Beautiful children's hairstyles for long hair with their own hands. Simple and beautiful hairstyles for girls - the best photos and video tutorials Children's hairstyles for girls

Should be simple and understandable, easy and fast. They should also be comfortable and practical, so that they do not disturb the child under any circumstances, and also provide aesthetic pleasure from wearing truly beautiful and comfortable hairstyles. Modern little fashionistas often want to choose for themselves what will be on their heads today, and, accordingly, adults will have to try to make all the wishes of the little princess come true. In this article you will find a lot of options for simple hairstyles and you can always please your child with a variety of styles without going to salons and without spending hours of time on it.

Choosing a hairstyle for a child:

  1. If the hair is thin: braids are contraindicated (strong pressure on the roots).
  2. If the curls are soft and wavy: good half-up styles, and braids are also not suitable (all the zest of such hair is lost).
  3. If your face is wide, square or rectangular, you can have short haircuts, but sleek and smooth styles will not work.
  4. If you have a high forehead: bangs are a must.
  5. If the face is narrow, elongated: you can have short haircuts, but the volume at the temples is important (this could be bows, flowers).
  6. If you have a large volume of hair, it’s lush: braids are perfect (they remove excess volume).

For long hair

Nice, shiny long hair For the little lady, this is of course the pride of both mother and child. They are very decorative for girls and are an indicator of health, both in general and hair in particular. But when choosing your next hairstyle, don’t choose one that’s too complex and hung with a lot of elastic bands, bows, or using curls all over your head - don’t torment either the child or the curls. The consequences can remain for a long time and will take many years to recover.

The easiest installation method is loose hair , but this is not very practical, especially for kindergarten-aged children. But the effectiveness of loose hair is difficult to replace with something, and often you really want just such an option. And here you can collect your hair a little, at least in some places: for example, tie it up to keep your hair away from your face; a headband will also work. You can also attach bow clips to the sides to secure the side strands. To make your hair more impressive, curl the ends of your curls, but use soft curlers and dry your hair naturally.

Celtic knot

Braids and weaving . Long hair provides incredible ground for imagination on the theme of weaving. There are a million options that can be implemented. Here are some instructions:

  • Braid one regular braid on each side (you can use strands) and connect them at the back, near the back of the head, into a ponytail. Tie with an elastic band. Wrap the ends of the braids around an elastic band and form a basket. The loose ends can be left loose, or you can braid 2 additional braids and add them to the basket.
  • Divide the hair in half with a side parting. In the lower part we make 3 ponytails at the same distance (if possible, make more). We twist each ponytail into flagella. We connect them with the rest of the hair and make a side ponytail. We divide the tail itself into strands and twist a tourniquet from each. We lay each flagellum in the form of a loop and secure it at the base with thin elastic bands. You can decorate your finished hairstyle with a small flower.

Simple tails good option for everyday hairstyle. By adding some interesting details it goes from simple to normal styling will turn into something bright, original and play in a new way.

Divide the hair into two halves. Separate the strands located at the level of the middle of the ear and above. Make a ponytail from the lower strands, but do not tighten the elastic. Make a hole in the hair behind the elastic band and pass the end of the ponytail from below through this hole. Pull so that the elastic also comes out through the hole to the top (the base of the ponytail should curl). Tighten the elastic band.

Select a new strand above the finished ponytail. Make a ponytail and also pass the end through the hole, but also grab the end from the first ponytail. Repeat the same steps with the third ponytail. The remaining ends can be styled in a bun, a knot, or a simple ponytail.

For medium hair

Hair medium length- this is the golden mean: there are a sufficient number of styles for them, and caring for them is much easier than long ones, they also tangle less and dry much faster. The most popular hairstyle for medium hair is the bob cut. It does not require any styling and is therefore quite popular among mothers who find it difficult to braid their hair every morning. The only thing you can do to complement your hairstyle is a hairpin or a pair of hairpins crossed criss-cross and secured to the side. Any styling needs a twist.

Wreaths and scatterings of flowers . Form a high bun from the entire mass of hair and secure it. Place a wreath and a headband with flowers on top, so that the bun falls in the center of the accessory. Headbands and wreaths with flowers can also be worn on loose hair - this is a lovely, fresh addition to summer styling.

Naughty ponytail. Tie the ponytail to the side, at ear level. Decorate it with a bow or curl the ends a little.

Other styling options: braids, plaits, roses, bunches . Combining these elements into a single hairstyle. Addition of multi-colored elastic bands. In general, all manifestations of imagination will help you.

For short hair

Short hair is certainly not long, but it can also be styled beautifully and with a twist. Of course, there are not many options, but those that exist will help diversify your everyday look and add new emotions!

So, the most simple options: loose hair , you can play a little with the parting (oblique, torn, zigzag), adding all kinds of accessories. Hoops (simple or decorated with some cute detail), headbands or ribbons (with long ends it will look very interesting and unusual), hairpins (they are collected in groups and all the necessary strands are secured with them).

Funny ponytails : one, two, three - as much as your heart desires. They look incredibly cute, light and relaxed. Instead of elastic bands, you can add bows. A ponytail at the back of the head is well suited for active girls (for walking and playing sports), as it allows you to quickly collect your hair and at the same time holds perfectly and does not fall apart even with the fastest movements.

The main element with which you can diversify the hairstyle itself and generally increase the number of hair styling options is accessories. There is a wide variety of them today. For short hairstyles, headbands and ribbons are ideal. Only the bangs will need styling, the rest of the hair needs to be combed back and a headband attached to it. Pay special attention to what the accessories are made of. They should not have sharp corners, be soft, not tight, and not stain the scalp.

They will look very original on short hair braids. You can braid a French braid in a circle - from temple to temple. Or you can divide the mass of hair in half into a parting and also braid braids from the parting to the temples - you will get an openwork headband of braids. All this is charmingly decorated with flowers or ribbons. Looks amazing.

For very little girls

Starting from kindergarten, girls can already do interesting and varied hairstyles and styles, since by this age the hair is already enough of a branch for mother’s experiments on hair and the embodiment of long-standing desires to decorate her child. Hairstyles for such young children usually consist of simple elements, complemented by accessories, and no chemicals are used in any case. Hair health and wearing comfort come first!

Pull your hair into two or three high ponytails and tie them with colorful elastic bands. Such hairstyles for very young children should benefit from color and brightness, and not from the complexity of weaving.

Long bangs can be tucked under the headband (pinned with a funny hairpin) or made into a small bow with a beautiful elastic band. It turns out very cute and funny.

We make a ponytail at the back of the head. Wet the end of the ponytail with water. Roll it around your finger and blow dry it (use a cool setting to avoid drying out the ends). You should end up with a graceful curl.

If the length allows, then you can try to braid small braids. We decorate each braid with thin multi-colored rubber bands or bows. The main thing is not to overload your child’s head with accessories and bulky, bulky styling - all this will only disturb him!

For little schoolgirls

You can’t wear anything to school, both in terms of clothes and in terms of choosing a hairstyle. School clothes should be serious, laconic, without unnecessary elements and neat, so that nothing distracts the young schoolgirl from the learning process. Naturally, festive options, too voluminous hairstyles, brightly colored hair, non-standard hairstyles (of various fashion trends) are not suitable for school.

The most common hairstyles: simply loose (but this may not be very practical), various types of buns and ponytails, braids and weaves.

Princess Jasmine's tail from the cartoon: braid a regular ponytail, comb it, and tie it with thin elastic bands in several places.

Bun: Braid a regular bun, but loosen it slightly, but not too much. This is very relevant today and looks fresh and interesting. This bun is very feminine and highlights well. fine features faces.

The tail is the opposite. Tie a regular ponytail - not a tight one. At the base we divide it in half and insert the lower part of the tail into the resulting hole. In principle, you can leave it like that, or you can form a lower bun by once again wrapping the end of the ponytail to the base and decorating it with some kind of hairpin or simply securing it with hairpins.

  • Preparing hair for styling: First, wash your curls with shampoo. Before rinsing off the shampoo, comb the hair with a sparse comb. After rinsing off the shampoo, pat your hair dry with a towel (do not rub) - all these measures are necessary to prevent tangling and minor damage to the hair and roots.
  • for dry hair: after washing, be sure to apply conditioner.
  • It is preferable to dry naturally.
  • varnish and other styling products are contraindicated for children under 7 years of age.
  • It is advisable not to use small hairpins and hairpins in hairstyles for very young girls - this is not safe.
  • If you want to decorate your hair with a bow, then choose a small, neat bow, not a huge and fluffy one. A small bow to match the dress will be a wonderful and original addition.
  • braids are perfectly complemented with pearls, ribbons, flowers and hairpins.
  • hair should not get into the eyes - this is fraught with conjunctivitis and strabismus, and in general it creates great discomfort.
  • if your hair is thin and long, then it will be very attractive to braid it and collect it in a high bun, and you can also decorate it with beads or flowers.
  • if you really want curled curls, then it is better to use a more gentle curling method: in the evening wet hair braid it into tight braids.
  • Children's hairstyles have one unpleasant property - they quickly lose their shape and fall apart. What to do?! Here you need to choose the right hairstyle. The best types of weaving are braids, baskets, snakes and spikelets. They withstand the child's activity well, while the hair is chosen and does not get into the eyes.
  • It is advisable to distract the child with something during the process of putting the child down: he will not be bored, and you will get everything done neatly.

If an adult woman, choosing herself new image, is primarily guided fashion trends, and also pays attention to new products, then for a little girl, even if she tries to be like her mother in everything, the key factor in choosing a haircut and subsequent styling is convenience and ease of hair care. Therefore, children's hairstyles for girls are most often simple, not overloaded with decor and involve collected hair.


How to choose a haircut for a girl?

Teenagers are looking for something that will allow them to reveal themselves, and a child of preschool or primary school age needs a hairstyle that won't interfere his active work. Of course, a girl may, after watching a variety of photos and videos, want very long hair in order to preserve the image of a fairy-tale princess, or, on the contrary, make a bob like a friend or favorite cartoon heroine, but still, she will not look at various kinds of avant-garde haircuts . In addition, with such a hairdressing creation, she will look ridiculous- The beauty of children is their naturalness and freshness.

The choice of haircut for a little girl is made according to the same parameters as for an adult girl, but the hair structure comes to the fore. After this comes the shape and features of the face, and only these can be followed by less significant factors.

If you look through numerous photos of girls preschool age, you can notice that they mostly have hair medium length or a little shorter. Indeed, the bob and its varieties are the most popular hairstyle at this age, regardless of the child’s external characteristics. The reason is simple - it is very convenient, and also facilitates the process of hair care and styling.

Professionals advise keeping the cut line at chin level or slightly below: if necessary, it will be convenient to collect the strands in ponytails or braids, but most often they remain loose.

To prevent them from actively getting into the face, they are carefully pinned at the temples or removed with a headband, bandage, or ribbon. In general, children's hairstyles for girls under 5 years old are almost the same in variety. This haircut suits any face shape, and if desired, it can be complement with bangs.

As soon as school appears on the horizon (in rare cases, this period begins in kindergarten), the moment of comparing herself with others becomes important for the girl: not only with her friends, but also with peers new to her. Therefore, it is often at school age that the desire to do a hairstyle “like that girl’s” or “like from that photo” arises. And it’s better if mom helps with this, rather than one day seeing the result of the handiwork of a child who found scissors in the house.

Girls' haircuts at this age (from 6 to 10-11 years old) are also quite traditional. The hair is either carefully grown in order to, with the help of the mother, surprise and delight others as often as possible with unusual hairstyles, or it is maintained at the level of the shoulder blades or shoulders as a compromise between not too difficult care, the importance of which is beginning to be realized, and the desire to beautifully style the curls.

The cut of such a haircut can be straight, but often girls ask for a soft ladder. Those with elastic, small curls are recommended to do graduations to reduce the pomp of their hair.

If we talk directly about hair styling, then, as previously said, at a very young age (up to 4-5 years), children's hairstyles for girls are:

  • ponytails - low and high, sometimes in large quantities and interconnected in the form of a net;
  • short braids, most often coming from the temples,
  • or simply loose hair, tied up with a bandage or headband.

Even those styles that can be seen on training videos are aimed at older girls - 6-7 years old or more. The reason for this is not only the factors discussed above, but also the fact that by this age the curls have grown so much that they can be assembled into almost any composition. And in first place among the most popular and beloved hairstyles by girls and their mothers (as can be judged from photos and videos) are weaving.

  • French braid- the simplest option, which is important to be able to perform, since it is the basis for a large number of styling. It is built on the basis of a braid of 3 strands that cross over each other, and as new links are created, side parts are added to them, equal in width to the active strands. Because of its versatility, the French braid became an unspoken symbol of school hairstyles, and also began to be associated with fluffy school bows on September 1st.
  • Braid made of plaits- an even simpler hairstyle that has no restrictions on age and even haircut silhouette: it is equally suitable for girls with short hair and with long curls to the waist. You can learn how to do it even if you have step by step photos, without training detailed video. The whole system consists of separating 2 strands, each of which is twisted into a not too tight strand, after which they are wrapped around each other in the opposite direction. This styling looks very impressive on thick hair ah, which are gathered at the top of the head into a ponytail, after which they are twisted with a rope into a long and tight braid.

In addition to this, of course, one cannot help but pay more attention complex weaving- for example, from 4 strands, but their complexity lies not only in the technology itself, but also in the fact that they take a lot of time, during which the child must sit still. Therefore, they are not suitable for every little girl, and mothers, wanting to do something special without spending a lot of effort, simply combine the options listed above and, if necessary, complement them with twisted curls or even buns. We suggest watching several training videos from professionals with interesting and simple ideas for children's styling.

As for buns or buns, not all girls will like them because of their specificity. This is a very tight, strict hairstyle, which has long become a symbol of dance class and gymnastics, which overly disciplines the child.

Of course, there are options for careless, loose buns, but at primary school age they can easily fall apart from active play or a simple run along the school corridors or the street, so they are completely unsuitable. But if a girl is into dancing, the classic bump can be made more elegant by adding the same braids.

In conclusion, it is worth emphasizing that children's hairstyles for girls should first of all be comfortable, which means they mean securely collected hair who will not accept unkempt appearance a few minutes after the baby is released from your arms. Braids and plaits will help with this, diluted with waves on soft curlers on a holiday.

Little girls are angels, and questions of beauty are not alien to them, despite their tender age. From the very early years little princesses show great interest in their mothers' outfits and makeup, trying to copy everything they see. For young mothers, children's hairstyles for girls from this selection provide enormous scope for creativity. Good hairstyles for little girls should combine a variety of cute buns, small braids, braids and, of course, loose hair that can be decorated with something.

Parents try to make their daughters look special at school or kindergarten. Cool hairstyles and hair accessories help them with this. We have collected 40 of the coolest children's hairstyles for the youngest fashionistas, so after reading the article you will not be left wondering what hairstyle to give your child?

What hairstyles are best for little girls?

Mostly those that don't cause inconvenience and seem nice. Choose the right haircut for your little daughter. Thin hair looks good when cut into a medium-length bob. Typically this hairstyle doesn't require much styling and can be styled with a perm or small French braids to keep hair out of your eyes.

If your daughter has beautiful thick hair or curls, let it grow out so she can create more complex hairstyles. Beautiful, long braids and luxurious ponytails have always been the envy of others.

Many parents don't like overly complicated children's hairstyles. They don't want their daughter to look like a doll with an ostentatious haircut. Parents understand that long hair shouldn't look messy and want their daughters to look neat. For formal institutions, be it junior school or kindergarten, a ponytail, double braids, just a high bun or a braided hoop are very suitable for girls. These hairstyles for little girls look very decent and do not require much time; most of them can be done at home yourself.

Small details make simple girly haircuts special. You can verify this by looking
40 girly hairstyles below that your daughter will definitely love. Whether you're getting your child ready for kindergarten on a regular day or it's graduation today, these hairstyles are suitable for all occasions.

Look, get inspired and choose the best children's hairstyles for girls for every day or special occasion! We will tell you how to do children's hairstyles for girls!

1. Fun braided hairstyle for long hair

Hairstyles for little girls with decorative braids look amazing. To do this, you need to braid three braids, starting from the forehead, and connect them together into a medium-height ponytail, located slightly to the side. This is a suitable children's hairstyle for girls in kindergarten for long hair.

In the photo there is a 5-year-old girl with braids twisted into two buns. Braids are one of the most popular hairstyles for little girls. Buns are a fun idea to add variety to little girls' braided hair. Part your hair down the center. Starting from the back of your head, braid two Dutch braids, going up, and twist their ends into buns. Hairstyle for medium hair.

What a beautiful hairstyle! There's nothing wrong with a three-strand braid, but if you want your daughter's hair to be something special, make it a little more complicated. Braid a braid using many strands diagonally. Twist the ends into a bun.

With the help of hair accessories you can create many different hairstyles, especially for girls. Try this style by braiding three lace braids diagonally across your child's head. Pinch the ends of the braids together into a flat rosette. Secure in the center with a hair clip. This hairstyle is suitable for a matinee.

5. Festive braids with ribbons for medium hair

The photo shows a hairstyle that is perfect for a kindergarten graduation, and it’s also quite simple. Cute hairstyles for little girls almost always include some kind of fun decoration, such as flowers, colorful barrettes, or colored ribbons. Weave a ribbon into your girl's braids, and an ordinary hairstyle will immediately become festive.

French braids in the shape of a heart - this is exactly the look every little girl dreams of playing sports. The main thing in this hairstyle is precise separation and tight weaving. Secure the ends with an attractive bow. This option is perfect for a wedding or other family celebration.

This beautiful hairstyle is perfect for little princesses. A layered, pulled out braid with a standard three-strand braid will add volume to this look. A skillful combination of accessories on her head with her outfit will help the girl look even more attractive.

8. Diagonal elongated braids for girls made from elastic bands

Fun hairstyles for girls are very voluminous, especially for events. Consider experimenting with some strands pulled out of your braid if you really want a hairstyle that will literally stand out. Remember, when it comes to cute hairstyles for little girls, the best detail is an adorable bow.

The braid looks great when it's just hanging, but it can also be styled into a great hairstyle. Twist the braid into a flower shape and loosen it a little. Decorate your hair with flower clips for a more natural look. This short hairstyle Suitable for “Day of Knowledge” and the first trip to school on September 1.

Use elastic bands to tie each pair of ponytails together and connect them to the next pair to create a cute criss-cross pattern. The ends can be braided or ponytailed and decorated with your daughter’s favorite accessory. This hairstyle is suitable for short hair and medium length hair.

Children's hairstyles for special occasions can be beautiful and light, as in this case. Gather the girl's hair loosely at the back of her head and curl it. Leave a few strands. If she has naturally straight hair, try curling the ends for more volume. What's the best accessory for a little girl's hair? Flower stilettos are ideal for formal events such as weddings, matinees or graduations.

Hairstyles for little ones can be quite challenging, which encourages us to learn new braiding techniques. However, we can also replace the loop braids used here with regular braids, which work well for us. Matching Hairstyle the girl gets to school in 5 minutes.

Combine a fishtail with a zigzag braid. Leave some of your hair unbraided into a fishtail beforehand. Create a fishtail braid, then create a simple braid with the remaining hair and pin it on your head for a whimsical accent.

When it comes to updos, try twisting your hair instead of braiding it. This is one of the most beautiful hairstyles for little girls. Make a symmetrical parting in the center. Twist the hair on each side, starting at the front and adding more hair as you twist. Wrap the ends into buns and secure them with flowers.

Children love updo hairstyles, especially ones that create recognizable figures. This hairstyle will make your regular braids more interesting with double hearts. Divide your hair in half and then each section into three more square sections. Curl your hair to make heart shapes. Gather the loose ends into ponytails and decorate with bows.

The mohawk is the most fun updo hairstyle of them all. You can add some color to this look by securing your locks with bright colored pins. If your daughter has fine hair, backcomb each section a little to add thickness and volume.

This is one of those hairstyles for girls on dark hair, which looks equally good on both thin and thick hair. Two Dutch braids start from the temples. When you reach the back of your head, cross the braids one over the other. Continue braiding on the opposite side, bending the braid to create a loop.

When it comes to girls' hairstyles, the placement of the braid is as important as its appearance. This elongated braid transitions dramatically from a mohawk with small elastic bands into buns. Use brightly colored elastic bands different colors in the hair to highlight the style.

Curly hair with bright elastic bands will delight every girl. Twist to the side rather than forward to give new look this hairstyle. Finally, tie the ends into a messy bun with a bow.

Hairstyles for little girls should look beautiful from all angles, not just the front. If your girl has long hair, make inverted braids, starting from the back of the head and secure the ends, forming a large, voluminous bun.

A cute and beloved hairstyle for both formal events and school visits, it can be complemented with a pastel-colored bow. These cute hairstyles for little girls look best on long, thick hair as it requires ample length and texture to create it.

Fishtail braids are popular among both children and teenagers. This new version of the hairstyle involves brushing your hair thoroughly before making braids. Add to them satin ribbons or other hair accessories to complete the look. Don't know how to braid a fishtail? It may take a little time to learn how to weave it, so be sure to practice.

Make your everyday hairstyle more interesting with braids. To do this, separate the central hair and divide it into two parts. French braid each one until you reach the top of your head. Then start weaving fish tails. Twist the ends and secure them with an elastic band.

Beautiful hairstyles can be done not only on smooth straight hair. Little girls with curly hair you can also create a cute hairstyle. This style is perfect for warm weather or special occasions and can be worn with any length of hair.

25. Braiding hair “Basket” from elastic bands

This hairstyle is not as complicated as it seems. This look is suitable for a girl with shoulder length hair and she will love it. The hardest thing about this hairstyle is getting your child to stand still while you make the basket. Use colored elastic bands to secure your hair and your hairstyle will stay in place all day.

This fancy hairstyle is made by using six braids and loose hair and then joining them two at a time. Pull the remaining hair to the side and then pull the hair from the back of your neck to the top right corner. Tie the remaining hair into a bun and add a fun accessory.

27. Double Girly Fun Hairstyle

Perfect for curly hair types. This hairstyle includes voluminous twists and buns that look great on any child. Add ribbon or flowers for a more doll-like look. You will need a lot of elastic bands and pins to secure this hairstyle. Hairspray will help her last all day.

Start with a small French braid on both sides and then pull your hair into a messy bun. Leave the rest of your hair down, and if you have time, curl it.

29. Sleek and formal buns

Many classic hairstyles for little girls are what mothers first remember from their youth. This double bun hairstyle for a little girl is a perfect example. It is ideal for fine straight hair. But you can also try this hairstyle with thicker hair. It can be done for school or for a wedding.

30. Inverted braid

Forget about the ponytail, use your imagination for something more creative. This hairstyle includes two braids that go from bottom to top, twisted into two buns. You won't be able to exercise with this hairstyle if you have short hair, but girls with long hair can wear it endlessly.

31. Loose and curled hair

Sometimes hair looks best when nothing is done to it. If your child has long, medium-thick hair, simply create cascading curls and secure a few front sections with bobby pins at the back. Ready!

32. Colored side braids

A little daring, a little punk, but still this hairstyle is quite delicate. When you're looking for hairstyles for little girls that haven't gone mainstream yet, try this simple and cute style. Don't want to dye your hair? Colored threads or hair chalks are great for your young model.

33. Quick and easy updo

This hairstyle is adorable and kids love it. Simply pull your hair away from your face, create a small backcomb and add braids on the sides. You can do waves, curls or leave your hair straight.

34. Wicker nests

This hairstyle features three wrapped braids secured with pins - perfect for family photos and other special occasions. You can decorate the center of each nest with beads, flowers or bows.

35. Cute curls with a headband

Does your little girl have natural curls? Then choose hairstyles for her that are similar to this one. Fun curls with a fun accessory. If your hair is naturally straight, curl it using an iron or curling iron. Girls will love this look!

36. Braid twisted into a bun

This braid will look good on thick and fine hair. It extends from the upper right side of the head and twists in a spiral into a bun. Add a flower as a finishing touch.

37. African braids

It is very difficult to make such braids and it is difficult to undo them later, but a professional can make sure that a girl wears this hairstyle for a month or longer. So go to the hairdresser.

When it comes to little girls' hairstyles, it doesn't get any better than this soft vintage look. Add accessories to disguise stilettos and elastic bands.

39. Creative hairstyle with ribbons

This is another hairstyle that looks more complicated than it actually is. Braid two French braids along the hairline, you can add a thin satin ribbon to them. Tie it at the bottom around the elastic that you used to secure the braids.

40. Unique punk braid

Girls with thick hair will suit this mohawk hairstyle. Try it the next time you have an event or want something unique that's different from the usual school hairstyles.

If the presented options were not enough for you to make a decision, watch additionally this video with children's hairstyles for girls:

Styling your daughter's hair is a fun process that you will fully appreciate once you start doing it. Some hairstyles are simple and easy that can be done in 5 minutes, others require perseverance. And don't forget to take pictures of her new hairstyles, children grow up quickly and every new moment is unique. Post the resulting photos with hairstyles in the comments, we will be very interested to see what happens.

Every mother of a girl knows the dilemma with choosing a hairstyle. Little girls always want to look like princesses, so sooner or later parents will have to learn how to make not only ordinary ponytails, but also quite creative hairstyles for children. Fortunately, today this is not a problem. You can find thousands on the Internet different options children's hairstyles step by step, the best of which are presented in this article.

Creative haircut – when you can’t do your hair every day!

If you don’t have the opportunity or desire to do your children’s hair every day, then don’t despair. A creative haircut can solve the problem for a while. A fluffy bob or an elegant bob is not only stylish, but also very convenient during the care process. Such haircuts can highlight the beautiful features of a child’s face and save parents from choosing a hairstyle for girls for every day.

IMPORTANT! A fluffy bob is suitable for a girl whose hair keeps its shape well, because otherwise the mother will have much more trouble styling her child’s hair.

Hairstyles for short hair

Despite the relevance short haircuts, they also get boring over time. To somehow diversify the image, parents can do simple hairstyles for girls with short hair. Most often they involve the use of various accessories. A stylish headband, a bright hairpin or an elastic band - all this can radically change the appearance.

In particular, almost any girl will be delighted with a headband with flowers or a bow. This headband will not only decorate your hair, but will also help remove bangs that constantly get into your eyes. Similar hairstyles for girls are presented in the photo below.

Also, with hair of this length, you can create fashionable hairstyles for girls using elastic bands. They are especially relevant this year. Bright and colored elastic bands will be able to hold short hair tightly without interfering with the child’s activities. active games or creativity.

Hairstyles for medium hair for girls

If your hair is medium length, then there are more and more hairstyle options. For example, ponytail hairstyles for girls are now very popular. Usually mothers tie one or two ponytails, but they don’t even realize how many options there are for decorating such a simple hairstyle for a girl.

Let's look at the most original of them:

  1. Using bright accessories. By using unusual rubber bands, hairpins and crabs, you can create creative hairstyles for girls with medium hair every day.
  2. Parting experiment. If you don’t have time to invent some kind of intricate children’s hairstyle for kindergarten or school, then you can make banal ponytails, but change the usual parting. A zigzag or side parting is done using a regular comb and does not require any special skills.
  3. Combination with braids. Various braids for medium hair for girls are woven very easily - you can see the photo below. The combination of braids and ponytails always looks creative and can be used even for the holidays.

Beautiful hairstyles for girls with medium hair can be done using a curl or curling iron. However, this option is more suitable for evening styling. It is not recommended to do it every day, as the hair will then begin to split, break and fall out. Small or large curls can be decorated with a bright hairpin.

Hairstyles for girls for long hair

If nature has gifted your child with long and thick hair, then you can forget about simple hairstyles for girls. Long hair is a great opportunity to experiment and create real masterpieces on your head. Hairstyles for every day for girls with such hair should not be limited simple braids and tails. Let's look at some of the most beautiful and extraordinary hairstyles for long hair for girls:

  1. Basket. This is a popular retro style hairstyle for girls. To make a basket, you first need to distribute all the hair around the circumference of your head and start braiding it in a circular pattern. The braid is made according to the French type, that is, the loose strands need to be grabbed from the outside. You need to braid all your hair into a braid, and tie the end with an elastic band and hide it under the basket. To prevent the tip of the braid from falling out when walking, it needs to be secured with an ordinary invisible hairpin.

  2. Circular braid for every day. This hairstyle for girls at home can be done in just a few minutes, so it can be used every day. So, first you need to separate a strand of hair near your forehead using a thin comb. The rest of the hair can be collected and tied with a soft elastic band so that it does not interfere while working on the hairstyle. The strand near the forehead needs to be thrown to one side and braided. The end of the braid can be tied with a small elastic band and hidden under the hair. The remaining hair should simply be loosened or curled into a curl. A similar children's hairstyle for long hair is ideal for school, kindergarten or going to the city for a walk.

  3. French braids with decoration. This version of a children's hairstyle for long hair can be used both daily and on holidays. French braids can be decorated with bright ribbons and unusual elastic bands.

  4. Small French braids from the forehead to the back of the head. This is a version of a simple children's holiday hairstyle. The child's hair should be parted straight. A wide strand should be separated from the forehead straight to the back of the head. The braid is woven from this strand. It can be decorated with a bright satin ribbon, and the rest of the hair can be curled using a curling iron.

  5. Pigtail with elastic bands. This is the most fashionable option braid hairstyles for girls. All you need is rubber bands and five minutes of free time. Step by step instructions Such a children's hairstyle for girls is shown in the photo below.

  6. Bun. This is one of the most elegant and beautiful hairstyles for girls. It is done quite simply. The hair needs to be gathered into a tight ponytail at the top of the head and tied with an elastic band, then the tail is threaded through another elastic band and distributed evenly over it. This elastic band is needed to create the shape and volume of the future bun. All remaining hair should be twisted around the bun and secured with bobby pins. That's all - a simple children's hairstyle for kindergarten or school is ready. If you want variety, then the bun can be decorated beautiful hairpin or an elastic band with a bow.

  7. Spit-waterfall. This is a more complex evening hairstyle for girls. To achieve the perfect braid, you will have to practice a little. This hairstyle is intended for girls with long hair, because medium or short hair will stand out and look ugly. The photo lesson of similar hairstyles for girls presented below will help you make a waterfall braid.

  8. Mermaid braid. This is a very fragile hairstyle for long hair for girls, which is suitable for a special occasion. Our tutorial will help you make a mermaid braid.

  9. Heart. This hairstyle is suitable for girls with long hair and is usually used on holidays. To make a heart on a child’s head, you need to take a comb and divide the curls into a central parting. To keep your hair out of the way, one part can be secured with an elastic band. From the second part you should make a French braid, weaving in the strands from the outside. Only then will the braid gradually take on the shape of a heart. The end of the braid can be tied with an elastic band. On the other side, the same weaving is used. The most important thing is to ensure the symmetry of the braids. At the end, the ends of the braids need to be tied together. This is a very cool hairstyle for girls that will make the look very light and romantic. You can see how to do this hairstyle for a girl with your own hands in the photo.

How can you decorate your hair for the holiday?

If an important holiday or event is coming up soon, then it is better to decide in advance on a children's evening hairstyle for your daughter. These can be braids, small or large curls, ponytails or braids with elastic bands. However, not only the child’s hairstyle for the holiday itself will play a big role, but its decorations.

How can you decorate your hair in an original way? Sequins will be a creative decoration for any hairstyle. As a rule, they are sold in the form of a varnish with the function of fixing hair. You just need to spray the hairspray on your hair. The sparkles will shimmer beautifully in the sun and “play” even under artificial lighting.

Rhinestones can also be used to create extraordinary hairstyles for girls (photo example is shown below). They are attached to small strands using special glue. For special occasions You can even decorate your hair with fresh flowers. A small lily will look great in your hair and make the look very delicate.

The key to a beautiful hairstyle is healthy hair

Even the most interesting hairstyles for girls will not look very good if the child’s hair is not healthy. Let's consider useful recommendations that will help parents properly care for their daughters’ curls:

  • If a child has dandruff, then you should not self-medicate and try different shampoos. It is best to immediately contact a trichologist, who will do the necessary tests and prescribe treatment;

  • It is best to use natural shampoos for children to wash your hair. Adult products are not suitable for children, because they have a more aggressive composition;

  • Children's hairstyles for girls using various thermal accessories must be done extremely carefully. Curls and curling irons can quickly damage children's fragile hair. It is best to use such items as rarely as possible - only for holidays or important events;

  • If a child’s hair begins to fall out, then most likely the reason for this is a lack of vitamins. A good vitamin complex will not only stop hair loss, but also help boost immunity;

  • Home remedies made from ordinary products are also suitable for caring for children's hair. For example, you can rinse your hair from time to time with an infusion of mint, lavender or chamomile. This approach will provide your child with gorgeous curls in the future;

  • It is not recommended to use styling products for girls of preschool age. Foams, hairsprays, sprays - all of this is made for adults, so it is not safe to use such products for a child’s health. They can cause dandruff and scalp irritation;

  • Girls should not tie their hair tightly with an elastic band. This can not only cause an acute headache, but also lead to injury to the surface of the hair.

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Every mother wants her little daughter to look like a princess; if there are no problems with the outfit, since you just need to choose it in the store, then with a girl’s hairstyle there may be difficulties, because not every mother knows how to braid her hair or just put it on her head. nothing comes except tails.

In fact, there are a lot of hairstyles for girls and for different lengths hair, so don’t be upset if your daughter still has short or thin hair, even with such hair you can “build” beautiful hairstyle.

Hairstyles for girls for short hair

It would seem, what kind of hairstyle can you come up with if a girl has short hair? In this case, elastic bands, hairpins, bandages and other decorations will come to the rescue. After all, if the length of your hair does not allow you to create a beautiful hairstyle, then you can decorate what you have.

Short hairstyles with elastic bands always relevant, because they are suitable even for the shortest hair. Such hairstyles are indispensable for a kindergarten or a circle; they allow you to remove hair from the face, and the hair does not interfere with the child’s creativity.

You can also use various accessories for short hair, for example headbands or headbands with flowers, they will reveal the face and at the same time decorate the image. You can make such headbands yourself; for this you will need soft knitwear, artificial flowers or fabric flowers.
Don’t forget about various hairpins, with the help of them you can pin up your bangs and they won’t get into your eyes.

Hairstyles for girls with ponytails

Every mother has probably done her hair with ponytails more than once; usually these are two ponytails on the top or bottom. Let's see what else you can come up with with regular ponytails?

Experimenting with parting

If you want to make traditional two ponytails, then you can make a creative zigzag parting, it is worth considering that such a parting is not suitable for hair that is too short, as it will simply fall out of the hairstyle. Another way to add variety to your everyday hairstyle is to part it on the side.

Decorating ponytails

Regular ponytails will look elegant if you decorate them with accessories. It could be beautiful elastic bands, satin ribbons or cute bows. In any case, by decorating the ponytails in this way, you will get a beautiful hairstyle that can be done for a girl for a holiday.

Children's hairstyles with elastic bands

There are, perhaps, an endless variety of hairstyles with elastic bands, because here you can give free rein to your imagination and try something new every time. To get started, you'll need a lot of rubber bands. These can be bright soft rubber bands or small silicone ones.

Elastic bands are irreplaceable if you need to create a hairstyle for the whole day. The hair will be securely fastened and will not interfere with the child. We suggest you look at the photo various options hairstyles with elastic bands and use them as a basis to create your own hairstyle.

The advantage of such hairstyles is that they are suitable for both short and medium-length hair. The principle of creating such hairstyles is that each ponytail is woven into the next ponytail, thus all the hair is firmly captured.

Hairstyles for girls with braids

Braids are perhaps the most popular hairstyle for girls; they combine simplicity, beauty and fun, which are so suitable for little princesses.
There are a lot of ways to weave braids - it can be a regular French braid, a spikelet braid, a waterfall, openwork braids from several strands, etc. You should not give up this hairstyle if your daughter has short hair, in fact, using French braids you can create interesting hairstyles hairstyle or remove bangs. Well, if your beauty has long hair, then there are countless options for hairstyles with braids.

Braids can act as an element of a hairstyle, for example, when a braid is needed to remove unnecessary strands or bangs from the face, or as a full-fledged hairstyle.

One of the most popular options is a hairstyle with two braids, this can be a classic three-strand braid or French braids. For medium-length hair, it is better to choose the French braiding option, this way the hair will not fall out of the hairstyle and will be neat

Fishtail braid suitable for girls with long hair, it looks beautiful on thick hair, such a braid can be twisted into a bun and get another interesting hairstyle.

If your hair is short, then a hairstyle with several French braids from the forehead to the back of the head is suitable. Thus, we get not only a beautiful hairstyle, but also a comfortable one, since the bangs do not get into the eyes.

Children's hairstyle bun

A bun is a universal hairstyle; it is suitable for both your daughter’s outdoor activities and special occasions. If your child is involved in dancing, gymnastics or other sports, then be sure to take note of the bun hairstyle.

Previously, this hairstyle was not very diverse, but now there are a lot of bun options for every taste, and if you decorate it with a small tiara, your daughter will look like a real princess.

Bunch of braids and flagella

Interesting bun options, for the production of which we need a special device - a roller, or as it is called a donut. If you don’t have such a donut, then you can use a large soft elastic band or an ordinary sock for your hair. Just cut off the toe and roll it into a donut. Option 1 – braid bun
A fairly simple but time-consuming hairstyle, suitable for girls with long hair. You can watch the step-by-step photo tutorial or on the video under the photo.

Option 2 – a bundle of flagella
The principle of creating a hairstyle is the same as in the first option, the only difference is that in the second case the hair must be twisted into flagella. Also see the detailed photo tutorial.

Hairstyles for girls for long hair

Mothers whose daughters have been blessed by nature with long hair are incredibly lucky; creating different hairstyles with such hair is a pleasure. If you learn different weaves and interesting hairstyles, you can be proud not only of your daughter's long hair, but also of the hairstyles you can make with it.

Of course, hairstyles with braids are the best for long hair; they will prevent children's hair from getting tangled and will not interfere with active games.

Spit waterfall. A very beautiful and delicate hairstyle with loose hair. The waterfall braid is only an attribute of the hairstyle.

Spit waterfall for girls video lesson

Mermaid braid- also an excellent hairstyle for long hair; it is quite fragile, so it is suitable only for a special occasion.

Braid basket- in this option, the hair is securely woven into the basket, this hairstyle will last a very long time.

Original hairstyle made from rubber bands

Options for long hair

Hairstyles for girls at prom

Graduation in kindergarten- this is a special day for parents and child, of course, every mother wants her daughter to look especially beautiful on this day, and hairstyle becomes an important attribute in creating the image.

Festive hairstyle for girls - hair bow

The bow hairstyle is suitable for long and thick hair, in this case the bow will be voluminous and large.

Making a hair bow for a girl

1. Putting your hair in a high ponytail
2. The last time we thread the hair through the elastic, we don’t pull it out all the way so that we get a loop of hair and a free end. The tip of the hair should be in the front, not the back.
3. Divide the loop into two equal parts and fold it on each side.
4. We take the free tip and bend it back between the two resulting parts of hair.
5. We secure it with a bobby pin and fix the hairstyle with varnish. If desired, it can be decorated with a ribbon or beautiful hairpins.

Children's hairstyle for prom with babette

This hairstyle can be done using a backcomb or a special roller. If the girl’s hair is not thick and long enough, then it is better to make a babette using backcombing. For thick and heavy hair, it is better to use a special roller that will prevent the hairstyle from falling off.
You can watch the detailed lesson in the video. Prom hairstyle with curls

Curls are suitable for girls of all ages; there are probably as many ways to create curls as there are types of curls themselves. If we are talking about children's hairstyle, then it is better to choose medium-sized elastic curls; ready-made curls can be left loose or a hairstyle based on curls can be made.

Creating safe curls for girls
Children's hair is different from adults, it is thinner and softer, and if you try to create curls with curling irons, it can be injured, so it is better to use safe methods for creating curls.

Method 1 – buns at night

In order to create curls in this way, you need the following:
1. Divide the hair into several equal parts, the smaller the strands, the smaller the curls and vice versa. The hair should be slightly damp.
2. Now we twist each strand into a bundle, and then twist it into a bun
3. Secure the bun with a soft elastic band
4. We do the same with the rest of the hair and leave it overnight or for several hours. Please note that wet hair must dry, otherwise curls will not work.
5. Unravel the bunches and carefully separate them with your fingers, the curls are ready!

Method 2 - using paper towels
1. Hair needs to be slightly moistened and paper towels rolled into tubes.
2. Separate a strand and, starting from the tip of the hair, wrap it on a paper towel; the hair should not be wet, otherwise the towel will tear. When a strand is finished, tie a paper towel and move on to the next strand.
3. The hair must be allowed to dry, so the hairstyle can be left overnight.

Other holiday hairstyles for girls

To create a festive children's hairstyle, jewelry, flowers, ribbons and other hair accessories are more useful than ever. With their help you can decorate even the simplest hairstyle and make it beautiful.

Headbands and elastic bands go well with loose ones curly hair. And beautiful fabric flowers can be woven into a braid and your hairstyle will instantly transform.

See the photo for ideas for creating holiday hairstyles.

Children's hairstyles for graduation photos