How to dye black hair brown. How to dye black hair? Difficulties in coloring black hair and ways to solve them

It is very difficult to find at least one woman who has never dyed her hair in her life. Almost every representative of the fair sex has tried various colors until I found the most suitable one. However, sometimes there comes a time when the color scheme you’ve been wearing for years just gets boring. And the question arises of how to get yours back. Not every girl has the patience to do it naturally. There are several simple ways to change your color from black to light brown.

1 way. There are special preparations based on blondoran that allow you to remove color from your hair. With the help of just such means, you can gradually return to your natural color. Sometimes it will take more than one procedure for the color to completely disappear from the hair. However, it should be remembered that washing is a procedure quite harmful to the health of the hair. After it, you need to regularly use masks and balms that restore the structure of your curls so that they look healthy and alive.

Method 2. It is suitable for those who are wondering how to dye their hair from dark to light. In this case, you again need to wash it off using a special decolorant, and then do highlighting. This way you will get a very beautiful light color, but your hair will still require treatment. So don't forget about using restorative balms and masks.

3 way. Another option for changing your hair color from black to light brown is to use a shampoo that deeply cleanses your hair. This is a special product that works on the principle of washing off from previous methods. It acts gradually, after several washing procedures the color will noticeably fade, after which you can apply paint that is as close as possible to the natural color. This shampoo can be used before washing at the hairdresser or on your own.

4 way. There is an opinion that it is possible with the help of And all this without the use of various artificial drugs. However this folk remedy Not suitable for every skin and hair type. So before you dye your hair from black to light brown like this in an unusual way, it is necessary to test the scalp for allergies.

If you do the washing yourself, you need to follow some rules. The remover is applied starting from the ends of the hair, and not from the roots, as is usually done when dyeing.

Since it is almost impossible to get light brown from a dark color right away, before changing your color from black to light brown, it is better to first go red. Usually, after washing off any dark color, the hair itself acquires a copper tint.

To prevent hair from becoming undesirable after washing when transitioning from black to light brown, it is better to do highlighting. And after lightening, you can repaint it in the desired natural shade.

It is much easier for fair-haired beauties to change their hair tone than dark-haired ones. They don't have to go through the process of bleaching their curls, which dries them out as much as regular coloring. Brunettes who want to dye their hair brown need to perform a number of steps.

First of all, it is worth considering that at home you will not be able to achieve the same effect that coloring at a hairdresser will give you. A specialist will be able to select the necessary products to ensure that the color is applied evenly along the entire length, and also so that it looks natural and the hair does not lose its vibrant shine. A professional will also be able to give advice on the tone that suits you, and correct mistakes if the result does not satisfy you. However, the service of a hairdresser will cost you more than painting it yourself. If you still can’t find the opportunity to visit a hairdresser or simply don’t want to spend money on one, then purchase hair lightener and dye at any professional store the desired shade. Do not use peroxide, as it causes your hair to dry out very much and become like a washcloth, making it almost impossible to restore its healthy appearance. And in general, in any case, your curls will be very damaged, but with the help of all kinds of oils and masks, their condition can be improved for the better. Before using any coloring/lightening products, you must undergo a skin sensitivity test. This is done very simply and does not take much time. Apply the paint to the area of ​​skin behind the ear or on the wrist and wait 30-40 minutes. If during this time no allergic reactions have occurred to your skin - no irritation, pronounced redness, etc. - you can start coloring your hair. Wear cellophane gloves (usually the ones that come with the dye) and cover your shoulders with an old towel to avoid staining your clothing or skin while bleaching. If you can’t find a towel, then simply wear worn-out clothes that you don’t mind ruining. Follow the instructions that came with your product when diluting the bleach in a container or container. Apply it to your hair from roots to ends, paying special attention to the occipital and temporal areas. Leave the product on for the time indicated in the instructions (usually no more than 40 minutes), and then rinse with warm water.

Then you can proceed directly to dyeing your hair in the desired color. Again, read the instructions carefully and dilute the paint accordingly. First, apply the composition only to the roots of the hair, also thoroughly coating the back of the head and temples. After waiting about 10 minutes, you can apply it to the rest of your hair. Try to distribute the substance evenly along the entire length. If you have thick long hair, then be careful, because there may not be enough paint. It’s better to apply it little by little to the strands, smearing from roots to ends. If paint gets on your skin, immediately wipe it off with a damp cotton pad, otherwise you will have to endure an unpleasant tingling sensation all this time. After 30 minutes, rinse your hair thoroughly with warm water until it is no longer soapy or colored.

Usually, dye packages contain a small bottle of hair mask. Be sure to use it. If the balm is not available, purchase it in advance and apply it to your hair after you wash off the dye. This product will help restore hair that has been dried out by bleach and dye, giving it shine.

A month after dyeing, repeat the procedure if you do not want a sharp border between black roots and brown hair to be noticeable. Good luck with your new look!

Have you dyed your hair black, but the result was not what you expected? Or have you been a brunette for a while and now want to dye your hair brown? Unfortunately, you can't simply dye your hair back to brown from black without first bleaching or lightening your hair. After lightening, you can choose the desired shade of brown. Whether you've recently dyed your hair black or it's been your color for a long time, there are several ways to transition from black to brown.


Removing paint using shampoos

    Choose the right products. There are 2 types of shampoos that can remove hair dye. Clarifying shampoo is rich in ingredients that help remove color, while anti-dandruff shampoo can discolor hair. These shampoos will help you remove dye and return your hair to its original color. You can also buy conditioner that is not suitable for colored hair. It will not only protect them from damage, but also help remove paint.

    Apply shampoo to your hair. Sit in the bathroom and wrap a towel around your neck. Wet your hair with warm water to open the hair follicles. Massage the shampoo into your hair and rinse from scalp to ends. Make sure you apply the shampoo to the entire length, which helps wash out the color evenly. After lathering your hair, remove excess foam.

    Keep your hair warm. Now that you have applied the shampoo, put on a shower cap or wrap your hair plastic bag. Using a hair dryer, heat your hair evenly. Make sure you do not melt the material of the cap or bag. After this, leave the shampoo on your hair for 15-20 minutes.

    Rinse hair and repeat. Rinse your hair thoroughly after 20 minutes. Apply a small amount of additional shampoo and rinse your hair again to remove any color particles that have been loosened by the washing and heating process. This time there is no need to keep the shampoo on your hair and heat it with a hairdryer.

    Apply hair conditioner and dry your hair. Apply conditioner to your hair from roots to ends. Take a hairdryer and heat the entire length of your hair again. Leave the conditioner on your hair for 25-30 minutes. Then rinse your hair with cold water.

    Repeat. After the first procedure, your hair should become visually lighter and there should be less black dye. You may even see your hair return to its natural color, just like it was before dyeing. It is unlikely that the black color will completely wash off after one treatment, so you will need to repeat the process. Once your hair is light enough, you can start dyeing it brown.

Removing paint using special creams

    Choose a paint remover. There are several different paint removers available. There are products for lightening hair and removing color. Choose the one you like or think is more suitable.

    Apply paint remover. Such products are supplied in the form of two components: powder and activator. Mix them together to remove the black paint. After mixing the ingredients, apply the product to your hair. Make sure you distribute the product throughout your hair. Cover your hair with a shower cap and wait 15-60 minutes.

    • If you have thick, long hair, one box of color remover may not be enough for you.
    • Since this product contains peroxide, it will have bad smell. Make sure your bathroom is ventilated and you don't have clothes on that you wouldn't mind getting dirty.
    • Always mix ingredients according to package directions.
  1. Rinse your hair and apply conditioner. After the time indicated on the package has passed, rinse your hair thoroughly. After you've completely rinsed off the product, apply conditioner to restore your hair from the peroxide. Rinse off the conditioner and let your hair dry. The hair color should be light enough to dye it the desired shade of chestnut.

Removing Paint with Vitamin C

    Buy the necessary ingredients. For this recipe, you need to buy vitamin C in tablet, capsule, or powder form. You will also need a bottle of your favorite shampoo, a comb, a towel and a shower cap.

    Mix the ingredients into a paste. You should mix vitamin C with your shampoo. Place 1 tablespoon of vitamin C in a non-metal bowl. Add 2 tablespoons of your shampoo. Mix them together to form a paste. If the paste is too thin, add a little more vitamin C to it to obtain a thicker consistency.

    • If you have long and thick hair You may need to double or triple this recipe. You should completely cover your hair with the mixture.
  1. Apply the product to your hair. Sit in the bathroom and wrap a towel around your neck. Wet your hair with warm water and squeeze out excess water. Take the paste and apply along the entire length of your hair from roots to ends. Use a comb to evenly distribute the paste throughout your hair. After applying the paste, cover your hair with a shower cap. Leave the product on your hair for 1 hour.

    • If you have long hair, pin it up so it fits into your shower cap.
  2. Rinse, apply conditioner and repeat. After an hour, rinse your hair well. Let them dry. Once your hair is completely dry, apply a nourishing conditioner to restore the moisture that was removed during the procedure. If you still have black dye on your hair, repeat the procedure in a couple of days. After complete removal black paint, you can start painting chestnut color.

Using other methods

    Visit the salon. If you don’t want to mess with your hair at home, then there is always the opportunity to consult with a professional hairdresser in a salon. A hair colorist knows much more about hair care than you do and will be able to help restore damaged hair from coloring. A professional will be able to determine your hair type and any potential problems associated with hair care, and will also help you dye your hair the desired color with minimal damage to it.

    Contact a beauty school. If you're looking for a more cost-effective salon, check out a beauty school in your area. These schools offer hair care services at a lower cost than salons, and the students generally do an excellent job. The students are trained, so you need to know exactly what they are doing to your hair to get the results you want.

    Wait. If none of these methods worked or didn't work for you, you can always wait until the paint washes off on its own. This process can take a long time, but it is one of the most effective. You can always continue to wash your hair with shampoo that is not intended for color-treated hair to help the dye wash off faster. Once enough of the dye has washed off, you can dye your hair any shade of brown you want.

Good afternoon, dear ladies!

For a very long time this time I collected my thoughts in order to finally formalize all my experience into one large instruction article. I wanted not to forget anything, step by step noting all my steps in the process of changing my hair color, because it is long and labor-intensive.
Getting out of black is always difficult, especially from something that is perennial and obtained not with anything but herbal dyes. They are famous for their tenacity and capriciousness!

Today we are together let's walk the path from a basma brunette to a girl with copper-brown hair. What’s especially nice is that I didn’t lose a centimeter of hair, although I was afraid to be left with short hair.

If you are no longer tormented by the questions “How to achieve black with basma?”, “How to accumulate pigment and become a bright brunette?” And you increasingly began to think: “Is it possible to wash off the basma and become lighter? Should I grow out my natural hair or do a wash? How to get out of black with natural dyes?”, then there is a way out!

To better understand the situation (what my hair was like, what it was dyed with and how many times, its condition before the radical change in color), I will make a short excursion into the history of my experiments.

If at the age of 15-17 I dreamed of long blond curls and persistently achieved them, then the thought of black hair never entered my mind.
I didn't try it on myself and was completely happy with red, brown and red hair. I liked the fiery one. They used henna, the usual dye in shades “Mango”, “Paprika”, “Red Volcano”.

I don’t remember well the reason for joining the clan of brunettes. If I’m not confusing anything, after a sore throat I suddenly lost a good portion of my hair. I made a rather short bob haircut for me and decided to “give visual thickness” to my hair in a very non-trivial way - change the bright red hair color to a darker one, which, according to generally accepted opinion, can add volume to thin and sparse hair.
By the way, this technique really works! People always ask me how to achieve thick and shiny hair? How to make them thick and sleek at the ends? Girls, I have pretty standard European hair. Probably, these are tricks of black color and specularity of henna and basma. It seems to you that I have a braid as big as a fist! I'm very sorry, but it's not like that!))

This is how I was when I started actively using basma.

In total, I was a brunette using natural dyes for 4 years. The hair was pleasing: bright, soft, elastic, very shiny, with good growth and without section. But the color itself did not evoke emotions.
I never wanted to be a brunette, although the image of a fatal beauty is spectacular and bright. Contrary to generally accepted "Gentlemen prefer blondes!" attention from the male sex has noticeably increased.
And still I had doubts. Thoughts about changing the shade of my hair regularly came to my mind. But their quality completely satisfied me and constantly stopped me from experimenting. It was a shame. My hair is healthy and beautiful, what if I damage it irrevocably?

I have repeatedly tried to grow basma and cut my hair short. The last such attempt was last summer. I almost decided to short bob. And I didn’t touch the basma anymore, I used only henna.

When I finally exhausted myself with the question “Should I go out of black or, after all, stay in this color?”, gray hair began to bother me.
Its number has increased. And coloring gray hair with natural dyes, and even in a uniform dark color- a very labor-intensive task! Long, hard and bitter. There is always little time for yourself with small children.
In the hope that henna would eventually cover the basma and even out the border of colors, I began to use it alone and deliberately painted the entire length with bright red varieties for 9 months (the entire pregnancy period). But that was not the case!
The top of the head turned out to be red-orange. And the length remained black, and only acquired a purple-pink hue. Nice, but not uniform.

However, it's a pity for the hair. They are alive and soft. I didn't want to cut it again. And after giving birth, in the spring, I successfully took off and painted them with pure basma 2 times. It turned out, of course, spectacularly. But after a week (ha ha!) I wanted to wash it all off!))

Further developments prevented me from plunging headlong into experiments that would be fatal for hair. The tongue cannot dare to say: “Thank God!”, because for the next 2 spring months our whole family was very sick, and my youngest daughter and I ended up in the hospital. But for the hair, all this was in some way a salvation. I’m sure that if I had decided then to quickly get rid of the boring black, I would now be sitting with the same damned “Bob”.

At that moment I had no time for hair. I forgot the balm. And there was no particular opportunity to use shampoo. In a hospital setting, with a sick, capricious 2-month-old baby in your arms, you can’t really wash yourself. I quickly managed to freshen up. My usual hairstyle has become neat french braid. How timely! The ability to braid hair turned out to be extremely useful.
I washed my hair only with shampoo. The color faded well. It took almost a year to use pure henna. I was no longer black, but dirty brown. All my spring basma was washed away well from the roots, remaining only on the main length of my hair.

Upon arrival home, I began to remove the pigment with alcohol-oil masks. I applied diluted alcohol to the length and then immediately warm (well-heated, but tolerable in temperature) oil. I had avocado, mango and coconut. Any one can be used. Later I also applied olive oil. I took thicker ones in the hope of thoroughly washing off the blackness. Although all of it, of course, will not be washed off. Don’t even hope for it if you’ve been wearing makeup for years! The pigment is already associated with keratin. But the color fades a lot. So I made 6 or 7 masks. I was in no hurry. It had already grown several centimeters from its roots and it all looked simply “wonderful.”

After all the dancing with the tambourine, I consulted with a friend who was a master. She knows my hair very well. They refused to wash it a year ago, at the time of the haircut. Argument: it won’t take herbal pigments and will ruin your hair into a rainbow washcloth. It was decided to lighten it.
It is better to carry out the procedure with a small % of oxide. But we were afraid that 3% powder simply wouldn’t lighten my long-term blackness, especially from vegetable dyes.
I used Estelle powder, lightening it 2 times with a break of several days by 6%.

The hair naturally became stiff and matte. The ends just creaked. The roots became noticeably more lightened, although I applied the powder first to the darker areas and only later to the root area. This is because there is fresh keratin, less blackness and more henna. After the lightening procedure, I used low ph shampoo and conditioner from Kapous.
A couple of days later I toned my hair with Indola 8.44x Light Blonde Extra Copper. As you can see, it came out very bright, although not evenly.

My paint quickly washed off. And spots appeared. How upset I was!((
I completely forgot that artificial pigment (and especially red) is washed out instantly from bleached hair! And I wasn’t ready to walk around looking shabby after just 2-3 washes.

And this is where I made a mistake!

I have previously successfully combined regular dyes and henna to maintain a vibrant color. The dye washed off from bleached hair much faster. Henna was firmly fixed, although not as effectively as on natural hair. They looked less shiny and dull, but they held the shade quite tolerably. Having thought that I had nothing to lose and that in any case I would have to nourish my hair after all the abuse, I decided to dye everything with henna and expensive Iranian basma for mehendi. Henna is very soft, when dispelled, it feels like a store-bought paste mask. She should not dry out or tangle her hair. The basma was Moroccan with exactly the same fine grinding into dust.

I didn't want to be orange at all. But copper-chestnut or chocolate suited me completely. From experience, henna together with basma has always given me red hair in various variations. I needed a softer brown. Having chosen separate dyeing with herbs as the most optimal, I began the process. But I didn’t take into account the background lighting! After henna I turned out bright yellow-orange. Immediately, without wasting time, she applied basma. And I almost howled from the realization of my own stupidity! (((Blue to yellow will give me green! Realizing with horror what mistake I had made, I began to quickly unwrap the turban on my head and wash the composition from my hair. Imagine how afraid I was to look in the mirror! )) And there were bright green, frog roots and red-chestnut length!)) I apologize for the unfoundedness, because I don’t have a photo of this beauty. Then I just burst into tears of frustration. The eldest daughter reassured me: “Mommy, don’t cry! You are my most beautiful, even with green hair! Well, they’re a little frog-like, of course...” That’s it, curtain!)))

Naturally, I didn’t risk playing amateur anymore and called my friend asking her to fix what she had done.
I ruined a quite tolerable result! This was exactly the result. What I achieved by lightening and toning Indola 8.44x Light Blonde Extra Copper after many years of basma was quite successful in principle. But now I had to get rid of the greenery.

Here you need a darker tone and a red corrector, otherwise the greenery will constantly appear when washing. We took a different shade Indola Profession PCC 5.66Х Light brown extra red by 3%.

Hair became noticeably drier and stiffer. The first week I was very upset. When washed, they stuck together into an impenetrable, hard tangle. If earlier I could just wash them with shampoo and not always apply conditioner, then after all these manipulations I began to need masks, strong protein balms and, of course, a detangling spray. Of course, you can’t go anywhere without leave-in care! Nowhere without cream, fluid! There is no trace left of the former elasticity.

Now, after some time, I returned to henna again. Not widely sold Iranian. She dries my hair into a brittle, dull broom. I have a lot of varietal portions for painting.

Henna is soft, fine, very easy to apply. The hair is moderately hard afterwards. The use of nourishing cosmetics, masks with oils, and protective leave-in washes has an effect. But the hair holds color, is voluminous, bouncy and shiny. Hair without green. Of course, not uniform in color. But this, let’s say, is the best thing that could have happened after basma, given my independent fuss (that’s why I didn’t take photos of all the packages with paints and powder, for fear of fussing and being left without hair).

I don't use basma anymore. Perhaps, for now. Too much lightened canvas. Too much effort to get out of black. But I carefully store 5 packages of Aroma-zone)))

To summarize, I would like to again give advice and caution:

1) if you are a changeable person and do not tolerate monotony in your own appearance, do not look at natural dyes!
When used correctly and the herbs themselves are of good quality, hair is very sleek, soft and healthy, but a change in color after using them is completely unpredictable, a risk, mostly unjustified, based only on a strong desire to change. Hair deteriorates and deteriorates greatly! The fact that I didn't stay with a short haircut is the exception rather than the rule. And then, until this moment, for almost all 4 years I had only been trying to get away from black. I cut my hair, spliced ​​it, but again returned to basma, because she is incredibly resilient!

2) the color change hurt my wallet. The reason is the deterioration of hair quality. Heavy masks, balms, conditioners, creams, and fluids again became my companions in care. For the last year I have been able to neglect all this without losing appearance hair.

3) the hair has lost a significant part of its pigment. They became light, thin, porous. Their structure was damaged.
Stiffness, brittleness appeared, and frizz increased. Along with color, softness and elasticity are lost. You have to saturate your hair so that it doesn’t break and looks decent. It is possible that I will adjust the length. I want a uniform, long-lasting shade. After henna and basma, you can’t even dream about it.

However, I am satisfied with the results obtained and do not consider them fatal for my hair. You can get away from basma. Let it not join the ranks of blondes. But get the chocolate one. chestnut and even bright red are quite possible! The main thing is to realistically assess the condition of your own hair, all possible risks and act clearly, with awareness of what you are doing, with what and how.

I really hope that the information I provide is of significant benefit to you. This is not a guide to action, but just my experience, stated as step by step instructions. Please keep in mind that we all have different hair and earlier experiments with color are not identical to each other. Unfortunately, I cannot guarantee you a 100% successful result. But if you have any questions, I will be happy to answer them!

Everyone Have a good day and gorgeous hair!

Pictures for the post depicting lightening powder and professional dye were taken from the sites: and

It's not easy for those women who want to dye their black hair a different color. This will require a lot of perseverance and strength, since it will not be possible to radically get rid of the black color right away - this is a long process. Therefore, if you suddenly want to change your image and want to know how to dye your hair black, be patient.

Of course, you can’t do this without a clarifier. However, experts do not advise using strong products, so as not to completely ruin the hair structure. It is better to use more gentle means. And remember, such a procedure cannot be carried out at once, since the hair may completely deteriorate, and then in order to restore it, you will have to cut it. After the first coloring, your color should become lighter by 3-4 tones maximum. And depending on the desired shade, such procedures need to be carried out from 3 to 5. Even in a beauty salon, you will not be able to turn into a blonde in one session and protect your hair from damage.

There are two ways to get rid of black. The first method is gradual hair bleaching. For example, if you want to get brown hair, then by applying paint of the desired shade, you will not get any result. And if you lighten your hair by 3-4 tones, and after a couple of weeks lighten it again, etc., then after some time you will definitely get what you wanted.

After the first bleaching, the hair usually turns red, yellow or even red - be prepared for this. The lighter the desired hair color, the more lightening procedures you need to carry out. In most cases, white henna is used for this; hydrogen peroxide also gives a good effect. And between lightenings, do not forget to actively moisturize and nourish your hair with all kinds of masks and balms to strengthen it.

The second way to get rid of black is to gradually repaint it in the chosen shade. A lighter tone dye is used so that the growing roots do not stand out so much against the background of the hairstyle. In this case, you will get the result in about half a year.

Modern hairdressing has another method in its arsenal that helps to dye black hair colors. This method involves the use of a special paint remover. At the same time, the dyes that give the hair a dark color are simply washed off due to a certain composition. The method is quite effective and, very importantly, does not damage the hair structure. The composition of the wash most often includes oils (castor, burdock, almond) and other natural additives.

Washing can also be done at home. To do this, you need to buy a special solution or use: beer or regular kefir. Of course, home remedies will have to be used much longer, but there will be no harm to the hair; on the contrary, it will become beautiful, strong and healthy.

In any case, if you suddenly decide to dye your black hair, think carefully about whether you really need it? Some girls, after going through a lengthy lightening procedure, begin to realize that black suited them better than light.