Travel candle. Paraffin as fuel Composition of a Lebedev candle with your own hands


  • Radiant heating.
  • Lighting.
  • Quick cooking on the go.
  • Illuminated markings of a temporary landing strip for aircraft at night.
  • Use in “fire” show programs, torchlight processions, and when filming films in which the script requires a large amount of natural bright flame.
  • Lighting of ski slopes.
  • Illumination of mountain slopes with live fire.
  • Heating and light during emergency and rescue operations in the cold season.
  • Backup source of heat and light in greenhouses, warehouses, large production facilities.

"Lebedev's Fire" is compact, reliable, and lights with one match. It will be appreciated by fishermen, hunters, and tourists.
Lights up and burns at any negative temperature.
It burns like gas - inside the cartridge there is a process of converting fuel into flammable paraffin vapor. The combustion of paraffin vapor is similar to the combustion of natural gas - the flame is large and clean.
By changing the configuration of the outlet, the height and shape of the flame are controlled. The outlet can be round, square, slot-shaped, or consist of a system of holes of different shapes and sizes. For cooking, a divider similar to a divider for gas stoves is used - the flame becomes low and large in area.
Fire Lebedev 0.3/2
Flame height: 0.3 m.
Burning time: 2 hours.
Weight: 0.8 kg.
Diameter: 100 mm.
Height: 140 mm.

The discovery of Lebedev for domestic tourists, extreme sports enthusiasts and supporters of active recreation is still little known. This unique development amazes with its simplicity of design, safety and versatility. The invention itself is only 10 years old, but those who have already become acquainted with the advantages of this innovation are unlikely to abandon it.

There are now three types of portable fires on the market. Basically they differ only in power. Stores sell devices with flames of 20, 30 and 50 cm, but the manufacturer offers to make custom options that produce fire up to 2000 mm. All models on sale are designed for 120 minutes. work.

Appearance, design and content

The smallest Lebedev fire is an 80 mm cone, with a bottom diameter of 75 mm and a weight of 170 g. The walls of the cone are made of ordinary foil. The other two models have a cylindrical shape with dimensions of 140x100 and 300x100 mm and weights of 0.7 and 1.5 kg, respectively. The tubes are made of tin. All three products have a paper wrapper with recommendations and instructions for use. The wrapper comes off easily if you pull the special thread. There is a special hole on the bottom side of the product, which is designed to create natural draft, facilitating a good supply of oxygen and maintaining a given flame level.

To light wickless candles, you need to tear off the protective paper circle, under which a surprise awaits us. At first I didn’t understand what was hidden inside the cartridge case, but then I discovered that it was an emergency supply of matches wrapped in paraffin cloth. Portable fires are lit at the top and within 3-5 minutes they produce an even flame. Inside there is a mixture of various solid paraffins and sawdust. When set on fire, the filler begins to melt and, supported by oxygen of natural draft, releases vapors. These fumes burn much like natural gas.

When using the invention, it is necessary to adhere to certain safety measures. The sleeve becomes very hot during operation, and therefore it must be placed on a fireproof stand. The smallest variation fits optimally into a travel mug; the medium Lebedev candle model 0.3/2 and 0.5/2 modification can be placed on the ground, in a bucket, plate, and so on. Fires are extinguished with earth, water, snow, or by covering them with a flat metal object. After extinguishing, the device must not be touched for some time so that the paraffin hardens. The cinder can be lit and extinguished until the filler in the cylinder is exhausted.

Advantages and disadvantages of cartridges


  • All three options for autonomous light and heat sources are extremely convenient for transportation, storage and use. Containers with paraffin can be dropped, hit, or watered, and nothing will happen to them. They can even be transported on planes, buses and trains. The only thing you should not do is to violate the integrity of the foil walls of the small cones and the tin walls of the large and medium cylinders.
  • Resistance to sharply low and high temperatures, wind, water and snow. Wickless candles work equally well at +30 and -50 degrees Celsius. They can withstand fairly strong gusts of wind, moderate rain and snowfall.
  • A solid fuel cartridge provides more heat and light than a tourist gas stove, not to mention explosive gasoline, kerosene or dry alcohol.
  • When the filling mixture is used up, the foil or tin can be thrown away rather than taken home, as is the case with camping burners.
  • The development can be used for decorative purposes (fire shows, street racing tracks, festivals and picnics in nature, landscape lighting), rescue and repair purposes, and heating.
  • If you go on a short hike, then, in principle, you can stock up on small lights that weigh almost nothing and do not take up much space in your backpack. However, for long hikes it is easier to stock up on cylinders. In this case, it is difficult to equip your backpack with large and medium sleeves.
  • When heating enclosed spaces or a tent, it emits a specific odor.
  • When camping far from civilization, it is easier to buy or refill gas cylinders than to discover still little-known devices.
  • Unlike a stove, which already has a divider and a stand for the boiler, an outdoor candle requires additional equipment to cook food on it.

We draw a conclusion

After all of the above, it becomes clear that small Lebedev lights can replace burners well on short hiking trips. Medium and large autonomous light and heat sources are good if you go on a trip, hunting or fishing trip by car.

The cartridge dimensions are 0.3/2 and are ideal for heating and lighting a clearing during a picnic and rest stop. Fans of wild rides and impromptu competitions in cross-country, street racing or free ride, or orienteering will be able to quickly mark the route and create a suitable atmosphere with the help of the Lebedev candle 0.5/2 - this super-survivable useful life hack.

In all three charges, the stated flame height lasts for approximately 90-100 minutes, and then it begins to burn not so high. Unlike a burner, large sleeves make it possible to quickly warm up in case of frostbite or send a distress signal.

In short, the products deserve attention and have already proven themselves well among tourists, fishermen and rescuers. You can buy fire in all three Lebedev sizes with delivery throughout Russia in our online store.

To heat and cook food in the absence of a fire, tourists, as a rule, use various liquid, gaseous and solid fuels based on hydrocarbons. To put it simply - alcohol, gasoline or diesel fuel, gas (in cylinders), dry fuel in tablets, etc. We will not dwell on the undeniable advantages of this or that combustible material, but will voice the problems:

Liquid fuel causes a lot of trouble. The canisters for it are quite voluminous and do not become smaller as fuel is consumed. A definite solution may be to pack liquid fuel in small containers, but the likelihood of leakage increases. In addition, to burn liquid fuel you need a special device - for alcohol, a kerosene stove for gasoline or a special stove for diesel fuel. And you have to carry it regardless of whether there is fuel or not.

Gaseous fuel also requires a special device for combustion. In addition, tourists are forced to buy gas in special containers (cylinders) for quite a lot of money. In addition, the problem of recycling already used cylinders arises.

Dry fuel in tablets is an almost ideal option. Stored in a bag, it has quite a calorific value as fuel. But all the advantages are killed by the price. Therefore, I use it most often “as a last resort.”

Meanwhile, there is very accessible and cheap fuel (fuel). This is the same paraffin (or stearin) that probably every tourist used in the form of candles. Its calorific value is at the level of other petroleum products (25 – 30 MJ/kg). The problem with using paraffin as a fuel is that it is difficult to ignite.

A paraffin candle burns without problems - put the match to the wick and you're done. However, everything is not so simple. Because the paraffin pure form- does not burn (like gasoline or firewood). Only its vapors burn! Therefore, it is almost impossible to light paraffin without a wick, the flame from which initiates the evaporation of paraffin.

However, it is very tempting to use paraffin as a “dry fuel”. It is not expensive (35-45 rubles/kg), which is very acceptable for tourists, is available (sold at retail and wholesale - at least in the form of candles), does not leak (since it is solid at normal temperatures), has no odor, not afraid of water, very heat-intensive, etc.

The main problem is to make it burn on its own, and not with a wick, like a candle. The fact is that when paraffin burns on a wick, the heat released is an order of magnitude less than when the same area of ​​paraffin burns on its own.

How to make a “tablet” of homemade dry fuel from paraffin and make it burn? It's dry, of course, only when it doesn't burn. The melting point of paraffin is around 60-80 degrees, so during the combustion process it turns from dry fuel to liquid and this must be taken into account.

To prevent paraffin from spreading, combustion must take place in a sealed container. To do this, we need an empty tin can, preferably as large as possible and as flat as possible.

Various sources suggest using different materials as a wick: corrugated ( photo) and just cardboard ( photo), cotton wool ( photo), foam rubber ( photo), multiple textile wicks attached to wires, etc. However, it is worth cautioning against using synthetic materials for these purposes, despite their ease of use. When foam rubber burns, for example, soot is released, which, when it comes into contact with a person’s mucous membrane, forms hydrocyanic acid. Don't poison yourself! A good option seems to be to use a strip of burlap with a width equal to the height of the can, rolled inside it into a ring or into a loose roll. The more uneven and torn the upper protruding edge of the wick is, the better.

We fill the jar with melted paraffin and lower our wick there. In one method, wood shavings are simply poured onto the surface of the molten paraffin. We lower it so that only part of the “wick” protrudes above the surface and let our jar cool. The fuel is ready!

In order to use the “tablet”, it is enough to light the tops of the wick protruding from the paraffin. After a few minutes, the entire surface of the paraffin will light up and will burn fairly evenly until all the paraffin has burned out. The burning rate is approximately 1 cm per hour. Based on this, it is possible to produce “tablets” of different thicknesses for different needs. For making coffee, food or night heating.

For example, a jar with a diameter of 8 cm and a depth of 3 cm (150 ml) burns for approximately 3 - 3.5 hours with an even flame. Theoretically, during this time it “produces” about 1 kW of thermal energy (3600 KJ), which is enough to boil about 8-10 liters of water.

A special stove (even from a simple, but larger tin can) will probably make it possible to more efficiently use the heat of combustion of paraffin and expand the possibilities of its use for various needs.

IMPORTANT!!! Do not try to extinguish burning paraffin with water!!! Getting even a small amount of it into burning vapors can have very dire consequences. For the same reason, the heated container with tea or soup must stand steadily over the burning paraffin.

The use of various paraffin-impregnated materials (or mixed with paraffin shavings) as fuel is very promising.

Some of these methods, due to the low cost and availability of materials, have been implemented as commercial projects and have found their application among tourists, hunters and fishermen.
One of such developments is the Lebedev Fire Candle.

Materials used:

  1. Konstantin Timoshenko. Homemade dry fuel. Fuel for tourists. Paraffin as fuel for a homemade stove.
  2. Crimean Fox. Alternative fuel.
  3. ElDuche - Denis. Wax burner and waterproof matches. Personal experience.

I saw the article, I’m bringing it to you for general development so to speak. so that they know how to warm themselves on a long hike.

Lebedev Fire 0.2/2 (aka Lebedev Candle, also known as a fuel cartridge in the form of a long-flame candle) is a powerful source of heat and light with a flame height of 0.2 m. It is not afraid of rain, cold, wind and bad weather. Suitable for hiking, tourism and survival.
They can: make a fire even from damp wood (burning time 2 hours), warm up (without any firewood or fire), cook hot food, boil water, dry wet things, give an emergency or distress signal, warm up the engine crankcase, use it as a torch and much, much more. It can be especially useful in rainy and frosty weather - after all, Lebedev's fire does not depend on temperature and humidity! In other words, the Lebedev Fire is almost like a “pocket fire”, which is perfect for a frozen tourist.
Lebedev's fire is a special housing with solid fuel inside, which is ready to be ignited at any moment. Technologically, this is a “cartridge” “charged” with solid fuel (compressed paraffin), which is not afraid of weather conditions and is not sensitive to temperature.

Thanks to special manufacturing technology, it is mechanically strong and, even if broken into small pieces with a hammer, it will burn without losing a single calorie of heat. Like all solid paraffin candles, it does not require special conditions storage, explosion-proof and suitable for transportation by any type of transport. The Lebedev candle can be transported and stored in any position - it will not spill, leak or break, like liquid fuel or a gas burner cylinder.
Lebedev's fire does not emit odors and does not take up much space - it can be carried in the trunk of a car as a backup heat source. It will not spill like a can of gasoline and will not spoil the upholstery of the car with its smell. For car enthusiasts, Lebedev's candle is a fire and warmth in any weather. This is a light during repairs or emergency fire sign, if you suddenly stand on the side of the road at night.
Lebedev's Fire is also suitable for fishermen and tourists. A fire in a mug or small saucepan can be placed on the bottom of a rubber or any other boat, raft, or multi-person tent. Lebedev's fire does not require batteries or a recharging source, which makes it different from flashlights. It is perfect for ice fishermen: after all, almost every story about winter fishing runs through the need for a reliable, portable and all-weather source of heat and light. Fire ignites and burns at any negative temperature.

Use on outdoors or in large, well-ventilated areas. Positioned as a portable fire and long-flame outdoor candle.

- Flame height - 0.2 m.
- Burning time - 2+ hours
- Weight - 0.2 kg
- Sleeve diameter - 75 mm
- Sleeve height - 80 mm
- Composition: mixture of solid paraffins, sawdust.
- Store at temperatures from -50 to +30 degrees (at storage temperatures above +30 degrees, a slight softening of the product is possible without loss of flammable properties)

- Safe to transport and transport, non-explosive
- Burns at any negative air temperature
- Burns in any weather - even during rain and strong wind
- Does not sink in water
- Can be extinguished and re-lit

For heating tents
For lighting in hiking and extreme conditions.
To start a fire
For quick cooking
For boiling water, cooking fish soup
As a light source for fishing, hunting, tourism.
As a heating source on boats, rafts, and ice floes.
As a source of heat and light during emergency and rescue operations.

For illumination of easy-going routes, ski slopes, hiking trails.
As a light marking in the dark, for example during racing events (drag, drift), a temporary landing strip for aircraft or a landmark for mooring a boat to the shore
As a backup source of heat and light in greenhouses, warehouses, large production facilities.
As a lantern/burner for road trips - picnic ( hot food) and renovation (with lighting) at any time of the year.

History of creation
The inventor of the street candle was Russian engineer Gennady Mikhailovich Lebedev. The project to create it was launched in August 2006. During the work on it, a variety of solid fuel, liquid, and combined fire sources were tested. The most suitable material for a candle was a combustible mass based on paraffin, demonstrating a natural candle flame. By giving the mass an original shape, a wickless street candle was created, which was essentially a unique fuel cartridge. It was a real revelation in terms of ease of use and efficiency. This truly revolutionary device of its kind made it possible to produce fire not only of a given height, but also of color and shape. The presentation of the Lebedev Fire candle, which has a flame height of 0.5 m and intended for household use, took place at the Grushinsky festival in the summer of 2007. The universal “portable fire” attracted the attention of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and Disaster Medicine, organizers of fire shows and holidays, owners of restaurants and cafes hectares of fresh air, as well as fishermen, hunters, tourists and climbers.

Using Lebedev's Fire in a mug
An outdoor candle can be used as an autonomous source of energy, providing bright light and heating without the use of additional devices. Since it was originally conceived as a fuel cartridge, i.e., a replaceable cartridge, it is most convenient to insert an outdoor candle into a steel or ceramic mug or bowl. Why a mug? Because the durable handle makes it easy to carry. Using a mug and a candle together allows you to get a mobile source of open fire in a few seconds.
Lebedev's fire in a mug can be placed:
. on wet ground, in mud or a small puddle
. on ice or snow
. on the floor of the tent
. to the garden bed during harvesting at low air temperatures
. on a wooden table covered with a tablecloth
. on the shore of a reservoir while fishing
. on dry or wet bottoms of any boats
Since the bottom of a mug or other container will heat up when burning for a long time, additionally use a ceramic or wooden stand or plate to avoid stains on the table surface. The heat reserve is 2.5 kW. At the same time, the burning time when using a mug increases to 3 hours.
The sealed, durable walls of the mug can not only protect against accidental ash fallout, but also isolate the fire from wet earth and snow. If you tie a mug to a stick, oar, ski, pole or branch, you will get a bright torch, which will increase the radius of illumination. A long stick will allow you to lift the candle into the mug several meters, which can be especially important for sending a light signal from a place overgrown with bushes.
To prepare food, you need to place a container with Lebedev Fire under a hanging pot or pan. At large size pot and to speed up the process, when you urgently need to warm up with hot tea, it is better to place 2-4 mugs with a candle under the pot at once. A small saucepan can generally be placed directly on the mug. The clearance required for combustion (approximately 0.5 cm) between the bottom of the pan and the mug will be provided by a specially made pre-made metal burner. One candle, burning at room temperature and without wind, can bring 400 g of water, uncovered, to a boil in a metal mug in about 13 minutes. To determine required stock When using candles in conditions other than those described, use the following correction factors: wind speed, atmospheric pressure, air humidity, size, shape and area of ​​heated containers, presence or absence of a lid, volume and heat capacity of the product, temperature conditions and duration of cooking.

1. In calm weather the flame is really 20 cm.
2. The flame burns much longer than the 2 hours stated by the manufacturer.
3. A great way to warm your hands.
4. Place it in the center of an impromptu table and an atmosphere of home comfort will immediately appear, without the need to shine your foreheads in each other’s faces.
5. You can hold it in your hands for the first hour and a half.
6. It is best to extinguish with water and then can be used again (I haven’t tried it in cold weather). Do not under any circumstances try to extinguish the flame with an upside down mug!!! It will start to smoke so much that it won’t seem like enough!

1. It smokes a lot. Cannot be used in a tent or enclosed space.
2. Without wind protection it is not possible to heat the pot. The flame is blown away by the wind.
3. After you have extinguished a partially used candle, do not throw it away or crush it under any circumstances, this will tear the internal protection and the granules will spill out, and you are unlikely to be able to restore the previous burning of the candle.
Taken from the group Survival. SV-BUNKER

This camping candle will help you quickly start a fire, with which you can easily cook food and boil water while camping.
There are times when you urgently need to light a fire, but there is either no firewood at all, or it is wet from the rain and is in no way suitable for starting a fire. In these cases, this camp candle will help you out. A kind of analogue of dry alcohol for tourists.

Its advantages:

  • - does not take up much space in the backpack,
  • - will not leak, since it does not have liquid flammable fuel,
  • - easy to manufacture and does not require expensive components,
  • - waterproof and will not get damp, which is very important,
  • - shelf life is unlimited,
  • - safe, as it is not explosive and does not spontaneously ignite,
  • - long burning time, which is perfect for cooking.
An excellent thing for winter fishing, where there is no firewood at hand.

What do you need to make a candle?

  • - tin can;
  • - any corrugated cardboard from boxes;
  • - paraffin candles, household candles or briquettes of paraffin or wax.
  • - regular scissors or a round knife as in my case, a ruler, a pencil, a container for melting paraffin.

Making a long-burning camp candle

Take a tin can and place it on cardboard. This is necessary in order to determine the width of the strips into which we will cut the cardboard. There are two indicators here: if you take the width of the cardboard a little wider than the can, then the flame will burn more intensely, and if it is smaller, then the combustion will be a little worse, but more economical. It's up to you to decide which goals to use. I took a slightly wider can.
In general, cardboard will act as a wick in this candle.

Cut strips of corrugated cardboard.

We roll these strips into a “snail” and insert the jar.

You don’t need to insert it tightly, rather everything should be loose. Just put a rolled round.

Take a ladle or pan. Place candles or paraffin briquettes. Melt on fire.

Since I took candles, the wicks float in the paraffin. You can remove them, they are not needed.
Pour paraffin into a jar with cardboard in several batches.

We pour it in for the first time and wait a little while the paraffin (wax) flows down the can and is absorbed into the cardboard. Then we repeat several times until the jar is completely filled.

At the final stage, we insert a wick made from the same cardboard into the center. With it you can quickly light a candle.
Leave to cool. Despite its size, it will take a long time.

Candle tests

I will place a pot of water on the bricks and put a candle at the bottom. When traveling, you can take long tin cans instead of bricks.