How to entertain your baby. What to do with your child: useful ideas for the whole year and for the weekend

Children don't like to be bored. If they have nothing to do, they begin to be capricious, whine, break toys, trail behind their parents and look at them with pleading eyes. Mothers have to constantly come up with ways to entertain their children. Let's talk about how to fill your child's leisure time interesting games, activities, and also manage to carve out some time for yourself.


Babies don't know how to play. In the first year of life, their main need is good and strong relationships with adults. Left alone for more than 5 minutes, the baby feels abandoned.

What entertainment can be offered for children at such a tender age, besides rattles? To develop speech, sing songs more often, recite nursery rhymes, and play finger games with your child. Hang on the walls bright pictures, bring the baby to them and tell them about the images. Change the exposure once a month. Spin to the music while holding your baby in your arms, do fun massages and exercises on a fitball.

After six months, children enjoy playing hide and seek, pats, crumpling paper and scattering cereal into containers. If you give your baby jars of buckwheat, semolina, beans, bells, wooden and regular spoons, you can arrange a home orchestra. Having learned to sit, the child happily rolls a ball or a car, builds a tower with his mother’s help and then brings it down. Baby swings, walkers, and jumpers will help parents allocate a few free minutes for household chores, but try to keep the baby in sight.

How to entertain a one-year-old baby

At this age, children learn to control their body. Very helpful active games throwing a ball, catching up, hide and seek, dancing to music, overcoming an obstacle course. It is important to develop fine motor skills baby. Teach him to draw doodles with pencils, buy finger paints, and make sausages from plasticine and dough. Children also enjoy watching puppet shows performed by their parents. Dramatize simple fairy tales.

How to keep a child busy when mom has a lot to do? Give your baby a box with nylon lids, plastic bottles, bowls, and spoons. Allow us to rattle unbreakable pots and try on old skirts, scarves, shirts and caps. For a one-year-old child toys are not as interesting as real objects. The young technician will enthusiastically destroy an old alarm clock or camera, while his mother will cut vegetables for soup.

Learning to play

Should a parent constantly play the role of an animator, coming up with entertainment for children? While the child is small, this is inevitable. However, already at 2-3 years old you can teach kids to play independently.

Let's see how to do this correctly:

  • Teach your child to play with dolls and cars. Model familiar situations together: going to the store, going to the doctor, feeding, traveling on public transport, etc. Create a variety of scenes, suggest unfamiliar words. When the baby is carried away, leave him alone for a while, giving him a task (cook soup for the bear, put the truck to sleep).
  • To develop your imagination and horizons, read more books, listen to audio fairy tales and act out their plots.
  • Buy simple board games. Let your baby learn to follow the rules, win and lose. He will need this when communicating with peers.
  • If a child spends 5 minutes looking at a caterpillar or touching dirt on a walk, do not disturb him. Encourage any attempt at self-occupation.

Conditions for independent play

There are families in which the children come up with activities for themselves. Parents can do household chores without worrying about how to entertain their children. How to achieve this idyll?

  1. Turn off the TV and put away the tablet. Children quickly become hooked on cartoons, turning into passive spectators. This is convenient for parents, but the development of initiative and imagination in the child is inevitably inhibited.
  2. Designate a place to play. Buy simple toys, leaving room for creativity. Blocks and a teddy bear are much more useful than interactive dolls and radio-controlled cars.
  3. Periodically hide some of the toys, giving out a similar bag with already forgotten bunnies and trucks as a replacement.
  4. Start the game yourself, and then remember about an urgent matter and leave the child alone. Watch him. If the game gets sluggish, join for a while. Offer an unexpected plot development or another activity (plasticine modeling, drawing).
  5. Be sure to praise children when they play on their own. Be happy if your child comes up with an interesting story or builds a complex model using a construction set.

Needs attention

Sometimes children follow their mother's tail and demand entertainment not because they are bored. They are looking for affection and attention. This often happens to kids who spend the whole day in kindergarten. In this case, you can arrange “hugs,” playful fuss, or involve the child in household chores. Let him help you wash vegetables, sort laundry, wipe dust. Be sure to find time to create together.

What crafts can you make with children? Those that will encourage them to independent play. These could be:

  • a dollhouse or a parking lot made of boxes;
  • characters made from plasticine, paper, disposable or wooden spoons, socks, etc. to stage your own performance;
  • a cardboard highway where you can race;
  • TV from a large box in which the baby fits entirely;
  • dolls and animals made of fabric or thread;
  • skittles made from empty plastic bottles;
  • Styrofoam boats that can be launched in the bathtub.

What to do with a sick child?

There are situations in which it is difficult for children to come up with an interesting activity for themselves. For example, illness. When a baby has a high temperature, he has no time to play. But after 2-3 days, your health improves, and high loads are still contraindicated. How to entertain a 6-year-old child at home if he is prescribed bed rest? We offer several options:

  • Read interesting books, listen to audio stories. Try to write a captivating story yourself.
  • If your throat hurts, travel to the land of the deaf and communicate with gestures.
  • Give your child a doctor's kit, toy patients, and play hospital.
  • Put on a puppet show. In the evening, take a lantern and organize a shadow theater.
  • Play a guessing game. Select an object in the room or in the picture. The second player must guess what it is by asking leading questions. You can only answer “yes” or “no”.
  • Organize your workspace with a tray. You can draw on it, cut out paper dolls, glue, sculpt, assemble puzzles and models, and make collages from magazine clippings.

At the dacha

What games can you use to entertain children in the garden where there is no TV, a bag of toys and true friends? It’s great if you have a bicycle, a scooter, an electric car, or a swing. A ball and jump rope are also suitable. Involve dad in building a hut. Give your child his own garden bed to experiment with. Hide toy insects in the area and offer to collect them in a jar.

The cottage is the best place to have fun with water. Fill the pool, give your son a water gun and offer to shoot it down plastic bottles. If you have old sheets around the house, hang them up. Load your weapon with a colored solution and practice “artistic” shooting.

On a trip

A long car journey tires a child very much. It is difficult for him to be in a confined space where he cannot run and jump. What entertaining games for children are suitable in this case?

  • "Traveler's Diary". Give your child a notepad, pen and colored pencils. Offer to draw or describe what struck him most today; Paste in pictures from booklets, photographs, tickets, dried flowers.
  • Radio story. Hand your child a voice recorder and offer to dictate an interesting fairy tale or story.
  • Turn on funny songs and sing them together. You can record your performance on cassette.
  • Recite familiar poems or the alphabet in different voices: loud, soft, fast, slow, squeaky, rough, squeaky, etc.
  • "Grandma's chest." The first player says: “I climbed into the attic and found...” Then any item is called: a gold coin, a beautiful vase, a treasure, a teddy bear, a magic wand. The second player repeats everything said before him and adds his item. This continues until someone gets confused.

If your child has a birthday soon, but there is not enough money for an animator, you will have to organize the celebration yourself. How to entertain children so that the holiday will be remembered for a long time?

  • First, congratulate the birthday person together. To do this, you can sing a song in chorus.
  • To introduce the guys, start with the phrase “I have a friend...”. Next, describe one of the kids present. Whoever guesses first who they are talking about becomes the host.
  • Play a tension-relieving game. Turn on the music and invite the children to dance. When the music stops, you need to complete the presenter's task. For example, say hello to a child who has blue in his clothes. Or smile at a girl with a pigtail.
  • Play the famous outdoor games: "Blind Man's Bluff", "The Sea Is Troubled", "Extra Chair", "Tag". Don't forget about dancing.
  • Give the children a pile of clothes, wigs, noses, ears, mustaches, glasses. Once they've dressed up, have a fun costume show.
  • You can end the evening with a group photo session and the launch of fireworks on the street.

When deciding how to entertain your children, do not overdo it. The child must remain free time which he can carry out at his own discretion. This is how babies learn to accept independent decisions and trust yourself.

1.Play doctor with your child– cure all his favorite stuffed animals. At the same time, discuss the simplest principles of the functioning of the human body.

2. If you are already tired of drawing on paper with paints, invite your child to make painting on milk. Pour milk into a flat plate, drip food coloring or liquid paint from a tube and draw fancy patterns with a toothpick. When the drawing is ready, you can transfer it to paper: carefully lean the sheet against the surface of the milk

3. Make a pattern of holes on a piece of thick cardboard and invite your child to thread shoelaces or thick rope through them. It's possible "draw" a simple pattern or your name.


4. Place ping pong balls, plastic fruit, or other small floating toys in a large bowl of water and offer them to your child. fish them out with a large spoon. By the way, this game perfectly develops coordination.

5. Place several of your child’s favorite small toys in a small bag and ask him determine by touch what is inside. Rubber animal figures are especially suitable for this game.

6. Draw a postcard for all the friends your child especially misses. You can send them by regular mail.

7. Arrange shadow theater!

8. If the child does not have a fever, and he is ready to jump and jump with all his might, create elements of a playground in the apartment. For example, make hopscotch on the floor using colored electrical tape or paper tape.

9. Bake magic cookies for recovery together with your child - choose a special recipe and remember it only when your baby needs support for a quick recovery.


10. Make a whimsical one together. cardboard lamp: Take a rectangular piece of thick paper and stamp a design with a thin, sharp object. Then fasten the cardboard to form a cylinder, and place a small flashlight or battery-powered candle inside. In the light of such a magical lamp, you can hug and keep secrets for a long time.

11. Cut some raw potato stamps. If you have textile paints at home, your child can “print” a cool T-shirt for himself. However, stamping a notebook is also a fun activity.

13.Build with your child house made of pillows and blankets, in which he can read his favorite books himself or with you for hours.

14. Do memory development game. To do this, draw pairs of simple objects on cardboard cards - cars, flowers, stars, etc. Shuffle the cards, place them face down and open them 2 at a time. If the pictures do not match, close the cards. If they match, add them to your pile. The task is to remember where the cards with the same pictures are located. Start the game with 5 paired pictures and gradually increase their number.

15. Make a feeder for birds. When the baby recovers, you will go outside together and hang it on a tree.


16. Play with your child homemade basketball: take a regular bucket and teach your baby to hit it with “balls” made of paper.

17. Write encrypted letter. To do this, soak a brush in milk and draw or write down whatever you want. There will be no traces left on the paper. Iron the letter in front of the child - voila, everything secret will become clear.

18. Give it a try draw with unusual objectscotton swabs, foam sponge, old toothbrush or comb with teeth, pieces of lace, thick thread.

19. Turn your apartment into a treasure island: hide in secluded corners small toys and encourage your child to look for them by drawing him a map or giving him clues like “2 steps forward, 2 left, hot, cold.”

20. Turn on audio fairy tales. Then invite your child to draw or mold the main characters from plasticine.

Reading time: 8 minutes.

The most important thing a child needs is love and mutual understanding. In the modern age of high technology, people really lack live, measured communication. Therefore, it is very important to communicate with children; such interaction is effective during the game. Let's imagine that the weather has made adjustments to your daily schedule, and you are left alone with your baby. Game ideas can come in handy if you are organizing a children's party or evening.

Joint activities with children are a better way to spend time

Ideas for joint activities need to be recorded; for some reason, at the most necessary moment, all the ideas do not come to mind, and children are not used to waiting and preparing for a game for a long time.

Games for the little ones

Entertainment for older kids

  • How to engage children at home, if you have printed photos, then ask your child to put them into groups: where only the baby, mom or dad are. The child will develop visual perception and object grouping skills.
  • If a relative's birthday, such as a grandparent's, is coming up, you can entertain your child with a collaboration collage. To implement the idea, you need to print out your joint photos and cut out your favorite illustrations from the magazine. There will be no limit to the birthday boy’s happiness; your child will be busy doing useful things at home.

    Creating collages from photos. pictures and scraps can captivate you for a long time

  • If you have a large collection of magnets on your refrigerator, you can ask the children to sort them, for example, choose only animals, cities, letters and numbers. Children are happy to clean up the mess and then sort things. Children with a creative mindset can be asked to compose a fairy tale in which the main actors there will be magnets for the refrigerator. It’s very interesting when the kid comes up with the plot himself, voices the characters, and rearranges the actors. During the game, you can find out the desires and fears of the child; such an activity will make you look at the child with different eyes.

    Fridge magnets always attract children.

  • If you are good at drawing, then you can compose a children's fairy tale together with your child; the child will feel very proud when you consult him on how best to draw the main characters. The main idea should be traced in the plot of a fairy tale; teach children through a fairy tale to assimilate common truths, concepts of good and evil, friendship, betrayal.

    Role-playing games are so much fun

Very interesting option for children role playing games, where you can entertain each other by exchanging roles with the children, play school, hospital, veterinary clinic, atelier, store. Inventory can always be found in household. With such entertainment, games pass easily, naturally, for a long time.

Collaborative crafts

If you have the skills to make crafts, you and your children can make a real puppet theater or a doll with joints; for making it you will need the simplest available materials; such a toy can be easily transformed and developed. If the weather hasn't changed the next day, you know how to entertain your baby.

Crafts from pasta and cereals - hold a competition to see who can come up with the best idea

If you have a lot of cardboard boxes, you can start building a house. It will be interesting for both girls and boys. Creative thought has no limits; you can build your own multi-storey house, develop the layout of rooms and the interior. If you have building materials left after renovation, it would be nice to find a use for them, especially since you won’t need a lot of them to equip a toy house.

This activity is very interesting, you can wallpaper the walls, draw pictures, sew curtains, make small dolls.

Water activities

If you don’t have lighting, you can try making an original candle using cardboard and a flashlight. Make a cylinder out of cardboard and apply a pattern to the side surface using a hole punch or needle. Different paintings can shine on the walls of the apartment. In such an environment, you can try to organize a shadow theater; children are always very fascinated by it.

A homemade bottle feeder will be a source of pride

If your child loves animals and birds, then you can try making a bird feeder with him. It is advisable that dad participate in this. Such a house can be hung in the yard or park, every time you walk you can pour seeds and bread crumbs into the feeder. This way you will develop a sense of compassion in your child.

If you are in the kitchen, you can make paintings and crafts from cereals and pasta. For creativity, you will need a board with a layer of plasticine; on it you can depict the plot of a fairy tale or a story you have invented. You can make a set of beads and a bracelet from pasta. If you have food coloring or paints on hand, color your crafts in different colors. The kid will be delighted, this is how a whole exhibition is organized.

If you have a balcony, you can organize the launch of soap bubbles. This activity captivates not only children, but also adults. Just try to keep the wind away from the neighbors’ balconies. Nobody wants to clean soap stains from glass.

Ice crafts are very easy to make

An interesting direction of creativity is work based on ice. Just collect flowering and green plants on the street, form a composition, add water, add a little food coloring for a rich color. Of course, such work has a limited lifespan, but you can take a photo of the craft as a keepsake.

In the refrigerator, you can freeze water in balloons with food coloring added. Once the mixture is frozen, simply cut the balls. As a result, you get multi-colored ice balls.

Make snowflakes for the Christmas tree with your child

Up close New Year's holidays you can decorate your apartment, make snowflakes and lanterns. Often winter weather doesn’t always make us happy, so it’s time to start creating comfort on the eve of the New Year holidays. You can find many instructions for making crafts. It is very pleasant for a child to see the fruits of his creativity at home.

Give your child a magnifying glass - he will find something to do on his own

If you are interested in yoga, then you can conduct classes with your child at home; such exercises will not cause inconvenience to your neighbors, but you will be busy with physical activity. On the Internet and through children's channels you can find a whole course of classes for children. You will become a wonderful example for your child.

If you know how to play a musical instrument, then it’s time to teach your child this. Perhaps the first sounds at home will not be particularly melodious, but an example of a beautiful game will awaken the child’s interest. The kid will ask you to enroll him in a music school.

Board games are a great way to spend time

At home you can entertain your child with board games, intellectual development always held in high esteem. Using your game as an example, you will teach your child tricks; while playing with peers, this will increase the chance of success.

Children are a good shake-up for the parent's mind, imagination and creativity! Agree - we, parents, need to be constantly on guard, our brain must constantly work in order to once again distract from a forbidden item or come up with a way to put a jacket on a running child. Very often we have to figure out what to do with our child. Yes, it is very important to leave the child alone so that he learns to invent games on his own, so that he can explore the world on his own. But there are times when he really needs us. This list interesting activities for children will help you, inspire you, add joy and diversify your daily life.

Interesting ideas for keeping a bored baby occupied:

  1. Build a castle or hut from home furniture, blankets, pillows, etc.
  2. Make a card or write a letter to your grandmother, godmother, cousin, etc.
  3. Make paper dolls and clothes for them.
  4. Take a magnet and play metal detector. Search the entire house for metal.
  5. Play with roulette. Measure everything in the house with its help.
  6. Throw a disco with some naughty music.
  7. Clean the bathroom, wash the mirror with a sponge and soap, and wash the sink with the same sponge.
  8. Paint. There are many ideas for unusual drawing. You can take a look here: .
  9. Make a cardboard house or work hard on cardboard box to make something interesting out of it. Find ideas here: .
  10. Learn a poem, tongue twister or counting rhyme.
  11. Look at the clouds and look for different images in them.
  12. Do origami. First, make an airplane and a boat. Find more complex ideas here: .
  13. Decorate. This is also good way relieve stress.
  14. Hide the “treasure” for dad and draw a map of the apartment, which he will use to look for this treasure in the evening.
  15. Make a home puppet theater.
  16. Clean up the room. To the music, while playing, sort toys, wash the floor.
  17. Make up a fairy tale.
  18. Make a collage by cutting out pictures from old newspapers and magazines.
  19. Prepare lunch with mom.
  20. Start marking important dates on the calendar.
  21. Freeze juice or pieces of fruit.
  22. Play a board game.
  23. Decorate old t-shirt using buttons, fabric markers, beads.
  24. Read.
  25. Plant the seeds in a pot and start caring for them.
  26. Make a bird feeder.
  27. Blow bubbles.
  28. Play in a store, restaurant, create a zoo out of toys.

Many parents often wonder: what to do with their child in the evening? What can you play? And it seems that there are not so many games or that they have all already been played. In fact, there is always something to do. The main thing is to use your imagination and have fun.

Children love active games, so I suggest them to top the list:

  • Hide and seek . Children love to play this game. But it is better to play it if you have a large house or apartment. Although, if you wish, you can do it in a small one. Children often hide in plain sight; your task is to look for them as long as possible, preferably with comments. Everyone will laugh: both children and parents. It's always very funny what happens.
  • Game with balloons . Place a chair at the end of the room (if there are many children, then two chairs). The child should hold a medium-sized balloon between his knees, walk to the chair, walk around it and return to the starting position. If there are several children, then you can arrange a competition to see who can complete the task faster. On children's party, divide the children into teams and let them compete. If adults take part in such a game, children will simply be delighted.
  • Save your friends . Your favorite toys are suitable for this game. My boys have a set of puppies from " PAW Patrol"and robot cars Poly, Amber, Roy and Helly. I hide them in different places, and the children’s task is to find and save them. Dolls, robots, cars are also suitable. In general, anything, the main thing is to hide it as much as possible. If there are several children, you can arrange a competition: whoever finds the most wins.
  • Piggy toy (turtle, lion cub, dog, etc.). We take any soft toy, turn on funny music and throw the toy to each other. Then we suddenly turn off the music, and whoever has the toy in his hands must reproduce the natural sound of this animal. This game is good to play with a large group of children, especially on birthdays. You can also include adults - it will be doubly interesting for children.
  • Home bowling . If you don't have a bowling kit, you can easily make one yourself. To do this, you will need plastic bottles, preferably of the same capacity and a medium-sized ball. I think there will definitely be a ball in a house where there are children. The game is active and interesting, and also helps develop accuracy.
  • Fashion show . Not only girls, but also boys love to play this game. Organize the day " high fashion", without leaving home. You can invite friends or neighbors with children to visit so that there are more people and “models”, it will be much more fun.
  • Obstacle course . Create an obstacle course using available materials. For example, you can cut out “swamp hummocks” or “narrow bridge” from paper or cardboard. Stretch the rope, and the children must walk along it without tripping. Pile up pillows for them to climb over. In general, be smart and use items available around the house, but do not forget about safety.
  • “The sea is agitated once...” Fun game from my childhood. There should be a lot of children playing this game. The presenter says the following phrase: “The sea is worried once, the sea is worried twice, the sea is worried three times, a sea figure (sports, fairy tale, construction, any, etc.) figure, freeze in place.” Children must freeze in a certain position, depicting some kind of profession. The presenter must guess who is in front of him. If someone depicts an incorrect figure or a non-existent profession, then this child becomes the leader, and the leader takes his place.
  • Guess who it is . Everyone sits on chairs or on the sofa, and one child goes to the center of the room and begins to imitate someone with gestures. Children must guess who is in front of them. Whoever guessed right goes to the center of the room and makes a wish next task. For children preschool age You can write in advance on a piece of paper who to show, so that it is easier for them, and they can show characters known to their age. Older children can easily cope on their own.
  • Pirate treasure . This game will require a little preparation. You need to draw a map on a piece of paper, marking the location of the treasure on it (leave candy or fruit for the children at the treasure location), cut it into several parts and hide it around the apartment. Then, using riddles or competitions (preferably both), children must assemble the entire map from the pieces and find the treasure. My six year old boys are ready to play this every day.
  • Hike . You can play camping without leaving your home. Pitch a tent in the center of the room, climb into the tent with the children and tell stories interesting stories. You can turn off the lights in the room and use a flashlight. Don't forget to bring food with you: fruit, cookies, drink or tea in a thermos. Children will simply be delighted with this trip.
  • Edible - not edible . For this game you only need a ball. Take turns throwing the ball to the children and calling out something edible or not. And the child must catch the edibles, and not fight off the edibles or simply not catch them.
  • Tasting . Arrange for children to taste drinks or foods. Pour different liquids into four or five glasses: tea, kefir, juice, milk, compote, just water. Blindfold your child and let him guess what he drank. Or cut the fruit into small pieces, stick it on skewers and let the child (blindfolded) try it, and he must name what it is.
  • Cooking . You can cook dinner with your children. For example, stick dumplings or dumplings. The main thing is that children take an active part in modeling. My kids (all of them!) love helping me in the kitchen, especially making dough. Together we make not only dumplings and dumplings, but also pies, pizza, even cakes.
  • Disco . If you don’t want to come up with anything or don’t have enough time to organize something interesting, offer the children a disco. My children love to dance and we often have dances. But not just dancing, but, for example, with balloons or soap bubbles. Believe me, you will have an unforgettable evening by organizing a children's disco, and recharge yourself with positive energy for the next few days.

Educational and intellectual games

Active games are good, but you need to develop not only physically.

And the best way to do this is in the form of a game:

  1. We sculpt figures from plasticine or special modeling dough . By the way, you can make it yourself: half a glass of salt, half a glass of water and flour. You need to knead until the resulting mass does not stick. The dough figures can be left until completely dry, and then painted the next evening.
  2. We draw with paints, pencils, felt-tip pens . You can invite your child to draw a specific something, for example, a forest or a river. My children make their own cards. From white or colored cardboard, they first fold and cut out the shape of a postcard, and then paint it as you like.
  3. Offer children coloring books . Many children love to draw. You can participate in this by discussing with your child what to paint and what color.
  4. Game of shadows . Take a flashlight and turn off the light, using your hands to draw different shapes. Ask your child to repeat something you showed. If that doesn’t work, let him try to impersonate someone himself.
  5. Puzzles . Great game for the whole family. The larger the puzzle, the more interesting it is. We recently bought a 1500 piece puzzle and spent the whole evening putting it together with the whole family. Then the children had already gone to bed, and my husband and I could not calm down until we had completely assembled it.
  6. Children's crosswords.
  7. Find the differences . A game of attentiveness. Buy a difference book that is appropriate for your child's age and have fun playing with it.
  8. Mosaics, constructors, wooden cubes – everything is suitable for realizing your fantasy. You can use a constructor to build a city or a farm, and customize many different buildings. If you don't have enough construction sets, cubes and other construction toys will help.
  9. Twenty sticks . Place 20 pencils or markers on the table. Two players take turns taking one, two or three sticks. The one who has to take the last pencil or felt-tip pen loses.
  10. This game is suitable for school age children : choose a long phrase, any one. For example, “building structure” or “sports competition”. From these words, children should make short words. More the better. Then the words are read out one by one. If any words match, they are crossed out and no points are awarded. For each non-repeating word - 2 points. The one who earns the most points wins.
  11. Field of Miracles . There are several options for the game: you can play according to the gallows principle, that is, we think of a word and write dashes or squares instead of it, and the children guess. The winner will receive a prize (candy, apple, etc.). You can make an improvised drum, like in “Field of Miracles”. But for this you will need: a spinning top, cardboard, paper, scissors, in general, a lot of things. Such a game without preliminary preparation you won't play. Using the same principle, you can play the game “What? Where? When?”, having prepared questions in advance.
  12. Shop or library . Lay out books or toys, write “prices” on pieces of paper and let the child sell or buy the goods. If he sells, then let him tell you what the book is about and count the money. If he buys it, then you tell the child what the book is about. Perhaps after such a game the child will want to read. If you play library, then let the child “advise” what you should take to read in the library and why, why this particular book is interesting. It would be nice if the child also names the author (for older children).
  13. Play hospital kindergarten, school . Let the child be a teacher or a doctor, and you a student or a patient. In this game you will show your child an example of how to be a diligent student and an obedient patient who is not afraid of the doctor. Of course, it’s good if there are several children, but it’s also possible for two. Or involve your dad, grandma, and grandpa in the game.
  14. Great if you know the art of origami . If not, then you can simply cut out different figures from paper (let the child cut it out, and you just help), and make appliqués.
  15. Board games . We have a great board game that we play as a family. It's called "Erudite". 120 questions on various topics. For each correct answer (answers are attached) the player receives a letter. The first one to collect the word “Erudition” wins.

In addition to all of the above, there are also a huge number of different games: tic-tac-toe, sea ​​battle, cities, children's dominoes and others. In any children's store there is a lot board games for every taste. There are really a lot of them. I offered you the most popular ones in our family. I hope they will help you spend more interesting time with your children. You can invent games yourself, just use your imagination and involve your children in inventing them . They are great inventors!