DIY rugs made from scraps of fabric: the best ideas. How to weave Dagestan carpets How to make handmade carpets

I want to tell you a story about weaving a carpet, with the help of the children themselves and with the means... and all the things that are no longer enough for them and which it’s time to get rid of - unnecessary clothes.

Let me note: you can do the same thing with new noble threads and fabrics, even, I bet, it will come out even more beautiful. But there is a special pleasure in making something beautiful out of something completely hopeless. This is a question of the materials used. And you will undoubtedly consider the other advantages when you understand how simple it is, and how much the children like the process itself, and you like the result.

So shall we begin?
Look what I found in the barn:

Don’t you really have something like that lying around at your dacha or nearby? Yes, perhaps this was once a window frame, but such a story did not suit me. I needed a base for weaving a carpet :)
And for this you need to make fastenings for the transverse rows, it looks something like this:
(distance 5 cm, top and bottom)

And at home, why not take any frame, even a photo or painting? Or even a sports hoop (I spied this myself in the open spaces, then the rug will be round).
Various manuals on home weaving say that: “... make the distances between the rows 0.5-1 cm.” But, in fact, it is necessary to build on the materials used. In my case, these were knitted strips 3-4 cm wide and a canvas made of cotton bias tape 1 cm. Knitwear is a good thing, but in rugs it is better to lay a non-stretchable base, for example, longitudinal cotton threads. Then, even if it moves a little, it will only be in width, without losing its basic shape.
You ask where to get knitted stripes? Everything is very simple, you go through your wardrobe and everything knitted (anything at all), which does not represent any artistic or practical value, calmly cut it into shreds (and have you ever wondered where real grandma’s rugs came from?). T-shirt, T-shirt, skirt - cut along with the side seams, starting from the edge of the product and spiraling upwards. And if you delve into the topic and come up with a drawing, then anything can become materials for coloring a carpet, even faux fur or yarn. The more unusual the texture, the more unusual the result is guaranteed to be.
At first it looked like this for me:

Here and further, I suggest switching to black and white format when evening photos, so as not to injure you with the merciless red color. This is because this activity, home weaving, is so meditative and relaxing that God himself ordered them to do it in the evenings. And we spent these evenings with great pleasure at the machine. But alas, a wooden background and poor lighting will successfully turn any photo into a gorgeous red-haired something.
Therefore, welcome to twilight :)
While you are cutting everything you can get your hands on into shreds, you can let the children do their part of the work by winding the chopped threads into balls:
Montessori never dreamed how wonderful it works fine motor skills in simple winding of a ball.

Then, if a random item turns out to be the wrong color, throw it into the dye; it certainly won’t make things worse. In the children's version, in general, the brighter the merrier. I had Batik dyes for fabric, but it's too greasy for a rug. But I had no choice, I was in the village. Therefore, I recommend that you choose more economical and simple dyes for painting.

Then we dry our pasta:

Although, you can avoid repeating my mistakes, but simply dye the fabric itself first, and then cut it, right? :)
Later I also came to the same conclusion, but I’ll still add a photo of the pasta.
And then we have the best part. We fix the transverse cotton canvas to the fastenings we made.
We pick up the first ball and... and then I don’t remember. We woke up - a rug.
Well, almost like that, honestly :) Absolutely captivating! Even a child with an absolutely restless temperament (from the word in general) was stuck to the machine for several days. Yes, it didn’t turn out absolutely perfectly, but in such a product it is, firstly, completely unnoticeable, and secondly, can you imagine the pride a person has from realizing his results? Not every business brings such pleasure and such an easy, pleasant result.
But let's get back to the process.
We begin to draw the first longitudinal row on the transverse warp threads. Everything is simple here: tie a knot and then thread a ball through one thread. Moreover, the ball is preferably not very large size, so that it is more convenient to thread it through the rows.

We finished the row and then in reverse, checkerboard pattern, without breaking the thread (tying the end of one ball to another), we spin it to the size we need. Press each row of fingers, like a comb, against the previous one.

This is what one princess, almost six years old, did all in one sitting:

And then, while she was distracted, I couldn’t stay away and also meditated with great pleasure. About 20 cm :) It turned out I wasn’t the only one, a whole room of curious people came running. Such a rush.
A ginger cat on a ginger background is something.

When artificial dyes were invented, the production of carpets, and indeed the carpets themselves, changed greatly ( natural paint retains rich colors for a long time). Gradually, cheap dyes began to replace the complex, expensive and labor-intensive process of manually making dyes and dyeing threads. This greatly reduced the time of thread production and the price for such a carpet. At one time, masters tried to fight this, but lost. It is a known historical fact that when artificial dyes began to be used in the world, the Shah of Iran issued a decree strictly prohibiting the use of such dyes for Persian carpets.
Anyone who violated this decree had their right hand cut off! But this did not save hand-made carpet weaving, and now in markets and stores you see 99% of carpets made with artificial dyes.
I think you already understand, today I’m talking about handmade carpet production, which exists in Dagestan, and to make one large carpet, in total, it takes about two years. These two years include collecting herbs and roots, drying them, and grinding them. Then the painting itself and the process of making the carpet. I had to sweat a lot to remove the dye on the threads.

The thread dyeing workshop is located in a private house. By the way, a family lives on the second floor and, I hope, they don’t suffer too much from what’s going on in their basement. Painting itself does not happen often, and we were very lucky to be in Dagestan at this time. As a rule, threads are dyed once a month, or even every two months. The cooking process takes place in a semi-basement where there are several boilers. If it is very hot outside in the summer, then it is unbearably hot and also very humid. Two or three minutes of shooting and the sauna effect is guaranteed.

In fact, hand-made carpet weaving was long lost in these parts and it took many years to restore and even reinvent and recreate conditions somewhere. It took more than four years to find the dyes; the guys traveled around different countries and watched how the craftsmen worked there, learned from experience and, as a result, today you can admire beautiful carpets of the highest quality and, most importantly, completely made by hand.

It all starts with preparing dyes. They are collected at different times, they also have their own characteristics and secrets, when the juice flows, when it doesn’t flow, when the pigment is like this, and when it’s not bright enough, all this was tested experimentally.

The extracted material is dried, crushed and stored in bags in an improvised warehouse, which they set up at home. The guys don’t have money for a separate room; these carpets are generally produced more on enthusiasm.

Actually, the beginning of painting. Ground plants are poured into almost boiling water. They cook for a short time and then throw in the yarn. The yarn must be thrown in all at once, otherwise there will be a scatter in color. Even if you throw it all at once, it happens that some of the yarn is lighter and some is darker. However, this only adds originality to the carpet)

Cooking time depends on what color is needed (what dyes are used) and what color intensity is needed. Threads are not prepared for future use, but for a specific carpet.

It's really incredibly hot in the basement. Five minutes and I'm all wet. But I can go out and smoke, but the guys have to hang around there for half a day, if not all day. A cold water shower helps.

In our case, after an hour the yellow thread is ready, now it needs to be washed. The first washing takes place in the boiler, then it is loaded into a large “ washing machine” where she flounders for another 15-20 minutes.

Now to dry in the backyard, which is almost entirely hung with multi-colored skeins of thread.

The thread soon dries and can now be packed into bags that will be delivered to the “workshop”. Yarn is produced in several villages. The villagers have practically no work, and this “factory,” so to speak, is the only place where there are jobs. Craftsmen, or rather craftswomen, who make carpets at home do not count. However, they often buy thread not with synthetic dye, but natural one. We went to the village of Kozherek, Tabasaran district, to see how the process was going there.

There are several machines in the workshop, and none of them are idle. From three to five women work on one carpet.

This is how the base of the carpet is made.

And girls and women sit and spin and spin. Not an easy job at all.

The main tool is this simple hook.

We looked into the private house of a craftswoman.

It took this woman 3 months just to make this relatively small carpet. At the same time, she needs to take care of the house; she has two children and a whole household. They work tirelessly here so that they can live with dignity. In principle, it would be possible to raise livestock and some fruits and vegetables, but all attempts to sell at the market in the city are stopped by resellers. What's the point of selling meat for three kopecks? By the way, many villages complained about this situation.

The village is surrounded by gorgeous forests, fields, and pastures. I really liked it here.

Then we will return to Makhachkala again. So to speak, we need to finish off the theme of carpets.
After it is made, it must be thoroughly cleaned and fired! This is done in order to remove excess lint. After firing, they begin to wash it, and this process lasts at least an hour.

While the guys are working, I am enjoying the grapes that grow right there in the courtyard of the house.

The carpet is huge. You need to imagine in what interior it will look harmonious. At first glance, its price is also surprising: 650 thousand, but remembering the whole process and the time spent on the work, it becomes clear that it is not that expensive. Although, factory carpets will cost several orders of magnitude less. Here, as they say, who invests money in what.

After washing, the carpet needs to be dried and it is ready for sale. We were even invited to rent the house, the interior in which he will now live. I’m not sure if we’ll have time to finish the trip and drop by to visit the new owner of the carpet, but it would be interesting. Many, by the way, consider the purchase of such carpets as an investment. By the way, a huge number of old carpets self made was bought up and went west through Turkey. Thanks to the fact that an American created a catalog of patterns used on carpets, this craft can now be restored.

Just a few years ago, carpet was considered something unacceptable, especially in modernly decorated rooms. But still, fashion is cyclical and carpets, as a decorative element, are again relevant. If you still doubt whether such a product is suitable for you, we recommend that you do not purchase it in a specialized store. First, try making a rug with your own hands literally from scrap materials.

Do-it-yourself carpet: step-by-step master classes

In fact, a small rug will be appropriate in any room. But first of all, you should focus on the general style and purpose of the product. For example, a soft, fluffy rug would look great by the bed, which would be especially pleasant to sit on early in the morning. In turn, the bathroom will need a product made of a different material that will absorb water. Therefore, before starting work, decide for which specific room you need a rug.

Stylish carpet made from belts

For those who have several leather belts lying around at home, we suggest using them to create a rug. This is a fairly dense material, thanks to which the product will retain its attractive appearance for a long time. appearance. In addition, in our work we will need:

  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • fabric or rubber;
  • a small piece of fabric.

Place all the straps on the work surface and align them. Otherwise, the carpet will be uneven.

Since they must be the same length, we cut each belt one by one with scissors.

We take a piece of fabric or rubber, according to the length of the belts, and place it on the work surface. We distribute the belts on top in the desired order.

We fix each part with a special glue and leave it until completely dry.

A stylish and very unusual hand-made carpet is ready! In fact, there are many similar options, so you can safely experiment with the shape and size of the product.

Carpet from old clothes

If you have a few old T-shirts lying around your house, now is the time to give them new life in the form of an original rug.

In the process we will need the following:

  • jersey T-shirts;
  • sewing machine;
  • threads;
  • scissors.

First, cut the T-shirts so that you get a long ribbon, as in the photo. We wind each ribbon one by one into a ball.

We weave the ribbons together into long braid. It will look much more original if you use different shades.

For convenience, you can roll them into one ball.

The rug can have any shape, but in this case it will be oval. It is better to wrap the workpiece clockwise, as shown in the photo.

We sew the parts together on sewing machine or manually.

When turning, do not lay the braid too tightly. Otherwise, it may become distorted.

We simply turn the free end over to the wrong side and secure it with threads.

This product will perfectly complement the interior of a bedroom or bathroom.

Knitted rug

Knitting lovers can also experiment a little and make an unusual heart-shaped rug.

For work we will prepare:

  • threads;
  • scissors;
  • hook;
  • construction mesh.

Perhaps the most difficult stage is creating blanks. You will need quite a lot of them, based on the desired size of the rug.

When everything is prepared, carefully cut out the desired shape from the construction mesh. In this case, it is the heart. This is exactly what the rug will look like as a result.

We sew each piece to the mesh, periodically straightening them.

The result is a charming rug that will be a stylish addition to your bedroom.

DIY fluffy carpet

To create a laconic, but at the same time stylish product you will need:

  • scissors;
  • plastic mesh;
  • elastic bands for afro braids;
  • cotton rope.

First of all, you should decide on the size of the future carpet. Based on this, we cut the mesh and lay it out on the work surface.

We divide the cotton rope into several small pieces of the same size. We wrap each piece one by one around the mesh and secure with rubber bands. To make the carpet fluffier, simply separate the ends.

We repeat the same thing until we fill the entire mesh with rope. If you need a large carpet, and you plan to make it from several parts, then you also need to connect them with rope.

A stylish, original carpet will decorate any room.

Thread carpet

For those who do not want to spend a lot of money on a carpet, we suggest making the simplest possible option using threads.

The process will require the following:

First you need to make several blanks in the form of pompoms. To do this, wrap the thread around your fingers, carefully remove it and tie it in the middle with a small piece, as in the photo.

Cut the ends of the threads with scissors. The result will be a fluffy pompom. Repeat the same with the rest of the thread to make a sufficient number of blanks.

Place a mat with holes or a mesh on the work surface. We tie each pompom one by one as close to each other as possible. Due to this, the carpet will be as fluffy as possible.

When the product is ready, you can trim the ends of the threads with reverse side.

Multicolored rug

Required materials:

  • fabric or old T-shirts;
  • adhesive tape;
  • scissors;
  • thread;
  • needle.

Lay strips of fabric on the work surface different colors. In this case there will be five of them. We put five more stripes nearby, but in a mirror image.

Take the pink strip and tie it, as in the photo. We continue tying it around the rest until we reach the middle.

We do the same, starting from the other side. When the two pink stripes are next to each other, tie them together. We repeat the same with the remaining stripes.

Since the rug turns out to be quite narrow, we make another one of the same size.

We connect them together using thread and needle. The stylish decorative element is ready!

Rope carpet

We will prepare the following materials:

  • rope;
  • stationery knife;
  • fabric blank round shape;
  • glue.

Place the rope on the work surface and wrap it as in the photo. The size must perfectly match the fabric blank.

We cut off the rest of the rope with a utility knife. Apply glue to the rope and carefully apply the fabric.

The result is a beautiful small rug that is ideal for decorating a hallway.

Carpet in the interior: classic or modern solution?

If you still doubt whether the carpet will suit your interior, we recommend looking at a selection of photos.

Scraps and remnants of various fabrics are not garbage, but a real treasure in the hands of a needlewoman, which can be turned into amazingly beautiful and useful things, for example, rugs for a nursery, hallway or bathroom. There are so many ways to make rugs and rugs that you don’t even need to know how to sew and knit, you just need to choose the most convenient option for yourself.

After getting acquainted with the methods of making chair covers and sewing rugs, think about whether you should throw away old T-shirts, jeans, towels, wool sweaters and scarves. After all, all these things, even if they are shabby, with holes, faded in the sun, can be given a second life.

Preparation of flaps

Depending on the chosen technique for making the rug, scraps of fabric of different sizes and shapes may be required. It is better to select and cut the required amount in advance so as not to be distracted while working.

Preparing long strips of fabric for knitting or weaving a product can cause some difficulties: sewing them together is a long and tedious job. And if you tie them in knots, the rug will turn out rough and sloppy. But there are ways to avoid this.

Cutting continuous tape

This method is used when preparing fabric strips from old clothes: T-shirts, turtlenecks, T-shirts and even tights.

We cut off the rough bottom seam, the cuff of the sleeve or the toe part of the tights. For a T-shirt or turtleneck, cut off the top part right below the armholes.

Place the product on a flat surface with the side seam facing you and cut it into strips of the required width, without cutting a couple of centimeters to the opposite seam.

Thus, we cut the entire workpiece into fringe.

We straighten the workpiece so that we can see the entire uncut part, and cut it not in a straight line, but at an angle, directing the scissors from one slot to the adjacent one on the other side of the product.

As a result, we get a closed ring, which to obtain a tape you just need to cut across one of the seams.

Connection without node

If the length of the tape is not enough or you need to connect many short pieces with each other, the simple technique shown below will help you do this.

We cut small holes at the ends of adjacent strips that need to be connected.
Place the strips on top of each other, aligning the slots.
Pass the second end of the top strip through the slot from below and pull the entire strip through it.
Tighten the connection. If necessary, repeat these steps to further lengthen the tape.

Advice. If scraps of fabrics of different thicknesses and densities are used, then thinner ones should be cut into strips of greater width to even out the thickness of the weaving.

Knitted rugs from patches

From scraps joined into long ribbons, a rug can be crocheted, just as napkins are crocheted from ordinary yarn. True, for such work you need a large hook, 6-10 mm thick.

Begin work by tying a braid out of 5-6 air loops, which close into a ring. Then the fabric is knitted in a spiral with double crochets, periodically knitting two stitches from one loop to increase the diameter. After each row, the work must be laid out on a flat surface to control the plane.

Video - Crocheting a round rug from cut fabric strips

Such a simple round rug does not require any special skill; even those who have picked up a crochet hook for the first time can knit it. If you have experience, you can create real masterpieces of any form.

Braided rugs

You can weave a rug in different ways, and to do this, the shreds again need to be connected into long strips.

Braid rug

This method is very simple; it does not require any tools or equipment other than a needle and thread.

We braid them into a regular braid. It should turn out to be quite long, so the strips will have to be extended as you work.

We secure the end of the braid with a pin and begin to roll it in a spiral on a flat surface.

We fasten each turn to the previous one on the reverse side, sewing it with threads.

Step 5. You can do it differently: first twist the entire braid, and then carefully sew the turns in a spiral.

An oval rug is made in the same way.

Curly rug made from braids

But if you need a rectangular shape, it is better to weave several braids of the same length, lay them close to each other and sew them in a straight line. And weave the ends with cord or sew on a typewriter.

Advice. Such a rug will hold its shape better if you add a lining to it on the reverse side.

Braided rug

To make such a rug you need to make a frame for weaving. Its size should be slightly larger than the desired size of the canvas. Nails with small heads are placed on two opposite sides or wooden pins are installed to secure the base. The distance between them is 2-2.5 cm.

Advice. If you add another intermediate crossbar to the frame, which can be attached at different levels, you can make rugs of different sizes.

We begin work by securing the warp threads. This can be cord, twine, thick yarn, or scraps tied into a long ribbon. The end of the tape is tied to the upper corner stud, after which it is snaked around all the pins of the upper and lower crossbars in turn. You need to stretch the base well, but not too tightly.

Preparing working threads. They should not be too long so as not to complicate weaving. It is better to attach the next strip as you shorten the previous one.

We begin weaving by alternately passing a strip of working thread over and under the stretched warp threads.

Having reached the end of the row, we wrap the working thread around the outer warp thread and continue weaving in the other direction.

Step 5. Every few rows, compact the fabric by pulling the woven rows up. To do this, you can use a special device in the form of a wooden fork or simply use your hands. The denser the weaving itself and the smaller the distance between the rows, the less noticeable the warp threads will be.

Step 6. We make the required number of rows, periodically increasing the working thread or changing it to a strip of a different color.

Step 7 If the color of the working thread needs to be changed at the edge of the rug, it is cut close to it and hemmed, or the next strip is tied to the cut end, and the knot is left on the wrong side. But you can do it differently: tie the strips on the edge, leaving long tails. In this case, the edges of the rug will be fringed.

For reference. The fringe on the other two sides can also be done at once, if you do not wind the warp threads around the pins, but tie them to each pair with separate strips.

At the end of the work, the canvas is carefully removed from the nails.

You can complicate the weaving by taking two working threads instead of one at once, and interweaving them both with each other and with the warp threads.

Video - Rug made of shreds on a frame

You can also weave a round rug in a similar way. A hoop can serve as a frame for it.

Knotted rug

To make such a shaggy rug, you don’t need to sew the scraps into ribbons. They just need to be cut into strips 8-12 cm long, depending on how long the “pile” you want to get.

In addition to them, the work will require a crochet hook and a special mesh for carpets, which can easily be replaced with a synthetic construction mesh. The base of the desired shape and size is cut out of it.

Then the strips folded in half are slipped under the mesh, and their ends are pulled out to the front side on both sides of the cell wall using a hook. All that remains is to tie them with a strong knot.

All grid cells are filled in the same way.

Using scraps of different colors, you can create patterns and ornaments from them according to a pre-designed scheme.

Patchwork pompom rugs

Very soft and cozy rugs are made from patchwork pompoms filled with holofiber, padding polyester or foam rubber. You don’t have to buy filler either - you can “get it” from old jackets, blankets and stray pillows.

The choice of patches depends on the purpose of the rug. For children, old knitted T-shirts and T-shirts in bright colors are best suited.

To work you need to prepare:

  • a large number of scraps or old unnecessary knitwear;
  • needle and thread;
  • scissors;
  • filler;
  • thick fabric for the base;
  • glue gun

We cut out circles of the same size from the knitwear according to the template. Their diameter should be approximately twice the intended diameter of the pom poms.

Using a simple stitch, we quilt the blanks in a circle, stepping back a little from the edge.

Place filler in the middle and tighten the thread. We get a soft ball.

We make such balls from all the blanks.

Step 5. We cut out the base for the rug from the fabric and use a glue gun to sequentially glue patchwork pompoms to it. They can also be sewn on.

To make a similar rug for the bedroom, you can take a coarser and more wear-resistant fabric, and for the bathroom - old terry towels.

Old rugs and bedspreads of strict monochromatic colors will make an interesting rug in the shape of flowers or a clearing. If the fabric is thick and dense enough, you can even do without filler or use very little of it.

Rug "Polyanka"

The manufacturing algorithm is the same, with minor nuances.

Step, no.Description
We cut out a base from the fabric in the shape of the future rug.
From working fabric and scraps we cut out rounded oval and round shapes to create “stones”. We make them quite large.
We bend the edges of the blanks inward and sew them on the wrong side. If they are not voluminous enough, put a little synthetic padding inside.
We prepare the required number of parts so that they fill the entire area of ​​the cut base. It is advisable to make “pebbles” of different textures, shapes and sizes to make the rug look more natural.
We lay out the blanks on the base in the required order and sew the adjacent ones together.

Sew the “pebbles” to the base fabric.

We especially carefully fasten all the parts around the perimeter of the rug together.

We cut out the backing from thick fabric according to the size of the resulting product, making small allowances for the hem. And we sew them together along the edge.

Rugs made from patchwork corners

This method is suitable only for craftswomen who are good at machine sewing.

To make such unusual and very beautiful rugs you will need scraps of fabric of the same density.

Step, no.Description

We cut identical squares from the fabric with a side of about 10 cm and fold them twice diagonally.
We pin the resulting corners to the fabric, forming the middle of the rug. And we attach them along the edge using a typewriter.
We lay the next row so as to close the seam, shifting the corners relative to the already hemmed ones.

Having sewn the second row, we form the third and subsequent ones in the same way, gradually expanding the circle.

We attach the last row close to the edge and finish it with bias tape.

In the example described, the corners of the patches look into the middle of the rug. But you can do the opposite: start sewing the triangles not from the center, but from the edge of the product, turning them outward. In this case, you will have to decorate the middle with a round patch.

From the scraps you can make not only corners, but also other shapes - petals, scales, beaks, etc.

Such different rugs are made from scraps of fabric and old things that no one wears anymore. Instead of adding to the amount of waste on the planet, you can put old things to good use, while decorating your home and saving money on buying rugs, pet bedding and kitchen stool covers.

Video - Denim rugs

You will need

  • - frame;
  • - stick 20 cm long;
  • - woolen threads of different colors;
  • - threads for the base;
  • - needle;
  • - scissors;
  • - a piece of cardboard.


Prepare materials for a small rug. Make a frame. It is a rectangle, the dimensions of which are slightly larger than the dimensions of the future product. Try to keep the corners strictly straight. The lower bar is rigidly attached to the sidewalls, the upper one is inserted into special grooves. Parallelism is regulated by special wedges. The frame is usually fixed to the bed.

Decide whether you will make a carpet with or without pile. In any case, you need to determine the approximate density of the weave in order to divide the pattern into cells. The best option is 22 knots for every 10 cm for a pile carpet. However, it is better to start with a smooth, simple weave. When making a pattern, it is not individual warp threads that are counted, but pairs. On some machines, the warp threads are pulled onto nails. But quite often they are simply wrapped around the top and bottom bars of the frame. It is better to mark both slats to maintain parallelism.

The thread for the warp should be twisted and strong enough. It can be cotton, linen or synthetic. For a shag carpet, choose a clear backing or one that matches the color of the wool threads. For a lint-free product, undyed cotton or linen are most suitable.

Pull the thread. It must be firmly attached to the bottom bar. Lower the top rail a little. Tie the thread to the bottom rail at a distance of about 10 cm from the sidewall, then draw it strictly vertically, throw it over the top rail and lower it vertically down. Bring the thread from under the bottom bar. Repeat the procedure, finishing forming the base approximately 10 cm before the second side. If you started winding the warp from the bottom, then the thread should end at the bottom.

Between the sidewalls and the outer warp threads, make edges by pulling a few more threads. They are needed to keep your rug from curling.

Choose wool threads by color. Before you start weaving, check whether they shed or not. Of course, you will have to wash the rug infrequently, but this is not excluded. For the first time, it is better to avoid subtle color transitions. Choose bright threads in primary colors. It is better to wind the yarn into balls.

Make a drawing. If you don't know how to draw, find a suitable image on the Internet. It is desirable that this is a picture with large fields, with a small amount of detail. The drawing can be processed in Adobe Photoshop, making it black and white and removing excess. Distribute the color fields. They can be colored with a pencil or felt-tip pen for clarity. Break the pattern into squares. The process is approximately the same as when preparing a design for cross stitch or tapestry. In each cell, 1 pair of warp threads is counted, and cross-weave threads (weft) are counted by the number of spacers.

Using wedges, lift the top bar slightly so that the warp threads are taut. Identify even and odd threads. The distance between them is usually called the pharynx. Place a long round strip between the even and odd threads. It should be slightly larger than the width of the base. For large carpets, a strip with a diameter of about 2.5 cm is used. When making products from thin threads, its function is often performed by a cardboard strip.

Attach the same thread to the right rail as for the base. It is needed to combine pairs of threads. If the carpet is wide, you can roll it into a small ball for convenience. Bring the thread forward, wrap the first pair of warp threads with one turn, bring it to the next pair and wrap it too. Thus, pull the thread to the end. Tie the end to the left side. Do the same on top.

Mark the even pairs. This can be done using short threads. This is necessary so as not to get confused in the process, because when weaving there is an alternation - first a pair of threads is in front of the weft thread, in the next row it will be behind.

Wrap the weft yarn into small balls. It is very convenient to use fairly large shuttles for tatting. Lay the first row from left to right. Pass the thread as in normal weaving, first in front of the pair of warp threads, then behind. Press the row of wefts against the edge, that is, against the thread with which you wrapped the loops. To ensure that the rows lie tightly, a special beater with several metal teeth is often used. Weave the next row from right to left. Pass the weft thread over the pair of warp threads if it was under it in the previous row, and vice versa.

In lint-free fabrics, the perimeter pattern is usually formed by alternating threads of different colors. But nothing prevents you from making a floral or geometric ornament according to the pattern. Just remember to secure the threads. Weave the main pattern according to the drawing.