Hello! I don’t know which section to classify my problem into: Family, personal or love, but I feel that some kind of crisis has come in my relationship with my husband.
Our family: me (30), husband (35), have a daughter (5) and a son (2). The problem is not new - they often start swearing (we don’t have to shout, we can just talk), I am constantly offended by his words. I want to understand - the reason is me, I don’t react like that, do I need to understand something? Every time after a quarrel I feel very bad, I suffer, physically and mentally, I end up lashing out at the children..
Recently, after another conflict, we had a conversation about what a family is (his idea of ​​a family), love. What kind of relationship should there be between a husband and wife. He said that he doesn’t like the word “love”, he evaluates our relationship as respect, affection, trust, etc. But as a person who respects his partner can say and do certain things.
I will give examples. The first, not very beautiful example, which literally changed my attitude towards him, happened when we were driving in a car with his brother and wife, children to another city to visit relatives. I apologize for the details, after 2 hours on the way, he wanted to go to the toilet, he didn’t stop, citing a gas station in a couple of km. When it wasn’t there, I thought, well, I’ll be patient a little longer. We drove for another hour. Then I began to insist, because my bladder not rubber. He-wait, let's get to the nearest gas station... I feel bad. We passed one area for cars, then another. Then his brother began to tell him that he could stop. His husband was rude to him, almost sent him. in the end, they had a big fight. In general, a conflict out of nothing. I can’t understand to the depths of my soul, how can you treat your loved one so carelessly? After all, there was an opportunity to stop, and not alone. He later explained this by saying that he had a goal to achieve half way, then it will be possible to stop. We called him an egoist, although he didn’t understand why at all.
Another recent example: yesterday I went to the cinema (I go once every 1-2 months). My husband stayed at home with the children. I called before the show, while there was time, to find out how the children were? Did he feed them (let me explain - regarding food - my husband is absolutely helpless in this, he doesn’t know how to do anything or doesn’t want to, so if he stays with them, I leave him detailed instructions). I ask a rhetorical question: “Do you know how to cook soup?” (I wanted to ask him to heat up the broth for the children), he told me answered in such a tone as if I had insulted him - “Of course I can! But I won’t do it just because then you will have nothing to do”... uh, what to answer to this... I hung up because there’s no such thing I didn't expect it. And I started thinking, it seems like I perform the duties of a housewife normally, I like to cook, he praises me for it. But this phrase... for me it sounds like - “Woman, your place is in the kitchen!” When I came home, I tried to clarify what he meant, and that he offended me by this. The answer was “Yes, I do.” I think (that I will have nothing to do then), but what’s wrong with that?”
In general, I want to communicate with this person less and less. And it seems like it's mutual. We are both confused, it seems to me that he has forgotten how to talk to me normally.
His favorite phrase in conflicts is “Is it my fault again?” But I don’t want to look for those to blame! I want to find the reason for our constant quarrels, because everything follows the same scenario - He was rude, rude, shouted - I get offended (not always, when I can - I just swallow), we can’t talk for a day , two, there were more.
I can’t be offended for a long time, I almost always come up first, try to talk - he’s waiting for this, maybe he’ll hurt me again in a conversation, be rude. But then he “forgives”. I'm tired of this.
Maybe the reason is in his upbringing. His family has a similar scenario, only his mother is world-class! She never gets offended, swallows everything. Dad sits in the kitchen, and mom asks him, “Do you want coffee or tea?” Dad is silent, thoughtful. She again after a minute, “Well, should I pour you some coffee?” He’s silent.. I just want to say at such moments, “Leave him, let him pour it.” My husband has the same model of behavior.
For my part, I can say what I would like from a relationship, although maybe I idealize everything very much and it doesn’t happen like that. I don’t have enough attention, for example, to sit next to you and we talk about something. I want all sorts of pleasant things (at least sometimes , I understand that this is not always realistic) - to pour coffee, prepare breakfast, I want to lie in bed longer, and not get up at the first morning call of the child to feed, I want to have breakfast and dinner with everyone together, I want to feel for a person what I used to - what he is the best. But it doesn’t work out anymore.