Features of environmental education in younger groups. Summary of a lesson on ecology in the second junior group on the topic “Traveling in winter Ecology lesson in the junior group winter

Lesson notes on environmental education in the second younger group"Journey to the winter forest."

Goal: know and name wild animals, their habitat and what they eat in winter period.

    Expand children's understanding of appearance and the lifestyle of forest animals in winter (hare, squirrel, bear).

    Practice selecting characteristic features for an animal, as well as selecting verbs that denote the characteristic actions of the animal.

    Enrich and activate the vocabulary in accordance with the lexical topic “Animals in Winter”.

    Continue to develop children’s ability to coordinate words in a sentence.

    Develop the ability to participate in conversation.

    Cultivate a friendly, caring attitude towards animals and nature.

Vocabulary work: forest, wild animals, housing, hungry.

Equipment: recording the crunch of snow; picture of a forest clearing, object pictures; soft toys: hare, squirrel, bear; handouts: mushrooms, cones, carrots; hare tracks; semolina in a tray for each child; modules, jump ropes.

Preliminary work: conversations about wild animals; guessing riddles about winter, wild animals; looking at illustrations of wild animals; d\games “Who Lives Where”, “Whose Children”, “An Extraordinary Lunch”.

Progress of the lesson.

Organizational moment.

Circle of Joy:

Our smart heads They will think a lot, cleverly.

Ears will listen

Mouth speak clearly.

Hands will clap

Feet will stomp.

The backs are straightened,

We smile at each other.

    Guys, look, we have guests today, they are happy to see you, they smile at you. Let us also give our guests our smiles and say hello to them.

    Guys, guess the riddle:

Time of year, time of year

When nature sleeps all around

With golden shores

Under the fluffy snows, (winter)

    What signs of winter do you know? ( It's snowing, it's cold, dress warmly,...)

    I wonder what is happening in the forest now. Do you want to go on a trip? (Yes)

    Just first remember the rules of behavior in the forest.

(the teacher shows the cards, and the children explain what is shown on them)

    Well done! Now I am sure that you are ready to travel into the forest.

    Guys, is it warm or cold outside? (Cold) What should we do before heading into the forest? (dress warmly)

(children imitate the process of dressing)

We put warm boots on our feet,

A hat on your head, warm jacket,

Gloves on hands.

Let's go for a walk in the forest, we'll walk happily.

(recording of snow crunching sounds)

    These are the snowdrifts the blizzard has made. Step over the snowdrifts (children step over modules lying on the floor) and walk across the magic bridge (jump ropes), which leads to the winter forest.

    Here we are in the forest!

Listen to how quiet it is in the snowy kingdom. What wonderful frosty air. Do you feel what the winter forest smells like? Smells fresh, clean and cool.

Breathing exercises.

    Children, who lives in the forest? (...)

    lives in trees and gnaws nuts (squirrel),

    who walks around angry and hungry in the cold winter (wolf),

    white in winter, gray in summer (hare),

    a cunning cheat, red head, fluffy tail - beauty, and her name is .. .(fox)

    this animal is sleeping in its den, licking its paw and grumbling (bear),

    like a Christmas tree, covered in needles (hedgehog).

    What are these animals called? Why are they called that? (they get their own food, build houses, take care of the cubs)

Game “Who Lives Where”.

    Guys, do you know who lives where? (...)

    Do you think it’s easy for animals in the forest in winter? (No) Why? (cold, hungry,...) Well done! You said everything correctly.

    Guys, look, someone's footprints. Who do you think left them?(...)

(if the children don’t guess, then ask a riddle):

Cross-eyed, small, in a white fur coat and felt boots.

Gray belly, long ear)

    That's right, these tracks were left by a hare. Let us follow them and see where they lead us.

    What kind of tree is this? (herringbone)

    And who meets us under it? (hare)

What is he like? (white) Why is he white? (...) What will it be like in the summer? (...)

    What does the bunny like to eat? (...) What does he eat in the winter forest? (...)

    I have carrots for the bunny. Let's read a poem about carrots and treat the bunny:

I am a healthy, tasty vegetable.

Juicy and smooth.

Bunnies love me.

I'm a sweet carrot.

(put carrots in a basket and place them under the tree)

    Look what it is? (nut shells)

    Who could have left her? (squirrel) Where is she? (on the Christmas tree)

    Let's stand in a circle and talk about the squirrel. Answer the questions and give the cone to a friend. (Where does the squirrel live? What animal is it? What is the name of its house? Does it store for the winter? What does it store? Who are its cubs? What can the squirrel do?...)

    Well done! I'm kind of cold. Let's play with you to warm up. Physical exercise “Squirrel”.

(the teacher says words while putting mushrooms and cones out of baskets)

You and I recognize the animal by these two signs

He wears a gray fur coat in winter and a red fur coat in summer.

(children speak in unison)

A squirrel dries russula and picks nuts from a branch with its paw.

All the supplies in the pantry will be useful to her in winter.

(collect mushrooms and cones in different baskets)

    Let's leave these mushrooms and cones to the squirrel, (the teacher puts baskets under the tree) And we ourselves will go further.

    How much snow has fallen (raises the edge of the fabric - a sleeping bear is visible) Who is this? (bear) What is the name of his home? (den) What is he doing there 7(sleeping) Why? (...)What does he eat when he sleeps? (sucks paw) What does the bear like to eat? (honey, raspberries, fish,...) Guys, is it possible to make noise near the den?(...) Why?(...) And when you sleep, can you make noise? (...) We need to take care of everyone who wants to sleep. Let the bear sleep in the den until spring, gain strength, and wake up strong and rested. I also have a gift for the bear - a barrel of honey. When he wakes up, he eats.

(the teacher leaves a barrel of honey near the den)

    Guys, help animal babies find their mothers.

Game "Whose Children".

(lay out cards for mothers and children, work in pairs)

Game "Unusual Lunch".

    The animals sat down to dine at one large table, but what is it? Obviously, someone deliberately mixed up the plates with food. Help the animals find what each of them eats.

    Well done guys. We got through this game too.

    Look, someone has come to our clearing. The sun came to us for a short time. In winter it rarely visits us, and even less so in the forest with animals. Let's draw a sun and give it to our forest animals (children draw on semolina). The animals will be happy with our gift.

    And it's time for us to return to kindergarten. Along the bridge, through the snowdrifts. So we came to kindergarten. Undress - mittens, hat, jacket, boots.


    Where did we go? Who did you see? What were you doing?

    If you liked our trip, take some funny snowflakes. What did you like, Eva? What about you, Roma? What about you, Kira? I’ll take a snowflake too - I enjoyed traveling with you, you did a good job. Say goodbye to our guests.

Program content:
Educational objectives: to contribute to the deepening and generalization of children’s knowledge about wild animals, birds, trees, fish; expand ideas about the forest and its inhabitants; continue to introduce characteristic features time of year; introduce the properties of ice and snow; continue to learn to understand and use words denoting the relationship of objects by size: wide - narrow, high - low.
Developmental objectives: to develop in children a cognitive interest in the life of the forest and its inhabitants; develop memory, coherent speech, the ability to analyze, draw conclusions; develop the ability to listen to each other.
Educational objectives: to cultivate children’s interest in forest life, the ability to behave in the forest; cultivate love careful attitude to nature, to show care and attention to all living things, to form goodwill.

Preliminary work:
Examination of visual and didactic aids depicting wild animals, trees, birds, examination of the album “Seasons”; conversations about winter, reading poems about winter, riddles about birds and animals; reading fairy tales about animals; didactic games “Wild Animals”, “Birds”, “Animal World”; work with parents - together with the children they made feeders; We fed the birds during our walk.

Equipment, material:
Path (2 cords = 2 meters), river (cloth of fabric white, cloth fabric blue color, plastic fish 5 pieces), artificial Christmas tree, birch branch, cotton wool, bear den (white fabric, chairs, bear toy), snowdrift (white fabric), feeders (according to the number of children), food (sunflower seeds, cereal millet), forest laboratory (2 tables, sand-colored fabric, white fabric), ice, snow, 7 trays, fabric napkins according to the number of children, tape recorder, red cardboard, soundtrack “Howl of the Wind.”

Progress of the lesson:

Guys, do you want to go to the winter forest?

Yes, we do.

Tell me please, what time of year is it now?


How did you guess that it was winter?

It’s cold outside, there’s a lot of snow, the sun is shining, but it’s not warming up, the trees are bare, there are no leaves, wear warm clothes (a fur coat, felt boots, a warm hat, mittens, warm pants), you can sled, ski, or skate.

Well done guys. To get to the forest, we need to go along the road. The road lies ahead of us. How wide is it?

Wide. (Children walk in pairs along the road)

So we walked along the road together. Look where this road has taken us?

To the river.

That's right, we approached the river. In winter, the river freezes and becomes covered with ice. Who's that under the ice?


Fish does not freeze in winter, it falls asleep. And when spring comes, the ice melts and turns into water, the fish begin to swim again. Do you think it’s cold for them under the ice?


The whole body of the fish, both the head and the fins, everything is asleep,

Target: consolidate ideas about the characteristic signs of winter, about the state of living and inanimate nature, broaden children's horizons, stimulate cognitive interest.


  • Develop communication skills and dialogical speech.
  • Do not harm nature, form the basis for the safety of your own life.
  • Evoke positive emotions in children using artistic expression, music, and folklore.

Pedagogical technologies used during GCD

  • Technologies for personality-oriented interaction between teachers and children:

Pedagogical support, provision of prompt assistance by the teacher in solving problem situations;

Self-expression by the child of his inherent qualities and abilities;

  • Health-saving technologies:

Change of poses;

Finger gymnastics.

  • Problem-game technology:

Problematic issues as a means of inducing, stimulating, and activating the child’s mental activity

- Didactic game"Beasts"

Material and equipment: : illustrations of winter landscapes, reference diagrams of winter signs, models for generalizing external signs, living conditions of a hare, didactic game “Animals”, snowflakes, a hoop (trimmed with tinsel), snowballs, tape recorder, musical compositions.

Progress of the lesson:

  1. Organizational moment.

The teacher brings a Snow Maiden doll into the group (establishing emotional contact).

Hello, golden sun!

Hello, the sky is blue,

Hello, free breeze,

Hello, little white snowball!

Hello kids: girls and boys,

Hello, I’ll tell you a riddle!

It's getting cold.

The water turned into ice.

Long-eared gray bunny

Turned into a white bunny.

The bear stopped roaring:

A bear hibernated in the forest.

Who can say, who knows, When this happens?

D: (children's answers)(

That's right, in winter. Here I am, Snow Maiden, I have come to visit you. And I brought snow with me.

2. Psychological training “Winter – winter”.

Now I will share particles of snow with you (distributing snowflakes).

Let's stand in a circle and turn into snowflakes. And we’ll spin around as if we were light, fluffy, weightless (the audio recording “Silver Snowflakes” sounds).

Guys, have you heard what a beautiful, magical, wonderful melody sounded just now, but how else can you say about it? What is she like?

D: (children’s answers).
The teacher adds: light, winter, joyful, fluffy, snowy.

Guys, take your seats. What joys does winter bring you? What do you like to do in winter?

D: (children's answers).

And now I invite you to the winter forest. And this magical cloud will help us get there. Let's all stand on our cloud together and go into the winter forest, and this magic wand will help us transport ourselves to a forest clearing. Let's fly! (the teacher waves his magic wand, music sounds).

Here we are in a forest clearing.

3. Conversation “Signs of winter in inanimate and living nature.”

Take your seats. Guys, tell me what happens in nature in winter? What has changed? I have these magical pictures that will help you (support pictures appear on the easel).

Does it snow in winter? What do we see in this picture? What happens in nature? (it's snowing).

The rivers are covered with ice. What happened to the river in this picture?

The sun shines, but does not warm. What kind of sun do we have in winter? The sun is shining, but the snow is not melting, why?

Trees without leaves. There are fewer birds (for correct answers the teacher gives snowflakes).

What a great fellow you are! You know so much about winter. Now put the snowflakes in a magic box and let's see what happens to them. One, two, three - look, our snowflakes have turned into snowballs (the teacher quietly changes the boxes).

4. Game exercise- game "Snowballs".

Let's play snowballs with you in our clearing. I have this winter snow hoop, you will need to hit the hoop with a snowball. And I’ll see how dexterous and accurate you are, just guys don’t need to push, let’s be careful not to hit each other with a snowball
(to the music, children throw snowballs into the hoop, the music ends, the snowballs are collected in a box).

5. Drawing up a diagram-model “Characteristics and habitat conditions of a hare.”

Let's take our seats. Guess the riddle, who was hiding under the tree?

A gray fur coat in summer and white in winter

He wears a timid little jumper......(bunny).

(The teacher shows a toy - a hare).

Now let’s tell you about the bunny, and the pictures will help us.

Where does the bunny live? And Matvey will choose the right picture and show it to the children.

What does a bunny look like?

What does it eat?

How does it adapt to winter? (Children answer questions and put pictures on the easel).

6. Didactic game “Animals”.

Now we will play a game. What forest animals do you know?

D: (children's answers).

Pick up only forest animals (you must select forest animals and take them to the clearing).

Checking the completed task, finding an extra animal that does not live in the forest. Reinforce the concepts of “wild animals” and “domestic animals”.

7. Summary of the lesson.

It’s time for us to return, stand on the cloud and let’s be transported to kindergarten.

Today we visited the winter forest, remembered what happens in winter, talked about the bunny and helped the forest inhabitants.

And it’s time for the Snow Maiden to leave. As a farewell gift, she gives us snowflakes. So that you do not forget winter and remember its signs.

To develop in children a cognitive interest in the life of the forest and its inhabitants.

To help deepen and generalize children's knowledge about wild animals and birds. expand ideas about the forest and its inhabitants;

Continue to introduce the characteristic features of the season;

Introduce the properties of ice and snow;

Develop memory, coherent speech;

Develop the ability to listen to each other.

Cultivate love, respect for nature, show care and attention to all living things, and develop goodwill.

Equipment, material:

Trays for experiments;

Artificial Christmas tree, birch branch, bear den, toy bear, snowdrift, feeding troughs (according to the number of children), food (sunflower seeds, millet groats), forest laboratory ice, snow.

Progress of the lesson.

"Good morning"

Good morning, eye!

Are you awake?

(Rub your eyes, make binoculars out of your fingers and look at each other.)

Good morning, ears!

Are you awake?

Stroke the ears, place your palms behind the ears. (Draw elephant ears.)

Good morning, pens!

Are you awake?

Stroke hand in hand, clap your hands.

Good morning, legs!

Are you awake? Stroke your legs, get on your knees, place your hands in front of you and tap your toes on the carpet.

Good morning, children!

We woke up! (Raise your hands up.)

Guys, let me tell you a riddle.

The forest is covered with a white blanket,

And the bear is sleeping in the den.

Snow like a white border.

Who was in charge? (Winter.)

Educator: Guys, let's remember what time of year it is?

Educator. How did you guess that it was winter?

Children. It’s cold outside, there’s a lot of snow, the sun is shining, but it’s not warming up, the trees are bare, there are no leaves, wear warm clothes, you can sled, ski, or skate.

What other seasons do you know?

Spring, summer, autumn.

Guys, today we will go to the winter forest, would you like to?

Educator. Well done guys. To get to the forest, we need to go along the road.

Educator. Guys, we have approached the forest. Look how beautiful the winter forest is.

The winter sorceress is coming,
Came, crumbled into shreds
Hanged on the branches of oak trees,
Lay down in wavy carpets
Among the fields around the hills.
Brega with a still river
She leveled it with a plump veil;
The frost has flashed, and we are glad
To the pranks of Mother Winter.

Educator. Who's snoring? Listen.

Children. Bear.

Educator. Right. What does a bear do in winter?

Children. He sleeps in his den.

Educator. What other animals that live in the forest do you know?

Children. Hare, fox, squirrel, wolf.

Educator. A bear, a hare, a squirrel, a wolf, a fox live in the forest. What can you call the animals that live in the forest?

Children. Wild.

The howl of the wind is heard, the Mistress of the Forest enters.

Mistress of the forest. Hello guys!

Children. Hello.

Mistress of the forest. My name is Mistress of the Forest. I heard someone's voices in the forest and came to see who was making noise here?

Educator. The guys will be quiet and won’t make noise. Mistress of the forest, the children and I brought gifts. These are bird feeders. They were made by children with their moms and dads. We also brought food with us to feed the birds in the forest. It's winter now, the birds have nothing to eat. And the worst thing for them is hunger. (Children give feeders and food to the Mistress of the Forest.)

Mistress of the forest. Thank you, well done guys. What beautiful feeders you made together with your moms and dads. I will hang feeders on the trees and pour food into them, our birds will not go hungry. And now I want to remind you of the rules of behavior in the forest.

DO NOT break it, kids!
The trees have branches!
Each branch
For the tree - baby.

DO NOT take your dog into the forest:
You see, the dog climbed into the nest.
He doesn't understand
What scares the chicks!

The hedgehog puffs and winces:
“What am I to you, a cleaning lady?
I can’t sweep the forest,
Keep it clean!

Don't make noise in the forest, guys.
This is unpleasant for forest dwellers!
Keep quiet
Nobody needs noise.

Educator. Mistress of the forest, we will definitely remember these rules.

Mistress of the forest. Look how many trees there are around: spruce, birch. My forest is called mixed because different trees grow here mixed together. Trees are both low and tall. Do you know the names of the trees? What is this tree called?

Children. Birch.

Mistress of the forest. What does birch have?

Children. Trunk, branches.

Mistress of the forest. Birch is a tall tree. What kind of tree is this, covered with white snow?

Children. Christmas tree...

Mistress of the forest. What does the Christmas tree have?

Children. Trunk, branches, needles.

Mistress of the forest. You know everything. There is fresh air in my forest. Let's breathe together. (Children do a breathing exercise.)

Breathing exercise


Goals: training the skill of proper nasal breathing; strengthening facial muscles; formation of a deep breath.

Equipment: turntable.

Fun pinwheel

Doesn't let us get bored.

Fun pinwheel

Calls me to go for a walk.

Fun pinwheel

Leads me to the river

Where the frog croaks

In the green reeds.

The teacher shows correct execution exercises: inhale deeply through your nose so that there is a strong breeze, purse your lips and blow. The breeze blows for a long time. Repeat 3-4 times.

Educator: Today we will conduct experiments and find out how they are similar to each other snow and ice and how they differ.

Mistress of the forest:

Experience No. 1. "Impact of Temperature".

Guys, what do you think they are formed from? snow and ice?

Children: From the water.

Mistress of the Forest: How can we check this with you?

Children: It is necessary pick up snow and ice.

Mistress of the Forest: Then let's check this assumption and conduct an experiment. Place it on one palm snow, and on the other - ice. Look at your palms. What are they? What happened?

Children: They are wet.

Mistress of the Forest: Are both palms wet? Why? What can you say about snow? What about ice?

Children: Ice and snow began to melt from the warmth of the hands.

Mistress of the Forest: That's right, under the influence of heat snow and ice turned into water.

Mistress of the Forest: What conclusion can you and I draw?

Children: Warm snow and ice are melting turning into water means snow and ice is frozen water.

The mistress of the forest praises the children and says goodbye to the children.

The children returned to kindergarten.

Lesson Analysis

Where did we go today?

What did you see along the way?

Who did you meet in the forest?

Fatima, what did you like most?

How about Ahmed?

Educator. Well done guys. Today we went to the forest: we saw a bear’s den, we met the Mistress of the forest, we learned from experience that snow and ice are frozen water.

Zulfiya Mezentseva
Ecology lesson in the second junior group “Zimushka - winter”

Subject « Zimushka - winter»

1. Summarize and systematize children’s knowledge about the season - winter; noting characteristic signs: cold, snowing; the sun is shining but not warming, people put on winter clothes

2. Clarify and expand children’s understanding of the appearance and lifestyle of forest animals in winter: hare, squirrel, fox, wolf, bear; How did you adapt to harsh conditions? conditions: what they eat, where they hide from the cold - dwellings;

3. Identify and expand children’s ideas about properties snow: cold, white, heat melts

4. Develop attention, thinking, imagination, coherent speech, skills

listen; expand vocabulary: stock children: "snowfall", "snowflakes".

5. To instill in children a caring attitude towards nature, animals and

birds; contribute to the creation of a positive emotional mood in group.

Preliminary work: Observing the weather and birds while walking; Working with the nature calendar; Looking at illustrations, paintings "Winter landscape"; Reading fiction

Di “Who lives where?”, “What can I feed the birds?”

Games with snow; Ecological hour- experimentation: "Properties of Snow" Conversations: "Like animals in winter spend the winter

Material: Painting: "Children in Winter", cards - winter and summer phenomena; Di “Who lives where?”, silhouettes of trees, marked by the number of children; Feeder, plates with grains, seeds, millet, bread crumbs, buttons, plasticine; bird silhouettes wintering: sparrow, pigeon, titmouse, bullfinch. A tray with carved snowflakes, a basin with snow.

Guys, come to us today guests came to class, say hello to them, give them your smiles, good mood and now all eyes are on me

Listen to the riddle:

Snow on the fields, Ice on the rivers,

The blizzard is walking, when does this happen? (Winter)

Well done, right. Guys, do you want today to activity to tell"About winter - winter» to our guests? (Yes)

And now I ask your attention, I want to give you task: I have a lot of cards on the table, select the cards that fit this picture (pictures of signs of winter)

Semyon, what does your card mean? (the sun is shining, but it’s not warming)

Veronica, what do you have? (the trees are bare, covered with snow)

Denis, what did your card tell you? (in winter the days are short and the nights are long)

Smart girls, can you think about what time of year the artist depicted in the picture? (winter)

How did you guess? (Because it's snowing; there's a lot of snow drawn)

If it's cold outside, then winter, which? (cold)

If there is a lot of snow, then winter, which? (snowy)

Guys, look at the picture, where is the snow? (On the ground, on the roofs of houses, on the fence, on tree branches....)

And if it’s frosty outside, what’s the air like? (frosty)

Guys, what has changed in children’s clothing? (children put on winter clothes)

What do children do in winter? (make a snowman, ride a slide)

Look at the hill. If a slide is covered with ice, then what kind of slide? (icy)

Right. It's cold in winter, so we wear warm clothes and shoes. What about the animals in the winter forest? (children's answers are listened to).

Let's go to the winter forest!

Our feet walk along a smooth path

And then we jumped and jumped into the woods!

So you and I find ourselves in the forest, let's sit down on the stump-chairs and behave quietly so that the animals are not afraid of us.

Now you have to see who she hid winter? Who do you see, Sophia? (I see your face)

Why, Sophia, did you decide that it was a fox? (the fox has a fluffy red tail)

What does a fox do in winter? (she catches a bunny, mice)

Kolya, who was hiding behind the bush? (bunny).

Why did you decide it was a hare? (He has long ears and short tail)

What does a bunny eat in winter? (tree bark)

Who is standing near the birch tree? (wolf)

Who's hiding on the branches, Veronica? (squirrel)

Why did you decide it was a squirrel? (she is small, red and has a bushy tail)

What does a squirrel eat in winter? (she finds her supplies)

Guys, where is the bear hiding? (He sleeps in the den)

That's right, how can they be called in one word? (wild animals or beasts.)

Why do we call them animals? (They live in forest: they get their own food, build their own homes, no one cares about them.) (recording starts).

Guys, hear the snowstorm, all the paths are covered. How will animals find their homes? Let's help them, draw a path from the animal to its house. Kolya, where does the squirrel live? (in the hollow)

Winter- a very serious test for forest animals. It is very difficult for animals to live in the winter forest, in winter: cold, frosty, hungry. Who else has a hard time in winter? (to the birds)

Yes, that's right, but how can people help the birds? (make and hang feeders; feed the birds)

Well done, let's go to our feeder and feed the birds (come to the table)

Guys, what can you make a feeder from? (out of box, out of bottle)

What birds come to our feeder? (sparrows, pigeons, titmouses, crows)

These birds are called wintering birds, why do you think? (they stay with us for the winter)

Guys, pour it into the feeder, the food we can feed the birds in winter.

Kolya, what do birds eat in winter? (grains)

Yaroslav, what did you pour? (bread crumbs)

Guys, why didn’t they put plasticine in the feeder? (birds don't eat plasticine)

Well done! Protect birds and animals and always help them!

Now come with me to the clearing

Well, the stars are through, on the coat and on the scarf,

All through cutouts, and you take water in your hand.

What kind of stars are we talking about? (about a snowflake)

And when a lot of snow falls from the sky, what is it called? (snowfall)

I have a lot of snowflakes on the tray, take one snowflake at a time

Tell me, Denis, what kind of snowflake do you have? (white, carved)

What helped you, did you guess that it was white and carved? (my eyes helped me see this)

Guys, throw up your snowflake and look at it. What snowflake? (light)

How did you guess? (felt with your hand that it was light)

What should a snowflake do? (fly, spin, fall, melt)

And now we’ll rest a little, a minute of physical education we will conduct:

Snow, snow swirling, the whole street is white

We gathered in a circle. They spun around like a circle.

We are snowflakes, we are fluffs, we don’t mind spinning,

We dance day and night, we all stand together in a circle,

it turns out to be a snowball"

Guys, look, now we have snow everywhere on the floor and even on the table, and in my basin. - Let's play a little, but first tell me, what kind of palms do you have? (dry)

Take some snow and hold it in your palms.

What has the snow become? (water)

And now what kind of palms are they? (wet)

Where did you get your water from? (the snow has melted)

Why? (because the palms are warm)

What kind of snow? (cold)

What can you make from snow? (OD)

Well done guys. What did we talk about today? (about winter)

Why do we love winter? (OD)

What did you do today? (looked at the picture, picked up cards, looked at snow, snowflakes, played)

Who did we help? (animals, birds)

Guys, did we manage to tell our guests about winter? (Yes)

Thank you, I really liked the way you talked about winter