How to use women's eau de toilette correctly. Perfume will smell longer and more pleasant if applied correctly.

😉 Greetings to my regular readers and new site guests! The article gives advice on how to use perfume correctly and where its use is inappropriate according to etiquette. “Time will pass and you will forget what a woman was wearing, but the smell of her perfume will remain in your memory for a long time.” Christian Dior

What is perfume

Perfume is the general name for perfumes and colognes. Perfumes (fragrances) first appeared in Ancient Egypt, but France is still considered the birthplace of perfumes.

  1. Perfume - concentration essential oils 15-30%, dissolved in almost pure alcohol. Fragrance lasts up to 6 hours.
  2. Eau de parfum - “day perfume” (15-20%). Aroma - up to 4 hours.
  3. Eau de toilette - contains about 4-10% essential oils dissolved in alcohol. It differs from perfume in a less persistent aroma. The smell lasts up to 4 hours.
  4. Cologne (Eau de Cologne) - contains 70% alcohol and up to 5% aromatic substances. An analogue of eau de toilette with a lower content of essential oils.
  5. Cologne for women “fresh water” (eau fraiche) -3% essential oils. Durability is minimal - up to 1 hour.

Pleasant, suitable for a person and a situation, the aroma has always been a sign of delicate taste and a fairly high social status. To enjoy your favorite perfume, you should sometimes change it to a different, but similar scent.

This fragile aromatic substance does not tolerate heat at all. And under the influence of bright light and sunlight, perfumes completely decompose and acquire bad smell. Ideal conditions storage - a dry and cool place, but not a refrigerator.

The optimal storage temperature is 20-25 C. It will be enough to put the perfume in a wardrobe or chest of drawers.

Fragrances manifest differently on each skin type. The choice of perfume is determined by personal taste. There are spirits of the season. “Cold” aromas (fresh, light) - for summer. For winter - “warm” (rich). The same applies to the time of day. During the day - light floral and citrus aromas, for the evening - sweet, musky.

Secret for men: remember that women are delicate creatures. They often make choices based on olfactory emotions and prefer men who smell good.

How to apply perfume correctly

“Who owns the smells, owns the hearts of people” Patrick Suskind “Perfumer”

  • the most important rule is to keep it in moderation;
  • First of all, you should take into account the specific case, time of day and time of year;
  • a woman going to a party may wear more perfume than a woman going to work;
  • apply perfume only to clean skin 2-3 drops on the part of the body where the veins are located (pulsation). The skin in these places is the warmest, and its warmth “reveals” the aroma more fully;
  • these are the wrists and elbows, shoulders. And also the jugular fossa (on the neck, between the collarbones), the carotid artery on the neck, temples;
  • another point is behind the earlobes, at the roots of the hair: the smell lasts there the longest.

Mistakes when using perfume

  • try not to mix flavors. Do not apply fragrances to stale skin. Perfume on the body only after a shower (we wash away sweat and city dust);
  • do not rub the applied aroma by moving your wrist against your wrist;
  • Do not use the bottle cap to apply the fragrance. There will definitely be particles of sebum left on it. Penetrating into the bottle, the fat will disrupt the complex perfume composition. The result can be a very unpleasant odor. You can use a thin plastic rod or toothpick;
  • don’t pour half the bottle on yourself, think about those around you;
  • Do not spray perfume on clothes - the smell is distorted and stains remain;
  • give up perfume when going to the gym, the beach, or a medical facility. This is inappropriate in a train compartment or on an airplane;
  • try not to choke before eating. By doing this, you can ruin the meal for yourself and those around you;
  • A scent that is too strong can be interpreted as an invitation to intimacy. The delicate Japanese are aware of this, so they do not want to disturb others and rarely wear perfume;
  • Once, in a Paris subway car, the French made a remark to my friend about the thick smell of perfume. He was told to his face that this was bad manners and he needed to think about others! He was ashamed 🙁

Good perfume will always lift your spirits! And when good mood, a person enjoys life and lives longer! I will be glad if this short article was useful to you. Friends, leave feedback on the article “How to use perfume correctly: tips.” Share this information on social networks. 🙂 See you again!

Let's start with the first piece of advice, which is the most popular and the one you want to challenge first. Most often you can hear the recommendation to apply perfume to your wrist. Before following this advice, let's look at its obvious disadvantages. First, the wrist often has a watch with a leather strap or bracelet. When perfume interacts with the bracelet material, even if it is just metal, the quality of the notes of your favorite scent may noticeably suffer.

Secondly, the wrists are very close to the hands, which we wash regularly throughout the day. If water or soap gets on the skin in the area where we applied our perfume, this will also negatively affect the clarity of the perfume. You can, of course, take special measures to eliminate the possibility of your wrists coming into contact with environmental objects, but why monitor this every day if you can simply apply perfume to another more suitable place. Moreover, the skin of the inside of the wrists itself is not suitable for applying fragrance. The surface acidity in this part of the body is increased, and this will significantly affect the chemical composition of the perfume.

In addition to the wrists, it is often suggested to use an area on the head hidden from prying eyes - small dimples behind the ears. From an anatomical point of view, not far from these points in the neck are the tonsils, which are part of the lymphatic system. This system is designed to remove all kinds of waste substances and other debris from the body. If you pay attention, a certain amount of discharge constantly forms on the skin in the area of ​​the tonsils. They are characterized by their own smell and in combination even with expensive perfumes can result in a rather strange combination. We especially do not recommend using these points in hot weather or in stressful situations.

Optimal places to apply perfume

First you need to decide whether you are ready to apply perfume to your clothes. The fact is that upon contact with different types of skin, the same perfume will unfold differently. You can often find cases where a woman wears perfume from a well-known brand simply because it is expensive and such a famous manufacturer cannot be wrong. But in fact, when interacting with her skin, the aroma is revealed in such a way that the final smell does not at all correspond to the ideal that was originally conceived by the team of perfumers who created it.

On the other hand, it is also important to take into account the characteristics of fabric as a material. It tends to retain its aroma for a long time, even if you only used some perfume on it once. Some perfumes may leave their notes even after washing, so pay close attention to this point. If you are satisfied with the option when certain clothes will have the same smell all the time, then feel free to apply perfume to its surface. This has a great advantage - the aroma you purchase will unfold exactly as intended by the manufacturer. This method is also ideal for you if you want your perfume to last longer and not fade by the end of the day.

On the skin

The idea of ​​applying perfume to the wrists has a reasonable basis, since the hands are located at some distance from the body and are in constant motion. But, based on the reasons described above, it is better to choose a more suitable place for perfume - the outer side of the forearm. Here the skin does not have such an acidic pH, this area is not subject to such active contact with the external environment as the wrists. At the same time, the forearms remain mobile enough to create a constant light fragrant cloud around you.

When choosing the optimal application area, keep in mind that the place on the body from which the scent you choose will emanate is the source that attracts the attention of others. Carefully approach the popular oil perfumes today. If you use heavy or very intense scents, it is not always appropriate to place them on your hands, neck or décolleté. A good solution in this case could be the surface of the skin on the calves - below the knees.

When applying perfume to this area, rising currents of warm air will constantly lift your aroma with it and envelop you with notes of your favorite perfume. In this case, the source will be located far enough away so as not to attract attention to itself, and so that there remains a trail that is equally intense throughout the entire space around. At first glance this place may seem like a strange choice, but just give it a try. With a successful selection of aroma and the correct dosage, the result will pleasantly surprise you.

In addition to the options listed above, there are two more good areas on the body for applying perfume - the décolleté and the back of the neck. The first area is intimate and it is very important to observe moderation with it. Use only light scents in minimal quantities here. If you overdo it, you can make the décolleté area a source that too persistently attracts attention. Sometimes this is acceptable, but it is not always appropriate.

On clothes

When spraying perfume on clothes, follow the recommendations described in previous section. Remember that the place of application is the source of attention. Not all situations are suitable for using your favorite scent on the neck or décolleté, which to a certain extent are considered intimate areas. Apply perfume according to the situation, use it as part of the image, which has its own specific tasks. The perfume must fit harmoniously into your image and make it more holistic and versatile.

How to apply perfume correctly?

When spraying on clothing, place the bottle of perfume at a distance of 15 to 20 cm from you. This distance will allow you to create a cloud that is optimal in terms of fullness and consistency. The further you hold the bottle, the more area on your clothing it will cover. At the same time, increasing the distance increases the consumption of perfume and reduces the pinpoint intensity of the aroma. Experiment with your perfume yourself; each perfume achieves the optimal aroma using its own spraying technique.

Another good method when spraying on clothing, use the sprayer to create a cloud and enter it. A very effective technology, it provides the most uniform application of perfume over the entire surface of the body. The obvious disadvantage of the method is that the consumption of perfume with this use increases significantly. However, this technique also has an important advantage - its use guarantees that the perfume will reveal itself correctly on you and you will get the maximum effect without knowing all the subtleties that exist in application technology.

Finally, I would like to mention a few important advice, which are very desirable to follow in the process of spraying perfume. Press the spray button sharply and forcefully to get the most uniform cloud possible. If you decide to apply perfume to your clothes, then do it in advance, before you put it on yourself. Consider the circumstances in which you use a particular technique to achieve the desired effect.

Imagine a picture based on real events. A girl enters a room, a bus, an elevator, a minibus (it must be emphasized), and everyone suddenly begins to turn away from her, hide their noses in a scarf, and clutch their heads. Suddenly the young man can’t stand it anymore and says: “Girl, your perfume can poison insects.” People around do not intervene or even argue...

By the way, the girl smells not like cheap perfume from the transition, but expensive French perfume. But any, even luxury, scent. We present you with instructions on how to choose a scent for the day and apply it so that it becomes the highlight of your look.

Give preference to perfumes with daytime notes

It would be foolish to deny (only marketers can do this) that fragrances are divided by gender, season, and also by time of day. The last criterion should be especially taken into account if you work in an office. No matter how much you would like to envelop everyone in a flair of oud, woody and spicy notes, and transport those around you into an Eastern fairy tale, you shouldn’t do this. , during the day it is better to prefer an unobtrusive perfume, in which notes of delicate flowers and citrus fruits are the main notes.

This plate will help you navigate the compositions, which scents are considered daytime and which are considered evening. Look at the top and middle notes listed in the information about the scent you choose. They play a decisive role.

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Choose a scent in a specific concentration

Perfume can be presented in different concentrations. Perfume is considered the most persistent and fragrant. They usually contain 20-35% perfume dissolved in 90% alcohol plus a fixative. The aroma of perfume can last on the skin for up to 6–8 hours. Yes, thanks to this, the perfume is persistent, but it is also the most dangerous, since it is easy to overdo it. It is enough to apply an extra drop - and everything is gone.

Daytime perfumes are considered to be fragrances in several formats. Eau de parfum contains 12–15% concentrate dissolved in 90% alcohol. The smell lasts for 4 hours. An even lighter option is eau de toilette, which contains 6–10% concentrate in 85% alcohol. Its aroma lasts on the skin for 2-3 hours. You can enjoy the smell of cologne for no more than 2 hours, since it contains 6% perfume composition in 70–80% alcohol.

Apply Fragrance Correctly

But even in the lightest concentration with aroma you can ruin the image. For example, if you have been using perfume for a long time, then the olfactory receptors quickly adapt to the aromas and can seem to turn off if they mark a particular smell as safe - this phenomenon has been called olfactory blindness. Therefore, we often do not feel the aroma of our own perfume, we want to apply it again and again.

To make the aroma sound brighter and last longer, it is not the quantity that is important, but what areas you apply it to. The optimal places to apply perfume are the front of the neck, backside palms, outer forearm, back of the knees. It is at these points that the aroma will gradually unfold and remain much more persistent than on other parts of the body. Hair also holds the scent quite well. Only it is better to spray them with a special perfume mist that does not contain alcohol (it can dry out your hair).

If you wear bracelets or watches, it is better not to apply perfume to your wrists. The composition of the perfume may change, mixing with the smell of the material from which your accessory is made. After application, do not rub the perfume - this way you will deprive it of its initial notes.

And most importantly: apply perfume to moisturized skin. It is known that perfumes contain oils, and if the skin is dehydrated, it will simply “drink them” and the aroma will quickly disappear. Therefore, before using perfume, it is better to apply an unscented moisturizer to your skin.

For assistance in preparing the material, we thank our expert:

Ekaterina Matantseva, aromadiagnostician, founder of the brand natural cosmetics Mi&Ko

You've probably encountered situations where eau de toilette doesn't sound right or wears off very quickly. This is unpleasant, because you want your favorite scent to envelop you all day. In this article we will tell you how and where to apply women's perfumes and perfumes correctly: what to do and how to make them stick better to the body, leave a trail and you can smell longer. Let's start with a small block of tips regarding buying fragrances. How not to make a mistake and choose a suitable sample?

Product selection rules

  • Come to the store in the morning or afternoon, when your sense of smell is not yet dull.
  • Before visiting a shopping center, you should not put on perfume, as this will distort the new smell.
  • First, spray two or three of your favorite options onto blotters, and then one of them onto your skin.
  • After that, go home to evaluate the train and sound. They may change unexpectedly.
  • Do not rub the liquid to help it open faster. This way you will not speed up the opening of the pyramid, but only change it.
  • If you're testing a lot of samples, don't try to "refresh" your nose with coffee beans. A walk in the air or a few sips of water helps.

How to apply perfume so it lasts longer? To do this, you need to know what this feature depends on.

What factors does durability depend on?

Fragrance is a valuable addition to a person’s image. In order for it to emphasize individuality and leave only pleasant impressions on others, you need to be able to use all its capabilities. The sound and duration of a smell is influenced by four aspects:

  • Climate and type of product. Volatile substances react differently to dry and humid air. The concentration of base notes can be strong, as in oriental selections, or, on the contrary, light. In the second case, the effect quickly disappears.
  • Season. Fresh and airy Green Tea from Ardenn will be almost unnoticeable in winter. And the viscous and floral Black Orchid from Tom Ford, according to customer reviews, will sparkle and open only in the fall or in frosty weather.
  • The wearer's skin and the part of the body on which he or she sprays the composition. These factors will be discussed in the next half of the article.
  • Storage in unsuitable conditions, diet, health status.

How to properly use dry (solid), oil perfumes, eau de toilette and other perfumes for women

There is a point of view that a smell that we do not smell suits us perfectly. This fact is doubtful and has not been verified by anyone. So if you don’t feel the sound of the composition, let’s check if this is how you apply it to yourself? We'll tell you about all types of scents and how to spray them.

Eau de Toilette

Such products contain a small amount of basic substances that are responsible for gradual opening and durability. Characteristics: light, daytime, unobtrusive. It is not designed for a long-term effect; it needs to be renewed after two to three hours. So if you can hardly hear it at noon, it means it has faded away.


They consist of a mixture of various natural extracts and synthetic components dissolved in alcohol. A high concentration of essential oils, floral, fruit, and woody essences makes the composition last for a long time. It is important to know that such fragrances should not be applied too often, even if you do not smell them. The fact is that your nose could simply get tired of one smell. In this case, only you are deaf to it, but those around you enjoy it to the fullest.

Eau de parfum

In terms of durability it is in second place. Good quality products, lasts on skin, hair and fabric for up to five hours. Opens with light, sweet or fresh notes. Experts do not recommend spraying such compositions on silk and jewelry. Outerwear is more suitable for these purposes.


Manufacturers make such compositions based on oils, without adding alcohol. These are traditionally oriental scents that are created by hand. They bloom on the owner all day long with new, unique shades. If a sample from a well-known brand is purchased from a trusted store, it can be used for aromatherapy.


Their recipes came to us from ancient times. Surely you have seen or even have in your cosmetic bag small, convenient boxes with contents similar to wax. This is it, but in combination with essential and vegetable oils of shea and cocoa. All-natural products last well on clothing and the body, but not as long as analogues with a more traditional formula.

Sports water

A new type of light, unobtrusive fragrances, which often use aromatic substances with a relaxing and tonic effect. This product does not contain alcohol, prevents irritation, and does not mix with the smell of sweat. It is quickly washed off the skin.


Today, such compositions in such concentrations are produced mainly for men, although previously they were intended for women. They are not highly durable. A bottle with such products contains only 3-8% essential oils.

There is also a classification according to seasons and groups of components. For example, aquatic notes are almost always suitable only for the warm season and do not always last long. There are woody, chypre, amber, floral, fern, oriental and other compositions on sale.

These are important basics that will help beginners. There is no consensus on other issues related to application. Some professionals suggest not following the terms too hard, but rather being creative and individual.

How to properly apply eau de toilette and eau de parfum, splash, spray and spray alcohol perfumes

The recommendation given by the founder is popular famous brand Estee Lauder. We have already talked about it above. This is the method of entering the cloud. Only in this case do you immerse yourself in it. The scattered particles will settle on the skin and hair, creating an airy yet lasting aura. It's better to do this after a shower. This advice is relevant for rich, heavy odors. Light and fresh ones can get lost in the air before reaching you.

To clearly feel the notes and leave behind a pleasant trail, a few drops of the product are enough. They must be applied to certain areas of the body. This rule applies to products with an alcohol formula and aromatic waters. The latter will have to be updated periodically, since the validity period is limited to three to five hours. To avoid overdoing it, limit yourself to 3-5 sprays.

How to use oil perfume correctly and where it is better to apply solid perfume

The unusual composition of such compositions dictates some nuances of application. How not to spoil, but to fully reveal the potential of oriental incense? Follow our recommendations.

  • Essential substances in Arabic fragrances are contained in very high concentrations. If you calculate the amount incorrectly, the thick plume will suffocate not only those around you, but also you. Remember that the instructions for eau de toilette do not apply here. If the smell becomes muted, just move around and it will appear again.
  • Clean skin is the guarantee that the notes will not be distorted and you can enjoy them all day.
  • Oil compositions should not be worn on clothes because they will definitely leave stains on them.
  • The product usually comes with a glass rod for applying the composition to the body. If it’s not there, don’t worry, just drop one drop on your finger and touch the desired point.
  • In hot weather, oriental incense is not recommended, as it is very strong. If you don’t want to give up your favorite scent, pour it from a bottle onto a cotton pad and put it in your purse.
  • Do not mix them with other scents. Use gels or soaps without fragrances or with very weak and neutral scents.
  • But you can add a little oil to your shampoo or body cream.
  • Store the bottle in a dry, dark and cool cabinet.
  • Warm solid formulations slightly in your hands before use. They can also be very concentrated, so use a small amount. They can be left in the closet as a sachet to scent clothes and the room.

Both types of products can be added to special aroma pendants. This will create a light, unobtrusive train.

How to use perfume and perfume correctly: what parts of the body to apply them to

In first place in popularity among perfume connoisseurs and lovers is skin, followed by hair. Some people prefer to spray the spray on things. All three methods have their advantages and disadvantages. The first two are considered optimal, since each person has points where the notes bloom especially brightly. Let's look at these zones and talk about some of the misconceptions associated with them.


Many people consider this option to be the most optimal. This is justified by the fact that in these parts of the body the vessels are very close and the pulse can be easily felt. It's really important conditions for the aroma to develop. But there is one caveat. It is in this place that the skin creates an acidic reaction due to low ph when in contact with components. As a result, the notes are distorted and you get a completely different effect than you wanted. This is especially true for flower arrangements. Also, do not forget about watches and bracelets, which can neutralize the sound with their material.

Area behind the ears

Experts do not recommend spraying perfume into the recesses behind the earlobes, as they contain glands that secrete an oily substance. It has its own smell that will break or quickly fade away any other. What places can you apply perfume to without fear of ruining it?


They have a porous structure and perfectly absorb any aroma. Good way unobtrusively convey it to others and preserve the base notes for the whole day. You can spray a small cloud directly onto your hair. The second option is to spray it on a massage comb and run it over your head. Alcohol perfumes can dry out your hair. Instead of the usual compositions, mist - hair veils - are often used.

Neck at the back of the head

If you apply a few drops or splashes to this area, you will be accompanied by an unobtrusive, light trail. Here the smell does not disappear for a very long time.

Bend the elbow from the inside

Professionals moisturize the area with lotion before using perfume or any other perfume. This way they prolong durability.

The hollow between the breasts or collarbones

With this application option, you will be accompanied by a pleasant, unobtrusive aroma. As in other cases, it is important not to overdo it with the amount of eau de toilette - a couple of sprays is enough.


Another unusual way perfume and create an unobtrusive, but long (depending on the type of product) trail.


Here the composition also blooms well, as on the parts of the body listed above.

Knee bend

In this zone, the vessels are closely located and the pyramid opens faster, and the composition itself rises upward, enveloping you in an elusive aura.

What to do to make perfume not only last longer, but also be appropriate

It happens that the smell turns out to be very persistent, but this is not encouraging, since it sounds unpleasant or “suffocates” those around you. To prevent this from happening, follow these recommendations. We have already written about some of them above - apply perfume only to clean skin and do not mix two samples if you do not have knowledge in this area.

  • Use products according to the place and time of day, season. For example, heavy, oriental sounds are not suitable for the office. And light, aquatic notes quickly fade in winter.
  • Do not spray perfume on areas with increased sweating.
  • If it is not eau de toilette or cologne, do not perfume yourself more than once or twice a day.
  • Choose no more than two points on the body from those listed above.

  • Follow the circle rule. The radius of action of the aroma should not extend beyond arm's length. This way you will not attract negative attention from people around you. Remember that next to you on the street or in transport there may be allergy sufferers who are unlikely to appreciate even the most exquisite playing of intrusive notes.
  • Store the packaging in a dark, dry, cool place. Don't leave it in the refrigerator. There are temperature changes in it, this will have a bad effect on the composition.
  • If the bottle does not have a dispenser, first drop a little of the contents onto your fingers and then touch them to your skin. Do not pour liquid directly on yourself.
  • Do not wear oily or hard compositions in hot weather. They are too concentrated and heavy for the summer season and the natural ingredients change their sound when exposed to heat.

We told you how to properly apply perfumed and eau de toilette, where it is better to spray perfume so that the smell lasts longer. Find your lasting scent at the First Moscow Customs Goods Store. The site has created a convenient interface for quickly finding suitable products. Our consultants will always help you choose. We have a large assortment of new products and time-tested samples.