There must be order in everything. Everything should be in order Boxes to help

Bad thoughts attacked me... I probably didn’t pray enough. We need to drive them out. As soon as bad thoughts begin, if there is only one, start praying, and if there are more than one, take some serious book or start some business.

It's time to discard frivolity, we must take everything seriously.

Put a strict order in everything: at such and such a time - to study, at such and such a time - to read, etc. If you need to go somewhere, why not go, read - why not read, and so that there is order in everything.

Father found something necessary and necessary in this. Living in a family, although no one interfered with me in anything, I did not know how to fit myself into some kind of framework, I did not know how to establish this order. Oncoming obstacles forced me to retreat, and most importantly, I myself did not see anything necessary in this establishment of order, at the same time I wanted the priest himself to give me something to do, so that I could carry out some (external) “feat”, and asked the priest about it. At first he didn’t answer anything, and when he asked if I had established order in my life, I answered that it wasn’t working out. He listened silently, never reproached, and when asked to give me a “feat,” he affectionately remarked: “Well, I’m telling you - establish order, but you keep telling me that I can’t.” Only then did my eyes open, and I saw in my easy attitude towards this word of the priest disobedience, frivolity; I did not attach much importance to the simple and, it seemed, casually said, “strange” requirement for order. He, it turns out, looked at this as a kind of feat for my character. And then again the priest reminded me about this very seriously. “Be sure to establish order... Otherwise, I used to always receive everyone, but now they forced me to reduce the reception, so I can see for myself how much I have done.”

“We need to reassure mom, not bring anything to her attention.” Respect for her is the first duty. And be sure to check yourself every evening. Well, if you fail, then put three bows to the Mother of God and ask Her for forgiveness.

Drive away bad thoughts by reading; physical labor is needed here. Imagine yourself on Golgotha, here is the cross in front of you (the priest extended his arms to the sides) ... blood is flowing ... Speak with your thoughts: your spiritual father, they say, did not tell me to listen to you.

– I see a lot of nasty things in myself.
“But life is given to us for this purpose, to get all this out of ourselves.”
– It seems that God’s mercy will soon end...
– God’s mercy is indescribable.
– Father, I wanted not to take communion today.
- Why, did you confess?
- Yes, I’m very bad...
- Well, it’s none of your business...
- Father, I want to be meek and humble.
- Who doesn’t tell you?..
- Father, can I not take communion today?
- Why?
- So, the heart is very unclean.
- When will it be clean for you?
- I had a bad dream...
- This happens from excess in food, from empty talk; and since this always happens to you, then you always wait for it... When you wake up, get up right away, don’t cover yourself with the blanket. What you undertake must be done at all costs.

– How to stick to the golden mean, so as not to be gloomy and overly cheerful?
- When you see that a person is despondent near you, you come, for example, to ... you see that she is hanging her nose (the priest lightly hit me on the nose with his finger), then you need to pull yourself together, be cheerful, encourage the other, and if everything goes smoothly , then we need to talk about serious things, and not chat; generally care about the benefit of others and do everything for the benefit of others; and not only arrange deeds this way, but also words; if, for example, you see what everyone is saying, well, come on, they say, I’ll say, but what is this?.. Before you say, you need to think, you can remember Christ, how He would act here, and then, how your conscience says , do and say so; this will be the golden mean.

During Easter week there is no need to read the Psalms, and instead of evening and morning prayers there are hours. “When should we finish reading the Psalter?” The priest hesitantly remarked with a smile: “It seems that the Psalter ends on Wednesday...” (An expert in the charter; the priest’s humility was so great.)

Everything should be in order, and there should be a certain time for eating, and if you came late and you want to eat, then, of course, you can, eat as much as you need. In general, to have order.

A person who truly loves forgets himself completely, forgets that he exists, he thinks only about how to save someone else. We must try not to seduce others not only with actions, but even with words.

If you please, if you please, go to church.

(The fact that there is no time for reading.) “Well, it’s you who says something... but I charge you with the duty of reading...”

You can take communion every week, just abstain from the main sin.

You know your duty, and you need to fulfill it calmly and firmly. You need to read the Jesus Prayer. Just as a person always thinks about his favorite object, so he should think about the Lord and carry Him in his heart.

– How to acquire love for God?
– We need to remember more often what the Lord has done for us and what He is doing. Everything, even everyday affairs, must be sanctified by Christ, and for this the “Jesus Prayer.” How good and joyful it is when the sun is shining, just as good and joyful it will be in our souls when the Lord sanctifies everything in our hearts.

It’s often good and you feel like you’re going straight, then suddenly that mood disappears, and you just can’t get there.
- Well, okay, okay... that means you’ll sleep well to this.

By the concept of “falling asleep,” the priest always meant the loss of sobriety and spiritual alertness over oneself.

Somehow, during the all-night vigil, a storm of all kinds of the most opposite thoughts and feelings agitated my entire being; I approach the festive icon (behind the canon). The priest anoints him with oil, peers and in a whisper, hesitantly asks: “Are you sleeping, are you not?”

We must remember that if the Lord is always looking at me, because He knows everything, then how can I act against Him.

Sometimes you long with all your soul for union with the Lord in the sacrament of Holy Communion, but the thought that you recently received communion stops you...
– This means that the Lord touches the heart, so all these arguments are no longer appropriate.

I think we need to establish a routine for life: it is recommended to sleep seven hours a day (I slept no more than five or six hours), well, if you get up at seven o’clock, then count back seven hours and go to bed that way; otherwise it affects health. Later I noticed that all the ascetics, from ancient to modern, and all monasteries followed a strict, once established order of life.
– It is difficult to live without sin when there are such deprivations in life (there was a hunger strike).
- Well, why, don’t sin...
- I’m depressed, father.
– There is no need to be discouraged, remember, as they say: “my spirit is sad within me,” and then “let me remember the days of old, let me learn...”. So you remember everything and be comforted.
That you think a lot about yourself, you are proud; But you know, whoever thinks a lot about himself means he doesn’t live well... And you love yourself, so love yourself as you should.

Jealousy came to me to learn the “Jesus Prayer” and asked the priest to teach me.
– “The Jesus Prayer” is a serious matter, more often you need to think about who Jesus is for me.

If someone speaks badly about others, and even in church, you just need to answer that I myself am a sinner, why should I look at others. We don't go to church to talk.

Jealousy to learn the “Jesus Prayer” burned me.

– The “Jesus Prayer” is a serious matter. You must constantly have the Lord before you, as if you were in front of some important person, and be, as it were, in constant conversation with Him. At this point you will be in an elevated state.
You need to be more moderate in your food.
What should you and I be proud of?.. Sins?..

Parents, if they have any shortcomings, should be treated more leniently.
- Father, it happens that you oversleep in the morning, but when you get up, you quickly run to mass, and no longer pray at home...
“Well, if that’s the case, you can pray in church, but there must be order in everything.”

If anyone in the church talks or asks about anything, tell me and don’t answer.

You should definitely pray morning and evening.

Before reading the Gospel, cross yourself and say: “Lord, give me some understanding, let me understand what is here”; and after this it happens that you accidentally find some kind of insight and you begin to understand the meaning of this or that; and then you need to take and write down these thoughts.

Establish order in everything... Be good to your mother, don’t quarrel with your sisters, don’t offend your aunt. Well, this will be yours for now, and then we’ll take something else.

So that you have order in everything... I had one German here, and the Germans know what order is in everything, so he told me: he had guests there... and he had such an order: like ten o’clock, so that everything were in place. Now it’s time to go to bed, he announces that in ten minutes the fire will be put out. But everyone thought he was joking, no one paid attention to it. Suddenly, they look - it’s dark... And I ask him: “What about the guests?” “But whatever they want,” he says, “if they are so disorderly.” Even though he is German, there is a lot to learn from him.

It's no secret that the enemy of any interior is clutter, especially if we are talking about a small space. How to avoid this unpleasant phenomenon, are there any simple ways to prevent clutter in your apartment? This is possible if you systematize storage systems and integrate them into a full-fledged part of the interior.

1. Everything is at hand

Every housewife wants nothing to distract her from cooking in the kitchen, so that the process is easy. Sometimes you need to quickly grab certain utensils and not waste time looking for them. In this case, it is better to provide a rack, open shelves, a bookcase or a stepladder where frequently used items can be placed. Then everything will be at hand and the owner will not even have to open the cabinet doors. 2. Organize your refrigerator

It is equally important to organize proper storage in refrigerators, then searching for the right ingredient will take less time. To do this, if possible, it is necessary to package all products in plastic containers. They are quite compact and laconic in design, so that you can place many products in one refrigerator, and all of them will not be saturated with aroma or spread the aroma throughout the entire refrigerator, because the containers are hermetically sealed with lids.

The most common problem that housewives face in the kitchen is where to store lids for pots, bowls and plastic containers. They take up space in the cabinet and create a lot of trouble for housewives. To solve this issue, a metal, plastic or even textile pocket attached to the cabinet door is suitable. You can fit a large number of lids there.4. In harmony with the interior

When thinking through storage systems, you need to make sure that they fit succinctly into the interior. They can become part of the decor and act as color accents, or match the color of other objects or furniture. 5. Boxes to help

Some people have a habit of collecting cereal boxes, household appliances or cosmetics. This accumulation can play in favor of the interior. For example, all these cardboard products are quite useful for organizing drawers. 6. Storing small items

The need for storing small items is acutely felt in the hallway. There must be a small organizer with convenient compartments for storing keys, glasses and other small items.7. A needlewoman's dream

Women who are creative constantly need all kinds of storage systems for tools or materials. They are easy to make; for example, a regular plastic basket can serve as a ribbon organizer.8. Rescue banks

Glass jars can also do a good job. They are convenient for storing buttons, threads, pencils, crayons and even nails. At the same time, such storage looks stylish.9. Concise storage of things

When it seems like there are a lot of things and not enough storage systems, vertical storage will come to the rescue. Often, T-shirts, socks, pants and underwear are folded horizontally. But this way there is much less space for things. Therefore, to maximize space savings, it is recommended to roll things up and place them vertically close to each other. Then you can fit clothes from the entire chest of drawers into one compartment.

But how to store shoes in a small size? And where to hide winter boots in the spring and summer? We found it.


From the book “Choosing Joy, Creating Abundance” by Ellen Peterson

People can be divided into 3 groups:

Those who do things

Those who watch how things are done,

And those who are surprised by the results.

Nicholas Murray Butler

Order promotes prosperity. If you want to become successful, you will have to learn to surround yourself with order, not chaos. There should be order in everything, from conducting daily affairs to home furnishings and financial matters. It dominates your home, your workplace, your life. Everything has its place, everything can be found easily because it is in its proper place.

Order promotes harmony. When things are in order, you experience less anxiety and confusion. Order creates a pleasant feeling. Of course, the problem is that a person, at first glance, does not have time to put things in order. Although you would love to lead an orderly life, your life is busy and busy. You go to work, take care of your children, and spend the rest of your time trying to do housework. It’s far from easy to do the most basic things - cook food, wash clothes, mow the lawn, and so on. But imagine having plenty of time to put things in order. Would it be important to you that everything was in order? Imagine how nice it would be to return from work to a clean and equipped home. There is space on the kitchen table to prepare dinner. The dining table is clear of anything, so it can be covered. Order allows you to do what you need to do without having to put in the effort to prepare first. Order is an organized way of life.

Order makes life easier.

Love of order should not be confused with perfectionism. Banish the misconception that order is perfection. It is completely unreasonable to expect that every drawer, every closet and every desk will be in order. There is a difference. Order makes life easier. Order creates comfort and peace. Thanks to it, you can easily find the thing you need, so life becomes a little easier. On the other hand, perfectionism is associated with feelings of inadequacy. People who don't feel good or smart enough are prone to perfectionism. There is absolutely no need for everything in your life to be perfect. You just need everything to be okay.

When there is no order, chaos ensues.

Order is necessary in life. It avoids confusion and chaos. Imagine what our life would be like if there were no traffic lights and stop lights on the streets and intersections. Then there would be collisions on every corner and traffic jams would form everywhere, paralyzing traffic in any direction. While this might seem as fun as driving a car in a park ride, it would not be fun to be in such a situation on the way to work. Laws and rules provide order. You may not always like rules, but they are necessary. Order helps make life less stressful. Order makes life easier.

Meanwhile, the problem associated with putting things in order is less about the presence and more about the quantity of what we need to put in order. Society tends to judge success by material wealth and possessions. “The one with the most toys wins.” Material possessions can create the appearance of success and prosperity. For many, this is simply an illusion that should not be perceived as true success. It is known that the ego desires to possess without having the opportunity or means to possess. Some people feel more confident if they have more and more things. Most people have more junk than they actually need. The more things you have, the less space you have to store them. The more junk you have, the longer you have to search among it for what you need.

The more you have, the less order you have.

The only way to achieve order is to engage in clearing. Only through clearing can you make room for the good things you want in life. Commit to creating free space in your life, in your home, in your closet, so that goodness can come to you. Place and place in kitchen cabinets, chests of drawers and wardrobes only what you really need. Don't settle for less than you actually want, and be willing to wait a little for what you want. Shake things up throughout the year. You must constantly create space for the good that you desire for yourself. While some people enjoy decluttering, most simply enjoy the feeling of a clean, organized home.

Order saves time

When things are in order, you actually add time to your busy daily schedule. Think about how much time you spend trying to find something you need to do something else. “Where are the scissors?” “Where is the pass?” if there is no order, then even the most trivial things take more time and take away your emotional energy. Many people get angry and frustrated when they can't find what they need. They blame family members for not putting her in her place. Because of this, close people shower each other with hurtful words, trying to defend themselves. And all because there was no roll of tape in the box!

Order makes life easier and takes up less time and energy. How many times have you rushed out to buy something you already have, but you can't find it? It seems that it is easier to go buy this thing again than to waste time looking for it. Some even sometimes buy multiple copies of an item to increase the chance of using what they need when they need it. This attempt to compensate for the lack of order does not save money. In fact, it forces you to spend large sums of money.

Take a look at the contents of your wardrobes, kitchen cabinets and chests of drawers. What's stored there that you haven't used for months or even years? Is this old battery still working? Do you really use all these pens? Can you easily discover what you need without going through a bunch of unused items? And when you find some treasure you lost, don’t you say to yourself: “Bah, I was looking for this” or “I knew it. What do I have?”

Do you have a storage room in your house for all your junk? When I was little, our family had such a cabinet in the kitchen. In this closet one could probably find anything: tools, rubber bandages, finger pads, and so on. If you were looking for something, you were always told to look “in the junk closet.” The term "junk closet" implies that you need a place to store your junk. If you call these things "junk" then you probably don't need them. So, get rid of the clutter. Make room in your life for what you need and want.

Have you been cleaning out your closets lately? When was the last time you cleaned out your closets and got rid of clothes you don't like or no longer fit? Donate clothes you don't wear, even ones you hope to "fit into again someday." If you're hoping to lose weight, select items in your desired size and get rid of the rest. After all, fashion changes and when you lose weight, you will want to wear trendy styles. Get rid of clothes. Which is worn out or out of fashion. Keep only the clothes you really like in your closets, and donate the rest to a charity, friends or family member. Just think how much easier it will be to choose what to wear to work tomorrow.

Paper is another obstacle to achieving order in life. Our daily life is littered with paper - correspondence, catalogues, newspapers and advertising leaflets. Everything is printed on paper. At home and at work, you accumulate piles of papers, and then the papers have to be sorted, organized and put in their place. It's possible that you have more paper than you have space to store it. Therefore, papers accumulate in drawers, cabinets, on the kitchen table or on whatnots. They seem to lie there for days, weeks and even months. Perhaps when you tell yourself that you “have to get rid of them,” you simply move the pile from place to place. Make your life easier. Throw away or file papers immediately after they are delivered. Review mail in company with a waste basket. Thanks to this, unnecessary papers will not accumulate in the form of immovable piles, and the piles that do form will be smaller and less pressing. You might even be able to say to yourself, “Yeah, there’s not much going on here. We can do this right now and put things in order.” Of course, it's much easier to organize papers into folders if you have the space to spare, so take a look at the contents of your filing cabinet and throw away those papers from years ago.

Sort out these papers.

Throw away old bills and expired policies. Keep such items only if you may need them. Get rid of warranty cards on things that are sold on sales several times a year at bargain prices. Throw away any expired rabies vaccination certificates. You can't store things indefinitely. Let's face it: It's unlikely that you'll need the electric bill you paid in 1997. Most pieces of paper can be tidied up simply by getting rid of them. With less paperwork, your life will become simpler and easier to manage. You will have no problem finding last year's tax receipts when banks or creditors ask for them.

You should also keep your monthly bills in order. Do you keep these accounts neat and organized? Or are they lying around somewhere, folded in a pile? You should always keep your bills in a place where they can be easily accessed. They need to be organized in such a way that you always know what needs to be paid, in what amount and when. In order to succeed, it is important to manage your affairs well. Throw away all the flyers that came with your bills. Throw away used mailing envelopes. All you need are the payment receipts and the envelope in which they should be sent. It is necessary to sort out the papers that come to you so that they do not interfere with your success. Don't let them accumulate. If this happens, then your benefit also accumulates without reaching you. Keep things circulating and you will see how quickly your dreams will begin to manifest on an invisible plane.

There must be order in everything.

When was the last time you defrosted the refrigerator compartment? Can you at least tell me what's in it? Can you find what you need in it, or do you have to sort through things to find what you're looking for? Order is required in both refrigerators and freezers. They easily become clogged with things you don't like or don't use for a long time.

When was the last time you took apart your home medicine cabinet? Are there any medicines and recipes in it that you forgot about because you haven’t used them for a long time? Keep only what you really need, and in small quantities. Do not provoke illness by thoroughly preparing for it. If you do get sick, trust that you will have everything you need and be able to buy everything you need. Medicines have an expiration date and lose their effectiveness. Therefore, even if the medicine is “available”, it may not be what you need.

Take time to tidy each room in your home one at a time. Throw out everything unnecessary from the basement, from the attic, from the garage. Organize your laundry room. What's lying on the floor? In order for prosperity to enter your life, it needs to clear the way. Go through the boxes that have been left unpacked since you moved into the house. It's time to get rid of or sacrifice. Is it really necessary to store forty-two empty gift boxes? You can always get more. When you cling to things, you are clearly telling the Universe that there are deprivations and limitations in your life. You live in fear. Consequently, you will attract deprivation and restrictions into your life. Learn to have what you need.

Maintain order.

Organize your closet. Throw away all broken items. Get rid of that broken toaster or ice cream machine you've never used. By doing this, you are telling the Universe that you don't want to have things that are broken and unusable. Free yourself and your home from those many things that you haven't used for years. Keep only what is valuable to you or is irreplaceable. Try not to confuse sentimental memories with fear. If you have something associated with a sentimental memory, this thing has value and is irreplaceable for you. Fear convinces you that you won't have what you need. So you cling to things that you don't like, that you don't use, that don't bring you joy. By holding them back, you are blocking the channel through which you get what you really would like to have. Stop filling your closets and codes with things you won't use or won't use much, and leave room in them for the things you'd actually like to have.

Regardless of the husband’s citizenship, the foreign spouse receives a temporary residence permit only in the country where she will live with him. All the years she lived in a legal marriage outside, say, Germany, will not be counted towards the period required to obtain permanent residence in Germany. It is not so important how many years she lived with her German husband abroad, but to obtain a residence permit in Germany she will need to have an A1 certificate.

Obtaining a temporary residence permit (residence permit) for foreigners
spouses in various Western European countries:

- Germany (befristete Aufenthaltserlaubnis) is issued by the foreign service (Auslaenderbehörde) for one, two or three years at once and is a plastic card with a photo and biometric data. If upon marriage the bride changed her surname, then she will first need to change her internal passport (only in her homeland) and on its basis receive a foreign passport with a new surname. And only then will she be issued this card by the migration service. To obtain a residence permit in Germany, a foreign wife must have a medical insurance policy (krankversichert sein) from the German health insurance fund (Krankenkasse): public or private, and be registered at the place of residence of her husband: obtain a registration certificate (Wohnanmeldung). You will have to appear at the foreign service in person and necessarily together with your spouse, who, in addition to a personal identification card or his or her foreign passport with a residence permit/permanent residence permit (for resident foreigners) and a marriage certificate (Heiratsurkunde) in German, will have to take with him a rental agreement (Mietvertrag ) or a certificate of home ownership, a salary certificate from the place of work (Lohnabrechnung) for the last three months or a document from the tax office (Steuerbescheinigung) for private entrepreneurs for the last 3 years. The request will be considered within several days or even weeks, it all depends on the workload of the office.

Foreign brides living before marriage within the European Union and having a temporary or permanent residence permit are also required to apply for a national visa at the Embassy or Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany in that state. Residence permits and permanent residence permits are valid only in the territory of the country where they are issued!

- Portugal (Autorização de Permanência) - residence or temporary residence permit is first given for 2 years, then extended for another year, and for the 3rd time you can get permanent residence. After registering the marriage at the Portuguese registry office, the legal wife can wait for its issuance while already in Portugal. Both in the case of temporary status and permanent residence permit, the following rule must be observed: for the first two years after the initial issue of residence, family relationships must be maintained. Then only the wife receives the right to an autonomous residence permit, independent of living with her husband. In exceptional cases, for example, divorce of spouses with division of property, death of one of the spouses, death of parents or children reaching adulthood, this period may be reduced.

- Finland: as soon as the wedding date is set and the corresponding document is issued, you can apply for a residence permit, you need to wait six months, and you can already live with your husband in Finnish territory at this time. If there is an employer who is interested specifically in you (a nanny with knowledge of Russian or, say, the Tatar language will do), then the waiting period for issuing a temporary residence permit may be reduced. They initially give it for 1 year, then extend it for another 48 months.

- Sweden: you must wait to receive a residence permit outside the Kingdom of Sweden (this is a requirement of Swedish law in this area). To do this, you must first undergo an interview at the Swedish Embassy/Consulate General in the bride's country of residence; her answers are sent to the Swedish Immigration Bureau (Migrations-verket) for comparison with the answers of her husband. You will have to be patient to receive a positive response (Meddelande om Beslut) from the embassy. The refusal is not subject to appeal! A foreign bride can apply to the embassy again after a certain period has passed. The Riksdag (Swedish parliament) recently adopted a decision aimed at tightening the procedure for issuing visas on the basis of marriages, that is, you really need to know your future groom very well in order to successfully pass this interview. This is aimed, first of all, to avoid hasty and rash decisions when there is practically no acquaintance in real life or ladies marry with a “Swedish passport”;

- Switzerland: A residence permit is first given for 12 months, then it is renewed every year for another 4 years. The foreign bride is sent a notification and a form by mail, which must be filled out and then taken to the local community administration (Gemeinde). Currently, you will need to visit the cantonal migration office to collect biometric data: a special photograph and fingerprints. A temporary residence permit will be issued automatically by the same migration service; To obtain a health insurance policy, a foreign spouse needs a certificate of residence (Wohnanmeldung), which is issued by the local community administration only after the wedding.

Permanent residence permit and citizenship of other countries

Almost every EU country has its own rules for obtaining permanent residence permit (PR) and local citizenship:

  • in Italy, Portugal - in three years. In Portugal, you can apply for Portuguese citizenship after just 3 years. To do this, you must pass a language test in Lisbon, but you do not need to renounce Russian citizenship, as in Italy;
  • In Sweden - (PUT), after 2 years, renewing a temporary residence permit 4 times every 6 months, and after 3 years - it will be possible to apply for Swedish citizenship if the foreign wife is still married, and, if not, then in 5 years. The countdown begins from the date of entry into the Kingdom of Sweden, and the period of absence from Sweden during these years is subtracted from the total period of residence.
  • In Germany, you can obtain permanent residence (Niederlassung) only after 3 years of continuous living in a joint marriage, that is, you should not, especially in the first year, leave the country for more than 2-3 months, alone, without a very good reason. Otherwise, the migration service will consider this marriage to be fictitious and on this basis may deprive the foreign wife of her residence status and forcibly deport her to her homeland.

From July 1, 2011 in Germany, the “probationary period for fidelity to husband” was increased from 2 to 3 years. In practice, this means that the foreign spouse, in the event of termination of family relations during the period of separation, according to par. 31 of the Law on the Residence of Foreigners in Germany (Aufenthaltsgesetz), acquires an independent right (Eigenständiges Aufenthaltsrecht der Ehegatten) to annually extend the residence permit only after 3 years of marriage.

Only those foreign wives, non-citizens of the European Union, who lived together for at least 2 years of marriage in Germany before July 1, 2011, are subject to the previous rule - an independent right to obtain a residence permit for 1 year after 2 years of marriage in Germany in the case termination of family relationships.

Even if there are confirmed facts about moral and physical violence on the part of the husband - a recipient of social benefits, a foreign wife living separately from him in the Women's Shelter (Frauenhaus) or with friends may be denied an independent extension of the residence permit if less than 3 years have passed at the time termination of cohabitation.

It is possible for a foreign spouse to independently obtain permanent residence after 3 years of continuous marriage during a period of separation, but she must have a full-time job or her own income-generating business.

If your spouse works and you live with him in the same apartment (house) as a single family, then the foreign wife can either be a housewife or only earn extra money on a basic basis (450 euros). This does not matter for you to obtain permanent residence. The main thing is that your husband (whether he is a German citizen or not) works full time, has housing that meets the standards for the whole family to live in, does not violate the laws of Germany, and you have a certificate of successful completion of integration courses at least level B1. Yes, if your spouse is a citizen of another state, then he must already have permanent residence, only then after 3 years of marriage you have the right to receive the status of unlimited (permanent) residence (Niederlassung). It will take another 1.5-2 years to obtain citizenship in Germany:

You will first need to successfully pass a test in German, that is, answer correctly at least 60% of the total number of questions of a very different nature: about the political and social structure, geography and history of this country (Einbuergerungstest): http://www.einbuergerungstest- ;

Then, in Germany, foreign spouses must renounce their previous citizenship (this will take another 6 months or 1 year);

  • in Finland - after 4 years you can already apply for citizenship. To do this, you need to successfully pass the exam at the intermediate level of the language, the courses are free, the exam costs 100 euros. If there are no fines and there is work, then a decision on citizenship is made within 6 months. If there were fines and all the information was not provided, you will have to wait one or two years;
  • in Switzerland - after 5 years you can apply for permanent residence or an application for Swiss citizenship (simplified version). You do not need to take a language test, but you may be invited to an interview with the migration service.

All these rules apply only to foreign wives whose husbands are citizens of one of the above countries. And foreign spouses of resident foreigners will be able to obtain a permanent residence permit only after the period established for obtaining permanent residence by foreign citizens, usually after 5 years.


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