How to instill in children a love of sports and a healthy lifestyle. How to instill in children a love of sports and a healthy lifestyle He showed you how to be tough

Not all parents understand how to teach a child to sports, especially if the baby himself does not show much interest in sports. active pursuits. To begin with: if the cult of gadgets, TV reigns in your house, computer toys replace leisure and live communication, then it will be quite difficult to accustom a child. This does not mean that the computer is completely contraindicated for children, as grandmothers and representatives of the older generation in general, who are suspicious of such novelties, can tell about this today.

At the age of two, a crisis begins in children, manifested in constant tantrums, the nature of which parents do not understand. But you need to calm the baby and this does not always work. This causes negative emotions in mom and dad, which makes the situation even more difficult. The article provides nine tips on how to behave with a child during a tantrum.

It is a well-known fact that children and pets get along very well. Most kids just love kittens, puppies, hamsters and guinea pigs. There are families where from generation to generation it is already customary to have pets in the house. From birth, a child is in the company of four-legged friends, and cannot even imagine what happens differently.

Your children have probably already heard the news about the coronavirus and may even have had time to get scared. It is not surprising, because the children's perception of the world is different from the judgments of an adult. Especially when a school or kindergarten is closed for quarantine and nothing is explained. This causes fear, panic and speculation. But you can be a trusted source of information for your child, and here are 7 tips to help you calmly talk to your child about the coronavirus.

The transitional age in boys does not go smoothly. Most often, the main problem is dissatisfaction with one's own appearance. There are no ideal people. There is no single answer to the question, is it easy to be a teenager? During puberty, the perception of one's own appearance acquires negative character. This stage is a kind of strength test. The boy is confronted for the first time with his own psychological contradictions.

The family is the strongest unit of society, connected by blood ties. Someone grows up in a large family and suffers from a lack of parental love, and someone is an only child who does not know the happiness of having a brother or sister. And at least once in life, everyone wondered whether it is better to grow up alone or with brothers and sisters. He pondered and guessed how his life would have turned out if his parents had given birth (or, on the contrary, had not given birth) to more children.

Pros of having a brother or sister

Fortunately, there are many benefits to having a brother or sister! Both on the part of older brothers and sisters, and on the part of the younger ones. To make it easier to understand this point, first of all, you should consider the advantages that are obvious to the elders, and only then move on to the younger ones.

Pros of having a younger brother or sister:

  • Blood ties. This is the most important plus of all! Of course, in early age this is not so important, and some even neglect this plus. But over the years, an awareness of life, material values ​​and spiritual ties will come, when every year more and more relatives and friends will leave this world, and friends will begin to betray. All this will be much easier to survive if there is a brother or sister in life who will support and help in difficult times.
  • You can forget about boredom and loneliness. There will always be someone to talk to before going to bed, play, run, fool around. You don't have to spend winter or summer holidays alone in four walls. Even getting sick together will be much more fun than alone. And if the children are same-sex with a slight age difference, it’s absolutely fabulous: any girl would be happy to have a sister, she can be dressed up in a bright dress, make her beautiful hairstyle, put on a bunch of jewelry and even make up. Girls can become best friends, because for the most part they have similar interests. The boys will build together, fight, make noise and rowdy. They will climb impassable places together, tear jeans on their knees together, will do dirty tricks and break them.
  • There is someone to blame. This is, of course, a tricky plus, but still a plus. When there is a person with whom you can share the blame and not get the full from your parents, it is always nice.
  • Segregation of duties. This is one of the most pleasant pluses for older brothers and sisters. Now, when there are two, three or more children in the family, all household responsibilities can be distributed equally.
  • New feelings. Younger brothers or sisters will teach you to love in a new way, appreciate, pity and support, help you to be kinder and more caring. With them, you can experience real pride and joy not only from your own merits, but also from others.
  • Refresh memories. If a younger brother or a much younger sister, then such an experience will help you remember yourself as young. It will give you the opportunity to look at your relationship with your parents from a different perspective and, perhaps, help improve them. After all, when you see a problem from the outside, it is easier to analyze it and understand who is actually right. It will also help you communicate with your own children.

Pros of having an older brother or sister:

Cons of having a brother or sister

Have loved one it is always good in the face of a brother or sister, but in such a relationship one can find its drawbacks. Of course, they are not global, but still there are.

Cons of having a brother or sister:

  • Responsibility and supervision. When a new family member arrives, the older children usually take responsibility for the younger ones and look after them. Which is very annoying to older brothers and sisters. When you really want freedom, and your parents force you to babysit the children. But sometimes, it also happens vice versa that the younger ones, having matured, are responsible for the actions of the elders.
  • Conflicts. There are always conflicts between sisters and brothers. For example, quarrels over undivided or broken toys and things, swearing over the choice of games and cartoons. Sometimes even siblings can annoy each other and complain to their parents about the other's misdeeds. The moments are especially acute when one of them is superior in something to the others and envy originates from here.
  • Lack of parental attention. When a child is alone, then all parental love goes only to him, the child bathes in it. And if there are several children in the family, then purely physically the parents fail to pay due attention to each of them. Children, in turn, often take it personally, thinking that their parents do not love them. But actually it is not.
  • Set as an example. In a family where there are many children, parents often have a favorite method of education to set older brothers and sisters as an example. More often than not, this is more annoying than helpful.
  • Share. Everyone has to share, this is of course useful for the individual, but sometimes you really want to eat a whole apple or a chocolate bar yourself. Or be the sole owner of some typewriter or doll. And at an older age, you will also have to share financial assistance from your parents and their benefits.

In real life, and not on paper, things are much more complicated. Much depends on the parents themselves. How they communicate with each other, how they talk to children and how they help resolve their conflicts. Therefore, it makes no sense to worry about how many children are in the family, the main thing is to love them and show your care as often as possible.

An older brother is like a sweet and sour candy that you never get enough of. Even if sometimes he makes you wince, you will never give up on him.

He teases and can drive you crazy, but he also loves and protects you. Therefore, we offer here a list of 20 benefits that will remind girls how good it is to have an older brother.

1. He taught you how to understand men.

Men are often difficult to deal with, but a girl who has an older brother can understand them better. From the moment a girl falls in love for the first time, her older brother helps her get through the many misunderstandings and trials that come at the beginning of a relationship.

If you have an older brother, his advice will help you avoid heartache in your relationship. Or at least he will help you get through it.

2. He taught you patience

How younger sister, you are probably well acquainted with the pranks and games that boys are so attracted to. Therefore, it is the brother who needs to be thanked for teaching you how to be patient. Whether it's motherhood, parenting, or interacting with other men, you learn not to get angry over trifles or get upset too easily.

3. He showed you how to be tough.

Girls who have older brothers most often know how to be a good fighter. Naturally, in the figurative sense of the word. You have learned how to stand up for yourself and make yourself heard. You have learned not to let anyone push you around.

Fighting fights that you probably had with your brother as a child taught you to be strong and never give up. He may be stronger than you, but you know what cunning is.

4. He opened the sport for you

For many young girls, it was with their older brother that the obsession with sports or some sports teams began. If you're an avid sports fan, chances are you have a lot of memories of watching those games with your brother.

5. He taught you about competition.

Having an older brother is very good, because he was the one who taught you how to compete with the rest. When you start building your career, this skill will come in very handy.

The older brother gave you the understanding that there is strong competition in the world, and it is men who often win. He also helped you develop self-esteem and leadership qualities.

6. He taught me to control my emotions.

It's no secret that girls are more emotional than boys. But girls who grew up with boys have learned to keep their emotions in check. You have learned how to move on. And, most likely, having an older brother means that you have learned to play the role of comforter in difficult or tragic situations.

7. He showed you what a real knight is.

Big brothers teach their little sisters exactly how men should treat them. You, of course, noticed how he treats your mother or his girlfriend, and this has become a kind of standard for you. You will apply it to all the men who want to ask you out.

8. He will always protect you.

Sometimes a girl needs the protection of her older brother. Men always take on the role of protector when it comes to the welfare of their little sisters. So you don't have to worry about some creepy men as your brother will always take care of you.

9. He feels responsible

As a younger sister, you may not always realize that you are forcing your brother to be responsible for what he does. Since he knows that you are looking up to him, he most likely will not do all the stupid things that boys usually do. Perhaps only some of them.

10. You became his personal stylist

Most likely, you are responsible for how your older brother looks. It's no secret that men often don't know how to dress, so little sisters often take on the role of stylist for their older brother.

11. You taught him empathy

An older brother cannot be angry with his sister for a long time or be upset because of her. In this regard, you have taught him compassion and forgiveness since childhood. No matter what you do, big brother will always have a place in his heart for you.

12. You never need a man's help.

We all know that life can be too busy. Regardless of what exactly needs to be done, the fact that you have an older brother means that you will never need the help of a man. He will always be there to help you get through the tough stuff (in the truest sense of the word).

13. You will always have enough men to date.

Most girls want to get married. But to find good man it gets too difficult. If you have an older brother, then you will always have a steady stream of suitors. Some may be his friends, others may be those who want to get to know you through him. In any case, when it comes to dating, having an older brother can be very helpful.

14. You teach him to understand girls.

Men generally don't know much about girls. So you have to teach him how to talk, how to woo a girl. Whenever he has problems with his significant other, he will turn to you for advice. He has become a source of knowledge for you about other guys, so you should thank him in kind. So the older brother will learn to trust his little sister.

15. He taught you how to defend yourself properly.

AT modern world It is especially important for girls to know how to protect themselves. Therefore, if you know how to use any weapon for self-defense, you learned about it from your older brother.

16. He took the brunt of parenting

It means that, perhaps, not entirely successful methods of raising your parents were tried on your brother. When you appeared, their methods became more refined and correct.

If you have an older brother, it means that your parents were not so strict with you.

17. He taught you what's cool

From a young age, a girl may turn to her older brother, who seems to have more experience and knowledge. For example, it can teach you how to navigate pop culture or world events. Therefore, an older brother is like a door to everything new in this world.

18. He can help you financially

Older brothers often take on the role of a father if they need to help their little sister. Including financially.

If he's older, he's most likely already working, so you can always ask him for money if mom and dad say no.

19. He taught you to laugh at yourself.

Life is serious enough, but it is the big brother who can teach you how to take it with humor. Guys often play tricks on each other. It is possible that you were part of these jokes. It taught you not to take life too seriously and to laugh at yourself.

20. You can always cry on his shoulder

Your brother, as a protector, will always listen to you when you need a vest to cry on. You can always count on him and you will not hear criticism or condemnation in your address. This is the glue that holds brother and sister together.

If you take an interest in families, it turns out that there are many obstacles to the birth of children: housing disorder, low salaries and their instability (and children require money), uncertainty about the future, health, career (especially a woman’s career), study, etc. Interestingly, in the past, problems with housing and low family income did not affect fertility as much. But we can agree: times are changing, and I want the child to get all the best, and not look with envy at the neighbor's kids with radio-controlled cars and mobile phones. In addition, cotton sweatpants, in which millions of people used to run physical education lessons during developed socialism, can now only cause cruel mockery. And this, of course, is also significant. However, surprisingly, most often it is not the financial or career reason for “small children” that is most often called, but the point is that the only child in the family can be given more attention, he will get everything, everything, the most, he will grow up successful and happy a person, because if there is not enough time for two children, then there will be a whole carriage for one of them. In addition, the only child is spared from neurosis associated with jealousy for younger or older children, he can be sure that the family loves him, that he is the best for his parents (of course, because there are no competitors). It seems that everything is logical, everything is correct. But every medal has a flip side, and this one is no exception. The main social circle of an only child is adults. And this means that a certain stereotype is initially formed in the baby, which, alas, his peers do not fall under. And when a child finds himself in the company of other children (and sooner or later this happens - either Kindergarten, or school), he is simply lost. The only child does not know how to get acquainted with other children, he does not even know how to play with them: after all, games with adults and games between children are two big differences. Children are much more aggressive in the game, and the only child was taught that the game is safe, painless, and no one will push, hit ... Usually, the only children are distinguished by a more developed intellect, a broader outlook than children from large families. Naturally, after all, all the forces of parents, all their upbringing, developmental and educational impulses are directed to one child, and not to several. This, of course, is a plus. But a minus is inextricably linked with a plus: it is difficult for an only child to communicate with peers, they literally speak different languages. And the fact that problems with making acquaintances and friendships with peers are added to this only adds to the loneliness of the only child. A more developed intellect "jokes" with the child even more cruelly. After all, in a society of parents who are proud of the achievement of their offspring, he is used to the fact that this intelligence must be constantly manifested. However, such behavior in the society of peers leads to the fact that they begin to consider him a smart-ass who constantly “shows off”. In order to achieve respect among peers, an only child has to work long and hard. And yet he feels lonely, even when his efforts bear fruit. The only child has an authoritarian style of communication, which does not add to his popularity among peers. Authoritarianism is due to the fact that in his family he is usually number one - after all, he is the only one! Unique! He automatically strives for the role of a leader - he is used to it in the family, but among his peers he is not at all considered exclusive, and this leads to a certain confusion (the usual behavioral stereotype does not work!) and exacerbates loneliness. In relations with parents, the only child is also not all right and smooth. The problem lies in its uniqueness. So, he alone must justify all the hopes of his parents. You can often observe how an only child is sent to a music school and a choreographic school at the same time, they are taken to an art studio, to a chess club, etc. Each of the parents, remembering the dreams of his childhood, tries to realize them in the child. But there is only one baby, but there are so many dreams. The pressure of parental dreams is great. It is very often the cause of various neurotic disorders in a child. There are also suicide attempts - because of the inability to justify the expectations placed on the child. Usually, only children grow up into adults who are very successful in terms of professional activities and career growth, but not very successful in interpersonal relationships. They still carry their loneliness as an only child through life, even if they get married and get married. By the way, marriages of only children often break up precisely because of communication problems, due to the fact that only children are accustomed to the role of leader and are practically incapable of compromise. It is good if the second partner is ready to give up leadership and compromise. Well, if not, the case ends in divorce. If there is more than one child in the family, many of the problems that only children suffer from are eliminated. There can be no talk of excessive guardianship, because parents should divide their attention between several children. There are also no problems in communicating with peers, in interpersonal relationships - children learn this in the family. There is no too heavy pressure of parental dreams either - after all, these dreams are “smeared” on several children, and it is much easier for each of them to transfer that piece of “choreography” that fell to his lot. In general, children from families with multiple children are happier and freer than single children. Older children are usually able to show the same professional and career results as the only ones. But the younger ones are more successful in the personal sphere. Yes, every parent wants their child to have everything. The very best. But it would be nice to think a little about the child. After all, it is not in vain that so many single children are asked to “buy” a brother or sister for them. The results of surveys conducted by Czech psychologists are interesting. 45% of the parents of the first child rated the changes that have taken place in the family as positive. But with the appearance of the second baby, the indicator of "positivity" was already 70%. True, the appearance of a third child was recognized as positive only by 54% of parents. One child is too little (for a child), three is too stressful (for parents). Well, two is just right! An optimum, a compromise on which fathers and children can agree.