You should never lose hope. How to learn to believe in the best: everything will be fine (force yourself to think positively)

There are moments in life when you feel like you are walking through the desert. There are no more desires, everything becomes alien and colorless.

The hardest thing is to no longer feel love, desire, or faith. This is much harder than losing money, getting sick, or experiencing failure. Since this can happen to anyone, you must know how to deal with it.

Even in the midst of the “desert” you must find strength within yourself and turn to God: “Lord, I am in your hands. You showed me the way, whether there is water in this desert or not, I walk along it, I serve You. I love You, Lord, help me.” You must not lose your faith and your love.

Continue to walk with even greater zeal and increased Faith. This is your only salvation. Don't give in to melancholy and despondency.

Do your best to continue your journey, and you will definitely find food and some water: after all, even in the desert there are oases. Walk until you discover this oasis within yourself to find water there. And this will allow you to continue on your path. The water inside us is our humility, our love.

Mother Teresa

The main thing is never lose hope and faith

We, often finding ourselves in unfavorable circumstances, among those people who love us little, do not want to understand, try to somehow tempt us, lose our face - we get irritated, fall into contradiction, slander, and become restless. Sometimes these meetings serve as an occasion for many days of painful memories, grinding them in our conscience: as if it were necessary to say differently, to inject more painfully, to utter some remark worthy in response to an insult.

And so, a person suffers, not realizing that he is talking with demons, who act through people who live in the hearts of slanderous, unkind, prone to condemnation, hatred, slander, touchy hearts, jealous hearts, envious hearts.

Meanwhile, the Savior teaches us good silence, standing before the face of His enemies - Pilate and Herod. There is even an icon called “Savior the Good Silence.” And the one who will learn this secret from the Savior is not to open his mouth when he sees an unkind look on himself or hears a deliberate falsehood.

But he inwardly prays for a person, so that the Lord would deliver him from evil power and endure with the nobility characteristic of a Christian - the grace of the Lord comes to such a person, unspeakably comforts and cheers him, even if the whole world slanderes us, for the sake of the name of the Lord mixes us with dirt, separates us us from each other. About those who know how to cover human sins with love in silence, the Lord says: “Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is abundant in Heaven.” Archpriest Artemy (Vladimirov).

1. Most romantic film: “Eight First Dates”

You may or may not believe in the theory of soulmates or lost halves, but it's always nice to see it in action. The main characters, Vera, a famous TV presenter, and Nikita, a veterinarian, wake up in the same bed. They did not know each other before and were planning to tie the knot with other people. But some mysterious forces arrange unexpected “dates” for them to prove that they are made for each other.

2. The kindest movie: “I Am Sam”

Sean Penn was nominated for an Oscar for his role in this film, and for good reason: the actor portrayed a complex character on the screen - a 40-year-old man with the intelligence level of a 7-year-old child. No less serious acting work was done by young Dakota Fanning, who played the daughter of this hero.

3. Scariest movie: “The Mist”

A supernatural fog covers the small town, but the worst thing is the unknown that it brought with it. The film tells the story of a group of people who find themselves at that moment in a supermarket, cut off from the outside world. They have to engage in an unequal battle with monsters living in the fog. The film is about how you should never lose hope, and the fog can clear when you least expect it. “The Mist” is an explosive mixture of horror, science fiction and real thriller that will keep you in suspense throughout the entire film.

4. Most exciting movie: "Spy"

The events in the film take place in the spring of 1941. Then a war between two intelligence services began in Moscow - Soviet and German. Hitler planned a secret operation, the purpose of which was to misinform Stalin about Germany's plans to attack the Soviet Union. Senior Major Oktyabrsky and Lieutenant Dorin oppose the genius of fascist espionage. The stunning acting duet of Danila Kozlovsky and Fyodor Bondarchuk is a must see.

5. Funniest movie: “This Stupid Love”

Exemplary family man Col Weaver finds out that his wife has cheated on him. But, as it turned out, this was not the worst tragedy in his life. The creepiest thing was that he had not gone on a date for 20 years and did not know how to meet women. An unexpected meeting in a bar with handsome and philandering Jacob Palmer completely changes Col's life. Then the plot twists so wildly that it’s definitely worth watching and trying to unravel this Gordian love knot. A nice bonus to the film is good jokes.

6. Most fantastic film: “District No. 9”

Another masterpiece from the creators of King Kong and The Lord of the Rings received four Oscar nominations, including in the Best Picture category. It’s worth watching, if only because the film offers a new, very unexpected look at aliens - not as possible enslavers of earthlings, but as refugees from their own planet. The action takes place 20 years after aliens made first contact with Earth. People realized that there would be neither a hostile invasion nor a technological breakthrough, but they still did not decide what to do with refugees from another world. As a result, the aliens were settled in a temporary camp in South Africa, which was called “District No. 9”.

7. Most hair-raising film: “Bride Wars”

What girls are not prepared to do for the wedding of their dreams! Even many years of friendship can be destroyed. And all because, by mistake, the wedding planner schedules the ceremonies of the main characters for the same day. June, Plaza, is a dream wedding for both, and, naturally, each wants to be the first and only bride on her holiday. Two militant beauties threaten and insult each other, hit each other where it hurts and do such sophisticated dirty tricks that you wouldn’t expect even from the worst enemies. The climax is a fight between two brides at the ceremony. It turns out that a film about a wedding can easily turn into a thriller!

8. Scariest movie: “Dream House”

The housing problem, it turns out, can ruin not only Muscovites, but also Hong Kong residents. The main character of the film, Sheung, dreamed all her life of an apartment in a prestigious house overlooking the bay, she saved up, but could not buy it, because real estate prices were growing faster than her savings. As a result, she decides to take a desperate step - to arrange a “blood bath” in her dream apartment in order to bring down the price.

9. Most educational film: “What Men Talk About”

This film is a must-watch for the fair half of humanity! It is advisable to stock up on a pen and a notepad to write down all those secrets of men that, thanks to Quartet I, finally come to the surface. In general, women learn a lot of new things about themselves, things that no representative of the stronger half of humanity would ever tell them, even at gunpoint. The film can literally be torn apart into quotes. Men should also watch this picture to know what secrets Leonid Barats, Alexander Demidov, Kamil Larin and Rostislav Khait treacherously betrayed to women, and also to look at Zhanna Friske, of course.

10. The most mystical film: “Dark Water”

This film is about how starting a new life is not always good. The main character of the film, Dalia Williams, was convinced of this from her own experience, who, after divorcing her husband, decided to start with a clean face: she moved to a new apartment, changed jobs and completely immersed herself in raising her daughter. The new house greets residents with mysterious sounds, constant leaks of dark water and various mysterious incidents. All this begins to drive the main character crazy, who at the same moment is fighting with her ex-husband for custody of her daughter. Dalia decides to figure out who is behind all these mysterious incidents in her apartment. She desperately searches for a connection between the mysteries, and the dark water slowly closes in around her. Solving the riddle of the “bad apartment” together with the main character is a fascinating task, and besides, you will be fed up with mysticism and horror!

Photo: East News, stills from films

- Sakura, watch out! – the blond shouted when he noticed that a werewolf was rushing towards his friend from behind, who had already managed to take on an animal form during the jump.

Turning sharply back, the girl, biting her lower lip almost until it bled, jumped back at the very last moment when a clawed paw cut the air a centimeter from her face.

“Just a little more and...”

But she couldn’t think out the phrase, because this same beast rushed into the attack again, not paying any attention to the blond on the other side.

- Sasuke! - Uzumaki shouted, trying to find his partner with a quick glance, but among the small flock of werewolves that they were so lucky to stumble upon in the night park, which was located in the very center of the city, he was unable to find the Hunter.

-Where have you gone, idiot? Crap! It’s like he fell through the ground!

- How many of you will there be? – the Occultist asked his question, and then took a defensive position.

Breathing heavily, the guy quietly took out one pebble from a small pocket and shouted:

‒ Rune of protection: Algiz!

And a light circle immediately formed around him, in the center of which a rune of protection was inscribed. The werewolf tried to break through the luminous circle, but the light that came from him did not allow him to do this, and, with a final roar, the beast found easier prey, namely Sakura.

The girl, to the surprise of everyone, skillfully dodged the rapid attacks of the werewolves, who continued to attack her, although Haruno had already been a little exhausted, because she had to heal her teammates after the next completed task. After all, this is the duty of the Witch Doctor. And she could not leave her friends in difficult times.

“Kurt, don’t you dare kill her.” – One of the werewolves growled from the side. - We need her alive.

- Why do you need Sakura? – breaking through the living wall, which was now lying around in an unconscious state, Uzumaki asked his question. - Answer! For what?

“And this is none of your business,” snapped, as Naruto understood, the leader of the pack.

At that same second, several werewolves attacked the guy, which was able to push the young man away from the girl, who was already breathing heavily and began to miss blows.

- Naruto! – Haruno shouted when she noticed that the predators still managed to take the Occultist by surprise.

“Now no one will bother us,” Kurt said, showing his sharp fangs, slowly approaching the Witch Doctor, who, in turn, began to move back with her back, thereby trying to keep a distance between them.

“You’re already tired of hunting me,” the girl said angrily, while she carefully watched the other werewolves who stayed away, but at any moment were ready to attack their victim, and that was her.

“You won’t resist,” at that moment the beast began to take on human form, “we won’t hurt you.”

“So I believed you,” looking at her enemies again, the girl removed an interfering strand of her hair from her face. -What will happen to my friends?

“We can’t guarantee their lives,” Kurt answered, grinning, and stopped a few meters from the tired Medicine Woman.

- I didn’t expect any other answer from you.

“As smart as you got,” someone said from the side, but Sakura immediately realized that the werewolves had gone on the offensive.

And Haruno, without hesitation, with one movement perfected over several years, tore a small black cross from her ear, which the very next second, after she uttered the words, increased in size several times.

‒ W-what are you collecting... - Kurt, frozen in place, began to become interested, but only the Medicine Woman got ahead of him, immediately giving an answer to his unfinished question.

‒ Holy cross: healing light!

- Back! – having come to his senses, Kurt growled and at the very last moment managed to avoid the attack.

"Crap! – Haruno said mentally, realizing that there was not as much strength left as she had expected. “I won’t have enough energy for a couple of other spells after this...”

The other werewolves, who did not understand the reason for the panic that flashed only for a second in the eyes of their leader, were trapped and were defeated at the same moment when the white light overtook them.

Their loud howl lasted only a couple of moments, and then it died down as abruptly as it had appeared.

- How dare you, damn girl?

Falling to her knees, the girl was breathing heavily. She tried to restore her heartbeat, but to be honest, she wasn't doing very well. Raising her head with difficulty, Sakura saw not far from her unconscious werewolves who were lying around her, having taken on human form.

Kurt got even angrier, and all because he couldn't get that Medicine Woman again, damn it again. A veil of rage covered his eyes, and he, not noticing what was happening around him, rushed at Haruno.

- I will kill you!

Realizing that she could not answer anything else, because all her strength was spent on the last ritual of purification, the girl prepared for the fact that she would still be killed.

- Well, no, you bastard! I will not allow you to do this act! Rune of Cold: Isa! – a friend’s familiar and dear voice shouted very close, and then an ice wall appeared in front of her, in which Kurt was imprisoned.

“Na-ru…” the girl said his name, and then fell to the ground, breathing intermittently, “how glad I am to see you now...”

- Sakura! Sakura, how are you? – the blond man appeared to her right and asked questions, and then, sitting down next to her, gently and carefully, so as not to cause more pain, he pressed Haruno to his body. - Rest, you deserve it.

The occultist already considered that everything had ended successfully, but at that moment the ice began to crack, attracting with its sound the attention of the tired and rather battered members of the Monarch squad. The Uzumaki, on trembling legs, tried to get up to take the girl as far as possible, but he couldn’t take two steps before he sank to the ground again.

“Xo! There’s no strength left!”

- I will kill you both! – having broken the ice prison, Kurt growled, turning into a beast again, when the sound of a shot was heard, which stopped the enemy’s attack.

A special metal bullet pierced the animal’s muzzle and scarlet blood immediately gushed from the through wound, but the predator’s torment did not end there. A few moments later, his chest was pierced by the black steel of a sword, which, after a skillful swing of the belated Hunter's hand, cut the werewolf's body in half.

“You, as always, Uchiha,” said Uzumaki, smiling slightly, “choose the very last moment.”

At that moment, the creature's lifeless body fell dead onto the wet asphalt, ceasing to collapse back into a man.

Haruno tried her best to stay conscious. Although the body tried in every possible way to fall into the viscous darkness that was gradually approaching from all sides, the girl did not give up just like that.

“I had to tinker,” he answered in a calm tone, and then without words handed the Medicine Woman her own jacket, which was torn in places and stained with the scarlet blood of his enemies.

“Thank you,” was all Haruno could answer.

My arms, legs, and whole body became heavy, as if they were filled with lead. The eyelids involuntarily closed, plunging the Witch Doctor into the dark kingdom of Morpheus. The last thing Sakura could hear was the usual “Hmm” from her partner, the concerned voice of Uzumaki, but due to the constraining weakness, she could not make out the words. And it was at that moment that Haruno completely passed out. She allowed her body and consciousness to plunge into the pitch darkness that was approaching her from all sides, absorbing everything without a trace.

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Sometimes it seems that things are worse than ever and there is no way out. This is a “good” reason to fold your hands, give up and start crying bitterly about fate. At such moments, the most important thing is to pull yourself together and continue to fight no matter what.

website I've collected movies that will remind you that you can't give up.

7 lives

The main character, feeling guilty for the death of 7 people, tries to atone for it. The method he chose requires incredible willpower and determination. This story will make you think about your life, the fate of strangers, fatal mistakes, redemption, the human soul and much more.

Shawshank Redemption

When you give up from powerlessness, and the future seems meaningless and gloomy, it is important to maintain a human face, to leave yourself a chance to return and start all over again. A deep and powerful film, which is rightfully considered a masterpiece of cinema.

127 hours

An avid climber sets out alone on a journey through the canyon gutters and finds himself in an extraordinary situation - he gets stuck in the mountains, walled up between a rock and an absolutely motionless stone. What is a trapped person willing to do for the sake of life?

And in my soul I'm dancing

The heroes of this film are people in wheelchairs. But they have more optimism than many healthy people. Shackled by cerebral palsy, the guys do not lose heart and try to live in this world to the fullest: rejoice, do stupid things, protect the weak, dance and joke.


The main character finds himself on an island cut off from the world in absolute solitude. The main task becomes survival and escape from the island that has become his home. How to force yourself not to give up and live on when there is practically no hope left, and your best friend is a volleyball?

The king speaks

The film, which received four Oscar awards, does not just teach oratory, because the voice is only the outer manifestation of a person. The story of King George VI is about believing in yourself and never giving up.

Dallas Buyers Club

This is an Oscar-winning story about the desire to live, mixed with acute social overtones and country blues. When pharmaceutical companies make a business out of all sorts of ineffective crap, and doctors shrug their shoulders, offering at best a hospital couch as their last refuge, the hero of the film decides to take life into his own hands and not give death a chance.

Slumdog Millionaire

"Slumdog Millionaire" is a story about true friendship, love, life's injustices, fortitude and the ability to never give up. It doesn’t matter how many times fate beat you, what matters is how many times after these blows you were able to get up and continue on your way.

In pursuit of happiness


Andy Nyman, a student at a prestigious conservatory, finds himself in a jazz orchestra led by the legendary Terence Fletcher. Fletcher, whose exhausting rehearsals and constant nagging drive his musicians to the point of paranoia and sometimes suicide, begins to persistently prove to Andy that he is mediocrity. But Andy is not going to give up.

12 years a slave

1841 A free black man, Solomon Northup, is kidnapped from his hometown and sold into slavery. For 12 years, Solomon changed three masters and witnessed the most terrible human sins - hatred, outright malice, envy, greed. But all these years, despite the hardships, humiliation, and beatings, Solomon does not lose hope of finding freedom and seeing his family again.

When a couple cannot have children, this is an unpleasant event for many reasons: questions from relatives, caustic remarks from acquaintances, relationships deteriorate due to scandals and mutual reproaches. A site for mothers will tell you what to do if a diagnosis is made that your husband is infertile.

All worries aside

Panic in such a matter is absolutely inappropriate.

Therefore, I would like to immediately note that the diagnosis of infertility does not mean that your spouse will never be able to have children. Since the cause of this disease in most cases lies in dysfunction of the male genital organ. Today, medicine is able to overcome most of the “obstacles”, and the birth of the long-awaited baby remains only a matter of time.

Another important point: if you cannot get pregnant for a year (and in some cases up to two years) with active sexual activity, then the couple is not considered infertile.

Since the reason for this can be any negative experience by the spouse: stress, overwork, poor microclimate in the family. Your husband is temporarily unable to have children.

The first thing to do after a diagnosis is made is to undergo an examination and undergo a series of tests. And only after this, having found out the cause, begin to treat infertility and take some measures.

How to get pregnant if your husband is infertile

Now let’s talk in more detail about the causes of male infertility and possible methods for solving this problem.

Bad spermogram

Sperm analysis helps determine the number, study the viability, activity and structure of sperm. Based on the test results, if there are deviations, appropriate treatment is prescribed.

Therefore, when planning a pregnancy, both spouses should prepare: lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right, get enough sleep, don’t swear and try to avoid stress.

In most cases, all this helps to cope with this problem, since a bad spermogram is not always a pathology or serious disturbances in the functioning of the genital organs.

If the husband cannot have children for a long time and the spermogram is abnormal, then additional laboratory and instrumental examinations must be completed. In some cases, stimulation of spermatogenesis and normalization of hormonal levels helps correct the situation. But this method takes time (sperm take 70 days to form), which negatively affects a man’s well-being.

Therefore, the wife should become support and support for her husband during this difficult period.

What to do if the husband is infertile due to the lack of sperm in the ejaculate (azoospermia)

Surprisingly, even this problem can be solved today, so it should not scare you. When no sperm can be detected in the ejaculate, a scrotal biopsy is performed. Moreover, when extracted in this way, only a few sperm are enough to achieve fertilization!

The only unpleasant nuance remains the procedure itself for the man and the fact that conception will occur artificially (ICSI).

But how can this become an obstacle to long-awaited happiness?!

Very weak or impaired spermatogenesis (production of male reproductive organs)

In such a situation, couples are most often offered to use a donor sperm bank (IVF). However, conception with this procedure rarely occurs the first time (more often on the fifth or sixth). With this method, the child will have the genetic makeup of the mother, and the spouses will be able to experience pregnancy together and see the appearance of their baby.

For genetic disorders in men, conception using donor sperm is also widely used.

Obstruction of the vas deferens: that is, there are sperm, but they cannot come out

If the husband cannot have his children as a result of obstruction of the vas deferens, then the problem is solved with the help of an operation to restore the canals. When surgery is contraindicated or cannot bear fruit, an alternative method of conception is used. To do this, sperm are taken from the testicle by biopsy and artificial insemination is performed (IVF or), thanks to which the husband becomes the biological father of the baby.

With the help of surgery, you can also cope with the secretory form of infertility (varicose veins around the testicle).

Immunological incompatibility or allergy to partner's sperm

With this form of infertility in men, the most common method of artificial insemination is used: or ICSI.

It is worth noting that such a method of treating infertility as ICSI can be used for weak and inactive sperm. And in terms of indicators, it is much higher than the standard artificial conception procedure. For comparison: the probability of getting pregnant on the first try with IVF is 10-15%, with ICSI – 40-60%.

When a husband cannot have children at all

For one reason or another, one of the ways to solve this problem is adoption.

And in conclusion, I would like to say that there are many examples where couples, after numerous doctor’s conclusions: “your husband is completely infertile,” were still able to conceive a baby and become happy parents. You should never lose hope.