Beautiful hairstyles for September 1st with bows. Beautiful hairstyles for girls on Knowledge Day

Just recently the first bell rang for newly minted first-graders. Coming to for the first time new school or meeting old friends, you want to amaze others with beauty. The issue of hairstyles for the holiday lineup was acute both for the parents of girls and for mature fashionistas from high school. In this article you will find a brief overview of hairstyles for September 1st and several instructions for creating hairstyles for September 1st. long hair step by step.

Hairstyles for September 1st for long hair - what's relevant

  • Traditionally schoolgirls from junior classes come to the festive line with bows. Ponytails or braids - even the most simple hairstyle On the first of September, long hair will look unusual with a pair of large bows.
  • We strongly associate braids with school years. If you're tired of the classic options, there are different ways to freshen up the classics. Weaving one braid into another, braiding it around the head - even with braids you can amaze those around you with a good imagination.
  • Often curls are curled on the first of September. This can be styled on loose hair, ponytails, or even a couple of stray strands on partially collected hair.
  • Some people weave ribbons into their hairβ€”silk or lace can decorate any braid. To complete the look, braided hair can be tied into a bun and accessorized with a massive flower clip.
  • Middle and high school girls prefer baby bows fashionable styling or formal complex hairstyles. Usually these are soft curls, styled in a variety of ways.

Hairstyles for long hair on September 1, photo

Beautiful hairstyles for September 1st for long hair, step by step

Nowadays, hairstyles for long hair on September 1 have become almost more complicated than wedding hairstyles for adults. Some mothers turn to professionals in salons, while others are not ready to exchange the exciting process of creativity for anything. Returning to school is a big event, and every parent wants to catch admiring glances turned to their child. If the hairstyle is also made by yourself, this is a separate reason for pride. We offer a few simple instructions that will help mothers approach school hairstyles with imagination and taste.

Hair bow

Even girls who have long left school age fell in love with this hairstyle. She gives the image a bit of childish spontaneity and makes those around her wonder how it was done. With this original bow on your head you can go for a walk, to a party, or to school.


  • In order for the hairstyle not to look sloppy, you will need straight hair. If you have frizzy hair, use a flat iron or blow dryer to straighten it out.
  • Pull your hair into a neat high ponytail. There is no need to tighten the elastic band too tightly so that there is volume at the roots.
  • With one more turn of the elastic band, gather your hair into a bun.
  • Leave one strand hanging freely in front. If you have a cascading haircut, you can choose one of the short strands.
  • Carefully divide the remaining bunch into two equal halves.
  • Use a loose strand of hair to wrap the bun centered from front to back and secure the strand with a hairpin at the back.
  • Depending on the length of the strand, you can wrap the bun a second time or simply hide the ends under an elastic band.
  • Add a few more pins so that your hairstyle is not afraid of any wind.
  • You can lightly fix the hairstyle with hairspray or other styling products.
  • If this is a hairstyle for a first-grader, you can decorate it with decorative hairpins.
  • Experiment - a similar bow can be done on laid down hair or on the side in addition to another hairstyle.

Bun of braids

This hairstyle on the first of September will look serious and grown-up. The bun looks stylish and modern, and the braids in it are only slightly reminiscent of school carefreeness. To liven up this hairstyle, just let out a couple of curled strands on the side.


  • Comb your hair back.
  • Divide them into four parts. You should get two large strands in the back and two thin ones in front, framing the face.
  • Braid two simple braids from two equal parts at the back. Secure them with thin elastic bands.
  • Add a little deliberate negligence to a strict hairstyle - stretch the links of the braids on the sides to create volume.
  • Braid simple, thin braids using strands that frame your face.
  • Bring these small braids back and secure with bobby pins at the base of the larger braids.
  • Consistently collect the braids into a bun, securing them with hairpins.
  • Hide the ends of the braids deep into the bun.
  • The hairstyle will be even more elegant if you weave a ribbon into each braid or decorate the final bun with invisible hairpins with white flowers.

Another option for a braided bun

If the bun in the previous instructions gives more volume and is more suitable for soft curly hair, then the next option is suitable even for smooth and coarse straight hair. Smooth hair will effectively emphasize the shape of the hairstyle, and a stronger hold will allow you to cope even with unruly hair.


  • Divide your hair into three equal parts as shown in the picture.
  • At the bottom center, gather part of your hair into a small bun.
  • Take one thin strand on each side, place them crosswise towards each other and secure.
  • Repeat the procedure until the beam itself.
  • Combine the remaining strands and braid them.
  • Wrap the braid around the bun several times.
  • Secure your hair with hairpins and styling products. Add ribbons, bows and barrettes to your liking.

Volumetric braid

Braids for long hair on September 1 will never go out of style. If you gravitate towards the classics, then you probably know that an ordinary braid can be braided in a mass different ways. The option in the photo looks unusual and visually makes the hair thicker.


  • Tie your hair into a medium ponytail.
  • Divide the hair in the ponytail into three unequal parts. Two thin strands should remain on the sides at the top and one large one in the middle at the bottom.
  • Bring two thin strands down under the larger one, cross them and bring them back up.
  • Secure with a thin elastic band.
  • Repeat the procedure along the entire length of your hair, tying each new turn with an elastic band.
  • Extend the coils at the sides to add volume. The braid should be massive enough so that the elastic bands inside are not visible.
  • Secure the braid with a styling agent.
  • You can make two similar braids, make a bun out of the braid, or decorate it with bows and hairpins.

Hairstyles for September 1st for long hair - styling

Stretch your hair, style it in soft waves, make an unusual parting - all this great options both for mature schoolgirls and for freedom-loving girls who do not want to sit still for three hours.

Mirror-smooth hair is not as popular now as it was a few years ago. If you decide to pull your hair out, it is better to twist it slightly inward at the ends. With this styling, even loose hair will look beautiful and neat. If you want something new, you can put your bangs in the other direction, comb it back, or experiment with the parting line. Making it in a semicircle, obliquely or zigzag is not at all difficult, but the styling will look completely different.

Perfect one-to-one curls are a popular hairstyle for little girls on September 1st. This looks cute in childhood, however, when schoolgirls grow up, it is worth remembering that Hollywood curls Nowadays it is much more relevant than tight curls. Waves in romantic style with an unusual parting will emphasize youth and natural beauty on the festive line.

Haircut for long hair on September 1st

The haircut should suit the shape of the face. A high forehead can be covered with bangs, a triangular face can be framed with strands on the side, and volume can be added to an elongated face with a cascading haircut.

This season, it is fashionable to cut your hair in a straight line at the back. Various options are possible in the front and on the upper strands.

Long hair suits all girls without exception, but do not forget that a waist-length braid requires a lot of care. If your hair is split, weakened and falling out, you should limit yourself to medium length just below the shoulders.

How to make a beautiful hairstyle for yourself on September 1st

High school girls often want to do their own hair. In fact, you can do any hairstyle for yourself – it’s just a matter of attentiveness, hard work and time spent.

To do your hair, you will need a large mirror. Or better yet, several. You need to see yourself from all angles to carefully braid your hair even at the back.

If you decide to do your hair yourself, you should not choose options with a clear shape. For example, it is better to entrust the braiding of a braid in a zigzag along the surface of the head to your mother, friends or professionals - due to the distortion of the reflection in a rotated mirror, it will be difficult to perform such hairstyles perfectly evenly. But styling with soft curly strands, voluminous braids and the bunches are exactly what you need.

You should not choose complex, fragile hairstyles that can be damaged by rain or the slightest gust of wind. School assemblies usually take place in the courtyard, and the weather in early September is very unpredictable.

Choose exactly the hairstyle that suits the girl’s face shape and will complement the harmonious school look.

If your daughter is not ready to sit for several hours and endure discomfort for the sake of a complex structure on her head, do not try to convince her. You can always find practical, beautiful and easy-to-make options that will suit everyone.

The first day of school is approaching - September 1, and, of course, with joyful excitement, children and parents have already begun preparing for classes. This day is especially important for first-graders. Textbooks, notebooks, backpacks, pencils, rulers, pens - students must pack a lot of necessary things for school, regardless of whether it is their first year of study, or whether the student has long entered the world of knowledge.

Every little girl wants to look beautiful on her first day. academic year. Your little princess will, of course, also ask mommy to give her the cutest hairstyle. Well, today we will help you in this difficult mission, we will show you several ideas for simple and interesting hairstyles suitable for September 1st. All these types of hair styling are suitable not only for September 1, but also for the entire school year.

In our gallery you will also see how to get the best hairstyles step by step!


The ceremonial bows on September 1 have already become a kind of symbol of this holiday. White or light, large or small, today they can be seen on almost every Russian schoolchild.

For those schoolgirls who want to stand out at the formal ceremony, we offer more complex hairstyles with bows. Let's start with hairstyles that are popular continuously for more than one season. Bows can be not only in the form of real bows, but also created from hair decorated with white ribbons.

πŸ“ŒOpenwork hair bows

If you change the white ribbon to a ribbon of a different color, you will get a hairstyle that is suitable for both everyday wear to school and for holidays. The most important thing is that weaving is not very difficult; any mother can master it. The hairstyle is long lasting and will withstand all the holiday shocks.

Master's work

This is a hairstyle based on stingray braiding. You can learn how to make such bunches by watching this video. To watch a video hairstyle tutorial in a large window, click on the Youtube icon in the lower right corner πŸ‘‡

πŸ“Œ Hairstyle "Bells"

Master's work

Also, if you change the color of the ribbons, the hairstyle will suit any celebration.

Master's work

πŸ“Œ Hairstyle "Hat"

Wonderful hairstyle option gala event, photo shoot and back to school, on September 1st. The hat is a combination of hairstyles - a ballerina bun and an openwork skate.

Master's work

By the way, if you decorate your hair not with a bow, but with a decorative hairpin in the shape of flowers, the hairstyle will look very summery.

Master's work

The hairstyle is quite easy to do, see the tutorial below.

Video on how to make a hat hairstyle

πŸ“ŒHair bow using weaving technique

We fly each petal separately and wrap the rest of the hair around the tail (we use the remaining ends from the previous petal when weaving the next one). There are 4 strands of ribbon running along the edge. A video of a similar technique for creating a flower is below. You will find the technique for weaving a 4-strand braid in the following hairstyle.

Master's work

πŸ“Œ Braid with decorative ribbon

Mothers and craftswomen, take note. A decorative ribbon transformed an ordinary four-strand braid into an unusually beautiful braid. A wonderful hairstyle idea for September 1st. The ribbon can be purchased in departments selling sewing accessories, in handicraft departments (for creativity).

πŸ“Œ Herringbone braid for long hair

Ideal hairstyle for September 1st. It’s better to take a medium 1 or 1.5 cm ribbon. The ribbon is exactly four times longer than the length of the braid

The work of the master

Master's work

The work of the master

Another great hairstyle for a first grader and more. Flower - 4-strand braid. Scythe - Christmas tree fish.

Video tutorials: Herringbone braid and 4-strand braid for the latest hairstyle

πŸ“Œ Ponytails

Simple hairstyles never lose their popularity, because they are accessible to everyone due to the ease and speed of their creation. The simplest solution is to gather your hair in one or two ponytails and decorate it with a beautiful white bow, it can also be a kanzashi bow. Ponytails can be either high or low, it all depends on your imagination.

πŸ“Œ Hairstyle Ponytail with rose

A great hairstyle idea: a ponytail on the side for September 1st with a flower and curls. The rosette can be decorated with white beads on stiletto heels.

Master's work

πŸ“Œ Hairstyle with elastic bands

Excellent work and idea of ​​volumetric weaving, for beginning craftsmen it is simply a masterpiece.

Master's work

The weaving technique is shown in this video, we hope it will help you figure it out.

Video lesson

πŸ“Œ Beautiful hairstyle with braiding

Master's work

A hairstyle made from braids in the shape of two flowers is a great idea for September 1st. All that remains is to decorate your hair with a white ribbon or bows.

Video lesson

πŸ“Œ Hairstyle for school β€œSnail”

Getting ready for school in advance. Braided hairstyle for girls with white ribbon. Another idea for a β€œlong-lasting” hairstyle. It *survives* the night very well, meaning it can be braided from August 31st to September 1st.

Video lesson

πŸ“Œ Hairstyle with braids and flower

A hairstyle with a French braid is a traditional solution; this braiding is fashionable at any time of the year for girls of all ages.

A very chic flower is obtained from a voluminous French braid inside out. How to do it? Two regular outer three-strand French braids. A flower is formed from one braid. The braids are decorated with rhinestones using BF-6 glue. Rhinestones can be purchased at any fabric store in your city. BF-6 glue does not harm children's hair and is easily washed off the first time you wash your hair with shampoo.

Master's work

Video lesson

πŸ“Œ Hairstyle bun with braiding

Another hairstyle for September 1 - a bun (bun) with braiding + a headband made of hair using the technique hollywood wave. First, we weave a wave, not on a separate strand, but with a one-sided pick-up. Then we hide the end under the bun.

Master's work

Hollywood wave video

Video with egg pod

πŸ“Œ Hairstyle with figure eight braiding

The next idea is a four-strand braided hairstyle with a ribbon.

Video lesson

πŸ“Œ Curly buns with ribbons

A very beautiful hairstyle with buns, be sure to try braiding it. How to make buns - separate thin strands from the tail, twist them into a flagellum and pull them to the base of the tail, secure with a hairpin or bobby pin. We stitch the finished bundles with tape in a chaotic manner.

Master's work

Video lesson

πŸ“Œ Five-strand braid stitched with ribbon

These are ordinary five-strand braids, only then stitched with white ribbon. They look very nice.

The work of the master

Video tutorial on how to weave a five-strand braid

The main principle when choosing a hairstyle is not to overdo it. Too fancy designs for September 1 are simply inappropriate. And don’t forget that your daughter’s hair should last at least 3-4 hours without becoming disheveled. To avoid spoiling the holiday, do not pull your child’s braids or ponytails too tightly.

For many girls and young women, the first of September is not just the beginning of the school year and a solemn ceremony, but also a reason to show themselves in all their glory in front of friends and classmates. Beautiful hairstyles will help you look stylish and stand out from the crowd. There are several general unspoken rules for styling on the first of September. They should suit the festive look, but at the same time be quite restrained, made in business style. Naturally, hairstyles that are too extravagant or pretentious are not suitable for this day. Ribbons and bows should be used in pastel or white colors, as well as hair clips and other hair decorations. When choosing a hairstyle, first of all, you need to take into account age, as well as hair length.

Hairstyles for short hair

Recently, fairly short haircuts (pixie, bob, etc.) have become very popular. Of course, they look very stylish, but styling options in this case are limited. Various accessories – headbands, hairpins, bows, etc. – will help to diversify them somewhat and create suitable hairstyles for September 1st for short hair.

An interesting effect can be achieved with the help of styling products and a hair dryer. Well, curls or light ringlets will help you look bright and especially festive.

Short hair is ideal for creating quick and easy hairstyles for September 1st. It is enough to make a small backcomb and beautifully braid or pin up your bangs.

Medium-length hair provides much more opportunities in creating hairstyles. They can be laid in bunches, shells, pinned on the side or picked up. Hairstyles for the first of September for medium hair, decorated with braids and braids, look very beautiful and stylish.

Braided hairstyle

You will need thin elastic bands, bobby pins and any decorative decoration.

Make a side parting on the top of your head, slightly away from the center. Next, on the right, separate the middle strand near the forehead and divide it into three smaller ones. Make one braid, as for a regular braid, then separate another strand from the left, pass it under the outermost one, over the middle one and place it in front of the rightmost one (located closer to the face). After this, you should now have four strands.

Next, take a strand at your temple, pass it under the rightmost one, over the second one and connect it with the leftmost one, placed under the strand in front of it (now this strand will become the outermost one). Now separate the strand on the left again and continue weaving using the same technique.

At the same time, you need to try so that with each pick-up the weave comes out wider and wider. Having reached approximately the middle of the back of the head, carefully pull out the strands with your fingers, thus making the weave more voluminous. After this, continue weaving to the left side, pull out the strands again and secure it with an elastic band.

Make the same weaving on the other side, secure it with invisible threads.

Then remove the elastic band from the previous weave, secure it first, and then the strands that have escaped from below with bobby pins. Spread the loose ends beautifully and decorate your hair.

Children's elegant hairstyle

Hairstyles for September 1st for girls can even be romantic. Such a cute hairstyle will turn your baby into a real princess. To create it you will need several bobby pins, beautiful hairpins and hair decorations.

Comb your hair thoroughly and then part it evenly. Select one small strand near the forehead, the second at the temple and twist them into a flagellum.

Now grab another strand from below, add it to the previous one and twist them inward several times. Now add another strand, twist again, etc. From time to time, secure the tourniquet with pins.

Take the end of the flagellum in your hands, and then add part of the lower strands to it. Tuck all the strands deep into your hair and secure them with a hairpin.

Repeat the same on the other side. As a result, all the hair at the back should be collected in a β€œbasket”. Some, especially β€œunruly” strands can be fixed with ordinary hairpins.

Additionally, the hairstyle can be decorated with a hoop or any other suitable accessories.

Hairstyles for long hair

There are a lot of hairstyle options for long hair. You can create real masterpieces from them, the main thing is to find time for this and put in a little effort. Multi-level or asymmetrical braids are very popular now. Perfect for a formal occasion different types buns, unusually tied tails, etc. Let's look at a few examples of how to create hairstyles for September 1st step by step.

Option 1

Separate the hair from the center of the crown and gather it into a ponytail. Divide the remaining loose hair into strands so that their bases form triangles and secure them with elastic bands.

Now divide each strand into two parts. Twist strands from adjacent sections to the right, then connect and form a flagellum from them, twisting the hair, now to the left. Pull the formed tourniquet under the elastic band of the central tail. Do the same with other strands.

After this, select a strand from the ponytail and place it between your middle and index fingers. Pass the end of the resulting loop under the elastic band and adjust its length. Do the same with all the hair, moving in a circle. Hide the remaining ponytails under the ribbon.

To speed up the process somewhat, the tail can be braided, and then a bun can be formed from the resulting braid.

Option 2

Make a straight parting. Now separate strands on each side that are wide from the temple to the ear, while making sure that the partings separating them are symmetrical.

Divide one of the side strands into three parts using vertical partings. Take the first part in your hands and begin to twist it, constantly adding new strands to it and twisting them together with the previous ones. Tighten all the parts in this way.

Then do the same with the other side. After this, divide the loose hair from the back of the head in half.

Gather each section of hair into a ponytail by adding three twisted strands and secure it with an elastic band.

Twist the tail towards your face and curl it, forming a bun.

Secure the bun with a thin elastic band and fluff out the ends to hide it.

Do the same with the other part of the hair.

Such hairstyles for September 1st for long hair can be additionally decorated with bows, beautiful hairpins or barrettes.

Hairstyles for high school girls

Hairstyles with which elementary school students will look charming will not always be suitable for high school students. At this age, most girls strive to look mature, elegant and stylish. In this case, it is necessary to choose more formal hairstyles for the first of September. 9th grade and older can choose, for example, buns or styles with partially loose hair.

Elegant bun

This hairstyle is perfect for medium length curls. To create it you will need an elastic band, several pins and varnish.

Curl your hair into large ringlets. This is best done with tongs. After this, separate the hair located in the side areas. Tie the remaining ones in a ponytail at the back of the head. Form a bun from the resulting tail. Now braid the hair of one of the side zones using the reverse technique and carefully pull the strands, creating volume. Secure the end of the braid with hairpins above the bun. Do the same with the hair on the other side.

Hair bow

If you think white bows are a thing of the past for you, you can decorate your locks with a cute hair bow.

Separate and collect the top section of hair. Fold the resulting tail in half and tie with an elastic band.

Now divide the loop formed from the tail in half. Spread each part beautifully; for reliability, you can secure it with bobby pins.

There are other equally attractive hairstyles for September 1st. at home, that absolutely everyone can do. For example, you can try the following styling.

Part your hair. Now select a strand from the left side and transfer it to the right. Add the hair on the right to it and braid it. Try to make its binding loose.

Secure the end of the braid with an elastic band and carefully pull out the strands, giving it volume. Do this carefully so that the loops come out the same. Now stretch the strands slightly different sides to make the braid flatter. After this, gather the braid and the rest of your hair into a side ponytail.

Remove the elastic band from the braid and pin it with bobby pins at the base of the ponytail. Now all you have to do is pull out a few thin strands and, if desired, secure the styling with varnish.

Hairstyles with bows

It's no secret that on the first of September it is customary to decorate hairstyles with bows. The classics of the genre are two tails on the sides of the head and a pair of large fluffy bows. Of course, this hairstyle looks festive and, importantly, it is very easy to do, so anyone can create it. However, besides it, there are other equally attractive and easy hairstyles.

Option 1.

Today, different types of beams are incredibly popular. Based on them, you can create both everyday and festive looks. Various hairstyles for September 1 with bows are no exception.

To make this hairstyle you will need a beautiful bow-clip, hairpins, bobby pins and a couple of narrow ribbons.

Tie a high ponytail and braid it (it’s better to do it not tight, then the bun will come out more voluminous). Wrap the resulting braid around the base, forming a bun, and secure with hairpins.

Now, on the back of the head near the bun, visually separate a strand of hair about one and a half centimeters wide, place a bobby pin under it, with the rounded part forward. Pass the end of the ribbon through the bobby pin and, passing it under the strand, pull it out. After one and a half centimeters, separate a new strand and repeat the manipulation. Thus, thread the ribbon under the strands around the perimeter of the entire bun.

Thread the second ribbon in the same way as the first, but in relation to it in checkerboard pattern. Attach a bow under the bun.

Option 2

Based on the bun, you can create other simple hairstyles for September 1st. For example, such

From the middle of the forehead, make a diagonal parting to the back of the head and pin up the side part so that it does not interfere.

Select a strand in the crown area and begin braiding. It can be done using any technique; a reverse fishtail or reverse french braid. IN in this example the first option was used. To braid a reverse fishtail, first divide the separated strand into three more and start braiding using the reverse French braid technique.

Now connect one of the working strands to the other. This gives you the basis for creating a reverse fishtail. Its difference from the usual one is that when braiding, all the strands are transferred from below under the braid. Braid the braid, moving it to the side, slightly pulling the strands as you work.

When the tie-ins are finished, braid the remaining hair using the same technique and secure the end. If in some places the hair does not lie very nicely, smooth it with a comb and then secure it with a bobby pin.

Now you can start decorating the braid. To do this, take a nylon bow, thread its tip into a plastic knitting needle (it can be replaced with a bobby pin) and start β€œstitching” the braid from the top (don’t forget to secure its end with a bobby pin). Do this from one side closest to the temple using the darning method, grabbing the hair at the base of the fish's tail and partially one side of its ribs. While stitching, pull out the bow loops to give it fluffiness.

September 1 is not only the beginning of the school year, but also the first day of meeting with classmates after a long summer vacation. Every girl at this moment wants to look her best, no matter how long her hair is. Below is a selection of various beautiful hairstyles that are perfect for going to the September 1st school assembly. You can create them all yourself using short hair Oh.

Braids and ponytails

Side braid

A regular braid, braided from the temple on one side in a standard or technique, will look very interesting on the beautiful heads of older schoolgirls.

Mesh weaves

Girls from grades 1 to 5 can wear interesting hairstyles with mesh weaves on September 1st.

Option #1:

  1. Make two small ponytails and braid them to the middle.
  2. Cross and tie with the following strands, located parallel, but lower.
  3. Braid the hair again and so on.

Option #2:

  1. From the middle part of the hair from the forehead to the crown, form several identical parallel ponytails.
  2. Divide each ponytail into 2 parts and braid each into a side French braid.

The last days of summer are separated from an important event in the lives of schoolchildren, and especially first-graders, as September 1 is approaching. The students have already prepared their briefcases, notebooks, textbooks, school uniform, and mothers or high school students themselves select outfits and hairstyles. September 1 is undoubtedly a holiday; schoolchildren come to school after a long summer holiday, meet with friends, and of course each of them wants to show themselves at their best.

Hairstyle is of particular importance in a festive look. The classic hairstyle for September 1st is two ponytails or braids with lush bows. But now many other holiday hairstyles are acceptable, such as buns, braids, various weaves, and so on.

There is a huge variety of children's hairstyles for September 1st. It’s not at all difficult to do your hair at home yourself. Regardless of the length of your hair, you can create a unique and original look. festive look. Very practical option are considered short hairstyles: bob or bob. Long hair allows you to experiment with different hairstyles, but requires more attention and care.

The use of various hair accessories is very important: a small tiara or hoop. Naturally curly hair will allow you to create a luxurious, formal look. Hair curlers will also help you create gorgeous curls.

At all times, braids and ponytails are universal hairstyles for girls. Moreover, you can braid the most different methods and hairstyle options are varied.

Hairstyles with bows for September 1

The image of a first-grader is associated with a girl dressed in a school uniform with an apron, a bouquet of flowers and a hairstyle decorated with large white bows on September 1st. Such a popular accessory as bows can give an image a very gentle, solemn, sweet and touching character. In this case, you can curl your hair using curlers or a curling iron, gather it into a ponytail and tie a lush bow on it.

If the hairstyle consists of two tails, then it is recommended to choose bows with less pomp, otherwise they will weigh down the hairstyle with their size. A ribbon made of satin material, woven into the hair and tied at the end, looks very beautiful.

A hairstyle in which standard bows are replaced with flowers (artificial or real) looks very trendy. This alternative to bows will be an original solution that can diversify the rows of endless bows and make the girl stand out from the crowd.

Another hairstyle option for first-graders and other schoolgirls is one decorated with a headband with a bow. This option goes well with any outfit. The main thing is to choose the right colors. For stylish look the overall color and its shades should be in harmony with the color of the decoration.

A hairstyle for September 1, in which the bow plays the role of not just an accessory, but is part of it, is not very acceptable for elementary school students. A hairstyle for children should be solid and hold tightly.

A simple and interesting hairstyle is suitable for elementary school students. A student’s bow can be not only white. For example, a bow with red inserts, which should be complemented with accessories in the outfit. A red bob with one braid, decorated with a neat green bow, looks very touching and tasteful.

Fashionable hairstyles for September 1st with braids

Hairstyles with braids almost never lose their relevance. Along with fashion shows, they are always present everywhere, and school holidays no exception. The main advantage of such hairstyles is their ease of execution, as well as their versatility, since braids suit almost everyone. There are a huge number of options for braided hairstyles - from the simplest to the most complex.

Weaving can make regular bob- original hairstyle for September 1st. A hairstyle made using plaits and braids looks interesting and festive.

Fashionable hairstyles 2018 are distinguished by original weaving. For example, openwork braids, which are braided on the sides into two bagels and decorated with bows, are relevant. A hairstyle with ribbons looks unusual, consisting of two braids connected into one. On long hair, braids all over the head look great.

A braid can be very festive if you braid it in an original way and choose the right decorations. Universal is still in fashion.

Loose, straight hair looks luxurious, complemented by interesting weaving in the form of a rim at the front. Never goes out of style. It is braided from two strands and looks much more complex than a regular braid.

Very relevant this year. French Falls looks perfect on girls with thick hair curly hair, below shoulder length. If the girl’s hair is straight, then they can be slightly twisted. A hairstyle in which a high ponytail is braided into a regular braid with a ribbon woven in looks stylish.

Children's hairstyles for hair of different lengths

The easiest way to style curls is for girls with short hair, but the main difficulty is that it is very difficult to do beautiful hairstyles with such hair length. This is due to the fact that in in this case It is almost impossible to braid your hair or put your hair in ponytails, but you can create original hairstyles using accessories. To do this, you need to carefully comb your hair, style it, and then decorate your hair with a bright ribbon, tying it like a headband with a bow. Along with ribbon, headbands and hairpins fit perfectly when creating a variety of holiday hairstyles for children.

When choosing accessories, you should pay attention special attention the materials from which they are made. It is important that they are soft and do not have rough elements. It is better to use plastic hairpins, as they put less pressure on the child's head.

Medium-length hair in children is easy to style and also contributes to the creation of a variety of hairstyles. They can consist of weaving elements or be beautifully laid. On medium hair, it is easy to create hairstyles for little girls such as buns or roses. To do this, the hair should be divided into several even strands (5-10, depending on the thickness of the hair). Then each of them must be twisted into a rose or a flagellum and secured with a hair elastic. At the same time, the multi-colored elastic bands used in the hairstyle look great.

If a little girl has long hair, then her holiday hairstyle can be very diverse. At the same time, they are very easy to create with your own hands. The most practical and easiest option is a hairstyle that is impossible for girls with short hair. To do this, the hair should be carefully combed, gathered into a high ponytail, secured with an elastic band, as tight as possible, so as not to pull the child’s head. Since the hairstyle is for children, you can select several strands from the ponytail and braid them into thin braids. So a simple hairstyle for every day will sparkle with unusualness and bright notes.

Hairstyles for girls in grades 5-7 on September 1

To create a suitable hairstyle for teenagers, you need to decide on a haircut. Many girls prefer short hairstyles. On the one hand, this is a winning option - this haircut is very easy to care for. On the other hand, based on this length, the variety of hairstyle options is limited.

If a girl doesn’t like ponytails or braids, then you can choose one of the original braiding methods. Moreover, weaving can be pinned in different ways beautiful hairpins, experimenting with a new look. Such options are the most optimal for school, since thanks to them, the girl always looks neat and stylish.

Very elaborate and complex hairstyles with a huge number of additional details look ridiculous on teenage girls. Hairstyles for girls should embody youth, tenderness, spontaneity and lightness.

Hairstyles and styling for short hair on September 1

Hairstyles for short hair are very stylish and trendy. Feminine rounded haircuts with bangs in the style of Mireille Mathieu are coming back into fashion.

A stylish bun looks very elegant, it is easy to perform and comfortable. This classic hairstyle looks very beautiful on long hair. You can create a hair bun yourself in a few minutes. With hair of the same length, there are no difficulties.

Hairstyle ponytail

A luxurious ponytail is a great DIY hairstyle for long hair. The tail is a lifesaver in a hurry; you can assemble it in a couple of minutes, and at the same time it looks very beautiful and stylish.

The most fashionable is the combination of braids. From the temples, the hair is collected in the crown area, backcombed, and the hairstyle is secured with hairpins. Loose strands are divided into two parts and braided into thin braids that are fixed around the head.

On both sides of the face, in the temple area, strands are taken and wrapped in plaits. The resulting strands, together with the remaining hair, are collected into a ponytail, which is secured with an elastic band. It is very easy to hide the elastic; to do this, take a strand from the ponytail and wrap it around the elastic; the end of the strand is pinned with a hairpin. To prevent long hair from getting in the way and still remain loose, strands of hair from the temples should be twisted into plaits and secured with bobby pins behind the ear.

An interesting interpretation of the image in greek style is a hairstyle in which the hair is twisted on both sides into strands in the direction from the face to the back of the head. Then the bundles are rolled into snails and secured with pins.

Hairstyles for girls in grades 8-11 on September 1

Concerns associated with the Day of Knowledge concern not only financial costs, but also the imagination that is required from both parents and schoolgirls themselves. This is especially necessary for girls in grades 8-11, who strive to be the most charming and charming at the holiday.

In this situation, styling is simply necessary: ​​special combing, airy curls, smooth and voluminous styling and much more - stylish hairstyles for September 1 that will look not only festive, but also fashionable. You can decorate your hair using hairpins with stones, athenas or ribbons.

The variety of hairstyles on September 1 is simply surprising: styling in retro style, braids, curls, buns, updos and each of them can turn a schoolgirl into a magical princess. All that remains is to decide on the option and recreate it on yourself.

Styling and hairstyles for short hair on September 1

A huge number of modern young girls prefer short haircuts because they are versatile and stylish. A holiday like Knowledge Day means spectacular image. You need to decide how to make a hairstyle that will amaze your classmates. It will look very festive short haircut, decorated with a bright hairpin or headband.

Volume styling for short hair.