a poem (pupils of the 3rd subgroup)

Milk is very useful

For both adults and children.

Porridge, yogurt and sour cream

They eat with a big spoon.

Milk has many beneficial properties

Vitamins and substances.

Drink fresh milk

So that caries disappears.

So that the bones are strong,

Didn't have a headache

To be in the mood

Always cheerful!

The cow sends her greetings to you all

Drink milk, children.


Presenter: You all know the game-

“Say a word” (RIDDLES IN VERSE)

We all love without deception

Country: (sour cream)

She is loved by those who have a delicate taste,

Thick, sweet boiled: (condensed milk)

It's quite suitable for okroshka,

We'll lick our fingers and won't leave you a crumb! (serum)

Cooking is so easy

Kohl's: (milk powder)

Without relying on vaccinations,

We use:.(cream)

To make life beautiful

You spread it on the bread: (butter)

It comes in chocolate

The children are very happy about him

It's more satisfying than a hot dog


Very tasty cookies

And the most excellent pie

It will be if we add

By proportion: (cottage cheese)

Well, what could be tastier in the world?

What are the yellow countless holes? (cheese)

Reading a poem (pupils of 4 subgroups)

How tasty and sweet and very easy,

In the evening, in the morning, drink milk!

From a mug and a jar, or maybe a bag,

Soak up the taste of happy summer.

Sun and river, grass and flower,

All this is part of milk.

There are also sunsets, there are also sunrises,

Apples, pears, daisies bouquets.

Rivers, streams, lakes and ditches,

Beetles and frogs sitting in the grass.

There is a child's smile and joy,

Purring and loud “Meow” of the kitten.

Happiness, love and mother's warmth,

How different are you milk

Host: guys, do you know that in other countries people drink milk from other animals?

View a mini-presentation

What animal's milk do humans consume?

The most famous animal in the world that gives milk is the cow.

In India it is considered a sacred animal.

In Spain they drink sheep's milk.

In the Arabian deserts, milk comes from camels.

In Egypt, milk is provided by buffalo.

In Peru, the dairy animal is the llama.

In Tibet, people get milk from yak.

In the north - from reindeer.

In many countries, goats provide milk to people.

Host: - Guys, do you know what they call a person who herds cows?

(- Shepherd)

The shepherdess comes out


I'll meet the guys in the field

Cheerful preschool children

And, of course, for order

I'll tell you riddles

Who is grazing in the meadow?

Is everyone mooing and chewing grass? (Cow)

Hungry moos

Full - chews,

Does he give all the kids something to drink? (Cow)

But this one is quite difficult:

Whoever follows her is the one she feeds? (Cow)

They guessed a riddle about a cow, but what does a cow give us, guys?


To grow faster and be healthy -

The boys need to drink milk


Yes, the cow is just a treasure,

I'll call the guys quickly

Let them sing a song

May it be more fun here!

Hey guys, hurry up

Sing more fun!

Children sing the song “Who is grazing in the meadow?”

The song “Who is grazing in the meadow? (words by Yu. Chernykh, music by A. Pakhmutova)

Far, far away

Cots are grazing in the meadow...

No, not goats.

Far, far away

Cots are grazing in the meadow...

No, not horses.

Far, far away

Cots are grazing in the meadow...

That's right, cows!

Drink, children, milk -

You will be healthy.

Drink, children, milk -

You will be healthy!


A red cow walks and wanders through the meadow,

She will give us fresh milk in the evening.

Sasha, Tanya - a mug of milk,

Everyone will get a drink and there will be some left for the cat!

Game "Journey of Milk"

Arrange the pictures in order. (illustrations are attached to the board)

Where did the journey of milk begin?

1. A cow is grazing in a meadow, eating grass;

2. After she ate, milk appeared in her udder. She was milked;

3. The milk tanker took the milk to the dairy plant;

4. At the dairy plant, the milk was processed and poured into beautiful bottles, boxes, bags, and various dairy products were made from the milk;

5. From the dairy plant, the car delivered milk and dairy products to the shops of our city;

6. We buy milk and dairy products at the store and bring them home. This is how milk appears on our table.


You sing well, you told me about the journey of milk, but do you know works in which milk is mentioned?

reads passages, children guess

1. “What should I do? She ran to the milk river - the banks of jelly.

“River, river,” Masha asks, “hide me!” ("Geese swans")

2. “Little goats, guys!

Open up, open up!

Your mother came and brought milk.

Milk runs down the drain,

From the notch - up to the hoof,

From the hoof - into the cheese of the earth! ("The Wolf and the Little Goats")

3. “Here a pancake is rolling along the path, and from the bushes a fox jumps and grabs the pancake by the oily side. Damn fought and fought, barely escaped - he left his side in the fox’s teeth and ran home.” (“Winged, furry and oily”)

4. “I brought hay to the cow - the cow gave butter. The chicken brought butter to the cockerel. The cockerel swallowed the butter and swallowed the bobok. He jumped up and sang: Ku-ka-re-ku!” ("The Cockerel and the Bean Seed")

Well done, and now-

Come on, girl friends,

Sing us some funny ditties!


We are funny friends

We'll sing ditties for you

About healthy nutrition

It will be interesting for you to know!

Drink milk, children,

After all, learning is not easy!

For education

There is no better food.

Milk is a healthy product

Very tasty, well known to everyone.

I'll tell you from my heart -

Don't look for better food.

Yogurt, cottage cheese, milk -

A lot of calcium.

Always white teeth

And no caries!

I give preference

I'm milk porridge

So that with every new day

Become more beautiful.

Milk, cottage cheese, sour cream

Good for health.

I love these products

I tell you, from the heart!

White color doesn’t taste better!

Ryazhenka, kefir.

And looks into your mouth

Pancake with sour cream.

Cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, kefir

Conquered the whole world.

Butter, yogurt, indeed,

They even flew into space!

If you want to be healthy,

Eat right!

Drink more milk

Do sports!

Drink milk, children,

You will be healthy!

Don't forget that it

They give you cows!

Shepherd: Guys, what great fellows you are - you know fairy tales and tell poems!

Do you know the song “33 cows?” (-Yes)

Let's all sing it together at the end of our educational and fun holiday!

Song "33 cows"

In the center of a big city,

Where a blade of grass does not grow,

There lived a poet, a wizard of words,

Inspirational rhyme.

He rhymed anything,

I'm just exhausted

And to the village to get better,

Where the cows are nibbling grass,

Was sent to rest.

Thirty-three cows

Thirty-three cows

Thirty-three cows

Fresh line.

Fresh line.

Thirty-three cows

A new verse was born,

Like a glass of fresh milk.

At five in the morning he got up exactly,

It wasn't easy

He read poetry to the cows

They gave milk.

Summer flew by day by day,

Our poet has grown a lot,

After all, the dairy diet

Beneficial for poets

If they are only six years old.


Music flows over the fields

It's good and fun for us, guys!

Well, now we're off,

We need to stock up on hay and grass for the winter!

Drink, adults, drink, children.

You will be the healthiest in the world!

Shepherd: (Reflection).

Well, guys, I think that after today’s holiday you will definitely no longer have the question: to drink or not to drink milk!

Guys, who liked our holiday, raise your right hand, and who really liked it, raise your right hand left hand. Now let's applaud all of us for a job well done!

Judging by the storm of applause, the event was a success!



One day we heard this conversation:

V. Lavrina

What is more necessary, what is tastier?

In a store, on a display

A conversation ensued.

What is more needed? What tastes better?

A heated argument broke out.

Bighead cheese

He boasted to everyone:

"I'm smelly

Firm, fragrant,

With round holes

There is no tastier cheese!

I'm not like milk

After all, it’s easy to spill.”

And the sour cream is white

Suddenly she became bold too:

“I, listen guys,

Spilling on salads

For soups and vegetables,

Casseroles and borscht.

Without me and cakes -

Everything is second grade.

I'm needed more than milk

I’m sweeter than cottage cheese.”

Here cottage cheese intervened:

“We’re no good.

Respect for cottage cheese:

We are the filling for pies.

I need more than milk

And sour cream. Well, slightly."

The oil was not silent either,

He said very loudly to everyone:

"To make a sandwich,

Bread needs butter. Here.

Without me pancakes and porridge

No one will even eat.

I'm fatter than milk

Cheese, cream, cottage cheese."

There's ice cream too

Exclaimed enthusiastically:

"And me, and me,

All the guys love it very much:

And with strawberries and cookies,

And with nuts and jam.”

The milk is silent

Sighed deeply:

"Stupid products"

How did you forget

What is cow's milk

Have you all been there once?

Cheese made from milk

And cottage cheese is made from milk,

And sour cream and butter -

This is clear to children!”

material for memorizing dramatized poems

It's no secret that some children don't like drinking milk. Just imagine that all dairy products suddenly disappeared.

1st. Somehow early, at dawn,

While the children slept peacefully.

All dairy products

Everything evaporated within a day.

2nd. In the morning people were surprised!

Why did this happen?

And in response they shout and shout:

“Your children don’t want to!”

3rd. What should we do, what should we do?

What to feed the children now?

There is no yogurt, no cheese,

No sour cream, no milk!

No kefir, cottage cheese!

4th. Even “Red Up” disappeared,

And “Rastishka” ran away.

All the cheeses, as luck would have it,

They evaporated at the same time!

5th. In vain, you children don’t want

Drink more milk!

After all, there are so many vitamins:

A and D and C, B2!

6th. Vitamins A and D

You need it to grow.

Well, the secret of calcium is

There is no smile without it!

7th. So that your teeth are -

Snow-white and beautiful

Definitely in the morning -

You need to drink milk!

8th. We can't live without milk!

After all, milk is our helper, friends!

So that we can always be healthy,

We should drink a glass of milk!

Poem "I look at the milk"

Breakfast. I’m still sleepy, my thoughts are somewhere far away...

I rest my cheek on my palm and look at the milk.

At the same time, I’m thinking: an interesting movie -

So why should children drink it? And is it useful?

I could hardly cope on my own, my mother told me.

It contains phosphorus, calcium, potassium, vitamins A and D

And my mother also said, drink milk as you want.

Do you want it with cereal, with cocoa, with honey, with or without a bun?

Porridge is wonderful with milk, and tea is excellent with milk.

You can even do it with chocolate – it will be sweet heaven.

And, looking straight into my eyes, my mother also said to me:

Musician, driver, teacher, steelmaker, artist, builder,

Scientist or businessman, president or athlete -

Now and in previous centuries, life began with milk.

My mind quickly turned on, my thoughts became so easy.

I took my glass and immediately drank the milk in one gulp!

Counting book

I listened to my mother's order

And I drank kefir as a child - once!

And he barely grew up

I ate cottage cheese - that's two!

I dipped the pancake in sour cream,

Look, that's three!

I like thick cream.

After three comes four!

Add oil to porridge

Very tasty - that's five!

There are countless different types of yoghurts,

And in the counting count it’s six!

Don't be too lazy to drink curdled milk

And it’s useful – that’s seven!

The cheese is ripe, because autumn is coming!

It was seven, but it became eight!

And why does a sheep bleat?

It became nine!

Cats love to play tricks

Drinking milk is ten!

All dairy products

I counted it in a minute!

Colored milk

One summer at half past two

Misha met a cow,

He thought seriously

He stood and said:

"You chew flowers in the summer,

But, however, at the same time

I need colored milk

You haven’t given it yet.”

The cow is surprised:

"Well, what's wrong with that?

Do you want colored milk?

It's simple and easy!

I’ll bring it, I give you my word!” -

And the cow went to graze.

Maybe a day, maybe a day

I only ate forget-me-nots.

She ate, ate, ate and said:

The milk is white and white.

“Yes,” the cow mooed, “

We need to start all over again."

And until the evening in the ravine

I ate yellow daisies.

She ate, ate, ate and said:

"It's bad." Nothing helped:

The milk is white and white.

Maybe there's something wrong here

Maybe eat red poppy seeds?

She ate the red poppy and said:

"It's bad." Nothing helped:

The milk is white and white.

“Oh,” said the cow, “

I'm probably unwell

Should I go to the doctor?

I want to get checked!"

What are you, dear cow,

You are quite healthy with us,

Don't go anywhere

Look at Misha:

Like our Mishutka

Eyes like forget-me-nots

Golden curls,

Like in a field of daisies,

Cheeks like the color of poppies,

Not Mishutka, but a bouquet!

The cow smiles:

"Indeed, I am healthy,

It's nice and easy for me

I went for milk!"

Eat folk signs related to milk:

Black or dark cows lead the herd - foretells bad weather.

Milk foams a lot during milking - a sign of inclement weather.

If cows raise their heads to the sky, beat their horns, jump up, it will rain;

The most amazing sign that still applies today: they say that milk sours faster in a thunderstorm. The reasons for this phenomenon have not yet been studied.

Proverbs and sayings:

Without leaven, milk cannot be fermented. (Kurdish)

White, rosy, just like blood and milk. (Russian)

In autumn, any guest is treated to milk, and those who don’t are treated to honey. (Russian)

The cat sees milk, but its snout is short. (Russian)

It’s easy to milk the milk, but try pouring it back in. (lak)

Where there is milk, there is fiber. (Russian)

He milks a lot, but the milk is thin. (Russian)

Riddles about milk and dairy products

White, but not snow,

Delicious, but not honey.

They take it from the horned one

And they give it to the guys. (milk)

Under the black cow is a white calf. (milk)

From white water

Do whatever you want:

Butter in our porridge,

Cream into yogurt,

Cottage cheese for pie.

Eat and drink, serve for the guests

And don’t be sorry for the cat. (milk)

Liquid, not water, white, not snow (milk)

What does milk consist of:

Protein is necessary to strengthen muscles and restore them for hard work.

Fat (milk) - provides the body with energy.

Sugar - carbon (lactose) - is another source of energy.

Lactose is necessary for the functioning of the heart, liver, kidneys, brain nutrition, activity nervous system. Lactose plays an important role in the formation of intestinal microflora.

Mineral salts - required to strengthen and form bones, cartilage, hair, nails and produce new blood.

Milk contains: phosphorus, calcium, iron, copper, manganese, magnesium, chlorine, iodine and other elements.

Vitamins (about 30): B2, A, C, D.


Project activities increased the interest of children and their parents in healthy eating:

Knowledge about milk and dairy products, their importance for the child’s body and the role of milk in human life has been enriched; found out which animals' milk people eat. The use of the research method in work allowed the child to find answers to questions that interested him in the course of experiments and practical activities. The process and result of the project brought the children pleasure, joy, awareness of their own skills, and an experience of success.

For parents:

Awareness of the importance of consuming milk and dairy products by children for the full growth of the body. Parents' understanding of healthy eating has expanded.

For teachers:

Pedagogical skills have increased in developing children's ideas about milk and dairy products, and in using the design method in their work.

Results of work on the project (product):

Presentations “Cow”, “Which animal’s milk does a person eat” were created

Collected proverbs and sayings about milk and dairy products; poems and riddles for reading and memorizing

A drawing competition was held

A consultation was held for parents “Milk is good for children”

Information and explanatory work is being carried out among pupils about the benefits of milk.

Visual materials on the topic are collected in the lapbook “Milk”

These materials can be used in classes to familiarize yourself with the outside world.

This project was created as part of the project of the MDOU “Kindergarten No. 100” “One hundred percent health!”


1. Valeology: Textbook. manual / Edited by Solomin V. P., Varlamov Yu. L. - St. Petersburg, 1995.

2. Kovalko V.I. Health-saving technologies., Moscow, “VAKO” 2007

3. Derekleeva N. I. “Motor games, trainings and health lessons” Moscow, “VAKO” 2007

4. Zaitsev G. Lessons from Moidodyr // Ed. Doctor of Medical Sciences V.V. Kolbanov. - St. Petersburg. : Aksident, 1994.

5. Stepanova I.V. All about milk. - M.: EKSMO, 2006

6. Lesnykh V. Hymn to milk. Magazine "Read, learn, play." No. 5-2007.

7. Zaitseva V. Nutrition is ideal and real. //Children's health. -2007

Without leaven, milk cannot be fermented.

White, blush - exactly like blood and milk.

The baby who cries more gets more milk.

If you work, you will have bread and milk.

Like blood and milk. Don't ask for health, look in the face.

If there was a cow, we’d find a milk pan.

The milk in a cow will not go sour.

It wasn’t in milk, and you won’t find it in whey.

In Moscow you can find everything except bird's milk.

In autumn, any guest is treated to milk, and those who don’t are treated to honey.

The cat sees milk, but its snout is short.

The dog sees milk, but it’s deep in the jug.

What a miracle: black cow, white milk.

The rich have everything, but no bird's milk. Everything is there, except bird's milk.

Everything is there except bird's milk. Only there is no bird's milk.

Everything is there, except bird's milk.

The shoots grow stronger from water, the child gets healthier from milk.

It’s easy to milk the milk, pour it back in - try it.

Where there is milk, there is fiber.

Where there is milk, there is fiber. The vehotka leaves a trail everywhere.

Look, the milk will turn sour.

He milks a lot, but the milk is thin.

He still shudders after the summer milk.

If milk spills in your yurt, then a calf in the field will suck it.

If you look closely at the milk, you will find black spots.

If you look at milk for a long time, you will see blood in it.

If the milk has already been spilled, then all that remains is to lick off what is left on the walls of the jug.

There is milk in the pot, but the snout is short.

There is milk in the jar, but the cat's snout is short.

There is milk in the jar, but the cat's snout is short

There is milk, but it’s a long way to get it.

We have milk, but it’s a long way to get it.

There is no way to get manure, and you won’t be able to buy milk.

There is no way to get manure, and you won’t be able to buy milk.

I made the porridge, so don’t skimp on the milk!

I wanted bird's milk. Come, so that the honey is full.

Protect my little cow, St. Egory, Vlasiy and Protasy!

He knows a lot like a blind man knows white milk.

Ivan the blockhead chattered milk, but didn’t blurt it out.

From sour milk, from yogurt.

Just as you feed livestock, you will receive milk.

When it turns sour, the milk won’t come out; when it gets old, it won’t be young.

If milk foams in the milk pan, it will rain.

Some people like milk, and some like soup.

Feed the cow more nutritiously, and the milk will be whiter.

The cow is warm - milk is on the table.

There is a cow in the yard, milk on the table.

A cow in the yard means grub on the table.

A cow drinks water and produces milk; a snake drinks water and produces poison.

The cow is horned and rich in milk.

The cow is black, but her milk is white.

The cat loves milk, but its snout is short.

Mother's milk is always on our tongue.

Honey on the tongue, milk in words, bile in the heart, deception in deeds.

The milk is white at night too.

Wet behind the ears.

We don’t take milk out, but with our snout.

The sea under the cow, the river of milk (a wish to the milkmaid).

It’s not a Cossack’s job to ferment milk.

Don't promise me a bull, but give me a cup of milk!

It is impossible to sell a cow and drink milk.

There is no milk, so give me some cream.

Stay the night, you'll have dinner tomorrow: the cow calves - you'll have some milk.

If you burn yourself on milk, you will blow on water

If you burn yourself on the milk, you will start blowing on the water.

In the fall, they slurp milk with a match: they dip it once, shake it twice, and then put it in their mouth.

Do not place the milk milk on a chair or on a tub: the cow’s milk will dry out.

It will be useful for children for milk.

From Midsummer's Day they put milk in jars at three dews - the cows will give more milk.

He holds the cow by the horns, and outsiders milk the milk.

No matter how much you fight a bull, you still can’t get milk from it.

The dog eats crumbs under the table, and the cat waits for spilled milk.

Happiness is not a cow: you can’t milk it.

That and the dairy cow that the wolf ate.

The cow that gives milk falls.

The cow has milk in her mouth (i.e., in the feed).

A good dairy cow does not always have a calf that will produce a lot of milk later.

Proverbs about milk:

Wet behind the ears.
The milk in a cow will not go sour.
The cow has milk in her mouth (i.e., in the feed).
It wasn’t in milk, and you won’t find it in whey.
If you count a cow by its milk yield, you won't see any milk.
He milks a lot, but the milk is thin.
If milk foams in the milk pan, it will rain.
That and the dairy cow that the wolf ate.
The dog sees milk, but it’s deep in the jug.
From sour milk, from yogurt.
There is no milk, so give me some cream.
Do not place the milk milk on a chair or on a tub: the cow’s milk will dry out.
What a miracle: black cow, white milk.
I made the porridge, so don’t skimp on the milk!
If there was a cow, we’d find a milk pan.
There is milk, but it’s a long way to get it.
Ivan the blockhead chattered milk, but didn’t blurt it out.
If you burn yourself on the milk, you will start blowing on the water.
Don't promise me a bull, but give me a cup of milk!
The sea under the cow, the river of milk (a wish to the milkmaid).
The cow that gives milk falls.
The dog eats crumbs under the table, and the cat waits for spilled milk.
We don’t take milk out, but with our snout.
He holds the cow by the horns, and outsiders milk the milk.
Protect my little cow, St. Egory, Vlasiy and Protasy!
From Midsummer's Day they put milk in jars at three dews - the cows will give more milk.
The cat loves milk, but its snout is short.
Stay the night, you'll have dinner tomorrow: the cow calves - you'll have some milk.
The rich have everything, but no bird's milk.
Where there is milk, there is fiber.
Happiness is not a cow: you can’t milk it.
A cow in the yard means grub on the table.
It will be useful for children for milk.
No matter how much you fight with a bull, you can’t get milk from it.
If you don’t count milk based on milk yield, you won’t see any milk.

"Milk rivers and jelly banks"- one of the popular Russian expressions included both in the initial formula of the fairy tale and in its other compositional parts. It is most often used now as a phraseological symbol of a carefree and free life, inexhaustible material wealth and well-being.

Usually historians trace this expression to one specific source - the tale of King Pea. However, this symbol was used more widely. It is characteristic that already in Russian folklore this symbol allows for variations. So, in the fairy tale about Vasilisa the Wise, the river into which the horses turned is not milk, but honey; and the water king attacked not only the jelly, but also the sati, that is, water sweetened with honey.

Many similar phrases can be found in the folklore of other peoples. The Romanians, for example, are famous for their fabulous milk rivers with banks made of mamaliga - corn porridge. It has long been noted that the Russian expression about milk rivers and jelly banks has analogies with the biblical “winged word” to boil with milk and honey “to abound with something.”

The fact is that in the Old Testament Moses says that there is such a land, the quote “where milk and honey flows.” How was jelly made before? That's right: from bee molasses.

F.P. Medvedev suggested that the expression milk rivers and jelly banks is “a modified transformation from the languages ​​of the ancient peoples of the East.” The widespread use of this phrase in Russian folk art and the folklore of other peoples, however, forces one to recognize its originality, regardless of the biblical source.

Apparently, the “phraseological plot” about milk (or honey) rivers has existed since ancient times in the oral traditions of various peoples. The original origin of this expression among the Eastern Slavs is also evidenced by its very original imagery (the river is made of milk, beer, well-fed, and the banks are made of jelly) and especially its emphatically ironic or humorous character in folklore, unacceptable for the biblical analogue, used in a solemn, upbeat style .

The folklore image of the milk, honey, etc. river itself is universal - it is a symbol of material wealth and carefree, free life among many peoples. The specific linguistic embodiment of this image among the Eastern Slavs, however, is clearly national. That is why the expression “milk rivers and jelly banks” can be considered a specifically Russian, Belarusian and Ukrainian idiom.”