The beginning of a raw food diet. Raw food diet - where to start

Starting a new life, and it is quite acceptable to call a radical change in diet such, it is necessary to receive some kind of instructions so as not to “break the woods” and then “not to disentangle” the current situation. In this article, we will figure out where the path of competent living nutrition originates, as well as the priorities of this or that step.

First, decide why you are switching to a raw food diet. There are several main reasons. Which one is yours?

1. Health problems.

2. The desire to lose weight.

4. Ethical reasons.

5. Fashion for this food.

If you already have health problems or you want to maintain what you have, then a sudden abandonment of your previous diet is not recommended, since this is stress for the body, which in the first case can be harmful, and in the second it will confront you with many unnecessary “pitfalls” that have accumulated in your more or less healthy body.

For those who are trying to lose weight or the point of changing their diet is to avoid being part of the process of killing animals, it would naturally be unwise to make the transition gradually.

Perhaps there are a sufficient number of people who follow fashion not only in clothing, but also in nutrition. This group can decide for itself which transition to a raw food diet to choose.

An important step in starting a raw food diet

1. Take a head of garlic and cut each of its cloves into several small pieces.

2. Swallow the resulting pieces a few at a time. You can even drink juice if it’s hard to swallow.

One of the effective techniques against accumulated mucus and other harmful substances in the body is Shank Prakshalana cleansing. This method also does not require enemas; moreover, it cleanses the entire gastrointestinal tract as a whole.
1. You need to stock up on 8-12 glasses of water, after salting it. For every liter of water you need to add 1 teaspoon of salt. This is approximately 3 spoons.

2. Drink at different intervals throughout the day, performing a set of exercises after each glass.

The set of exercises is quite simple, you can familiarize yourself with it by watching the video:

This technique was loved by many who tried it. Its author is biologist Marva Ohanyan with extensive experience working with people whom she helped get rid of various diseases.

1. Once a week, make a solution of 50 grams of Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) in 50 milliliters of warm water. Drinks in one gulp. This is followed by a two-hour rest with a heating pad on the right side, during which you need to drink two liters of sena infusion. This stage is contraindicated for people with gastritis, ulcers, hepatitis and cholelithiasis.

2. During the week, an enema is given in the morning. Composition of the solution: 10 grams of sea salt and 5 grams of baking soda, mixed in two liters of water. In the second week it is done every other day, and in the third week after two days. On the days of enemas, you can only drink herbal infusions and freshly squeezed juices, even if you are coming out after fasting.

3. During ten days of fasting, according to Ohanyan, the consumption of freshly squeezed juices in a volume of 500 milliliters is allowed, gradually increasing to 1 liter, and solid food, of course, is prohibited. The fasting itself consists of taking infusions of the following herbs: valerian root, yarrow, calendula, oregano, nettle, linden, coltsfoot, motherwort, chamomile, sage. The daily volume of infusions is 3 liters.

Recovery from fasting is gradual and should take at least eight days.

Cleansing is an important step, do not ignore it when switching to a raw food diet, as it will help you avoid many small and sometimes even large problems with the body.

Even if you gradually begin the transition to live nutrition, then the rejection of the most harmful foods and methods of preparing them should be abrupt. This list includes:

1. White sugar.

2. White flour.

3. Thermophilic yeast.

4. Milk.

5. Any cooked meat dish.

6. As well as drinks such as alcohol, coffee, tea, carbonated drinks.

The following must be excluded from the cooking methods:

1. Roast.

2. Smoked.

It would be a good idea to keep a live food diary, in which you need to write down everything that happens to your body. It is also worth regularly taking a test for the presence of B12 paired with homocysteine ​​and a hair test for vitamins and microelements.

It is important that at the beginning of the transition to a raw food diet, you describe in as much detail as possible all the existing health problems, even minor ones, and do the tests described above. Thus, even if you do not do this regularly, after more time has passed you will be able to clearly see the changes and, if necessary, adjust your diet.

Reading time 2:17

Switching to a raw food diet in 50 days

This technique, “Cleansing the body and normalizing weight in 50 days,” was developed, tested on myself, and then on several dozen volunteers by Dmitry Kudelin.

The essence of the technique:

  • Every morning of the program, instead of your usual food, you need to consume 10 grams. pollen and: either fruits (only one type in one morning, for example: apples or bananas), or vegetables with herbs (can be with nuts).
  • You can drink green or herbal tea infused with raw, clean water at a temperature not exceeding 50 degrees Celsius. Instead of sugar, honey or dried fruits are used.
  • The first five weeks are a transition period to a 100% two-week raw food diet.

The first rule of transition to a raw food diet: the rule of replacement

First week:

Let's change only breakfast:

Let's start the morning with a cup of herbal tea, with honey and pollen 10g.

In the first week, until 12.00 you can eat only fruits or vegetables, herbs and nuts. Eat what you like best. You can eat as much fruits, vegetables, greens as you want. At lunch and dinner, eat as you are used to. That's all we will do in the first week of switching to a raw food diet. For now, don't bother with anything else.

Second week:

We refuse bread and all dishes prepared with wheat: cookies, pastries, crackers, pasta, etc. Everything else while you can eat it! We use the rules of substitution: We replace pasta with stewed cabbage, buckwheat or potatoes. We forget about bread and reward ourselves with an additional portion of vegetable salad. Let's start eating sprouted wheat.

Each subsequent week: choose one of the animal products that you eat regularly and give it up. These products include: meat, poultry, fish, any dairy products, eggs. Don’t forget the principle of replacement, start eating nuts, seeds, seeds, legumes.

Third week:

For example, we refuse meat and poultry.

Fourth week

For example, we give up fish.

Fifth week:

For example, we give up eggs.

Sixth week:

We refuse dairy products.

The last 15 days of the program are 100 percent vegetarian raw food diet. That is, only raw plant products are eaten: pollen, greens, nuts, seeds, vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, seaweed (fucus or kelp).

It is advisable not to consume salt. If it is difficult, you need to replace regular table salt with edible sea salt.

The goal of the method is “cleansing the body and normalizing weight in 50 days”

help you painlessly, little by little switch to eating raw plant foods. If you decide tomorrow to eat only raw foods, nothing good will come of it. Firstly: because the habit of eating boiled food has become ingrained in your head over many years. You won’t last more than half a day on raw food - you won’t be hungry, but you’ll still really want to eat something boiled. This is a kind of addiction, which, strange as it may seem to you, is much stronger than alcohol addiction. Secondly: the gastrointestinal tract is accustomed to extracting nutrients from mostly cooked food. It takes time to rebuild the enzymatic system to process raw plant foods. And besides, millions of bacteria live in our body that help digest food. To process cooked food, certain bacteria are needed, while raw food needs another. It also takes time for beneficial microorganisms to multiply.

Any habit can be developed in 40 days. This is a feature of our psyche. In 40 days we will develop the habit of eating natural foods. We will consolidate it over the next 10 days. This is the key to the technique.

Pollen and dry seaweed are a must when transitioning to a raw food diet! Without them, a safe transition to a raw food diet is impossible!

Hundreds of people have already stepped on the same rake. We tried to lose weight quickly by eating only vegetables and fruits. Don't repeat their mistakes! When an unprepared body refuses animal products, a deficiency of essential amino acids and vitamin B12 may occur. This is fraught with unpleasant surprises.

Vitamin B12 is found in algae. And there is a lot of it in raw seaweed. Many people mistake the one sold by weight in supermarkets for fresh. It's boiled! Dry cabbage is produced by drying it in the sun, on the seashore. This is what it is - raw.

Regarding pollen

Pollen contains all the essential amino acids! This is basically the “sperm” of plants. So is the value of pollen clearer? The deficiency of amino acids, minerals and vitamins that may occur during the transition to a raw food diet is largely compensated by pollen.

Today in the world there are many diets, different types of nutrition and other systems related to human nutrition. One of the very interesting types of nutrition is a raw food diet.

If you decide to switch to a raw food diet, then you should know where to start in order to avoid unwanted consequences.

And so, first, ask yourself questions: “Do you need this?”, “What do you want to get from such a decision?” You must clearly understand that the raw food diet is not some kind of diet, but a way of life after the transition to which your whole life will change. Pavel Sebastyanov, in a book about raw food nutrition, writes: “The path of a raw foodist is the path of the samurai.” This statement very accurately emphasizes the seriousness of a raw food diet. If you choose a raw food diet, you will face great difficulties and obstacles. A raw food diet is not just a refusal of cooked food. Becoming a raw foodist will cause you many problems. This includes a misunderstanding of you by your loved ones, the body will be cruelly opposed to you, breakdowns and crises will occur. But besides the negative aspects, a raw food diet also has positive aspects. This and the path to health, and cleansing the body, and self-improvement and self-control. Therefore, it is not worth starting without an answer to the question ““. Without understanding yourself, without weighing all the pros and cons of such a choice, it will be difficult to complete what you started. Once you have determined why you need it. The next step is to figure out where to start.

There are several ways to start a raw food diet.

First way is the toughest of all the others. He foresees a sharp transition, without any compromises or concessions to his body. However, this method requires a lot of willpower from you and a good margin of safety for your body. Remember that after eliminating boiled food from the diet, a process of releasing a huge amount of energy occurs in the body, which is spent on self-cleaning. This is not a very painless process, and in some cases it is dangerous, especially if you have previously very often pleased your body with various delicacies and sweets and have not taught it to be content with the least. Also, as a result of this transition, you may experience such painful symptoms as: dizziness, weakness in the body, fever, peeling and redness of the skin and other symptoms associated with changes in the body. If the body is more neglected, it can be even worse.

But don’t immediately get scared and give up everything. In this way your body gets rid of from all the unnecessary things that have been accumulating in the body for years. You will also be tempted by old habits that are not easy to break. Different smells of food will make you hungry and want to eat something boiled or fried. A sharp transition is a method for those people who have strong willpower and self-control. If you have these qualities, then a sharp transition is for you.

Second way more loyal to your body as it anticipates a smooth transition. Most people like this method. Studies in this area have shown that many foods cause drug addiction and it will be difficult to say goodbye to them using willpower alone and not everyone will be able to do this. The method of replacing harmful foods with healthy ones will help with this. The first step in this can be green smoothies. Most indications indicate that these shakes reduce cravings for cooked foods. Cocktails will also help avoid stress and other side effects from a sudden transition.

It should be noted that a sudden transition is not a very good decision for people who have some health problems.

The best way is to make a gradual transition. To begin with, give up cooked animal protein, and most importantly, give up processed meats. Afterwards, gradually give up poultry, fish, eggs in any prepared form. The next step is to give up milk and dairy products, sweets, coffee and fatty and fried bread. Try to eat more greens and fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet. At the transition stage, sauerkraut, vegetables and pickled fruits will be an excellent assistant. If just the sight of labeled fruits causes you discomfort, then it is better to replace them with something else. Listen to your body, it knows exactly what you need.

Juicer Simply irreplaceable in the kitchen of a beginning raw foodist. Fruit and vegetable juices are not only healthy, but also have a pleasant taste. Juice therapy will help remove toxins from the body and switch to a raw food diet, without unnecessary stress and problems.

Blender will also be your good assistant. It is known that crushed food is absorbed much better. Smoothies are fruit juices and purees, a wonderful treat and a complete meal for those who cannot boast of strong teeth.

Why do you need a raw foodist? food processor? When switching to a raw food diet, for those who find it difficult to adapt to separate meals, there is an acceptable alternative. These are salads and other “raw food” dishes. Using a food processor, they will take just a few minutes to prepare, which is especially important if you are a busy person.

Before switching to a raw food diet, raw food doctors advise undergoing a fasting cleanse. Fasting is a great way to help the body adapt to a new way. It can be with water or with herbal teas. More detailed information can be found by reading various literature written in this vein. If you want to learn more about how this will affect your health, you can consult with raw food doctors.

Another obstacle to the path to a raw food diet can be the attitude of your loved ones towards your choice. They may not understand you and dissuade you from this idea. Your friends may look at you askance, laugh at you, and think you are crazy. But don’t get upset right away, be persistent and everything will come to its senses. As you know, people are hostile to everything new. Over time, the people around you will get used to your choice, and everything will be fine. The main thing is to try not to be offended by others and remain calm. If they make fun of you, try to treat it with humor. Over time your well-being and appearance will show who was right and who was wrong.

The raw food diet does not have many followers, but their number is growing every year. And all thanks to the realization that heat treatment “kills” most of the beneficial substances in products. However, just motivation is not enough - you also need willpower. This is a very strict system that not everyone can handle. More than 50% of those who want to become raw foodists drop out already in the first days of its testing, because they do not know where to start and how to do it correctly. This small guide will help you organize the transition correctly and avoid common mistakes.

Step 1. Decide on the reason

To become a raw foodist, you need to clearly understand the reason for the transition to a new way of life. If you want to start eating raw food just because it's fashionable, or to prove to someone that you have willpower, it's unlikely that anything will work out. - a too strict nutritional system, which is almost impossible to observe without a moral and ethical background and deeper motivation. Maybe for a week or two your Instagram will show off with beautiful photographs of dishes that have not been touched by heat treatment. But such public work quickly gets boring, and the temptation to eat something hot takes over.

False reasons also include the desire to lose weight, although about 10% of women, according to surveys, tried to master the raw food diet as a dietary way of eating. Why didn't they succeed? No, many of them lost weight, but, since this was their ultimate goal, upon achieving the desired result they returned to their usual lifestyle. That is, they practically didn’t change it - they just adjusted their diet, and this does not mean becoming a real raw foodist. They simply adhered to a certain diet that excluded cooking over fire - nothing more.

A true raw food diet is not just a food system that limits food preparation methods and a list of permitted foods. This is a special way and style of life with its own moral values, philosophy and beliefs. If you don't touch them, there's no point in starting.

Therefore, the first step towards a true raw food diet is to realize why you want to change your life so dramatically. This will make the final goal more definite, and the path bright and without disruption. What could motivate you to take such a step? Here are just some of the motivating reasons:

  • Medical

Thermally unprocessed plant foods retain the maximum amount of nutrients, and this leads to an increase in life expectancy and a decrease in the risk of developing various diseases (ischemia, atherosclerosis, rectal cancer, etc.).

  • Evolutionary

It is believed that Mother Nature did not initially endow the human stomach with the ability to digest food cooked over fire.

  • Ethical

True raw foodists are those who do not consume animal products, thereby eliminating violence against animals and killing them, actively speaking out in their defense.

  • Ecological

By refusing to eat meat and milk, you automatically become not just a raw foodist, but also an environmentalist, because farms pollute not only the air, but also water bodies, as well as the irrational use of natural resources (it is more expedient to grow crops on pastures). ).

  • Psychological

A very unstable motivator, because it often refers to actions that are not fully conscious. There are cases where people suffer from an eating disorder where they feel guilty about eating meat, milk and eggs. Often this leads not only to a refusal to consume them, but also to a raw food diet. If you understand that this is your case, then it is better to start with a consultation with a psychotherapist.

  • Economic

Still, fruits and vegetables cost less than meat and dairy products.

Do you want to become a raw foodist? So, you should start by realizing what exactly gave you this idea. Moreover, one single reason rarely becomes a motivator. There should be at least 3-4 of them - only in combination they will force you to go through the first, most difficult steps, and then they will support you throughout the entire path.

Step 2: Learn the Basics

After understanding the reasons, you can take the second step - prepare theoretically. You need to carefully study the basics of a raw food diet and plunge headlong into its philosophy in order to organize everything correctly. Without this knowledge, it is impossible to create a menu, or prepare a dish, much less ensure a smooth transition to a new food system without stress and disruption.

It’s worth starting with an understanding of simple truths and a willingness to follow them:

  1. All foods must be eaten raw.
  2. The list of permitted products is limited and excludes meat, fish, and dairy products.
  3. You can only eat organic products.
  4. You will have to give up not only some food products, but also items that are in one way or another connected with violent acts against animals, and these include mink coats, silk bed linen, and a leather handbag, and if you become a real raw food vegan, both from a number of cosmetics, testing of which was carried out on mice, and from many other things.
  5. For the same reason, raw foodists do not go to entertainment institutions where animals are kept by force (circuses, dolphinariums, zoos).
  6. Medicines are also prohibited - does your health condition allow this?

It is worth mentioning that we are talking about a true raw food diet as a separate movement of veganism. Although this is a personal matter for everyone, and you can only take into account those principles that relate only to nutrition, but have nothing to do with moral and ethical standards.

Step 3. Decide on the current

Usually, after studying the basic principles of a raw food diet, a person wonders whether he can put all this into practice. And at this stage, before you start changing anything, you need to decide on a subtype of the power system that you can implement in practice. Today there are quite a lot of them, and not all of them are vegan:

  • classic raw food diet, the principles of which were outlined above: rejection of animal products and their heat treatment;
  • mono-raw food eaters: eat only 1 specific type of food per meal: for example, oranges for breakfast, tomatoes for lunch, sprouted rice for dinner;
  • fruitarianism: eating exclusively fresh fruits;
  • sproutorianism: preparing a diet of sprouted seeds and grains;
  • There are also those who allow light heat treatment of products not exceeding 40 ° C (drying in the oven or infusions at this temperature);
  • some continue to eat meat and fish, but also eat them raw;
  • others leave in the diet dairy products that have not undergone pasteurization and industrial processing.

It is especially worth mentioning the last two trends. Firstly, in order to eat raw meat and fish, or drink unpasteurized milk, you need to accustom your stomach for a long time, otherwise digestive disorders cannot be avoided. Secondly, you need to be confident in the quality of these products. It’s one thing if you own your own farm and know for sure what this cow or pig ate. Others - if you take fresh fish from the market or store and eat it, you can become infected with helminthiasis, salmonellosis and other dangerous diseases.

The last theoretical preparation to start a raw food diet correctly: read the advice of nutritionists, doctors and experienced vegans. If you stick to them, everything will go easily and without disruption.

  1. Make an appointment for a routine check-up at the hospital and listen to your doctor's opinion on whether you can switch to a raw food diet.
  2. Considering the pitfalls of this nutrition system, make it a rule to consult with doctors twice a year about your health.
  3. Before you start, analyze the pros and cons again. Moreover, pay especially close attention to the disadvantages. If they don’t scare you and you know how to smooth out these shortcomings, you can start practicing.
  4. Be sure to talk to your friends and family: will they support you? At the very least, you should protect yourself from ridicule and opposition.
  5. Be sure to find a hobby that will initially occupy your thoughts and fill your free time. This will prevent hunger and temptations from taking over. The busier you are at the initial stage, the faster and easier it will go.
  6. Set a goal to withstand 21 days. This is exactly how much it takes for a person to develop a habit.
  7. If you feel like you're breaking down, console yourself with something that gives you special pleasure. This could be a party at a club, going to the cinema, shopping, walking with friends, etc.
  8. The transition to a raw food diet should be gradual. It is necessary to protect the body from unexpected stress. Even express training takes 2 weeks. But it is much better if this stage lasts for 2-3 months. This way you definitely won’t lose your temper and will do everything as competently as possible.
  9. Approximate stages of the path: - veganism - raw food diet.

Step 5. Organize a raw food diet

After the theoretical foundations, you can move on to practice. The first thing you need to start with is to create a menu for 1 week / 1 month / the entire transition phase. The following instructions will allow you to do this correctly.

Basic rules

From the very beginning, keep in mind that the caloric content of fresh plant foods is very low. And if you do not reach your daily calorie intake, you are guaranteed to experience decreased performance, lethargy and drowsiness. Therefore, at first you will have to calculate in order to consume at least 1800 kcal per day. If you dream of losing weight, you can lower the bar, but the minimum amount that you cannot exceed is 1200 kcal.

Mono-raw food diet and sproutorianism are extremes of raw food diet, which are not worth starting with. The diet should be as varied as possible. Eat 3-4 types of vegetables and fruits a day, not forgetting to supplement them with other permitted foods (nuts, grains, berries, herbs).

The menu should be balanced in terms of vitamins and microelements. For example, vitamin B12 will only be present in champignons, so you must eat them 2-3 times a week.

Whether or not such controversial products as honey and pollen exist is up to you to decide. Vegans refuse them, vegetarians do not (read about the differences between these two food systems). If you can’t live without sweets, it’s better to replace sugar with honey at first. Perhaps over time you will come to a complete abandonment of bee products.

Once a month, arrange: during the day, drink only raw water (a few apples are allowed).

Choose only those products whose quality and environmental friendliness you are sure of. For example, mushrooms collected near some plant will be prohibited (you can get poisoned); apples, waxed to a shine; GMO, etc.

Eat often: the interval between meals should not exceed 4 hours. Breakfast for raw foodists is minimal in calories and light, lunch should be complete, and dinner should be as satisfying as possible.

To protect yourself from intestinal disorders, you need to eat at least 700-800 g of fresh greens daily: they have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal microflora.

If you find a menu for raw foodists that requires you to drink beetroot, cabbage or any other vegetable juice every day, the taste of which is disgusting to you, do not force yourself to do it at first. Replace it with what you like - a berry smoothie, for example. Gradually, you yourself will come to the need to include bland food in your diet.

When choosing raw food dishes, make sure that they contain no more than 5 main ingredients. The optimal number recommended by experienced gurus is 3.

Transition schemes

Express transition in 2 weeks:

  • 1 week: refusal of meat products and fish, raw food dishes for dinner;
  • Week 2: refusal of eggs, dairy products, raw food for breakfast;
  • Week 3: complete transition to a raw food diet.

A smoother and safer transition over 2.5 months is characterized by a stepwise rejection of prohibited products in the following order:

  • 1 week: no meat for breakfast;
  • 2: no meat for lunch;
  • 3: no meat for dinner + this week one of the main meals should be completely raw food;
  • 4: from fish and seafood;
  • 5: from eggs;
  • 6: from dairy drinks (kefir, yoghurt, yogurt, fermented baked milk) + this week we are making the second meal raw food;
  • 7: from cheese;
  • 8: from sour cream and cottage cheese;
  • 9: from sugar, honey and some prohibited food additives (gelatin, glycerin, E-shek, etc.) + a complete transition to a raw food diet.

An approximate menu for an express transition to a raw food diet for beginners can be viewed. There you will also find several recipes for delicious dishes. Discover the world of culinary delights from fresh fruits, vegetables and berries. You will be surprised at their diversity and nutritional value. It turns out that you can use them not only to make cutlets, cabbage rolls, dumplings, ice cream and pies, but even spaghetti!

Step 6. Find motivators

There is only one step left before you complete the transition. In order not to break down when it gets especially difficult, prepare lists of motivators. Download movies and books that will inspire you. And often re-read the biographies of celebrities who promote this lifestyle.


The starting point for transitioning to a raw food diet is to find like-minded people. Every major city has communities that can be contacted through their official websites and social media groups. There they will tell you about all the delights and difficulties of this path, they will support you, give advice and will be in constant touch with you. This is great motivation. And expanding your circle of friends, communicating with smart and competent people is always useful.


  1. Aterov. Raw food diet.
  2. Butenko V. 12 steps to a raw food diet.
  3. Butenko V. Greens for life.
  4. Graham D. Diet 80-10-10.
  5. Zeland V. Living kitchen.
  6. Raisin. Raw food mono-diet.
  7. Karabinsky V. Eating is like breathing.
  8. Kurdyumov N. Do we want health?
  9. Nikolaev V. The choice of food is the choice of fate.
  10. Walker N. Treatment with raw juices.
  11. Chuprun A. Taste of sunny food.
  12. Chuprun A. What is a raw food diet and how to become a raw foodist.
  13. Shemchuk V. Raw food diet - the path to immortality.


  1. More than an apple a day.
  2. Instructions for your body: how to live 150 years.
  3. Eliminating the leading causes of death.
  4. PlanEDA: think about what you eat.
  5. Simple Joe: 60 days on a raw food diet.
  6. Fat, sick and almost dead.

Raw food stars

  1. Alexey Voevoda - bobsledder.
  2. Alicia Silverstone is an actress.
  3. Angelina Jolie is an actress.
  4. Valeria Gai Germanika - director.
  5. Demi Moore is an actress.
  6. Jared Leto - actor, rock musician.
  7. Gene Morris is a bodybuilder.
  8. Madonna is a singer.
  9. Michael Arnstein is a marathon runner.
  10. Mel Gibson is an actor.
  11. Natalie Portman is an actress.
  12. Ornella Muti - actress.
  13. Steve Jobs is the founder of Apple.
  14. Sting is a musician.
  15. Uma Thurman is an actress.

If you are planning to become a raw foodist in the near future, you must definitely go through these 6 steps so as not to give up and abandon this idea in the first days of the transition. It is so tough and unusual both for the person himself and for his body that it is necessary to gather all the will into a fist. But knowing where to start and how to organize everything correctly, you can make this transition less stressful. Therefore, be sure to take these recommendations into account.

Your reward will be a healthy lifestyle and excellent well-being, and as a pleasant bonus, in a couple of months a beautiful figure will begin to emerge. So don’t put off making a decision until Monday - act from tomorrow, because the path ahead is quite difficult and long.