Logical and entertaining problems (300 problems). Logical and entertaining problems (300 problems) Complex riddles for 7 years old

A large selection of riddles with answers for the most fun and intellectual entertainment with children. Plunging into a “mysterious” world where fantasy and reality intersect, adults forget about everything in the world and turn back into children, and children learn to find the right solutions hidden in the most ordinary words. It's no secret that children's riddles help your child's development.

Riddles for children are different. You can hold home quizzes on holidays and weekends with your family. Such activities can include riddles about food, animals, birds and insects, as well as trick riddles.

One of the famous psychologists of our time said that riddles make you think. Of course! A riddle, or a small funny quatrain that explains a word, influences the formation of a child’s worldview, develops intelligence, logic, imagination and attention, and reaction speed.

How to choose children's riddles?

Children's riddles should be exciting, funny, and a little difficult so that the child does not immediately guess. Children are naturally curious. They will enjoy riddles for children to test their wits. You should not accept the child’s defeat until the last moment, even if he asks for an answer. Better offer him a prize if he solves the riddle himself.

Beyond seriousness, among encrypted answers, mysteries and secrets, a game of imagination begins, during which the logical, associative and creative thinking of children develops.

Riddles for children from 4 to 7 years old with answers

Who will knit socks for the grandchildren?

He will tell an old tale,

Will he give you pancakes with honey? -

This is our... (grandmother)

Sharp nose, steel ear,

There is a friend thread in the ear.

Helped me sew new clothes

To our grandmother... (needle)

Like long-nosed herons,

They weave the thread into braids.

Knit a scarf and mittens

We are quick sisters... (knitting needles)

Tell me quickly

What kind of ball is made of soft threads?

He looks like a bun

With a long ponytail... (clew)

A close relative of the broom

It will sweep the corners of the house.

He's certainly not a slacker.

It will help to remove litter... (broom)

There was once a fat man in fashion,

He earned fame among the people.

Exhaling hot steam,

I was preparing tea... (samovar)

We carry you into the garden by the hand

We are a plastic cloud.

Hey carrot, drink some water!

What kind of cloud? - This... (watering can)

Tomatoes and peppers,

The miracle house has opened its doors for you.

Those who are afraid of drafts,

The glass house is waiting -... (greenhouse)

We buried it in the ground,

They poured clean water on it.

Time has flown by -

Sprouted up ... (seed)

These are futile efforts -

Fill it with water.

As soon as you pour it, you see - it’s spilled.

There are holes everywhere. This... (sieve)

Who wants to help the dressmaker?

The fabric sews quickly with a needle.

An apron and a scarf will come out.

The sewing department sews them... (typewriter)

He's in the kitchen or in the dining room,

A new tablecloth has been laid.

He rested his feet on the floor.

Did you guess it? This... (table)

In a miracle oven behind glass

The pies are sitting next to each other.

Bake them very deftly

A stove with the name... (oven)

What a miracle, who can tell me?

Flapping its wings on the field,

And the flour is grinding...

What is this? (Mill )

Who could drive along it?

I erased my back and side.

What a clumsy slide!

Did you guess it? This... (grater)

He's seen a lot of boots,

He lived his life on the threshold.

There is dirt and debris on the soles -

Wipe your feet on... (carpet)

Grandfather's riddles

There are wrinkles on his face

Gray hair is visible.

This homebody -

Our favorite... (grandfather)

Two glasses, frame, temples

Got caught in the ears.

There are no newbies on the nose -

They fit well... (glasses)

You can wear flowers in it

And nuts and mushrooms.

Just work a little -

You will weave from the vine... (basket)

Unfold the sheet quickly -

You will see a lot of lines there.

In the lines - news from the whole world.

What kind of leaf is this? (Newspaper)

He has two pairs of legs.

He couldn't stand without them.

So that you sit down and rest,

We have it in our apartment... (chair)

Four-wheeled "beast"

In our garage now.

Dust swirls from the wheels -

Ours is coming... (automobile)

We will tie a thread to the tube,

We'll catch a fish with it.

A thread and a tube,

What is this? (Fishing rod)

He doesn't mind taking a nap during the day,

But it burns all night.

And today, as in the past,

Lights up the yard... (flashlight)

Who is sewn from thick leather

And is it all stuffed with things?

Who has traveled many countries? -

Our road... (suitcase)

She worked well

And it buzzed and spun.

An oak felled near the village.

Who is she, tell me? (Saw)

He will walk along the plank -

Rings will fall down.

I removed all the shavings early

From every board... (plane)

In the morning only the dawn will break,

And she’s already cutting the grass.

There is still dew on the flowers,

Mows them in the meadows... (braid)

Guess who they are?

One-legged, thin.

The hammer will come to visit them -

And he will hit the wall... (nails)

Who has an iron head

Will he chop some firewood for you and me?

Ringing and roar throughout the yard -

It's working... (axe)



Riddles for children from 4 to 6 years old with answers

Who will knit socks for the grandchildren?

He will tell an old tale,

Will he give you pancakes with honey? -

This is our... (grandmother)

Sharp nose, steel ear,

There is a friend thread in the ear.

Helped me sew new clothes

To our grandmother... (needle)

Like long-nosed herons,

They weave the thread into braids.

Knit a scarf and mittens

We are quick sisters...(knitting needles)

Tell me quickly

What kind of ball is made of soft threads?

He looks like a bun

With a long ponytail...(clew)

A close relative of the broom

It will sweep the corners of the house.

He's certainly not a slacker.

It will help to remove litter...(broom)

There was once a fat man in fashion,

He earned fame among the people.

Exhaling hot steam,

I was preparing tea... (samovar)

We carry you into the garden by the hand

We are a plastic cloud.

Hey carrot, drink some water!

What kind of cloud? - This...(watering can)

Tomatoes and peppers,

The miracle house has opened its doors for you.

Those who are afraid of drafts,

The glass house is waiting -...(greenhouse)

We buried it in the ground,

They poured clean water on it.

Time has flown by -

Sprouted up... (seed)

These are futile efforts -

Fill it with water.

As soon as you pour it, you see - it’s spilled.

There are holes everywhere. This...(sieve)

Who wants to help the dressmaker?

The fabric sews quickly with a needle.

An apron and a scarf will come out.

The sewing department sews them...(typewriter)

He's in the kitchen or in the dining room,

A new tablecloth has been laid.

He rested his feet on the floor.

Did you guess it? This...(table)

In a miracle oven behind glass

The pies are sitting next to each other.

Bake them very deftly

A stove with the name...(oven)

What a miracle, who can tell me?

Flapping its wings on the field,

And the flour is grinding...

What is this? (Mill)

Who could drive along it?

I erased my back and side.

What a clumsy slide!

Did you guess it? This...(grater)

He's seen a lot of boots,

He lived his life on the threshold.

There is dirt and debris on the soles -

Wipe your feet on... (carpet)

Grandfather's riddles

There are wrinkles on his face

Gray hair is visible.

This homebody -

Our beloved... (grandfather)

Two glasses, frame, temples

Got caught in the ears.

There are no newbies on the nose -

They fit well... (glasses)

You can wear flowers in it

And nuts and mushrooms.

Just work a little -

You will weave from the vine...(basket)

Unfold the sheet quickly -

You will see a lot of lines there.

In the lines - news from the whole world.

What kind of leaf is this?(Newspaper)

He has two pairs of legs.

He couldn't stand without them.

So that you sit down and rest,

We have it in our apartment...(chair)

Four-wheeled "beast"

In our garage now.

Dust swirls from the wheels -

Ours is coming... (car)

We will tie a thread to the tube,

We'll catch a fish with it.

A thread and a tube,

What is this? (Fishing rod)

He doesn't mind taking a nap during the day,

But it burns all night.

And today, as in the past,

Lights up the yard... (lantern)

Who is sewn from thick leather

And is it all stuffed with things?

Who has traveled many countries? -

Our travel... (suitcase)

She worked well

And it buzzed and spun.

An oak felled near the village.

Who is she, tell me? (Saw)

He will walk along the plank -

Rings will fall down.

I removed all the shavings early

From every board...(plane)

In the morning only the dawn will break,

And she’s already cutting the grass.

There is still dew on the flowers,

Mows them in the meadows...(braid)

Guess who they are?

One-legged, thin.

The hammer will come to visit them -

And he will hit the wall...(nails)

Who has an iron head

Will he chop some firewood for you and me?

Ringing and roar throughout the yard -

It works... (axe)

Riddles play a significant role in the development of memory and thinking in 6-year-old children. With the help of these quatrains, the preschooler develops his imaginative thinking, uses logic and imagination. According to many psychologists, it is one of the few activities that can make a child think. But in order for riddles not to turn from an exciting game into a mediocre activity, when choosing, you should adhere to the interests of the child, his abilities and age. We have selected riddles for children 6 years old on various topics that will be most interesting to a child of this age.

What riddles should I choose for 6-year-old children?

  • Age appropriate

Some riddles are simply not appropriate for a child’s age: they may be too boring and uninteresting for him, or, on the contrary, too complicated for the child’s mind. I think you will agree that the riddle “Who says moo-moo and plucks the grass?” for a 6-year-old child it would seem like bullying. And riddles about subjects that he can only understand at school can cause overstrain and will be more harmful than useful.

  • Responsive to the interests of the child

At this age, kids love cartoons. He will absolutely love riddles, the main character of which will be his favorite panda from Kung Fu Panda, etc. In addition, the preschooler is already well versed in the names of the days of the week, months and seasons. He will enjoy questions about animals, bugs and birds. If a holiday is approaching, this is a great opportunity to prepare riddles for this topic, for example

  • Funny riddles

At the age of 6, trick riddles can make a child laugh. These are rhymes that deliberately force the child to answer incorrectly due to broken rhyme. Usually the questioner demands a quick answer from the child. When reading, the quatrain is written to rhyme with the incorrect answer, but with a similar meaning. They force the child to think before giving a spontaneous answer to a question.

  • Speed ​​riddles

It’s good to organize an evening of riddles between all family members or with the child’s friends to maintain the competitive spirit. The guys will try to answer as quickly as possible, and this helps develop their ingenuity. However, if, then it is better to refrain from speed riddles. Such kids don’t really like to jump out ahead of everyone with the answer, and sometimes they need time to carefully think about the answer, sometimes double-check it in their heads. Introverts are afraid of giving the wrong answer and being ridiculed by other children, so they do not volunteer to answer and take their time, although they have already had the correct answer in their head for a long time.

Riddles about cartoons

He is a very cunning hero
With a ponytail and a hat.
On each leg
Bright red boots.

Answer: Puss in Boots

Sitting on the window
He is eating a sandwich.
He holds it quite the opposite way,
In a striped T-shirt, although not a sailor.
What's his name?

Answer: Matroskin

We wrote a letter
Brought to the post office.
He will deliver everything to your home -
Just Pechkin...

Answer: Postman

Accidentally froze
Little sister.
Enveloped the houses and the castle
In a snow coat.

Answer: Elsa

The beauty lives at the bottom of the sea
Her dad is King Triton.
Her friends are fish and crustaceans.
Hurry up and name the princess!

Answer: Ariel

I brewed the samovar,
I invited all the bugs.
Gilded Belly
Who is this?

Answer: Fly-Tsokotukha

It's a gift for Donkey
Carrying an empty pot
And pretended to be a cloud,
Stealing honey from bees.

Answer: Winnie the Pooh

Old Carlo by the fireplace
He made a son out of a log.
Long, sharp nose like an awl
The boy...

Answer: Pinocchio

Riddles about animals

This beast looks like a block,
Deftly catches fish with his paw.

Answer: Polar bear

The owner of the forest
Will wake up only in the spring,
And in the cold winter, under the howling snowstorm,
Dozing in his snowy hut.

Answer: Bear

Red-haired sister,
Smart and cunning.
Chickens are afraid
They are hiding from her.

Answer: Fox

Walks quietly over the water
He always carries the house with him.
Does he wear a stone shirt?
Who is this?

Answer: Turtle

Under the chicken's wing
Sons, daughters.
Guys in yellow fur coats.
These kids are...

Answer: Chickens

This bird doesn't sing
Lives only in Australia.
He can't fly
Just dive headfirst into the sand.

Answer: Ostrich

Beautiful bird
It stands on the water.
Bright pink outfit
Eyes sparkling with sunshine

Answer: Flamingo

Riddles about the calendar

They say it's heavy
And the slacker is not friends with him.
To work, to kindergarten, to school

Answer: Monday

Gifts this month
They get it! And not in vain -
Are there months?
More fun...?

Answer: January

Happens this month
Happy holiday, Victory Day!
My sister and I congratulate
Our grandparents!

Answer: May

The trees turned yellow
School doors opened.
What month has it come to us?

Answer: September

The streams began to sing, the rooks returned.
The bee brought fresh honey to the hive.
Who can say, who knows when this happens?

Answer: Spring

Trick riddles

Let's collect an armful of flowers from the field
And now we will weave...

Answer: not a hat, but a wreath

When we meet our guests,
We'll eat them freshly ground...

Answer: not tea, but coffee

Hockey players can be heard crying
The goalkeeper let them through...

Answer: not a ball, but a puck

He is the best friend of all animals
Good doctor...

Answer: not Barmaley, but Aibolit

Run to the shore quickly!
The toothy one is swimming...

Answer: not a parrot, but a crocodile

There will be frost in the yard,
You put your hat on...

Answer: on the head, not on the nose.

Let's quickly collect it in a basket
We are fragrant, white

Answer: not cats, but lilies of the valley

Bought for my sister's legs
Warm, bright red

Answer: not matches, but boots.

Children actively and constantly seek answers to everyday “What?”, “Why?” and the decisive “Who will I be tomorrow?” Solving riddles comes naturally to them. Riddles will help them in their development, in understanding their inner and surrounding world.

Riddles differ in structure and thematically. The themes of the riddles are related to different aspects of the Universe. That's why thematic groups There are a lot of riddles (winter ones, about animals, about professions). Among the structural groups, there are 9 main ones, which will be discussed in the table.

Riddle type Peculiarities What is being developed Example
riddles-descriptions the characteristics of the object are listed logical thinking, the ability to describe the subject, argue your position (choosing words accurately); the ability to see connections between objects and perceive the world as a whole He whistles, makes noise, plays

And bends the trees

How will you let me into the house?

Everything will be destroyed in him.


riddles-descriptions containing unique characteristics of an object There must be at least 1 unique features (characteristic only for the clue item) the ability to notice the unique features of an object;

the ability to highlight the main points in texts;


They live in rivers and lakes

Their eternal work is tireless,

They build from twigs and trees

Strong huts that will save you from predators! ( Beavers)

riddles with description-negation list the characteristics of an object, specifying what (who) it is not attentiveness; analytical skills It flies, but not a bird,

In winter he sleeps, but not a bear,

It's buzzing, but not a mosquito. ( Fly)

riddles with hints indicate the letter with which the answer begins; the answer rhymes with the line of the verse logical thinking At the beginning of the word is the letter "s"

And the “n” comes at the end. He comes quietly at night,

His name is so simple -...( Dream)

riddles-metaphors the subject is not described directly, but using metaphors imaginative thinking;


What kind of house is this?

That there are no walls or windows in it - only a roof,

and on the roof - bread and bowls of borscht.


riddles based on metaphor-paradoxes signs that contradict each other are listed (in figurative form) imaginative thinking;

analytical thinking

Without hands and paints, but draws boldly,

Creates patterns skillfully! ( Freezing)

riddles-rhymes short riddles with a rhyming solution logical thinking A bee sat on a flower,

Collects for us...( Nectar)

trick riddles a rhyming answer suggests itself, but there’s a catch: it’s wrong attentiveness;

sense of humor

Rushing through the trees

Little red-haired fox ( Squirrel)

riddles for ingenuity What is important is not knowledge and experience, but a sharp mind, quick wits, and intuition intuition;

fast response;

out-of-the-box thinking

How to stir tea correctly: with your left or right hand? ( Spoon)

How many ends do 2 sticks have? What about 3? What about 3 and a half? ( 4, 6, 8 ).

  • Riddles-descriptions. By solving them, the child not only answers, but also proves the correctness of the answer. The child is introduced to the clue subject in advance (they are told and shown). They voice the riddle expressively, highlighting the most important things in their voice. You can give your child a proof plan (in the form of several questions or unfinished sentences).
  • Riddles-descriptions containing unique characteristics of an object. Children reproduce the riddle and point to a unique feature from the list.
  • Riddles with description-denial. First, children are taught to understand the structure of riddles (by talking through the logic of solving them). They use diagrams (for example, with crossed out pictures).
  • Riddles with additional clues. They are read expressively. When solving riddles, children give a complete, reasoned answer.
  • Riddles-metaphors. These are difficult riddles, so the first few can be solved with leading questions.
  • Riddles based on metaphor-paradoxes. First, they use hints (leading questions, reasoning out loud).
  • Rhyming riddles. Rhyming answers come to mind on their own, but the children give reasons for the answer.
  • Trick riddles. Children compare the incorrect rhymed answer with the correct one and draw conclusions.
  • Riddles for ingenuity. If children are working with this type for the first time, you can help them (tips, leading questions). They give riddles of different structures to challenge your ingenuity.

How to choose riddles for children

Riddles for children with answers become real games. In order for a child to enthusiastically take up solving riddles and love these exercises, you need to know some subtleties.

For example:

  1. Choose fun, funny riddles.
  2. The text succinctly and dryly presents only the information necessary for solving (funny, albeit uninformative, additions are allowed).
  3. Choose age-appropriate riddles (theme, complexity of images, metaphors). The youngest (preschoolers) love riddles about nature (about birds, insects, animals). Little schoolchildren love to “solve” cartoon characters and fairy tales.
  4. If a child solves simple riddles easily and quickly, the tasks are gradually made more difficult.
  5. Children love riddles that challenge their wits.
  6. If a child cannot quickly solve the riddle on his own, you should not immediately give the answer. A hard victory is more appreciated.
  7. If the answer is not given to the child, leading questions will help. Hints should not lead too close to the solution.
  8. The child can select riddles independently for team competitions (it is useful to remember them).
  9. Riddles-verses are easier to remember, contribute to the development of expressive correct speech, and develop memory.
  10. You can select small rewards related to the theme of the riddle.
  11. It is worth showing your child the maximum variety of riddles: they select different topics and types of tasks. You can devote one day to one topic.
  12. The themes of the riddles can be selected depending on the location of the lesson. If at home, choose riddles about household items (after solving the solution, you can show the item). If there are riddles in the park about natural resources, about the animal world. On the river - about aquatic inhabitants.
  13. Studying one object, process, phenomenon, they select riddles that reveal it with different sides.
  14. The first ones simple riddles make a wish up to 3 years When a child just learns to speak, he learns about the world. They sound like a question: “Where is the nose?”, “What does the dog say?” Logic-descriptive riddles are given to children aged 3 years and older.

Riddles with illustrations will make the solving process even more fun.

Riddles for the little ones

These riddles are suitable for children aged 3 - 5 years. But with their help, older children can begin to be introduced to this genre of literature. Riddles and rhymes quickly captivate children, make them smile, and develop their thinking. Their peculiarity is simplicity, humor, and unpredictability.

He is not evil, but the problem is that he always makes people cry.

He cures the flu - good friend!

They call him...


The saffron milk cap jumps and hops on a branch,

And everyone calls him...


A mighty man walks through the forest,

Clubfoot and big,

And if he falls asleep, you won’t wake him up.

He'll wake up on his own

Early spring!


Gray fur coat - for summer days,

And in white he hides in a winter snowdrift.


Paws are soft

There are scratches in them.


Moos when she's hungry

When he chews, he stops mooing.

And he gives milk to the children.


Ripening in the garden

Green, crispy,

They are locked in banks,

The delicacy is real!


He lives in his house,

The master's house guards,

Wags his tail

Plays with the kids!


He doesn't have a den

Well, why does someone like that need a mink?

He eats bark for lunch

Paws run up the slides.


It's dangerous in a river in Africa:

There's a big toothy one swimming there,

Evil ship in green paint.


A prickly ball in a hole is hiding something.


He lives in a dark forest,

Eats raspberries and sweet honey.


What kind of lace is this?

What crawls without arms, without legs?


Lives in a strong house,

The house carries itself,

Hides his head and paws,

If suddenly she becomes scared.


Neither walk nor run

She doesn't know how

He catches flies on his tongue,

Jump and jump through the swamp.


Oh, it squeaks, buzzes.

When it bites, it itches and hurts!


Riddles with a trick

Riddles for children with answers that have a “trick” - these are questions of ingenuity. The child must show a sharp mind and innovative thinking. Such riddles contain distracting details that lead away from the obvious answer. Riddles with a trick are suitable for children from junior classes, teenagers.

In what case will 4 children, 5 adults, 6 dogs not get wet under an umbrella?

(In sunny weather)

It consists of 1 word, and there are a million letters in it.


It turns black when clean, turns white, which means it needs to be washed.

(School board)

What kind of dishes can't be used to eat?

(From empty)

Suzanne's father has 5 daughters. Names 4: Nina, Nona, Nono, Nene. What is the name of the fifth one?


I don’t have legs, but if you warm me up, they will appear.


Big as an elephant

And its weight is zero.

(elephant shadow)

Only 1 eye, and only one horn. What is this?

(A cow peeked out from around the corner)

It cannot bark or bite, but the name is still the same.

(Dog, symbol in an email address)

What kind of person is this who doesn’t have all the fingers on one hand?

(Normal, because all fingers are on 2 hands)

Who doesn't get their hair wet in a downpour?


Who has 6 legs, 4 eyes, 1 tail, and 2 heads?

(Man on horseback)

What can't you eat for breakfast?

(Lunch, dinner)

Why is the dog running?

(On the ground)

Trick riddles

They suggest a rhyming answer. In these poems the last line is cut off. Children need to be careful not to take the easy route and answer the word that matches the rhyme. Trick riddles are fun and develop attentiveness and logical thinking.

This type of riddle is suitable for children from 3 years old.

Grandma asked Masha

Eat radishes...porridge.


There is a swamp and slush in the yard,

I don't want to get my hat dirty.


I'm floating on the water, green,

I'll go hunting again

Not a mosquito or a fly -

I'll eat you! After all, I am... a frog.


I love honey, I know a lot about it.

I'm a big, furry...wolf.


I bought myself gloves

And my…heels don’t freeze.


Listen well to your mom:

Put the mittens on...your ears.


To enjoy the movie,

I turn on...the refrigerator.

(Computer, TV)

We scored a goal again

We go with a stick to... football.


Our bunny wears white fur,

There are two ears, eight legs.


Add sour cream to borscht,

Pour borscht into... glasses.


I'll buy a sweet bagel

It looks like the letter... "u".

My sister is just a baby

They gave her a dress...a book.


We'll pick a bouquet of flowers,

And we will weave them together...takes.


My brothers Vova, Sanya

They ride in three-wheeled...sleighs.



Riddles for children with answers that describe winter may include different types riddles (riddles-descriptions, riddles-metaphors, riddles-rhymes).

Winter mysteries tell about:

  • natural phenomena (frost, snow);
  • winter holidays ( New Year, Christmas);
  • children's games and leisure (snowballs, holidays, Snow Baba);
  • traditions (carols, Christmas tree);
  • popular winter characters (Father Frost, Saint Nicholas, Snow Maiden).

He attaches swords all around,

Our aunt winter.

This is how he protects his possessions,

And for the sun these swords -

Only one water.


From water and from frost

Winter sews, shedding tears,

To cover the fields and rocks,

Fluffy blanket.

(Winter, snow)

He pinches and bites,

The skin is already burning with fire,

And in the warmth it won’t bite,

The window sends us a message.


He covers the water with bark,

Doesn't drown in water

And it does not burn in fire.


She is everyone's grandmother,

We'll put her on a hat.

Though dumb, but funny.

She can’t come into our house - she’ll melt.

(Snow Baba)

He brought us toys on a sleigh -

Noble and horned...Santa Claus


We are not bears

We don't hibernate in winter,

But in winter 2 weeks,

Let's have a good rest.

(Children on winter holidays)

Logic riddles

To solve them, ingenuity, attentiveness, and an analytical mind are important. Logic riddles develop these qualities. Gradually, the child will understand their principle, but at first it is worth helping with small hints. This is a group of riddles for schoolchildren (from 5 years old).

Which months have 28 days?


We always spell this word incorrectly. Name it.


A small frying pan was attached to the dog's tail. Determine the speed of the dog at which it will not hear the sound of this dish on the asphalt?

(The dog doesn't move. Its speed is zero)

Even when they close their eyes, people see it.


What do they do if a green man appears?

(Cross the road. This is a drawing on a traffic light)

The man was not hurt, although he jumped from a 20-meter ladder. Think how?

(Jumped from the first step from the bottom)

How to completely burn a match under water so that not even a tip remains?

(In the submarine)

Fascinating about animals

Preschoolers are given structurally simple tasks (descriptions, with hints) about animals known to them (bear, cat, fox). Logical and metaphorical tasks are chosen for schoolchildren. You can complicate the riddles by describing exotic animals that they could see in encyclopedias, in lessons, in zoos (puma, iguana).

Where the eternal cold, he lives,

It gurgles under the ice for the fish,

Furry, white and with fangs.

Well, who is he - decide for yourself!

(Polar bear)

Small, fast,

Runs like a spark

The tail is red and fluffy.

And he gnaws nuts quickly!


The bears at the pole will never eat the penguin. Why?

(They live at different poles. The North Pole is the home of bears. South Pole - home of penguins)

When does a black cat easily enter the house?

(If the door is opened)

The legs are so slender

Like bushes, big horns,

His height is 2 - 3 meters.

They call him...


Shirt made of stone

There's an old lady in it...


Who carries a shower with them?


Birthday riddles with answers

Riddles for children with answers for birthday celebrations are funny riddles for group solving by children.

They raise various topics related to the holiday:

  • guests;
  • age of the birthday person;
  • decorations;
  • character traits of the birthday boy.

Birthdays are fun!

Candles, cakes, carousels.

So that the mood flutters,

We will give...


There's a house full of people here,

We will all spin around in it.

Your family has gathered

Here we are - yours...


There is a field, wind,

There are underground rivers

And the stars glow.

And the wind blew - the stars disappeared.

(Field - cake, rivers - cream, stars - candles)

The house is now full of Tuchek,

Yet the sun shines in it.

I'll pull this cloud

For a tiny hand.


The song always caresses them,

You hide them in bad weather.

We will not stop torturing them.

Counting the years.


What candies at this table can you feel the cold in?


About nature

These riddles are informative. They develop logic and instill a desire to carefully observe nature. Children easily remember new facts. Humor, vivid images, and rhyme turn tasks into games.

Some of the main topics of this group:

  • animals;
  • insects;
  • plants;
  • natural phenomena;
  • celestial bodies.

Every day

Winter and summer

We receive a coin.


The sun flies around,

Ancient and icy

The tail of light straightens.

She's a baby in space

On earth it’s like a whole town.


This is a rare occurrence

And great luck

By the river, after the rain

You can see a ribbon in the sky.


They flutter by the billions,

And their land is in the mirror

Immediately converts.


Although there are many wives,

But he himself is single.


Two friends don't spill water

They flutter under the clouds.

One shines and is always ahead.

The second one makes noise and catches up.

(Lightning and Thunder)

About health

These works teach you to be attentive to your body, provide knowledge about the causes of diseases, and reveal the importance of taking care of your health.

The main themes of these riddles are:

  • body parts;
  • medicines, food;
  • names of doctors;
  • hygiene;
  • symptoms of diseases;

My heart aches - that’s the problem,

Always run to him.

Are you old or very young -

The heart heals...


Everyone has a squad of soldiers -

White bone guys.

The mint cold cleanses them all,

Well, it heals...

(Teeth, toothpaste, dentist)

Don't strain them at night,

Cover with a blanket.

The blankets have a fluffy side,

They will be hidden from the sun quickly.

(Eyes, eyelids, eyelashes)

They are all named by letters,

Protect from diseases.


In the summer I was running and fell,

And he tore off his knees.

Mom hugged the child

It dripped into the wound...


I sleep very sweetly in the morning,

And I do...


I run, play football,

I help my mother at home,

Fruit and vegetable

I love to eat.

They won't find me...


About traffic rules

Even the youngest children should know the basic rules. Thanks to short, witty riddles, even preschoolers quickly remember the rules. Among the topics in this group, two main ones can be distinguished: road signs, rules of behavior on the sidewalk, on the road.

She has one note out of seven.

It even contains part of a cow.

Connects on all sides

Big cities and sat down.


He says: don’t rush!

The turn is over there - look.

Listen to him, he is not an enemy.

Helped everyone...

(Road sign )

Across the road

I'm covered in ribbons.

My feet are trampling on me

So that iron motors

We didn't find the problem.

(Pedestrian crossing)

There are also caves in the city,

And on them - a machine round dance,

Those machines are hard to trust.

You better go down to...


All paths are separated:

One by one, the legs are walking.

On others, the wheels are spinning.

Don't confuse them, friend!

Terrible not to get hit,

Just choose...


Once the bus is on the way,

You need to bypass it correctly.

There is no need to go ahead -

Walk around the bus...


About fire safety rules

Children should know the basics of this topic, starting from junior groups kindergarten These are kids from 3 years old. Vivid images are easier to imagine and remember than “dry” rules.

The riddles tell:

  • why fire is dangerous, how to deal with it;
  • what are matches;
  • about the work of firefighters and their equipment.

At least dozens of languages,

But he has no teeth at all.

Well, I’m just ready to eat for days.

And the water scares him:

It hisses and disappears.


Red warrior

But not in the field

He's in the museum, in our school,

Both in the theater and in the cinema.

Foam is his sword.

(Fire extinguisher)

Did a coal fall to the floor?

Until it burst into flames

Don't stand there, don't wait for trouble

Give him a lot...


Smoke comes in clouds

No one will breathe them.

And the fireman puts on

A hat with a trunk, glasses.


The plot in the form of a cartoon, with an explanation of where the riddles came from and why they are needed:

100 brown heads -

Thin sisters.

You, baby, are not ready for them,

After all, they are dangerous...


He chatters and plays merrily,

Frying and steaming helps.

Even best friends

They know: to play with him...

(No, Fire)

About the holidays

Among the 200 existing holidays, only a few are considered national. Holidays protect traditions, beliefs, and the history of generations. These riddles will expand children's knowledge about important dates.

World Women's Freedom Day,

The day is about being happy

Brave, strong and stubborn

You can: we are all equal.

Clattering with hooves,

Falls in snowflakes.

The arrow points to 12

This holiday...

(New Year)

They were able to win

They cried in happiness

After all, we won't

Fight more.

(Victory Day)

For everyone who believes - the most important,

The holiest Christian holiday.

Christ is risen - great happiness,

We call this holiday...


No cake, congratulations, words

Won't be in winter holiday this,

And the one to whom it is dedicated,

Considered the main document.

How to live, what is possible, what is not,

Ask her - she knows everything.

She was once accepted.

(Constitution Day of the Russian Federation)

About professions

From the age of 4, children are looking at professions. The first dreams about the future world of work appear. Games, riddles, poetry help you learn professions while playing.

Bricks in a strong helmet,

He works great.

Clay, master of colors.

The master's name is...


Constantly under the winds

Strong, strong, strong-willed.

Friends with the sea, with ships,

They are really looking forward to him coming home.


Justice triumphs

For her, he is a guide.

All the people come to him,

Who got into a dead end of fate.


He waves his hand, not the artist,

The crowd is in command, not the traffic controller.

A musician, but not a player.


He is often on duty at night,

He's on duty, he won't sleep through trouble,

He is not afraid of lacerations,

“Do no harm” he promised!


Vinyl spin,

Press the buttons

To be on the strings

Everyone can do it cleverly!

You have long known the creations of many.

They are called...


About household things

Riddles for kids about household items are one of the most important categories of riddles. They introduce children to the surrounding space, replenish their vocabulary, and point out the features of everyday objects. Children develop observation and curiosity.

Most of the answers can be immediately illustrated by pointing to the desired object.

These riddles can be grouped as follows:

  • about books;
  • about dishes;
  • about household appliances;
  • about kitchen utensils;
  • about clothes;
  • about household appliances.

Riddles for children with answers contribute to the child’s intelligence and diversify his free time

Among household appliances

Loud elephant is my name.

There is no need to sweep anymore -

I can handle it just as well myself!

(Vacuum cleaner)

What kind of fold?

It will be smooth!

I'm flying here and there

And my name is...


I'll try not to hurt you

I know, I know...

At least it should be safe -

And there are scratches.


Touch it with your palm -

Even from the outside.

There is quite a bit of cold.

And you'll freeze inside!


Pour it into the bottom and pour it in,

And don’t skimp on the spices,

Lubricate me with good oil

There is no way to forget.

It will be delicious - I’ll tell you right away!

I am yours...


I have a whole noisy city inside me,

There I settled 33 in an open field,

They live in groups hugging each other,

They weave their own stories.

(Book, letters, words)

Iron savior of iron things,

I hold all my friends tightly in my arms,

A needle, a coin and a small key

I will quickly find and return the loss.


Using riddles of different structure and themes, you can make the process of exploring the world continuous and fun. After all, most of the answers will surround the child at home, on the bus, in the yard.

Article format: E. Chaikina

Useful video about riddles for children 5-7 years old

The story is about logical riddles for children:

Develop your children, here are riddles for 7-year-old children with answers on various topics to help you:

He has no hands, no eyes, but he can draw. Answer to the riddle: Frost.

In winter I hide, in spring I appear, in summer I have fun, in autumn I go to bed. Answer to the riddle: River.

He is cut down from a tree and cries in his hands. Answer to the riddle: Balalaika.

With a beard, not a man, with horns, not a bull, with down, not a bird, pulls bast, but does not weave bast shoes. Answer to the riddle: Goat.

It grows upside down. It grows not in summer, but in winter. But the sun will burn her - she will cry and die. Answer to the riddle: Icicle.

Striped balls came to us from melons. Answer to the riddle: Watermelons.

Five closets, one door. Answer to the riddle: Glove.

Sticky buds, green leaves. With white bark stands under the mountain. Answer to the riddle: Birch.

A beautiful sorceress came and repainted the foliage without paint. Answer to the riddle: Autumn.

Red body, heart of stone. Answer to the riddle: Cherry.

In the middle of the swamp lies a piece of gold. Answer to the riddle: Month.

There is water all around, but drinking is a problem. Answer to the riddle: Sea.

There are two pots under the threshold. Answer to the riddle: Forehead and eyes.

Winged, loud-mouthed, red flippers. Answer to the riddle: Goose.

The runners are running, the runners are rolling, the horned ones are taking the horned ones to stab the animals. Answer to the riddle: horse, wheels, pitchforks, hay..

Who beats and taps on the roof all night, and lulls you to sleep while mumbling and singing? Answer to the riddle: Rain.

He walks around the hallway, but doesn’t go into the hut. Answer to the riddle: Door.

Who deftly jumps through the fir trees and flies up into the oak trees? Who hides nuts in a hollow or dries mushrooms for the winter? Answer to the riddle: Squirrel.

An invisible shepherdess is chasing white lambs across a mountain clearing. Answer to the riddle: Wind and clouds.

Guess who the gray-haired housewife is? She shook the featherbeds - over the world of fluff. Answer to the riddle: Winter.

Jumping along the branches, but not a bird, a red one, but not a fox. Answer to the riddle: Squirrel.

There is a beam all over Rus' and on that beam there are twelve nests, and in each nest there are four eggs. Answer to the riddle: Year.

Pan Panovich did not fall into the water, did not drive away the geese, and did not drown himself. Answer to the riddle: Leaf.

There is a log, along it there is a road: fifty twigs and three hundred leaves. Answer to the riddle: year...

It flutters from flower to flower, when it gets tired, it rests. Answer to the riddle: Butterfly.

A shadow flew on Peter's Day, a shadow sat down on a stump, a shadow began to cry: the hair was withering, the oak grove was noisy. The answer to the riddle: a scythe...

Near the village the horse is cheerful. Answer to the riddle: Blizzard.

Three sparrows flew: “How long do they feed you?” - “I’m here 24 hours a day.” - “Me from week to week.” - “And me from year to year.” Answer to the riddle: Stove, bathhouse, barn.

I've been wearing them for many years, but I don't know how many they have. Answer to the riddle: Hair.

A tarhan flies through all the auctions, a caftan without a floor, without buttons. Answer to the riddle: Wind.

In the summer he follows the plowman, and in the winter he leaves screaming. Answer to the riddle: Rook.

The grandmother wears a snow hat. Stone sides, wrapped in clouds. Answer to the riddle: Mountain.

The little kid walked underground, stood up against the sun, and took off his cap. Answer to the riddle: Mushroom.

No windows, no doors, the room was full of people. Answer to the riddle: Cucumber.

The little hunchback is carrying two carts. Answer to the riddle: Buckets on a rocker.

He won’t knock, he won’t blurt out, but he will come. Answer to the riddle: Day.

The little potbellied guy walked around the city and killed all the guys. Answer to the riddle: Bath broom.

Not a bird, but with wings. Answer to the riddle: Butterfly.

Small, round, but you can reach the sky. Answer to the riddle: Eye.

Not the sea, not the land, ships don’t float, but you can’t walk. Answer to the riddle: Swamp.

Small, warm, plenty of space. Answer to the riddle: Nest.

Not gem, but it glows. Answer to the riddle: Ice.

A boy about the size of a finger, a white robe, a red hat. Answer to the riddle: Mushroom.

In such and such a month, on Fir Friday, a beast with falcon eyes and the leap of a goat was born. The answer to the riddle: a flea...

My jacket is green, my shirt is white, my pants are red, my tie is black. Answer to the riddle: Watermelon.

I will lead twelve horses on one rein. Answer to the riddle: Rake.

On the mountain on Brynska lies a heroic beast, a mustache like a Turk’s, a smooth skin. Answer to the riddle: Cat.

On New Year's Eve everyone is happy to see her, no matter how scratchy her outfit is. Answer to the riddle: Christmas tree.

A ball grew on a green fragile leg near the path. A little breeze rustled and scattered this ball. Answer to the riddle: Dandelion.

If you go to the edge of Sverdlovsk, what will you find? Answer to the riddle: Letter A.

There is a commotion in the yard - peas are falling from the sky. Answer to the riddle: Hail.

He stands on one leg and drinks water with a horn. Answer to the riddle: Goose.

There is a Taratyn oak tree on Gorynskaya Mountain; it can be cut down, but cannot be split. Answer to the riddle: Hair.

On the field on Nogaisky there are poles of henbane, with green caps on them. Answer to the riddle: Birch trees.

Between the mountains lies fat Yegor. Answer to the riddle: Potatoes.

On the street there will be a clink, they will rumble - there will be a tinkle, and when they go back - the tears will flow. Answer to the riddle: Buckets.

Little babies rolled pellets, passed through the ground, found a blue queen; blue, blue and cherry. Answer to the riddle: peas..

Not alive, but squeaking. Answer to the riddle: Gate.

Small, pot-bellied, belted with a bast. Answer to the riddle: Broom.

Not a mouse, not a bird frolics in the forest, lives in the trees and gnaws nuts. Answer to the riddle: Squirrel.

Small, round - it will reach the sky. Answer to the riddle: Eye.

They don’t sow, they don’t plant, they grow on their own. Answer to the riddle: Hair.

A little boy in a gray army jacket sneaks around the yards, picks up crumbs, wanders through the fields - stealing hemp. Answer to the riddle: Sparrow.

It has no weight or color! Answer to the riddle: Air.

The little lady woke up at midnight. The answer to the riddle: a flea...

There are no legs, but he walks, no eyes, but he cries. Answer to the riddle: Cloud.

In the summer, in the swamp, you will find it. Green frog. Who is this? Answer to the riddle: Frog.

It runs in the summer and stands still in the winter. Answer to the riddle: River.

It sleeps on the ground at night and runs away in the morning. Answer to the riddle: Dew.

A parrot bird is flying, sat down on the ground, scattered its feathers for all sorts of potions. Answer to the riddle: Spring.

One speaks, two look, two listen. Answer to the riddle: Tongue, eyes, ears.

Gray geese flew and dropped white fluff. Answer to the riddle: Snow and clouds.

It hangs in a prominent place, swallowing news all year round. Answer to the riddle: Mailbox.

A perhol, a caftan without a hem, flew, lay down, stretched out its neck, looked through the crack. Answer to the riddle: blizzard..

Grief has fallen in the blue sea, I am not sickened by grief, but sickened by the blue sea. Answer to the riddle: Mote in the eye.

The deck lies across the road; There are twelve nests in a deck, four eggs in a nest, and seven embryos in a testicle. What will happen? Answer to the riddle: Year.

He was the first to emerge from the mud on the thawed patch. He is not afraid of frost, even though he is small. Answer to the riddle: Snowdrop.

The empty hen made a nest with a yard, she herself is in the nest, the egg is out. Answer to the riddle: potatoes..

A fur coat and a caftan walks across the mountains and valleys. Answer to the riddle: Sheep.

Who is the strongest in the world? Answer to the riddle: Water.

He walks and walks along the sea, but when he reaches the shore, he disappears. Answer to the riddle: Wave.

Who walks around angry and hungry in the cold winter? Answer to the riddle: Wolf.

White geese swim across the blue sea. Answer to the riddle: Clouds.

Whoever comes into the house takes me by the hand. Answer to the riddle: Door.

The bird built a nest underground and laid eggs. Answer to the riddle: Potatoes.

Steep mountain: every step is a hole. Answer to the riddle: Stairs.

The house is full of sparrows. Answer to the riddle: Knots on logs.

Shouts: “Krack!” The enemy of worms. Answer to the riddle: Rook.

A peahen flew in, sat on the lava, and spread its feathers for all sorts of potions. Answer to the riddle: Spring.

Who gets hit on the head to make him walk straight? Answer to the riddle: Nail.

The bridge stretches for seven miles, and at the end of the bridge there is a golden mile. Answer to the riddle: A week.

What is a bird with forty letters? Answer to the riddle: Forty A, forty.

The peas scattered over seventy-seven roads; no one will pick him up: neither the king, nor the queen, nor the red maiden. Answer to the riddle: Hail.

It blooms from under the snow and welcomes spring before anyone else. Answer to the riddle: Snowdrop.

I was born of flesh, but no blood, I don’t know how to read and write, but I’ve been writing forever. Answer to the riddle: Quill feather.

A grandmother is coming from the bathhouse in a green sundress. Answer to the riddle: Bath broom.

Where does life begin? Answer to the riddle: Letter Z.

A green calf is tied with a rope, lies on its side and gets fat. Answer to the riddle: Watermelon.

Topic: riddles for children 7 years old with answers, tricks and for the development of logic.