Summary of a mathematics lesson “Formation of the number “4”” for children of the middle group. Teacher Universities Org

Open lesson summary

Formation of elementary mathematical concepts

Topic: NUMBER 4

Purpose of the lesson:

Introduce the formation of the number 4 and the number 4; teach ordinal counting (up to 4); correlate the numeral with each of the objects; arrange objects with your right hand from left to right.


For the teacher: cards with numbers within four, ten identical cubes. For children: numbers from 1 to 4 (on cards), a number card, five mushrooms and five Christmas trees.

Progress of the lesson

Sitting at the table.

The lesson starts with children 5-6 years old.The teacher invites the children to arrange the numbers in order from 1 to 3. Whoever completes the task first lays out the numbers on the board. Children 4-5 years old are invited to the lesson. The teacher invites the children to place one cube on the table.- How many cubes are on the table? Now place two cubes side by side in a column.
- How many cubes are in the second column? Place three cubes in a column nearby.
- How many cubes are in the third column? How many columns are there in total?
- How many cubes are in the first column? Show me the number
- How many cubes are in the second column? Show me the number
- Which number is greater (smaller): 1 or 2?
- How many cubes are in the third column? number.
- Which number is greater (smaller): 2 or 3?
- Show a column of three cubes, stack the same one next to it and place another cube on it.
- How many cubes are in the column? Let's count:

one, two, three, four.
A child called to the board makes a column of four cubes.
- How many cubes are in the third column?
- How many cubes are in the fourth column? How many columns are there in total?
- How much more is 4 than 3?
- Who can put numbers from 1 to 3 on the board?
- 4 is more than 3, and 3 is less than 4 by 1. Where should the number 4 be in the number line?
The child puts the number 4 after 3.
Let's play
"Name the number"
The teacher invites the children to stand in a circle. Each person in turn is shown one number (from 1 to 4). The child must name it. If he names incorrectly, redirect the question to the next person.
In this game, each child must be interviewed two or three times.
What happens after 4?”
Children call: a butterfly has four wings, a butterfly has four legstables, four pockets on clothes, four rooms in a house, four legs on a bench, etc.
For each correct answer, the child receives a chip. At the end of the game, it is calculated how many chips each player received and which of them became the winner.

Physical education minute

Let's put our hands to the sides.We'll get the left one with the right one.

And then - on the contrary,There will be a right turn.

One - clap, two - clap, Turn around one more time!One - two - three - four, shoulders higher, arms wider!

We lower our hands down.And squat down!

Stand with your feet apart and your arms at your sides. Turn left, right Use your palm to clap your left palm.Turn to the right, clap your right palm with your left palm.Clap, turn around yourself.

Clap your hands. Raise your shoulders, spread your arms to the sides.

Slowly lower your arms down.Squat down.

Working with a card

The teacher asks a riddle:

Winter and summer - One color.(Christmas tree)

The teacher shows the number 3 andtells the children:
- Put it on the card
there are so many Christmas trees. The teacher makes sure that the children lay out the objects with their right hand and hold the card with their left. After completing the task, he asks how many Christmas trees are on the strip and why.
- Now put it down
There are so many mushrooms on the card.
The teacher shows the number 4.
- How many mushrooms did you count and why?
- What is more: mushrooms or Christmas trees?
- How to make them
was it equal, four each?
Children answer the question
and complete the task. - How many Christmas trees and mushrooms?(Four and four. Equally, equally. As much is above, so much is below.)
Children are invited to help the teacher collect counting material from envelopes.


  1. Educational: teach to correlate numbers with quantities; learn to recognize the number 4 among other numbers; compare and equalize the size of groups consisting of four subjects, update previously acquired knowledge.
  2. Developmental: develop mental processes (attention, imagination, perception, thinking), fine motor skills hands
  3. Educational: to cultivate independence, accuracy, determination.

(The teacher dresses up in a pirate costume and comes out to the children).

Educator: Hello, children! Who do you think I am? That's right: I'm a sailor, I've traveled a lot and been to a lot of places. And today I want to go to the island to find the treasure. But I don’t have a team - friendly and brave. What to do? Would you like to go with me on an exciting treasure hunt? (children agree and put on parts of a sailor costume).

Educator: You and I need to swim across the ocean and get to the island. What do we need for this? That's right: a ship. Here is the building material, you need to build a ship from it, but not a simple one: the right side of the ship should be red, the left should be blue. Let's start construction.

Educator: What great fellows! Now let's go! The path ahead of us is difficult and long, so that you and I don’t get bored, let’s sing these words:

Li-li-li: ships in the blue sea.

La-la-la: the mast of a ship.

(We pronounce clear sayings 3-4 times)

Educator: Oh, I think I see an island! Hurry to the shore! Just so as not to fall into the water, you and I will walk along the bridge (children walk along the board, arms to the sides).

(On the slide we see an aborigine on the beach).

Aborigine: Greetings, young travelers! I am a resident of this island! Are you looking for treasure? I have a map that will help you find the treasure, but I won’t give it to you just like that. I will give you tasks and for each task completed correctly I will give you a piece of the card. When the entire map is collected, the treasure will be yours.

(in front of each child there is a box with semolina, and shells with numbers from 1 to 4 are buried in the semolina).

Educator: Oh, look at the sand! What do you think can be found in sea sand? That's right, shells and pebbles. Let's find them. How many pebbles did you find? How many shells? Place the shells in the correct order.

Educator: what are more - pebbles or shells? How to make them equal? Right! Let's bury one shell.

Aborigine: Here's a task for you: arrange the shells in the correct order!

Aborigine: Well done! You've earned the first part of the map!

Aborigine: Next task: place under the shells the number of pebbles that represent this number.

Aborigine: Great! Here's the second part of the map!

Aborigine: And now we are going with you to the jungle!

Educator: You and I find ourselves in the jungle. It is very dangerous there, but you are brave, strong and friendly! You're not afraid of anything, are you?

There are many wild animals living in the jungle.

Now you and I must cross the river, and in order not to fall into the river with the crocodile, you will need to jump on two legs only in circles. Well, aren't you scared? Then let's go!

Now a cave awaits us. Who is the bravest, who will be the first to climb? Well done! And now we are in an interesting place. We stand at the tables. Let's see who came to us.

(on the children’s table there are pictures with palm trees (one tall and the other low) and carved parrots (one large and three small).)

What kind of birds? That's right, parrots! Place all the large parrots on a tall palm tree, and small ones on a low palm tree. How many parrots are there on a tall palm tree? How much on low? How much in total? Well done! Now let's fly further with our parrots.

(The children sat down at their desks in the bedroom. On everyone’s desk there are already pictures of a monkey, 5 cut out bananas, and glue).

Aborigine: Now let's feed the monkey!

Aborigine: You need to stick as many bananas as this number indicates.

Educator: How many bananas do you need to glue? 4. True. Let's glue it quickly.

Aborigine: And you coped with this task, well done! Here is the third part of the map.

Aborigine: Now let's dance together!

(Children get up from their seats and dance the crab dance (Zheleznova).)

Aborigine: You have earned the last part of the map. But the map is enchanted. Let's say the magic words together and the card will be yours!


One, two, three, four!

Map, open wide!

A map appears on the screen. This is a corner of nature in a group, where children will find a treasure chest.

Aborigine: What great fellows you are! Now go get the treasure, and see you again!

Educator: Guys, did you recognize the place where the treasure is hidden? Then go ahead!

(Children go to the ship.)

Educator: You and I found a treasure. And now it's time for us to return. Let's take the ship back. What did you and I do today? Did you enjoy traveling? Then until new travels!

Notes on mathematics in the middle group.
Topic: “Lost number 4” (counting within 4, open lesson).
Children enter music hall and sit on the chairs. Educator: - Children, look at what an interesting book I brought you from the library. It’s called “Fun Counting.” Who knows what a library is? Who works there? Children: -There is a librarian working in the library. In the library you can choose any book and take it home to read, and then return it back. The librarian writes down on a card who took which book. Makes sure that the books are intact. Educator: How should you handle books? Children: - Be careful, do not tear, do not wrinkle, do not draw on the book. Educator: Well done, now let's look at the book “Fun Counting” (opens and asks the children) - How many apples are drawn? (one apple) -What number indicate the quantity? (number one). -How many leaves are drawn? (two leaves) -How many Christmas trees are drawn? (three) -How many berries are drawn (four) -What number denotes the quantity (number). There is no image of the number 4 on the sheet. Educator: Where is the number 4? She was here. Someone ruined the book, how can I give it to the library? Quiet! The wise owl wants to tell me something (takes it and puts the owl on his shoulder). She says that the forester took the number and took it into the forest. Children, can you help me find her? Let's warm up before the road and the book “Funny Counting” will help us with this. PHYSICIST: -The number of apples we have, the number of times we will jump (1); how many leaves we have, we will sit down so many times (2); As many green Christmas trees as we can make, we will make as many bends (3); As many berries as we have, we will clap with you as many times (4). Educator: -now let's go into the forest along a winding path (walking between pins, accompanied by the sounds of the forest). -Here we are in the forest, I hear someone coming (the forester enters). – Forester: - Hello guys, why did you come to my forest? Educator: - We are looking for the number 4, it disappeared from this book. The fleeing owl told us that you took it, give it back to us. -Lesovik: Well, I took it because I need it myself. If you complete my task, then I’ll give it back. –Teacher: Children, can we complete the task? (Yes). -Forester: -Then sit in the clearing and listen. -Tell me what time of year it is now? -Tell me what seasons of the year you know? -Count how many seasons there are in total? -What parts of the day do you know? -Lesovik: Well, okay, but with next task You definitely won't be able to handle it! -I have houses in the forest, animals live in them. Tell me, how many houses are there in total? -What kind of house with a green roof? -What is the house with the red roof? -Which house has a blue roof? _What is the house with the blue roof? -Lesovik: -My houses are unusual, made of geometric shapes. -What geometric shapes are the windows of the houses made of? -What can you say about the square? -What can you say about the rectangle? -Do you know how to build yourself? -Teacher: -Guys, let's show the forester how we can build. Let's play the game "Builder". – Educator: - Forester, give us our number now? -Lesovik: -You haven’t guessed who lives in the houses yet! If you solve the riddles, then you will find out. RIDDLES: 1.-He loves sweet carrots, gnaws cabbage very deftly, he jumps here and there, through forests and fields. 2.-He loves sweets very much, and when autumn comes, he goes to bed and until spring, he sees sweet dreams. 3.-On a path in the forest, I’m carrying a big apple, I look like needles, call me of course... -Teacher: -We have completed all the tasks, give us the number. -Lesovik: -Take it, Oh, what about me, I need her too! -Teacher: Why do you need it? Lesovik: All the animals have numbers on their houses, but I don’t. Educator: - Let's help the forester, you can circle the number around the office, color it in with a pencil, who will help do this? (one of the children takes the forester by the hand and leads him to the table to draw a number). -Teacher: -While the forester is drawing a number for himself, we will make bright flowers for the animals and decorate the lawns near the houses with them (the forester attaches the number to the house, and the children decorate the houses). -Lesovik: -Look at the number I have now. Thank you children for your help and forgive me for ruining the book, I won’t do it again. -Teacher: -Guys, let's sing a forest song together with the forester. - - - Educator: - Guys, it’s time for us to go back and put the book in order! -Forester: -I’ll accompany you, otherwise you’ll get lost. (Forester escorts the children out of the forest, distributes surprise gifts and says goodbye).

Topic: “Finding a pattern and continuing a series. Number, number 4."

Basic tutorial: Shevelev K.V. Entertaining mathematics. Workbook for preschoolers 4-75 years old. / K.V. Shevelev. – M.: /Yuventa Publishing House, 2013. – 40 p.: ill.
Educational: to promote the development of skills in finding patterns and continuing a series. Introduce the formation and naming of the number 4.
Practical: to promote the formation of graphic skills when drawing objects in cells.
Developmental: continue the development of fine and gross hand motor skills, visual perception, attention, memory, speech, logical thinking, imagination.
Educational: to cultivate the ability to come to the rescue, friendly relationships.
Lesson type: getting to know new material
Didactic material for teachers:
For the teacher: cards with flowers, apples and ladybugs, cards with numbers, literature.
For students: math notebooks, pencils.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment
Teacher: Hello, children!

Teacher: There are cards with colors on the board, look carefully, remember all the colors, let's repeat it together!
(cards with colors on the board, teacher shows, children name colors)
- What number did we study in the last lesson? Correct number 3!
In your notebook you have the number 3 written, try to circle it again with dots, let’s remember how to write the number 3. (work in a notebook, children write the number, the teacher approaches each child and watches how he does it, helps if necessary)

2. Main part.
Teacher: Well done, everyone completed the task! Let's continue! Today in class we will introduce you to a new number! This number is 4.
After three comes 4,
Sharp protruding elbow!
(Cards with the numbers 3 and 4 hang on the board. Under the numbers, the teacher displays three apples and four ladybugs.)
- How many apples? (3)
- How many ladybugs? (4)
- What more? (ladybugs)
- What needs to be done to make apples and ladybugs the same? (add another apple)

Teacher: Well done! Let's take a little rest now
Physical education lesson “Scarlet Flowers”
Our scarlet flowers
(the child joins his palms in the shape of a tulip)
The petals are blooming
(child slowly opens fingers)
The breeze barely breathes, breathes, the petals sway
(the child gently swings his hands from side to side)
Our scarlet flowers cover their petals,
(slowly closes his palms, imitating the shape of a flower)
They shake their heads and quietly fall asleep!
(child randomly shakes *flower head*)

Teacher: Open your notebooks, let's try to write the number 4 in the boxes.
(The guys complete the task, the teacher helps)

Teacher: Good kids, you completed the task! You and I have one last task left. Let's count how many vegetables we have drawn in our notebook and write the corresponding number!
(The guys complete the task, the teacher helps.)

Teacher: Well done! Tired? Shall we rest?!

Hands need care
(arms extended in front of you)
After all, they have a lot to worry about:
It's hard to write all day long
(clench and unclench fists)
And sculpt and draw.
(clap your hands)
We reached up, then
(raise hands up)
Let's spread our arms wider.
(spread arms to the sides)
That's it. End of charging.
Sit down at the table again, guys.
3. Summary
Teacher: Guys, tell me what new did you learn in our lesson today? What new number did we meet today?
Well done! We completed all the tasks! This concludes our lesson, goodbye!

Nomination: Kindergarten, Lesson notes, GCD, mathematics, Secondary group

Position: teacher
Place of work: MKOU "Ivaninskaya Secondary School"
Location: Ivanino village, Kurchatovsky district, Kursk region

Summary of GCD in mathematics in the middle group on the topic “Number 4. Four-legged animals”

Goals: continue to get acquainted with the number and number 4; strengthen the ability to count within 4; develop memory, ability to think logically; strengthen coloring skills; cultivate a desire to express your opinion.

Materials and equipment: pictures depicting the seasons, Dunno doll, figurines of a cow, horse, goat and zebra from the sets “Wild Animals”, “Domestic Animals”, doll from the mathematical theater Princess Four, video presentation “My Favorite Animals”, pictures depicting different numbers of objects, pictures depicting different numbers.

GCD move

Educator : Guys, guess the riddle and tell me what time of year it is now?

Powdered the paths

I decorated the windows,

Gave joy to children

And I went for a sledding ride.

- What other seasons do you know?

- Count how many seasons there are in total?

Winter gave you this one beautiful snowflake. Do you want her to flutter around in our group just as she does on the street? Let's inhale through our noses and blow hard on it.( Breathing exercises)

Dunno comes in and greets the children.

Educator : Guys, Dunno came to visit us. Let's say hello to him!

Dunno: I brought my favorite toys, but I can't count them. Will you help me?

Educator : First, tell me what toys Dunno brought? Can they be called in one word - wild or domestic?

Dunno: Certainly! These are pets! They are at my house!

Educator : Not everything is so simple, Dunno! What do you guys think, which of these animals is wild? Who's home? Why?

Which animals are more numerous - wild or domestic?

How to find out how many toys Dunno has?

How many legs do these animals have?

Show the number 4 on your fingers.( individually)

Dunno: Thanks guys for helping me count my toys! I'm not greedy and I want to play with my animals with you.

Educator : Dunno, I suggest playing the game “What has changed?”

Di. “What has changed?” The teacher places 4 animal figures and invites the children to remember their places. The teacher asks you to close your eyes and swaps the animals’ places.

- Which animals changed places? Where are they now?( the game is repeated 2-3 times)

Dunno: It's time for me to run! Goodbye guys! Can I come to you again? ( Leaves)

Educator : Let's rest a little!


Early morning in the clearing

This is how monkeys frolic:
Left foot: stomp, stomp!

Right foot: stomp, stomp!
Hands up, and down, and up!

Who will rise the highest?

Princess Four appears.

Princess Four: Hello! Do you recognize me? Please name what is shown in the picture.( Number 4)

Let's count the number of objects in these pictures.

— I brought you a small film about animals that I love very much. Want to watch?

Video presentation “My favorite animals”

Educator : Let's do some finger exercises.

Finger gymnastics “Herringbone”

There is a Christmas tree in front of us,

Cones, needles,

Balls, lanterns,

Bunnies and candles,

Stars, people.

Educator : Now let’s show Princess Four how we can work in notebooks.

Work in Solovyova’s notebooks “My Mathematics”

Educator: What interested you most today? In parting, Princess Four invites you to listen song "Merry Count"