Autumn time game program for children. Competitive game program "Autumn Pantry!"

Goals: summarizing children’s knowledge about autumn, creating the mood for fun competitions.


  • create the mood for fun competitions;
  • develop speed, agility, ingenuity;
  • develop the skill of collective communication and activity;
  • consolidate knowledge about autumn;
  • cultivate a love of nature

Equipment: autumn leaves made of paper, rope, cucumber, onion, garlic, dill, blindfold, juice, cocktail straws, potatoes, children's trucks, “Grandma's chest” with outfits and accessories for Miss “Autumn”, paper, felt-tip pens, certificates , sweets for a surprise moment.

Progress of the event

Before the start of the event, music plays and four teams are formed. Each team sits at prepared tables.

Presenter I

I love it when they glow with a blush
Quiet, thoughtful forests.
Rings, spinning in autumn dance,
Foliage farewell beauty.
And in the morning you look - the first frost
The birch fire has already been extinguished,
And the silver in the river will cool down,
And the meadow grew gray from the whites.

Presenter II

Good afternoon, dear guys, dear guests! Happy holiday to you! Have a sunny mood!

Autumn days still spoil us with good weather, and the yellow color in nature warms our hearts. Every season is beautiful in its own way. So autumn pleases us with its beauty and abundance of harvest.

Presenter I

But today is a really good day! And how could he not be kind, because there are so many joyful, happy and smiling faces around. Today you will find many pleasant moments on our holiday. We will witness the birth of new stars. But let's not get ahead of ourselves. Children from all groups are present in this room. In September we announced a drawing competition on the theme “Hello, Autumn!” At the end of the holiday, we will sum up the results of the competition and reward the winners.

And now it’s time to introduce you to the jury, which will evaluate your knowledge and creativity.

Child I

Autumn! Glorious time!
Children love autumn.
Plums, pears, grapes -
Everything is ripe for the guys.

And seeing the important watermelon,
The kids will come to life -
And everyone will cordially say:
- Hello, it's time for autumn!

Child II

Autumn decorates the parks
Multi-colored foliage.
Autumn feeds with harvest
Birds, animals and you and me.

Spun around me
The rain of leaves is mischievous.
How good he is!
Where else can you find something like this?
Without end and without beginning?
I'm tired of dancing under it.

Presenter I

The teams are ready, it's time to start! But first, you must come up with an autumn team name and choose a captain. You are given 2 minutes for these two tasks. And so time passed.

Presentation of teams and captains.

Presenter II

1. We start our competition with the “Guess the riddle” warm-up. Each team will be asked questions in turn. If the team answers correctly, they receive a point in the form of an autumn leaf. And if she didn’t answer or answered incorrectly, then the turn goes to the other team.


Autumn has come to visit us
And she brought it with her.
What? Say it at random!
Well, of course (leaf fall)

The field, forest and meadow are wet,
City, house and everything around!
He is the chief of clouds and clouds,
You know it's (rain)

The cold scares them so much
They fly to warm countries,
They can't sing and have fun
Who gathered in flocks? (birds)

The sun doesn't warm us anymore
The drifting snow is blowing coldly!
The breeze blew into the puddle
And chained her (Ice)

Rain and slush, dirt and wind,
Autumn, you are responsible for everything!
The man is freezing, he is freezing,
The first white fell (Snow)

In the morning we go to the yard -
Leaves are falling like rain,
They rustle underfoot
And they fly, fly, fly.
What season? (Autumn)

They grow in summer
fall in the fall. (Leaves)

Naughty rake
Flew over the forest
He flapped his wings -
He shook off a leaf from a tree. (Wind)

White muslin will fall on the fields at night.
In the morning the sun will warm you up,
It will be scattered by the wind. (Fog.)

Presenter I

Well done, you are good at solving riddles. Now let’s find out whether you are good nature experts?

2. Competition “Nature Experts”

1. Where do butterflies disappear in the fall? (Hide in cracks, under the bark of trees)

2. What bird secrets does leaf fall reveal? (Nests)

3. Do birds collect supplies for the winter? (Yes, owls, jays)

4. How do ants prepare for winter? (Close the entrances and exits of the anthill)

5. Where do frogs go for the winter? (Hide deep under stones or in silt)

6. When do the last ducks fly away from us? (When the rivers freeze)

7. Which trees shed green leaves? (Alder and willow)

8. What garden flowers bloom before the first snow? (Asters)

9. Which tree leaves turn red in autumn? (Aspen, rowan, maple)

10. Who picks apples with their backs? (Hedgehog)

11. Which forest dweller dries mushrooms on trees? (Squirrel)

12 . Which animal gives birth to babies during leaf fall in the fall? (At the hare)

13. What animals eat mushrooms?

14. What kind of fish is called an orderly? (pike, she eats weakened, sick fish first)

15. What harm does collecting sap cause? (without sap the tree dries out)

16. What kind of beetle is called a “dangerous criminal”? (Colorado)

18. Who is called the forest orderly? (wolf)

19. Who is called the forest doctor? (woodpecker)

20. What kind of wood are matches made from? (aspen)

21. What is silent hunting? (mushroom picking)

22. Name the second autumn month.

23. Name the migratory birds.

24. Which of the animal world hibernates? (bears, hedgehogs, badgers, snakes, etc.)

25. What is the name of the phenomenon of waltzing leaves? (leaf fall)

26.List edible mushrooms.

Presenter II

3. Game “Autumn Volleyball”

Well done guys, real nature experts!

You've been sitting at the tables, let's play. Can you play volleyball? Now show off your skills. Two teams face each other; you will throw not a ball, but autumn leaves over a rope. That's why the game is called “Autumn Volleyball”. Which side has the fewest leaves, that team wins.

4. Competition “Skilled Chefs”

You've been volleyball players, and now we'll test you as skilled chefs.

Exercise : you need to prepare dishes, and in order for them to turn out, you need to determine which products on the list are unnecessary. Team captains, get your assignments.

Team No. 1. Select products for Olivier salad(carrots, potatoes, onions, green peas, egg, banana, grapes, lemon)

Team No. 2. Select products for vegetable soup: cabbage, potatoes, carrots, onions, apples, tomatoes, pineapple, chocolate candies.

Team No. 3. Select products for mushroom soup: porcini mushrooms, potatoes, boletus, boletus, fly agaric, onion, peas, zucchini.

Team No. 4. Select products for fruit salad: apple, pear, grapes, orange, lemon, zucchini, onion, eggplant, tomato, banana, kiwi.

Presenter II

5. Competition “Guess what it is.” (For the competition prepare: cucumber, onion, garlic, dill)

One player per team is invited. Contestants are blindfolded. They are not allowed to taste or touch the vegetables. They have to guess the vegetables by smell.

Presenter I. Well done guys, you did an excellent job with such a difficult task.

The jury's word.

Presenter II

6. “Juice tasting” competition. Each team is invited to drink juice through a straw (straw). The team that drinks the juice first wins.

Presenter I

7th competition “Confused Proverbs”

Your task is to restore the mixed up parts of proverbs. (Sheets of paper with parts of proverbs are handed out)

Proverbs for team number 1.

  • To eat fish/he digs mountains.
  • Lying in one place / God willing.
  • The ant is small/you have to climb into the water.
  • For a lazy spinner/ the stone will be overgrown with moss.
  • Who gets up early / and doesn’t have a shirt for himself.

Proverbs for team No. 2.

  • You've finished the job/ you can't even pull a fish out of the pond.
  • The lazy man knows the holiday / walk boldly.
  • Working with teeth/ but laziness spoils it.
  • Labor feeds a person/but does not remember everyday life.
  • Without labor / but laziness with the tongue.

Proverbs for team No. 3.

  • Who is not lazy to plow / when you sleep until lunch.
  • Don’t rush with your tongue / put both of them in - it’ll be easier to cope.
  • From righteous labors bread will be born to him.
  • Don’t blame your neighbor / hurry up.
  • Half a shoulder's worth of work is hard / you can't make stone chambers.

Proverbs for team No. 4.

  • The lazy one in the yard/ has someone else's edge sticking out.
  • Lying on the stove/there will be no boredom.
  • A dejected cow/no bread in sight.
  • Labor money lies tightly / even on the table.
  • Don’t sit idly by / carries a lot of milk.

Presenter II. And now we will check which of you is the fastest and most agile

8. Competition "Harvest the Potato Harvest" It's time to harvest the potatoes.

All teams are welcome. Your task: line up one after another, the first ones take the dump truck by the rope and drive to the collective farm field, take the potatoes, put them in the back and return back, putting the potatoes in the basket. The next participant also runs, takes one potato and returns back. The team that completes the task first wins.

Presenter I. Well done, guys, we have harvested a rich potato harvest today - we are not afraid of winter. Next competition

9. Competition “Theatre of Autumn Miniatures”

Players, by drawing lots, find out their plot and, using pantomime skills, play out autumn miniatures on a given theme. Subjects:

1. The bear arranges its den and goes into hibernation.

2. Farewell dance of cranes.

Z. Hamster collecting supplies for the winter.

4. A hedgehog pricking mushrooms and apples on needles.

Presenter II

10. “Miss Autumn” competition

Now we are approaching the last competition - the most creative one. And the competition is called “Miss Autumn”. Now we will witness the birth of new stars. One participant from each team must prepare an autumn outfit using things and various attributes. The task of the jury is to choose “Miss Autumn”. Time – 5 minutes.

Presenter I

Smiled into the mirror lake,
Spun around in the dance slowly,
Who said “sad” about autumn?
Look - how good it is!

Look, children, what a beautiful, sunny autumn has come to us. We hope that she will spoil us with warm days. Our program is coming to an end. While the jury is summing up the results, we will announce the winners of the “Autumn Mood!” drawing competition.

(children who took 1st, 2nd, 3rd places in each age category are invited for awards: among elementary, middle and senior levels)

Let's, guys, applaud our artists and wish them further creative success.

Presenter II. The jury gives the floor. The jury announces the results. Captains are invited to present certificates.

Presenter I. Guys, autumn decided to play with us a little more and hid your prizes. Look carefully at the clues on the floor (there are arrows made of paper leaves on the floor of the hall, indicating the directions where the prizes are hidden). Children find prizes while playing music. The presenters thank you for your participation and say goodbye.

municipal budget educational institution additional education children's home for children's creativity in the village of Kalininskaya

Competitive game program “Autumn Fantasy”

Association "Kalinin Lace"

Teacher: Denisenko T.V.


Target : development of intelligence, ingenuity, imagination, as well as creating conditions for the formation of skills to work in a team.

Developmental task:develop communication skills and the desire to win.

Educational tasks:expanding children's knowledge about the seasons, developing interest in studying the world around them.

Teacher: “Good afternoon, dear guys! We are very glad to see you. Meet everyone you haven't met yet. Look at the beautiful trees outside the window, dressed in gold, why would that be? That's right, all because AUTUMN has arrived! Ah, autumn, autumn... Some people rejoice at it, while others may be sad. But every season has its own charms. Do you want to know more about autumn? Yes?

TOGETHER: “Autumn, Autumn! We invite you to visit us!”

Folk music is playing.

Pelagogus : "Hello guys! “Autumn is a glorious time.

Children love autumn.

Plums, pears, grapes,

Everyone was ready for the guys.

And seeing an important watermelon, the kids will perk up -

And everyone will cordially say:

“Hello, it’s time for autumn!”

With the fall, three more guests came along, and you will find out what their names are if you guess three riddles.”


“August is a busy month -

Apples and plums are ripe,

Peaches and pears are ripe.

Just have time to eat them,

And here are the maples in the yard

They fall into..."


“The school will open in September

Doors for cheerful children,

The animals have their own lesson -

Stock up on food for future use.

We will collect all the mushrooms

Before meeting with...”


“The field became black and white:

It rains and snows.

And it got colder -

The waters of the rivers were frozen with ice.

The winter rye is freezing in the field.

What month is this, tell me!”


Oh, what a great fellow you guys are, you guessed the names of all three children!


1. “Riddles competition” - everyone participates.

1) If it’s raining, we don’t bother – we jump briskly through... (Puddles)

2) The eagle is flying across distant lands, spreading her wings and covering the sun. (Cloud)

3) People are waiting for me, calling me, but when I come to them, they run away. (Rain)

4) What is not sown will be born? (Grass)

5) The girlfriends ran around the edge of the forest in white dresses. (Birches)

6) Who has one leg, and even that one without a boot? (Mushroom)

7) Amazing sun, this sun has a hundred windows. Hundreds of little jackdaws are looking out of those windows. (Sunflower)

8) It’s all cast from gold and stands on a straw. (Ear)

9) I won’t tear the rosy Matryoshka away from my friends, I’ll wait until the Matryoshka falls into the grass on its own. (Pear)

10) It’s as big as a football, if it’s ripe, everyone is happy. (Watermelon)

2. Competition “Autumn Leaves”- two teams participate.

(draw leaves of OAK, MAPLE, BIRCH with eyes closed)

3. Competition “Magic Bag”- 2 teams of 10 people each participate.

(there are vegetables and fruits in the bag, you need to identify and name them by touch)

4. “Harvest” competition- 2 teams of 10 people each participate.

(potatoes are scattered on the floor (in hoops), you have to race to collect the potatoes into a bucket, but not with your hand, but with a spoon)

5. Competition “Collect a tree”- 2 people participate

(participants are offered leaves and fruits of trees; they must race to CORRECTLY collect pairs “LEAF – FRUIT” and select a name plate for them)

6. Competition "Bouquet"- 2 teams of 7 people each participate.

(participants line up in a row and are given cards with letters. At the signal, players must line up so that they get a word - the name of the flower)

Letter placement order: “CAMOMILE” “DAHLIA”

"Cornflower" "LAVENDER"

7. Competition “Collect mushrooms”- 2 teams of 5 people each participate.

(you need to collect mushrooms scattered on the floor in hoops into baskets. Whose team can do it faster wins)

8. Competition "Black Box".

The box contains vegetables known to everyone. The one who guesses correctly gets this vegetable.

1. Question: “In ancient times, knights wore this vegetable on their chests as an amulet”? (Onion)

2. Question: “Did this vegetable really get a scary name – “damn apple”? (Potato)

3. Question: “In the old days, this vegetable was called the “golden apple”? (Tomato)

9. Competition “Potato, hold on!”

(Several couples participate in the competition. You need to perform a dance, holding a potato between your foreheads. Whoever lasts the longest wins. Several melodies are used, quickly replacing each other. It is important for participants to quickly navigate the change of music and not drop the potato)

Teacher : “Oh, it’s great, we guys had fun today. We are now in an autumn mood. We are both happy and sad. Yes, different autumn It can be sunny and cloudy, with rain and sleet, with cold winds and frosts. But always bright. Did you like our autumn holiday?




LEADING: Today we celebrate wonderful holiday- autumn holiday! To find out on the game program " Colorful autumn“What can autumn give to you girls and boys? How can it please us? Look how many beautiful, colorful, autumn leaves.

The leaves were filled with sunshine,
The leaves are soaked in the sun,
Filled up, heavy
And they flew with the wind...
They rustled through the bushes...
You can see them here and there.
The wind swirls gold,
Sounds like golden rain!

Under each leaf, autumn has prepared its own surprise for us. We will tear off the leaf and find out what is hidden behind it. What color do we open the first leaf?


Autumn is harvest time. What does she not make us happy about? What kind of fruits and vegetables do not appear on our table in the fall. Let's fill our vases too autumn vegetables and fruits. To do this, we will need 6 participants from each team.


Relay race. Participants run up to the table and stick vegetables and fruits onto the panel with a vase.

LEADING: Let's see what's behind this leaf?

What is Autumn's dress?

I can say without error:

Summer left as a gift

A little green.

I came up with Autumn myself

Burgundy with yellow tones

And I sewed a beautiful dress,

It was trimmed with a golden border.

Earrings made from rowan berries,

The veil is a thread of cobwebs

And I wove a hat from ears of corn

Well, why isn’t autumn beautiful?

For this competition I am calling two participants from each team who will try themselves as fashion designers and will now create a dress for autumn from tree leaves.


Each team is given a doll on a piece of paper and a set of colorful tree leaves. The task is to make a doll an autumn outfit in 5 minutes

HOST: Autumn is one of the most beautiful times of the year. Composers, poets and artists dedicated their works to her. Let's try to create our own masterpiece. Let's start with poetry. We will compose collectively. Five people from each team.

Composing a new one is quite difficult, so we will use what has already been composed before us and try to restore the already written quatrain.

Autumn has come

Following summer right on time!

Gilded in the gardens

Every little leaf!

COMPETITION “I am a poet...”

Participants are given pieces of paper containing parts of the quatrain.

HOST: Autumn has come

Following summer right on time!

Gilded in the gardens

Every little leaf!

Just what is this?

Why are the leaves suddenly

Spun over the ground

Was everyone falling asleep around?

If the leaves are flying

This means leaf fall!

Only in autumn does such a beautiful phenomenon as leaf fall occur. The beauty of falling leaves is simply mesmerizing. Red, yellow, crimson, orange. Having flown from the trees, they cover the entire earth with a multi-colored blanket. How nice it is to walk through a carpet of yellow leaves in autumn.

But everything is in our hands and we can create such a carpet ourselves. Let's arrange leaf fall. And three participants from each team will help me.


(a version of the competition with chairs, they just walk around the leaves, the music is over, they raised them, whoever didn’t have enough leaves the game)

LEADING: What color leaf will we have next? Let's see what's hidden behind it.

LEADING: And while they are busy, we continue to discover autumn surprises. And what leaf will be next?

Autumn gave me this basket!
I look in the basket, and gee!
Look, guys, the leaves are colored...
The leaves are colorful, but not simple!
Autumn wrote riddles on them,
There are quite a few of these mysteries!
You need to read them

Definitely guess it.

You warm the whole world
And you don’t know fatigue.
Smiling at the window
And everyone calls you... (Sun).

Above you, above me
A bag of water flew by
Ran into a distant forest,
He lost weight and disappeared. (Cloud).

The dust is blowing,
The trees are shaking
Howls, howls,
Tears leaves from trees,
dispels the clouds
Raises waves. (Wind).

The cold scares them so much

They fly to warm countries,

They can't sing and have fun

Who gathered in flocks ? (birds)

The beautiful garden is empty,
Cobwebs fly into the distance,
And to the southern edge of the earth
The cranes arrived.
School doors opened.
What month has it come to us? (September)

Red Egorka
Fell on the lake
I didn't drown myself
And he didn’t stir up the water.( tree leaf)

Came without paints and without a brush
And repainted all the leaves . (autumn)


The riddles are written on colored pieces of paper. Competition in the form of a relay race: ran up - wrote - returned - passed the marker

Autumn is truly a wonderful time of year. But this is also the time for a lot of work. Collect and store the entire crop for the winter. How much work and care is required for this.

I now invite everyone to participate in the autumn harvest.


HOST: Our autumn trip. The last leaf on the tree and the last autumn surprise remain.

Look how many of them fell to the ground. Our task is to sweep all the leaves into a pile. The teams will take turns as janitors. Some leaves are thrown over, others are swept away.


In the middle of a limited space, a “janitor” with a broom throws balls of yellow paper into a circle; the janitor sweeps up the “leaves.” After a minute the game stops and the participants change places

You warm the whole world
And you don’t know fatigue.
Smiling at the window
And everyone calls you...

Above you, above me
A bag of water flew by
Ran into a distant forest,
He lost weight and disappeared.

Came without paints and without a brush
And repainted all the leaves .

The dust is blowing,
The trees are shaking
Howls, howls,
Leaves are torn from trees.

The cold scares them so much

They fly to warm countries,

They can't sing and have fun

Who gathered in flocks ?

The beautiful garden is empty,
Cobwebs fly into the distance,
And to the southern edge of the earth
The cranes arrived.
School doors opened.
What month has it come to us?

Red Egorka
Fell on the lake
I didn't drown myself
And he didn’t stir up the water.

Petryakova Olga Borisovna, methodologist of the Children's Art Center "House of Children's Creativity" of Krasnoslobodsky municipal district Republic of Mordovia.
Description: The holiday script will be useful for teachers primary classes, methodologists, and additional education teachers to conduct performances for the autumn holidays. The competitive game program has been prepared for pupils of the Children's Art Center aged 7 to 10 years. Competitions, games and riddles are selected in such a way that children different ages it was interesting.
Target: development creativity, improvisation skills in children.
- Encourage children to create a festive atmosphere around themselves,
- To foster in children a sense of collectivism, activity,
- Create a festive mood for everyone present at the holiday.
The presenter enters to the music.
Hello, dear guys! Today our holiday is dedicated to the most beautiful time of the year - autumn. So the golden autumn has come. Why gold? And look around: the birch and maple trees are covered with lemon yellow, the aspen leaves are ruddy, the oak tree stands dressed in mighty forged armor. I just want to say, looking at this beauty:
Sad time, charm of the eyes!
I am pleased with your farewell beauty.
I love the lush decay of nature,
In crimson and gold, dressed forests.
Guys! You heard that the Autumn Queen herself will come to our holiday.
let's call her: "Autumn come." (The children call Autumn).
The soundtrack of a blizzard sounds.
(Kholodryga and Slyakt crawl onto the stage)

Am I dreaming or does it seem to me... (pinches himself)
No, it doesn’t seem like autumn is in full swing.
Hey, Kholodryga, wake up!
Brrr! Why are you shouting, neighbor?
Wake up, autumn has come!
As soon as autumn comes, it’s our turn,
And Slyak and Kholodryga are advancing.
And no one is waiting for us, but on the contrary -
They always curse, scold, avoid...
I am Slush, I am around in galoshes and with an umbrella,
I wander through the puddles, catching up on the dampness.
Listen, Slush, where did we end up?
For a holiday or something? Maybe we were called here?
What are you, Holdryga, what are you! How many years have I been living in the world?
no one has ever invited me to visit...
And they don’t really like me, Kholdryga either.
Well, since they didn’t invite us, we’ll ruin their whole holiday now.
They were invited (points to the children), but we were not. (whines)
Wow, what a mess I've created, don't cry, it's cold without you!
It’s better let’s think about how to teach these people a lesson so that they don’t become arrogant!
I came up with an idea! Now we will create such slush, we will create such cold that Autumn will turn from golden into rainy, dull.
Now I’ll spread the slush on a saucer (spread water on a saucer).
Hooray! Happened! Well, hang in there! Now I'll freeze you! (runs with a large fan, and Slush splashes water).
I also have candy.
Kholodryga (reading):
You're a Snickers yourself!
This is a runny nose.
Kholodryga (reading):
No, bounty, but sneeze. Give out candy!
(They run around and hand out candy, sneeze).
What are you doing? You will infect all our children. Guys, how can we get rid of Slush and Cold? Let's try to call Queen Autumn again. (The children call Autumn). Queen Autumn come.

Autumn comes to the music

Hello, hello, dear guys! So I came.
My time has come - with colorful leaves and leaf fall, with light frost and cold rains. And here you are warm, light, cozy.
But Slyak and Kholodryga are trying to ruin our holiday.
Guys, let's drive them away.
Well, she showed up and gave orders...
Why should we drive away right away? We also want to play and have fun at the holiday.
Oh, you won’t do nasty things to your children anymore?
No, we won't do it anymore.
We even prepared a pleasant surprise for you.
The junior dance group of the studio "Victoria" will perform the dance "Vasya, Vaselek" for you.

Dance "Vasya, Vaselek".

Okay, stay and help me.
It's autumn in the city. After joyful summer labors, nature gathers to rest: the sun no longer warms the earth with its rays, the grass turns yellow, golden leaves fly off the trees, and the cheerful singing of birds is not heard. It's a sad time, but we won't be discouraged today. After all, every season has its own charm and its own special, long-awaited holiday.
In spring it is March 8, in winter it is New Year and Christmas, in the summer - in general, the whole summer is a holiday. And in the fall??? Right, Autumn Ball!
Now let's take the oath of the Autumn Ball participants.

We swear!
Have fun from the heart!
All. We swear!
Dance until you drop!
All. We swear!
Laugh and joke!
All. We swear!
Participate and win in all competitions.
All. We swear!
Share the joy of victory and the prizes received with friends.
All. We swear! We swear! We swear!
Guys, I came to you for a reason, I prepared games, competitions for you. Let's play.
And who will play with me, we will now find out, for this you need to guess my riddles, whoever guesses will play with me.

1. I came without paints and without a brush and repainted all the leaves.
2. He sees and does not hear, walks, wanders, prowls, whistles.
3. Sits - turns green, falls - turns yellow, lies - turns black.
4. They ask and wait for me, but when I come, they hide.
5. There is a hat but without a head, there is a leg, but without shoes.
6. It looks like a wedge, if you unclench it, it’s like a damn thing.
7. Nourishes in autumn, warms in winter.
8. Round like a ball, with a tail like a mouse, yellow like honey, but the taste is not the same.
9. Underground bird
I made a nest,
She applied eggs.
10. Doesn’t hit, doesn’t scold,
And it makes them cry.
11. He is golden and mustachioed,
There are a hundred guys in a hundred pockets.
12. Grew from a seed,
Golden sun.
13. Flower - honey,
And the fruit is a pound.
14. Curious red nose,
Rooted into the ground up to the top of his head,
They just hang out in the garden,
Green heels. What is this?

Well done boys. Now you need to form two teams, choose a captain and come up with a name for them.
Introducing the participants of the game:

We are starting our competition program. And Slyakot and Kholodryga will help me. For each victory, the team receives a token. The team that collects the most tokens will be the winner.

1 Captains' competition "Collect mushrooms".
Now let's play a game called "Collect mushrooms."
I invite captains to play. Now I'll blindfold you. You need to find and collect as many mushrooms as possible by touch, the role of which will be played by cubes. So, you're ready, let's start. Kholodryga:
Transfer the harvest to your team from the chair:
the first ones are like bunnies - jumping,
the second - goose step,
still others are like camels (bending) on ​​a hump,
fourth - like a cancer, moving backwards to front.
3 Competition "Matryona".
I invite two participants from each team. Participants stand one after another. You need to tie a scarf to the person in front without turning the person in front and not lean to the sides yourself.
(All participants perform the task in turn)

4 Competition "Frivolous Questions".
The next competition is called "Frivolous Questions". I will ask questions to the teams one by one. For each correct answer, a token.

Name your friend Shapoklyak. (Rat-Larissa)
Cool car of a forest dweller. (Mortar)
The pride of Marya the Beauty. (Scythe)
Name the master of clicks. (Bolda)
Which fairy tale hero You can't cut off your head. (Kolobok)
In which fields does grass not grow? (On the brim of the hat)

5 Competition "Alphabet".
The next competition is called "Alphabet". Teams are given the task to line up in alphabetical order, the first letter of their name is taken into account. When you are ready, say your names one by one. Correctness and speed are assessed.

6 Competition "Dress a Friend".
It's starting to get colder, my friends! We need to dress warmer. I see that among you there are individuals dressed out of season.
In 1 minute, the members of each team must put as many of their things on the captain as possible.

7 Competition "Harvest the harvest".
The next competition is called "Harvest the Harvest." There are potatoes scattered on the floor (in hoops), you have to race to collect the potatoes into a bucket, but not with your hand, but with a spoon.

8 "Take a bite of the apple" competition.
Guys, do you like apples? Now let's see how clever you are. Who will bite off an apple tied on a string? The team that bites off the most apples wins.

9 Competition "Merry Musicians".
Our latest competition is “Cheerful Musician”. Each participant will receive a musical instrument (rattle, spoons, triangle, drum, tambourine, bell, etc.). The same melody sounds for all participants in the competition. Contestants must play along on their instrument so that a harmonious composition is obtained.

Well done guys, played well. And now it’s time to sum up the results of our competition.
(Autumn counts the tokens and announces the winners).
Thanks to all the participants of the competition, as well as the audience.
Leading: Dear guys, our holiday has come to an end.
It's time for our guest Autumn to rush into the forest. Check like animals
prepared for winter. Have the birds flown to warmer climes, prepared
Is there food for the winter, are there warm holes? Autumn still has a lot to do. So
that let's say goodbye to her.
Children (in chorus): Goodbye Autumn!
Autumn: Goodbye, guys. I really liked it with you
on the holiday. See you in the new year!
Presenter: So we carried out golden autumn.
Our holiday continues. Now there's a disco for you.

Competitive game program "Hello golden autumn"


    provide knowledge about the benefits of vegetables and fruits as a source of vitamins;

    teach to observe changes in nature; cultivate a caring attitude towards nature.


Host: Dear friends! We are glad to see you at our holiday “Hello golden autumn.” This holiday is dedicated to the most wonderful time of the year - autumn. Pupils read poems.

Yellow coins fall from a branch...
There's a whole treasure underfoot!
This is golden autumn
Gives leaves without counting,
Golden gives leaves
To you, and to us,
And to everyone.

Host: Let’s convince each other today that “nature has no bad weather"! So that you have good mood Guests came to our holiday with a cheerful song "Antoshka".

Host: In autumn, as you know, trees shed their plumage. Imagine that you are walking through the forest, and yellow, red, orange leaves are circling around.

Host: You walk, and they rustle under your feet, and at the same time your soul is so calm and quiet, and the leaves keep falling and falling.

I don’t like eating cheesecakes, I love ditties:


The stupid cloud didn't know
It's already autumn here.
Fire forest outfit
It rains for an hour straight.

Autumn is so generous
He will reward everyone for their efforts.
We are at the Harvest Festival
They bore its fruits.

Oh, you artist, Autumn,
Teach me how to draw like this.
I'm in your work then
I will help you!

The stupid cloud didn't know
It's already autumn here.
Fire forest outfit
It rains for an hour straight.

Autumn is so generous
He will reward everyone for their efforts.
We are at the Harvest Festival
They bore its fruits.

Oh, the trees have turned yellow,
They sway in the wind.
Oh, it's always vacation
They end up so quickly

Game "Who can collect the most flowers"

(Collect flowers in their basket)

Host: Autumn is a very mysterious time of year, it changes like a fairy tale, sometimes warm and affectionate, sometimes cold and harsh. And no one can solve the mystery of this time.

We offer a quiz

With jokes, with questions

Under the name simple

"Solve the mysteries of autumn!"

Autumn riddles:

Don't trust the warm sun -

There's a snowstorm ahead.

In a golden whirlwind

The leaves have flown.

It was I who came with the rains,

Leaf fall and winds. (Autumn)

The boy is almost seven years old.

I have a backpack behind me.

And in the hands of a large bouquet,

There is a blush on the cheeks.

What holiday date is this?

The branches in the park rustle,

They shed their outfit.

He is near the oak and birch trees

Multi-colored, bright, catchy. (Leaf fall)

It flows like an oblique wall

And knocks on our windows.

It's cold, pouring,

And the gazebos in the garden get wet.

The autumn leaf circles for a long time,

To then go down into the puddle. (Autumn rain)

Squirrel in autumn without haste

Hides acorns, nuts,

The mouse collects grains,

The mink is stuffed tightly.

This is a warehouse, not a hole -

A mountain of grains has grown!

What are the animals doing?

Guess what, guys! (Stocks for the winter)

The field is wet in the fall,

But the beets are ripe.

And in the September gardens

Lots of apples on the branches. .

What are we collecting for winter?

What do we call it? (Harvest)

In November the trees are bare,

Kindergartens and schools are getting wet.

Next to the raindrop

White fluff curls,

Flies past the windows

And then it melts on the grass. (First snow, snow and rain)

It's still warm in October

And on the puddle there is glass.

After all, on a cold starry night

Our puddle is frozen,

It immediately became more interesting:

Step on the glass and it will crack! (First ice)

Hundreds of birds, gathered in flocks,

During the autumn day they fly away.

And they fly there

Where it is always, always warm.

Birds, where are you in a hurry?

Tell our children! (South)

In autumn it is often needed -

If the rain hits the puddles,

If the sky is covered in black clouds,

He is the best helper for us.

Open it above you

And arrange a canopy for yourself! (Umbrella)

In September and October

There are so many of them in the yard!

The rain has passed and left them,

Medium, small, large. (Puddles)

The autumn leaf circles for a long time,

And Varvara dries it.

And then we are together with Varya

We make it at home... (herbarium)

Ripens in September

And to the taste of the kids.

Very hard shells

The lumps are delicious.

Don't break your teeth on them -

That would be sad. (Nuts)

I arrived with the breeze

And covered the huts.

The air is like milk,

Substitute the mugs! (Fog)

The days are short, the nights are long,

We call each other

In October we fly like a wedge,

We're making pitiful noises. (Cranes)

Host: Autumn is not only a beautiful, poetic time of year, it is also the most abundant time of the year, when fruits ripen and the harvest is harvested.

Host: It’s not for nothing that people say “they count chickens in the fall”

Game "What's in the basket?"

(Children with their eyes closed take and guess various fruits and vegetables)

Competition "Fruit Tournament" (assemble puzzles from fruit pictures)

Competition "Maple Leaf" (you need to glue the cut out leaves onto a pre-drawn tree)

Competition “Find out the vegetable” (the child shows the vegetable, and the children guess)

Host: The beauty of autumn is that no one else can change their outfit like that. She constantly pleases the eye with the variety of her colors. We challenged her and decided to show you our fall-themed fantasies.

Contest " Best craft autumn" (from any natural materials make a craft; who will make the craft faster and more beautiful) .

Leading: Which hedgehog has more mushrooms?

Host: Our holiday has come to an end. We wish you to see beauty in everything, so that you always have a good mood!

See you again!

List of used literature:

    Autumn Tale– //Holidays in kindergarten and school. – Volgograd, “Teacher-Ast”, 2000.

    Mamedova L.V. “The legends of deep antiquity...” - // Read, learn, play.-1999. -№3 – p. 9-12.

    Ritual poetry. – M.: Sovremennik, 1989. – p.313-322.