Can it be given to a newborn? Visiting your baby: rules for visiting a newborn

For every mother, the main desire in life is to take care of the baby. Young parents are wondering whether it is possible to give their newborn water. This is one of the most controversial issues in modern pediatrics. The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation recommends not doing this until six months, when the child receives only breastfeeding. Some doctors do not agree and advise that you be sure to give your baby something to drink if he does not refuse water. Let's figure out whether a baby needs water or can he do without it?

Water and breast milk

When a baby is fed only mother's milk, he gets everything he needs. Nature took care of this. A woman's milk consists of 90 percent water, the rest includes substances essential for full development. Therefore, a young mother should not worry about whether to give water to her newborn. If breastfeeding is applied in a timely manner, there is no urgent need for this, since the baby receives liquid along with nutrition.

According to doctors' observations, if infant start giving water, this will cause problems for him and the nursing mother.

  • The baby's stomach is too small, so it cannot accommodate a lot of food. Water entering it causes a false feeling of fullness, and the child drinks less milk. Not receiving enough nutrients, he gains weight worse and looks weaker than his peers.
  • A natural unique microflora is formed in the baby’s intestines thanks to mother’s milk. Substances that differ from it in composition upset the balance of bacteria and lead to bloating and dysbacteriosis.
  • If you give water to newborns, they will suck less milk. The mother's lactation may decrease. Its decrease leads to malnutrition of the baby and is often the reason for breast refusal.

Don’t think that one small spoon of water will immediately lead to such consequences, but it’s not worth the risk. After all, breastfeeding is very important, and you need to do everything to maintain it for a long time.

When can you offer water to your baby?

Many mothers ask, should a newborn be given water when it’s too hot outside? A one-month-old baby is not familiar with the feeling of thirst, so offer him the breast more often and you will provide the right amount of fluid. To make your baby more comfortable in the summer, wear something from natural fabric, regularly wet clean your room, go for a walk early in the morning or in the evenings. Then there will be no questions about whether it is possible to give water in the heat.

  • There is an opinion that a baby should be given some water when he is suffering from jaundice. This is wrong. Yellowness of the skin is caused by bilirubin, which is a fat-soluble enzyme. Water will not negatively affect him, unlike the valuable milk produced by the mother.
  • When a baby is sick and has a fever, fluid is removed from the body along with sweat. During this period, you can give water to drink if you consider it necessary. But breast milk copes no worse with the task of eliminating dehydration. You need to feed your baby more often, and there will be no need for additional fluid.

At what age infants can be given water to drink is up to parents to decide. If you want to feed your baby, do not force him under any circumstances. Let him drink whenever he wants.

Not all mothers manage to establish breast-feeding. When your baby uses formula, you should start giving water from birth. In adapted artificial nutrition too much protein. The child’s body cannot cope with it on its own, so water is required to break it down.

Mixtures often cause constipation. Warm drinking water helps to empty the intestines. It’s easy to improve your child’s well-being with dill water. Doctors recommend giving it to babies to relieve colic and stimulate the stomach. Special filter bags are sold in every pharmacy. Use them according to the instructions after consultation with your pediatrician.

An important reason to give additional fluid is mixed feeding. Drink with a teaspoon. Then the baby will not get used to the bottle longer and will suck the breast more intensely. This will help enhance lactation and regulate the flow of mother's milk.

How to feed a baby

When to give water to a baby, from how many months can this be done? Questions haunt parents.

If your baby is formula fed, water is helpful between meals. When mixed and breastfeeding, it is recommended to supplement the baby 15-20 minutes after feeding. To begin with, you should give a couple of teaspoons so that the baby gradually gets used to the water.

From the fifth month it is allowed to introduce the first complementary foods to infants. From now on, it is necessary to give water so that the little body can process new dishes. Some children refuse to drink it at first. There is no need to worry, they will gradually try this product and after a few months they will be happy to drink solid food with it. In the meantime, offer them breastfeeding after complementary feeding, this will replenish the fluid deficiency.

How much water a baby should be given per day depends on his weight. Pediatricians say that a child needs 100 ml of fluid per 1 kg of body weight. This norm also includes breast milk, so about 30-60 ml remains for additional liquid. On average, a baby up to six months old needs to drink 200 ml of water a day, but if he can’t handle it, don’t force it.

From 6 months, a child can be given raisin water if there is no allergy to this product. It is rich in vitamins, minerals and perfectly stimulates the digestive system. To prepare, you will need to measure out a spoonful of raisins, rinse them with hot water, pour a glass of boiling water and boil for a couple of minutes. Cool, filter and start drinking little by little.

Which water is better?

Water for newborns is sold in pharmacies and specialty stores. When purchasing a product, carefully inspect the bottle. It should have markings and information about verification at the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. Study the expiration date to protect your baby from low-quality products.

The fact is that water for babies has its own unique composition. When choosing what kind of water to give to a newborn, you need to take into account how different it is from ordinary liquid in mineral content. It should contain:

  • magnesium - 10-30 mg/l;
  • calcium - 50-55 mg/l;
  • sodium - 15-18 mg/l;
  • potassium - 5-21 mg/l.

The total amount of minerals is about 250 mg/l.

It is better to give preference to products in glass bottles. Such packaging does not affect its quality. Choose the volume of the container depending on how much water the newborn should drink. It is advisable to buy small bottles, since the shelf life of opened water is only a day. Don’t think about whether you need to boil it, it’s ready to eat right away.

If it is not possible to regularly purchase bottled products, it is permissible to give water to a newborn from the tap, subject to mandatory boiling.

When the baby is healthy and feeds exclusively on mother's milk, he has no need for other liquids. If you are not sure what to do and do not know whether to give water to your baby, consult a trusted specialist. Listen to his recommendation. He will explain how much water to give to your child and how to do it correctly.

Modern mothers think that superstitions are just nonsense that has been disrupting the logic of life for centuries. However, these statements are the fruit of long-term observations, the study of events, causes and results, no matter how much mothers deny. Each superstition appeared for a reason, but on the basis of facts that were subsequently confirmed by science. If no supernatural forces influence the newborn, biology may well harm him. In the context of the old belief that a child should not be shown to anyone before 40 days, science, faith and people are united as never before.

Is it possible to show a newborn baby to other people: many parents are interested in this question

View from the people

One of the most common superstitions says that a newborn should not be shown to strangers until 40 days. The tradition goes back centuries, even further than Christianity. In the old days, people also protected babies from strangers. Childbirth was considered the transition of the soul from one world to another, which in itself is a very intimate and complex process. According to the beliefs of the time, the soul takes root in the body on average 40 days after birth.

In the old days, and even now, according to tradition, babies are baptized after 40 days of birth. It is believed that when a child is baptized, a Guardian Angel appears, who will henceforth protect him from oblique and evil glances. Relatives may inadvertently put the evil eye on the child, so it is better to organize viewings after baptism. Mom is also not advised to show herself to people, because during this period her connection with the baby is built, so her blues and poor health are easily transmitted to him.

Word of faith

Not a single priest will tell a mother that she cannot show the child until 40 days old. There is no such tradition in Christianity. But the origins of superstition are truly ecclesiastical. A woman who has given birth is not allowed to enter the temple due to bleeding. Even a priest with a wound cannot begin the service, because there should be no blood in the Temple of God.

The baptism of a newborn took place no earlier than forty days after birth, when the baby’s mother was ready for it

Thus, the mother could not attend the baptism of her baby, so she postponed the ceremony. The Church does not set any deadlines for baptism, much less force newborns to be baptized strictly on this day. In the old days, people wanted to quickly baptize their child and protect him, so they did this as soon as the mother got rid of any consequences of childbirth. This usually happened around 40 days.

Verdict of science and medicine

Medicine has its own answer to this question. Since every person is a carrier of various bacteria, infections and viruses, he is potentially dangerous even if he is absolutely healthy. The incubation period of many diseases is completely asymptomatic, so it is better not to take anyone’s word for it. Babies do not have immunity to “adult” diseases, but adaptation begins literally during childbirth, when the child follows the paths of the mother. The greatest danger is posed by other children, carriers of childhood infections (chickenpox and others).

A newborn baby is not yet able to resist the viruses and bacteria of this world, therefore the presence of strangers in the first days of the baby’s life is extremely undesirable

Bacteria (both beneficial and pathogenic) support human life. In a familiar environment, the former suppress the latter, and the body functions well. In the first weeks of life, the baby adapts to the microflora of the family.

Mom and dad are “suppliers” of certain bacteria. The baby’s body gets used to them, but as soon as unfamiliar bacteria appear, brought by aunts, uncles, grandparents, then the balance is upset and diseases develop.

Guests with their bacteria interfere with the adaptation process. Of course, it’s always nice to look at the baby, but it’s better not to give him or her in your arms. In a month, when the child has formed a microbiome (suitable external environment set of bacteria), all friends and relatives will be able to play enough with the newborn.

Another reason to isolate a baby is the underdevelopment of the nervous system. He gets excited easily, but still doesn’t know how to slow down the process. Long viewings, with new voices and smells, can greatly excite the baby. Afterwards it will be difficult to put him to sleep and you will have to listen to him cry for a long time.

Outsiders can also affect the mother-baby bond. The first month of life is important in order to establish a trusting and strong relationship with the child and establish lactation. This happens through speech, touch, intonation. The whirlpool of contacts will simply confuse him, and the mother will not know what the baby’s crying is talking about.

The bond between mother and child is established in the first weeks when feeding and communicating with the baby, so it is important to maintain calm and trust during this period

The benefits of ancient superstition in modern practice

At first, you need to protect not only the baby, but also the mother. She should rest, come to her senses, and feel a connection with the baby. Only the mother decides how to care for her child. Countless advice only harms, no matter how correct it is.

Constant interference in the relationship between mother and child can lead to a real tragedy, when a woman ceases to feel like a mother, but feels like only a servant.

A young mother must learn responsibility. If she does not make decisions from the very birth of her baby, then in the future she will begin to wait for advice. What to refuse:

  • noisy companies;
  • other children;
  • gifts;
  • transferring the baby from hand to hand;
  • advice and recommendations;
  • any attempts to force oneself on a visit;
  • quarrels in front of the baby;
  • nanny;
  • clothes with a foreign smell;
  • long telephone conversations;
  • video calls.

Be careful not to leave your newborn baby alone with other children.

Pediatricians advise not to invite other children to see children under one year old. They do not know how to properly behave with newborns, they can cause them stress with their screams or laughter, and even accidentally injure them. It is better to communicate with the parents of other children on a walk while the baby sleeps in the stroller. Children over 14 years old can be invited to visit.

In the end, any guests mean tea, treats, conversations, and cleaning. A young mother should not be distracted by such matters. Her task is to rest, care for the baby, and restore strength. Don’t be afraid to offend persistent relatives, because the peace of the whole family is at stake. If you simply don’t want to clean the apartment before guests arrive, you need to boldly rely on this sign.

What to do with photographs?

“Well, since doctors already prohibit direct contact, why not please relatives with photographs,” mothers think. However, popular beliefs again establish a ban. Photographs carry the image of a child, so even through them negative energy can be conveyed.

It is believed that during this period the child is energetically weak and does not have reliable protection from bad influences. The baby’s energy field stabilizes just at this time. Every sidelong glance, flattering word, every breath is reflected on the newborn as if on a white canvas.

Strong psychics are quite capable of causing harm even from photographs. It’s not for nothing that personal belongings or photographs are usually taken for searches. If you look at the problem from the other side, there will still be inadequate people who can do many indecent and creepy things with a photograph of a baby. Some person offended by life will ruin the photo of the child and send it back as a cruel joke. Esotericists are confident that every thought materializes. It is better to protect the baby from any influence and show photographs of older children.

Clinical and perinatal psychologist, graduated from the Moscow Institute of Perinatal Psychology and Reproductive Psychology and Volgograd State Medical University with a degree in clinical psychology


Before eating, place the baby on his tummy for 10-20 minutes to train the head and improve digestion and eliminate gases.

During and after feeding, keep the baby in a semi-upright position to prevent regurgitation and gas.

Feed with one breast for proper lactation (we feed with the right breast and place the head on the left side (as we fed)), because the baby’s skull is not yet formed; it is soft and it is important that the pressure is more or less uniform (by 2-3 months it is reasonable to buy an orthopedic pillow! clear shape)

After eating, hold the baby in a column for 15-20 minutes until burping.

Massage or bathing 40 minutes to 1.5 hours after eating.

Colic: a) place it on the table or knees and stroke your stomach clockwise with your palm; then carefully bend your knees, bringing them to your tummy and straightening them (repeat the exercise several times)

b) You can warm up your tummy with a baby heating pad.

V) Mom should drink dill water (brew a glass of boiling water with 1 teaspoon of dill seeds (sold at the pharmacy)

Ideally baby:

He burps no more than 1-2 times a day.

No vomiting, no crying after feeding, soft tummy.


The same number of times as feedings (generally 2-5 times a day).

Porridge: not so liquid that it can be absorbed into the diaper, but not shaped either.

White or yellow curdled lumps of milk may be present.

Greens or mucus may appear no more than once every 6-7 bowel movements.

No blood.


In the first 24 hours, the first vaccine against hepatitis B.

On days 3-7, vaccine against tuberculosis (BCG-M or BCG).


On the 4th day in the maternity hospital they will do neonatal screening (blood from the heel for research on hereditary diseases that need to be treated from the first days of life: 1 hypothyroidism, 2 cystic fibrosis, 3 phenylketonuria, 4 adrenogenital syndrome, 5 galactosemia) The results are sent to the clinic.

Patronage of a newborn

The local pediatrician may come the very next day after discharge. He will come three times within a month.

Nurse 5 times (how to apply to the chest, how to bathe, dress, care for the umbilical wound.

Bathing up to 3 weeks of age

(until the umbilical wound heals)

! On the first day or twoYou can't bathe after discharge(the pediatrician at the maternity hospital should tell you about this, since you have been vaccinated against tuberculosis)

It is necessary to bathe before feeding, but while he is not yet hungry.For example, before the penultimate feeding (around 9 pm). Over time, the child will get used to evening exercise: bath, food, sleep.

For a newborn, the duration of water procedures should be a maximum of 5-7 minutes. Gradually, by two to three months, the time can be increased to 10 minutes, and then increased by about 1 minute per week.

The bather's hands should be thoroughly washed with soap, nails should be cut short, and the person caring for the child should not wear anything that could damage the baby's skin: rings, watches, pins, etc.

Before bathing, the bath should be washed with soap and doused with boiling water. Prepare all the items necessary for bathing: a jug and water (1C colder than the water in the bath) for dousing the child after bathing, a thermometer for measuring the water temperature, a soft mitten from a flannel or a gauze napkin for soaping, baby cream or sterile vegetable oil for treating skin folds. Clean linen must be prepared and laid out on the table in advance. In winter, it is recommended to warm it up (place the underwear wrapped in a clean diaper on the central heating radiator, on the stove, apply a heating pad to it, etc.).

Prepare a 5% solution (for 5 grams of powder – 100 ml of boiled water, filter through three layers of gauze). Treat the umbilical wound with this solution. For bathing - add a few drops to the water until it turns slightly pink!

Bath in boiled water at a temperature of 37-37.5 "C. There should be no drafts in the room where the child is bathed, the optimal air temperature is 24-26" C (not lower than 22 "C). First cold and then warm is poured into the bath water. Even if a thermometer is already floating in the bath, still check the temperature of the water by putting your elbow in it. At a temperature of 37 degrees, the skin of the elbow does not feel either heat or cold, so that the water level in the bath should not be more than 10-15 cm. after immersing the child in it, the upper part of the chest and head were above the surface of the water (up to the shoulders in a half-sitting position). It is very important to correctly immerse the child in the bath. With your left hand, you need to grasp the child’s left armpit. In this case, the back of the head and head rest on your shoulder. The baby's gluteal area is supported. After immersing the baby in the water, you can leave the legs free, but be sure to support the baby's head and torso with your left hand and forearm. After lowering the baby into the water, do not immediately start washing him. Let your child get used to being in the bathroom. Lower the child into the water slowly, first the legs, then the body. The head is located on the elbow of an adult, the fingers of the same hand support the child under the knees. You don’t have to use a washcloth, but rather soap your child with your hand. Use gentle circular movements to wash your head, neck, armpits, upper limbs, chest, abdomen and lower limbs. Soaped areas are immediately rinsed. The perineal area is washed last. When bathing, you can add a decoction of string or chamomile to the water. If the child has trouble falling asleep, then a bath with motherwort or valerian is suitable. But when taking any herbal bath (especially with valerian), pay attention to the smell in the bathroom. If the smell is very pungent, hitting the child’s nose, then the baby may start crying a lot and refuse water procedures for a long time. The newborn should not be rubbed, as this can damage the skin; carefully wash the natural folds of the skin. After washing the soap off the child, take him out of the bath and, turning his back up, pour warm, clean boiled water from a jug (the temperature of the water for dousing is 1 "C lower than the temperature of the water in the bath), wrap him in a warm sheet prepared in advance. Dry the child carefully by applying a soft sheet to the body, in order to avoid traumatizing the skin, do not rub it. Then, lubricate the folds of the skin with baby cream or sterile vegetable oil, dress in clean warm undershirts and put them in the crib. After a short rest, at 21:00 they begin feeding.


Banned for the first month!– the baby must adapt to new living conditions. Later, the course should last no more than 20 days, then a break of 2-3 weeks is needed.


Reasons for waking up: colic, overexcitation before bed, hunger.

“Calm insomnia” - the night vigils of a child. When he suddenly wakes up and begins to slowly babble, play with whatever comes to hand: the edge of a blanket, a pacifier, his own arms and legs, in a word, he entertains and lulls himself to sleep. Don't interfere! The baby will coo a little and fall asleep.

Dressing (do not bundle up!)

The head is not covered at a constant air temperature in the room of 22-24 "C.

cold (below 18 degrees): bodysuit + slip + booties

normal/warm (18-23 degrees): body + panties

warm/hot (above 23 degrees): body + socks

for the night: sleepsuit

When your baby is in diapers, it is better to dress him a little warmer, because he is deprived of the opportunity to move and warm up due to his movement. After all, active muscle contractions contribute to the release of heat, and therefore warming up. Therefore, babies who are not swaddled are at much less risk of freezing.

When sleeping, the child should be covered with a light blanket or blanket.


When going for a walk with a child, some adhere to the following rule - dress the child the same way you dressed yourself, but adding one layer of clothing.

summer (hot) – bodysuit with short sleeve+ socks, for a very small child -

light blanket

summer (warm/windy) - long sleeve bodysuit

summer (cool/damp) – bodysuit+pants+knitted jumpsuit, plaid

autumn/spring (you are already wearing a coat or still wearing a coat) – bodysuit+pants+knitted

overalls+warm overalls, plaid

autumn/winter (frost!) - bodysuit + pants + knitted overalls + warm overalls, fur envelope + knitted cap and warm hat

How to check:

To determine whether the baby is comfortable, you need to feel the skin on the neck and upper back. If it is hot or, worse, wet, then the baby is hot and urgent measures need to be taken to avoid severe overheating. To do this, remove some of the child's clothing. In case of severe overheating, the baby screams and worries. The skin takes on a red tint and the pulse increases. The temperature often rises. Then you need to completely undress the child, give him water to drink and measure his body temperature after 10-20 minutes. Often it drops to normal or slightly higher. But if the temperature has not returned to normal, then you can wipe your neck, armpits, elbow bends, groin folds, area under the knees with a napkin or cotton wool moistened with cool water - this will increase heat transfer.

You can tell if your child is cold by feeling his nose. If the nose is cold, the child is cold. If the baby's skin becomes pale, this also means the baby is cold.


You need to comb your baby about once every two days, using a special soft brush with natural bristles, carefully brushing off the crusts.


Parents should know that constantly keeping a child in a stroller is harmful (irritation of the vestibular apparatus), that it is recommended to lay him down without a pillow, but with the head end of the bed raised, or with a headrest (orthopedic pillow) 2-3 cm high. The optimal dimensions of the oilcloth to be placed are 15x20 cm .

Baby clothes

Clothing for a baby in the first month of life - made of soft, natural (cotton or linen), easily washable fabrics that can be boiled; spacious, providing freedom of movement to the growing body, should protect against hypothermia and overheating, create an even microclimate without sharp temperature fluctuations. Before use, all items should be washed well and boiled with “baby” soap. The linen of a child of the 1st month of life is ironed on both sides.

Children's room

In the room where the child's crib is located, it is necessary to carry out wet cleaning twice a day and ventilate it at least 5-7 times (15-20 minutes each). The air temperature should be constant, within 20-22 "C, the lighting should be moderate. It is very important to maintain a calm environment and silence in the house, since the child reacts to loud sounds from the very first days of life.

The children's bed is placed in the brightest place in the room, but so that the child is not in direct sunlight, in a draft or near heating devices. It is recommended to place a changing table next to the crib, on which the child can later be given massage and gymnastics.


If a child was born in autumn or winter, they go for a walk with him from 2-3 weeks of age, depending on the weather. For the first walk, they are taken out at an air temperature of at least -5 °C, first for 10-15 minutes, then for 30-60 minutes 2 times a day. By the age of one month, the child’s stay in the fresh air should be at least 1.5 hours. On cold days, it is advisable to take walks more often, but their duration is reduced to 20-30 minutes. Children should be taught to walk at any time of the year, and under no circumstances should the child be bundled up.

Daily toilet

It is performed before the first or second feeding in a certain sequence. It begins by washing your face with warm running boiled water (with a clean hand or a moistened cotton swab). The eyes are treated with a sterile cotton swab moistened with water, from the outside inward, with a separate swab for each eye. Toilet the nose is done using sterile cotton wicks moistened with sterile herbal or Vaseline oil. The ears are wiped with a damp, wrung-out cloth. Diaper rash and crusts often form behind a child’s ears, so after washing and drying, the folds behind the ears are wiped with Vaseline oil or baby cream. The mother should pay attention to the places where diaper rash most often occurs: folds behind the ears, neck, armpit and groin areas. It is strictly prohibited in for preventive purposes the use of ointments with antibiotics and hormones. The child's skin can be treated with vegetable oil, boiled in a water bath for 10 minutes and cooled. The buttocks and perineum are washed with baby soap under running water. Girls are washed from front to back to avoid introducing infection into the urinary tract. You should also wash your child after each urination and bowel movement.

Caring for the umbilical wound

Until the umbilical wound is completely healed, the visiting nurse visits the child daily. She should have with her a set of the following products for treating the navel: 5% solution of potassium permanganate, 2-3% solution of hydrogen peroxide, 70% alcohol, sterile material (cotton and gauze swabs, napkins). At each visit to the newborn, the nurse examines and treats the umbilical wound with a 2-3% solution of hydrogen peroxide, alcohol, and then a solution of potassium permanganate (diamond green can be used).

Newborn oral care

The oral mucosa of a baby is very delicate, easily vulnerable, and does not require treatment if there are no signs of thrush. When thrush appears, it is recommended to moisten the oral mucosa with a 2% solution of baking soda (1 teaspoon per 1 glass of boiled water at room temperature). Mother presses thumb on the child’s chin so that he opens his mouth, and treats the oral mucosa with a swab moistened with soda solution. The procedure is repeated every 2-3 hours before feeding the baby. Elements of thrush can be treated with a solution of borax in glycerin and nystatin powder.

Pacifiers and bottles should be thoroughly boiled. Sterile pacifiers (there should be 5-6 of them) should be changed several times a day and kept in a sterile jar with a closed lid.

If earlier going to visit was the easiest thing for you, now you need to correlate all visits with the child’s routine and well-being. Let's look at when you can go out with your newborn for a visit, what should you take into account?

15.05.2016 8605 3

A toddler who appears in the house changes the entire rhythm of life of the parents. In the first year of a newborn’s life, he requires special attention, so many familiar and everyday actions become not always possible for mom and dad. How to see friends and go to visit?

If earlier going to visit was the easiest thing for you, now you need to correlate all visits with the child’s routine and well-being. Let's look at when you can go out with your newborn for a visit. , what needs to be taken into account?

Assess the baby's condition

Pediatricians strongly advise against visiting other families for the smallest children up to about two months old. public places. At this age, newborns are very susceptible to various viral infections. Excessive contact with strangers can trigger the onset of the disease.

In addition, for breastfed babies 1-2 months old The feeding schedule may not yet be established. This means that the baby may want to eat at any time, even when it is inconvenient for the mother.

When going on a visit with your child, evaluate his well-being. If the little one did not feel very well in the past days, all walks should be postponed until complete recovery. You should not burden your newborn with new impressions and go on a visit if he:

  1. Not enough sleep. Falling asleep in an unfamiliar place is a real problem for some kids. Don’t deprive your little one of proper sleep because of a visit.
  2. I ate little or poorly. On the road, it will be difficult to comply with all sanitary and hygienic standards for feeding a newborn. You can go on a visit if your baby is well-fed and calm.
  3. If there is a sick adult or child in the house where you are going to visit.
  4. He is capricious and does not behave as usual. Any dissatisfaction expressed by the baby by groaning or crying means that something is bothering him or he is starting to get sick.

Gathering the necessary information

If you are going to visit your grandparents, then you probably know whether there are conditions for your baby there: a changing place, a place to sleep, a place to feed.

If you and your newborn have been invited to visit an unfamiliar place, and you cannot refuse the invitation, it is appropriate to ask the owners in detail about where you can put the child to sleep, feed, change clothes and change the diaper.

It is useful for a young mother to have a list of things on hand for her baby on the road.

  1. Baby food
  2. Airtight container with nipples, pacifiers
  3. Change of clothes for baby
  4. Hygiene products (wipes, diapers, diaper rash cream)
  5. Favorite toys
  6. Medicines as needed.

Ask the party who invited you in advance whether there will be a lot of people, whether there will be other children, and what time you will need to leave back. All this data will help you decide whether to travel.

Be sure to take it with you

If you are planning long trip with a child, you need to prepare for it in advance so that your vacation goes well and does not bring unnecessary problems. The most important thing in this case is to help the baby quickly adapt to a new place. Familiar things will help him a lot with this: toys, bedding, dishes.

Make a list of things for your child on the trip in advance. Be sure to include:

  1. All documents are tiny (birth certificate, vaccination card, medical insurance policy, foreign passport, permission to travel abroad, if necessary)
  2. The food that the child is accustomed to for the entire trip. This is important, because when the environment changes, the baby’s body will adapt better if there is no food stress. Don't forget about drinking water.
  3. Stroller, carrier. If you are going to the sea, inflatable pool or an inflatable pillow will also come in handy.
  4. The diapers, sheets and towels that the child is used to are needed in duplicate.
  5. Hygiene products familiar to the child. Creams, powders, and wipes purchased in a new place can cause irritation or allergies. Don't take risks.
  6. Children's first aid kit that you use at home. Talk to your doctor about which medications you need to add it in order to be fully prepared to meet a sudden malaise (remedies for fever, intestinal colic, poisoning, burns).
  7. Several sets of children's clothing for different weather conditions.

Of course, many items can be purchased locally. But even products of the same brand, produced in different countries, can vary greatly in composition. And the product you use at home may be unsuitable for a child in another country. Therefore, it is better to prepare everything you need for traveling with your baby in advance and bring it with you.

Don't kiss him on the lips, you can't! Do you need to go to the clinic? You need to attach a pin to the vest with the head down, otherwise they will jinx it! Don't stand in front of the mirror with him, you can't! Such and many other pieces of advice pour in from all sides to a young mother regarding her newborn child, leading to complete confusion. How many days after birth can you show your baby?

Folk beliefs

What the legends of Russian antiquity say about the newborn belongs to the realm of superstition, both from a scientific point of view and from an official religious one. Superstition is a prejudice originating in paganism, based on belief in otherworldly supernatural forces and their influence on humans, as well as belief in omens of future events. Or, as the famous writer Maxim Gorky put it, superstitions are fragments of old truths.

Here are just a few of them concerning the newborn:

  • A newborn should not be carried through a mirror, because it can be jinxed, causing childhood illness (rickets) and even death. If you kiss a child on the lips, he will be mute. When a weak child is born, he must be baptized, and at the same time, the baby’s baptismal shirt must be worn by all subsequent children so that they do not quarrel with each other and love each other.
  • You cannot breastfeed or bathe in front of strangers - they will jinx you. If you smear lard on a newborn, he will have good luck. When you rock an empty cradle (read in a modern way: crib, stroller), you can attract quick death.

Many of these beliefs just make you smile. Arguing in this way, the evil eye can include any state of poor health, which, with today's development of medicine, is quite possible to explain from a scientific point of view without the intervention of supernatural forces.

But with the not unreasonableness of some “relics of antiquity” scientific world still agrees. For example, with a ban on showing a child until 40 days after birth. Why can’t it be shown from the perspective of pagan beliefs?

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A newborn child is defenseless against people who are carriers of various - good and evil invisible forces. And a person who looks at a child can, even without knowing it, cast the evil eye and cause damage. Only 40 days after birth, when, according to established tradition, the babies were baptized into the Orthodox faith, it was possible to organize a viewing. During the sacrament of baptism, the child is given a Guardian Angel, who protects him from the influence of all evil spirits.

What does Orthodox Christianity say?

Many believe that the ban on showing a child 40 days after birth is in the traditions of Orthodox Christianity. But the priests shrug their shoulders when they hear such a statement. Then why is there such an opinion?

Previously, there was a custom to baptize a child on the 40th day after birth. During this time, the woman is considered “unclean”, desecrating the temple with bleeding, and she is forbidden to go further than the vestibule of the church. Even a priest with a bleeding wound is not allowed to serve, because by definition, the offering of the bloodless sacrifice of Christ, carried out at the Eucharist, should not contain any blood in the Temple of God.

Naturally, in the postpartum period, with bloody discharge, a woman could not be present at the baptism of her child, and this period was delayed until it completely stopped. In general certain deadlines The Orthodox Church does not establish baptism for a newborn child.

The sacrament can be performed at least the next day after birth at the request of the parents. Having dealt with the figure of 40 days, then the superstition begins about the lack of angelic protection in an unbaptized baby and defenselessness from all sorts of evil eyes and damage.

What Science Says

Why is it scientifically impossible to show a newborn baby immediately after discharge? Much research is currently being conducted in the field of the human microbiome. It is even isolated into a separate, previously unknown organ. The microbiome consists of a quadrillion bacteria, which corresponds to the number of cells in the entire body, and in some people it even exceeds this number tens of times. Each person is a carrier of 1.5-3 kg of microbes!

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The first contact with them and their settlement in the newborn’s body begins when the child passes through the mother’s birth canal. Therefore, children born with the help caesarean section The risk of infectious diseases is slightly increased even in the maternity hospital.

The microbiome plays a huge role in human life. The bacteria that inhabit the intestines are suppliers of some of the enzymes necessary for digestion, vitamins for the functioning of the entire body, and even show anti-inflammatory properties. With their help, immunity is maintained and metabolism is regulated.

To illustrate the importance of the interaction between bacteria and humans, we present the result obtained during the research. It turns out that the human genome lacks mechanisms for the production of enzymes responsible for the digestion of plant complex carbohydrates. This function is performed by “fermenter” intestinal bacteria, making non-digestible food quite suitable for feeding the human body.

When the balance of the established microbiome is disturbed, all kinds of diseases arise. Moreover, in healthy condition pathogenic organisms calmly coexist with beneficial microbes, which in turn keep those “in check.” The most densely populated parts of the human body with bacteria are the digestive tract, in which the microbiome (in other words, intestinal microflora) is located, the genitourinary system, the oral cavity and the skin.

The composition of the microbiome adapts to the place of residence, dietary habits and other conditions surrounding a person. That is, a particular family, house, apartment, yard has its own microbiome, unique only to this habitat. And after birth, the child’s body begins to adapt to the diversity of microflora that surrounds him, that is, to the microorganisms living and present in his father, mother, and home. A unique microbial ecosystem is formed.

Therefore, you cannot interfere when the process of building this system is underway, and show the child after birth to everyone indiscriminately.

Of course, you can let them “take a look at least with one eye,” but it is advisable only to close relatives, and without squeezing the baby in your arms.

And you can brag to your friends and everyone else when the child’s microbiome is formed. This happens approximately 1 month after the birth of the baby and it is better to show the child to those who wish to do so no earlier than this period.

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Also, the newborn’s central nervous system has not yet developed, and the processes of excitation of the cerebral cortex dominate over the processes of inhibition. Partially, some functions of inhibition are formed only in the 2nd year of a child’s life.

With prolonged exposure to stimulants nervous system factors, the effect of overexcitation occurs. For a newborn child, already immersed in an ocean of new impressions, smells, voices, touches, an additional shake-up in the form of viewings a short time after birth is fraught with just such a state of overexcitation.

When this happens, the baby is restless, cries for a long time and has difficulty falling asleep.

In the first month from birth, the mechanisms of interaction between mother and baby through breastfeeding, touch and shades of intonation of the mother’s speech and the baby’s crying are actively being debugged, and unnecessary people can only interfere. Constant distractions from guests, setting tables, endless cleaning is not the most in a good way will affect lactation that has just begun to establish and further mutual understanding between the mother and the newborn child.