Nutrition for children up to one year and older according to WHO and UNICEF (recommendations, norms and age). Breastfeeding Rules for introducing complementary foods


The mammary gland reaches its greatest development during pregnancy and after childbirth. 4 phases can be distinguished in the development of the mammary gland:

1. Mammogenesis (phase of breast development);

2. Lactogenesis (milk secretion);

3. Galactopoiesis (accumulation of secreted milk);

4. Automatic secretion of the mammary gland.


The Declaration proclaims ten principles of successful breastfeeding

infant feeding:

1. Strictly adhere to the established rules of breastfeeding and regularly bring these rules to the attention of medical staff and women in labor.

2. Train medical staff in the necessary skills to practice breastfeeding.

3. Inform all pregnant women about the benefits and technique

4. Help mothers initiate breastfeeding during the first
half an hour after birth.

5. Show the mother how to breastfeed her baby and how to maintain lactation.

6. Do not give newborns any food or drink other than breast milk.

7. Practice keeping the mother and newborn in the room around the clock
one ward.

8. Breastfeed at the baby's request, not at

9. Do not give to breastfed newborns.
no sedatives or devices that imitate maternal

10. Encourage the organization of breastfeeding support groups and refer mothers to these groups after discharge from the maternity hospital.


Breastfed children are 3 times less likely to suffer from intestinal infections, 2.5 times less likely to suffer from infectious diseases, and 1.5 times less likely to suffer from respiratory diseases.

Colostrum and human milk contain antibodies to intestinal infections (to the O-antigen of salmonella, Escherichia, Shigella, cholera, rotoviruses, enteroviruses), respiratory infections (influenza, reovirus infection, hemophilus, influenza, chlamydia, pneumococcus, etc. ), pathogens of viral diseases (poliomyelitis virus, cytomegalovirus, mumps, herpes, rubella, coxsackie and ECHO, etc.), bacterial infections (M-staphylococcus, streptococcus, pneumococcus, tetanus toxin, etc.).

Human milk and especially colostrum contain immunoglobulins of all classes (A, M, G, D), and the content of Jg A in colostrum is significant. This immunoglobulin acts as the body's first defense against invasion of pathogenic microbes.

In the colostrum of postpartum women, the Jg M content is 1.2 times less than in the blood. A child receives about 100 mg of Jg M per day, which is 40-50 times less than Jg A.

Jg D was found in colostrum, but its role has not been sufficiently studied.

In the first month of lactation, human milk contains lactoferrin, which activates phagocytosis and binds iron to intestinal bacteria and thereby blocks the formation of bacterial flora. In cow's milk its content (lactoferrin) is 10-15 times less.

Colostrum contains complement components C 3 and C 4, lysozyme in human milk is 100-300 times higher than in cow's milk. The latter damages the membrane of gram-positive and some gram-negative bacteria. Lysozyme stimulates the formation of salivary amylase and increases acidity in the stomach.

Human milk contains bifidus - a factor, its activity is 100 times higher than in cow's milk. This carbohydrate promotes the formation of milk and acetic acid, due to which the acidic reaction of feces prevents the growth of staphylococcus, shigella, salmonella and escherichia. With natural feeding, the ratio of lactobacilli in the intestines to other microorganisms is 1000:1, with artificial feeding - 10:1. Lymphocytes and monocytes in human milk can produce interferon. Plasma cells, macrophages, neutrophils, lymphocytes are also found in milk; macrophages retain their activity in the stomach and intestines of the child and they are able to synthesize interferon, lactoferrin, lysozyme, complement components C3, C4 and stimulate the growth of intestinal epithelium. Thus, macrophages retain their importance as a protective factor against intestinal infections.

rami, suppressors, memory cells, they produce lymphokines that pass into the child’s blood.

Human milk, unlike cow's milk, contains many hormones of the pituitary gland (GH, TSH, gonadotropin), thyroid gland (T3 and T4), etc.

In addition, human milk contains more than 30 enzymes that are involved in the hydrolysis of milk (proteolytic, lipolytic, etc.), which promotes the autolysis of human milk, ensuring its high level of absorption. The rapid neuropsychic development of breastfed children compared to bottle-fed children deserves special attention. The ability of children to learn at school is higher in children who received mother's milk (they learn mathematics better). This is due to the child receiving essential fatty acids, galactose, as well as the child’s close contact with the mother.

Over the past decades, evidence has grown on the health benefits of breastfeeding and practical recommendations continued to grow. WHO can now say with complete confidence that breastfeeding reduces infant mortality and has health benefits that include mature age. For the general population, exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life, followed by breastfeeding with adequate complementary feeding for two or more years, is recommended for infant feeding.

To ensure that mothers can initiate and maintain exclusive breastfeeding for six months, WHO and UNICEF recommend:

  • Carry out the first breastfeeding within the first hour of life;
  • Carry out exclusive breastfeeding, that is, do not give the child anything other than breast milk - no other food or drink, not even water;
  • Breastfeed on demand, that is, as often as the baby wants, both day and night.
  • Do not use bottles, nipples or pacifiers.

Breast milk is the natural first food product for newborns. It contains all the nutrients and energy a baby needs during the first months of life and continues to meet half or more of the baby's nutritional needs during the second half of the first year and one-third during the second year.

Breast milk promotes sensory and cognitive development, protects the child from infectious and chronic diseases. Exclusive breastfeeding helps reduce infant mortality from common childhood illnesses, such as diarrhea and pneumonia, and improves recovery from illness.

Breast-feeding beneficial for the health and well-being of mothers. It allows for spacing of children, reduces the risk of ovarian and breast cancer, increases family and national resources, is a reliable feeding method and is environmentally friendly.

While breastfeeding is a natural behavior, it is also a learned behavior. Numerous scientific studies have demonstrated that mothers and other caregivers need active support in establishing and maintaining good breastfeeding practices. In 1992, WHO and UNICEF announced the Breastfeeding Friendly Hospital Initiative (BHII) to strengthen maternity ward practices to support breastfeeding. IBIV ​​is helping to improve the implementation of exclusive breastfeeding worldwide and, with support across the health system, can help mothers maintain exclusive breastfeeding.

WHO and UNICEF developed a 40-hour “Breastfeeding Counselling: Training Course” and later a five-day “Counseling on Infant and Infant Feeding” early age: a comprehensive course" to prepare health workers to provide skilled support to breastfeeding mothers and help them overcome problems. Basic skills to support breastfeeding are also part of the "Integrated Management of Childhood Illness Training Course" for first-level health workers.

The Global Strategy for Infant and Young Child Feeding describes key actions to protect, promote and support breastfeeding.

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends a number of rules for successful breastfeeding. These are the rules most lactation consultants, including myself, follow when counseling women and when feeding their own children.

Breast milk is the best food for a baby in his first 6 months of life, and there are no substitutes for it. Every woman should know this and accept it as an axiom if she wants to ensure her baby’s health and best conditions for the development of his body. Actually, the recommendations explain this very clearly.

  1. Early breastfeeding- within the first hour after birth!
  2. Avoiding bottle feeding of a newborn or in some other way before the mother puts him to the breast. This is necessary so that the child does not develop a mindset for any other feeding than breastfeeding.
  3. Joint maintenance of mother and child in the maternity hospital in one ward.
  4. Correct position of the baby at the breast allows the mother to avoid many problems and complications with the breast. If the mother was not taught this in the maternity hospital, she should invite a lactation consultant and learn this specifically.
  5. Feeding on demand. It is necessary to put the baby to the breast for any reason, to give him the opportunity to suckle when he wants and as much as he wants. This is important not only for satiating the child, but also for his psycho-emotional comfort. To feel comfortable, the baby can be attached to the breast up to 4 times per hour.
  6. The duration of feeding is regulated by the child: do not take your baby off the breast before he releases the nipple on his own!
  7. Night feedings the baby ensures stable lactation and protects the woman from the next pregnancy for up to 6 months - in 96% of cases. In addition, it is night feedings that are the most complete and nutritious.
  8. No additional soldering and the introduction of any foreign liquids or products. If the baby is thirsty, he should be put to the breast more often.
  9. Full pacifier refusal, pacifiers and bottle feeding. If it is necessary to introduce complementary foods, it should be given only from a cup, spoon or pipette.
  10. Transferring the baby to the second breast only when he will suck the first breast. If the mother rushes to offer the baby the second breast, he will not receive additional “late milk” rich in fats. As a result, the baby may experience digestive problems: lactose intolerance, foamy stools. Prolonged sucking on one breast will ensure proper bowel function.
  11. Avoiding nipple washing before and after feeding. Frequent breast washing leads to the removal of the protective layer of fat from the areola and nipple, which leads to the formation of cracks. Breasts should be washed no more than once a day during a hygienic shower. If a woman showers less often, then in this case there is no need for additional breast washing.
  12. Refusal of control weighings child, carried out more than once a week. This procedure does not provide objective information about the nutritional status of the infant. It only irritates the mother, leads to a decrease in lactation and the unreasonable introduction of supplementary feeding.
  13. Elimination of additional milk expression. With properly organized breastfeeding, milk is produced exactly as much as the baby needs, so there is no need to pump after each feeding. Pumping is necessary in case of forced separation of mother and child, mother going to work, etc.
  14. Only breastfeeding up to 6 months- the child does not need additional nutrition or complementary feeding. According to some studies, a child can be exclusively breastfed for up to 1 year without harming his health.
  15. Support for mothers who breastfed children up to 1-2 years of age. Communication with women who have had positive experiences with breastfeeding helps a young mother gain confidence in her abilities and receive practical advice, helping to establish breastfeeding. Therefore, new mothers are advised to contact maternal breastfeeding support groups as early as possible.
  16. Child care and technology training breastfeeding necessary for a modern mother so that she can raise him up to 1 year without unnecessary hassle and comfortably for herself and her baby. Lactation consultants will help you arrange care for your newborn and teach your mother breastfeeding techniques. The sooner a mother learns motherhood, the fewer disappointments and unpleasant moments she and her baby will endure.
  17. Breastfeeding until the child is 1.5-2 years old. Breastfeeding for up to one year is not a physiological period for cessation of lactation, so both mother and child suffer during weaning.

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Global Strategy on Infant and Young Child Feeding

The Global Strategy was jointly developed by WHO and UNICEF and aims to ensure that, through optimal feeding practices, the nutritional status, growth and development and therefore the health of infants and young children are achieved.

The information is intended to help specialists in the CIS countries update current feeding recommendations.

Feeding infants. Guide for Mothers

The brochure is aimed primarily at new mothers and answers questions people often ask about breastfeeding in emergency situations. She will help organize breastfeeding without endangering the baby and return breast milk.

Almost every young mother faces a variety of problems when breastfeeding. In order to avoid unforeseen situations during lactation, it is worth following WHO recommendations on breastfeeding, clearly outlined by month. With their help, every young mother will be able to establish this important process for every woman and fully enjoy motherhood.

In 2003, at the international meeting of the World Health Organization, a declaration on infant nutrition was approved. Thanks to the adoption of this document, an increasing number of young mothers prefer feeding with their own milk, and this serious topic is being popularized at the level of medical institutions.

In the course of research by WHO and UNICEF specialists, it was found that breast milk has a huge impact on the physical and mental development of children under one year old, namely:

  • Breast milk is a complete source of nutrition for a newborn. So, according to the existing table, babies under the age of six months receive 100% of the nutrients they need from mother’s milk, from 6 to 12 months - 75%, and after a year - 25%.
  • In the complete absence of breastfeeding, the risk of mortality among newborns increases to 70%. This applies to formula-fed children from poor countries where infectious diseases predominate.
  • Breast milk affects mental development. Breastfed babies show higher developmental rates than bottle-fed babies.
  • Breast milk is a reliable protection against obesity. According to statistics, children who are bottle-fed subsequently suffer from excess body weight 11 times more often than babies raised on breast milk.

The main motive of the WHO and UNICEF declaration is to promote the principles of breastfeeding among young mothers. This guardianship program makes it possible to reduce the increase in mortality among children aged 1 to 5 years in countries with unfavorable economic situations.

WHO feeding principles involve receiving mother's milk directly from the breast. If you bottle-feed your baby with breast milk or formula, he will not receive the benefit (although the norms for weight gain according to the monthly table can be met) that the baby receives by listening to the mother’s heartbeat, feeling her affection and warmth. This aspect is very important because it affects the emotional contact between mother and child. A practical guide to feeding children consists of 10 principles. They should help nursing mothers and medical facility staff properly organize the breastfeeding process month by month. It is worth familiarizing yourself with these principles of breastfeeding in more detail.

Supporting breastfeeding principles

According to WHO recommendations, every medical institution is required to create comfortable conditions for young mothers, to improve the lactation process in the first days of the birth of a child. This will help the nursing mother adapt faster and get rid of all worries about breastfeeding.

Education of medical personnel

Unfortunately, not all medical institutions can provide qualified care to young mothers. For many years the issue of breastfeeding was not addressed special attention. Women lacked certain knowledge, which is why many refused to breastfeed. Today the situation is gradually changing.

Each woman decides for herself how to feed her newborn baby. This important issue is decided long before the birth of the child, and this decision is usually influenced by something heard somewhere scary stories about breastfeeding, about possible congestion in the chest, poor health and a constantly crying and hungry child. To prevent negative attitudes towards natural process feeding, medical personnel are obliged to advise expectant mothers during pregnancy, as well as immediately after the birth of the baby.

First aid for breastfeeding for women in labor

According to WHO recommendations, the first attachment of a newborn to the breast should occur no less than 30 minutes after birth. During this period, the woman’s process of producing breast milk is activated, and the baby, tired during the birth process, will be able to refresh himself and fall asleep. If you do not put the baby to the breast in time, he will fall asleep and the young mother will not produce milk.

At first, the young mother only stands out. Many people underestimate its role for the baby. However, even these small drops can be of great benefit to the child, because colostrum:

  • Strengthens the immune system, protects the child’s body from infections.
  • Helps clear the intestines of meconium, thereby reducing the amount of bilirubin.
  • Fills the food tract with beneficial microflora.
  • Enriches the child's body with vitamin A.

Preservation of breast milk in case of temporary separation of mother and child
There are times when a newborn and his mother need to be temporarily separated for health reasons. In this case, staff in many medical institutions try to feed the baby with an artificial formula. The child quickly gets used to the fact that he does not have to strain, because mother’s milk needs to be “extracted”, and it flows freely from the bottle on its own. In most cases, the baby stops demanding the breast. In such a situation, a young mother should express milk regularly and not panic if the amount is very small. The main thing is that the breasts will receive a signal about feeding, and gradually the lactation process will improve.

If while staying in the maternity hospital, a young mother can still get the necessary advice from the medical staff, then after discharge, at home, many women are tormented by questions to which it is not always possible to get answers. In this case, it is recommended to breastfeed based on the principles and recommendations of WHO:

  • In the first days, the newborn will have enough colostrum. Since not everyone can establish successful breastfeeding right away, do not despair, the baby will be completely satisfied with a small, but no less valuable amount of colostrum.
  • Remember that water overloads a newborn's kidneys. There is no need to give your baby more food; colostrum will be enough for him.
  • Do not feed your baby formula. This often leads to disturbances in the intestinal microflora.
  • 24-hour stay of the baby with the mother. Staying together with the child will give confidence to both of them - the baby will be calm and protected, and the young mother will be able to quickly adapt to new conditions.

What WHO recommendations on breastfeeding should every expectant and established mother know? What is the advice of the World Health Organization? How are they justified and supported? Ten principles for successful breastfeeding in recommendations adopted by the international community.

In 2003, at the international conference of the World Health Organization in Geneva, the Global Strategy for Infant and Young Child Feeding was adopted. The document is intended to systematize and organize the knowledge of the international community about the value of breastfeeding. And to convey to medical personnel in all countries of the world the need to maintain it through training and informing mothers.

Ideal nutrition - saving lives

In 2000, WHO and UNICEF specialists began a large-scale study to find out how breast milk actually affects children in the first year of life. The results of the study were stunning.

  • Depriving children of the first six months of life from breastfeeding greatly increases the risk of mortality as a result of dangerous diseases. About 70% of children in the first year of life living in developing, socially disadvantaged countries of the world, suffering from diarrhea, measles, malaria, and respiratory tract infections, received artificial food.
  • Breast milk is a complete source of nutrition and reduces mortality among malnourished children. Studies have confirmed that until the child reaches six months of age, it covers 100% of the necessary nutrients. Up to twelve months it serves as a supplier of 75% of valuable substances, and up to twenty-four months it supplies the child’s body with almost a third of the necessary substances.
  • Breast milk protects against obesity. Overweight- a global problem for humanity. Creates the prerequisites for it artificial feeding newborns. These children are 11 times more likely to become obese in the future.
  • Breast milk develops intelligence. Naturally fed children exhibit higher intellectual abilities than artificial ones.

The main message given by the World Health Organization in the Strategy is the promotion of breastfeeding in order to reduce child mortality among children from birth to five years of age. This problem is especially acute in socially disadvantaged regions of the planet. But even in developed countries its relevance is high. After all, breastfeeding is the basis healthy life person.

The strategy includes ten points, representing practical guide for medical staff of maternity hospitals and women in labor. Let's take a closer look at WHO advice on breastfeeding.

The basic postulates of the Strategy are based on the principles of widely informing mothers about the benefits natural feeding.

Supporting breastfeeding rules and regularly bringing them to the attention of medical personnel and mothers

A feature of medical institutions that adhere to the principles of the Strategy in their daily activities is their focus on creating favorable conditions for women in order to stimulate lactation in the first days after the birth of a child. It will be much easier for young mothers to establish natural feeding in such conditions. Health centers that use the WHO Strategy are considered Baby Friendly Hospitals.

Training of medical personnel in breastfeeding techniques

Past medical education programs paid minimal attention to breastfeeding issues. Over seven years of training for maternity ward doctors, literally several hours were devoted to this topic. It is not surprising that doctors of the “old school” do not know the basics of natural feeding and cannot give professional recommendations to mothers.

In Russia, the issue of advanced training for doctors has not been resolved. Additional funds are needed for retraining and courses. Ideally, every employee of a Baby-Friendly Hospital, from the doctor to the nurse, should provide the woman after childbirth with all the information she needs about breastfeeding.

Informing pregnant women about the benefits of breastfeeding

A pregnant woman makes a decision about how exactly the baby will be fed long before giving birth. Various factors can influence this decision. For example, often decide to formula feed expectant mother prompted by “horror stories” from older relatives about the constant crying of a hungry child or mastitis due to stagnation of milk.

Medical personnel should not only inform the young mother about the advantages of natural feeding. But also teach the technique of breastfeeding, which ensures full feeding without problems and discomfort.

Helping mothers in labor start breastfeeding early

The baby's first breastfeeding should occur within thirty minutes of birth. These WHO recommendations on breastfeeding are difficult to overestimate.

Nature laid the foundation for activation sucking reflex in a baby precisely during the first hour after birth. If the baby does not receive the breast now, he will probably fall asleep later to rest from the difficult work done. And he sleeps for at least six hours.

At this time, the woman will not receive stimulation of the mammary glands, which is a signal to the body: it’s time! The beginning of breast milk production and its quantity directly depend on the time of the first contact of the woman with the baby. The longer the first latch is delayed, the less milk the mother will receive and the longer she will have to wait for it - no longer two or three days, but seven to nine...

The first attachment provides the baby with the first and most valuable food for him - colostrum. And even though there is very little of it, literally drops, it has a colossal effect on the newborn’s body:

  • populates the food tract with friendly microflora;
  • provides immune, anti-infective protection;
  • saturates with vitamin A, which facilitates the course of infectious diseases;
  • cleanses the intestines of meconium containing bilirubin.

The first attachment, which took place within half an hour after birth, forms the body’s immune defense against dangers external environment. The duration of suckling on each breast for a newborn should be 20 minutes.

Helping mothers conserve breast milk if they are temporarily separated from their children

Some women are unable to start breastfeeding immediately after giving birth. However, waiting for doctors to allow breastfeeding is disastrous! Lack of breast stimulation leads to delayed lactation: milk comes later and in a much smaller volume than the baby needs.

Babies separated from their mothers are fed formula before they are even breastfed. This leads to sad consequences. Once near the mother, the baby stubbornly refuses to take the breast, demanding to be fed from a familiar bottle. The minimum amount of milk in the mother’s breast is an additional factor in the baby’s dissatisfaction. After all, milk needs to be “extracted”, sucked out with effort, and the mixture flows on its own.

When mother and baby are separated, breastfeeding recommendations suggest an alternative to feeding - pumping. They should be regular, every two to three hours for 10-15 minutes on each breast. Hand expression after childbirth is uncomfortable and painful. It is better to use a clinical or individual breast pump with a two-phase operating mode.

The amount of milk released is not indicative; do not pay attention to how much came out during pumping. A woman’s task is not to express as much as possible, but to give a signal to the body that it is time to produce milk in full.

Its success and duration largely depend on whether the start of breastfeeding is correct. However, after being discharged from the maternity hospital, the young mother is faced with many questions. WHO breastfeeding recommendations help answer some of these questions.

Lack of food and food other than breast milk

Unless otherwise indicated by individual medical conditions, WHO does not recommend giving children any other food or water until they are six months old.

In the first days of life, the child receives colostrum, rich in nutritional value. The small amount that is produced is enough to satisfy all his needs. There is no need to supplement your baby with anything! Moreover, this is fraught with negative consequences.

  • Too much water overloads the kidneys. Supplemental feeding with formula creates an unjustified load on the child’s immature kidneys, which have not yet adapted to living conditions in the environment. Adding water works similarly. The baby does not need additional water during the first days of life. He is born with a supply sufficient until the arrival of the mother's first full milk. Colostrum contains very little water, so it is ideal for the baby’s body.
  • The mixture disrupts the intestinal microflora. Usually on the second day after birth, the baby begins to actively suckle at the breast. Inexperienced mothers immediately come to the conclusion that he is hungry and urgently needs to be “fed” with formula. In fact, this is how the baby encourages the mother’s body to begin producing primary milk, which comes with colostrum. Neither the baby nor your body needs any help, everything will happen by itself! If you give the baby formula at this moment, the microflora of his intestines will change. Dysbacteriosis will develop, which is the main cause of intestinal colic and crying in infants up to three months of age. It will be possible to normalize the child’s condition, even if you adhere to exclusive breastfeeding, no earlier than in two to four weeks.

Of course, there are situations in which supplementary feeding is necessary. But only a doctor should give recommendations for its administration. Spontaneous decisions of the mother to feed her with formula “one time” are dangerous for the baby.

24/7 shared stay

In practice, it has been confirmed that babies who are constantly in the same room with their mothers are calmer, do not scream or cry. Women who have had time to get to know their children are more confident in their abilities. And even if it is their first baby, upon returning home the mother will not face the problem “I don’t know what to do with him.”

In addition, only staying together after childbirth provides the opportunity for the normal development of lactation.

Feeding on demand

Lactation consultants advise looking at your baby, not the clock. Your baby knows better when he's hungry than you or the hospital staff. On-demand breastfeeding provides several benefits.

  • The baby is always full, is gaining weight well.
  • The child is calm because he has no reason to worry or be upset. His mother is always nearby, and the breast, which has taken on the “role” of the umbilical cord during intrauterine development, will warm him up, help him sleep and cope with fear.
  • There is more milk. The amount of milk in women who feed “on demand” is twice as much as in women who adhere to the regime. This conclusion was made by doctors at Moscow perinatal centers based on an analysis of the condition of women in labor upon discharge home.
  • The quality of the milk is better. Feeding “on demand” enriches milk with valuable substances. It has been established that the level of proteins and fats in it is 1.6-1.8 times higher than in the product for “regular” feeding.
  • Prevention of lactostasis. The risk of milk stagnation in mothers who breastfeed “on demand” is three times lower.

The practice of feeding at the child's request should also be followed at home. Gradually, the baby will develop an individual feeding regimen that will be convenient for the mother.

Refusal of products and devices that imitate breasts

The use of pacifiers is possible in artificial babies, who should be offered an alternative to the mother's breast to satisfy the sucking reflex. For infants, this alternative is unacceptable, as it changes the sucking technique and becomes a reason for choosing between the nipple or the breast.

Feeding up to two years

WHO breastfeeding advice includes recommendations to breastfeed until age 2. At this age, mother’s milk plays a primary role in the formation of the baby’s brain, its development nervous system, the final development of the gastrointestinal tract for the possibility of complete digestion and assimilation of “adult” food.

WHO recommends supporting breastfeeding after 2 years in developing countries with insufficient levels of medicine, hygiene, and a simple lack of quality products. It is better to continue feeding mother's milk than dangerous food that can lead to life-threatening diseases, say WHO and UNICEF experts.

It is necessary to maintain breastfeeding after 1 year, according to WHO recommendations. The complementary foods that a child receives are not intended to displace or replace mother's milk. He must introduce the baby to new tastes, unusual textures of foods, and teach him to chew. But the child should still receive the most important substances for the development of his body from his mother’s breast.

Following the recommendations of the World Health Organization will allow every mother to gain confidence in her own abilities. After all, it is from her, and not from doctors, manufacturers baby food or experienced grandmothers, the health of her baby depends. It is based on “ white gold"-breast milk produced by a mother's body in the ideal quantity and composition for her baby.
