A newborn burps normally after feeding. Frequent regurgitation in a newborn baby after feeding

Childbirth is already over, but it’s too early for new parents to relax. There will be pleasant chores in caring for the baby, his first achievements, words, steps, etc. However, not everything is so sweet. For example, sometimes a child spits up frequently for an unknown reason. Why does this happen and how to deal with it? This question is very relevant today, because if measures are not taken in time, then everything can end in disaster.

Basically, regurgitation of a baby occurs immediately after feeding and is a normal physiological phenomenon. The process is very simple - first, everything from the stomach enters the esophagus, then everything goes into the oral cavity and, of course, naturally"pushed" out.

The baby cannot always burp calmly; sometimes it happens like a “fountain” right through the nose. Everything will depend on how strongly the stomach walls decide to push food out.

Sometimes parents confuse spitting up and vomiting. However, it is very easy to detect vomiting - during this process, the baby’s abdominal muscles tense. If the tummy is not tense, it means the baby just burped..

Other signs of vomiting:

  • dizziness;
  • the baby constantly cries;
  • there is increased sweating;
  • excessive salivation.

In the case when parents come to the conclusion that their child is vomiting, it is necessary to show him to the pediatrician to identify the causes of this condition.

Another question that interests new parents is whether their child spits up a lot after eating. There is one simple method that will help solve the problem. It is believed that the stomach walls push out 2 tablespoons of liquid when regurgitating. See if this is true in your case. If the baby burps much more, it is possible that his body does not accept mother’s milk or, for example, pharmaceutical formulas (for artificial babies).

Why does stomach eruption occur?

When a baby eats and immediately spits up, this is normal, parents should understand this. However, the reasons for what happens may be different. Conventionally, they can be divided into 2 groups. The first group includes safe causes, and the second includes pathological ones that can cause harm to health.

What belongs to the first group

  1. Involuntary swallowing of air bubbles. During feeding, if the baby does not properly grasp the mother's nipple or the base of the bottle, air may enter the stomach.
  2. Overeating. Sometimes the baby eats milk with such pleasure that he simply does not notice how much it is. This leads to overeating. In order not to overload the gastrointestinal tract, the stomach randomly provokes regurgitation to remove all excess food.
  3. When your child has been overly active all day, you should not be surprised if in the evening after feeding he regurgitates some of his food.
  4. When the child is on artificial feeding, the cause of regurgitation may be hidden in a change in the manufacturer of the formula. It is no secret for new mothers that it is very difficult to choose a formula - one is allergic, the baby does not eat another at all. As for regurgitation, in this situation it takes place.
  5. Regurgitation is possible in many infants due to colic. Parents should first get rid of their child's bloating, and then try feeding again.
  6. The baby may constantly spit up milk during teething. In this way, the stomach is “cleansed” of excess saliva.

What belongs to the second group

  1. Lactose intolerance. Every year this problem occurs more and more often. Stomach small child She simply cannot tolerate milk, both mother’s milk and formula from a bottle, so she constantly “pushes” it back. A consultation with a pediatrician is necessary to prescribe nutrition for the child.
  2. If the baby eats and spits up a lot of yellowish liquid, this indicates a possible infection.
  3. Gastrointestinal pathology - this problem also prevents the child from eating normally. A qualified doctor will help you figure out what exactly is causing your baby to spit up, based on individual characteristics the child’s body and tests.

Sometimes the reasons for frequent regurgitation may be hidden in the child’s central nervous system. It is possible that he was born premature or hypoxia occurred during labor. All this affects the further formation of the baby. Each parent should monitor the child’s condition and, if any deviations from the norm are detected, consult a doctor.

How to help your child

What to do if your baby burps frequently? Why is this happening? Are there any medicines against the disease? This is just a small part of the questions that parents ask pediatricians. It is important to understand that if your baby eats a lot and spits up some of the food after feeding, this is normal. However there are several useful tips for caring parents who will help relieve their child as much as possible from stomach discomfort.

  1. To ensure that food is better absorbed after feeding, it is recommended to place the child on his tummy before eating and give him a light massage.
  2. Make sure that the baby grasps the nipple or bottle neck correctly, otherwise air will get into the stomach and regurgitation cannot be avoided.
  3. If a child does not eat well (in the opinion of his parents), he should not be forced to do so against his will. Each child has his own portion, he must decide for himself how much he needs. When the child is gaining weight well, there is no reason to worry.
  4. Choose pants and rompers with loose elastic. If she puts pressure on the tummy, the baby will burp after feeding, even if he doesn’t want to.

When to see a doctor

What regurgitation is and why it happens has now become clearer. All that remains is to figure out what symptoms you need to see a doctor as quickly as possible.

  1. Consultation with a pediatrician is necessary when the child spits up milk several times during the day in large portions, and the parents cannot understand why this is happening.
  2. When the child does not eat at all or after each feeding everything that gets into the stomach comes out - these are signs of dehydration. It is possible that there are some problems with the stomach; you need to urgently get tested and consult a doctor.
  3. The child begins to lose weight sharply, the regurgitated mass has bad smell and a yellowish tint.
  4. When regurgitation after feeding is accompanied by high fever and infrequent urination, these are signs of infection. It is impossible to understand why this happens without medical help.

When a child is born, all his organs and systems are not yet fully formed, and therefore do not work very well. The consequence of this is various troubles that cause parents a lot of anxiety. Moms and dads are especially afraid of work-related conditions. nervous system and the baby’s gastrointestinal tract, including regurgitation.

Parental fears sometimes cannot be dispelled even by consulting qualified doctors and reading specialized literature: the symptoms can be so contradictory, and the line between normality and pathology is so unclear that mothers and fathers, unable to distinguish a serious illness from a non-dangerous condition, can seriously panic .

Such manifestations include regurgitation in newborns, which can frighten inexperienced parents, but is not always dangerous. To determine when a child needs a doctor, and when - nothing but observation and prevention, you should know how regurgitation occurs, what causes it, and what measures should be taken to reduce the frequency of this not very pleasant phenomenon to a minimum.

Causes of regurgitation in infants lie in the imperfection of the digestive system, which continues to develop in a newborn baby, but for quite a long time differs from the gastrointestinal tract of an adult. The baby's stomach is not elongated, but spherical in shape, the esophagus is still too short, and the sphincter (the muscle that opens the passage for food from the esophagus to the stomach and closes it during digestion and at rest, and also prevents the release of hydrochloric acid into the body) is quite weak.

As a result overfeeding The sphincter cannot hold back large amounts of food. It opens and some of the undigested or incompletely digested milk is pushed back out. The result is what experts call gastroesophageal reflux. Don't be alarmed - this is a professional term for regurgitation in infants or digestive problems in adults.

Another phenomenon that provokes regurgitation is the baby swallowing too much air during feeding. It's called differently aerophagia . An air plug of impressive size forms in the stomach, which puts pressure on its walls, and in order to get rid of excess pressure, the stomach contracts sharply, pushing the plug into the esophagus.

As a result, the air comes out with a characteristic sound and is accompanied by regurgitation of a small amount of milk that has left the stomach along with the plug. It can be unchanged or partially digested (the so-called regurgitation of curds in infants). Despite the volume of the sound and even spitting out milk, the child does not experience any particular discomfort.

Thus, the causes of regurgitation in a newborn can be anything that provokes pressure on the baby’s digestive and abdominal organs, namely:

  • overfeeding;
  • improper attachment to the breast or too wide a hole in the bottle, which leads to excessive swallowing of air;
  • problems with the intestines - flatulence, colic, which creates excess pressure in the abdominal cavity and impedes the movement of milk from the stomach;
  • excessive activity of the child: rolling over or crawling immediately after feeding;
  • prenatal developmental delay or prematurity: in this case, the baby’s gastrointestinal tract has a long way to develop, as well as breathing and sucking reflex are not yet coordinated, which can lead to aerophagia;
  • serious disturbances in the development of the digestive organs: displacement of the stomach upward towards the diaphragm, a defect in the valve that regulates the passage of food from the stomach to the intestines (pyloric stenosis), insufficient development and weakness of the sphincter between the esophagus and stomach (chalazia), excessive narrowing of the esophagus (achalasia).

As a rule, it is enough to follow the correct feeding and latching schedule, as well as hold the baby upright for 15–20 minutes after eating, so that the food sinks into the stomach and the air rises and comes back out. However, if, despite all the measures taken, the frequency and volume of regurgitation increases, and the child feels unwell and loses weight, this is a reason to immediately consult a doctor.

Vomiting and regurgitation: how to distinguish one from the other?

The main question that worries most parents is whether regurgitation is normal in a newborn? In fact, this is an absolutely natural phenomenon caused by the immaturity of the baby’s digestive system - as the child grows and the internal organs improve, the problem will disappear by itself. However, regurgitation should not be confused with vomiting, a dangerous condition that is a sign of serious health problems.

If a child regurgitates a small amount of milk that is practically odorless and unchanged (or looks like white curd), this does not cause him discomfort, he is healthy, cheerful and gaining weight well, there is nothing to worry about. In this case, even frequent regurgitation in a baby can be considered as normal.

When vomiting, the picture is a little different: the child forcefully spits out what he has eaten immediately after feeding (in particularly difficult cases, almost everything he ate before) - this phenomenon is also called fountain regurgitation. In this case, the baby feels discomfort, gets scared, cries, and may also experience paleness, sweating, and in the case of regular episodes of vomiting, sudden weight loss. If such manifestations are repeated regularly, and the milk regurgitated by the child has a pronounced yellow tint (which is typical for pyloric stenosis), it is necessary to show the baby to a specialist as soon as possible.

Pathological processes

If regurgitation is, in principle, considered normal, then is excessive and frequent regurgitation in a newborn a pathology? Depends on what is considered frequent and abundant. As a variant of the norm, a child can burp 5–30 ml of milk (up to 2 tablespoons) after each feeding, or a total of up to 3.5 tablespoons of milk per day.

Of course, you can’t measure regurgitation with spoons, so many parents, seeing a wet spot of impressive size on their clothes or diaper, are very worried. In fact, everything may not be so scary. To get an approximate idea of ​​the amount of food regurgitated by a child, you should conduct a simple experiment: pour one tablespoon and one teaspoon of water onto the diaper in different places. By roughly comparing the size of the spots with traces of regurgitated milk, you can determine how much food the baby has “rejected.”

Even if the child regurgitates a lot at first, after 3-4 months this happens less and less frequently, and by the time the baby begins to sit and eat more solid and dense food, regurgitation stops almost completely, finally disappearing by 10-12 months.

True, there are exceptions: if a child begins to actively crawl before sitting, he may begin to spit up again, since the stomach will constantly be under pressure. This can be avoided if you do not allow the baby to roll over after feeding and carry him in an upright position until he burps air.

However, if a child burps very often and more than normal (in some cases, the entire portion eaten during feeding), becomes pale, lethargic and whiny, and nothing changes as he grows, we are most likely talking about pathology - disorders in the development of the digestive system. and nervous systems.

The causes of frequent pathological regurgitation in infants, as a rule, are:

  1. Lesions and developmental disorders of the central nervous system - hydrocephalus, perinatal encephalopathy, etc.
  2. Problems with the development of the gastrointestinal tract - achalasia, pyloric stenosis and other diseases.
  3. Poisoning and infectious diseases.
  4. Kidney disease – in some cases.

In addition to frequent regurgitation, these abnormalities are accompanied by fever, pallor, delayed growth and weight, rare urination and lack of stool, tearfulness and increased excitability. With successful treatment or correction of the underlying disease, regurgitation gradually disappears.

What to do when regurgitating

If after feeding the baby does not burp air in an upright position, this does not mean that he will not burp later. However, if you lay him on his back, there is a risk that when he burps, the baby will begin to choke. To avoid this, it is necessary to place the baby strictly on its side after feeding, placing a small diaper under the cheek: this way the regurgitated milk will be quickly absorbed.

Another trouble - regurgitation through the nose . This happens if, when feeding or further laying down, the baby’s legs are slightly higher than the head or the baby has swallowed too much air. Milk that gets into the nose can irritate the mucous membrane, therefore, when laying the child down, it is necessary to slightly raise his head with the help of two or three folded flannel diapers.

If the child burps while lying down, you should immediately pick him up and hold him in an upright position for a while: it is possible that the air did not come out completely. If the baby burps during feeding, he should also be held in a “column” and under no circumstances should he be fed additionally, for fear that he has not eaten enough: most likely, everything is just the opposite. But in any case, you should not leave the baby alone immediately after eating, since regurgitation is an unpredictable phenomenon: its appearance and intensity are difficult to predict.

How to deal with the problem?

To get rid of regurgitation or reduce it to a minimum, you need to understand why this happens. If the cause of regurgitation in a newborn is overfeeding or aerophagia, it is necessary reconsider the mode and method of feeding : Correctly attaching the baby to the breast, in which he should grasp the nipple together with the areola, or narrowing the hole in the bottle can reduce the frequency of regurgitation in about half of the cases.

Feeding small portions at short intervals will help avoid overeating and promote better milk absorption. Moreover, if the child burps immediately after eating, it is better not to feed him lying down, but to choose a position that is closest to vertical. Regular massage and placing the baby on the stomach before feeding also helps: this stimulates the activity of the stomach.

If regurgitation is caused by excess pressure on the baby's stomach, it is necessary avoid tight swaddling , tight clothes and onesies with elastic bands, and also try to squeeze and cuddle the baby less for at least an hour after feeding. If the baby begins to actively turn over, you will have to carry him in your arms for 20–25 minutes after eating so that the milk “settles” in the stomach completely.

If your baby's problem is reflux or sphincter weakness, you may need to special food . Anti-reflux milk formulas with natural thickeners or high casein content promote rapid curdling of milk, which makes it difficult for it to rise from the stomach.

However, with serious pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, the baby may well need operation . Before this, a thorough examination will be carried out with a mandatory examination by a surgeon, gastroenterologist, ultrasound examination and passing all necessary tests.

For pyloric stenosis and achalasia, the operations are usually simple: almost immediately after the operation, the baby begins to be fed little by little, and in the absence of complications, already on the 4th day he is put to the breast. In the future, the baby develops absolutely normally, and, most likely, will not even know that he was operated on in early childhood.

When should you call a doctor?

If the regurgitation is small in volume and does not cause discomfort to the baby, there is no reason to worry. However, you should immediately consult a doctor in the following cases:

  1. Copious regurgitation “fountain” more than 2 times a day.
  2. Changed color and bile in regurgitated milk.
  3. Sudden weight loss.
  4. Refusal to eat.
  5. Lack of stool and urination.
  6. Paleness, fever.
  7. Moodiness, loud, prolonged crying.

All these symptoms are signs that the baby is seriously unwell and require urgent consultation with a specialist. Waiting for it to “go away on its own” or trying to treat a child on your own is extremely dangerous. Timely medical care will help quickly get rid of the problem and return the child to good health, healthy appetite and normal digestion.

  • I don’t know why, but recently this topic has become unusually relevant. Having three children, I would never have thought about why a newborn often spits up if I had not had to face this problem myself.

    With my older children, I avoided this nightmare, but with my youngest I had the opportunity to experience first-hand what it’s like to watch your child literally spew out curdled milk like a fountain. My advice to moms:

    If after feeding the baby spits up a lot, the first thing to do is to show the baby to the doctor.

    Why? To make sure that the baby does not have any pathology of the gastrointestinal tract. Then you can look for the cause of excessive regurgitation and ways to eliminate it.

    If a newborn burps frequently: what are the reasons?

    There are many of them, but by carefully watching her baby, every mother will be able to find the reason why her child often spits up after feeding. It is necessary to separate children into breastfeeding and those on artificial feeding, since the causes and methods of eliminating them will be different.

    The cause of spitting up in a child during breastfeeding

    1. Incorrect latching of the breast, when the nipple is taken without an areola, which allows air to enter the baby’s esophagus. Air in the baby's stomach is a sure way to excessive regurgitation.

    2. Overeating. Perhaps the mother overfeeds her baby, which is not entirely correct for infants - the structure of their gastrointestinal tract is such that the baby may vomit not an extra portion of milk, but everything that was eaten.

    3. High fat content milk from the mother, which leads to its partial digestibility by the child’s digestive system. In this case, the regurgitation is usually cheesy, looks like curdled milk and has an unpleasant smell of vomit.

    Why does a baby spit up a lot after formula feeding?

    1. Inappropriate nipple in the bottle:

    1) the hole is too large: you need to buy a pacifier with minimal or no hole and make it yourself;

    2) incorrectly shaped nipple – you need to match it to your baby’s bite;

    3) the nipple is too soft or too hard - latex ones are usually softer, silicone ones are harder. You need to select it individually, by trial and error.

    2. Wrong mixture. If your newborn spits up frequently, you should consult your doctor about changing baby food. I solved this problem in a non-standard way and will talk about it below.

    3. Inappropriate bottle shape. It's rare, but it does happen. I’m not sure that this reason was not invented by manufacturers of baby products, but I heard that a special bottle (produced by some brands) helped some mothers partially solve the problem of regurgitation.

    If your baby spits up a lot after feeding: what to do?

    Once I got into a conversation in a children's clinic with an elderly Moldavian woman who raised six (!) children and already had several grandchildren. This lady turned out to be a real storehouse of folk wisdom and gave me some valuable advice, some of which I still use to this day. One of them concerned the problem of regurgitation in infants - I will share it with you.

    Folk method for children on breastfeeding

    I admit, it is somewhat unusual, although quite logical. I didn’t use it myself (I didn’t have to), but my interlocutor assured me that this is what they do in Moldovan villages.

    So, if you showed the baby to the doctor, hold him in a “column”, give the breast correctly, but still, the newborn often spits up , then you should do this: breast milk cook some semolina porridge and give the baby 1 teaspoon before offering the breast.

    I myself used only the principle of this method when, at three months, my youngest son began to regurgitate severely after switching to IV. I conducted a whole “investigation” on the topic and how to deal with it.

    And here is my result.

    How we overcame frequent regurgitation after formula feeding

    1. I didn’t bother with choosing a bottle, but I had to buy a nipple without a hole and make it myself - burn a small hole with a hot needle. In the standard nipple that came with the bottle, the hole was so large that the mixture flowed out in a stream, and not in drops, as it should have been.

    2. Next, I had to switch to a formula specially designed for babies prone to regurgitation, constipation and other digestive problems. I chose the Belarusian “Bellakt Bifido” and until 4.5 months this mixture suited us quite well. The question of choosing a formula is very individual, and each mother will give preference to the baby food that is most suitable for her baby.

    3. When my son grew up and began to move more, the regurgitation repeated again. This often happens in children on IV, because even with a properly selected pacifier, they eat a large amount of food much faster than children on breastfeeding. In addition, my baby was not eating well, he clearly did not have enough liquid formula, and it was too early to switch such a baby to porridge.

    Here I used a principle suggested by an elderly Moldavian woman. It turned out that I was not the only one who did this - in a baby food store, the saleswoman herself told me a recipe tested by many mothers:

    If your baby spits up a lot after feeding you need to add 1 measuring spoon (cap) of any dairy-free porridge to the bottle with the mixture and feed the baby only this way. That is, you make meals as usual, but add another capful of dairy-free porridge and stir.

    In my case it was porridge Baby (Baby) - oatmeal, buckwheat, rice, oatmeal with apple, which can be given to a baby from 4-5 months, but you can choose any brand. We didn’t have any troubles (constipation, allergies, vomiting), and this method helped us a lot.

    This mixing thickens the liquid mixture, makes it more nutritious (the baby is satiated for 3 hours) and actually completely eliminates regurgitation. You can do this for up to 6 months (and longer) until you switch to milk porridge and complementary foods.

    This is just my experience of getting rid of the problem and is in no way a guide to action. Moreover, my baby only developed it in the third month of life. If a newborn often burps (a newborn is a child from the moment of birth to 28 days) and the doctor has not found any problems with the gastrointestinal tract, then it is most reasonable to start with selecting a pacifier (PV) or correct attachment to the breast (GA).

    And finally - video

    With the birth of a child, parents have new concerns related to... In addition to the pleasant moments that fill the life of a family, small troubles also happen, because of which parents feel anxious about the health of their baby. One of the reasons why parents worry is the baby’s frequent and profuse burping.

    Regurgitation is the release of stomach contents into the mouth in small quantities, occurring spontaneously. This process usually occurs due to the fact that during sucking on a bottle or breast, some air is swallowed along with food. The cause of regurgitation may also be physiological in nature., short esophagus, poorly developed stomach muscles and sensitivity of the mucous membrane. As a rule, the regurgitation process goes away on its own after six months, if it is not a sign of a disease.

    Newborn spits up

    After feeding, the baby becomes too active and this can cause regurgitation. Therefore, it is recommended to help the baby release the air trapped during feeding, for which you just need to hold it vertically, in a “column”; even if the baby falls asleep while eating, most likely he will wake up to get rid of the air. There is no need to hold the child upright after each meal, just pay attention to the baby’s behavior, if he is restless, then you should stand in a “column”, but if he is calm, then nothing is bothering him.

    Do not leave the baby sleeping on his back after feeding, so that he does not choke if regurgitation occurs. It is better to place the baby on his side, or on his stomach, or use special pillows for sleeping.

    If a child burps very often, you need to pay attention to the position of the baby during, it is quite possible that the position in which the baby sucks the breast is not very comfortable and in the process of eating the baby takes in a lot of air, which is why the process of regurgitation occurs. Another reason could be incorrect or big hole in it, which also contributes to the appearance of air in the body and, accordingly, regurgitation cannot be avoided. For “artificial” patients, doctors recommend a special anti-reflux mixture, and sometimes even suggest undergoing special therapy.

    For the first time in months, the baby spits up quite often, almost after every feeding.. However, if the child feels great and is gaining weight, there is no reason to worry. Everything will go away on its own after some time.
    You should consult a doctor if regurgitation is profuse and regular, similar to vomiting (fountain), has a yellowish or greenish color and an unpleasant odor, and the child’s behavior is restless, body weight is below normal.

    Regurgitation itself is actually normal for a baby.. In order for your baby to get rid of excess air and train the stomach muscles, it is necessary to hold him upright after feeding, often lay him on his stomach and adhere to the correct posture when feeding. If it has pronounced symptoms of the disease, it is urgent to consult a doctor.

    Regurgitation is the spontaneous release of a small amount of contents from the esophagus or stomach into the pharynx or oral cavity. When suckling at the breast or bottle, your baby will often swallow some air. As a rule, this does not affect his well-being. The physiological cause of regurgitation is the structural features of the child’s gastrointestinal tract: short esophagus, insufficient development of the muscular lining of the stomach and increased sensitivity of its mucous membrane. When moving, changing position or taking a sharp breath, a passive reflux of gastric contents into the pharynx and oral cavity occurs. Typically, regurgitation goes away by six months, but in some cases it can be a symptom of a disease.

    Is it dangerous to place your baby on his back immediately after feeding?
    It is better not to leave the newborn alone on his back if he falls asleep immediately after feeding: regurgitated milk or formula may enter the respiratory tract. You can place the baby on his side, on his stomach, use sleep positioner pillows that do not allow the baby to roll over onto his back, or a special thin (1.5-2 cm) pillow for newborns.

    What to do if the child spits up often and a lot?

    If the baby is on, you need to check whether he is latching onto the breast correctly and whether he is getting enough milk. Sometimes a child who is too hungry or anxious cannot immediately latch onto the breast correctly and swallows a lot of air: in such cases, it is enough to offer the breast to the baby more often and monitor the correct attachment. In some cases, it may be necessary to exclude or limit the horizontal position of the child. If the baby is in the mother's arms, the upper part of his body is always slightly raised when the mother lays him down - he should lie so that the angle of the plane is 20-30 degrees. Sometimes the cause of excess air can be a hole in the bottle that is too large or a nipple that is poorly shaped. For a formula-fed baby, the doctor may recommend a special anti-reflux formula. In some cases, drug antireflux therapy is necessary.

    How often can a baby spit up?

    In the first months of life, the baby may burp after each feeding, sometimes several times. It is worth focusing on the child’s general well-being, his weight gain and the volume of regurgitated fluid (from 5 to 30 ml at a time). There is no reason to worry if the baby is gaining weight well and his health is not suffering. To better navigate the volume, you can pour two tablespoons of milk or kefir onto the table or diaper and compare the amount with the result of normal regurgitation.

    In what cases is regurgitation dangerous?

    It is necessary to consult a doctor if regurgitation occurs in large volumes at each feeding, the volume of regurgitation increases, turns into a “fountain” of regurgitation (vomit “flies out” 50 cm or more), if the vomit is yellow or greenish in color, streaked with blood or mucus. A cause for concern is also the child’s behavior, indicating abdominal pain during regurgitation, a decrease in the baby’s weight, or a significant lag behind the age norm according to modern weight gain data.

    What diseases can regurgitation be a symptom of?

    Against the background of increased fever, ARVI or intestinal infections, regurgitation may intensify. Excessive regurgitation in combination with other symptoms may indicate pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, nervous system, metabolic disorders and other diseases.

    Should I hold my baby upright after eating?

    Too much activity after feeding can cause regurgitation. If a baby sucks at the breast or bottle quickly and greedily, feeds in an uncomfortable position for him, if he is not applied to the breast correctly, and he swallows air - all this can lead to anxiety and the need for the baby to interrupt feedings in order to release the air. There is no need to carry your baby upright after each breastfeeding.