Gatherings with parents “Family traditions. Scenario for the holiday “Family gatherings Family gatherings scenario for children and parents

Holiday for students primary school

Family gatherings

teacher of the highest qualification category

MBOU secondary school No. 129

Zyryanova Oksana Viktorovna

"Family Gatherings"

Target: - continue to introduce children to Russian folk traditions; develop interest in learning folk traditions, folklore of the Russian people; cultivate respect for work, attention and respect for the older generation; show an example of cultural family recreation.

Decor: - exhibition “Our hands are not for boredom!” - crafts from children, mothers, fathers, grandparents;

Exhibition of ancient folk items;

Tables decorated in Russian style, with samovars and pastries;

Imitation of a village hut

Teacher: Autumn is a thoughtful time of year. Smoothly floating out of the summer, autumn time gains its golden power and disappears into the Russian snow. In September, we are illuminated with the autumn blush of the “wonderful time” - Indian summer. On October 23, the pre-winter begins in Russia, and the last week of November is called the first winter.

The suffering is long over, the storerooms and cellars are full of earthly fruits from summer labors. Worries about their daily bread recede, and people more and more often gather in long evenings at someone’s hut for gatherings: it’s more fun together, and time passes profitably.

The family hearth, the union of kindred souls under one roof, is the initial link of conciliar education, the so-called small, home conciliarity.

A Russian proverb says: “Out of boredom, take matters into your own hands.” So people spent time doing their favorite handicrafts. It was fun. Sometimes they start singing a song, sometimes they exchange jokes. Meanwhile, the work is progressing. And today we gathered for family gatherings.

At the improvised Russian hut there are presenters in Russian sundresses:

1 presenter : This evening is dark, long,

I count forty Christmas trees.

Then I’ll sit on the bench,

Then I'll look out the window.

2 presenter: Let's invite the guys to our place for a get-together!

There will be songs, there will be dancing and a game of burners!

Hey, girlfriends, girlfriends,

Merry-laughing girls!

1 presenter : Hey, well done guys,

Mischievous daredevils!

Together: Come and dance

Pass a long evening!

Dance "Date" performed by a group of guys.

Teacher: Since ancient times, there has been a custom in Rus' to greet guests with bread and salt and an embroidered towel. A snow-white towel is like the pure soul of its owners, without cunning, without malice. Red embroidery spoke of the joy of meeting guests, of the golden hands of the hostess. Bread is the most important holiday food, the most important peasant wealth. What does salt have to do with it? It turns out that salt, under certain circumstances, has its own magical properties can manifest. Try to spill it on the table - you will certainly quarrel with someone. And to avoid such trouble, you need to either laugh or hit yourself on the forehead, lightly salting your head for good measure. And there has long been a saying about salt: “They ate a pound of salt together.” Salt was very expensive, it was used very carefully, very sparingly, so a small bag of salt was enough for a long time - from autumn fair until spring. “Eating a pound of salt together” meant that you have known this person for a very long time, you trust him as you trust yourself. When the hosts treated the guests to bread and salt, the guests broke off a piece of bread, dipped it in salt, and “took a bite” - thereby showing that they were open to honest, friendly relations.

The hosts come out with bread and salt and walk around all the guests. Guests break off a piece of bread, dip it in salt, and try it.

1 presenter: We have something for everyone

And a word, and a place.

2 presenter: We have prepared some fun things for you to suit every taste!

To whom - a fairy tale, to whom - the truth, to whom - a song!

1 presenter: Are you comfortable, dear guests?

2 presenter : Can everyone see it?

1 presenter: Can everyone hear?

2 presenter: Was there enough room for everyone?

Teacher: As is well known, there was enough space for the guests, but isn’t it a bit cramped for the hosts?

Leading together : In crowded but not mad!

To our hot hut

Everyone came with gifts!

Teacher: Indeed, the families of our class brought wonderful handmade things to the exhibition! Be sure to admire our exhibition today, marvel at what talented people have gathered here today!

(briefly about the exhibition, about amazing things, about those who took the most active part)

Very often behind events

And behind the bustle of days

We don’t remember our antiquity,

We forget about her.

And at least more familiar

We're flying to the moon,

Let's remember the old customs,

Let's remember our old days!

And there are a lot of amazing antiques at this exhibition. Some of them you guys have probably never seen before - a spinning wheel with a tow and a spindle, a loom, an ancient samovar, an iron, millstones, etc.

(story about the exhibition; riddles, proverbs; demonstration of antiques in work)

The guys prepared the most beloved nursery rhymes in Rus' (staged)

What are your girls doing?

They sew and sing!

What about mothers?

They spank and cry!

Son, go to the river for some water!

My stomach hurts!

Son, go eat some porridge!

Well, if your mother is calling, you have to go!

Foma, why aren’t you coming out of the forest?

Caught the bear!

So bring him here!

He's not coming!

Well, then go yourself!

He won't let me in!

Teacher: Dear guests! You listened to the jokes and jokes. Have you noticed how much invention, humor, and wit the Russian people have? And how accurate the Russian language is in proverbs, sayings, and sayings. Listen to them and try to explain the meaning.

A good son brings joy to his father, and a bad son brings sadness.

The bird is happy about spring, and the child is happy about its mother.

Strong friendship and you can’t cut it with an ax.

Friend is known in trouble.

A person gets sick from laziness, but gets healthy from work.

The lazy Egorka will always have excuses.

If you want to eat rolls, don’t sit on the stove.

Teacher: Well, what are gatherings without a song? The song was always sung in Rus': both on vacation and at work. While working, they sang, stretching out the vowels - this singing helped to maintain the rhythm of work. During games and festivities, they sang brave songs and tried to out-sing each other.

1 presenter: Where are you from, Russian, did music originate?

Either in an open field, or in a hazy forest?

Are you happy? In pain? Or in a bird whistle?

Tell me, where does your sadness and daring come from?

2 presenter: Whose heart did you beat in from the very beginning?

How did you come? How did you sound?

The ducks flew by - they dropped their pipes,

The geese flew by and dropped the harp.

Sometimes they were found in the spring - they were not surprised.

Well, what about the song?

Together: We were born with a song in Rus'!

Children perform a rehash song “Like thin ice.”

Teacher: Chastooshkas were held in high esteem in Rus'. Come on, girls, let's sing ditties!

Eh, stomp your foot,

Stomp right!

I'll go dance

Even if it’s small!

I'll go dance

By the straw,

Scatter, people.

To the side.

I didn't want to dance

She stood there and felt shy.

And the harmonica began to play,

I couldn't resist.

If there was no water,

There wouldn't even be a mug.

If there were no girls,

Who would sing ditties?

(a competition for ditties is announced)

Teacher: Well, where there are songs, there are dances! Quadrille, “Barynya”, “Seni”, “Valenki”... how many wonderful Russian dances have been forgotten. That’s why we gathered for gatherings, to remember everything that had been forgotten.

Dance "Quadrille" performed by a group of guys

Teacher: Liked? Now all the guys come out into the circle! Let's dance a square dance in a “simpler” way! (shows simple quadrille movements, the tempo quickens)

Quadrille: Once upon a time there was a grandmother

Right by the river.

Grandma wanted it

Swim in the river.

I bought soap, I bought washcloth,

This song is good - start over!

Teacher: Now we invite adults! Show us your dancing talents!

Dance "Barynya"

Teacher: At the gatherings they not only sang and danced, but also had time to do handicrafts! Now that we've had some fun, it's time to get to work.

Competition "Spindle"

Wind the yarn onto the spindle. Each team is a mother or grandmother and a daughter or granddaughter)

Teacher: The girls were famous for their handicrafts, but what could the good fellows boast of? Of course, with heroic strength!

Competition "Strongmen"

Dads with weights, boys with dumbbells.

Teacher: Dear guests! Do you know what was valued most among the people? Without what is a table not a table, and lunch not a dinner? Right! This is bread, bread. It was difficult for the peasants, every grain was valued! Guys, do you know how to save bread? Do you know what it is made from? Have you tried sowing flour? Let's check it out!

Competition “I sow and weave”

Sift the flour, separate the grains (cereals)

Teacher: Dear guests! Do you know what shoes they wore in the old days in the summer? (bast shoes were woven from bast, tied with onuchami). And in winter? That's right, the cutest shoes for Russian winter are felt boots!

Competition "Valenki"

Running in felt boots (in families or teams)

Teacher: What musical instruments were played in Rus'? (balalaika, accordion, rattles, spoons). So now we will try to create our own orchestra.

Competition “Noise Orchestra” (Oh, you, my canopy, my canopy!)

Teacher: Do you know what day it is today? November 25 – Ivan the Merciful. Snow always fell on him, so he was also called Ivan the Snow. The beginning of the Nativity fast is coming soon - Filippovok. In the meantime, housewives were in a hurry to pamper their households with something tasty and sweet. And remembering that “Summer is red with flowers, and autumn with pies,” the housewives were preoccupied with their baking, trying to outdo each other with original recipes. Here are your mothers, grandmothers, and, perhaps, fathers and grandfathers, and together with you they have prepared noble treats for today’s table. And now we ask them to taste it.

During the tea party, diplomas are awarded to “The best ditty-maker”, “The strongest”, “Beautiful lady-madam”, etc.

After tea drinking, Russian folk games are held. (families were preparing)

Games “Carousel”, “Burners”, “Everything Home”, “Changing”, “Merry Weaver”, “Golden Gate”.



One leader stands in the center of the circle, holding the ends of multi-colored ribbons in his hands. The boys stand around, hold the other end of the ribbons, and a circle is formed. The boys, together with the leader, are spinning in a circle. At this time, the girls walk along the “inner circle” in the opposite direction.

M: Carousel, carousel,

The carousel spins quickly.

Runs quickly in circles

Find yourself a girlfriend...

IN: (suddenly) Whoever had time sat down!

The boys try to catch the girl with a ribbon, and the girls try to dodge.


Children stand in pairs one after another. The leader stands in front, with his back to them. Children shout:

Burn, burn clearly

So that it doesn't go out.

Stand at the hem -

Look out into the field.

The trumpeters are riding there,

Yes, they eat rolls.

Look at the sky -

The stars are burning

The cranes are screaming -

Gu, gu, gu, I'll run away.

One, two, don't be a crow,

Run like fire!

After these words, the first couple runs to the agreed place, and the leader must “slap” one of them. If you don’t have time, the pair goes to the end and the game continues. If “salty”, the “salty” becomes the leader, and the leader and the second player stand at the end.

"Everyone home"

Circles are drawn, one less player. This is "home". Everyone closes their eyes and joins hands. The leader leads the chain, trying to lead them away from the houses. Everyone says:

Geese, geese, ha-ha-ha!

We went out into the meadows.

Nibbled the grass -

They jumped into the ditch.

We saw a wolf -

They hid under the tree.

They turned their heads and everyone ran home!

At these words, they open their eyes, unclasp their hands, and run to occupy the “house.” Those who didn't have enough leave.


Players stand in pairs, facing each other. They clap their hands and say the words:

Pickled cucumbers,

Crispy and green!

Spoons, bowls, ladle,


They jump around themselves. Wherever they stop, they continue the game from there. Who will take the initial position first?

"The Merry Weaver"

Children stand in two lines, facing each other. They agree and disagree with the words:

I'm a happy weaver

I can weave well

Pinch-ponch, pinch-pinch,

I'm good at weaving.

At this time, several “shuttles” should run between the “threads”.

"Golden Gate"

Golden Gate

Come on in, gentlemen!

The mother will pass first -

He will see all the children.

Saying goodbye for the first time

The second time is prohibited,

And for the third time

We won't miss you!

Presenters: We want you goodbye

We wish everyone good health!

Goodbye! Goodbye!

Come visit us again!

Family gatherings

The progress of a family holiday

Our holiday today is dedicated to family. Family for each of us is the most important thing in life. If mutual understanding, trust, warmth and comfort reign in the house, then this is real happiness. And we hope that these are the families that came to visit us today. Let's get acquainted!

The Oskin family Olga and Mikhail

Family Kulik Vitaly Viktorovich and Olga Alexandrovna

Efremov family Elena Vladimirovna

Petrunin family Natalya

Marshinsky family Galina Nikolaevna

Semyonov family Larisa Mikhailovna

Two housewives take the stage.

1st: - Good afternoon, invited and welcome guests! Welcome.

2nd: - Low bow to you, good people!

1st: - We are glad to see you as a guest.

2nd: - In our sitting room.

1st: - There will be a holiday.

2nd: - The holiday is joyful.

1st: According to the old custom.

2nd: - It’s called gatherings.

1 Mistress:- You want to sit; talk to your friends! Please.

2 Mistress:- Do you want to have fun in our fun, play games, show yourself and look at others? - Welcome!

1 Mistress:- Do you want to dance, sing ditties? - Come out to the circle!

2 Mistress:- Gatherings, gatherings

They start with us.

Wise, folk, -

Beautiful, perky.

1st competition: Presentation of teams (team name, motto)

2 competition : Warm-up

Now let’s find out how you know your relatives!

Brother-in-law is the husband's brother.

Sister-in-law is the husband's sister.

Brother-in-law is the husband of his wife's sister.

Daughter-in-law is the son's wife.

Daughter-in-law - brother's wife

Brother-in-law is the wife's brother.

Mother-in-law is the mother of the wife.

Father-in-law is the father of the husband.

Son-in-law is the daughter's husband.

Mistress:- Well, what kind of gatherings are these without ditties!

3 competition:Ditties. Each team performs “family ditties”

"Circle Game"

4 competition : Continue the proverb.

Leading a house is not a matter of shaking one's sleeves.

When the family is together and the heart is in the right place.

A house is beautiful not because of its corners, but because of its pies.

Children are not a burden, but a joy.

Family troubles will lead to trouble.

In your own family the porridge is thicker.

The father is a fisherman, and the children look into the water.

As the father is, so are his children.

"Game of felt boots"

5 competition.There will be another child in the family. Who will complete the task faster?

6competition.Who can swaddle a baby faster?

7 competition.Sing a lullaby.

Game "Get to know your child"

8 competition.Musical. One team begins to sing, with which letter the song ends, the other family continues with that letter.

9 competition.Tell interesting story from family life.

The fairy tale “Turnip” in a new way

Grandfather: -I grew a big turnip - a very big one.

Old woman! Come on, help, see how big the turnip is.

Woman:- Oh, my dear, I don’t have time: there are gatherings at the Veselovskaya school, they invited me, I’m in a hurry, I’m dressing up.

Grandfather:- Granddaughter! Go quickly to help.

Granddaughter:- What are you saying, grandpa, I don’t have time: I’m going to the regional center, from the podium I’ll say a few words for an hour about new technologies for harvesting agricultural products. I'll be back in the evening.

Grandfather:- Zhuchka, and Zhuchka...

Bug:- Bow-wow. I’m running to growl and swear again: neighbor Bobik has stopped giving me bones for little puppies. They grow up, poor things, without child support.

Grandfather:- Murka, dear...

Murka:Wait. Where did the cat go? Meow, have you seen the cat? Again I licked Muska's cream.

Grandfather(complaining): Mouse...

Mouse:- What are you doing, grandpa? Togo? There was a need to pull a turnip. At a nearby warehouse on the ground they give out grain, which is much higher in calories. Greetings from physical education!

Grandfather:- Come on! It's time for me to sleep. Let that turnip wither until frost. When students arrive, they need vitamins and they will take them away.

New Year's Tale (action film)
Characters: Snow Maiden, Stranger, Tiger, Crow, Helicopter, Forest (at least 3 people - Trees).
The bamboo FOREST rustled. Trees swayed from side to side and creaked ominously. It was dark and scary in the FOREST. Breaking branches and crushing grass, a huge TIGER slowly emerged from the FOREST. He was hungry and therefore growled ominously. Frightened, a CROW flew from TREE to TREE and cawed indignantly. The TIGER looked back, moved his tail angrily and hid under the TREE. Suddenly, the sound of a flying HELICOPTER burst into the lunar silence. A STRANGER and the SNOW Maiden were flying on it. The HELICOPTER engine was making louder and louder noise, its propeller was spinning madly. While looking for a place to land, the HELICOPTER began to descend and landed in a clearing. The bamboo FOREST rustled around. A STRANGER and the SNOW MAID came out of the HELICOPTER. The STRANGER wiped his forehead, the SNOW Maiden clapped her hands and said “Hurray!” Suddenly the SNOW MAIDEN saw a huge TIGER under the TREE and screamed “Oh-oh-oh!” The TIGER looked at the uninvited guests with hungry eyes, licked his lips and growled ominously. THE SNOW MAID quickly and easily climbed onto a nearby TREE. The STRANGER was left alone with the TIGER. Again, in fear, a CROW flew from TREE to TREE and cawed indignantly. The TIGER slowly approached the STRANGER. Both prepared for the fight. Taking a stance, the STRANGER lunged with his foot and loudly shouted “Kiya!” The TIGER growled intimidatingly as he continued to approach the STRANGER. The STRANGER winked at the frightened SNOW MAIDEN sitting on a TREE, quickly changed his stance and again shouted “Kiya!” But the TIGER boldly walked forward. And then the STRANGER without fear rushed at the TIGER and with a series of well-aimed blows laid him on his shoulder blades. The Snow Maiden shouted “Hurray!” THE CROW croaked in surprise and fell from the TREE. The TIGER roared again, but this time it was pitiful. The STRANGER tied a collar around the TIGER's neck. The TIGER looked doomedly at the STRANGER and obediently sat down next to him. The Snow Maiden once again shouted “Hurray!” and came down from the TREE. The STRANGER took the SNOW MAIDEN by the hand, handed her a leash with a TIGER, and they all went to meet New Year. Following them, the bamboo FOREST rustled joyfully, and the CROW croaked in surprise.

1 Mistress:Play - don't get tired! The matter would not have gone away.

2 Mistress:Honor to the guest - honor to the owner,

1 Mistress: The guest is happy - the owner is happy!

2 Mistress:

1 Mistress:Goodbye, dear guests,

Goodbye, guests, good morning.

It has been established in Russia for a long time

Business before pleasure!

2 Mistress:Gatherings, gatherings.

A holiday of body and soul,

Gatherings, gatherings.

How good are you!

Team awards

Tea party.

Ekaterina Popova

MBOU “Secondary school No. 16 – Central District District. Pervomaisky" structural unit " Kindergarten No. 18"

“Family Gatherings” event for children and parents of the group early age"A"

Educator: Popova E. A.

Target: consolidate children’s ideas about the family, the ability to name the names of their family members, express emotional attitude and love for loved ones, bring joy to children.

Educator: Hello parents and children! We are very glad that we all gathered here together for the “Family Gatherings” holiday. After all

Family is happiness, love and luck,

Family means trips to the country in the summer.

Family is a holiday, family dates,

Gifts, shopping, pleasant spending.

The birth of children, the first step, the first babble,

Dreams of good things, excitement and trepidation.

Family is work, caring for each other,

Family means a lot of housework.

Today we will take a little rest:

And we'll play and sing a song,

We'll even sculpt, we'll build a house,

AND friendly family We'll drink tea.

Educator. So we met, and now let’s see if you, your moms and dads can dance? Let's make a big circle. What time of year is it now, guys?

Children: Autumn.

Educator. Right. And in the fall it often rains. But to make our holiday truly fall, let's take some leaves and dance.

(Children and their parents dance to the song “Dance with Leaves.”)

Educator: You and your parents are great! I didn’t even expect that you could dance like that! Would you like us to build a house together?

Children. Yes.

(The teacher leads the children to the wall on which is pasted whatman paper with a picture of a house and empty windows; the number of windows depends on the number of children attending kindergarten.)

Educator. Oh, look, the house has already been built, but something or someone is missing from it. Who is missing?

Parents. There is not enough family, children with their parents in the windows.

Educator: And that’s true, but we’ll definitely fix it, right, guys?

Children. Yes.

(Two or three children, together with their parents, come up to the table on which family photographs are laid out, choose a photo of their family and, together with their parents, stick them in the windows of the house.)

Educator: Look how beautiful we turned out! Now we will admire our friendly little house every day.

(Bunny appears.)

Bunny: Hello kids and parents!

Teacher, children, parents: Hello bunny!

Bunny: How beautifully your room is decorated! How interesting and fun you have here!

Why have you gathered here today?

Educator: And we have family gatherings, not only children, but also parents came to visit me.

Bunny: What a fun and friendly company you have. Would you like to play with me?

Children: Yes

(Game with a tambourine

Bunny: What a great fellow you are! You have a lot of fun here!

Bunny: Guys, today I collected such a harvest in the garden

Educator: What kind of bunny? Will you show us your harvest? We are very interested, aren’t we guys and parents?

Children and parents: Yes, very interesting

Bunny: I grew carrots, potatoes, tomatoes, onions in my garden

Educator: What a great guy you are! He grew such a rich harvest.

Bunny: Have you parents and children planted anything in the garden?

Children and parents: Yes, they planted a lot of vegetables. (list what vegetables they planted)

Bunny: Oh, how many vegetables you planted, you are so great! Have you planted cabbage?

Children and parents: Of course the bunny was imprisoned.

Educator: Guys, do you help mothers at home?

Children and parents respond

Bunny: invites mothers and children to mold their own harvest from plasticine.

Educator: Guys, let's show the bunny how we can sculpt, and our mothers will help us with this. Now we’ll check whether your parents know how to sculpt tomatoes, pumpkins and cucumbers. Guys, you grow up to be assistants to your parents, right? And will you help them in all matters? Then help your parents make a basket of vegetables. Sit down at the tables together and get down to business.

(Children and their parents sit at tables on which there are boards for plasticine, plasticine (red, green, orange, napkins. They sculpt to the music.)

Educator. What a rich harvest you have made. Let's give your harvest to the bunny so that he can eat in winter.

Bunny: Thank you very much for the gift! And I also have a gift for you.

Educator: The bunny, and our parents together with their children, participated in the “Gifts of Autumn” competition.

Bunny: Well done! And for this they should be rewarded.

Educator: Bunny, can you help me with this?

Bunny: I would also help, I like to take part in the award ceremony.

Educator: Then help the bunny with applause.

(awarding the competition participants)

Bunny: Dear guests! Your gifts don’t end there, I have a magic carrot and I want to give it to you. But to do this, you must first solve several riddles.

Educator: Bunny, we'll try to solve them.

Bunny: make riddles.

Children and parents respond

Bunny: hands over a carrot.

Educator: Oh, there really is something there (we untie the bow and take out a gift from the bunny)

Educator: Thank you bunny for the treat.

Bunny: Please, my mother cooked it. It’s time for me to go to my mother, until we meet again.

(forgiveness with the bunny)

Educator. Our holiday has come to an end. But you, too, are probably hungry, right? It's time to refresh yourself. We invite you to the table with delicious cookies and juice!

Educator: Have we forgotten something?

Children and parents answer: What?

Educator: And a photo for memory!

Irina Romanova

Goals: Introduce get-togethers, traditional for Russian folk culture. Teach to take care of the folklore traditions of the Russian people. Create a desire to participate folk games ah together with other children.

Tasks: Introduction to Russian folk musical instruments; national costume. Introduce to traditional culture through the use of songs, round dances, riddles, tongue twisters, proverbs, fairy tales, fables.

Preliminary work: Conversation about the cultural heritage of the Russian people, learning songs, poems, tongue twisters, riddles, proverbs, fables, folk games, reading fairy tales.

Decor: IN music hall there are benches, a table with samovar and goodies.

Material: costumes: Russian folk costume for the presenter and for children. Wooden spoons, tambourine, accordion, balalaika, box or chest, loaf, recordings of folk songs.

Progress of the event:

Presenter: On the ruins, in the bright places

Or on some logs,

Were going to gatherings

Old and young.

Were you sitting by the torch?

Or under the bright sky.

They talked and sang songs

And they danced in a circle.

And they played like kids.

Oh, how good the games are!

In a word, these gatherings

Were holiday of the soul.

1 child: Hello, dear guests!

Small and big!

We let's start gatherings,

And we invite you to visit!

3 child: Tradition is alive, alive!

From the older generation

Rituals and words came

From our past.

4 child: What a nice day

People are gathering.

We'll sing and joke

Let's have fun in the spring.

5 reb: We have prepared for you

fun for every taste,

to whom - a fairy tale, to whom - the truth,

to whom - a song.

6 reb: Are you comfortable, dear guests?

Can everyone see it? Can everyone hear?

Was there enough room for everyone?

Children together: in crowded but not mad.

The presenter brings out the loaf:

We welcome dear guests

A round, lush loaf.

It's on a painted platter

With a snow-white towel.

We bring you a loaf of bread,

As we worship, we ask you to taste.

The loaf is placed on the table.

Russian folk song "loaf"

Presenter: Guys, we continue our gatherings. In Russian folklore many different songs, different genre: funny, lyrical, comic. And the joke ones are also called ditties!

Presenter: As everyone knows, girlfriends

Masters of singing ditties.

Tara-ra, tara-ra,

The girls are coming from the yard.

Sing songs and dance,

To amuse everyone around.

And you guys, don't yawn,

Help the girls.

Come on, honest people,

Don't dust the path!

Good fellows are coming

Walk a little!

Children perform ditties


Boys:Hey, girls, laughing,

Sing some ditties.

Sing quickly

To make it more fun.

Girls: We know a lot of ditties

All ditties are different.

You are good guys

And your palms are dirty.

Boys: We are good guys

We won't get lost anywhere.

If necessary we will dance,

If necessary, we will sing.

Girls: Your legs are clubbed,

They don't stomp to the beat.

Look at ours

How fervently they spank.

Boys: We are daring guys,

Although small in stature.

Brought fun to you.

So give us a clap!

Girls: They say that without a ditty

There is no life.

We are ditties - laughter

We sang to you with all our hearts.


I'll sit next to you on the bench

Together with you I'll sit.

I'll tell you riddles

I'll see who's smart.

I collect riddles

In a birch bark box,

What lies in it you will find out,

If you can guess the riddles.

Guess my riddle:

It's round like a plate.

You shake it and you hear a ringing sound.

What is this? (Tambourine).

Game with a tambourine:

You roll, merry tambourine,

Quickly, quickly, hands over.

Who has a cheerful tambourine?

Let him dance for us.

It gets fatter, then it gets thinner,


Guess what, guys?

You are another mystery:

They eat soup at lunch,

By the evening "they'll talk".

Wooden girls, musical sisters.

Play a little too

On beautiful bright ones. (Spoons).


Hey spoon guys, wooden spoons

Knock and strum with spoons,

Bring on the music quickly.

The spoons, whatever you say, are remarkable.

And the spoon guys are wonderful.

Playing with spoons.


And now it’s harder for you guys mystery:

Oh, it's ringing, it's ringing,

The game makes everyone happy!

And there are only three strings

She needs it for fun.

Who is she? Guess it!

This is ours. (Balalaika).


And now, for relaxation, fairy tale riddles.

Who will give the correct answer?

Warm greetings to that!

1. The refuge of the little mouse,

Green frog

And other animal company.

Tell me the name in unison (Teremok)

2. A girl is sitting in a basket

Behind Mishka's back,

Without knowing it himself

He carries her home.

Well, did you guess the riddle?

Then answer quickly

The title of this fairy tale. (Masha and the Bear)

3. Who grabbed onto someone tightly.

Oh, I can’t pull it out! Oh, I'm stuck tight!

But more helpers will come running soon.

Friendly common work will defeat the stubborn person.

Who is stuck so tightly? Maybe this. (Turnip)


Well done boys! You know all the fairy tales!

Let us begin.

Children repeat tongue twisters.

Tongue Twisters:

1. Ra-ra-ra, the game begins.

2. Titmouse, titmouse, sister sparrow.

3. Senya met a fox in the forest.

4. Three magpies were chattering on the hill.

5. We have golden chicks in our stove.


We are funny guys

We live in Luga.

And now everyone is together together,

Let's start our own round dance.

Dance - round dance "We went to the meadow"

Ved: We gathered to have fun and have fun!

Like our neighbor

The conversation was fun.

And in our whole yard

Even better is conversation.

In chorus: Great, great

At the Yegorov Gate,

And at our gates

Everything goes the other way around.

Boys: And our grandfather Ivan

I put the cat in my pocket.

The cat is crying and sobbing,

Loudly scolds grandfather.

In chorus: Great, great

At the Yegorov Gate,

And at our gates

Everything goes the other way around.

Girls: A hedgehog sits on a birch tree

White shirt,

On the head there is a boot,

On his leg is a cap.

In chorus: Great, great

At the Yegorov Gate,

And at our gates

Everything goes the other way around.

Boys: There is a cart on the mountain,

Tears are dripping from the arc.

There is a cow under the mountain,

Puts on boots.

In chorus: Great, great

At the Yegorov Gate,

And at our gates

Everything goes the other way around.

Girls: Vanya, Vanya simplicity

I bought a horse without a tail.

Sat backwards

And I went to the garden.

In chorus: Great, great

At the Yegorov Gate,

And at our gates

Everything goes the other way around.

Boys: Girls are little whites,

Where did you whitewash yourself?

Girls: We milked the cows yesterday,

They washed their face with milk.

In chorus: Great, great

At the Yegorov Gate,

And at our gates

Everything goes the other way around.

Presenter: I know some other interesting Russian folk games...

A game “Burn - burn clearly so that it doesn’t go out”

A game "Stream"

Leading: It’s wonderful that you and I sang and played... but you won’t get enough of just games and fairy tales! I invite you all to the table...

The hut is not red in its corners,

And red with pies.

Come in, come on in!

Take a treat,

Wash it down with tea

Us kind words remember!

Folk tunes are played.