Open lesson about friendship and tolerance for senior group. Summary of the main educational activities to develop tolerance among older preschoolers “At the forest edge”

Tolerance Day in kindergarten is held in the form of leisure for older children preschool age. Script prepared Sologubova M.F.,
music director of kindergarten No. 70 in Nizhnekamsk.

Work preceding Tolerance Day in kindergarten:

  • Writing a script, selecting musical material, sports equipment, literary material.
  • Discussion of the scenario with group teachers, specialized specialists, senior teacher; distribution of responsibilities in preparing leisure time.
  • Work of educators with parents (informing about the upcoming event), educators with children (conversations about the multinationality of Russia and introduction to folk games).
  • Work as an instructor physical education with children of preparatory groups for school (identification of children with a certain set of physical qualities- able to run and jump quickly).
  • The work of the music director (identifying children with musical abilities - moving rhythmically in accordance with the music, cleanly intoning the melody).
  • The work of a teacher-psychologist on the development of emotional and personal perception and a sense of empathy, as one of the main psychological mechanisms for the formation of tolerance in preschool children; psychologist’s living room for parents “Russia is a big family.”

A selection of literature on the issues of interethnic tolerance was carried out. Based on psychological-pedagogical and moral-aesthetic criteria, the following specialist teachers were selected: works of art:

  • N. Nosova “Dunno”;
  • A.L. Barto “Not alone”, “Everything for everyone”;
  • D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak “Grey Neck”;
  • fairy tales of the peoples of the world “Ayoga”, “The Laughing, Fair Mountain”, “White Elephant”;
  • poems dedicated to the theme of tolerance, compassion, empathy: “Tolerance” by A. Kalinina, “Meeting” by B. Zakhoder, “Oh, how many children there are in the world” by S. Cherny.

The teacher is working together to teach Tatar language, music director, teacher-psychologist, group teachers, parents for registration music hall, production of national costumes (or costume elements, preparation of attributes and sports equipment, musical arrangement for leisure activities).


  • Music for leisure: “Cornflower Cornflower Country” (unknown author) from the studio “Wizards of the Courtyard”, “The Sun is Shining”.
  • Counting tables and sentences of different peoples of Russia.
  • Games of the Peoples of Russia.
  • Children's drawings on the theme “My family”, “The country where I live”.


  • To instill in children tolerance and respect for the national cultures of different peoples of Russia.
  • Evoke an emotional response, bring joy to the interaction between a child and an adult in a game.


  • To cultivate in children friendliness, the desire for self-help, the ability to rejoice in the successes of others, the development of empathy and compassion.
  • Create a positive emotional mood in children and parents, a cheerful, cheerful mood, and feel the joy of movement.
  • Develop motor skills: strength, agility, speed, flexibility, endurance, coordination, communication skills for children to communicate with each other and with adults.
  • Expanding the preschooler’s horizons, understanding the world around him.
  • Formation of a harmoniously developed active personality, combining spiritual wealth, moral purity and physical perfection.
  • Introducing children to different nationalities, their customs, traditions, and culture; fostering respect for the customs, views and traditions of other people.

Scenario for Tolerance Day in kindergarten

Children enter the gym to the music of “Cornflower Cornflower Country” by the group “Wizards of the Yard” and repeat the movements after the leader.


- Tolerance. What is it? –
If anyone asks me,
I will answer - this is all earthly,
What the entire planet stands on.

Tolerance is people of light,
Different nations, faiths and destinies.
They open something, somewhere,
They rejoice together. There's no need

Fear that you will be offended
People of the color of blood that is not yours,
Fear that you will be humiliated
People in your native land.

After all, our planet is dear
Loves us all, white and colored.
We will live, respecting each other,
Tolerance is a word for the living.

Leading: “There are no children in the world who don’t love to play.” Some games are well known and familiar to you. But every nation has its own folk games. Today we will play and get acquainted with the favorite games of children of the nations.


- And let the boys and girls
All the naughty kids
Today they will say loudly:
"Welcome, game!"


- The sun's ray makes us laugh and teases,
We're having fun this morning,
Today we have a holiday with you,
And the main guest on it is the game.


- She, our friend is big and smart,
Will not let you get bored and discouraged,
A cheerful, noisy argument will start,
It will help to learn new things.


- He will tell you about book heroes,
It will lead to the south, to the north.
With her, even space is somehow closer,
She will find the answer to everything.


— Guys grow up in the north, in the south,
They sing, play and remember each other.
Tatars and Russians, let's play!
In Estonia and Georgia, let's play!
Guys in the Kuban, on the blue Dnieper.
Play with us, and we will sing for you.

Children perform the song “The sun is shining for everyone” by A. Ermolov.

A Tatar melody sounds. A Tatar woman comes in national clothes, tries on jewelry, looks in the mirror. Dancing and greeting guests in Tatar.

- Tatar land is native,
We can't count your traditions.
We don't know any other land
Where they would be so revered.
(A. Anisimov)

— The Tatar land is located on endless plains, along the banks of the Volga River, warmed by the sun and blown by the winds. The Tatars are a very ancient people with their own history. Very beautiful architecture in Tatarstan. Mosques, towers. And each has its own legend.

Presentation, slides.

— Here is the Syuyumbike tower. Syuyumbike is the name of the only woman who ruled the Kazan Khanate. Her real name was Syuyuk, and Syuyumbike, that is, “beloved lady,” was called by the people for her kindness and responsiveness. According to legend, Ivan the Terrible, having heard about the beauty of the ruler, sent matchmakers to Kazan and invited Syuyumbike to become the Moscow queen. But the beauty refused. Then the angry Ivan the Terrible came to the walls of the city with a huge army and said that if Syuyumbike did not agree to marry him, he would wipe Kazan off the face of the earth. To save the residents of Kazan, Syuyumbike was forced to agree, but asked for an unusual wedding gift- tower. The tallest tower in Kazan was supposed to be built in 7 days. Hasty construction began. On the first day they laid the first tier, on the second day - the second, on the third - the third, on the seventh day the tower was ready. And the wedding feast began. The guests feasted, and the Kazan people were sad. They understood that they would no longer see Syuyumbike, the good lady. During the feast, Syuyumbike climbed to the very top of the tower to look at Kazan for the last time. But looking at hometown, realized that she could not leave him forever. She burst into tears and rushed downstairs. In memory of the kind Kazan queen, the tower was named the Syuyumbike Tower.

— The most important thing for the Tatars was respect for nature, since they were engaged in agriculture. That’s why Tatars wear shoes with curved toes so as not to scratch Mother Earth, because she feeds. The Tatars have a lot of turquoise jewelry in their national clothes. Turquoise is believed to heal and bring happiness to family life. Jewelry was passed down from generation to generation.

- The Tatars have a lot national holidays, one of them is Sabantui. Happy holiday when there are a lot of games for speed and agility.

Presenter: - It's time for us to start the game, but first I need your help guys. How many of you know counting rhymes and can count us to participate in the games?

The child does a counting rhyme.

They play Tatar games.

A Bashkir melody sounds. The presenter talks about the Bashkir people.

Leading: — Guys, did you know that in Bashkiria children play a game called “_______” with great pleasure. Let's get acquainted with the traditions and games of Bashkiria.

Children play the Bashkir game.

Leading: — Guys, look at what a beautiful national costume Bashkir girls and boys wear.

Children look at dolls in Bashkir costumes.

A Russian folk melody sounds. A teacher in a Russian folk costume enters.

- Peace to your home. God help you. The Russian language is full of sayings and proverbs. And the Russian people have always glorified work: Every work glorifies the master. The bee is small, and even then it works.

— Praised courage: The city takes courage. The hero who fights hard for his homeland.

— He sang love for the homeland of Mother Russia: The homeland is more beautiful than the sun, more valuable than gold.

- There is no more beautiful land in the world,
There is no brighter homeland in the world,
Russia, Russia, Russia -
What could be dearer to the heart!

Leading: — Look at what a beautiful national costume Russian girls and boys wear.

Shows boy and girl dolls in Russian costumes.

Leading: — It’s time to play Russian folk games.

The child does a counting rhyme.

Children play the Russian folk game "Cat and Mouse".

Rules of the game:

The players stand in two rows facing each other, hold hands, forming a small passage-hole. There are cats in one row, mice in the other.

The first pair starts the game: the cat catches the mouse, and the mouse runs around the players. At a dangerous moment, the mouse can hide in the corridor formed by the clasped hands of the players. As soon as the cat catches the mouse, the players stand in a row. The second pair starts the game.

The game continues until the cats catch all the mice. The cat must not run into the hole. The cat and mice should not run far from the hole.

Leading: “So our fun journey through the traditions and games of the peoples of Russia has ended. All peoples are friendly, all are tolerant of each other.

Children read poetry:

- Yes, there are many in the world good people,
And they live among us.
And with your selfless kindness
Everyone is helping us now.

- Let the sky be blue,
And the sun is clear.
Let a person not be evil,
And the world will be beautiful.

- Get out of your apartments, people!
Do you hear our words well?
People! Kindness and tolerance will save the world!
And you must believe us!

Display of multimedia clips for the songs “Big Round Dance”, “Friendship”.


- We played today
We learned a lot of new games.
Now hurry up and run
And tell everyone else.

To the music of “Give a Smile to the World” by A. Varlamov, children follow adults out of the music room.

Lesson summary “Let's talk about tolerance”

Target: contribute to the development of tolerant behavior in children.


Introduce children to the concept of “tolerance”

Develop ideas about other people based on comparing oneself with them, highlighting similarities and differences; - foster a sense of respect for each other;

Contribute to the prevention of children's aggression and cruelty in resolving conflict situations.

Equipment and visibility:

Presentation “Let's talk about tolerance”

Cartoon: "The Ugly Duckling."

Song “Smile”, “If you are kind”, “On the road of goodness”. -

Sheets of paper and colored pencils.

Before the start of class, the song “Smile” is played in the classroom.

1. VIEWING THE PRESENTATION while the song “SMILE” is playing

2. Introductory conversation.

What song was played? ("Smile").

What is a smile? (Expression on face, facial expressions). - And when a person smiles? (When good mood, he has fun when a person is kind...)

That’s right, a smile always encourages communication, respect, attention, and kindness. And if a person possesses all these qualities, then we can say that he is a tolerant person.

Unusual word? Let's remember what we talked about this word in 1st grade?

Look at what qualities a person must exhibit in order to be tolerant.

Tolerance is the ability to recognize the opinions of people who think differently from us.

We accept that someone may think differently or act differently than you do.

3. Now let's watch a cartoon based on the fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen "The Ugly Duckling" (View)

Name the heroes of the fairy tale.

What were they doing?

How did the inhabitants of the poultry yard feel about our hero? Why?

How was he different from other birds?

Guys, tell me, is it the little swan’s fault that he was born unlike the other inhabitants of the yard?

Is it possible to treat a person badly just because he looks different from everyone around him?

- Do you know what they call people who are different from others, who stand out in their team?

Such people are called "White Crow"

Why do you think they are called that? (Children's answers.)

Yes, you're right.

White Crow- this is a person who stands out strongly in a team (group, crowd) (slide 18-19). .

Guys, do you think it’s good that we are all different and not alike?

But we should not forget that each of us is unique (unique), i.e. he is the only one on the planet, but at the same time we all need to learn to have such a quality as tolerance (tolerance and acceptance). And our individuality should in no case be directed against the people around us.

7. Exercise “Similar - dissimilar”

I ask those who have this skill or quality to make a certain movement.

? “Clap your hands for those who washed their faces today.”

? “Wave your hand to all those who today said the word: “Hello!”

? “Pat your belly if you had breakfast today.”

? “Nod your heads to those who came to school by car with their parents.”

? “Those who came to school on foot, stamp your right foot.”

? “Stand up, those who are engaged in sports section»

? “Raise your two hands, all those who can swim.”

?“Smile, all those who like to meet with friends”

? “Give five claps to anyone who is in a good mood.”

Now look at your desk neighbor carefully and complete the task: Look and tell him in his ear what color his eyes are?

  • - Raise your hands up, those with blue eyes.
  • - Stand next to someone blonde hair.
  • - Go to the board who has a brother or sister
  • - Stand up, someone who is 10 years old.
  • Spin around who knows how to dance
  • Say, with a wave of my hand, the word “Yes!”

Who has a friend in class.

Each of you has something that makes you different from each other, but that didn't stop you from having a friend in class.

Does the fact that your neighbor has a different eye or hair color prevent you from making friends, playing, or studying?

Were the inhabitants of the poultry yard right in being offended, rude, and angry at the duckling just because he was different from them?

How did our hero feel? (resentment, sadness, fear)

These are emotions

See what emotions there can be KALEIDOSCOPE OF EMOTIONS

Exercise Emotions

I will show you an image of various emotions, you will try to remember

Which of the fairy tale heroes could experience it?

Is it possible to guess from people’s faces the mood they are experiencing? Let's try it. (SLIDE SHOW)

Be different from others and

let others be different.

Henryk Jagodzinski


  1. Which kind words could you tell the Ugly Duckling if you were in this fairy tale?
  2. What else could you do to help the Ugly Duckling?


It happens that someone in your class feels sad. How can you see such a child?

How can you help a person who is sad? (Slide)

Think about it. Write. What will you say or do if you see a sad classmate?

We are all different .(Slide 21) Song

Guys, what planet do we live on? (Earth).

What is the name of our country? (Russia). (Slide 22)

What nationalities live in Russia? And in our city? (Russians, Sami, Komi, Nenets, Ukrainians, Belarusians,……….).

Guys, look at the illustrations. Who is pictured? (People).

(Slide 23)

Are they similar to each other? (No, there are young, old, Russians and no, with different colors skin, there are children...).

Absolutely right, all people are different, they live in different corners of our planet. They have different interests, traditions, customs, but they all want to live on earth healthy, happy, loved and successful.

Let us remember the customs of different nations.

6. Game "Let's greet each other" (slide 24)

Every nation, whether large or small in number, has its own traditions. Now you will remember some of the ones you already know and learn new ones.


Do as I do: - fold your hands (as in “prayer”) at chest level and bow (Japan);

rub noses ( New Zealand);

Shake hands while standing at a great distance from each other (United Kingdom);

Hug tightly and kiss each other on the cheeks three times ( Russia);

Show language ( Tibet);

Shake each other's hands very firmly while standing close to each other (Germany).

Exercise “Complete the Draw”.

Goal: developing the ability to understand the thoughts, feelings and desires of another person and convey your own.

(Children draw to the music “On the Road of Good” and “If You Are Kind”)

Feature - each of the participants in the game has a felt-tip pen of a certain color


Now you will draw, but you cannot talk while drawing!

Each participant comes up with a drawing and begins to draw it on a piece of paper.

The drawing is then passed on to the next person in the circle.

Having received someone else's drawing, everyone completes what they see fit.

Sample questions for reflection:

What element did you draw on a blank piece of paper?

What kind of drawing did you originally have in mind?

Were you able to capture your idea on paper?

How do you feel when you look at the completed picture?

Why do you feel this? (Do you think your idea was eventually implemented)?

Do you want to change something, or will you leave everything as it is?

Do similar situations happen in your life?

How do you feel when the result doesn't suit you?

What are you doing?

When you received the piece of paper from..., what did you finish drawing?

Why did you draw this particular one?

Did you want to continue the idea, or were you guided by your own desires?

How did you understand what she was up to?

How are you feeling now?

? (If the feelings are negative): what is useful about these feelings? What are they signaling to you? What did you understand with their help?

How will you use this experience in the future?

What does this look like in your life?

Do you usually think about what others want from you, or do you act according to your own plans?

In what cases do you take into account the wishes of another person and why?

How do you feel when you make someone's dream come true or help bring their idea to life?

9. Lesson summary:

Now I’ll ask everyone to stand in an even circle very close to each other, put their hands on each other’s shoulders, lift their right leg and stretch it towards the center of the circle, and at my command everyone will take a step inside, and in chorus we will cheerfully say:

If everyone is tolerant of each other, then together we will make our world tolerant! Thank you for your active work!

Tasks: to form friendly interpersonal relationships in children using the examples of Russians folk tales, literary works, book heroes. To form an idea of ​​the basic rules of behavior in society and a group of peers. Develop the ability to listen to the opinions of others. Cultivate friendly relationships, feelings of compassion, tolerance.

Previous work: conversations on the topics “Peace on the entire planet”, “Magic words”, “Our mood”, “How to understand each other”, “Let’s distinguish good deeds from bad”, “Learning to play together”, “Rules for life”. Reading literature: G.Kh. Andersen "The Ugly Duckling", Russian. adv. fairy tales “Winged, shaggy, and oily”, “Friendship of animals”, “Dunno and that’s it, that’s it”. Didactic game“Signal ABC”, games for developing tolerance “Compliments”, “Fantasies”, “Architect”, “Designers”.

Activating the dictionary: friendship, peace, cooperation, symbol.

Equipment: arrow indicators “Friendship”, “Peace”, “Cooperation”. Forest clearing. Screen, duckling (bibabo), black gloves, signal mugs black and white. Envelope with a letter. Tree of wisdom, leaves with rules.


The teacher reads a poem:

The sun and spring are friends,

The stars and the moon are friends,

Ships are friends at sea,

Children from all over the world are friends.

What is this poem about? (about friendship) How do you understand the word friendship? (children's answers). Today I invite you to go to fabulous trip and see how the heroes live different fairy tales. (arrow pointers)


Friendship. Forest clearing.

Guys, look how beautiful it is here. I just want to sit and relax. But for some reason it’s very quiet here, you can’t hear the birds singing, as if everything around you is sleeping. And this is the story that happened in this fairy-tale forest, please listen.

There is a magical forest in a certain kingdom, in a certain state. According to a long-standing agreement between residents, the forest was divided into districts. The Hare ruled at the edge of the forest. The land along the stream was ruled by the Bear. There were also the territories of the Wolf, Fox, and Squirrel. Everyone worked on their own land for themselves, for their own good. And no one was friends with the neighbors. The areas of the magical forest were carefully guarded. And so, one day they reported to the Bear that they had seen cubs playing with squirrels. The wolf cubs splashed in the fish pond, and the fox cubs rode on the backs of the little hares. The magical forest had never known such disturbances and disorder before. And the adult animals decided that the kids should remember with whom to communicate and with whom not. They strictly forbade the kids to play with each other. Then the animals began to feel sad, they became bored. Children were deprived of the main support in life - friendship. And then it became clear to everyone that it was impossible to live without friendship, without reviving the fairytale forest.

Guys, you help the animals find the right solution. (Lay a road in the forest along which all children, without exception, can walk. Let the children have a “Friendship” road, remove all boundaries. Equip playgrounds. Let the kids have their own territory. No one should quarrel or attack each other on it Children should not be prevented from playing with each other.)

These rules will help the animals in the forest. Look, the tree of wisdom grows here. But for some reason it has no leaves. Let's revive it. You need to hang leaves with rules on the tree. Take a piece of paper, read the rule and hang it on a branch.

  • Listen to your elders.
  • Be generous.
  • Love animals and plants.
  • Help the small and weak.
  • Respect adults and comrades.
  • Don't offend your loved ones.
  • Be polite.
  • Be hospitable.
  • Be brave.
  • Be tolerant.
  • Be kind.
  • Be careful.
  • Be careful.
  • Be gentle.
  • Be honest.

Look, the tree has come to life. (rustle of leaves) Now all the inhabitants of this forest will also know the rules and remember them. (the animals thank you for your help and give them a symbol of friendship - a round dance).

Guys, were there any cases in your life when you knew these rules, but broke them? Have you ever done something bad, knowing it was wrong? And then were you ashamed? It's very good that you remembered your mistakes.

I think now many of you will live by these rules.

Look, all the animals in the forest have made peace, the forest has come to life (the sound of the stream, the singing of birds).

World. A Duckling appears on the screen.

Duckling, why are you so sad and all alone?

I don't know myself. In the poultry yard everyone calls me Ugly and everyone insults me.

And I really want to find friends for myself (black gloves appear and begin to pinch and push the duckling).

Well, you are disgusting, too big. If only the cat would drag you away, you obnoxious freak. My eyes wouldn't see you.

Poor Duckling just doesn't know what to do. Or maybe everyone treated him correctly, because he is not beautiful, he is ugly? (He is not handsome, but he has a kind heart, in a fairy tale he turned into a beautiful swan.)

Children take signal mugs and evaluate the actions of the heroes of the “Bird Yard” (the duckling thanks for the help and gives symbols - the sun, cloud, grass.


What does this word mean? Look, a letter from Sparrow, Mouse, Pancake. They are in trouble and are asking for help. Sparrow's beak turned to the side, Mouse's coat came out, Pancake's half of his side was eaten. How can I help them? Remember the proverb: “This always happens when one nods at the other and does not want to do his job.” It is not enough just to be friends, everyone must work, help each other. (The heroes of the fairy tale thank you for your help and give symbols - birds, flowers, rain.)

Every animal, every bird and every insect now knows that living in peace is much better than fighting. And you and I, I think, helped them create Peace, Friendship and Cooperation.

(The whistle of the locomotive sounds.) The teacher draws attention to the locomotive of Happiness and suggests making a picture with the words of the poem. I. Mazenina

Let's people be friends with each other:

Like birds with the sky,

Like grass in a meadow,

Like the wind with the field,

Rainy fields

How the sun is friends with all of us.

Children form a round dance.

Let's people take care of the planet

There is nothing like it in the entire Universe.

In the entire Universe there is one for everyone,

What will she do without us?

The song “The wind calls the clouds behind it...” is performed.

Preventive lesson on tolerance education

“We are all different, but we are together!”

Purpose:developing a sense of unity, mutual understanding, fostering peacefulness, acceptance and understanding of other people.


  1. Creating psychological comfort in educational institution How the most important condition the effectiveness of training and education, self-development and self-realization of each child.
  2. Replenishment of the pedagogical and psychological piggy bank with new interactive methods (technologies).

Progress of the lesson:

The educational psychologist brings in a globe.

Guys, look what it is, who knows?

This is a globe, and the globe is a model of our earth. The blue color on the globe is water (seas and oceans), green these are forests and plains, brown these are mountains and deserts. On our land there are many countries and cities in which people of different nationalities live. And although they are all different, they have one common home - planet Earth. Here listen to the poem

"We are different"

On a huge planet

Children are very different:

Quiet and noisy, stupid and smart,

There are thin ones, there are fat ones,

Silent and laughing.

Some have big ears

Others have freckles all around

You can't laugh at anyone

You can't tease anyone.

You have to try really hard

Like loving all brothers.

And then in this wide world

It will be so wonderful to live.

So we learned that some guys are different, but we are all united by friendship (examining children, what they have the same and what is different).

We look at pictures of children of different nationalities.

Guys, what is tolerance? (children's answers)

Tolerance is respect, acceptance, tolerance, kindness towards others. This means recognizing that people differ in appearance, position, interests, behavior and values. You can and should communicate with people of other nationalities or with children who are in pain in the same way as with other people.

And now I suggest you play one game. I will show you different situations, if you think that there is tolerance in this situation, raise a red card, if not, raise a blue card.

Now let's look at the clothes of people of different nationalities and find similarities and differences with our Russian national clothing.

Let's look at the pictures. We conclude that there are similarities and differences in the clothes of people of different nationalities.

And now I invite you to watch a cartoon called: “A Kitten Named Woof.” Discussion of the cartoon.

In conclusion, I suggest ex. “What I like to do most is...” According to the snowball principle, the child picks up the ball and says what he likes to do most, then passes the ball to his neighbor and so on until the end.

We conclude that we are all different, with different interests, but we are all together.

Prepared by: educational psychologist, Sinitsyna M.V.


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Slide captions:

“Children of the whole Earth are friends” Prepared by: educational psychologist, Sinitsyna M.V.

“On this huge planet there are very different children...”

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

An article about teaching tolerance: “We are all different, but we are all equal.” This year, the “Children in the Museum” project was organized in kindergarten No. 1330. All groups created...

Partial program on tolerance "We are different but we are together"

The problem of tolerance in the pedagogical context is currently becoming noticeably relevant. The significance of tolerance is determined by the need for the formation of tolerant consciousness as a condition for long-term...

Anna Lushpynina

Subject: "Journey to the Land of Tolerance"

Recently, teachers and parents have increasingly noted with alarm that many preschoolers experience serious difficulties in communicating with peers. Typically this is is expressed: inability to find an approach to a communication partner; maintain and develop established contacts; coordinate their actions in the process of any activity; respond appropriately and express your sympathy for a particular child. Difficulties are also noted in the ability to empathize in sadness and rejoice in the success of another person. All this leads to conflicts and misunderstandings between interlocutors.

The ability to communicate, build and maintain friendly relationships and interact, cooperate and coexist with people, in general, are necessary components of a fully developed personality, this is the key to successful mental health of a person.

Target: culture formation interpersonal relationships between children.


1. Generalize and expand children’s knowledge of how people should behave towards each other.

2. Develop the ability to be attentive, friendly, and friendly.

3. Give children an idea of tolerance.

4. Expand and consolidate children’s understanding of tolerance.

5. Shape tolerance children's thinking and behavior through play activities.

Means: phonograms of songs flower tolerance, bus layout, small flowers tolerance, for each child.

GCD move:

Educator: Guys, today we will go travel around the country« Tolerance» under motto: “We are different, but we are together!” and try to understand the meaning of a very interesting word « Tolerance» . Look, this is a flower, but in the middle of this flower there is a word written « Tolerance» . What do we mean by the word « tolerance» ?

I will now read to you the words that are written in the petals flower: respect; patience; cooperation; compassion; forgiveness; kindness, love, care, mercy.

So that people always remember these words and do good deeds, in many countries world on November 16th is celebrated as International Day Tolerance.

Educator: Guys, how do you understand our motto: “We are different, but we are together!”? (Children try to express their thoughts)

Educator: I ask the girls to stand up. How smart you are today, what are you beautiful bows. Now please stand up, boys. How strong and courageous you are. Please, guys, who have dark hair, and now - who has blond hair. Think about what we are like?

(Children try to answer; I lead them to the idea that they are all different, but they go to the same kindergarten, into one group, they are all equal.)

Educator: Yes, guys, you and I really go to the same kindergarten, to the same group, we all love candy, we all love to go for walks, we celebrate holidays together. If people are friendly and do only good deeds, then there will be no dispute in the group, discord in the family, and there will be no war.

Our flower is so beautiful and colorful. He looks like a rainbow from countries of tolerance. Do you want to be in this country? A magical one awaits us

bus. Take your seats .

Educator: In this travel we will relax, let's play, and most importantly, learn to be friendly, attentive, and give joy to each other.

Take your seats (children sit down, music sounds) .

Educator: So we ended up in the city. Kindness. This city unusual: only those who know how to behave correctly, know and speak are allowed there "magical", that is, polite words. What polite words do you know? (Children answer)

Educator: Can the person who uses such words in his speech be called tolerant? (Children's answers)

Educator: All these words can be combined into one word - tolerance. This is the new word we learned today. Now they have prepared tests for us, if we are friendly and help each other, then naturally we will cope with these tasks.

Educator: The main theme of Russian folk tales was and remains the victory of good over evil.

I will call fairy tale hero, if he is kind, you clap your hands, if he is evil, you stomp your feet. (Koschey - Immortal, Goldfish, Karabas - Barabas, Little Red Riding Hood, Malvina, Geese-swans, Baba Yaga, Cinderella, Thumbelina). You did everything right. Of course, there are more good heroes.

Educator: We arrive in the city of Magic Words. If we complete all the tasks in this city, we will get to the main square with you countries of tolerance.

Every polite and well-mannered person says the words that we call "magical". With the help of these words, you can even restore a good mood to a sad or offended person.

Let's play a game with you "Add on".

Even a block of ice will melt from a warm word... thank you

The old stump will turn green when it hears... good afternoon

The boy is polite, understanding, says when meeting... hello

When we are scolded for pranks, we talk: ...excuse me, please

Everywhere and everywhere they say goodbye... goodbye

Educator: Becoming polite is not easy, but it is very important!

Our the journey continues, we will play with you again, and the game called: . (I explain the meaning games: if the riddle is about good, then you pronounce it in response words: “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends”; if the riddle is about what you can’t do, you remain silent and wave your hands)

Who wants to be polite and doesn’t offend kids?

Who wants to be polite and gives up his place to an old lady?

Who, neat and cheerful, rushes to kindergarten early in the morning?

And on yesterday Monday, who was rude and a slacker?

Who offends kids and always prevents them from going for walks?

Educator: Our the journey is coming to an end. It ends at the main square countries. I will ask you again questions: you will smile if you do this tolerant person and frown, if this does not happen tolerant person.

Say hello when you meet

Pushing and not apologizing

Speak "Thank you" for a gift

Call your neighbor offensive names

Run around the group, knocking everyone down

Help parents

Well done guys, you did a good job.

Educator: Man is born and lives on Earth to do good. We must stick together, take care of each other, give smiles, say kind words. Let's stand in a circle tolerance: transfer good warmth in a circle.

I want to complete our journey with words: “If everyone is tolerant of each other, we will do it together our world is tolerant

Educator: Ours is over journey, it's time to go back to kindergarten. (children take a flower Tolerance get on the bus and return to kindergarten)


Did you like our journey?

What new did you learn?

What difficulties arose in journey?

What do you remember most?