Several ways to speed up the conception of a child. Is it possible to speed up pregnancy?

Sooner or later, the question of having a child arises in every family, but not everyone conceives after the first attempt; it happens that it takes months and even years. In the case of planning a child, the expectant mother, first of all, should take tests, undergo all examinations, and if there are any health problems, eliminate them.

You need to give up bad habits such as alcohol and smoking, reconsider your diet, choosing healthy foods rich in vitamins and minerals. Also spend more time on the move, walk in the fresh air, and avoid nervous tension and stress.

Being overweight or being too thin can also be a reason for not getting pregnant. It is also advisable for the future father to adhere to a healthy lifestyle and undergo examination, because he is in direct contact with the mother.

There are several ways to speed up pregnancy. The first, one of the most effective, is tracking ovulation, it involves measuring your basal temperature every morning for a month; its increase will indicate the beginning of ovulation. On this day, the likelihood of getting pregnant is especially high. For those who have a regular menstrual cycle, the calendar method is suitable. Ovulation occurs mid-cycle around day 14. Pharmacies also sell ovulation tests, which makes life much easier.

Ultrasound is a very informative way to track ovulation, but you need to take into account that it needs to be done daily, it is expensive and takes a lot of time. Although, if you and your spouse are in good health, you may soon feel the first signs of pregnancy. It is not recommended to have frequent sex before ovulation, as this can negatively affect the quality of sperm. What position to choose in order to quickly conceive a child, according to research, then any. After all, in order to fertilize an egg, only one sperm is needed, and during ejaculation several thousand of them enter the vagina.

After sexual intercourse, you should not take a bath or douche. But before it, you can douche with a soda solution in order to create an alkaline environment in the vagina, which is more favorable for sperm, but this is a folk method that is not confirmed by official medicine.

There is no need to worry or worry whether the long-awaited pregnancy has occurred; the test can only be used from the first day of the delay; if this is done earlier, the result may be false. You should know that even if both partners are completely healthy, but the girl still cannot get pregnant within a year, this is a completely normal phenomenon.

A false impression is created that one unprotected sexual intercourse is enough, and in a few days the girl will begin to experience all the delights of toxicosis. Such a development of events is possible in the cinema. In real life, for pregnancy to occur, a number of factors need to develop in a certain way. There are ways to increase your chances of getting pregnant, but they will not give a 100% guarantee of happy motherhood.

What does successful conception depend on?

According to statistics, only 30% of unprotected sexual intercourse results in pregnancy. For artificial insemination this amount is slightly higher and reaches 40%.

Conception is a complex mechanism that is regulated by the hormonal system. The rhythm of the secretion of sex hormones comes first. There should be a clear division of the menstrual cycle into the follicular and luteal phases. The first one happens. Then it bursts and an egg emerges, ready for fertilization. This moment is called ovulation. During the luteal phase, the corpus luteum is present, which should prepare the endometrium for implantation of a fertilized egg.

At first glance, everything is simple. But each stage can be interrupted for many reasons, and this will not allow pregnancy to occur. If the follicle does not burst, it will turn into an ovarian cyst, and there will be no ready-made egg. If ovulation occurs, but the fallopian tubes are altered by adhesions, the meeting of the egg and sperm cannot occur. A very large corpus luteum is a cyst, which also interferes with normal gestation.

Many pathologies of other organs can affect fertilization. If a woman has hypothyroidism, then becoming a mother is very difficult for her. The following diseases are also important:

  • obesity;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • autoimmune diseases.

Any pathology of the reproductive organs can reduce all efforts to zero.

If fertilization is successful, this does not mean that pregnancy has occurred. The fertilized egg needs time to attach to the wall of the uterus before it is ready to receive it. There is a certain period of time called the “implantation window.” This is the time when the endometrium is functionally most prepared to meet the embryo. If this does not happen, regular periods will begin in a few days.

Ways to influence conception

In a healthy woman, pregnancy should occur on its own, without additional influences. This requires several attempts, but there is always a chance of getting pregnant the first time. There are methods that can help with this. These are non-specific techniques that work in some cases.

Calculating ovulation

If you know exactly the day of your ovulation, you can accurately determine the timing when it is optimal to have intercourse. Pharmacies sell special ones, but you won’t use them every day. Therefore, you can increase your chances of getting pregnant during ovulation by measuring.

The countdown is from the first day of menstruation. Every morning, without getting out of bed, you need to measure the temperature in the rectum. The obtained data is entered into a graph. After a month, you can evaluate the result. The moment the temperature rises approximately in the middle of the cycle is ovulation.

But the cycle can be uneven and sometimes go astray. Therefore, it is necessary to spend another month in measurements and compare the results.

Knowing the date of ovulation, you can purposefully have unprotected contact the day before. The first days of the post-ovulation period are also suitable. To increase the chance of getting pregnant a day, it is not necessary to have sexual intercourse several times in a row. With each repeated ejaculation, the quality of sperm decreases. It begins to look like a cocktail of seminal fluid and single spermatozoa.

Adjusting your diet

Nutrition determines your overall health. Lack or excess of nutrients can disrupt the maturation of germ cells, deteriorate the quality of cervical mucus and make it unsuitable for sperm.

With proper nutrition, you can increase the likelihood of successful conception. It is necessary to maintain a balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Your food must include red meat and seafood. They contain essential amino acids that are essential for the body. These substances cannot be obtained from plant foods or synthesized independently.

Proper nutrition involves a large amount of vegetables and fruits, fiber. They help cleanse the intestines and help maintain normal peristalsis. Timely bowel movements help maintain the uterus in the correct position. With constipation, feces distend the rectum, it puts pressure on the uterus and can disrupt its position. This condition does not promote conception.

Correcting your diet involves avoiding drinks containing caffeine - coffee, tea, and some carbonated drinks. Alcohol is also prohibited. It disrupts microcirculation, and its metabolic products poison the body. Scientists estimate that drinking 10 drinks per week reduces fertility by 50-60%. This is also due to the work of the liver, where waste hormones are metabolized.

Changing lifestyle

Quitting smoking also increases your chances of getting pregnant quickly. This thesis applies not only to the expectant mother, but also to the spouse. In men, sperm is completely renewed within 2 months. Therefore, the highest quality sperm will appear 2 months after giving up the bad habit.

In women, smoking negatively affects the condition of eggs and reduces fertility by 2 times. In the body of a smoker, especially over 30 years of age, blood clotting increases. This creates the preconditions for the formation of microthrombi. Thrombosis of the endometrial vessels disrupts the nutrition of the uterine mucosa; the embryo simply cannot find a place where it can attach. Or it will attach, but will not be able to provide food for itself and die. After 35 years, the chances of getting pregnant are largely related to giving up this bad habit.

You also need to remember about sufficient physical activity and walks in the fresh air. This keeps all systems in good shape. Dosed physical exercises also affect the peristalsis of the fallopian tubes. Their microvilli move in the right direction - towards the uterus, and push out the fertilized egg there.

Adding vitamins

Vitamins are activators of biological processes in the body. Women have their own characteristics: each phase of the cycle requires certain substances. Vitamins that increase the likelihood of successful conception are taken by day of the cycle. In the follicular phase from days 5 to 14 of the cycle, vitamin B₆ and E are especially necessary. They will help rebuild the endometrium and mature the dominant follicle.

The luteal phase lasts from days 15 to 25. It requires vitamin C, B₁ and E, but the latter - in double quantity. These substances will help the endometrium grow blood vessels that are necessary to nourish the embryo.

In preparation for pregnancy, vitamin E and folic acid must be taken daily for 2 months before the planned conception.

A trace element that increases fertility and the ability to conceive is zinc. Its norm for the normal functioning of the reproductive system is only 15 mg per day. Peanuts, almonds, oysters, steak or chicken are rich in zinc.

Getting ready psychologically

During stress, certain hormones are released that suppress the reproductive system. This applies to both emotionally negative situations (distress) and positive ones (eustress). Any of them is a shock to the body.

Fertility is also affected by the anticipation of pregnancy itself. Some women, whose numerous attempts to have a child remain unsuccessful, become fixated on this thought. Their whole life is built around the likelihood of conception. This is also stress, leading to... Once they let go of these thoughts, everything works out by itself. Some people can cope with such a psychological problem on their own, while others need the help of a psychologist.

Additional methods

It is known that in China there is a ban on children. Married couples are not allowed to have more than one child, with the exception of natural multiple pregnancies. If you don't resort to reproductive technologies, there is a way to increase your chances of conceiving twins.

Chinese women know about it and use it successfully. The secret is in regular birth control pills. If you take combined oral contraceptives for a short time - 2-3 months, then the ovaries have time to rest a little. After discontinuation of the drug at the first ovulation, a rebound effect or rebound occurs. The ovaries are actively involved in their work, and even 2 eggs can mature in them.

For some patients with minor hormonal imbalances, gynecologists also recommend short-term use of contraceptives, and then, in the first month after stopping use, active attempts to get pregnant.

Boy or girl?

The sex of the child depends on the father. It's all about the chromosome set. In women, the egg contains the X sex chromosome. In men, 50% of sperm have X chromosomes, and the other half have Y chromosomes. Which of them will be the first to penetrate the egg, the sex of the child will be:

  • XX – girl;
  • XU is a boy.

It is almost impossible to influence this. But there is some anecdotal evidence. Spermatozoa that carry the Y chromosome are more mobile and have less weight due to the absence of one arm. But at the same time, they die faster. Their counterparts with the X chromosome are slower, but also tenacious.

You can get pregnant with a girl if you take into account the following notes:

  1. From long-term abstinence, some of the sperm with the Y chromosome presumably die, leaving the X ones that carry the female sex.
  2. In the acidic environment of the vagina, more motile sperm are also the first to die.
  3. It is necessary to increase the proportion of magnesium and calcium.

Bottom line: if you have sexual intercourse infrequently, keep your vagina healthy, and eat foods rich in calcium and magnesium, you can increase your chances of conceiving a girl. Women are advised to consume more dairy products and cottage cheese. Recommended fruits: grapefruit, lemon, watermelon, pears, apples, strawberries, raspberries, pineapple.

If all else fails...

You can try to get pregnant on your own for up to a year. The number of intercourses should not be too frequent. 2-3 times a week is enough.

If the long-awaited pregnancy has not occurred within a year, then this is a reason to consult a doctor. It is possible that there are health problems on the part of the husband or wife. In this case it is necessary. It is imperative to determine the presence of sexually transmitted infections, check hormonal levels, and the presence of ovulation. For men, a spermogram is required.

It is possible that there are diseases of the endocrine organs that prevent pregnancy. You need to visit a therapist and endocrinologist and find out this issue.

In many cases, timely detected pathology can be treated. But sometimes the condition of the genital organs does not allow pregnancy to occur naturally. Then there is nothing else left to do but resort to.

Sometimes even a healthy couple is unable to have children very quickly; pregnancy simply does not occur. Is it possible to speed up the process of conception and what needs to be done for this?

If you ask gynecologists about this topic, you will definitely get an answer: the diagnosis of infertility is made only after a year of unsuccessful attempts to have a child, given that sex is regular and contraception is not used. The thing is that the female body is not ready for conception every cycle; ovulation may not occur. But waiting a year is such a long time... Meanwhile, the process can be accelerated.

1. Taking birth control pills.
At first glance, this advice may seem a little strange. After all, you cannot get pregnant at all by taking oral contraceptives. Yes, that's true. But after stopping the pills, so to speak “on withdrawal”, they get pregnant much faster. Right in the next menstrual cycle after stopping the drugs. You need to drink them before this 3-4 cycles. It is not known exactly why this happens - whether it is due to the fact that the “rested” ovaries begin to “ovulate” intensively or with something else... In principle, it does not matter. The main thing is that it works. By the way, this (having a child immediately after stopping the contraceptive) is absolutely safe. But do not forget that even modern low-dose COCs have a number of contraindications and side effects. And before you start taking it, you must visit a gynecologist for consultation.

2. Measuring basal temperature, drawing up a schedule,conception calendar .
All this is necessary in order to calculate the favorable possible day for conception in a given menstrual cycle - ovulation. All? What you will need is a separate, ordinary mercury thermometer (it is still considered the most accurate, and in this situation accuracy is very important). The temperature must be measured daily, in the morning, at the same time, without getting out of bed.

During the first half of the menstrual cycle, the temperature will fluctuate from 36.6 to 36.9 degrees, but on days 12-15 it will drop slightly - this is a sign that ovulation is already approaching. On the day of ovulation itself, the temperature rises above 37 degrees. If you did not notice this increase, then, most likely, ovulation did not occur in this menstrual cycle, this happens - and this is the norm, do not worry. You can also track the most favorable days with the help of daily ultrasound examinations, ovulation tests (can be purchased at the pharmacy) and carefully monitoring your own sensations. In the latter case, how well a woman knows her body is very important.

The methods described above are proven, and there are also so-called folk methods. These include recommendations for making love in certain positions, using infusions of various herbs, a special diet, etc.

But no matter what option you choose - calculate the conception calendar or experiment with positions, remember that stress prevents you from achieving your goal. The main thing is not to worry and hope, then you will definitely succeed!

Discussion of the article “How to speed up pregnancy”


I took Tri-Regol birth control pills for about 2 years, after stopping them we have not used protection for a month and a half, but pregnancy does not occur. Why?

14.05.2013 (22:38)


I agree with mom). If you drink a complex of omegamama and folic acid for 9 months, pregnancy is guaranteed. That is, the chances will increase by a lot. I personally drank. It was assumed that this would happen three to four months after starting to take vitamins, but. everything happened in 2.5)


If your periods are irregular, determine the day by plotting basal temperature charts. During ovulation, the temperature in the rectum rises above 37 degrees. Basal temperature should be measured daily. The measurement time should be the same, preferably in the morning. The readings are recorded 5-7 minutes from the moment the thermometer is inserted into the anus.

Determining ovulation is necessary if a couple wishes to have. On the eve of these days, it is better for a man to abstain from sexual intercourse in order to increase the quality and quantity of sperm. After the ejaculation process, a man needs friction to prevent sperm from splashing out of the vagina. To prevent sperm from leaking out, a woman is advised to lie on her stomach or place a small pillow under her buttocks.

A man’s diet should include nuts, meat, black and red caviar, as well as multivitamins to stimulate spermatogenesis. Women should consume foods containing boron, manganese and folic acid several months before conception. But the consumption of coffee, chocolate, and other products containing caffeine should be kept to a minimum.

Couples who want to conceive a child need to calm down and not focus on the problem. Sometimes pregnancy can occur completely unexpectedly. The main thing is not to blame yourself and not to panic, and then everything will work out.

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When a married couple decides to conceive a child, sometimes it turns out that this is not as easy as it seemed. There are a number of reasons that may hinder attempts, but do not panic ahead of time, it is better to calm down and relax. After all, one of the factors that interferes with pregnancy is stress. If attempts have been going on for quite some time, it would be a good idea for both partners to see a doctor. It will determine whether you or your partner have health problems that need attention.

You will need

  • Ovulation tests, patience and understanding towards each other.


Make love regularly: not too rarely, but not too often. If you have sex several times a day, the sperm simply will not have time to mature. On the other hand, making love less often reduces sperm motility.

Try to lead a healthy life. This advice applies to both spouses. Alcohol, coffee and cigarettes in general affect the functioning of the body, and therefore the reproductive system. Light physical activity is welcome. Fast food is also undesirable, as, indeed, at a less important time in your life.

Both obesity and excessive thinness have a bad effect on fertility. However, you should not go on a diet at the time when you are planning a child. Do this a few months ahead of time conception. Research shows that women who are close to their ideal weight for their height and age have an easier time getting pregnant.

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Please note

If you have had the flu or other viral disease, wait a while to let your body regain its strength.

Useful advice

For a while, try to forget about being constantly busy at work: take a vacation and devote this time to each other. And don’t think about wanting to get pregnant: after all, sometimes your mental attitude and fixation on the result interfere with this.

Many married couples, having decided to have a child, expect an almost immediate result, that is, conception. And when it doesn’t come in the first month or two or even six months, then the lovers begin to really panic, resulting in constant quarrels and scandals.


Perhaps your failures occur because you listen to completely incorrect and medically unfounded advice from your girlfriends. Like: “feed your husband black caviar with nuts or have sex exclusively in the missionary position.” All this is so groundless that it can only be compared with the statement: “If a black woman crossed your road on Friday the 13th evening, then...”

There are a couple of days in a woman's menstrual cycle when her body is most predisposed to conception - this is ovulation. Unfortunately, the exact moment of its onset is very difficult, but possible. There is even a special temperature chart, following which (measuring vaginal or rectal temperature daily) you will find that in the first phase of the cycle the temperature is 0.3-0.4 degrees lower than in the second. There are also 1-2 days when there is a short drop in temperature before its subsequent rise. This and. You can also determine the moment of its onset by more abundant mucous discharge, when it resembles egg white. It is on such days that you have sex especially actively.

Lead a healthy and active lifestyle. Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages and smoking negatively affect the ability to conceive in both women and women. Also, factors that negatively affect fertility include the consumption of fried, fatty, flour foods, processed foods, a sedentary and sedentary lifestyle. If you are seriously concerned about family planning, then give up bad habits, eat more vegetables and fruits, and play sports. Exercises aimed at developing the lower abdominal and pelvic muscles will be especially useful, because this will improve blood circulation in the genital area. Belly dancing is very suitable for women in this regard, and men should do more exercises to develop the gluteal muscles.

If you are protected using oral contraceptives, stopping them may increase your chances of pregnancy. Moreover, if a woman has problems conceiving, then these drugs are specifically prescribed to solve this problem. But, naturally, you should resort to this method only after consulting a doctor and with his permission.

Wear the right clothes and underwear. Synthetic and tight items can negatively affect fertility in both men and women. For girls, wearing tight clothes can impair blood circulation in the pelvic organs, and synthetic underwear can cause various inflammatory processes that can become an obstacle to pregnancy. For men, the danger in using such underwear is that underwear that is too tight and made from low-quality material can lead to an increase in the temperature of the testicles, and this can negatively affect the quality of sperm, the motility and number of viable sperm.

During pregnancy, sometimes it is enough just to calculate the favorable conditions and slightly change your lifestyle. Use simple recommendations, but if, despite all efforts, does not occur within 12 months, you should contact a family planning center.

Determining the period of ovulation

The easiest way to increase it is to determine the ovulation period, that is, the time when the egg is mature and ready for fertilization. Start by carefully keeping a calendar of your menstrual cycles. The greatest chance of pregnancy occurs in the middle of such a cycle, approximately two weeks after the first day.

An even more accurate method of determining ovulation when planning pregnancy is to measure basal body temperature. This should be done every morning at the same time before getting out of bed. Record your results daily to create your own personal fertility chart. When the temperature inside the body rises by 1–1.5 degrees, the likelihood of pregnancy is maximum.

In each cycle, a woman ovulates for approximately 2-3 days, so try not to miss the moment.

You can find out your ovulation period more quickly by doing a special test. It works on the same principle as pregnancy tests, detecting elevated levels of hormones in the urine. A sharp increase in luteinizing hormone indicates the maturation of the egg, which means the woman is ready to conceive.

Proper nutrition and exercise

The influence of such a remedy as a healthy lifestyle on the possibility of pregnancy cannot be underestimated. Natural healthy products help avoid hormonal imbalances, nourish all body systems and maintain reproductive functions in good condition.

Pregnancy is promoted by foods rich in vitamin C, D, zinc, calcium and antioxidants. According to ancient folk belief, sea buckthorn berries and sage decoctions help you get pregnant quickly, which are recommended to be drunk daily, as they contain all the necessary substances to increase the likelihood of conception.

Both women and men should abstain from alcohol, cigarettes and caffeine during the period of alleged conception. These substances, even in moderate quantities, reduce the likelihood of pregnancy by half.

Try to maintain a normal weight and move more. It is known that weight gain and a sedentary lifestyle negatively affect the level of hormones responsible for conception. Therefore, sign up for a fitness class or a swimming pool, start walking in the park, this will not only help you lose weight, but also relieve stress, which is very harmful during the period of conception.

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The lack of immediate results can be a reason for a family scandal or the start of an intensive examination - even contrary to the recommendations of doctors. In fact, it is clear that a MONTH of absence of pregnancy is the failure of only ONE attempt, and not thirty. And the official diagnosis of infertility is made only after a year of failure.

And, nevertheless, the aspirations and fears are quite understandable to both doctors and friends. Therefore, everyone strives to contribute to the collection of tips on HOW TO GET PREGNANT FASTER.

First, HOUSEHOLD advice.

Count 2 weeks from the first day of your next menstruation - this is the MOST favorable day
IN FACT: for many this is indeed the day of ovulation, especially with a 28-day cycle. But this does not happen for everyone.

The effectiveness of the council is no more than 50%.

Before the “decisive” days, force your husband to abstain from sex for 3-4 days - this will accumulate more sperm.
IN FACT: this is really true. Just don’t torture a man for a week or two. This will cause the sperm to age and its ability to fertilize will decrease.

The effectiveness of the council is 70%.

After ejaculation, a man must immediately stop friction so as not to splash sperm out of the vagina.
IN FACT: this is so, the continuation of friction spreads sperm along the walls of the vagina, so the puddle at the base of the cervix sharply becomes shallow. However, this does not always occur to such an extent as to affect the likelihood of conception.

The effectiveness of the council is 60%.

After ejaculation, a woman should lie on her stomach, or do a “birch”, or place a cushion under her buttocks to prevent sperm from leaking out of the vagina.
IN FACT: even if such leakage occurs, it does not in any way affect the likelihood of conception: only EXTRA sperm flows out, which does not fit in the folds of the vaginal mucosa.

The effectiveness of the council is 20%.

After ejaculation, a man must stop friction, remaining inside his partner: his penis serves as a kind of plug that prevents sperm from pouring out.
IN FACT: This is a variation of the previous tip, and has about the same effectiveness - 20%. Although, of course, it’s nicer than the previous advice.

Before intercourse, a woman needs to douche with a soda solution (half a teaspoon per liter of warm water).

IN FACT: yes, soda changes the acidity of the vaginal contents and in many cases helps to prolong the motility of sperm. But for many women, the environment already has normal acidity, so it turns out that soda is simply not needed.

The effectiveness of the council is 60%.

Properly prepare for conception: do not smoke for 2 months, do not drink alcohol for 3 months (the same for your husband), do not take steam for 2 weeks.
IN FACT: yes, all this is important, but among the causes of infertility it is at the very bottom of the list. So it is used only as weak auxiliary means.

The effectiveness of the council is 15%.

Drink vitamins for 2-3 months, focusing on folic acid.

IN FACT: Women without a history of problems are recommended to take folic acid as part of a multivitamin to prepare for pregnancy - and nothing more. In this case, the dosage of folic acid can be 0.4-0.8 mg. To prepare for pregnancy, folic acid should be taken with your spouse before pregnancy. Usually the course is 2 months.

The effectiveness of the council is 20%.

Feed your husband nuts and black caviar for 2-3 months so that the sperm “ripens.”

IN FACT: tasty, but ineffective. If there are real disorders of spermatogenesis, then neither nuts nor any other food will help.

Council efficiency is 5%.

Do not experience orgasm during intercourse aimed at conception. This makes sense: during a woman’s orgasm, the uterus and cervix seem to protrude deep into the vagina, which lengthens the path of sperm to the cervical canal. When aroused without orgasm, the cervix remains almost level with the vaginal vault, where a puddle of sperm collects.

IN FACT: the influence of orgasm on fertility is almost not felt, but you can easily lose the last pleasure in bed using this advice.

The effectiveness of the council is 10%.

Determine the days of possible conception using the basal temperature chart.

IN FACT: of course, an individual definition is much more accurate than an average one (see tip No. 1). But more often it happens that this day is already among those on which the couple’s sexual activity is maximum.

The effectiveness of the council is 40%.

Determine days of possible conception using ultrasound monitoring. The study is carried out several times during one cycle to accurately determine the day of ovulation (for example, on the 12th day of the cycle, then by the size of the follicle to confirm its rupture no later than on the second day.

IN FACT: an even more accurate way to determine the day of maximum fertility. And more objective than measuring basal temperature, studying mucus, pupil symptoms and even ovulation tests. But in many cases, infertility is not due to a lack of ovulation. She is on her own, and infertility continues...

The effectiveness of the council is 60%.
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